2021 Fast Facts

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2021 FAST FACTS & COLLEGE DIRECTORY Rah’Mere Williams 2020 State GOAL Winner Augusta Technical College



181715141312111098765432 FAST CollegeStateAdministrationFinancialSystemTCSGPrisionerWorksourceMilitaryDualHOPEQuickEconomicAdultTechnicalAffordableFACTSEducationEducationEducationDevelopmentStartCareerGrantEnrollment&VeteransGeorgiaRe-EntryFoundationBudgetAidBoardDirectory

$100 per credit hour $1,500 average full-time tuition per semester 41% receiving federal financial aid 28.4% receiving TCSGTHATAFFORDABLEHOPEEDUCATIONWORKSgraduatesarebridgingtheskillsgapinGeorgia by answering employers’ needs for talented professionals who can understand and master the latest technologies. Georgia’s business and industry leaders are quick to point out the state’s thriving workforce as a key reason for building and/or relocating here. TCSG graduates are guaranteed to be proficient in TCSG-taught competencies or the college will retrain them at noGUARANTEEDcost. EDUCATION 2

59,235 Awards 8,158 Associate Degrees 7,834 Diplomas 43,243 Technical Certificates of Credit 88,862 Enrolled TECHNICALOnlineEDUCATION143,750enrollment35,456graduates 3 28 statewide course articulation agreements with the University System of Georgia More than 1,000 additional college and program-specific articulation agreements

6,271 graduates 67 GED® testing centers 43 mobile testing labs 5 youth challenge academies 4,773 individuals served in corrections in GED® testing labs 9 juvenile justice sites served 453 Instructional sites 31 Adult Education programs serving Georgia (22 TCSG Colleges, 3 School Districts, 6 Community-Based Organizations) 975 instructors (206 full-time and 769 part-time) 64% of adult education students are between the ages of enrolled40,64319-44freeADULT EDUCATION 4 ® ®

Flexible scheduling and delivery options (online and face-to-face) are designed to help workers take advantage of growth opportunities and advance careers through training and obtaining industry-recognized licenses and certifications. Personal Enrichment Never stop growing. Never stop learning. TCSG colleges offer a wide variety of enrichment courses that provide opportunities for individuals to expand knowledge and skills.

Business & Industry

TCSG colleges around the state deliver on-demand, customized training designed to meet the needs of local industries. Whether it’s incumbent worker training for planned facility upgrades, new employee training to meet growing workforce needs, or leadership development, TCSG colleges have the resources and expertise to develop individualized plans to meet corporate needs at the local level. Professional Development TCSG colleges provide high-quality, non-credit training programs designed to help workers get ahead in the 21st-century workplace.

5 ECONOMICemployees3.6companies2,079millioncontacthours98,141trainedDEVELOPMENT

Quick Start Projects 97% supported Georgia manufacturers 62% supported new companies 38% supported existing/expanding industries 43% involved international companies 70% were located outside of Metro Atlanta (representing 75% of FY19 trainees) 3,584 jobs were created 26 international projects 11 different countries 60 customized workforce training projects 18,511trainees 6

7 TuitionFree CareerHigh-DemandinFields*17 Automotive Technology CertifiedAviation Engineer Assistant Commercial Truck Driving Computer Programming Computer ProgramsHOPE45,206WeldingPrecisionPracticalMovieLogisticsIndustrialHealthElectricalEarlyDieselConstructionTechnologyEquipmentTechnologyChildhoodCare&EducationLineworkerScienceMaintenanceProduction/SetDesignNursingManufacturing&JoiningTechnologystudentsenrolledinCareerGrantinAY2029,491studentsreceivedawardsinHOPECareerGrantPrograms *Must tcsg.edu/free-tuitionrequirementseligibilitymeetforHOPEGrant.Details:

6,443 Total Awards 6,265 Technical Certificates of Credit The highest percentage of participation in Dual Enrollment are from students in rural 35,646communities.indualenrollment78 Diplomas 100 Associate Degrees 8

MILITARY & VETERANS militarydependentsmembers, and veterans served TCSG colleges — many with full-time veteran assistance programs, veteran coordinators, dedicated veteran spaces, and student veteran organizations — are committed to assisting military members and families in service and in transition from military service to civilian employment. Georgia VECTR Center serves as a gateway for veterans’ re-entry into Georgia’s public postsecondary educational systems and unique4,640workforce.individuals received services during 12,659AY20 9

10 WIOA Funds Impact 87% of adult participants gained employment 86% of dislocated workers gained employment 81% of youth participants gained employment or were placed in education programs WorkSource Georgia provides Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funds and technical assistance to 19 workforce development areas across the state. WIOA funds target training opportunities in high-demand fields, which ensures that participants leave the program with a living wage in a growth industry. Workforce Development APPLINGAreas A TKINSO N BALDWIN S BARRO W BARTOW BLECKLE Y BR YA N BURKE CARROL L CHARLTON CHATTOOG A CHEROKE E CL AY CLAYTON COFFE E COLQUITT COLUMBI COO K CRAWFORCRISPD DEC AT UR DOO DOUGHERT Y EAR LY CHOL ELBERS TFLOY D FRANKLIN FU LT ON G ILMER GLYN GORDO N G RAD Y GREENE GWINNETT HABERSHA M HANCOC K HARALSOHEARN D HEN RY HOUSTO N IRWI N JACKSO N J ASPE R JEF F JEFFERSO JENKINS J OHNSON L ANIERAUREN S LE E LIBERTY LINCOL LONG OWNDE S MCDUFFIE MCINTOS H M ACO N M ADISO N M ARION M ERIWETHE R MILLE MITCHEL L MONRO E MONTGOME MORGA N M URR AY M USCOGE E OGLETHORPE P AULDIN G PIERC E PIKE POL K PULASKPUTNA M SCREVEN SEMINOL SSPALDING STE WA RT SUMTE R TA YLO R TEL FA IR THOMAS TIFT TREUTLE N UPSO N W ALKE R WA LT ON WA RE WA YN WHEELER WHIT E WORT H NorthwesteGeorgiarnTech NorthTechGeorgia LanierTech AthensTechSouthernGwinnettTechCrescentTechGeorgiaPiedmontChattahoocheeTech GeorgiaWestTech AtlantaTech GeorgiaSouthTechAlbanyTech SouthernRegionalTech ColumbusTech SoutheasternTechAugustaTechOconee Fall Line Tech CentralTechGeorgia OgeecheeTech SavannahTech PinesCoastalTech WiregrassTechGeorgia Tech 1 2 4365 8 7 7 7 7 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 Northwest Georgia 2 Georgia Mountains 3 City of Atlanta 4 Cobb 5 DeKalb 6 Fulton County 7 Atlanta Regional 8 Three Rivers 9 Northeast Georgia 10 Macon-Bibb 11 Middle Georgia 12 Central Savannah River Area 13 East Central Georgia 14 Lower Chattahoochee 15 Middle Flint 16 Heart of Georgia 17 Southwest Georgia 18 Southern Georgia 19 Coastal 19,514served

11 Adult Education works to make a real difference in the lives of Georgia inmates. In FY20, Adult Education served 2,733 students in Department of Corrections facilities. In addition, GED® mobile testing served 4,605 correctional test takers. Technical Education served 1,260 individuals in FY PRISONER20. RE-ENTRY

Aleisa Howell President of the TCSG Foundation Board

Jesse Killings Vice President, Operations, Atlanta Gas Light Company

Retired, Assistant Vice President Emeritus, Academic Affairs, University of Georgia

Agriculture Water Project Manager, Georgia Department of Natural Resources – EPD

Marjie Roquemore

Dan Linginfelter, ’79 SGTC Vice President of the TCSG Foundation Board

Retired, Senior Airworthiness Inspector, Gulfstream Aerospace

Jason Brady Principal, OneDigital Lindsay Bridges

Vice President, Communications and Member Services, Georgia EMC


Dan Baker CEO, Duffey Southeast, Inc


Sloane Drake Treasurer of the TCSG Foundation Board

Rick Douglas Sr. Manager, Team Relations, Kia Motors Manufacturing Georgia, Inc.

Cosby Johnson Senior Government Affairs Manager, Georgia Chamber of Commerce

Director of Quality & Accountable Manager, Wencor Group

Lamar “Sparky” Reeves

CPA, Mauldin & Jenkins

Senior Vice President, Human Resources, Georgia Power

South Georgia Regional Director, External Affairs, AT&T

President Emeritus, South Georgia Technical College


The TCSG Foundation supports TCSG through marketing, advocacy, and fundraising efforts that benefit the system and college programs, faculty, and students.

Mark Ginn

Tammy Palmgren Director, Medicare Sales, Kaiser Permanente

Gary Sanchez

Ruth Bettandorff

SYSTEM BUDGET Fund Source State FederalFederalFundsFundsCOVID 19 Funds Other Funds* CapitalTotal Outlay Budget Construction Projects Equipment for New Facilities Major Repairs and Renovations Equipment Refresh Career Academies Total Capital Outlay Budget Expenditures by Program Adult TotalQuickStartWorkforceTechnicalEconomicDepartmentalEducationAdministrationDevelopmentEducationDevelopmentExpenditures 1,017,650,153418,066,833186,769,660374,147,512FY2038,666,14888,905,0007,000,00010,000,00010,000,0006,000,000121,905,00039,926,6957,798,57822,104,782690,397,744106,537,50910,897,996877,663,304*Other Funds are primarily tuition and fees. 13 Funds*Other FundsState FederalFunds COVIDFederal19

14 FINANCIAL AID - AY19 6,031 HOPE Scholarship 27,200 HOPE Grant 24,711 HOPE Career Grant 209 Zell Miller HOPE Scholarship 9,722 Zell Miller HOPE Grant HOPE DOLLARS 84%USG Private7% TCSG8% 68%USGPrivate7% TCSG25% HOPE STUDENTS 58,964 STUDENTS RECEIVING FEDERAL PELL GRANTS 40,877StudentsHOPE

15 Gregory C. Dozier gdozier@tcsg.edu404.679.1601Commissioner Laura Boalch Chief of lboalch@tcsg.edu404.374.6557Staff Neil Bitting Assistant Commissioner External Affairs & nbitting@tcsg.edu404.772.4604Facilities Ray Perren Deputy rperren@tcsg.edu404.679.1611TechnicalCommissionerEducation

16 Penni Haberly Assistant phaberly@tcsg.edu404.327.6929AdministrativeCommissionerServices Jackie Rohosky Deputy Commissioner Quick georgiaquickstart.orgjrohosky@404.253.2800Start Collier Collier Director of State Board ccollier@tcsg.edu404.376.5775Operations Steven Ferguson CIO, sferguson@tcsg.edu404.583.8233ResourcesTechnologyInformation&Data Cayanna Good Assistant Commissioner Adult cgood@tcsg.edu404.679.1635Education Josh Mckoon General jmckoon@tcsg.edu404.679.5972Counsel

Mary P. Flanders 1st Congressional District Carvel Lewis 2nd Congressional District Frank S. “Chunk” Newman 3rd Congressional District Baoky N. Vu 4th Congressional District Dr. Artesius Miller 5th Congressional District Fran Millar 6th Congressional District Lisa Winton 7th Congressional District Calder Clay 8th Congressional District Daren C. Wayne 9th Congressional District Trey Sheppard, Vice Chair 10th Congressional District Jay Cunningham 11th Congressional District Tommy David 12th Congressional District Tim Williams 13th Congressional District Joe W. Yarbrough 14th Congressional District Ben Bryant Member at Large Doug Carter, Chair Member at Large Dr. Lynn Cornett Member at Large Randall Fox Member at Large Mark Hennessy Member at Large Anne Kaiser Member at Large Robert “Buzz” Law Member at Large Shirley A. Smith Member at Large Phillip “Phil” Sutton Member at Large 17 STATE BOARD MEMBERS AT LARGE

CLARKE ELBERT GREENE HART MADISON OCONEE OGLETHORPETALIAFERROWALTON WILKESAthensTech MORGAN 18 1704 South Slappey Boulevard Albany, Georgia 31701 Phone AlbanyTech.edu229.430.3500 AY20 Enrollment 4,281 AY20 Graduates 1,203 CALHOUNBAKER CLAY DOUGHERTYLEERANDOLPH TERRELL AlbanyTech NorthwesternGeorgiaTech NorthTechGeorgia Lanier AthensTechChattahoocheeSouthernTechCrescentGeorgiaTechGeorgiaWestTech AtlantaTech GeorgiaSouthAlbanyTech SouthernRegional Columbus TechAugustaTechOconee Fall Line Tech CentralTechGeorgia OgeecheeTech Tech PinesCoastalTech Wiregrass Georgia Tech Dr. Anthony O. Parker aparker@albanytech.edu229.430.0656President 800 U.S. Highway 29 North Athens, Georgia 30601 Phone AthensTech.edu706.355.5000 AY20 Enrollment 6,271 AY20 Graduates 1,577 GeorgiaTech North Georgia Lanier Tech SouthernTechTechGeorgiaPiedmontTech GeorgiaWestTech Tech GeorgiaSouthTechAlbany SouthernRegionalTech Columbus TechAugustaTechOconee Fall Line Tech CentralTechGeorgia Ogeechee Savannah Coastal WiregrassTechGeorgia Tech Dr. Andrea Daniel adaniel@athenstech.edu706.355.5110President

Dr. Jermaine Whirl jermaine.whirl@augustatech.edu706.771.4005President 19 1560 Metropolitan Parkway SW Atlanta, Georgia 30310 Phone AtlantaTech.edu404.225.4400 AY20 Enrollment 5,804 AY20 Graduates 1,880 Dr. Victoria Seals vseals@atlantatech.edu404.225.4601President 3200 Augusta Tech Drive Augusta, Georgia 30906 Phone AugustaTech.edu706.771.4028 AY20 Enrollment 5,806 AY20 Graduates 1,381 FULTONCLAYTONNorthwesternGeorgiaAtlantaTechNorth Georgia Tech TechChattahoocheeSouthernGwinnettTechTechGeorgiaPiedmontGeorgiaTech Tech GeorgiaTechAlbanyTech SouthernRegionalTech ColumbusTech SoutheasternTechAugustaLine Tech CentralTechGeorgia OgeecheeTech SavannahTech Coastal WiregrassTechGeorgia Tech GeorgiaTech North Georgia LanierTech TechCrescentGwinnettTechGeorgiaTech Georgia Atlanta GeorgiaSouthTechAlbany RegionalTech Columbus TechAugustaTechOconee Fall CentralTechGeorgia Ogeechee Savannah Pines Tech Wiregrass Georgia BURKE MCDUFFIELINCOLNCOLUMBIARICHMOND AugustaTech

20 80 Cohen Walker Drive Warner Robins, Georgia 31088 Phone CentralGaTech.edu478.988.6800 AY20 Enrollment 11,459 AY20 Graduates 3,900 Dr. Ivan H. Allen iallen@centralgatech.edu478.757.3501President 980 South Cobb Drive Marietta, Georgia 30060 Phone ChattahoocheeTech.edu770.528.4545 AY20 Enrollment 14,696 AY20 Graduates 3,066 Dr. Ronald C. Newcomb ronald.newcomb@chattahoocheetech.edu770.975.4125President BALDWIN BIBB CRAWFORDDOOLY JONESMONROE PULASKIPUTNAMTWIGGSPEACHHOUSTON CentralTechGeorgia NorthwesternGeorgia North Georgia Tech Athens ChattahoocheeSouthernGwinnettTechTechGeorgiaPiedmontGeorgiaTech Atlanta GeorgiaSouthTechAlbany SouthernRegional Tech SoutheasternTechAugustaTechOconee Fall Central Georgia OgeecheeTech Tech PinesCoastalTech Wiregrass Georgia BARTOW COBBCHEROKEEGILMER PAULDING PICKENS ChattahoocheeTech NorthwesternGeorgia NorthTechGeorgia LanierTech Athens ChattahoocheeCrescentGwinnettTechTechGeorgiaPiedmontGeorgiaWestTech AtlantaTech GeorgiaSouthTechAlbanyTech RegionalTech Columbus TechAugustaOconee Fall Line Tech CentralTechGeorgia Ogeechee SavannahTech Pines Tech Wiregrass Georgia Tech

Martha Ann Todd mtodd@columbustech.edu706.649.1837President 21 1701 Carswell Avenue Waycross, Georgia 31503 Phone CoastalPines.edu912.287.6584 AY20 Enrollment 6,332 AY20 Graduates 1,604 Lonnie lroberts@coastalpines.edu912.287.5828PresidentRoberts928 Manchester Expressway Columbus, Georgia 31904 Phone ColumbusTech.edu706.649.1800 AY20 Enrollment 4,899 AY20 Graduates 1,285 APPLING BACON BRANTLEY CAMDEN CHARLTON CLINCH GLYNN DAVIS MCINTOSH PIERCE WARE WAYNENorthwesternPinesCoastalTechGeorgia North Georgia Tech Athens ChattahoocheeSouthernGwinnettTechTechGeorgiaPiedmontGeorgiaTech Atlanta GeorgiaSouthTechAlbanyTech RegionalTech Tech TechAugustaTechOconee Fall Central Georgia OgeecheeTech Tech PinesCoastalTech Wiregrass Georgia QUITMANMUSCOGEEHARRISCHATTAHOOCHEESTEWART TALBOT ColumbusTech GeorgiaTech North Georgia Lanier Tech SouthernTechTechGeorgiaPiedmontTech GeorgiaWestTech Tech GeorgiaSouthTechAlbany SouthernRegionalTech Columbus TechAugustaTechOconee Fall Line Tech CentralTechGeorgia Ogeechee Savannah Coastal WiregrassTechGeorgia Tech

DEKALB NEWTON GeorgiaPiedmontTech ROCKDALE 22 One Maurice Culberson Drive Rome, Georgia 30161 Phone GNTC.edu706.295.6963 AY20 Enrollment 8,591 AY20 Graduates 1,631 Dr. Heidi Popham hpopham@gntc.edu706.295.6928President 495 North Indian Creek Drive Clarkston, Georgia 30021 Phone GPTC.edu404.297.9522 AY20 Enrollment 4,707 AY20 Graduates 1,027 Dr. Tavarez Holston 404.297.9522President ext. tholston@gptc.edu1281 DADECHATTOOGACATOOSAFLOYD GORDONMURRAY POLK WALKER NorthwesternGeorgiaTech WHITFIELD GeorgiaTech North Georgia LanierTech AthensTechSouthernGwinnettCrescentGeorgiaPiedmontTech GeorgiaWestTech AtlantaTech GeorgiaSouthTechAlbany SouthernRegionalTech Tech SoutheasternTechAugustaTechOconee Fall Line Tech Central Georgia OgeecheeTech SavannahTech Coastal WiregrassTechGeorgia Tech NorthwesternGeorgia NorthTechGeorgia Lanier TechChattahoocheeSouthernGwinnettCrescentTechGeorgiaTechGeorgia Atlanta GeorgiaSouthTechAlbanyTech Regional Tech SoutheasternAugustaTechLine Tech Central Georgia OgeecheeTech Tech Pines Tech WiregrassTechGeorgia

Tim tmcdonald@laniertech.edu770.533.7030PresidentMcDonald 23 5150 Sugarloaf Parkway Lawrenceville, Georgia 30043 Phone GwinnettTech.edu770.962.7580 AY20 Enrollment 12,721 AY20 Graduates 2,264 Dr. D. Glen Cannon gcannon@gwinnetttech.edu678.226.6315President2535 Lanier Tech Drive Gainesville, Georgia 30507 Phone LanierTech.edu770.533.7000 AY20 Enrollment 6,660 AY20 Graduates 1,390 GWINNETT GwinnettTech FULTON NorthwesternGeorgiaTech NorthTechGeorgia LanierTech AthensTech Tech CrescentTechGeorgiaPiedmont Tech GeorgiaWest AtlantaTechGeorgiaTechAlbany SouthernRegional ColumbusTech SoutheasternTechAugustaLine Tech CentralTechGeorgia OgeecheeTech SavannahTech Coastal WiregrassTechGeorgia Tech BANKS BARROW DAWSONFORSYTH HALLJACKSON LUMPKIN LanierTech NorthwesternGeorgia NorthTechGeorgia Lanier TechSouthernGwinnettTechGeorgiaPiedmontTech Georgia AtlantaTech GeorgiaSouthTechAlbany Regional ColumbusTech SoutheasternAugustaTechLine Tech Central Georgia OgeecheeTech SavannahTech Pines Tech WiregrassTechGeorgia

24 1500 Highway 197 North Clarkesville, Georgia 30523 Phone NorthGaTech.edu706.754.7700 AY20 Enrollment 3,798 AY20 Graduates 664 John john.wilkinson@northgatech.edu706.754.7702PresidentWilkinson1189Deepstep Road Sandersville, Georgia 31082 Phone OFTC.edu478.553.2050 AY20 Enrollment 2,591 AY20 Graduates 856 Erica eharden@oftc.edu478.553.2068PresidentHarden FANNIN FRANKLIN HABERSHAMRABUNSTEPHENSTOWNS UNION WHITE NorthTechGeorgia NorthwesternGeorgiaTech NorthTechGeorgia Lanier Athens ChattahoocheeSouthernGwinnettTechTechGeorgiaPiedmontGeorgiaTech AtlantaGeorgiaAlbanyTech SouthernRegional ColumbusTech SoutheasternAugustaLine Tech CentralTechGeorgia Ogeechee Savannah PinesCoastalTech Wiregrass Georgia BLECKLEYDODGEHANCOCKTELFAIR WHEELER WILKINSON Oconee Fall Line Tech NorthwesternGeorgia NorthTechGeorgia Lanier TechChattahoocheeSouthernGwinnettCrescentTechGeorgiaTechGeorgia Atlanta GeorgiaSouthTechAlbanyTech Regional Tech SoutheasternAugustaTechLine Tech Central Georgia OgeecheeTech Tech Pines Tech WiregrassTechGeorgia

25 One Joseph E. Kennedy Boulevard Statesboro, Georgia 30458 Phone OgeecheeTech.edu912.681.5500 AY20 Enrollment 2,946 AY20 Graduates 905 Lori S. ldurden@ogeecheetech.edu912.871.1638PresidentDurden5717 White Bluff Road Savannah, Georgia 31405 Phone SavannahTech.edu912.443.5700 AY20 Enrollment 5,778 AY20 Graduates 2,072 Dr. Kathy S. Love klove@savannahtech.edu912.443.3024President BULLOCH EVANS SCREVENNorthwesternGeorgiaOgeecheeTechTechNorthTechGeorgia Lanier Athens ChattahoocheeSouthernTechCrescentGeorgiaTechGeorgiaWestTech Atlanta GeorgiaSouthTechAlbany SouthernRegional Tech TechAugustaTechOconee Fall Central Georgia OgeecheeTech Tech PinesCoastalTech Wiregrass Georgia BRYAN LIBERTYEFFINGHAMCHATHAM SavannahTech GeorgiaTech North Georgia Tech Athens ChattahoocheeSouthernTechTechGeorgiaPiedmontTechGeorgiaWestTech Tech GeorgiaSouthTechAlbany SouthernRegionalTech Columbus TechAugustaOconee Fall CentralTechGeorgia Ogeechee Savannah Coastal WiregrassTechGeorgia Tech

26 900 South Georgia Tech Parkway Americus, Georgia 31709 Phone SouthGaTech.edu229.931.2394 AY20 Enrollment 3,079 AY20 Graduates 1,118 Dr. John jwatford@southgatech.edu229.931.2150PresidentWatford3001 East First Street Vidalia, Georgia 30474 Phone SoutheasternTech.edu912.538.3100 AY20 Enrollment 2,595 AY20 Graduates 633 Larry lcalhoun@southeasterntech.edu912.538.3101PresidentCalhoun CRISP MACONMARION SCHLEYTAYLORSUMTERWEBSTER GeorgiaSouthTechGeorgiaNorthwesternTech North Georgia LanierTech AthensTechSouthernGwinnettCrescentGeorgiaTech GeorgiaWestTech AtlantaTechGeorgiaTechAlbanyTech RegionalTech Tech SoutheasternTechAugustaTechOconee Fall Central Georgia OgeecheeTech SavannahTech Pines Tech Wiregrass Georgia Tech EMANUELCANDLERJENKINSJOHNSONMONTGOMERY TATTNALL TREUTLENTOOMBSSoutheasternTech GeorgiaTech North Georgia Tech Athens Tech ChattahoocheeCrescentGeorgiaPiedmontGeorgiaWestTech AtlantaTechGeorgiaAlbanyTech RegionalTech Tech SoutheasternAugustaOconee Fall CentralTechGeorgia OgeecheeTech Tech Pines Tech Wiregrass Georgia Tech

27 501 Varsity Road Griffin, Georgia 30223 Phone SCTech.edu770.228.7348 AY20 Enrollment 7,647 AY20 Graduates 2,301 Dr. Alvetta Peterman Thomas alvetta.thomas@sctech.edu770.228.7365President15689 U.S. Highway 19 North Thomasville, Georgia 31792 Phone SouthernRegional.edu229.225.4096 AY20 Enrollment 6,564 AY20 Graduates 1,284 Jim jglass@southernregional.edu229.225.5068PresidentGlass BUTTS FAYETTE HENRY JASPER PIKEUPSONSPALDING SouthernCrescentTech LAMAR NorthwesternGeorgiaTech NorthTechGeorgia Lanier AthensTechChattahoocheeSouthernTechCrescentGeorgiaTechGeorgiaWestTech AtlantaTech GeorgiaSouthAlbanyTech RegionalTech Columbus TechAugustaTechOconee Fall Line Tech CentralTechGeorgia Ogeechee Tech Pines Tech Wiregrass Georgia Tech COLQUITT DECATUR EARLY GRADY MILLER MITCHELL SEMINOLE THOMAS TURNERTIFTWORTH SouthernRegionalTech GeorgiaTech North Georgia LanierTech AthensTech SouthernTechTechGeorgiaPiedmontTech GeorgiaWestTech Tech GeorgiaSouthTechAlbanyTech SouthernRegionalTech Columbus TechAugustaOconee Fall CentralTechGeorgia Ogeechee Savannah Coastal Wiregrass Georgia Tech

28 176 Murphy Campus Boulevard Waco, Georgia 30182 Phone WestGaTech.edu770.537.6000 AY20 Enrollment 9,949 AY20 Graduates 1,889 Dr. Julie julie.post@westgatech.edu678.664.0530PresidentPost4089 Val Tech Road Valdosta, Georgia 31602 Phone Wiregrass.edu229.333.2100 AY20 Enrollment 6,576 AY20 Graduates 1,526 Dr. Tina K. Anderson tina.anderson@wiregrass.edu229.333.2126President CARROLL DOUGLASCOWETAHARALSONHEARD MERIWETHER TROUP NorthwesternGeorgiaWestTechGeorgiaTech NorthTechGeorgia Lanier Athens ChattahoocheeSouthernTechCrescentGeorgiaTechGeorgiaWestTech Atlanta GeorgiaSouthTechAlbanyTech SouthernRegional Tech TechAugustaTechOconee Fall Line Tech Central Georgia OgeecheeTech Tech PinesCoastalTech Wiregrass Georgia ATKINSON BENBERRIENHILL BROOKS COFFEE COOK ECHOLS IRWIN LANIERWILCOXLOWNDESWiregrassTechGeorgia GeorgiaTech North Georgia Lanier Tech SouthernTechTechGeorgiaPiedmontTech GeorgiaWestTech Tech GeorgiaSouthTechAlbany SouthernRegionalTech Columbus TechAugustaTechOconee Fall Line Tech CentralTechGeorgia Ogeechee Savannah Coastal WiregrassTechGeorgia Tech

The Technical College System and Technical Colleges shall promote the realization of equal opportunity through a positive continuing program of specific practices designed to ensure the full realization of equal opportunity. GED® and GED Testing Service® are registered trademarks of the American Council on Education (ACE) and may not be used or reproduced without expressed written permission.

1800 Century Place N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30345 (404) 679-1600 | tcsg.edu

Non-Discrimination Statement: The Technical College System of Georgia and its constituent Technical Colleges do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, sex, religion, disability, age, political affiliation or belief, genetic information, disabled veteran, veteran of the Vietnam Era, spouse of military member or citizenship status (except in those special circumstances permitted or mandated by law). This nondiscrimination policy encompasses the operation of all technical college-administered programs, programs financed by the federal government including any Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) Title I financed programs, educational programs and activities, including admissions, scholarships and loans, student life, and athletics. It also encompasses the recruitment and employment of personnel and contracting for goods and services.

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