Weekly News Volume 30 | No. 31 | August 6 - 12, 2016
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PDM CALLS FOR REPORT The People`s Democratic Movement (PDM) is concerned about the recent population growth projection statistics and is calling on the Government to release a detailed census report and commit to a timeline for a population policy. PAGE 5
August 6 - 12, 2016
August 6 - 12, 2016
August 6 - 12, 2016
NSC considers CCTV and radar protection to curb crime in Provo and Grand Turk BY OLIVIA ROSE THE NATIONAL Security Council (NSC) has recommended to Cabinet a request for a proposal to install the first phase of closed circuit television cameras (CCTV) in Providenciales and Grand Turk. This comes against the backdrop of the Government efforts to install (CCTV) cameras on every street, as part of its plans to curb the country’s escalating crime. The Governor, Premier, Police Commissioner, Minister for Border Control and Attorney General (AG) held their fifth meeting of the National Security Council on Tuesday 26 July. At that meeting they noted the value of systems in other jurisdictions, and proposed that a steering group be formed as soon as possible, chaired by the Director of the Premier’s Office, to take forward proposals, including considering possible private sector collaboration. They also noted that it would be necessary for the AG to consider the need for some data protection legislation. The Council also discussed the radar detection centre, and the need to collaborate with the Police Force, especially after the acquisition of new high-speed vessels, and possibly drones, for the protection of TCI’s borders. The Council agreed to recommend
to Cabinet that in order to ensure an effective detection unit, members of the existing team should be transferred to the Police staff under the direction of the Commissioner, once the appropriate administrative steps have been taken. Only recently, Friday July 15, Premier Rufus Ewing met with members of the CCTV committee to discuss the progress of the CCTV program. At the meeting a report on the advancement of the program was presented to the Premier by the committee. Following the presentation of the report, Premier Ewing made a Government commitment to phase one of the project, which includes the installation of over 100 IP based cameras and real-time video monitoring system. Phase one of the installation process is expected to be completed by November 2016. Phase two will commence thereafter to include additional cameras on Providenciales and Grand Turk and the incorporation of the ‘adopt a camera initiative’ in partnership with the private sector. Calls for the installation of CCTV cameras resurfaced after the gruesome discovery of the decaying and partly burnt body of Dominican National Sorineida Moreno-Arias, who had gone missing for days and was seemingly murdered.
Premier Rufus Ewing meeting with CCTV committee
Her death sparked massive outrage in the Dominican community and among political leaders as well. To this end, Former Premier Michael Micisk called on the Premier to fast-track the CCTV program in an effort to protect the citizens. He said: “I am calling on Premier Dr. Rufus Ewing and his government
to urgently provide funds for the installation of closed-circuit television (CCTV) throughout the islands in order to protect our citizens, residents and tourists alike.” Also weighing in on the dire need for the installation of this crime fighting mechanism, Leader of the Progressive Democratic Alliance (PDA), Oswald
Skippings, bashed the Government for what he called a lack of positive administrative influence. He said this lack of administrative authority is demonstrated by the fact that it’s Commissioner reportedly refused public funding in anticipation of the hoteliers providing such funding for CCTV’s.
A new hotel ground-breaking ceremony was held in North Caicos, last week
North Caicos to welcome new hotel BY DAISY HANDFIELD
Published by Turks & Caicos News Company Ltd. Cheshire House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales P.O. Box 52, Turks & Caicos Islands, BWI W. Blythe Duncanson - Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Daisy Handfield - Staff Reporter Faizool Deo - Sports Editor (At Large) Cord Garrido-Lowe - Graphics Consultant (At Large) Dilletha Lightbourne-Williams - Office Manager Email: (Advertising) tcnews@tciway.tc, (News) tcweeklynews@gmail.com Tel. 649-946-4664 (office), 649-232-3508 (after hours) Website address: www.tcweeklynews.com Follow us on: Facebook: facebook.com/tcweeklynews Twitter: twitter.com/tcweeklynews1
THE ISLAND of North Caicos is in for a major boost in tourism, with the ground-breaking for the new Silver Bay hotel, which is expected to begin construction soon. A ceremony for the groundbreaking, which drew residents from North and Middle Caicos and Government and bank officials, took place in Windsor, Bottle Creek last Thursday. During the service, minister of Tourism, Porsha Stubbs Smith, extended her congratulations to the hotel investors, and pointed out that tourism, and job opportunities in North Caicos and Middle Caicos will only get better. She said that this was a remarkable initiative for the Turks and Caicos Islands. “This investment will add to the dynamics of the accommodation sector on North Caicos. “As we continue to force
development throughout the country, tourism is continued by many, including the UN, as perhaps the quickest way to alleviate poverty, and bring prosperity to a people, only if an integrated approach is taken. “This must include by extension the people of our community. “Let us use this to create the trickledown effect, as jobs are created, and entrepreneurs made. “The Government has support mechanisms in place for residents to benefit from developments, such as this, and will continue to improve on such opportunities.” Stubbs Smith said that the development of the Silver Bay hotel will be another reason for international, and domestic tourism to flow into the island of North Caicos. “Let us protect what is being invested, and take it as our own; show the visitors true hospitality in a tranquil environment that is fitting for those who can appreciate it, she
said. The developer of Silver Bay hotel is former Director of Tourism and local businessman, Ralph Higgs. Higgs said during his speech: “The process that we are going to be following to build this hotel is simple; we have registered with Planning that we intend to build this hotel; we have given them our concept, and they have given us their blessings. “We will be momentarily submitting to them the outline plan for the hotel. “Right during this period, anyone in this community who wish to object to this hotel being here, will have the opportunity to object to it being here.” Higgs concluded with, “So, the people of North and Middle Caicos, with God’s help, with my family’s continuous blessings, your continued prayers and support, you will see a 12-bedroom hotel here in North Caicos, in the not too distant future.”
August 6 - 12, 2016
PDM Urges Government to release Census Report – Following ECLAC`s population projections BY OLIVIA ROSE THE PEOPLE`S Democratic Movement (PDM) is concerned about the recent population growth projection statistics and is calling on the Government to release a detailed census report and commit to a timeline for a population policy. This comes against the backdrop of a new medium report launched on the July 16 by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) which projected a population growth of 55,498 people by the year 2027 – compared with 32,199 in 2012. Opposition Leader Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson said that: “Prior to and during the debate on the Immigration Bill, I have been calling for the census and the need to create a population policy. “The statistics released recently by ECLAC is concerning and has presented no real surprise in terms of the current state. “However we believe that much
Opposition Leader Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson
can be done in terms of its projection. The Government must see the wisdom in managing population growth and designing the Turks and Caicos Islands we wish to see.” The population census is the most detailed information source on a population at the level of small localities, neighborhoods in cities and small groups in a population. The data acquired forms a basis of information that is available to public and private elements, at the national and local level, for purposes of decision-making in a variety of areas in the life of residents of the
Preliminary 2012 TCI Census Data Published
country. The recent ECLAC report stated that the net migration accounts for 68 per cent of this projected increase, with natural change (births less deaths) accounting for the remaining 32 per cent. The Immigration of people from neighboring countries seeking employment created by the development of tourism has been the main driver of population growth in the Turks and Caicos Islands since 1980, when the population was just
7,413. The report also noted that citizens of the Turks and Caicos Islands, formerly called ‘Belongers’, constitute a declining proportion of the population. “They represented 69 per cent of the total in 1990, falling to 37 per cent in 2012 and, if current trends continue, could represent less than a quarter of the population by 2027. “The Turks and Caicos currently has one of the youngest populations in the Caribbean. This is partly
because immigrants tend to be younger working age people.“In 2012, the most populous age group was persons between 25 and 44 years (comprising 39 per cent of the population). However, the population is ageing; by 2027 the most populous age group will be those between 35 and 54 years (again 39 per cent of the total). “The proportion of persons aged over 65 will remain relatively low, increasing from 3.5 per cent to 7 per cent over this period, but continuing to increase rapidly after 2027. “The projections are based on census data, vital statistics and assumptions about future patterns of fertility, mortality and international migration.” ECLAC worked in collaboration with the Statistics Department of the Turks and Caicos Government to develop the population projections and also provided training to the staff of the Statistics Department in the methods and software used to produce the projections. Population projections are used by policymakers and planners to analyze population trends and their implications for social and economic development including the future demand for resources and services.
PDA chides Government for not doing enough to protect borders BY OLIVIA ROSE THE PROGRESSIVE Democratic Alliance (PDA) says the Government is not doing enough to protect the Turks and Caicos Islands borders, and by extension its people. In a strongly worded letter to the media, leader of the PDA Oswald Skippings, called out the Government for their passivity in addressing the age-old issue of illegal immigrants entering the country via sloops. He said: “Yet another go-fast boat, loaded with illegal immigrants and possibly guns, ammunition and drugs, has successfully evaded
the coastal radar system and safely landed in Providenciales. It is little wonder that we know not who and how many are in our country and what they are doing here. “The fact that our Premier and his defunct administration is not only too passive in this matter but rather seemingly compliant, is an indictment on the ability of this PNP administration to govern. “This Government needs to wake up to the realities and responsibilities of real twenty first century governance.” Skippings said that while the Premier found it necessary to hold
Oswald Skippings
talks with the Haitian authorities about tourism between the two countries, the real conversation
should have been about immigration. “We have been the greatest neighbor and the best friend to the Haitian government and its people and we continue to welcome them, embrace them, make them a part of us and we continue to offer them thousands of jobs annually by issuing work permits. “Moreover, we look forward to a strengthening of relationship with those who have become Turks and Caicos Islanders in an effort to unify this country as one people. “The time has come when the Haitian authorities should recognize our outstretched hand of assistance
in providing jobs for thousands of their people and facilitating the remittances of tens of millions of dollars annually from the Turks and Caicos to the Haitian economy. “In recognition and appreciation, the Haitian government has an obligation to protect those gestures made by the Turks and Caicos Government and its people and take steps to stem the flow of illegal immigrants to our shores.” The PDA Leader noted that there needs to be urgent formal talks between both governments and a CONTINUED
August 6 - 12, 2016
A Weekly News column that puts you on the spot for your opinions on the issues of the day
IS COMMISSIONER SMITH CAPABLE? Police Commissioner James Smith has reiterated his commitment to addressing the crime situation in the TCI, amidst calls for his resignation. Is he equal to the task? Can he do the job? What are your thoughts?
Tired of talk
We tired of mere talk, let’s have some action now. If he manages to solve even one of the cold cases, then he would have earned his keeps, but promises upon promises, and two recent predecessors who now operate security companies is not good enough for the tax payers .
Is he the fall guy?
Stop using him as a fall guy. He is a highly experienced and able policeman, but can only do his job to the extent he is permitted to by the puny financial resources afforded to him. Likewise the political parties should stop using him as a scapegoat. Neither is it their responsibility. Look to the Constitution and firmly there the responsibility lies with the Governor’s Office; eager to deflect responsibility elsewhere.
The U.K.’s attitude to this is both disingenuous and callous; given the dangerous implications to the well being of the people of these Islands, not to mention our only economic source being tourism. Goodness knows they waste money elsewhere in the world on frivolous p.r orientated escapades, wanting to look good. Can anyone forget the ludicrous predicament we were placed in only a few years ago, when there were no police cars available to patrol. Or the when there was a spate of crime a few Christmas’s ago when quite disingenuously the Governor at that time invited four wonder cops from the Met in London out here. All they did was stage public appearances, whoopie it up at a five-star hotel, and go home after a few days. It’s all very well these bureaucrats dwelling in their ivory towers insulated from danger. We actually have to live with it. Put your hands in your pockets FCO before matters reach catastrophic proportions!
Give him a chance
The man is new on this scene. Give him a chance. I’m quite sure he has good plans but can’t discuss it with our people because the have a problem with ‘VERBAL DIARRHEA”Secondly, they are not objective, and quick to come to conclusions.In the
first place, we don’t have homicide trained detectives and the few that went off for training.......?????? Well!!!
Hasn’t done much
Hasn’t done much up to now!
Nobody can
Not sure anybody can. Until the people who know the criminals start talking, it seems pretty bleak. I have been told that after 2am, Provo is a very different & dangerous place. A very frightening idea. Cameras could help but people need to say what they know.
He is not up to it
My guess is no he is not up to the task and yes he should pack up and leave the office, the recent handling of the protest or demonstration on airport road is the straw that break the camel back.TCI need protection and security the Police in the present state is not up for the task......lets bring ACP Steven Dean from the Bahamas to be commissioner, he is a son of the soil, restore order to the calamity.
All failures -- police chief and Governors
The failure of the police chief is comparable to the failure of our governors. The system for overseas territories assumes there will be in place reasonably competent internal governments, not incompetent and corrupt ones. Therefore the challenges faced by police chiefs and governors were too large. The people chose a drug runner, and and couple of outright incompetents, which sponsored crime.Then after 8 years of honest competent government, with minimal crime or administrative problems, the voters chose a family-run administration which was totally incapable of management and were also seriously corrupt, and are now charged with crime. After three years of direct rule the people were wooed into electing the left-over family members from the same terrible government. The results are high crime and the waste of hundreds of millions of dollars. If the voters do not decide to move back to competent and honest internal ministerial leadership Britain may have to suspend internal government for
the third time. It is up to us as a people to make the right choices or face the consequences.
He is a convenient scapegoat. The core problems are some (not the majority) of the rank and file who are widely believed to be involved in much of the criminal activity, low pay, which won’t attract better candidates for the force, and the refusal of the local population to come forward and identify many of the people who are committing the crimes.
here with all the best intentions to improve policing and reduce crime in the Turks & Caicos Island, but so did his predecessors, yet they all left after realizing no significant success. So, we have a succession of Police Commissioners, all of whom have exemplary records with world-renowned Police Forces, and none of them have been able to make an appreciable difference in our crime situation. Almost enough to make one wonder whether the problem is indeed not the choice of Commissioner, but rather what that person is (or is not) given to work with once he gets here?
He’s more of a traffic cop
He deserves a chance
James Smith seems to be more of a traffic cop then anything else. He spend more time stopping motorist on the street then solving the more serious crimes that is plaguing our communities. We are in need of a police chief that will take on these serious crimes and show results. Is this not why he was hired in the first place.
A succession of failures
I am sure that Commissioner Smith arrived
He deserves a fair chance!
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August 6 - 12, 2016
British Armed Forces recruits TC Islanders BY: DAISY HANDFIELD YOUNG Turks and Caicos Islanders between the ages of 18 and 32, now have the opportunity to join the British Armed Forces. This opportunity was announced by children’s rights activist, Patricia Duff, at the Edward Gartland Youth Centre, in Providenciales, last week. She said that there was no gender discrimination, and it did not matter whether or not individuals have faced any problems with the law, in the past. When speaking of the opportunity, Duff first made reference to a young man that approached her last year, seeking working opportunities, but lacking any qualifications. She said that the young man asked her if there was any way that she could
help him get to the United Kingdom, to get more of an education, and then seek employment. Duff said that this encouraged her to look into the Royal Air Force (RAF), and see what opportunities were available for Turks and Caicos Islanders, in the United Kingdom. “They [RAF] have said that if enough people show interest, they will send out a team to recruit for the British Army, the Royal Navy, and the Air Force. “The wonderful thing is that there are so many jobs available. “Depending on your qualifications; if you have none, or if you have lots, and what your interests are…” “They [RAF] will slip you into doing whatever you are good at, or what you could be good at, and they
Fourth man charged for supermarket robbery A FOURTH man has recently been charged in connection with the Sunny Foods supermarket robbery, which took place in Providenciales on April 10. According to the Police, as investigations into the robbery continue, a 27-year-old male of Blue Hills, Providenciales, has been arrested and charged with robbery, and inflicting grievous bodily harm. The other three men, 33-yearold Reginald Presil, 32-year-old
Fritzer Prevalus, and Wilbert Almonor, who were charged on July 19 with Conspiracy to Commit Robbery, are presently remanded awaiting a sufficiency hearing, set for September 2. The 27-year-old male will be taken to court at a later date. Ex-superintendent of police, Alboin Williams, was shot multiple times by three masked men during the robbery. The culprits got away with a large sum of money.
PDA chides Government for not doing enough ... CONTINUED FROM
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) needs to be drafted, signed and honored by both governments in the interest of both countries and their peoples. Skippings vehemently noted that the PNP government had fallen down on the job on both fronts. “There should have already been new boats provided for the marine branch, which were already budgeted for and should have been here from the first quarter of the financial year.” He said : “ Drones should have already been in place to provide better and more flexible surveillance of our coast; stiffer fines should have already been legislated for human traffickers and those who harbor illegals, and our security forces should have been involved in the management of the detention center to avoid
the frequent escapes into our communities where there is already too many illegals; not to mention the fact that the British government should be made to honor its constitutional obligations of providing internal and external security for these islands. “The money spent on repatriation of illegals could be better spent on much needed jobs and scholarships for our youths.” Skippings emphasized that it is high time that the Turks and Caicos people elect a government that is prepared and capable of operating like mature, authoritative, respected statesmen, protecting our country’s interest and deserving respect. “The PDA is that government in waiting.”
Former Premier of the TCI, Michael Eugene Misick
Children’s rights activist, Patricia Duff
train you. “If you go in as one thing, you can go in and train, and go higher and higher up the ladder,” Duff said. “Once 50 or more people show interest in the initiative, delegates from the RAF will pay a visit to the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI), and continue on from there.” She set up a website, so that individuals could apply online. Interested people could log on to: www.Turksandcaicos-islands.net/ jobs, and fill out the required form. Or, call Patricia Duff on 649- 2446838, or 649- 941-8499. Duff is expecting positive feedback from the community, and looks forward to many islanders taking advantage of what she considers to be a life-changing opportunity.
Misick, issued a statement opposing the idea of locals joining the British Armed Forces. Misick said the TCI was in need of border defense, and that all efforts should be on establishing a TCI defense force, where young men and women could serve with honour, and defend the land that they love. He said: “The audacity of the British Armed Forces to attempt to recruit young Turks and Caicos Islanders is mind-boggling. “The recent registration drive is a stark reminder that we are still under the curtains of a colonial power, whose ultimate goal is to drain every resource from us to bolster their failing nation. “Britain is a colonial power and a colonial power that has to be seen for what it is. “The UK never supported our efforts to establish a Turks and Caicos Olympic team, but they had no issues taking our best athlete to be a part of theirs.”
THE FORMER PREMIER DISAGREES Shortly after the news broke out, Former Premier of the TCI, Michael
Under the tree
Misick said that racism in the British army is serious and that it was no secret. “Just last year, a British Veteran was heckled at the Remembrance Day celebration because, while he is a British citizen, he is originally from South Africa. “This man, who served in the British army for seven and a half years, did two tours of duty in Afghanistan and lost his hearing on the battlefield, has a fractured spine and lost 11 of his colleagues in the war, but he was mocked at the remembrance day ceremony simply because he stood to attention to pay respect to his fallen comrades. “Imagine after all the years of service, after carrying the bodies of his friends and fighting to the death to defend Great Britain this man was mocked, and ridiculed because of his skin colour and guess what, he is not even a very dark skinned man,” Misick said. The former Premier asked parents to not allow their children to be sacrificed, for a cause that was not ‘their own’. He said: “We have our own issue in the TCI and cannot afford to lose any more good people. “In this small nation where everyone is family, we should never have to line the streets of the airport to see the bodies of our beloved hauled from the cargo hold of a British jet while the British Generals sit at home and enjoy Sunday tea. “Our nation is our pride and our people are our nation. “Let us hold fast to our goals and stay focused on our dreams.”
By Benneth Williams
August 6 - 12, 2016
PDM calls for aggressive approach to stop Zika virus BY OLIVIA ROSE THERE is seemingly a lack of dedication on the part of the Government to actively address the Zika virus in the Turks and Caicos Islands. This is according to the Leader of the People`s Democratic Movement (PDM) Sharlene Cartwright – Robinson who said the party is seriously concerned with what seems to be a lack of effort by the Government to seriously deal with the zika virus. Five cases of the dreaded Zika virus was confirmed in the Turks and Caicos Islands by Premier and Minister of Health Dr. Rufus Ewing in a release issued on Sunday July 24. Premier Ewing stated that of
the five confirmed cases three are imported, two of which are currently undergoing further investigations to determine whether they are also imported or part of local transmissions. Ewing had stated that the Ministry is working with the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), PAHO and UK IHR on the investigation of these cases However, Cartwright-Robinson said in a release issued on Thursday August 8, that the party as well as the rest of the country were shocked and disturbed that the Government had only seen it fit to inform the people of the presence of the Zika Virus on the fifth case. She said: “Most countries had informed its people on its first case and stepped up awareness. As a
people we were short changed and left in the dark on a critical issue that can seriously impact our lives and the lives of pregnant women. “We can ill afford the spread. The CDC has been embarking on record breaking activity by addressing a town of 15 cases in Florida, we are at 5 and we see no real response.” The PDM leader noted that the public has heard the Premier and Minister of Health’s pledge to aggressively fight the virus but there` little evidence of aggression. She said: “Where is the education? Where is the clean up? Where is the urgency? No we need not take an approach to frighten but to increase awareness and assure that our people are taking precautions. The Government must show leadership on this issue.
Do our political parties operate with a set of governing ideas? Politics is a constantly moving enterprise. It is as a PNP candidate says, passion with a purpose. And as one talk show host said, entering politics means the candidate has a basic outline of what he or she will do once elected. This poses the question as to whether TCI’s political parties operate with a clear set of governing ideas, or philosophy. The point is, both the individual candidates, and the party as a collective body should have a set of political objectives they hope to realise. But this is insufficient. In addition, the parties should have an overall set of governing ideas or principles, which would inform the objectives of individual candidates, and what the party as an organisation believes in. Political activity cannot be reduced to a super market list by itself. A supermarket list of political goodies designed to get voter support to win an election, presents politics as being exclusively concerned with material goods and their delivery to supporters. This suggests people have a price, and the politician knows what they want. It shows disrespect for other needs the voter has, such as enriching the spirit, and
Oliver Mills is a former lecturer in education at the UWI Mona Campus. He holds a BA (Hons.) UWI, an M.Ed. Dalhousie Univ., an MA University of London, and a Postgraduate Diploma in HRM and Training, Leicester Univ.
contributing to community life by shaping community development policy, without having politicians decide for themselves what these needs are, and impose them. A candidate for the upcoming elections said he had seven areas which he will present to voters. This will show what he intends to do for them if elected. But even if the candidate is successful, there is no certainty his suggestions will be approved by the elected government even if he is a part of it. A government has its own priorities, and may not approve the funding for areas a candidate sees as important. But the most significant factor of electoral politics, leading to the formation of a government is that the political parties need to have a set of governing ideas from which practical projects and services will come. For
example, the building of schools should emerge from the idea of the importance of educating citizens to acquire knowledge and skills to engage in productive enterprises, and execute their civic responsibilities. Ideas come first, and are then manifested through practical initiatives. Having a set of governing ideas means their implementation will be sustainable, they foster ethical behavior, make the process legitimate, people will see patriotism in what they do, and will understand the wider purpose behind their actions. If parties have a wish list without the necessary ideas to justify it, this could cause suspicion. In addition, people need something to live for, since man cannot live by bread alone.
Premier Rufus Ewing
Leader of the Opposition Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson
“Our country has never before been so dirty and we ought to have seen teams on the road identifying areas for immediate attention as this country are easily a breeding ground for mosquito borne diseases.” The Opposition Leader called on residents to do their part and eliminate water collected around their surroundings in open containers. “Remove those containers including old tires and oil surrounding waters (cooking oil can be effective). Be sure to spray your homes and use repellants.” She urged the Government to step up to the plate and truly aggressively fight on the behalf of the people. Premier Ewing also stated that “The Environmental Health Department and Public Health Disease Surveillance Team of the Ministry of Health has stepped up its surveillance activities and has been working with the persons infected with the Zika virus to ensure that the risk of in-country transmission is reduced.” He urged calm as there is no evidence of in-country transmission at this time, although it remains possible. He emphasized that the Environmental Health Department will continue its fogging activities where necessary and country-wide cleanup campaigns will continue. He noted that: “During the PreJoint Ministerial Council Conference which was hosted here last week I, along with the other UK Overseas Territory Leaders, discussed new and innovative ways to combat the Zika virus by reducing the population of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito population. “We will continue to
explore those initiatives which are deemed suitable and applicable in the Turks and Caicos Islands. “We are particularly asking pregnant women to take extra precaution to avoid mosquito bites and to visit our local public health care providers who are currently issuing mosquito nets and providing educational material. However, on Monday July 25 during the House of Assembly the Premier revealed that the Government is contemplating genetically modified mosquitoes to control the population of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito. He told the House that the Government has already engaged companies involved in the manufacture of genetically modified mosquitoes. He said: “If this goes well and good, this is something that we may have to consider using in the future and we will have to sensitize the public about it. “I would like to say that yes, these five cases did not just pop up on Saturday. A number of these cases are some that were once in time suspected and before we even communicate anything as it relates to suspected cases, we had to confirm, because we have to be true that we are confirming. “We had to also go further and find out in addition to whether or not they are imported cases versus in country transmission. So lots of work has been going on behind the scenes,” said Premier Rufus Ewing.” The zika virus has since been reported in 20 countries and territories in Latin America and the Caribbean from February 2014 to January 26, 2016.
Jitney driver arrested for allegedly wounding a passenger A JITNEY driver was arrested on Friday, for allegedly stabbing a passenger who did not pay the requested fare price. The 40-year-old man reported, stabbed the passenger, and then fled the scene. On July 26, the victim reported to police officers that at around 6:13 pm, he caught a jitney from Grace Bay area to the Down Town area, Providenciales. According to a press release issued by police officials, the victim offered to pay the driver
two dollars for his service, but the driver refused to accept that amount. The driver requested to be paid three dollars instead. After the complainant explained to the driver that that was all he had, an argument ensued,which resulted in a fight. During the fight, the driver stabbed the complainant in the throat, and fled. Up to press time, the driver was still in police custody, awaiting charges.
August 6 - 12, 2016
Clarence Selver to run independent of PDM – amid claims of being sidelined by party DISCORD among political parties is nothing new and certainly not surprising to most, particularly when general elections are due and like all parties, the People’s Democratic Movement (PDM) has had its fair share. The most recent of those discords was brought to light this week when Opposition appointed member of the House of Assembly and veteran politician Clarence Selver revealed that he will be contesting the general elections as an independent all island candidate.
36-year-old Sentenced to 8years Imprisonment for Assault 36-year-old Sherrington McIntosh of Five Cays, who was found guilty on Monday, 20th June, for False Imprisonment, Burglary and Common Assault, was sentenced to 8years imprisonment on Friday July 29, in the Supreme Court of Providenciales. The court heard that on Thursday 3rd December 2015 at 4am the complainant contacted the station and reported that McIntosh was trying to burglarize her home. When police arrived at the scene, located in Kew Town Providenciales, McIntosh who had already gained entrance into the house slapped the complainant and held her and her 10-months-old daughter hostage while making threats to burn the house with a gas tank and matches in his possession. After several hours of negotiation with officers, he agreed to come out of the house and free the victims. He was immediately arrested and later charged with the offences mentioned. McIntosh was sentenced to two (2) years Imprisonment for Common Assault, five (5) years for Burglary and eight (8) years for False Imprisonment. They will run concurrently. Prior to committing the offenses, he was bound over to keep the peace for two (2) years for a previous Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm offence. And because he breaching that order he was fined $1,000.
Selver made his announcement on Wednesday, shortly after which the PDM machinery kicked into gear, clarifying its position on one of its long serving members. A PDM press release read: “Within the past few weeks, he has informed the party of his intention to run as an independent candidate in the upcoming elections and also that he will no longer be a part of the PDM party. He has since announced his candidacy publicly.” However, when questioned by press about his leaving the party, the candidate denied ever informing the PDM leadership that he was leaving the party and explained his reason for running as independent candidate in the next election. “I come to this point now after years of active service [in the PDM] and I find that there are forces that seen it fit to try to silence me by ensuring that I be a candidate in the 2012 general election and this election 2016. “I am now the appointed member in the House of Assembly; in the minds of persons who would think
Sonrineida Moreno Arias
Opposition Appointed Member Clarence Selver
logically they would have thought that naturally since I am a member of the House, I am representing not only the party but the country on major issues, I don’t go there to waste time – I sit, I listen, I take notes, so that when it is time to respond I can make a meaningful contribution to whatever it is being debated. “Here is it, people would have thought… this is what they say to me ‘You should have been one of those the party secured when they made a decision to secure the rest of them
rather than putting you out there to bid for a place seeing as you have experience.” Selver stated that there are a few people within the party’s national general council who do not want him around either as a member of the party or in the House of Assembly. As for his post in the Assembly as a member of the PDM, Selver is not too concerned if it is taken away from him by the party machinery. He said: “I understand that they might be taking some action to remove me, but if they do that it doesn’t matter. Very soon the Premier of this country will call the general election, and once the election is called no one in the House has a seat anymore and that is very soon, so if they move me now it doesn’t matter.” Selver denied that he has given any notice that he no longer wants to be a part of the PDM. Stating that he had informed the party back in July that he will no longer be a member of the national general council or the executive council. He stated that if the party is firing him, they need to serve him that notice, according to the party Constitution. “I also told them at that time (July
12) that I will be contesting this election as an independent all island candidate and the next time I come back to the party, I am coming for the leadership,” the candidate said. In their press statement, the PDM had noted that Selver is currently serving as the Opposition’s Appointed Member in the House of Assembly and as an appointed member to the Appropriations and Expenditure Committees and that both of those appointments are by the hand of the Leader of the Opposition. The release further stated that it is a matter for Selver as to whether he chooses to continue to serve on a PDM issued platform, while thanking him for his years of service and stating that the party would be “happy to welcome him back if he chooses to return”. Selver is not the first top-ranking PDM member that has branched off from the party in the run-up to general elections, however. Former Chief Minister and PDM leader, Oswald Skippings now heads his own political party - the Progressive Democratic Alliance. Skippings severed his ties with the party in 2014.
Dominicans said their final goodbyes to Sonrineida Moreno Arias, during a special ceremony
Body of murdered Dominican woman sent home BY DAISY HANDFIELD DOMINICANS in the Turks and Caicos Islands attended a farewell ceremony for murder victim, Sonrineida Moreno Arias, whose corpse was returned to the Dominican Republic on Tuesday for burial. The ceremony was held at Our Lady of Divine Providence Catholic church in Providenciales on Sunday (July 29), with the casket present. The body of the 26-year-old was initially scheduled to be returned on Sunday, but due to bad weather, it
could not be sent until Tuesday. She was accompanied by her uncle and a cousin, who both live in Providenciales. Dominican consul, Edwin Hernandez, said he along with the Dominicans United Committee, will continue to follow-up on the investigations into her death. “We are letting the police do their jobs, but at the same time, we are constantly following up on their progress.” Moreno Arias was the second Dominican to be murdered in the
Turks and Caicos Islands, in the space of three months. The body of 27-year-old Yuneiry Veras was discovered on April 23 at about 1.04pm on Saturday (April 23), in Pirate’s Cove, on Tom Lightbourne’s Drive, in the northwestern area of Providenciales. The last time she was seen was around 4 am that morning, before she was picked up from her Robinson Street residence by an unknown driver. She reportedly left work at the Shadow Bar around 3 am Sunday
morning and was dropped off at her home by a co-worker. Police are seeking public assistance to find the person or people who may be responsible for her murder. Anyone with information about this murder or other crimes can contact Chalk Sound PoliceStation on 339-5901. To remain anonymous, the public can call Crime Stoppers on 1-800 8477 or use the Crime Stoppers online reporting page: www. crimestoppers.tc.
August 6 - 12, 2016
THE CAPITAL NOTE HE BROUGHT OUT HIS MAN POINT Dear Bishop Williams: I am now thirty years old with three children for my high school sweetheart. I am the one who pushed for children, relationship and marriage. He wanted no children, only friendship and to him, marriage was out of the question. He is extremely laid back while I am more quiet but can be extremely aggressive when it comes to finance, my children and marriage. He told me on numerous occasions that if I push him to get married, he will not show up to the church or leave me at the altar. I thought he was joking and paid it no attention at all. Bishop, on my twenty ninth birthday, I finally persuaded him to marry me. He was reluctant, but the romance brought him around and he softly agreed. Since I am from a very large family, I sent out over five hundred invitations, had a very large wedding shower, (he did not show up) and planned a large wedding with six bridesmaids and six groomsmen. I planned everything and since I was not short of money, I went all out to impress my family and friends. I purchased his suit and everything else; he did not have to contribute one cent. It is true that I took control of everything even to the selection of his groomsmen and bestman. I even purchased an expensive wedding dress. I looked delicious. Additionally, my family paid over $10,000.00 for the reception and my family’s pastor (who know you) planned an elaborate wedding ceremony. I practically forgot that I needed my companion and the father of my children to be the other most important person in the wedding. He said nothing, but went along with everything. On the wedding morning, the church was packed and everything was in place. I anticipated an awesome wedding ceremony. Everyone arrived at the church, including myself and my family, but there was no groom. We waited for one hour, but he still did not show up. In point of fact, Bishop, he travelled on a flight to Miami the same time of the wedding. Since I did not have a wedding and the reception was already paid for and prepared, I asked everyone to come to the reception, and they did. Bishop, do you think I did the right thing? Many of my friends are saying that I am too bold and I deserved what happened to me. He said that he brought out his man point to teach me a lesson. Should I dump him and move on? BOLD FACED WOMAN IN CABLE BEACH Dear Bold faced woman: I can see you – Drama – Drama and more drama. Your boldness put you in control of everything and now you have learned the hard way that you cannot control the hearts and minds of individuals even if they are your high school sweethearts. You bought and paid for everything, but salary has ended quite some time ago. It is obvious that he is not comfortable with
Bishop Clarence N. Williams has performed and assisted with well over 500 marriages and counselled thousands of couples. If you have a problem, email: askbishopwilliams@gmail.com or write: Ask The Bishop, Box 685, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos. All rights reserved. Names and places have been changed for privacy.
you; but you paid no attention to him or the signals that he sent you. You just wanted to live in your bubble and the bubble has busted with no one but yourself to blame. I sense that he loves slackness and money and since you have a lot of it, he will come to the ‘beck and call’ of his boss lady. After all, he is the father of your three children. Don’t dump him as I doubt that you will find another. But I do want the both of you to go to your family pastor for a lot of pre-marital and marital counselling because each of you have an extremely poor understanding of true relationships and indeed the roles and responsibilities of marriage. LET JESUS CHRIST HAVE FULL CONTROL OF YOU so that you may replace that controlling spirit with the Holy Spirit. ____________________________ GETTING EVEN WITH SOMEONE MEANS SOMEONE WILL GET EVEN WITH YOU… DESASTER. Dear Bishop Williams: We were best friend since we were five years of age and now we are thirty-three years. We planned everything together, even our weddings – we had a joint wedding ceremony. He and his wife have two sons and I and my wife have two daughters. We were one big happy family fulling trusting each other. We never had a problem until I had an unplanned affair with his wife. Both his wife and I apologize for hurting him, but he will not forgive either of us and said nothing more of the affair. I thought that he had forgotten or forgiven us; but our relationships were never the same. To the surprise of our lives, my wife and my former ‘best friend’ decided to have an affair to get even; and they did. I feel so hurt that I just want to walk out. What should I do? FEEL LIKE WALKING ….OUT IN FORT LAUDERDALE. Dear Feel like walking out: I have a good idea what you are thinking……taking more vengeance. Remember, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord”. You have messed up the situations pretty well. Stay where you are, you have nowhere to go. Now control your emotions and sexual urges so that you can be a present example to your daughters and your former best friend’s sons and family. You need to be the protection for your daughters. This family needs a good prayer meeting and most definitely, seek the peace and assistance of pastoral counselling. Most family feuds commence with rival romance and matters connected
to adultery and fornication. In an attempt to get this whole episode behind you and your family, remember that because of the close proximity, the likelihood of reoccurrences is great. Therefore, I might be necessary for you to consider the possibility of relocation of your family. WHEN IT COMES TO UNLAWFUL LOVE AND PASSION, DISTANCE AND TIME MAY YEILD THE BEST RESULTS. (Bishop Williams) ________________________ SPIRITS TELLING ME TO CURSE AND DO NASTY THINGS Dear Bishop Williams: I need some urgent help. I am now twenty years of age and I have never had a boyfriend and don’t talk about sex. Now I have seen someone that I am interest in and he is interested in me too. We both work as salespersons at a well know retailer and we had lunch together. We both behaved like real down to earth Christian, although we are not born again Christians as yet. Now the problem: About two months ago, I could hear ‘spirits’ talking to me with the nastiest words to curse and you can imagine what the ‘spirits’ tell me to do. Of cause, Bishop I never did them but I have started to answer them with a few words of my own. On one our lunch date I started to hear the spirits and before embarrassing myself, I promptly left without explanation and went home. I greatly fear that if I tell him what is going on, he will think that I am stupid or crazy and abandon me. He is pushing me for an explanation. What should I do? HEARING SPIRITS IN HOLYTOWN Dear hearing Spirits in Holytown: You don’t sound like a crazy person because you can reason the situation very well, but you do have a mental or psychological problem and you need to nip it now before it gets out of hand. Firstly, have a full and complete talk with your mother and father to investigate your genetic history for possible mental disorder. Secondly, see a psychiatrist to review your condition and hopefully the doctor is able to make a firm diagnosis and offer you a medical remedy. Thirdly, see your pastor for spiritual guidance and direction relative reflection, bible reading, prayers and fasting. Be sure to turn your life over to the Lord who is the healer of MIND, SPIRT BODY AND SOUL.
English sunburns & holding hands in Grand Turk “Is there really such a thing as writers block?”, I asked an old school friend of mine, “or is it just an excuse for not submitting a column on time?” We decided to discuss the subject over a seemingly well deserved Gin & Tonic, when suddenly I felt a slight discomfort on my forehead. Of all the places in world, I’d managed to get sunburned in “sunny” south-eastern BY TITUS DE BOER England. “Well”, concluded my Titus de Boer, who originally friend, “there’s your column.” moved to the TCI from He meant well - no doubt. Germany in 1989, is a In the end, as so often journalist by training and before, a good read came currently works as an art to my aid. I have just repromoter and consultant in read “Mine Boy” by Peter Grand Turk and internationally. Abrahams, an author claimed by both his native South Africa as well as Jamaica, to where he moved in 1956. “Mine Boy” is a very powerful account of life under the apartheit regime in South Africa and regarded by many to be the first internationally acclaimed work of literature that brought the horrors and discrimination of apartheit to an international audience. Reading it today, 70 years after it was first published, one can’t help but admire the powerful message it must have conveyed. Thankfully, apartheit is now history. Sadly racism and discrimination are not. Not a week goes by when one doesn’t hear or read about racial tensions and discrimination in the U.S.; police shootings, the “black lives matter” movement, religious extremist terrorism, etc. Indeed the U.S. election campaign appears to be full of headlines about fear mongering, banning one group of people because of their faith and building a wall to keep out another. Mohammad Ali, a true hero to my generation, really summed up his view of racism superbly, in one simple sentence: “Hating people because of their color is wrong. And it doesn’t matter which color does the hating. It’s just plain wrong.” That sentence really says it all. And so once again we look to that one group of people that can and hopefully will help humanity overcome racism and discrimination - the next generation. The children. And while I have no desire to portrait the TCI or more specifically Grand Turk as some utopia, I do see Martin Luther King Jr’s dream, “that one day little black boys and girls will be holding hands with little white boys and girls”, play out - in real time - in front of my very eyes, every day. And while really it is one little white girl (my daughter), holdings hands with lots of little black boys and girls, the point remains the same: Children are by nature (and that’s the key word here) NOT racist! Full stop. In 1950, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) issued a statement asserting that all humans belong to the same species and that “race” is not a biological reality but a myth. This was a summary of the findings of an international panel of anthropologists, geneticists, sociologists, and psychologists. This science has stood the test of time to this very day. In the words of one of the worlds leading geneticists, A.R. Templeton, “because of the extensive evidence for genetic interchange through population movements and recurrent gene flow going back at least hundreds of thousands of years ago, there is only ONE evolutionary lineage of humanity and there are NO subspecies or races.” And there you have it. Of course if all of that is just too much science for you, I am with you and will happily refer back to good old Mohamad Ali, “It’s just plain wrong!” Here’s to those children in Grand Turk, holding hands.
August 6 - 12, 2016
Pre-election meetings with political party leaders and independent candidates As part of its commitment to support and guide the Political Parties and Independent Candidates in their preparations for the upcoming General Elections and thereafter, especially in relation to their obligations under the Political Activities Ordinance, the Integrity Commission has completed arrangements to meet with the Leaders and Executive of the Political Parties as well as the prospective Independent Candidates for briefing sessions during the week commencing 15 August, 2016. These meetings will provide opportunity for the Commission to engage closely with the political party officials and the independent candidates separately, in an informal and interactive setting, at which the Commission will explain and provide guidance to the parties and independent candidates as to their respective obligations under the Political Activities Ordinance. These briefing sessions will cover important areas such as registration, recording of donations and campaign expenditure, guidance notes on loans, dormant companies, notice of contracts with TCIG and filing of returns. Packages containing information brochures and relevant forms will also be provided at these meetings.
THE MEETINGS ARE SCHEDULED AS FOLLOWS: • Meeting with Independent Candidates is on Wednesday 17 August, 2016 at 5pm; • Meeting with Political Party Leaders and Executives is on Friday 19 August, 2016 at 5pm The venue for these meetings will be the Blue Haven Resort Conference Room, Providenciales The Commission is therefore inviting the political party Leaders and their Executives as well as prospective Independent Candidates to these meetings on their respective dates. In preparation for these meetings, the Commission is also requesting all potential Independent Candidates to contact the Commission latest by 4 pm on Friday 12 August 2016 to confirm their attendance at the briefing sessions. The Director of the Commission, Eugene Otuonye, Q.C. commented:“These meetings are part of the ongoing public education engagements with the political parties and candidates in the run up to and after the general elections. The meetings are crucial to fostering understanding and to secure the commitment of the Parties and Candidates to transparency and integrity in the electoral process”
To promote family values, you must first value family I thought very long and hard about writing this particular column because family is a sensitive topic in this country especially when it comes to politics and public opinions. But I promised my readers a long time ago that I would provide ‘Real Talk’ on topics other people are afraid to touch, so here goes.. For most of my life I have heard many TCI politicians in the PDM and PNP talk about family values and the need to promote such values in an effort to address many social ills in the communities of the TCI. However, I have found them wanting in their efforts to back up their rhetoric on family values when much of the party politics in this country has divided families more than actually bring them together. Most recently, a disturbing and disappointing audio rant was circulated in which a high ranking official in the PDM was responding to his brother intention to run as an independent candidate in this upcoming election. Not only did the gentlemen pledge his unwavering support to his party
BIOGRAPHY: Jas was born with a physical disability and diagnosed with a mild form of muscular dystrophy. His early childhood was characterised with trying to fit in in a regular school environment unequipped to cater to special needs students. With support from family, teachers and the community he graduated as valedictorian of Raymond Gardiner High School and has been a graduate teacher for the past last nine years.
by stating he is voting “down the line” but referred to his brother’s decision to run as ‘distraction’. This confirmed that his support for his party takes precedence over his support for his brother. This was a clear case of placing party values before family values. Yet I must believe people who endorse this type of nonsense when they say ‘family is important?’ In the words of President Bill Clinton “that dog will not hunt”. Let us now look at the other side of the aisle, on Saturday July 30th I listened to the leader of the PNP elaborate on the importance of family (whether it is blood related family, church family or political party family) and the role they play in building a better TCI. In that same breath, he publically and officially endorsed his sister to run opposite their brother in a constituency in which his brother is the
incumbent. If this is not contrary to promoting family values than I do not know what is. These two scenarios are bad examples to promoting family values in this country. Political leaders cannot tell me that family unity and cohesion are important when them and their very own party is promoting division and discord among families. The rest of this country might be afraid to call you all both out on this nonsense that has been a part of political culture in this country for years, but Jas Walkin is not afraid. Solomon outlined seven things God said he hates in Proverbs chapter six. The seventh one speaks to sowing discord among brethren. Either go and read your bibles again, or start practicing what you all preach!
Man-made disasters! Turks and Caicos has had its share of natural disasters resulting from our position near the bulls-eye of the hurricane zone. It is possible to protect against the wind and rain by proper building codes. How do you protect against man made disasters created out of the lust for political power and self enrichment ? TCI has been in a unique position since the late 1930’s. With a world war on the horizon our mother country made a deal with the USA. The US traded 50 mothballed Naval Destroyers for a 99 year lease to set up military bases on Grand Turk,TCI. GT was a strategic location for monitoring ship and later space shot traffic into the Caribbean and beyond. US service men moved in and the long term friendly relationship between the people
David is a retired mobile hydraulic engineer and business executive. He has been married to Middle Caicos native Yvette Robinson Tapfer for 25 years and has lived in Conch Bar, Middle Caicos, since 2002. David formerly served as branch chairman of the PDM from 2008 to 2011
and the governments of the TCI and USA began. Easy access to the US, the use of the dollar and visits from millions of fly-in and now cruisein tourists have given TCI wealth forecast by visionaries such as JAGS McCartney. JAGS founded the original political party; the Peoples Democratic Movement, (PDM). The USA/TCI relationship gave JAGS the platform to insist on PDM self government for our islands. However one political party was
not enough. Before the entrance of our expanded tourist industry something called “progressive” or PNP created the first clink in the warm US/TCI relationship. Not content to live from the riches of Gods sea, drug running was established using the peoples money to create a midnight landing field for the illegal importation of illicit materials into our US neighbors back yard. The PNP chief and cronies got caught, tried and jailed in the USA.
What followed were a couple of hick-up administrations PDM and PNP alike. Finally during 19952003 eight years of PDM democracy ruled and honest investors negotiated mutually beneficial arrangements which got our present economy off to a running start. A PDM economy ! Then a young PNP upstart, who my mother-in-law called the “spoiled boy”, smelled the cash flow created by the PDM vetted resorts and connived a plan to hi-jack the economy for his own personal benefit. He grabbed the reins of the PNP and the rest is history... still legally unresolved. More disastrous damage to the US/TCI relationship by the alleged rape/encounter of a US citizen, alleged US money laundering, fathering outside children in Miami while married to a US starlet and use of a US drug running jet pilot now jailed are but part of the publicly
revealed scenario. More clinks and possibly more legal matters to be possibly mulled over in US courts. Then PNP including the present PNP chieftain damaged for political gain our inbound tourist traffic by the shut down of roads and airport. More clinks ! PNP has been unable to bring any honest forthright business to the TCI and have wasted millions which could have built infrastructure. They have converted medical hope to its own outsourced man made health disaster. They manipulated for personal gain our pension fund. Now they change vocations to political manipulations of family members and have attacked the beautiful by nature ethic which brought prosperity.God is watching and he expects His people to halt these man made disasters, once and for all.
August 6 - 12, 2016
PNP presents candidates IN ITS now reclaimed and freshly painted headquarters, Progressive House, last Saturday (August 30) the Progressive National Party introduced all of their candidates vying for public office in the next elections. The incumbent party is the first of all of three parties contesting this election to so far announce their full slate of candidates. Resplendent in their yellow and black, the candidates introduced themselves to the small gathering of invited guests and the gathered press. ‘The PNP is alive and well’ all of the candidates chanted as they officially urged voters to vote for them, while those who currently hold office boasted of the many accomplishments they have brought to their various constituencies. The candidates are - George Lightbourne for Grand Turk North; Arthur Lightbourne for Grand Turk South; Mark FulFord for North and Middle Caicos; Ruth Blackman for South Caicos; Akierra Missick for Leeward and Long Bay; Ricardo Donhue Gardiner an at large candidate; Porsha Stubbs-Smith for the Bight; Amanda Missick for Cheshire Hall and Richmond Hill; Claudine Pratt-Ewing for Blue Hills; Rachel Taylor for Five Cays; Dameko Deen for Wheeland, Sheba Wilson running at large, Reverend John Malcom also running at large, Charles Washington Misick an at large candidate and the Premier,
PNP candidates pose for a picture at the party headquarters last Saturday
Dr Rufus Ewing the fifth at large candidate. While introducing himself, Minister of Labour and Immigration DonHue Gardiner was quick to point out that his stepping aside from representing North and Middle Caicos in no way takes away from his commitment to the two islands. Rather, he said, it opens up the opportunity for the injection of new and young blood into the political life of the country. Minister of Finance, Washington Misick made an appeal to the younger voters, urging: “I want you to be very very careful in this upcoming elections when people
come to you and ask you to support them. I want you to ask them why should I support you, what is your motive because anger, revenge and entitlement are not good political advices.” The minister and former Chief Minister also commended the leadership of Dr Ewing over these past few years. “There are some young people and some not so young people who have a problem or who confuse leadership with populism. “Leadership is about doing unpopular things that benefit everybody in the long run. Leadership is about controlling the
pressure, everybody wants pressure to be released. No one wants to live in a situation where there is pressure, but sometimes as a leader you have difficult decisions to make, you have to control that pressure until it could be released,” Misick advised. He stated that the only way forward for the country now is up, as his PNP government has built a firm foundation. Misick also recounted the TCI’s financial upward mobility over the past few years and its booming tourism industry as hallmarks of the PNP Government, pointing out that the best is yet to come. In his remarks the Premier asked
the voters to do as they did in 2012 and return the PNP to government if they want to see progress continue. “You as the voters of the Turks and Caicos Islands in 2012 entrusted us with your confidence to face the challenges that this nation had, head on. You trusted us to lead this nation and to lead this nation with determination into prosperity this season (four years) that you have entrusted us is now drawing to a close and a new season lies ahead,” Ewing said, while urging the voters to make “the right choice again”. While the country has indeed rebounded financially under the current administration, gaining international recognition for its recovery, there have been cries – from the opposition and other people society – that there has been little to no trickle-down effect these past three and a half years. The main opposition party, the People’s Democratic Movement (PDM) and the Progressive Democratic Alliance (PDA) headed by former Chief Minister Oswald Skippings have pounced on the seeming lack of any trickle-down to the people of the country these few years, with many of their campaign talking points attacking the Government for having hundreds of millions in its coffers even as the poor man suffers. A date for the next general election is yet to be announced.
Ralph Higgs resigns as Turks and Caicos’ Director of Tourism Providenciales DIRECTOR of Tourism Ralph Higgs is resigning from the Board, effective September 30 of this year. The Turks and Caicos Tourist Board made the announcement On Wednesday, stating that after 20 years of employment with the Government agency, Higgs has tenured his resignation as Director of Tourism, effective September 30, 2016. According to a release from the Board| “Under Higgs’ directorship, the Turks and Caicos Islands received numerous accolades from the likes of TripAdvisor, CNN, Condé Nast, Forbes, and the World Travel Awards. “The destination also experienced a steady increase in tourist arrivals annually. In 2014, Higgs became the first winner of the Caribbean Travel Award’s Tourism Director of the Year for taking the Turks and Caicos
Tourism brand to new heights, helping to lead the destination to the best year-over-year improvement in tourist arrivals of any destination in the Caribbean. “During his tenure at the Tourist Board, Ralph Higgs steered the organization through several metamorphoses, including over staffing to understaffing, and over funding to insufficient budgets. “However, the Tourist Board and the destination reinvented itself through a new marketing approach which sought the greatest return on investment and greater cooperation and collaboration with private sector partners. “The fundamentals of TCI Tourism are strong. Our natural sites and attractions, while some may need a little attention, are in pristine condition. Our room inventory is first class.
“Other offerings including culinary and our weekly cultural extravaganza (Fish Fry) are the envy of the region. We have never had more flights from international and regional gateways as we do now, and traveling between our Sister Islands has never been easier. Certainly our people have never been more embracing of our visitors and our tourism sector,” Higgs said. “This is a good time for TCI Tourism and the future holds as much promise as we may wish to extract from it. I am pleased and honored immensely to have led our Tourist Board and our country’s tourism through some of its lowest and highest periods to date. “I would like to sincerely thank the hardworking and dedicated staff of the Tourist Board, successive governments, successive Boards of Directors and the people of the Turks
Director of Tourism Ralph Higgs
and Caicos for the opportunity to serve. “I shall be around God’s willing, accessible and remain ready to assist where needed,” added Higgs. “Chairman of the Turks and Caicos Tourist Board, Don Gardiner, commended Higgs’ tenure as Director of Tourism, “The blocks Ralph laid and the challenges overcame in developing, building, and marketing the Turks and Caicos Islands as a world class destination is now the envy of many in the region.” “Gardiner lamented that“Ralph’s
contribution as an ambassador has no doubt left an indelible impression on us all. “His leadership, experience and sound judgment will be an asset to whomever and wherever his next journey takes him.” “The Board of Directors and Staff of the Turks and Caicos Tourist Board express their heartfelt thanks and gratitude for the many years of dedication, hard work and professional service Higgs has given to the Turks and Caicos Tourist Board and the tourism industry at large.”
August 6 - 12, 2016
2016 INDEPENDENCE MESSAGE TO JAMAICANS IN THE DIASPORA FROM THE PRIME MINISTER OF JAMAICA THE MOST HONOURABLE ANDREW HOLNESS, ON, MP My Jamaican brothers and sisters in the Diaspora, I greet you well. It is with a sense of honor and immense pride that I convey this message as Chief Servant of our beloved country, marking the 54th anniversary of our independence. The lowering of the Union Jack and the raising of the esteemed black green and gold bearing Jamaica flag as the clock struck midnight on August 5, 1962, ushering-in Independence Day on August 6 heralded the dawn of a new day for Jamaica and its people. Independence affirmed our sovereignty and bequeathed to us a launching pad for the creation of a more prosperous and justiciable society, where equality and respect for all would be guaranteed. As we mark this significant occasion each year we recall the epic struggles of our forebears and the tenacity of our founding fathers in their campaign for political independence. Each in their own way ignited the flames of freedom so we could emerge from colonial rule and truly pursue nationhood. To them we pay tribute. For to them, we are eternally indebted. As we reflect on the journey that culminated in our nation’s independence, let us recognize and embrace the role we are all called to play, whether at home or in the Diaspora, to make Jamaica as successful as she can be; enabling her many sons and daughters to pursue their aspirations and achieve their full potential. Independent Jamaica is now 54 years old. It means that we have been in command of our own affairs for over half a century. An important part of celebrating our Independence therefore, isreflecting on our stewardship of the resources and opportunities bequeathed to us. A prominent place has to be given in those reflections to the national decisions we have made as a country, and the consequences of those decisions. I have always maintained, we have accomplished much in 54 years as an independent state, but there is a shared view that we could have, and should have achieved so much more. The “Emanci-pendence” festivities must not distract us from our realities, or cause us to lose sight of the monumental work and sacrifices that still lie ahead of us. At the same time, we must not reflect for the sole purpose of engaging in blame. Indeed, this is a time for learning from our past experiences as a people, and recommitting as Jamaicans in the Diaspora, to playing a part in hastening the pace of Jamaica’s growth and developmentwhile avoiding the pitfalls of the past. As we celebrate the 54th anniversary of Jamaica’s independence, I implore you as members of the Diaspora to renew and reaffirm your commitment to playing a part in addressing critical aspects of
national life that remain issues of concern. I often express the view that Jamaicans domiciled in the Diaspora represent the commonwealth of Jamaica, and as such you must never cease focusing attention on matters pertinent to Jamaica’s development and the quality of life of its citizens. Yours must be a spirited and sustained campaign to mobilize the Diaspora and leverage the considerable influence and network of resources at your disposal to champion Jamaica’s cause and advance the development interests of our people. The management of our economy remains a critical area of focus. As you would appreciate, a lot of hard work has gone into implementing the structural reforms required under the existing 4-year Extended Fund Facility with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). My administration is unequivocally committed to fostering and maintaining macroeconomic stability, as well as sustained debt reduction. Importantly however, we are committed to exercising diligence and creativity in spurring growth, attracting investments, providing avenues for greater Diaspora participation, and creating jobs for our people. While our hands remain firmly on the wheel in ensuring successful completion of the existing IMF programme, collaboration with other key multilateral institutions is on in earnest, and talks have already begun as to the kind of relationship Jamaica will have with the IMF when the current programme ends in March 2017. The Government is fully cognizant that while considerable strides have been made in the implementation of economic reforms, Jamaica is by no means out of the woods. Let me encourage you to play a part as we recommit ourselves to improving the productivity and efficiency of our economy by ensuring that all our labour force is trained and certified and that businesses are able to retool and incorporate the latest technology into their production. As we continue our journey toward development and increased prosperity as a nation, it is imperative that we embrace the opportunities that lie before us and reach for the success we are capable of attaining. On the occasion of yet another celebration of our nation’s independence, I wish for you – our brothers and sisters abroad, a very happy and fulfilling Independence! The Most Honourable Andrew Holness, ON, MP Prime Minister of Jamaica 2016
August 6 - 12, 2016
Teens participate in a leadership workshop BY: DAISY HANDFIELD CHILDREN from the ages of 13 and 18 participated in a program which focused on leadership development training, hosted by the Church of God of Prophecy, in the Lower Bight, in conjunction with the Learn and Lead Centre. The initiative began on Monday, and was held throughout the whole week, at the Learn and Lead Centre, in the Grace Bay area. Young church goers from the Church of God of Prophecy, were given the opportunity to participate in this program. Founder of the Learn and Lead centre, Yolande Robinson, explained that youths needed more than academics to be successful, so the workshop was established to help these teens build their leadership skills. Throughout the week the students were taught on four key
elements: who we are, how to bring out leadership skills, personal management, and the type of citizens that they aimed on becoming. Youth director for the Church of God of Prophecy, Niclair Russell, said that in previous years the church conducted a workshop called ‘making a difference’. She said that this workshop looked at the overall development of teens, such as, taking care of their bodies, self-confidence, moving into the workforce, education, and skills building. “We focus on mind body and soul in those workshops, and we have different persons from around the country, as well as different churches to come in and speak to the kids on different topics. “This year we decided to partner with Ms Robinson, from the Learn and Lead Educational Centre, whose going to facilitate a leadership workshop for our teens this year.”
Young church goers participated in a leadership development program
Hospitality institution is a key ingredient to industry building BY MS. MICHELLE HOSTEN Chair of DepartmentHospitality & Culinary Studies TCI Community College
Another academic year 20162017 will soon be upon us at the TCICC (TCI Community College). The Hospitality department is set to play an integral role in providing training, qualifications and skills for nationals who seek careers in this field. The programme has been in existence, on a small scale, since the inception of the College in 1994 and today offers a 1- year Certificate in Hospitality Studies, 2-year Associate degree in Hospitality, Tourism or Culinary Arts and 2 additional years leading to the Bachelors Degree in Hospitality or Tourism Management. Why is it beneficial to attend the TCICC and be part of the Hospitality department? It provides the tools for persons seeking to upgrade their skills, preparing for promotion or who wish to build a career in this field. And, If you seek to learn
or fine tune your skills or do not have the time for full time study, then look at our 6-8 weeks short courses in cake decorating , mixology, wine appreciation, wait-staff training and customer service , beginning mid – September 2016. The vision of the department is geared towards providing needed training for all levels and fields in the industry, and not just in TCI. The careers and opportunities are vast and wide from supervisory, managerial to sole entrepreneurship. What have we done to ensure its brand? The staff comprises educated, well qualified, enthusiastic and experienced lecturers who have worked and/ or trained in the industry. The department continues to work on creating links for on the-job training at national and regional institutions. In addition, we have advisors who assist in funding, training and on site participation. The end result is a pool of potential employees, trained and capable, enthusiastic and committed to the development of our tourism product.
The 20 new police recruits have already embarked on a three month training camp
Police recruit 20 new faces TWENTY fresh faces were recently recruited by the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force (RTCIPF), and have already commenced the training process. According to a police press release, the men and women who started initial training on
August 1, are embarking on a three-month journey to become officers. Over the training period, the new recruits will undergo both classroom and situational training which includes, basic police procedures and duties, engage in swimming and
lifesaving, customer service, firearm, self-defence, drill and physical training. The officers are all sworn constables with full Police powers, but will be based in, and patrol main tourist areas, once their training is complete.
August 6 - 12, 2016
More than 80 percent of Beaches staff now certified A WHOPPING 1,600 staff members from Beaches Turks and Caicos are now certified in Emergency First Response, according to training officials from the resort. All team members are expected to complete this course and certification during the orientation period of their
hiring. According to a press release issued by the resort, this figure is out of a staff count of 1,900, making up more than 80 percent of the workers. Training department management trainee, Julianna Musgrove said: “For the year 2016 alone we have
Anguillian delegation in the TCI
TCI forges educational partnership with Anguilla BY OLIVIA ROSE THE MINISTRY of Education is forging more meaningful relationships with overseas territories in an effort to further enhance the local education system. This comes as the Ministry hosted several education officials from Anguilla from June 20 for a two day seminar. The Anguilla delegation included Mrs.Chanelle E.Petty Barrett, Permanent Secretary for Ministry of Education, Sports, Culture, Health and Social Development and Mr. Daren E. Webster, Facilities Manager with the Ministry responsible for Infrastructure in Anguilla. Their meeting with Education officials in the Turks and Caicos Islands was centered on developing a stronger medium to exchange information, ideas and best practices between ministries. The meeting came as a result of an earlier visit made by the Minister of Education, Youth, Sport and Library Services, Akierra Missick and Permanent Secretary Mrs. Cherylann Jones to Anguilla at the invitation of Anguillan officials. According to a Ministry release:“The purpose of the visit was a review of their progress regarding library services, special needs education and the developments associated with
their Community College and its expansion.” Following the Minister Missick`s visit to Anguilla she in turn invited Anguillan Education officials to the Turks and Caicos Islands where they conducted a visit to the the newly built Long Bay High School, alongside other new builds including the proposed Early Childhood Education classrooms at the Ona Glinton Primary School. The Anguillan officials were pleased with the reception from local education officials and members of the Public Works team who accompanied them, as they discussed issues related to the planning and development of the new schools. Commenting on their visit Education Minister Missick said: ‘I am committed to building partnerships among and between our colleagues from the other overseas territories. “Both the Permanent Secretary and I were happy to participate in the exchange with Anguillan officials.” She noted further: ‘The experience allowed for the sharing of information and opened the doorway for further collaboration between areas such as the Community College. We were happy to share our experience with the Long Bay High School and other projects and will look for other opportunities for collaboration.“
certified 527 persons in emergency response. “This is something that is important not only for guest safety, but individual safety as well, something these team members can take with them wherever they go.” The certification is up to worldwide standards, under the American Heart Association (AHA), and is valid for two years after which team members are recertified. It is executed by the training managers who are certified instructors with the AHA, with the use of manikins and active participation from their fellow colleagues. During this one-day role play exercise, emergency situations come to life as team members learn varying techniques for dealing with emergency situations that may arise for babies, infants, adults, and even women during pregnancy. Assistant Manager of the Training Department, Monique Graham, said that Emergency First Response has made a tremendous impact on the talents of Beaches. She said: “In that they are all equipped to take on any emergency situations whether it be on or off the
Over 80 percent of Beaches staff are now certified in Emergency First Response
resort. “The training covers first aid, choking, AED use, CPR, Adult child and infant care. “We’ve had instances where Talents actually had to use their skills in real life situation, from a choking adult to Infant CPR.” The Emergency First Response courses build amateur rescuer confidence to provide care when
faced with a medical emergency. Participants learn and practice the same patient care techniques and principles used by medical professionals, but at a lay person level. “This training gave me great confidence because it means that I am better able to assist anyone in an emergency situation if need be,” said Front Office Agent Donnell Williams.
Charisma University sees 35 new graduates
Web-based university sees 35 new graduates CHARISMA University, a webbased school, with a Providenciales campus, saw 35 new student graduate this past weekend. A graduation ceremony was held on July 30, at the Airport Inn hotel, in Providenciales. The pupils graduated with degrees, ranging from bachelor’s degrees to doctorates. Kaye-Ann Irving-Rigby, who graduated with her Master’s Degree stated: “It was hard but an enjoyable experience studying for my Master’s Degree. “Each module was held online and each module had its own professor
who was an expert in his own field. “Communication was always prompt and I received personalised service. I would truly recommend Charisma University.” The university is recognised by the Turks and Caicos Islands Ministry of Education as a degree-granting institution for associate’s degrees, bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees and the doctorates, along with certificate programmes. The school offers business degrees, which include BSc in accounting, BSc in finance, master of
business administration, engineering technology degrees, philosophy and religion degrees, psychology and behavioural sciences degrees, among others. It also consists of close to 100 professional teachers from the United States, Philippines and Nigeria, with most of them holding a Master’s Degree in their areas of teaching. People who are interested in registering can visit the Providenciales location at Neptune Court in Grace Bay or register online at www.charismauniversity.org. (DAISY HANDFIELD)
Lifestyle... Running shoes The function of a running shoe is to protect the foot from the stress of running, while permitting you to achieve your maximum potential. Selecting the right shoe for your foot can be confusing without the proper knowledge. People with low arches, called pronators, will need a shoe that provides stability. A shoe with good cushioning is important for people with high arches, called supinators. There are three main features that you need to consider when selecting a running shoe: shape, construction, and midsole. SHAPE To determine the shape of the shoe, look at the sole. Draw a straight line
from the middle of the heel to the top of the shoe. In a curve-shaped shoe, most comfortable for supinators, the line will pass through the outer half of the toes. A straight-shaped shoe will have a line that passes through the middle of the toes. These shoes are built to give pronators added stability. CONSTRUCTION Take out the insole and look at what type of stitching is used on the bottom. In board construction shoes, built specifically for pronators, the bottom of the shoe will not have any visible stitching. Combination shoes, appropriate for mild pronators or supinators, will have stitching that begins halfway.
Weekly Recipe
Easy One Pot Lasagna
Ingredients • 1 tablespoon olive oil • 3 Italian sausage links, casing removed • 14.5-ounce can diced tomatoes • 8-ounce can tomato sauce • 1 teaspoon dried oregano • 1 teaspoon dried basil • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder • 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes, optional • 8 ounces bowtie pasta • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste • 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese • 1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan • 1 cup ricotta cheese • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley leaves Instructions • Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium high heat. Add Italian sausage
and cook until browned, about 3-5 minutes, making sure to crumble the sausage as it cooks; drain excess fat. Stir in diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, oregano, basil, garlic powder and red pepper flakes; season with salt and pepper, to taste. Bring to a simmer and stir in pasta and 2 cups water. Bring to a boil; cover, reduce heat and simmer until pasta is cooked through, about 13-15 minutes. Remove from heat. Stir in mozzarella and Parmesan until well combined. Using a small cookie scoop, top with dollops of ricotta and cover until heated through, about 2-4 minutes. Serve immediately, garnished with parsley, if desired
On slip-constructed shoes, you will see stitching running the entire length of the shoe providing the flexibility supinators need. MIDSOLE Most of the cushioning and stability of a running shoe is determined by the midsole. A dual-density midsole provides shock absorption as well as some stability, perfect for pronators. Single density midsoles offer good cushioning but are not great at providing stability, making them better for supinators. Keep in mind that a chiropractor can help you prevent running-related problems by assessing your gait, as well as the mobility of the joints in your feet, legs, pelvis and spine.
YOUR BODY Dr Craig Zavitz is a Canadian chiropractor registered in the Turks and Caicos Islands. He specialises in gentle manual therapies, activator, therapeutic laser, and smoking cessation. To make appointments call 941-5252 or email craig@gracebaychiro.com. For more information visit www.gracebaychiro.com.
August 6 - 12, 2016
BY Dr Craig Zavitz
August 6 - 12, 2016
Minister Johnson Smith encourages Jamaicans overseas to register with Jamaican missions/ consular posts Senator the Hon. Kamina Johnson Smith, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, is reminding Jamaicans to register at our Embassies, High Commissions and Consulates responsible for consular relations with countries to which they travel. Her call comes in the wake of reports from overseas missions that no Jamaicans were injured during the recent shooting rampage in Munich, Germany, and also that the three-member Jamaican delegation that was in Istanbul Turkey during the attempted coup on Friday, July 15, had returned home safely.
“These most recent incidents - of terror and political disruption – are of great concern globally and to the peoples of the countries in which they occurred. They have also, however, reminded us in the Ministry that it is important to encourage Jamaicans who travel or who live in the Diaspora to register with the nearest Jamaican mission in the host country, so that we can more readily assist in emergency situations,” says the Minister. The Ministry advises that information on the location of Jamaica’s missions overseas can be accessed at:https://www. facebook.com/mfaftja.
The TCI Red Cross received a cheque donation from the chain of IGA supermarkets
Local supermarket donates to charity BY: DAISY HANDFIELD THE TURKS and Caicos Islands Red Cross was the recipient of a cheque donation for $2,706 from the chain of IGA supermarkets, in Providenciales, last week. The presentation was made at the supermarket’s main branch, on the Leeward Highway. One manager, Shade Wilson, told media houses that this initiative would not be
possible if it was not for all the support that the supermarkets receive from the community. She said: “We collect our funds through the community.” The manager explained that once the community became aware of the noble action, they were always more than willing to support. Donation boxes are installed at all of the checkout points in the supermarkets, and residents can slide in a donation at the end of their
grocery shopping. When receiving the cheque, TCI Red Cross representative, Lormeka Williams, thanked IGA and said that the funds will go towards relief efforts, and increasing the community’s preparedness for hurricanes. “On behalf of the Red Cross, we thank IGA stores for putting the boxes out, and we also thank the community for their generous support during the month of May, making
donations as they purchased their groceries,” she said. “The funds, as you know, always goes towards our Red Cross community efforts; and right now we are working very diligently for the hurricane season, to ensure that we are prepared.” The representative took the opportunity to appeal to the community at-large to take proper security measures during this hurricane season, and others to come.
Regional News
August 6 - 12, 2016
Butler-Turner: I can’t be bought LONG Island MP Loretta ButlerTurner on Tuesday revealed that the Free National Movement has presented several offers to her, including a promotion to Leader of Opposition Business in the House of Assembly, in an effort to “buy her off” to step away from the plethora of issues she has with the organisation. The MP rejected FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis’ declaration that he was again extending the olive branch to her and suggested that this was no more than a sham to entice supporters to step away from their principal reservations with the party. Central Grand Bahama MP Neko Grant currently holds the post of Leader of Opposition Business in the House. Mrs Butler-Turner, the former FNM leadership hopeful, further confirmed that the FNM has also offered a ratification for her constituency, a prominent role on the party’s general election campaign team and a senior Cabinet post should the party defeat the governing Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) in 2017. “Did they even tell Neko Grant that this is a consideration? I am not for sale,” Mrs Butler-Turner told The Tribune. “They are not going to offer me anything without the inclusion of the other members of Parliament.” “They can’t just try to buy the people off. I am for the Bahamian people and will remain a voice of the people.” Meanwhile, a senior FNM who requested anonymity told this newspaper that the offers presented to the MP raised serious questions regarding the party’s election process in addition to the motives of those at
There were no reports of any damage or injury from the earthquakes.
Mrs Butler-Turner, the former FNM leadership hopeful said she is: “for the Bahamian people and will remain a voice of the people.”
the helm of the organisation. “If she is so bad and after lambasting her and dragging her through the mud, why now are they coming with offers? I find it a bit curious given all of the issues she’s had with how the process itself went. One would begin to wonder if the process was really rigged from the beginning in an effort to ensure that Dr Minnis did remain party leader because he is power hungry.” Both Mrs Butler-Turner and former running mate Senator Duane Sands withdrew from the leadership race last Friday morning before party delegates went to cast votes for all executive posts of the FNM. It was reported that the pair and several high-ranking FNMs – including the party leader – that day engaged in several hours of negotiations, but no resolution was
agreed. She later told the media that apart from Deputy Leader Peter Turnquest’s harsh critique of her on Thursday night, which she said was the last straw, there had been serious challenges with the overall process. This included issues with the selection of the delegates and the final list of those persons. Her “Forward-Together” campaign also complained that the list was not readily available upon their requests. “I did not accept any offer. I am not for sale. I am standing up for the Bahamian people. I withdrew because the process was flawed,” she said. “Now they want to offer me gifts? I am a voice of the people and there is nothing they can offer. They can offer whatever and I am not going to accept. I am not for sale.
Earl blamed for six deaths in the DR Hurricane Earl was blamed for six deaths in the Dominican Republic. The system (then a Tropical storm) which was moving south of the country in the Caribbean Sea, knocked down power lines Sunday near the northeastern town of Nagua and started a fire that killed six passengers on a bus filled with people returning from a beach excursion. At least 12 others on board were injured, according to Diego Pesqueira, a spokesman for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. Conditions from the system (which later upgraded to a hurricane) may have also caused a tour boat to overturn near the Samana Peninsula on Sunday. Authorities recovered the bodies of three people and said four others were still missing. Military spokesman Arsenio Maldonado said a small craft advisory was in effect at the time but a cause of the incident has not yet been determined.
The six persons died after the storm knocked down power lines which started a fire in a bus that they were in.
Hurricane Earl was not expected to impact the United States. The Dominican Emergency Operations Center said that 19 of
the 32 provinces were on alert for potential flooding as the system continued to pass south of the country. (The Advertiser)
Two earthquakes rattle Caribbean THE University of the West Indies (UWI) Seismic Research Centre has reported two earthquakes this morning, one off Trinidad, another off Martinique. The first – a 4.3 magnitude quake – occurred at 3:58 a.m. 98 km northeast of Martinique’s capital, Fort-de-France; 112 km east of
Roseau, Dominica; and 141 km northeast of Castries, St. Lucia. Then at 9:13 a.m. a 4.0 magnitude tremor struck 71 km northwest of Port of Spain, 95 km west northwest of Arima, and 102 km northwest of San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago. There were no reports of any damage or injury. (Caribbean 360)
Trinidad has been a recruiting ground for ISIS with scores travelling from the Caribbean Islands to fight for the terrorist group.
Nine Trinidadians to be deported from Turkey after trying to join ISIS NINE Trinidad and Tobago nationals were expected to be deported from Turkey late Monday for allegedly trying to travel to Syria to join the terror group, Islamic State, also known as ISIS. Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi said that the men, like any other deportees, will be kept under strict surveillance. He added that evidence was currently being gathered to determine what possible charges they may face. He said these could range from facing a jail term, heavy sanctions and forfeiture of assets, the Trinidad Guardian reported. “At the end of the day anybody in an alleged circumstance of terrorism has to face the courts. There is due process and it must be done fairly but at the same time you have to take
an intelligence-based approach to this,” Al-Rawi said in an interview on Monday. According to the Daily Sabah, the men were detained by Turkish officials in Adana, while travelling in a truck on July 27. The truck was stopped by police acting on a tip-off that “foreigners” were said to be en route to join the terrorist organisation active in Syria and Iraq. Adana is among the cities near the Syrian border where foreign fighters attempt to illegally cross to join ISIS. A report from another Syrian newspaper on Monday said immigrations officials were unable to say when the Trinidad and Tobago nationals would be deported as there was no direct flight to Piarco Airport in Trinidad.
August 6 - 12, 2016
World News
Polls show Clinton comfortably ahead of Trump The pound has declined 11 percent against the dollar since the UK opted for Brexit.
Pound slides as Bank of England cuts rate THE pound fell the most in three weeks after the Bank of England cut interest rates for the first time since March 2009, part of a suite of stimulus measures to help boost the economy after the U.K.’s vote to leave the European Union in June. Sterling dropped at least 1 percent against all of its 16 major peers after the nine-member Monetary Policy Committee voted unanimously to lower the benchmark rate by 25 basis points to a record-low 0.25 percent. Officials led by Governor Mark Carney increased the central bank’s asset-purchase target for the first time in four years, raising the target by 60 billion pounds ($79 billion) to 435 billion pounds. U.K. government bonds jumped, pushing the 10-year gilt yield to a record low. The MPC also said it will buy as much as 10 billion pounds of corporate bonds in the next 18 months, though there was disagreement among the nine members about whether quantitative easing was warranted at this stage. Options trading showed the pound could fall further in coming months. “The BOE clearly is willing to provide an array of stimulus policies because it thinks that the U.K. economy is going to face substantial headwinds from Brexit,” said Peter Frank, global head of Group-of-10
currency strategy at Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA in London. “I think the BOE and the government is keen to see a much weaker pound.” The pound fell 1.1 percent to $1.3176 as of 1:23 p.m. London time, the steepest decline since July 15. It dropped to a 31-year low of $1.2798 on July 6. Sterling weakened 1 percent to 84.55 pence per euro. The decision to cut borrowing costs was forecast by all but two of 52 economists surveyed by Bloomberg, with the majority predicting a 25 basis-point reduction. Before the announcement, swaps pricing showed a 100 percent chance of a cut. Economists in a separate survey were less certain about the possibility of the BOE announcing further stimulus measures, with 23 of 44 analysts forecasting no change to the the central bank’s quantitativeeasing plan. “We feel this is an appropriate first step and anticipate further easing from the MPC in the coming months as the growth outlook becomes clearer,” said David Zahn, Londonbased head of European fixed income at Franklin Templeton Investment Management Ltd. “This is good news as it is supportive of the bond market. However, in general this will be slightly bearish for the pound.”
THE presidential race may have reached a turning point, as a new group of polls shows Hillary Clinton clobbering Donald Trump nationally and in swing states. A new national Fox News poll shows Clinton beating Trump by 10 percentage points, 49 percent to 39 percent — Clinton’s strongest postconvention national performance yet. In Pennsylvania, a state most observers believe is a must-win for Trump considering how the electoral math is shaping up, Franklin & Marshall has a new poll showing him trailing Clinton by 11 points — 49 percent to 38 percent. In New Hampshire, another swing state that was believed to be relatively close, WBUR’s new poll gives Clinton a massive 15 point lead over Trump (47 percent to 32 percent). And in Michigan — traditionally a Democratic state but one the Trump campaign had fantasised about winning as part of a “Rust Belt” strategy — Trump is down at a dismal 32 percent compared to Clinton’s 41 percent, according to Detroit News and WDIV-TV. A very important caveat here is that we are still in the immediate post-convention period — a period where the polls have often been very volatile, historically. And as Vox’s Jeff Stein has written, part of what’s going on here may be that Democrats are more likely to even answer polls in the wake of good feelings from their party’s convention. So it really isn’t clear yet if Clinton’s new lead will prove durable or temporary. (Polling averages currently have her ahead by 5 to 7 points nationally.) But by essentially all accounts,
The new polls predict a double digit lead for Hillary Clinton.
the past two weeks or so have been disastrous for Trump, as his attacks on the family of the late Captain Humayun Khan have proven extremely controversial and earned him the condemnation of even some prominent Republicans. There is even (likely baseless) chatter within the party about whether he might be dropped from the ticket. Indeed, in a result that should surprise no one, the Fox News poll finds that Trump’s attacks on the Khans are wildly unpopular. Sixtyfive percent of respondents were at least somewhat familiar with the controversy, and of them, 69 percent said Trump’s statements were “out of bounds” and a mere 19 percent said they were “in bounds.” Worse yet for Republicans, Trump’s dreadful performance also looks to be imperiling their hopes to keep the Senate.
The new New Hampshire poll shows Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R) down by 10 points to her challenger, Gov. Maggie Hassan (D) — an awful result for an incumbent. And in Pennsylvania, Sen. Pat Toomey (R), who’s believed by political professionals to be a much stronger candidate than his challenger Katie McGinty (D) — is losing by 1 point as well. As I wrote back in May, there is a Senate race in nearly every competitive presidential swing state and in some traditionally red states that could be surprisingly close this year (like Indiana, Missouri, and Arizona). So Democrats have long hoped that Trump’s presence at the top of the ticket could offer them a Senate landslide, and the party has generally done a solid job recruiting candidates for these races. In the past few months, Republican Senate incumbents have generally remained slightly ahead in polls. But Ayotte and Toomey’s troubles — especially Ayotte’s, since she’s in a much worse position — show that this may not last. Simply put, it’s just really difficult to run as a Republican when the Republican presidential nominee is so unpopular. In a Wednesday story, the New York Times’ Jennifer Steinhauer has a great quote from Fergus Cullen, a former New Hampshire GOP chair, to that effect. Cullen alluded to the 2008 and 2010 races, which were partisan landslides for Democrats and then Republicans, respectively. “Voters did not draw distinctions,” Cullen told Steinhauer. “It was not like Passover, where the door was marked, ‘This one should be spared.’ No, the Angel of Death came in and said ‘Let’s kill them all.’” (VOX)
Corbyn pledges to ‘rebuild Britain’ JEREMY Corbyn has set out 10 pledges “to rebuild and transform Britain”, as part of his bid to stay Labour leader. Speaking in Dagenham, east London, Mr Corbyn outlined plans to ensure full employment by creating one million jobs building new infrastructure. Mr Corbyn, who is facing a challenge from Owen Smith, insisted he could lead Labour to victory and rejected claims of a party split if he remained leader. Mr Corbyn and Mr Smith take part in the first hustings of the campaign later. The head-to-head debate in Cardiff is one of a series planned across the UK during the contest,
which ends on 24 September. In his speech in London, Mr Corbyn reiterated his claim that the UK’s economic model is “broken” and spoke about how the country can respond. “We need a Labour government that rebuilds and transforms Britain,” he said, committing to the creation of one million new jobs through investing £500bn in infrastructure, manufacturing and new industries. The money would be raised through “an expanding economy and driving down tax evasion”, he said. He detailed 10 areas Labour would seek to reform, including promises to create full employment, at least half a million new council homes, a new “National Education
Service”, providing universal public childcare, and ending private-sector involvement in the NHS. Mr Corbyn said under his leadership the party would “ignore nobody, forget nobody”, and “at the end of the first term of a Labour government we won’t be talking about left-behind Britain - we’ll be talking about inclusion in Britain”. He told the audience his campaign was not just aimed at Labour members, but was “a campaign for the entire public to be involved in”. “This is a preparation for a general election when we can win that general election and produce decency and real opportunity for everyone in our society,” he added.
Jeremy Corbyn, who is facing a challenge from Owen Smith, insisted he could lead Labour to victory and rejected claims of a party split if he remained leader.
HEAD OF LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT Type: Permanent Location: Digicel TCI, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF THE JOB:
The role of Head of Learning and Development is a pivotal one for Digicel TCI. It is a role that encompasses a wide range of responsibilities that are critical to our long term success and our strategic objective of becoming an Employer of Choice. The scope of this role includes Performance Management, Succession Management, Content Development and Delivery, Executive Coaching and Business Partnering. You will also be responsible for providing leadership for a team of Learning and Development professionals – guiding, motivating and developing them to excel in their roles.
• Design and develop a process of identifying and developing potential future leaders or senior managers, as well as individuals to fill other business-critical positions, either in the short- or the long-term. • Define a robust succession management process to uncover, assess and discuss talent on an ongoing basis enterprise-wide • Understand key features of a strategic talent review process, including business alignment and follow-through on action plans • Assess individual leader beliefs and capabilities specific to the development of talent and the process of succession • Determine your organization’s maturity level in the succession management matrix and the steps you can take to progress to the next level • Determine your organization’s high-potential talent • Define key and critical positions for ensuring your company’s long-term success and viability • Understand the considerations for integrating succession management with performance management, leadership development and recruiting; and, • Identify the vendors that offer strong solutions, and are best-suited to meet your organization’s highest-priority needs and long-term succession management strategy. • Development and implementation of training programs needed to meet the learning objectives of the organization which align with the business strategy and corporate initiatives • Facilitate/deliver key learning programs and develop curriculum e.g. Digicel Engage and Women in Leadership Learning series (WILL) • Design management and professional development learning programs with specific focus on CEO and SLT levels • Work closely with the People Operations leadership and business leadership to understand ongoing needs and strive for continuous improvement and upgrades in training program effectiveness • Day-to-day L&D point of contact for team HR Business Partners and Managers • Partner with organization leaders to implement innovative training solutions (e.g., classroom, e-learning, and social networking tools), that address organizational skills gaps and enable successful achievement of business objectives • Assess relevant training needs for staff individuals and organisation, in consultation with departmental heads, including assessment methods and measurement systems entailed. • Stay informed as to relevant skill and qualifications levels required by staff for effective performance, and circulate requirements and relevant information to the organisation as appropriate. • Produce organisational strategy and plans to meet training and development needs, and manage training delivery, measurement and follow-up as necessary.
IPhone fire left man with severe burns AN Australian man is asking Apple to warn the public about the dangers of mobile phone batteries after his iPhone 6 caught fire, leaving him with severe burns. Gareth Clear, a 36-year-old management consultant from Sydney, told local papers the phone caught fire when he fell off his bicycle. He posted pictures of his injury on Twitter. Apple has not responded to requests for comment. Mr Clear fell off his bicycle while cycling along a Sydney bike trail at the weekend. His phone was in a pocket of his shorts. “I just saw smoke coming out of my back pocket... and then all of a sudden I felt this surging pain in my top right leg,” he told the Sydney Morning Herald. “I could see it melting through my shorts. I just remember looking at my leg and I had this black discharge all down my leg and this smell of phosphorus.” Mr Clear said his injuries required skin graft surgery. Lithium-ion batteries can catch fire if they are involved
Is looking for the following:
The man told local papers his iPhone 6 caught fire when he fell off his bicycle.
in an impact. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission said it receives around one to two reports of consumer injuries from mobile phone batteries each year. It recommends that people
Must be willing to work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour. Contact: 242-0942. Deadline for application is August 20th, 2016
PAINT SPECIALIST Must be skilled in Wallpaper, Venetian Plaster, Inter/ Exterior stucco finish, Color mixing. Must be willing to work 6 days per week. Salary $600.00 per week.
10 years + experience in Learning and Development 10 years+ in telecoms industry Experience in developing diverse and multi-lingual employees Coaching and training related qualifications
Ad is for renewal however positions open to all suitably qualified applicants. Salary ranges from $60,000.00 – 72,000.00. Interested applicants can forward their resumes to hrtci@digicelgroup.com . The closing date for applications is August 19th 2016 11955
do not carry mobile phones in their pockets. In the US, lithium ion batteries in “hoverboards” have been blamed for 12 incidents, in some cases destroying bedrooms and even entire homes.
• • • •
August 6 - 12, 2016
CONTACT: 231-1205
T.C. INDUSTRIAL Is looking to fill the following positions:
ELECTRICIAN WELDER Salary $10.00 per hour.
CONTACT: 231-1205
August 6 - 12, 2016
Is seeking one
Point Grace is currently seeking Housekeeping staff. We are looking for a trained and enthusiastic housekeeper to join our team. The successful candidate will have several years experience in this position in a luxury hotel. Ability to work well under pressure and good communication skills, including excellent English, are essential; must have a pleasant and outgoing personality. In addition to regular housekeeping duties, the jobs include, turndown service, shifts in laundry, and common areas. Must be willing to work evenings, weekends and holidays.
To join their team.
Applicant must be self-directed, independent, and have the ability to work 7 days/week. Applicant must have 4 years real estate sales and marketing experience with luxury properties. Applicant must own a car, computer, and mobile device, and have the ability to travel to meet clients/investors. Position is non-salaried, commission-based only. Interested applicants please call Mr. Bonrud at (649) 431-4542 until August 1, 2016. 11907
To work 6 days a week interested persons please contact us on 339-3585 or email enquiries@ 11957 mcn.tc.
Wages range: $6.25 to $7.00 per hour (commensurate with experience), plus service charge
CONTACT: 246-3508/ 231-3788 OR 946-4894
WE, MERIDIAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION LTD., of P.O. Box 599, Level 2, La Vele Plaza, Grace Bay, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, under the powers contained in a Collateral Debenture dated the 26th day of November, 2013 made between Club Nowhere Ltd. and Meridian Mortgage Corporation Ltd. in pursuance of and the exercise of the power conferred on us by the said Collateral Debenture, HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT KEITH D BURANT of Level 2, La Vele Plaza, Grace Bay, Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands, was on the 13th day of July, 2016 appointed as Receiver of Club Nowhere Ltd. Dated this the 13th day of July, 2016 MERIDIAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION LTD
Belongers need only apply
Please apply in writing to: Point Grace, PO Box 700, Grace Bay, Providenciales. Email: humanresources@pointgrace.com Fax: 946-5097
TECHNICAL PRE SALES ENGINEER DIRECT REPORT TO THE HEAD OF BUSINESS SALES PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF THE JOB: The Technical Pre Sales Engineer will be responsible for the management and deployment of ICT solutions. They will work with the Business sales team to provide technical solutions and products. This will include but not limited to Cloud based Corporate networks, PBXs, DIA, and to assist in the design and implementation. They will provide first-line identification and resolution of faults, and ensure that all required documentation is maintained in a timely basis.
• Developing relationships with TCI Business’s and Government ICT departments with Digicel’s Business Solutions ICT Team • Provide consultancy, design and development services to Digicel’s Corporate Clients • Support the ICT Solutions Sales team on all technical Sales Opportunities • Act as a technical resource to both internal and external clients • Drive multi service ICT revenues on multi year contracts for Business Voice, Data VPN, Internet, Data Hosting, IP PBX services. • Work with internal and external resources to develop solutions for corporate clients • Interface directly with customers on technical issues where necessary • Attend customer sites and present on Digicel capabilities and future plans • Assist in the design of networks, services, systems architecture, systems as well as the development and integration of overall solutions • Activities will include analysis, design (both for high and lower level solutions), development, testing/integration and maintenance/support • Complete CRM and prospecting reports for the ICT Solutions Manager
• • • • •
Minimum of a Bachelors Degree in Computer Sciences. Minimum of 5 years experience in IT/IP and ICT. CCNA, CCDA certification and Solid hands on experience with Cisco devices. Experience with PBXs and IP Voice Gateways. In-depth knowledge of LAN and WAN technologies specifically switching and routing.
Salary ranges from $42,000.00 – 66,000.00. Interested applicants can forward their resumes to hrtci@digicelgroup. com . The closing date for applications is August 19th, 2016
August 6 - 12, 2016
West hints at collaborative album with Drake YEEZUS may have answered the prayers of rap fans everywhere. Hip-hop star Kanye West strongly teased during a show that he and fellow hiphop honcho Drake would be teaming up for a collaborative album. “Is y’all ready for this album?” West — making a surprise appearance during Drake’s set — asked the OVO Fest audience in Toronto on Monday night. “Now, I’m not talking about ‘Pablo.’ I wasn’t talking about ‘Views,’” he continued, referring to his and Drake’s respective albums this year. “I wanna ask y’all right now, y’all ready for THIS album?” It’s not the first time the “Famous” artist has hinted at a possible collaboration with Drake. Last year, West revealed on “The Breakfast Club” radio show that his hit “Wolves” stemmed from a discussion he had with Drake about working together. “The ‘Wolves’ song came
Clint Eastwood (left) says that Donald Trump’s candidness is refreshing.
Clint Eastwood: ‘I’d have to go for Trump’ West and Drake have publicly discussed the possibility of them teaming up in the past.
from a conversation that me and Drake had, when was gonna do an album together, and the album was called Wolves,” West divulged. Then, earlier this year, West declared on Twitter that he, Drake and Future could be teaming up for a project as well. “Drake would come by and just help, no strings,” he wrote. “Future also came by to write.
We all got new s--t together that’s gonna drop soon.” Drake, meanwhile, has also addressed the possibility of he and Yeezy coming together for an album in the past, telling NME in April that they were “supposed to do a mixtape together.” “We’ll just sit and collaborate,” he said of West. “We have a few things that we’ve worked on. It’s all about
finding a place for it.” The rap duo has been featured on several songs together in the past, including Drake’s “Pop Style” earlier this year and his star-studded hit “Forever” in 2007. Despite West’s proclamation on Monday night, neither rapper has officially announced a collaborative album between them as of yet.
HE isn’t breaking out his chair again, but Clint Eastwood has something to say about this election. Trump racked up support from the actor and director, though not an official endorsement. Eastwood told Esquire that if he had to pick between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, “I’d have to go for Trump.” He continued, criticising Hillary Clinton, “You know, ‘cause she’s declared
that she’s gonna follow in Obama’s footsteps. There’s been just too much funny business on both sides of the aisle. She’s made a lot of dough out of being a politician.” Eastwood is no stranger to politics. He made headlines for interviewing an empty chair representing President Obama during the 2012 Republican National Convention and even served as mayor of Carmelby-the-Sea, California.
Buying or selling? I can help!
SUMMER FEATURED PROPERTIES George RR Martin said that he will be releasing a special illustrated version of Game Of Thrones.
RR Martin to release new Game Of Thrones book
B304 Queen Angel Fully Furnished Ocean View Spacious Asking $150,000 MLS 1400357
Bay Wells Town Home 2 bed 2.5 bath Turn-Key Close to Grace Bay Beach Asking $269,500 MLS 1600127
Contact me for these and other listings...
Vacant Land Located in Blue Mountain Quiet Street, Potential views 47 acres Asking $69,500 MLS 1600342
AS Game Of Thrones hit its 20 year milestone, George RR Martin has announced that he is to release a new novel in October. Yet it isn’t the Songs Of Ice And Fire instalment that everybody is waiting for. Rather than pleasing fans with the news that the highly anticipated Winds Of Winter is finally ready for release, Martin has in fact said that he will be releasing a special illustrated version of Game Of Thrones. Addressing fans in a LiveJournal blog post, Martin said that “it has been a helluva twenty years, twenty years that have transformed my
life and career, twenty years during which the novel has never been out of print. And something like that has to be commemorated.” He further continued “an anniversary like this requires something special, something more than just a reprint and a new novel. This new edition will be very special, I think. Same story, of course. But we’ve added an introduction by the World Famous Nebula Toastmaster John Hodgman... and a truly astonishing amount of artwork... a total of seventythree (73) black and white interior illustrations, and eight spectacular full colour plates.”
August 6 - 12, 2016
August 6 - 12, 2016
August 6 - 12, 2016
Eddie Redmayne stars as Newt Scamander in Fantastic Beasts.
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them sequel confirmed WARNER Bros has announced a sequel to upcoming Harry Potter spinoff film Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. The news comes three months before the first film, starring Eddie Redmayne, is due in cinemas. JK Rowling, who made her screenwriting debut on Fantastic Beasts, will also script the sequel. Warner Bros said the second film “moves deeper
into an increasingly dark time for the wizarding world”. David Yates - who directed the final four Harry Potter films - will return at the helm, having also directed Fantastic Beasts. Rowling previously said the Fantastic Beasts films - based on her book of the same name - would be a trilogy, but this is the first time Warner Bros has confirmed the plan.
August 6 - 12, 2016
Ava DuVernay previously directed 2014’s Oscar-winning Selma and is currently working on OWN series Queen Sugar, which has already been renewed for a second season ahead of its fall premiere date.
DuVernay set to become first black woman to direct a $100 million film THE news that Ava DuVernay was directing the upcoming A Wrinkle in Time was exciting enough, but it just got even better: The Los Angeles Times reports that, with this film, she will become the first woman of colour to direct a live-action movie with a budget of more than $100 million. “Not the first capable of doing so,” she tweeted in response
to the news Wednesday. “Not by a long shot. Thanks to @ DisneyStudios for breaking the glass with me.” DuVernay previously directed 2014’s Oscar-winning Selma and is currently working on OWN series Queen Sugar, which has already been renewed for a second season ahead of its fall premiere date. She’ll be directing A Wrinkle in Time, based on Madeleine L’Engle’s 1963 novel of the same name, from a script by Frozen’s Jennifer Lee. She further commented on the milestone in a response to a tweet that said, “There have been 335 films made for 100 million dollars or more. Not ONE was directed by a black woman, until [DuVernay’s] A Wrinkle in Time.” DuVernay responded, “A shame. Hollywood and audiences have missed some wonderful voices. High hopes for change.”
Kesha alleges the music producer, and her former mentor, sexually and emotionally abused her.
Kesha drops assault claims against Dr Luke in LA but not NY KESHA has dropped sexual assault claims against Dr Luke in California, but will continue with them in New York. She alleges the music producer, and her former mentor, sexually and emotionally abused her. He denies all accusations. While the charges have been on-going she has not been able to release any new music as she is on his label. The 29-year-old had previously asked a judge to leave Luke’s Kemosabe Records, owned by Sony Music, but her request was refused in April. Her lawyer says they are dropping the allegations in Los Angeles so she can focus her legal efforts in New York - including the one that prevented her from leaving Kemosabe records.
Dr Luke, 42, whose real name is Lukasz Gottwald, has denied Kesha’s allegations that date back to 2005, not long after she signed with him. He claims she made up that story in an attempt to ruin his reputation to try to get out of her recording contract. Dr Luke, who has also worked with Katy Perry, One Direction and Maroon 5, has never been charged with any crime. Kesha’s lawyer says she has submitted 28 new songs to Luke’s label and has a “strong desire to release her next album and single as soon as possible”. Her last public performance was at the Billboard Music Awards in May, where she performed Bob Dylan’s It Ain’t Me, Babe.
August 6 - 12, 2016
August 6 - 12, 2016
946-4664 Fax: 946-4661
Email: tcnews@tciway.tc
Website: tcweeklynews.com
Must have thorough knowledge in the floral business with 3-5 years experience.
Call: 231-3788
Is looking for a
ROOSEVELT OUTTEN Is looking for a
DARON EWING Is looking for a
Is looking for a
Is looking for a
COSMETOLOGIST / NAIL TECHNICIAN With 5 years experience Should be able to do: • Bridal Styles • Highlights/ Low Lites • Relax • Color • Cut blow dry with brush • Pedicures and Manicures Salary $6.25 per hour
Is looking for a
LABOURER to work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour.
CONTACT: 649-432-1778
Deadline for application is August 20th, 2016 11951
KITCHEN DOMESTIC HELPER STEEL MANAGER CLEANER To work 6 days To work 6 days WORKER per per week salary week salary To work 5 days per week salary $6.25 per hour. Contact: 649-243-5791 deadline for application is August 10th, 2016
$6.25 per hour.
CONTACT: 649-345-5305
to work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 649-242-4240
$4,500 monthly.
CONTACT: 442-2631
August 6 - 12, 2016
DOMESTIC HAIR DRESSER To work 6 days WORKER per week salary to work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour.
CONTACT: 649-244-6031
Is looking to fill the following positions:
WAITRESS COOK Must be willing to work 6 days per week. Salary $6.25 per hour.
CONTACT: 649-241-2855 11944
• Code development, testing, system analysis, trouble shooting, mobile apps creation • Degree from accredited college, at least 5 years experience in IT and software development for a major bank • Experience working with ATM machines • Fluent in speaking and writing in both English and Spanish
BARTENDER Must be willing to work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour.
CONTACT: 241-6307
$6.25 per hour.
CONTACT: 649-347-3150 11942
LABOURER To work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour. Contact: 649-8477 deadline for application is August 22nd, 2016
Is looking to fill the following positions:
$18.50 per hour
ELECTRICIANS $18.50 per hour
CARPENTER $18.50 per hour
$30.00 per hour
$6.50 per hour Must be willing to work 5 days per week 11945
Is looking for a
CONTACT: 649-232-7256 11940
To clean the office must be able to work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour.
CARPENTER HELPER Main duties will be Labourer duties. Must be able to speak English, Salary starts at $6.50 per hour. Will have to work 6 days a week. Deadline for applications is August 5, 2016. INTERESTED PERSONS SHOULD SEND APPLICATIONS VIA FAX AT (649) 941-8472 ONLY APPLICANTS SELECTED WILL BE CONTACTED.
The Events Director and Assistant to Executive Chef will be responsible for scheduling and labour forecasting, cross promotions and sourcing out additional revenue streams, promotional material to be created and executed; proper accounting and reconciliation of the point of sale, comps and promo tabs managing physical inventory for the front of the house, ordering and costing ,training the front of house staff in fine dining and wine service, positive guest experience and exceeding customer expectations.
Applications are invited from suitable qualified candidates for the following position:
Requirements include: Relevant experience; a clean police record; group 3 driver’s license; a successful drug screen; excellent health and mobility allowing for the handling and delivery of heavy cylinders at least a high school diploma; must possess a good employment track record; customer service skills; industrial or auto mechanical repair and maintenance experience or knowledge; experience with retail and front-line sales; working experience and proficiency in QuickBooks; inventory control would also be an asset and at least 1 year experience in proper handling of hazardous materials. Starting wage $6.25 per hour
• Minimum Five years of kitchen experience, catering high end functions, able to train the kitchen staff to prepare and execute international hors d’oeuvre style cuisine such as tapas and pincho’s for up to 300 guests; • Proficient with Sage Software; • Experienced in menu design, familiar with allergies and food sensitivities; • Certified in health and food safety; • Experienced in expediting the kitchen and delegating a team of up to 30; • Experience in procuring high profile events including pricing, invoicing, profit projections.
Applications comprising a letter; resume; references; police record; drug test; etc.; should be sent to:
Salary to commensurate with experience. PLEASE CONTACT:
11919 11915
August 6 - 12, 2016
Great House Management Company Limited
Great House serves as the focal point for the entire Sailrock Development and as the anchor for the beachfront villas which will surround it. Great House with its restaurant, bar, lounge, fresh market and stunning infinity edge pool offers numerous desired modern amenities. If you enjoy creating exceptional experiences and believe on making a different, you may be just the person we are looking for to work as part of our Pre-Opening team. Current multiple opening positions on our Hotel Operations-
Front Office Manager JOB SUMMARY-
• Responsible for all front office functions and staff. Areas of responsibility include Bell Staff, Switchboard Operations, Guest Services/Front Desk and Retail/ Gift Shop, as applicable. As a department head, directs and works with managers and employees to successfully execute all front office operations, including guest arrival and departure procedures. Strives to continually improve guest and employee satisfaction and maximize the financial performance of the department.
• Minimum of 2 years Front Desk leadership role experience. • High School Diploma or equivalent required, Bachelor’s degree preferred. • Proficient with PMS system. • Able to handle cash and credit transactions. • Computer literacy and financial management a must. • Able to effectively deal with internal and external customers, some of whom will require high level of patience, tact and diplomacy to defuse anger and collect accurate information and resolve conflicts.
Airport Representative JOB SUMMARY-
• Primarily responsible to ensure that all arrival guests with flight details are paged and assisted with luggage and transportation. • Assists hotel guests during pick and transfer. • Receive VIP guests at the airport on behalf of the hotel and provide required assistance. • Additionally act as the hotels ambassador at the airport and promote the hotel rooms, facilities and services according to the hotels operational standards.
• • • • •
Previous hotel-related experience desired. Experience in operating Computers. College/University Diploma in Hotel Management. Excellent communications skills (Verbal & Written). Must be able to handle a multitude of tasks in an intense, ever- changing environment while remaining calm and collective. • Must be flexible in terms of working hours. • Proficient in Microsoft Windows applications
Guest Service Agents JOB SUMMARY-
• The main functions of the Guest Service Agent are to check guests into and out of the hotel, and operate the switchboard to ensure efficient communication within, to, and from the hotel. • Maintain a welcoming attitude and welcome all service questions and requests. • The Guest Services Agent is directly responsible for the prompt, efficient, and courteous check in and check
• • • • • • • •
out of guests, collecting monies for services rendered during a guest stay, routing all calls appropriately and politely, taking messages accurately, handling fax transmissions appropriately, and for meeting many other guest needs during their stay. QualificationsMinimum 1 year previous front desk experience in a full service hotel. High School Diploma or equivalent required, Bachelor’s degree preferred. Excellent communication skills both oral and written. Must have strong computer skills, epitome knowledge is a plus. Requires standing/walking throughout shift. Outgoing personality, with service oriented individual needed. Ability to multi-task.
Bellman/Driver JOB SUMMARY-
• Assist guests by lifting and carrying of guest baggage on and off the shuttle van (arrival/departure/room move), delivery to the appropriate occupied rooms. • Provide information and respond to guest inquiries regarding hotel services, attractions, directions, etc. in order to maximize guest satisfaction. • Monitor and address ongoing maintenance needs of the shuttle van, etc. • Maintain cleanliness of the vehicle used, including window/windshield washing, vacuuming of the interior, removing garbage, etc. • Maintain cleanliness of the hotel parking lot. • Assist in other departments/areas of the hotel (breakfast, laundry, housekeeping, etc.) as needed, includes dropping/picking up guests for daily activities as required.
• Must have a high school diploma or equivalent. • Must be flexible in hours and days worked. • Must be able to speak, read, write and understand English. • Must be able to repetitively lift and carry up to 50 pounds on a regular basis. • Must have sound judgment and discretional skills and be able to work with little or no supervision. • Must display very good organization and time management skills. • Must have excellent communication and interpersonal skills with the ability to interact with many types of personalities.
Executive Housekeeper JOB SUMMARY-
• Mainly responsible for overseeing all housekeeping/ laundry operations to deliver an excellent Guest and Member experience. • An Executive Housekeeper would also be required to evaluate guest satisfaction and set department targets and objectives. • Specifically, you will be responsible for performing the day to day operation to the highest standards. • Executive housekeeper direct and control housekeeping operations and staff of the housekeeping department. • Co-ordinates between housekeeping crews to inspect
assigned areas to ensure standards are met. • Manages many priorities and demands and is able to solve problems, support staff, as well as perform the duties of a housekeeper when required.
• Minimum of 2 years Housekeeping leadership role experience. • High School Diploma or equivalent required, Bachelor’s degree preferred. • Proficient with PMS system. • Computer literacy and financial management a must. • Able to effectively deal with internal and external customers, some of whom will require high level of patience, tact and diplomacy to defuse anger and collect accurate information and resolve conflicts.
Housekeeping Attendant JOB SUMMARY-
• Clean and maintain rooms/villas/public hotel areas according to established brand/ hotel guest service and sustainability standards.
• Previous housekeeping experience preferred. • Previous background from the hospitality industry preferred. • Must have a high school diploma or equivalent. • Must be flexible in hours and days worked. • Must be able to speak, read, write and understand English. • Requires standing for extended periods, walking, pushing, pulling, lifting up to 25 pounds, reaching, bending and kneeling to reach all areas. • Usage of cleaning chemicals.
Laundry Attendants JOB SUMMARY-
• Works within the Housekeeping Management Team to assist Room Attendants on assigned floors or buildings by collecting dirty linens and transporting to the laundry area, delivering clean linens to Room Attendant carts, and retrieving trash throughout the hotel. • Assist with the commercial laundry function and/or the cleaning of public area spaces, exterior entrances to the hotel, and parking lot. • Will be assigned special projects as assigned by the Housekeeping Manager.
• Previous housekeeping/Laundry experience preferred. • Previous background from the extended stay industry preferred. • Must be flexible in hours and days worked. • Must be able to speak, read, write and understand English. • Requires standing for extended periods, walking, pushing, pulling, lifting up to 25 pounds, reaching, bending and kneeling to reach all areas. • Will be required to regularly use commercial cleaning chemicals.
August 6 - 12, 2016
Great House Management Company Limited Assistant Restaurant Manager JOB SUMMARY-
• Select, train, evaluate, lead, motivate, coach, and discipline all employees in the Hotel’s operating Restaurant to ensure that established cultural and core standards are met; daily activities and planning for outlet operation. • The ability to be visible in the operation, provide recognition, promote good public relations, and handle complaints, concerns or special requests for guests, clients, and group contacts. • Describe and ensure quality of all food items, ingredients, and preparation methods, as well as provide expert knowledge of wine and spirits in an elegantly appointed environment dedicated to an attentive and distinctive experience for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. • Control labor and operating expenses through effective scheduling, budgeting, purchasing decisions, and inventory and cash control. • Attend regular operational meetings to ensure effective coordination and cooperation between departments. • Observe physical condition of facilities and equipment in the outlet and make recommendations for corrections and improvements as needed.
• Two years previous experience in a supervisory or assistant manager position in Food & Beverage. • College degree preferably specializing in hotel/ restaurant management or equivalent experience is required. • Requires a working knowledge of division operations policies, and standard operating procedures. • Knowledge of food & beverage service, cost control, labor control, maintenance, merchandising, and accounting. • Requires ability to operate computer equipment and other food & beverage computer systems. • Positive attitude with a generous and uplifting team approach. • Ability to proactively anticipate and prioritize the needs of the guest. • Energetic and professional approach to his/her craft.
• This is a very important role for us and we rely heavily on our serving staff. They manage the pulse of the dining room and ensure patrons have a memorable dining experience. • Food and beverage serving skills- Advise on menu selections; Serve food and beverages; Present bills to customers and accept payment in cash, credit or debit cards, or room billings; Describe menu items including daily specials for customers; Take orders and relay to kitchen and bar staff; Greet patrons, present menus, make recommendations and answer questions regarding food and beverages.
• Minimum 1-2 years of experience in quality restaurant and/or bar operations. • Knowledgeable and experienced in food service. • Knowledgeable and experience in beverage service. • Ability to be on time and present for all scheduled shifts including weekends and holidays. • Excellent interpersonal skills.
• Responsible for preparing standard mixed drinks and pouring wine and beer, as well as preparing mixed drinks to match specific guest orders, adhering to specifications standard. • Take food orders at bar and assists servers with food service as required, utilizing suggestive selling techniques. • Prepare classic cocktails, mixed drinks, wines & spirits beverages. • Ensures consistent beverage preparation, presentation and quality. • Maintains knowledge of all menus. • Ensure all working areas are maintained in a clean and hygienic condition at all times • Maintain bar area and glassware throughout the shift, prepare for opening and closing. • Maintain and control inventory of bar stock and supplies, maintains kegs, stocks shelves in the bar area. • Manage the bar opening and closing duties. • Use proper measuring equipment for all liquor and liqueurs to ensure proper distribution of alcohol. • Comply with all food and beverage regulations. • Maintain a positive attitude that promotes teamwork within the restaurant. • Qualifications• Minimum 1-2 years of experience in quality bar operations. • Knowledgeable and experienced in food service. • Knowledgeable and experience in beverage service. • Ability to be on time and present for all scheduled shifts including weekends and holidays. • Excellent interpersonal skills. • Must be of legal age to serve alcohol. • Must be able to work with minimal supervision and have a strong initiative. • You must be able to perform efficiently during high volume peak periods.
Chef De Partie JOB SUMMARY-
• Working in partnership with the Executive Chef & B; assist in organizing and facilitating the day-to-day operations of the kitchen. • Working closely with the Executive chef & B in consistent product execution. • Assist in creating a progressive kitchen culture by engaging all members of the kitchen to be involved in the creative process of menu development. • Facilitate teamwork and maintain accountability for the creation of outstanding cuisine.
• Minimum 1-2 years of experience in quality restaurant operations on a similar capacity • Knowledgeable and experienced in food service • Knowledgeable and experience in beverage service • Ability to be on time and present for all scheduled shifts including weekends and holidays • Excellent interpersonal skills • Must be able to work with minimal supervision and have a strong initiative. • You must be able to perform efficiently during high volume peak periods.
Commis (Chef) JOB SUMMARY-
• This role entails preparation of food and the maintenance of cleanliness in the kitchen. • Third Cooks are to assume responsibility for their station if assigned. • They are to perform all duties allocated by the Chefs and senior cooks using proper and safe techniques. • Ensures food ingredients are available, cut, washed and stored.
• Prepares, seasons and cooks food products, ensuring proper cooking techniques are adhered to. • Prepares sauces as required. • Work in compliance with the provisions of the OHSA, regulations, and internal policies and procedures. • Attend all required health and safety training programs (e.g. WHMIS, orientation), and apply knowledge to daily operating procedures. • Various duties as assigned by Chef de Partie.
• Minimum 1-2 years of experience in quality restaurant operations on a similar capacity. • Knowledgeable and experienced in food service. • Knowledgeable and experience in beverage service. • Ability to be on time and present for all scheduled shifts including weekends and holidays. • Excellent interpersonal skills. • Must be able to work with minimal supervision and have a strong initiative. • You must be able to perform efficiently during high volume peak periods.
• Prepare and present main entrée’s, appetizers, and side orders. • Assist in the preparation of food items (i.e., preparing vegetables, meat, fish, salads, desserts, cold plates) for service. • Maintain a clean and organized work station. • Comply with food safety, sanitation, and workplace safety regulations. • Set up and stock stations with all necessary supplies. • Cook menu items in cooperation with the rest of the kitchen staff. • Stock inventory appropriately. • Ensure that food comes out simultaneously, in high quality and in a timely fashion. • Maintain a positive and professional approach with coworkers and customers.
• Minimum 1-2 years of experience in quality restaurant operations on a similar capacity. • Knowledgeable and experienced in food service. • Knowledgeable and experience in beverage service. • Ability to be on time and present for all scheduled shifts including weekends and holidays. • Excellent interpersonal skills. • Must be able to work with minimal supervision and have a strong initiative. • You must be able to perform efficiently during high volume peak periods.
• Main responsibility is to maintain the cleanliness of the china, glass & silver, a safe & hygienic work environment, garbage removal & maintain/monitor of the operations needs/inventory.
• Minimum 1-2 years of experience in quality restaurant operations on a similar capacity. • Knowledgeable and experienced in food service. • Knowledgeable and experience in beverage service. • Constant standing and walking throughout shift. • Frequent lifting and carrying up to 30 lbs. • Occasional kneeling, pushing, pulling, lifting. • Fluent written and spoken English. • Must be able to work with minimal supervision and have a strong initiative. • You must be able to perform efficiently during high volume peak periods.
August 6 - 12, 2016
Great House Management Company Limited Spa Manager JOB SUMMARY-
• The Spa Manager oversees all aspects of the department including interviewing and training staff, monitoring the facilities, coordinating daily schedules for Spa Services as well as managing staff performance. • The Spa Manager creates a healthy environment, and aware of current market trends and is able to sell Spa Retail in a creative and successful manner. • Manage and handling all inbound inquires diligently. • Book appointments with a high degree of accuracy using spa reservation software. • Manage esthetician calendars, ensuring proper coordination of appointments. • Educate clients on spa services offered and different skin care products available. • Opening and closing the spa, daily financial reports and cash reconciliation.
• Minimum three years of experience with diversity of Spa on a similar capacity required. • High School Diploma or equivalent required, Bachelor’s degree preferred. • Proficient with PMS system. • Computer literacy and financial management a must. • Able to effectively deal with internal and external customers, some of whom will require high level of patience, tact and diplomacy to defuse anger and collect accurate information and resolve conflicts.
Night Auditor JOB SUMMARY-
• The Night Auditor is responsible for the preparation and disposition of all Night Audit work as well as the PMS/POS functions during the overnight shift. • Auditing all charges and postings. • Correcting work as necessary. • Reconciling daily activity and closing all accounts in preparation for the new business day. • Processing, formatting and distributing daily reports. Checking guests in and out of the hotel in an efficient, courteous and professional manner when required. • Processing all payments according to the hotel requirements. • Assisting other departments with necessary information. • Qualifications• Minimum 1 year previous front desk/night audit experience in a full service hotel. • High School Diploma or equivalent required, Bachelor’s degree preferred. • Excellent communication skills both oral and written. • Must have strong computer skills, epitome knowledge is a plus. • Requires standing/walking throughout shift. • Outgoing personality, with service oriented individual needed. • Ability to multi-task.
Pool & Beach Attendants JOB SUMMARY-
• The Pool Attendant will work closely with all hotel departments, but particularly with the Food & Beverage Department to ensure we provide a diligent yet charismatic first impression as we greet and sit all guests to ensure a quality pool & beach experience. • Keep all areas associated with the health club/pool clean at all times. • Assist guests with equipment and activities and respond to guest needs as required to guarantee
maximum guest satisfaction and quality operations. • Ensure that health club/pool usage rules are adhered to at all times to guarantee guest and employee safety. • Working alongside engineering to ensure maintaining the proper chemical and temperature levels in the pool and other applicable health club/ pool area equipment to ensure guest comfort. Maintain adequate supplies in the facility. • Complete daily reports and logs as required. • Maintain the security of the facility in conjunction with applicable hotel departments and personnel.
• • • •
Previous similar experience preferred. Must have a high school diploma or equivalent. Must be flexible in hours and days worked. Must be able to speak, read, write and understand English. • Requires standing for extended periods, walking, pushing, pulling, lifting up to 25 pounds, reaching, bending and kneeling to reach all areas. • Usage of cleaning chemicals when required.
Landscape Attendance JOB SUMMARY-
• Providing care for our landscape/gardens throughout the property (includes within villa and public areas), planting and maintenance of established perennial borders; property clean-ups as appropriate; planting and soil-amendments in newly designed borders; other aspects of garden care. • Quality control will be an important facet of this position.
• • • •
Previous similar experience preferred. Must have a high school diploma or equivalent. Must be flexible in hours and days worked. Must be able to speak, read, write and understand English. • Requires standing for extended periods, walking, pushing, pulling, lifting up to 25 pounds, reaching, bending and kneeling to reach all areas. • A general knowledge of perennial care, shrub and small tree pruning, lawn care and other areas of landscaping are preferred, but we will train the right person.
Executive Chef & B JOB SUMMARY-
• Candidate must demonstrate a proven track record of successfully leading/managing in an upscale Food & Beverage environment, with strong culinary experience and training. • Responsible for the execution of all company policies and procedures, ensuring that all services provided achieve the established standards within the agreed budgetary controls. • Advise the Corporate Executive Chef on all matters relating to the kitchen area and ensure a high standard of cleanliness and hygienic practice throughout the kitchen. • Assist the Corporate Executive Chef in budgeting i.efood cost, payroll, etc. • Ensure guest satisfaction with the smooth and effective running of the day-to-day operation. • Assist in training and development of culinary staff members. • Maintain control of the standards for purchasing and receiving items. • Test and evaluate products for quality, paying particular attention to yield/holding qualities/market price/wastage usage of leftovers.
• Constantly inspect all food service sections during service time to ensure that the correct standards are maintained. • Responsible for control of equipment and scheduling maintenance.
• 3 years of experience as an executive chef in a 4-star hotel. • Environment, Out-Island experience preferable. • Previous working knowledge of a seafood based menu • A proven record of cost control. • HACAP trained. • A proven record of menu engineering.
Spa Attendants JOB SUMMARY-
• To provide competent and satisfactory massages. • To provide competent and satisfactory manicure, pedicure and facial treatments. • To be responsible for all the laundry duties in the spa. • To be responsible for the cleanliness of the changing rooms and general. • To follow correct opening and closing procedures. • To work together as part of a team with colleagues. • To be aware of all services and product availability in the spa. • To comply with all hotel policies and procedures. • To comply with statutory requirements regarding the work place such as employment law, health and safety, hygiene, fire prevention etc.
• 3 years of experience in an Asian themed spa. • Internationally qualified in massage, manicure and pedicure and facial treatments.
Accounting Supervisor JOB SUMMARY-
• This position is responsible for assisting with the financial management of the facility, as well as directly supervising the operations of Accounts Payable and Payroll to ensure accurate statements on the financial operations of the facility. • Duties include, but not limited to: a) Assist CFO with month-end close. b) prepare monthly balance sheet account reconciliations c) prepare monthly journal entries d) assist with annual budget preparation e) compile and support external auditors requests f) supervisor and review work of AP/Payroll Dept.
• • • • •
Minimum of 2 years accounting experience. Bachelor’s degree or equivalent required. Proficient with PMS system. Computer literacy and financial management a must. Able to effectively deal with internal and external customers, some of whom will require high level of patience, tact and diplomacy to defuse anger and collect accurate information and resolve conflicts.
Human Resources Manager JOB SUMMARY-
• Responsible for assisting the General Manager in full spectrum of HR and Training functions. • Lead and guide the subordinates in HR related matters such as staff welfare, staff benefits, staff relations, etc. • Liaise with necessary government agencies/ commission when needed and assisting the departments to ensure the HR Department is operating effectively and efficiently. • Full engagement on the recruitment process of the
August 6 - 12, 2016
Great House Management Continued Company Limited QUALIFICATIONS-
• • • •
Minimum 3 years of experience on a similar capacity. High School Diploma or equivalent required, Bachelor’s degree preferred. Computer literacy, organized individual with financial management a must. Able to effectively deal with internal and external customers, some of whom will require high level of patience, tact and diplomacy to defuse anger and collect accurate information and resolve conflicts.
Chief Engineer JOB SUMMARY-
• Responsible for and lead the Engineering Team to achieve overall department’s objectives. • Responsible for planning and driving hotel’s engineering projects. • Oversee the daily operations of the engineering department and ensure that all maintenance requests are promptly attended to. • Ensure the completion of preventive maintenance and repair schedules of all hotel machinery, equipment and facilities. • Monitor utility consumption within the hotel and drive energy conservation initiatives. • Ensure the compliance of engineering standards set by the various authorities. • Work closely with external contractors on scheduled maintenance and ad hoc engineering projects, ensuring that the works are carried out according to specifications.
• Possess a Degree in Engineering • Minimum 5 years of experience in engineering field with at least 3 years in similar capacity (preferably in hotel environment). • Able to work independently under pressure in a fast-paced environment. • Pleasant personality with good interpersonal skills. • Strong leadership and management skills. • Relevant fire security certification. • Familiar with Island/Remote Location operation. • Pre-opening experience will be an advantage.
Security Supervisor JOB SUMMARY-
• Responsible for and lead the Security Team to achieve overall department’s objectives. • Secures premises and personnel by patrolling property; monitoring surveillance equipment; inspecting buildings, equipment, and access points; permitting entry. • Prevents losses and damage by reporting irregularities; informing violators of policy and procedures; restraining trespassers. • Completes reports by recording observations, information, occurrences, and surveillance activities; interviewing witnesses; obtaining signatures. • Maintains environment by monitoring and setting building and equipment controls. • Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed. • Create security awareness among staff and guests. • Respond immediately to needs of guests and requests of departments or staff for security assistance.
• Minimum 1-2 years of experience in a similar capacity. • Knowledgeable and experienced in hospitality industry is desirable. • Ability to be on time and present for all scheduled shifts including weekends and holidays. • Excellent interpersonal skills.
W104 Venture House Grace Bay, Providenciales P: 312-376-2027 F: 312-376-2056 humanresources@greathouse.com
JOB VACANCY Clerk / Librarian Location: Grand Turk
This position requires the individual to be the first point of contact for the Authority Head Quarters Office, and will provide administrative support across the organization. The individual will be responsible for the flow of people through the organization and ensure that all assign tasks are completed accurately and in a timely manner.
• High School Diploma • Five CXC Passes including English and Information Technology • This position requires excellent communication and interpersonal skills • Ability to be resourceful and proactive in dealing with issues that may arise • Ability to organize, multitask, prioritize and work under pressure
Two (2) years Office experience. Valid Driver’s Licence.
Hours of work: Incumbent works approximately 35-40 hrs. per week, Monday to Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Fridays 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
• Greeting Clients and Customers. • Receiving and registering incoming correspondence. • Registering and dispatching outbound correspondence. • Communication- receiving and directing incoming calls or any other information that needs dissemination. • Attention to Detail - Performing data processing, writing letters, Scanning/ Photocopying, faxing, courier, sorting mail and filing documents. • Maintaining archive files. • Assessing and managing office miscellaneous items. • Managing the notice board. • Supervising Auxiliary Staff. • Drafting low level correspondence
• Entry of vendor bills/invoices in the accounting software. • Securing all Vendor bills/invoices and any documents relating to such for filing in the accountants office. • Assisting with collections
• Maintains and controls a wide variety of technical publications, documents, records, etc. • Maintaining technical documents printing and distributing in-house documents, maintaining library shelves and files in proper order etc. • Receives amendments to all manuals and ensure prompt and accurate incorporation of such amendments in the appropriate manuals. Salary Scale: $1,645.00 – $2,045 per month
Great House & Sailrock Development team includes handle work permits, payroll items, TCI NIB and NIHIB as required.
August 6 - 12, 2016
B.E.S.T. INSTITUTE (A BAPTIST INSTITUTION) Is seeking suitable candidates for the following positions of:
Interested individuals should send their application to: The Principal, c/o Board of Governors B.E.S.T. Institute, P.O. Box 498, 250 Bay Road, Blue Hills, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands 11904
Is looking for a
To do household chores Must be willing to work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour.
CONTACT: 649-241-9626 11952
To work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour.
CONTACT: 649-3324686 OR 649-241-5286 11912
DOMESTIC SALES CLERK WORKER to work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour.
CONTACT: 331-0720
• The leadership and administration of the villa staff. Experience in a managerial position is essential. • Overall supervision of the residence’s operation and assist in other areas as deemed necessary. • Housekeeping to the highest standards • Serving food and drinks and assisting the chef, therefore a background in F&B is essential. • A knowledge and understanding of utility metres, & simple pool maintenance is an advantage since this position reports to the property manager for such issues. • Must be computer literate in order to present guest charges to villa manager. • A willingness to perform a variety of functions that may not be listed above in order to enhance guest’s stay. • Running errands on behalf of the villa as well as guests/owners therefore a clean driver license is essential. The successful candidate must also be willing to work flexible hours, including week-ends, public holidays etc. Due to the nature of the 24/7 demands of the guests the successful candidate will be required to live in at least one, sometimes two villas when owners or guests are in house. This position reports directly to the Villa Owner Remuneration: - $1,500 to $1,750.00 a month.
ESSENCE SALON NAIL & SPA Is looking for a
Is looking for a
HAIR STYLIST DOMESTIC Must have at least 5 years experience. Must be willing to work 6 days per week including weekends and holidays. Salary $6.25 per hour.
To work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour. Contact: 649-232-2267 deadline for application is August 12th, 2016 this position is held by a work permit holder 11900
Is looking for a
A self-motivated, highly service orientated individual who uses own initiative. The candidate must have a good command of English and excellent communication skills and be prepared to work long hours, week-ends and holidays. This is a live in ONLY position and candidate is expected to be hardworking, trustworthy and a team player.
• Simple maintenance/ eg. Painting • Cleaning pool • Monitoring sewage system It will be an advantage if applicant have rudenmentory cooking skills so that additional services may be offered to guest. Basic salary of $600 per month plus a share of villa revenue.
Required for private villa in Providenciales
Suitably qualified candidates should apply in writing to the Villa Manager at P.O. Box 143 or email hr@thesource.tc
to work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour. Contact: 243-6883 or 245-1239 fax: 649-9467311 this position is held by a work permit holder.
Is looking to fill the following positions:
To clean, iron must be willing to work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour this position is currently held by a work permit holder. Contact: 649-246-7382 deadline for application is August 16th, 2016
• Handle cash effectively to ensure all checks and balances • Cleaning of classrooms and all round of other domestic workers/ helpers duties • All applicants for the above-mentioned should be born again Christian preferable of the Baptist faith • Salary $6.25 per hour
With a concentration on plumbing, hours from 8am – 5pm Monday – Friday, must be flexible, some weekends may be required. Hourly wages $6 - $8 per hour. Contact: 649-242-1816 between the hours of 4pm – 6pm Tuesday and Thursday ONLY deadline for application is August 10th, 2016
To work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour. Contact: 649342-3796 deadline is August 16th, 2016.
The applicants should meet the following requirements among others: • Possess a valid food handler’s permit • The ability to read and write English • Must be able to assist in the preparation of healthy meals on a daily basis for over 100 students • Be able to manage the stock and prepare orders
Required for villa in Leeward, applicants should be well presented, physically fit and possess good English language skills, duties will include: • Meet and greet guest • Cleaning villa • Daily housekeeping when occupied • Laundry • Light gardening (tidying and weeding)
NAIL TECHNICIAN HAIRDRESSER Must be willing to work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour contact: 649-241-1742 Deadline for application is August 10th, 2016
LABOURER to work 6 days per week salary $300.00 per week DUTIES INCLUDE: Cleaning the boat Maintenance Working on the boat.
CONTACT: 649-331-6363
August 6 - 12, 2016
NORTH CAICOS Is looking for a
J.B.S. SALON Is looking for a
LABOURER To work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour Duties: clean up surrounding area, offloading trailers, stocking the shelves. contact: 231-2344 or fax: 649-946-7311 this position is held by a work permit holder
2 CLEANERS With experience to work unsupervised must be willing to work 6 days per week 5am-10am belongers only need apply. Contact: 649-341-8806 this position is held by a work permit holder deadline for application is August 6th, 2016
COSMETOLOGIST To work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour.
CONTACT: 341-9177
FOR SALE House in Richmond Hill residential area on a half acre land.
CONTACT: 231-3788
• Minimums of 5 years gardening experience on large landscape installations, with knowledge on plants/ chemicals and fertilizer sprays, and be able to work with minimum supervision • Proficient in the use of heavy machinery (backhoe, bobcat, skytrack, crane) • Certification in horticulture – nonnegotiable • Effective communication skills both
internally and externally • Ability to report on issues and carry out invoicing duties • Computer literate, able to use and troubleshoot with company software including but not limited to QuickBooks, POS & Inventory Software • Must be willing to work outdoors with irregular hours, may include weekends and holidays • Starting salary $2,500 per month
Please bring all applications to Flowers by Environmental Arts located at U102 Venture House, Grace Bay Road, Providenciales or email to admin@environmentalarts.tc. Successful applicants will be notified by phone for interview. Please provide relevant reference from previous employer
Director of Interior Design PERMANENT, FULL TIME
Principal level interior design leader skilled at leading interior design services for high end residential and hotel environments. Exceptional leader with at least ten years of progressive business leadership experience.
• Lead design strategy sessions with clients. • Oversee in-house design projects, including as necessary design and specification of certain projects and plans. • Focus on achieving the goals or objectives of the department using available resources (staff and budgetary). • Sets high standards and establishes demanding, but achievable, goals. • Monitors performance to ensure that standards and goals are met. • Builds staff supportive in a positive environment. • Attentive to detail and constantly monitors and controls quality. • Exercises tasteful and aesthetic sensitivity in all product and service matters. • Understands the clients vision and works to synthesize and deliver a product that is consistent with market realities. • Effectively coordinates the design budget to ensure it is complete, accurate, justifiable and accepted with reasonable levels of revision.
• 8-10 years post graduate design experience in a hospitality design firm or similar organization required. • Recent boutique residential / hotel / resort design experience preferred. • Experience on ground up construction of residential or large scale development. • Excellent leadership capabilities, charisma, and communication skills to influence, inspire, and motivate clients and employees around a single vision. • Ability to work collaboratively and communicate with senior management team, while being a self-starter. • Poise and discipline to know when and how to communicate. • Strong financial acumen and bottom-line orientation. • Interpersonal agility with strong analytical and problem solving skills. • Ability to work in a fast-paced, and changeable environment. • Work under pressure while meeting deadlines. • Be prepared to work extended hours as the job dictates necessary. • Physically fir to take on the arduous task of container off loads. • Ability to read and communicate effectively in standard English in written and oral business communications. • Regular and reliable attendance is an essential function of the job.
We are seeking to employ a Maintenance Man with experience in plumbing, electrical repairs, painting, pool maintenance, tool and equipment maintenance, wastewater treatment plants, woodwork and general labour.
• Candidate must be able to fluently communicate in English both written and oral. • Must have strong skills in troubleshooting and repair of electrical, plumbing and general maintenance issues. • Candidate must be able to work on their own and complete task in a timely manner. • Candidate must be prepared to work weekends and holidays, be on-call some evenings and live on property. • Must be proficient in using the computer. Salary range for this position isbetween $1300 -1500 per month paid fortnightly, plus service charge.
August 6 - 12, 2016
NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMISSION PARCEL NUMBER 61109/65, LONG BAY HILLS, PROVIDENCIALES Application No. PR 12772 has been submitted to the Department of Planning by LB Ventures Ltd. for consideration of Development Permission for Development of 4 Residential Villa Buildings Comprising of 31 Units, 2 Infinity Pools, Gym and an Entry/ Reception Building. If you wish to make any representations, you may do so in writing to the Director of Planning, South Base, Grand Turk or through the Department of Planning, Town Center Mall, Butterfield Square, Providenciales. Dated this 20th July, 2016
PAYLESS WAREHOUSE LTD DBA ‘QUALITY FOOD CENTRE’ Is seeking employees in the following categories for a large retail and wholesale Supermarket:
• To assist the Merchandise Buyers in the purchasing of product for inventory stocking of shelves etc. • Make sure the inventory is at the correct and most competitive cost for our customers using the manufacturer’s price lists and set up new inventory in the Mainframe system..
• Receive and disburse money in establishments other than financial institutions. Usually involves use of electronic scanners, cash registers, or related equipment. Often involved in processing credit or debit card transactions and validating checks
Analyze history of the influx and output of products ensuring that they are in place in Particular with products to reorder ensuring a balance between delivery and inventory control etc.
Should be able to lift 50lbs and over and be able to offload containers in record time.
Resumes may be sent to hr@i-grocers.com
For a private home in Providenciales operated by Josephine Millspaugh. A hardworking person is needed to work six days a week. Applicants must like animals, must speak English and must be fit and able. Remuneration is $6.25 per hour. This advertisement is required for a work permit renewal application for this position.
PAYLESS WAREHOUSE LTD DBA ‘QUALITY FOOD CENTRE’ Is seeking employee in the following category for a large retail and wholesale Supermarket:
ASSISTANT MANAGERS To Train store staff by reviewing and revising orientation to products and sales training materials; delivering training sessions; reviewing staff job results and learning needs with retail store manager; developing and implementing new product training.
RESORT MANAGER Seeking an experienced Resort Manager to be responsible for management of a small, high-quality resort on Grace Bay. Reporting to the Executive Committee, the successful candidate will be responsible for protecting and enhancing owner investment, ensuring guest satisfaction, creation of the annual operating budget, all operational elements of the resort, leadership and development of staff members, and the efficient management of service providers.
• Manage all physical elements of the resort • Fully understand and enforce the ByLaws of the resort • Manage the performance of all thirdparty service providers • Undertake all Emergency Preparedness planning and training • Create an annual budget and manage to that budget • Inspect the resort regularly to ensure consistent high-quality standards • Monitor mechanical systems and
arrange maintenance as necessary • Maintain positive and productive relationships with all owners • Negotiate contracts with vendors in a timely and reliable manner • Provide leadership and customer service training for resort staff • Accomplish annual goals and report periodically on resort operations • Employ best-practices from competitive properties whenever possible • Manage payroll and undertake limited bookkeeping functions • Provide accurate and timely information to the Resort’s Financial Manager
• Proven effective work experience in a resort environment • Fully understand property management functions • Resort Owner and Guest focus and bottom line orientation • Strong interpersonal, communication, and presentation skills • Well organized with excellent time management skills
Qualified candidates should submit a resume, cover letter, and references by August 17th to:
McKnights International Law Firm, 46 Salt Mills Plaza Grace Bay, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, B.W.I. www.mcknights.tc
August 6 - 12, 2016
WANTED Class Teachers for the following subjects: History, PE, Visual Arts, Geography, IT/EDPM, Social Studies, Integrated Science, Religious Education
Applicant must have the following: Twelve (12) years experience as tug and barge captain Master’s license for a 450 ton tug and barge STCW certificate
to work on diesel engines. Must have knowledge of hydraulic system and air starting system I 0 - 12 years experience
to work five (5) days per week. Basic salary
CONTACT: 649-941-5707 Is looking for a
Part A: Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admissions into the following programmes at the TCICC for the semester commencing 1st September 2016. I. General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) Programme in the following subjects:
GRAND TURK CAMPUS: PROVIDENCIALES CAMPUS: 1. Accounting 1. Accounting 2. Biology 2. Business 3. Business 3. Economics 4. Chemistry 4. Information Technology 5. Economics 5. Mathematics 6. Information Technology 6. Law 7. Law 7. Psychology 8. Mathematics 8. Sociology 9. Physics 10. Psychology 11. Sociology II. Hospitality Studies (Grand Turk Campus): • Tourism Management • Culinary Arts Note: Candidates can select FOUR subjects at the A/S Level and THREE subjects at the A/Level.
LABOURERS LABOURER CASHIER To work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour.
Salary $6.25 per hour
LABOURER Is looking for:
Must be willing to work 6 days per week. Must be trustworthy and reliable. Salary $6.25 per hour. Hours are from 8:00am-4:00pm. Contact: Serge Tuyssuzian at 941-3637 This position is held by a work permit holder deadline for application is August 16th, 2016
Applicants must satisfy the following minimum requirements: Five GCE (O/Level) or CXC subjects including English A and Mathematics at the General Proficiency Level with Grads I and II or GCE (O/Level) Grades A and B. Applications should be fully completed and then submitted to the Registrar, TCI Community College, P O Box 236, Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands or to TCI Community College, Providenciales Campus for the attention of the Registrar by August 22, 2016. Late application fee of $50 should accompany the application form. Part B: EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES AT
THE TCICC Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced persons for the following fulltime lecturing positions at the TCICC for the semester commencing 1st September 2016. 1. Department of Computer Engineering & Mathematics: • 1 Position: Engineering with Mathematics and Physics 2. Technical/Vocational Studies: • 1 Position: Architectural/Building Design with Woodwork and Engineering Lecturers are required to teach across different academic levels from the G.C.E. Advanced level, Caribbean Advanced Proficiency and up to the Associate and Bachelor Degree levels. Multi-disciplinary candidates are particularly encouraged to apply for these positions. Minimum qualifications for the teaching positions are a Master’s Degree from an accredited and recognized institution plus a Teaching Certificate/Diploma or postgraduate Diploma and no less than three years post qualification teaching experience. A Bachelor’s Degree with a minimum of a second class honors or other postgraduate qualifications, teaching certificate/Diploma and experience in teaching at Tertiary level may be considered. Salary is in the scale Level I: US$27,399.90 - $39,102.30 per annum. Level II: US$40,210.00 - $43,488.40 per annum. Entry point will depend on qualifications and experience. In the case of staff recruited from overseas, appointment is on contractual terms for an initial period of two years. A gratuity is payable at the end of satisfactory contractual service at the rate of 10% of salary drawn during the period of service. A housing allowance is payable at existing rates.
Applications with copies of qualifications (including official transcripts), two character references, a police record and a recent testimonial from current place of employment should be sent to the: PRESIDENT, TCI COMMUNITY COLLEGE, P.O. BOX 236, LIGHTHOUSE ROAD, GRAND TURK, TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS to reach not later than 23rd August, 2016. Where possible applicants should e-mail or fax their applications. FAX: 649 946 1661. TELE: 649 946 1163 EMAIL: tcicomc@tciway.tc (copy: dean@tcicomc-edu.com) 11947
August 6 - 12, 2016
Digicel prides itself on its customers and people. As the number 1 provider of Mobile, TV and Broadband to both Consumers and Businesses here in TCI, we are always looking for the best local talent who will put our customers at the heart of everything they do. As part of our continuing success we are looking for the next cream of the crop. Are you passionate about customers and going 10 out of 10 every day. Interested in technology in a fast paced rewarding environment. Then Digicel is the place for you!
Digicel prides itself on its customers and people. As the number 1 provider of Mobile, TV and Broadband to both Consumers and Businesses here in TCI, we are always looking for the best local talent who will put our customers at the heart of everything they do. As part of our continuing success we are looking for the next cream of the crop. Are you passionate about customers and going 10 out of 10 every day. Interested in technology in a fast paced rewarding environment. Then Digicel is the place for you!
REPORTS TO (TITLE): Head of Business Sales & Service
The ICT Service Delivery Engineer is responsible for the rollout of DIA, Fixed Voice, Cloud network elements and delivery of other services to our customers. The job holder will implement DIA, fixed voice and cloud services in line with the appropriate process and procedures in order to sustain the highest quality of services in a manner consistent with agreed SLA and business objectives. The Engineer is responsible for ensuring that all service delivery targets are achieved by engaging all key stakeholders such as, ICT Sales, ICT Operations, Technical Department, Facilities Department and Contractors in accordance with internal SLA’s and KPI’s.
• Attend technical meetings with internal and external stakeholders • Conduct pre-installation site surveys to ensure all is in place for actual installations • Installation of hardware and software to support DIA, Fixed Voice and Cloud technologies • The provisioning of services for related DIA, Fixed Voice and Cloud technologies • Prepare Scope of Work (SOW) documents for all installations • Ensure Acceptance Test Plan (ATP) are executed at the end of each installation and signed by customer • Ensure that Customer Acceptance Form (CAF) and Customer Premise Equipment Form (CPEF) are signed by customer at the end of each installation. • Maintain a database of customer installations which includes device inventory, SOW, network diagrams, circuit diagrams, software licenses and ATP. • Ensures that services are delivered to customers in a timely and professional manner. • Ensure that all DIA, Fixed Voice and Cloud elements are implemented with appropriate level of security, and interfaces to allow for full surveillance and remote monitoring. • Liaise with ICT/Business Services Management team to ensure timely, accurate and professional delivery of services. • Provide timely and accurate reports as per business requirement.
• B.Sc.in Computer Science or equivalent with at least three (5) years experience in IP & Data technology. • Cisco CCNA/CCDA Required • Cisco CCNP Voice or Check Point CCSA will be an asset
The individual must have practical experience with: • Installation and configuration of Cisco Routers/Switches/IP PBX, Mitel, Avaya, Nortel IP PBX/Legacy PBX, Check Point and/or Cisco Firewall, Wireless Routers/ Access Points, Voice Gateways and Analog Terminal Adaptor • Functional operations, maintenance of Video and VoIP technologies. • Network Security. • Structure and operation of Internet gateway links. • Network planning, engineering and development. • Report writing
• Project management of medium to large projects, preferably rolled out to users across multiple sites • Growing trends with technology especially in the areas of DIA, Fixed Voice and Cloud technology. • Analytical and performance reporting/generating tools. • Electronic requisitioning and work-flow based approval systems • SLA development and performance management tools. • Knowledge of OS such as Linux/Unix and Windows is an asset.
Salary ranges from $54,000.00 – 66,000.00. Interested applicants can forward their resumes to hrtci@digicelgroup.com . The closing date for applications is August 19th, 2016
This position reports to the Core Network Manager and is responsible for the real-time management of all VAS, MPLS, HSPA/LTE Core (Mobile packet core), Cable TV; Broadband IP based networks with specific emphasis on the MPLS core networks. The incumbent will design and maintain all internal MPLS networks and Cloud based Corporate MPLS networks. He or she will assist in the design and implementation of all MPLS networks for corporate customers and manage and maintain Policy and Charging Infrastructure. He or she will provide first-line identification and resolution of faults, and ensure that all required documentation is maintained in a timely basis.
• Responsible for the design, installation and support of all Packet Core and IP based systems to support the technical operations of the business. • Design IP Numbering an addressing schemes, Development, Configuration and Implementation of IP based systems • Perform dimensioning and capacity planning of IP network • Design, manage and implement all MPLS core networks for all technologies. • Planning, designing and management of all Mobile Packet Core technologies. • Management and maintenance of all Packet Core systems which include, Ericsson SGSN-MME, EPG, Ericsson Mobile Packet Backbone Network (MPBN) for LTE, WCDMA, DNS and AAA. • Responsible for operation and maintenance of all Policy and Mobile Data Billing Systems • Responsible for all IP based systems, which include Cisco network devices (Routers and Switches), SUN Solaris/Linux servers, Checkpoint and Juniper Firewalls to ensure their high availability. • Managing and coordinating activities that involves updates and changes by external partners in including Roaming and ISP upstream providers. • Develop and schedule preventative and corrective maintenance policies and procedures, such as regular backups, spares inventory, to ensure high availability of all VAS and IP based systems. • Ensure that Digicel TCI continue to operate on secure local and wide area networks with the implementation of VPN technologies and firewall policy management • Ensure that network metrics are closely monitored (QoS and KPIs) and captured so as to provide proactive network management, as well as regular feedback on network performance in the form of reports to management • Provide IP Support to other departments and external parties as required DESIRED SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE: • MPLS certified or trained with relevant experience in managing and implementing MPLS networks • In-depth knowledge of switching, routing, technologies, DNS, MPLS, Mobile data LTE, WCDMA, GSM • In-depth knowledge and experience with UNIX and/or Linux systems. • Knowledge of ISP/Service provider IP configurations • Design, implementation and operational knowledge of network security (VPN, firewall management, intrusion detection) • CCNA, CCNP certification and Solid hands on experience with Cisco devices
• 5-7 years’ experience in VAS and IP based network design, implementation and administration • Minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Sciences.
Salary ranges from $60,000.00 – 72,000.00. Interested applicants can forward their resumes to hrtci@ digicelgroup.com . The closing date for applications is August 19th, 2016
August 6 - 12, 2016
SAMUEL HARVEY Telephone: 649-231-0098
LANDFILL PROJECT SUPERVISOR MINIMUM REQUIREMENT: • Eight years of experience solid waste industry • Five years of operational responsibility overseeing landfills, transfer stations, and material recovery facilities • Bachelor of Science in business or related field • Certification as solid waste spotter-operator for landfills and transfer stations
LIVE IN CARETAKER/ HOUSEKEEPER • Housekeeping duties to include all aspects of cleaning and keeping the household • Hosting the owners visits and the owners guest being available 24/7 when guest are in house • Cooking a must three meals a day for owners and guest of owners when in house • Working with Contractors and vendors , general gardening ,some maintenance work with Equipment
Is looking to fill the following positions
For a 1 year contract salary is negotiable Deadline for application is August 20th, 2016
CONTACT: 649-244-4829
Is looking for a
DOMESTIC WORKER To work 6 days per week salary $400 per month contact: 331-3887 this position is currently held by a work permit holder.
INSURANCE ADMINISTRATOR Caribbean Management Services Limited is seeking an enthusiastic and motivated Insurance Administrator. Key responsibilities include: Liaising with clients Incorporation of PORCs and other insurance entities Post-incorporation activities Managing an insurance portfolio of companies Implementing KYC requirements Effectively communicating with the Financial Services Commission
The successful candidate will have at a minimum a bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) in a business-related field and have at least five years corporate and insurance management experience with a corporate management firm. An additional professional qualification (such as STEP) would be an asset. The candidate must be proficient with Microsoft Office Suite and QuickBooks accounting software and have strong analytical and organizational skills as well as strong written and verbal communication skills. Salary will be dependent upon skills and experience but will be in the range of $48,000 p.a. Turks & Caicos Islanders only need apply.
Applicants should send their details and résumés to the Managing Director at info@cmstci.com or by fax to 941-8362. Closing date: 12th August 2016
Sailrock Contracting Limited is seeking a Director of Construction to reside in South Caicos and oversee all construction activities carried out by the Sailrock Development. The employee will be responsible for acting as Owner’s representative during construction of infrastructure, hospitality and residential components of Sailrock Development. His responsibilities include managing and supervision of architects, engineers, contractors, vendors and all construction activity; to provide oversight and supervision of Green Building practices, good construction environmental controls and best practices; to develop and implement a quality assurance program; to manage project controls and pay requests including change order management; and to assist in the development and ongoing updating of project schedules. Day-to-day activities include, but are not limited to:
• • • • • •
• Develop detailed construction budget for each component of project: including infrastructure, first phase of Hotel, stand alone villas, and RO plant • Develop detailed construction schedule indicating milestones, durations and dependencies for each component of project. • Develop action plan for mitigation of site issues, delays, procurement strategies and quality control • Develop bid packages for Hotel, Villa and R/O plant and Villa components (hotel component already out to bid) • Review construction bids. Assist in evaluating bids and prepare a qualified tabulation for review and approval • Develop a list of value engineering recommendations and review/comment on those VE recommendations provided by others • Assist in preparation, review and negotiation of Contractor(s) agreement • Secure insurance certificates and other required contractor documentation prior to start of construction
Construction On-site Representative
• Act as Owner’s representative on South Caicos managing and providing daily oversight of all construction activities with a critical path and quality control focus. • Meet daily with contractors to review progress relative to contract construction schedule, discuss open items and delivery of items required for future work. • Provide daily oversight of quality control. Identify and discuss with Owner action plans for any observed deficiencies in the work or potential change in scope • Provide weekly written progress updates specifically noting schedule and budget status as well as indentifying critical path decisions required. • Manage accounting associated with pay requests, pencil draws and final pay applications. • Conduct weekly progress meetings with Owner to discuss progress, budget and critical path items • Coordinate with contractor(s) to ensure delivery of all materials in accordance with project schedule. This may include reviewing orders, tracking shipment and ensuring delivery of both Contractor-supplied and Owner-supplied materials. • Review and authorize pay requests, change orders • Manage accounting associated with pay requests, pencil draws and final pay applications. • Review and approve submittals, including shop drawings, as required • Schedule and document required government inspections during construction • Prepare initial punch list and maintain log of completed items. • Monitor contractor’s progress towards completion of punchlist • Collect and maintain all project closeout documents including guarantees, manuals, record information, etc • Work with contractor to ready buildings for occupancy • Coordinate delivery and installation of all FFE and OSE • Maintain all insurance certificates and other required documentation Employer: Sailrock Development Limited Please submit applications to Sarah Bedford c/o Mike O’brien W104 Venture House Grace Bay, Providenciales P: 312-376-2027, F: 312-376-2056 sbedford@cmkdev.com Interested Turks and Caicos Islanders must also submit copies of their application to the TCI Work Permit Board. Position currently held by work permit holder. 11919
August 6 - 12, 2016
The Sands is now accepting applications/résumé for the following positions. Only highly self-driven & motivated, personable and professional individuals, whom have the desire to serve others, need apply:
To achieve hotel revenue, profit and customer satisfaction goals by directing the on-going Maintenance, upkeep and renovations of the hotel and resort, Pool and Beach areas, Grounds and Security Services. To achieve hotel revenue, profit and owner/customer satisfaction goals by directing and overseeing on-going preventative maintenance, repairs, upkeep, projects and renovations of the Hotel/Resort, Maintenance, Pool & Beach areas, Grounds/Landscaping and Security Services. Highly involved with owner and guest relations, project management, inventories and reporting systems. • Troubleshoot and repair malfunctions in electrical/ mechanical/plumbing systems (e.g. HVAC, boilers, treatment plant system, pumps, fire systems, refrigeration systems, lighting, appliances & other hotel equipment). • Conducting ongoing room preventative maintenance program. • Resolving maintenance problems, complaints, work orders to prioritize, schedule work and cost out work orders. • HVAC, machinery, mechanics, carpentry and painting skills, as well as drywall, carpet/tile repair work, or other maintenance related trade, certification/s is a plus. Inspecting property, units/ rooms, and hotel departments to identify potential and current needs. • Ensuring department expenditures meet budget requirements. Assisting with the capital budget process. • Soliciting bids/quotes from contractors and evaluating their proposals with hotel management. • Coordinating with local health, safety, fire, and building inspectors to ensure compliance with applicable codes and regulations. • Ensure pools and hot tub is properly maintained to include cleanliness and chemical content. • Maintaining the building exterior including services by outside contractor/s (e.g. lawn care, painting, etc.). Supervising and scheduling of Maintenance Technicians, Pool and Beach, Grounds/ Landscaping, and Security Services staff. • Payroll Control and Scheduling… Determine appropriate staffing levels based on forecasted rooms nights/occupancy and anticipated business and create staffing schedules which optimize the balance between desired profitability, owner/ customer demands and employee needs. • Performance Management, Supervisory… Demonstrate ability to relate to, effectively communicate with guests, staff, owners, executives and HOD’s. Motivate employees to sustain high performance, quality services and product/s.
The individual must possess the following knowledge, skills and abilities and be able to explain and demonstrate that he/she can perform the essential functions of the job, with or without reasonable accommodation, using some other combination of knowledge, skills, and abilities.
• Must possess highly effective skills to speak, read, write and understand the primary English language(s) used in the workplace. • Must possess highly effective Hospitality skills to facilitate difficult/challenging guest/staff relation situations. • Must possess highly effective skills to read and write to facilitate the communication process. • Must possess high organizational and follow-up skills. • Must possess excellent mathematical skills. • Must possess excellent computational skills with specific and direct working knowledge of Microsoft Office Software; Excel, Word, Power Point and Outlook. • Must be able to build Excel reports, and read and build formula-based spread sheets. • Must be able to operate and drive large equipment and machines as required. • Must be able to operate pumps, equipment, motors and company vehicles as required. • Must possess excellent motor vehicle driving skills with valid Driver’s License.
1. Plans, organizes, directs and controls all housekeeping and laundry activities, maintains the established standards of cleanliness, the orderly and attractive conditions on guest floors, public/common and employee areas. Implement working rules and proper execution to meet those standards. 2. Monitors and maintains a healthy and safe environment for owners, guests and employees. 3. Conducts and keep records of goods received, housekeeping and laundry staff, inventories, cleaning projects and room inspections for guest rooms and public areas. 4. Familiarizes him /herself and carries out policies and procedures established by the Sands at Grace Bay. 5. Initiates and aides in effective communication within the department and other departments. 6. Carries out the following routine assignments as required. (This list is not exhaustive)
• Ensures maximum efficiency in the performance of Housekeeping staff in guest rooms and surrounding areas. • Familiarizes him / herself with and carries out the policies and procedures of The Sands. • Offers all possible assistance to guests, initiates corrective action on complaints regarding guest cleanliness and servicing of guest rooms. • Evaluates and updates the Executive Housekeeper on the performance of Housekeeping staff. Recommends appropriate action such as commendation and/or discipline.
• High school diploma or equivalent. • Must have supervised a minimum of 10-15 employees. • Most work tasks are performed indoors and outdoors. Temperature is moderate and controlled by hotel environmental systems. • Must be able to stand and exert well-paced mobility for up to 3 hours in length. • Must be able to lift up to 40 lbs. on a regular and continual basis. • Must be able to push and/or pull carts and equipment weighing up to 200 lbs. on a regular and continual basis. • Must be able to exert well-paced ability in limited space. • Must be able to bend, stoop, squat and stretch to fulfill cleaning tasks. • Must have minimum of 3 years supervisory experience in the Hotel/Resort and/or Hospitality Industry. • Must be able to speak, read, write and understand the primary language(s) used in the workplace. • Must be able to read and write the primary language(s) to facilitate the communication process.
• Uphold and update established Housekeeping and Laundry operating procedures and standards. • Develop, implement and coordinate new Housekeeping and Laundry procedures. • Plan and coordinate housekeeping staff job duties, responsibilities, and activities including that of housekeeping managers and supervisors. • Coordinate and complete inspections of assigned areas for quality checks and cleanliness controls in accordance to standards. • Coordinate, administer and complete administrative tasks as required. • Education: A secondary school diploma is an asset. • Experience: Minimum of three to five years as an Executive Housekeeper is required. • The individual must possess Housekeeping and Laundry Department management work experience, knowledge, skills and abilities. Must be able to explain, demonstrate and perform all related job duties, functions, and responsibilities of Housekeeping and Laundry department operations.
• Education • High school or equivalent education required. Bachelor’s Degree preferred. • Experience • Minimum of 5 years of experience in a managerial position in the Housekeeping & Laundry Department. • Licenses or Certificates • Executive Housekeeper Certification or time on the job equivalent as stated above required.
August 6 - 12, 2016
• Requires excellent communication skills, both verbal, written. • Must possess basic computational ability and technological use of hotel PMS system, and Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook. • Must work weekends and holidays. • Must have reliable transportation to get to and from work. • Must work PM shifts as business demands according to the operations policy.
• Greet all guests and assist with towels, umbrellas, questions, and/or water sports equipment. • Complete setting up and breaking down of all guest lounge areas as designated by management and to ensure that all pool chairs and tables are in a clean and orderly fashion. • Constant walk-through of pool area and beach area to make certain it is clean (no trash on the grounds) and tidy. Inspect entire pool area replacing any missing items and/or repairing (when possible) any items needing attention. (I.E. Umbrellas, Hobie Cat, Chairs, etc.) • Pool & Hot Tub Cleaning (I.E. vacuuming, filtering, scrubbing, sifting, chemical testing, checking skimmers, etc.)
• High school or equivalent education preferred. Life-safety training and certification CPR, AED, First Aid, Water Safety required • Must have worked in hotels or other institution in a similar capacity. Must have prior pool/beach supervisory experience • Must be able to work long hours in all weather conditions • Must be able to be CPR certified, First Aid certified, and AED certified • Must be a good swimmer and perform rescue when needed • Must be able to operate rescue boat • Must be experienced in sailing, kayaking, and wind-surfing and operator all equipment • Must be able to clean and chlorinate pool • Must handle pool chemicals and equipment maintenance and functions • Life Guard experience a plus • Must speak, read, write and understand the primary language(s) (English) used in the workplace. • Must work weekends and holidays
• Handle incoming reservations, utilize up selling and value-added techniques • Process advance deposits • Process all electronic and faxed requests • Perform job functions with attention to detail, speed and accuracy • Be able to prioritize and organize incoming and outgoing work flow • Be a clear thinker, remaining calm and resolving problems using good judgment • Follow directions thoroughly • Understand guest service and request needs • Work cohesively with co-workers as part of a team • Work with minimal supervision • Maintain confidentiality of guest information and pertinent hotel data
• High school diploma • Must have experience in the Hotel/Resort and/or Hospitality Industry • Visual One/Opera experience is highly preferred • Must be able to type more than 40 words per minute • Strong Grammar, Reading and Writing Skills • Must have great Customer Service Skills and telephone etiquette • Must be able to speak, read, write and understand the primary language(s) used in the workplace. • Must possess basic computational ability (basic mathematics, word, excel, outlook)
• Consistent and professional operation of the switchboard • Provide prompt, efficient, professional check in and check out • Accurately complete guest reservations as required • Accurately answer all guest inquiries • To be aware of all packages and special rates offered by the property • Have a good understanding of sister properties • Have a strong understanding of area and activities and services • Perform other tasks as assigned • Work cohesively with co-workers as part of a team • Maintain confidentiality of guest information and pertinent hotel data
• High school diploma • Must have experience in the Hotel/Resort and/ or Hospitality Industry a minimum of 1 to 3 years combined experience preferred • Two to Three years of hotel front office experience required.
• One to Two years of hotel concierge experience preferred but not mandatory. • Visual One experience is highly preferred • Strong Grammar, Reading and Writing Skills • Must have exceptional Customer Service Skills and hospitality Telephone Etiquette • Must be able to speak, read, write and understand the primary language(s) used in the workplace • Must possess basic computational ability (basic mathematics, word, excel, outlook) • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills • Highly organized and motivated • Work well under pressure
• To skillfully and professionally perform all scheduled maintenance related jobs. • Account for time spent on individual works and actively seek further tasks when assigned tasks are completed. • To advise the Engineering Administrator when parts or supplies need to be reordered. • Perform weekly and monthly physical counts of all inventory stock and tooling and requirements. • Other duties as deemed necessary by the Engineering Administrator Requirements • Must meet minimum professional qualification/ certification in Plumbing/Electrical/ Mechanical and A/C related trades • Must have minimum of two years hands-on experience working on minor electrical, painting, plumbing and A/C • Must speak, read, write and understand the primary language (English) used in the workplace. • Must work weekends and holidays
HOUSEKEEPING ROOM ATTENDANT HOUSEMAN LABOURER GROUNDSMEN FRONT DESK AGENT POOL & BEACH ATTENDANT For the above line staff positions, Caribbean resort experience is an asset but not a requirement. Applicants must have a willing, positive and personable attitude, must be willing to work holidays and weekends as standard in the hospitality industry. Salary will commensurate with experience.
Turks Island citizen’s only need to apply in person to Kitchandra McDonald, Assistant Human Resources Manager at The Sands Resort located on Grace Bay Road, Providenciales, the Turks and Caicos Labour Department, or e-mail: humanresource@thesandstc.com Resumes/CV’s must be in by August 22nd, 2016. 11946
August 6 - 12, 2016
Sports Interational Rio 2016 Opening Ceremony expected to be seen by three billion people
The Local Organising Committee for Rio 2016 promises that August 5, will be one unforgettable night of Brazilian music and dance.
THE women’s football competition in the Rio 2016 Summer Olympic Games may have already started, but the one event that’s on everyone’s mind this week is the opening ceremony at the iconic Maracana Stadium, expected to be seen by three billion people around the world on Friday. The Local Organising
Committee for Rio 2016 promises this will be one unforgettable night of Brazilian music and dance, including a 12-year-old rapper, two of Brazil’s most famous singers, Gilberto Gil and Caetano Veloso; and lots of samba. Dancers from 12 samba schools in Rio will make their way through the Maracana before the night is over and the athletes march. “I hope that the opening ceremony will be a drug for depression in Brazil. Brazilians can look at it and say, ‘We are a cool people, we are different ethnic groups, we live together, we never went to war, we are peaceful, we know how to enjoy life and we tend to be happy,’” said Fernando Meirelles, one of the three creative directors for the ceremony. Meirelles is a Brazilian filmmaker known for his Oscar-nominated movie “City of God,” an account of life in Rio de Janeiro’s favelas. Meirelles follows in the footsteps of fellow film
LABOURER WANTED Must be able to work 6 days per week salary $6.25 per hour.
director, Danny Boyle, the cinematic mind behind the London 2012 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony. During the ceremony, supermodel Gisele Bündchen will play the part of the famous “girl from Ipanema” while Brazilian model Lea T will become the first transgender person to have a major role at an Olympic opening ceremony. Although massive in scale, this Olympic’s ceremonies will be on a very tight budget. Brazil is going through its worst recession in recent history, and that has impacted the show. “We were looking at a budget of 113.9 million U.S. dollars for the four ceremonies -- opening and closing ceremonies for the Olympic and Paralympic Games,” Meirelles said in a statement released by the local organizing committee. “But now our budget is 55.9 million U.S. dollars for four ceremonies. Most of this money is for security, and all the stuff around the show. I think it is 12 times less than London, 20 times less than Beijing. This makes it very challenging. “I have never done anything on this scale, and will never do so again in my life,” he added. “Everything is very big, the stage is very big. It’s a huge responsibility.” Meirelles isn’t the only one under pressure. Deborah Colker, Brazil’s most celebrated choreographer, has been working countless hours to manage the more than 6,000 volunteers who will dance in the opening ceremony. Colker and the volunteers have been rehearsing since May at a secret outdoor venue near the Maracana.
Deckhand, cleaner, maintain the general cleanliness of the grounds and facilities of the Marina area and assist on boats with freight handling and luggage. This position requires living on Pine Cay. Starting salary: $6.25-$7.25 /hr. Interested applicants who are islanders should apply with the Labour Board and Email your resume to The Meridian Club at manager@meridianclub.com, phone: 941-7011. This position is currently held by a work permit holder.
August 6 - 12, 2016
Sports Interational Rio 2016: Russians ‘have cleanest team’ as 271 athletes are cleared to compete
Brazil sambaed to a 3-0 win over China in their Olympic opener in the Women’s Football competition on Wednesday.
Women’s football kicks of 2016 Summer Olympics THE Rio 2016 Olympic Games began on Wednesday with a women’s football match played in front of a sparse Olympic Stadium crowd. Sweden won 1-0 against South Africa in the opener, before host nation Brazil beat China 3-0. Plenty of empty seats could be seen in the 60,000 venue at kick-off, although more fans arrived before Brazil’s game. The football tournament has started two days before Friday’s opening ceremony because of a packed schedule. More than 11,000 athletes will compete in the first edition of the
Olympic Games to be held in South America. There are 42 Olympic sport disciplines, with 306 events over the course of 19 days of competition. Football is the only sport that will be staged at venues across the country. Sweden, who are ranked sixth in the world, secured the first win of the tournament when Nilla Fischer bundled in a second-half goal after a goalkeeping mistake. Brazil, who lost at the quarterfinal stage of the London 2012 Games, were comfortable winners with goals from Monica, Andressa Alves and Cristiane.
The Former eight-division world champion Manny Pacquiao, 37, will return to the ring on November 5.
Vargas named as opponent in Pacquiao’s comeback fight MANNY Pacquiao will return to the ring on 5 November against American WBO welterweight champion Jessie Vargas. Former eight-division world champion Pacquiao, 37, had announced his retirement after beating Timothy Bradley in April. But his promoter Bob Arum said last month that the Filipino boxer would fight again this year. “Retirement doesn’t suit Manny right now,” Pacquiao’s manager
Michael Koncz told the Los Angeles Times. “Boxing is in his blood. When he trains, it’s like a pressure-release valve. You can see a dramatic difference in his mood... he’s happy. “It’s amazing what training and fighting does for him.” Pacquiao and his team will meet on 10 August in Manila to discuss whether the bout against 27-yearold Vargas should be staged in Los Angeles or Dubai.
RUSSIA will have “the cleanest team” at Rio 2016, claims the country’s Olympic Committee president Alexander Zhukov. At least 271 Russian athletes have been cleared to compete in Brazil, despite the World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada) recommending all should be banned following the country’s doping scandal. Five athletes - three track cyclists, a wrestler and a canoeist - are still waiting to hear if they can take part. The final number will be revealed on Friday, Zhukov said. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) asked individual federations to decide whether Russians could compete after an independently commissioned report found evidence of a four-year, staterun “doping programme”. A three-person IOC panel has ratified 18 shooters, 11 boxers, 11 judokas, eight tennis players, six sailors, five equestrian riders, three archers and one golfer, among others. Russian news agency R-Sport said 29 swimmers and canoeing world champion Andrey Kraitor were also free to compete at the Games. The International Weightlifting Federation excluded all eight Russians entered for Rio last week and the Court of Arbitration for
A three-person IOC panel has ratified 18 shooters, 11 boxers, 11 judokas, eight tennis players, six sailors, five equestrian riders, three archers and one golfer, among others.
Sport (Cas) ruled the ban had been “properly applied”. Appeals by 17 Russian rowers were also rejected at the hearing in Brazil. Cas has now heard 18 cases since its division in Rio was opened on 26 July, a record for one Olympics. The Cas panel ruled that the International Rowing Federation (Fisa)’s decision to deny the rowers entry to the Rio Games was in accordance with the IOC decision of 24 July, which set out the criteria for
the admission of Russian athletes to compete in Brazil. Meanwhile, Russia’s Pavel Sozykin has had his doping ban overturned by World Sailing and his case will also now be heard by the three-person IOC panel, which is making the final decision on all of the country’s athletes in Rio. Any Russian who has served a doping ban will not be eligible for the Olympics. Track and field athletes have already been banned. (BBC)
Guyana Amazon Warriors into CPL final SOHAIL Tanvir and Chris Lynn led a good all-round showing from Guyana Amazon Warriors, to notch up a tight win over Jamaica Tallawahs in the first playoff in St Kitts, thereby booking their place in the final of CPL 2016. Tallawahs will have a second shot at the final come the second on August 5. Tanvir starred with bat and ball he finished with standout figures of 2 for 24 to help restrict Tallawahs to 146, before applying the crucial finishing touches to the run chase, wrapping it up with a mighty six over midwicket with two balls to spare. After asking Tallawahs to bat first, Amazon Warriors put in a solid bowling performance on a pitch that was not ideal for strokeplay. Tanvir was ably supported by the rest of the bowlers, who managed to keep things fairly tight and take wickets at regular intervals. Captain Rayad Emrit took three wickets, while Chris Barnwell, Adam Zampa and Veerasamy Permaul chipped in with one apiece. Tallawahs’ struggles with the bat were perhaps best encapsulated by the innings of their top scorer and
Sohail Tanvir’s 2 for 24 helped Guyana Amazon Warriors restrict the Jamaica Tallawahs to 146.
captain, Chris Gayle, who was unable to up the pace in a knock of 33 off 36. In post-match comments, Gayle drew attention to the tricky nature of the pitch, but acknowledged that Tallawahs were probably 20 runs short. Amazon Warriors’ chase was anchored by Lynn’s 47-ball 49, as others played around him. However, when Lynn became the fifth wicket
to fall, Amazon Warriors still required 38 off 22. The 18th over proved to be the decisive one. After Tanvir launched the second ball over midwicket for six, Rovman Powell, bowling his first over of the match, delivered a full toss above waist height. The free-hit that followed was hit for four and, thereafter, a combination of singles and wides yielded 17 runs off the over.
Sports National
August 6 - 12, 2016
The swimmers who competed in the test event in late June will get a chance to compete again next July.
Swimming relay race to become an annual event THE success of the first ever seven-mile relay race from Pine Cay to Provo has convinced officials to make the event a part of the 2017 swimming calendar. The event, which was named: The Caicos Cays Turquoise Swim by organisers Ben Stubenberg, Chloe Zimmermann, and Kevin Bethel, will take place on July 3, next year. “We are looking forward to making the Caicos Cays Turquoise Swim another great addition to the open water swim race circuit in the Turks & Caicos. Coming on the heels of the “Race for the Conch”
Eco-SeaSwim, the relay race will certainly enhance our islands as a world class open water swim destination and raise our sports tourism profile by bringing in many more swimmers with their families and friends,” Zimmermann stated recently. Stubenberg added: “We have no doubt this will grow into a popular international open water swim event further showcasing our beautiful seas and spur more interest in swimming in TCI.” At the test event in late June,
Bethel competed. His team was one of three which attempted the race. He remembers it as both fun and scary and is excited about the 2017 event. During the test each team of four or five swimmers swapped out every 20 minutes with a designated swimmer crossing the strong currents of the Leeward Channel. The concept is similar to the long running Maui Channel Swim in Hawaii that also features a relay race (as well as solo swims) over a 9.5 mile stretch of open ocean between the islands of Lanai and Maui.
F Chambers to sponsor TCIFA Golf Scramble in November F CHAMBERS Attorneys at Law has agreed to be the headline sponsor of the 10th Annual TCIFA Golf Scramble. The golf competition which is the football association’s signature fundraising event in aid of youth development
programmes will be held on November 6th at the Provo Golf Club. Along with the tournament, there will also be a silent auction. Non-members playing fee is $140, while members will pay $95.
The TCIRFU wants to get more young people involved in the game.
TCIRFU set to take rugby to the next level – Looking for sponsors to help THE Turks and Caicos Islands Rugby Football Union (TCIRFU) is looking for additional sponsors to
help offset expenses as they continue to grow the sport in the TCI. Over the last few years the
TCIRFU has spread the game to several islands, which has produced numerous outstanding youngsters, some of whom are now competing in the senior national team. With a new crop of junior players, and a large amount of
youngsters learning the game, the TCIRFU feels that it can take rugby to another level in the islands; doing this will however require finances. To this end the local rugby body is soliciting sponsors to commit to annual
sponsorship packages over the next three to six years. Interested persons or companies can contact Nik Hight on 231 0732 or email: tcirfu@gmail.com to learn more about the sponsorship opportunities.
August 6 - 12, 2016
Sports National
TCI golf president elected as VP of Caribbean Golf Association
Fraser Dods was elected to the senior position for two years.
CURRENT president of the Turks and Caicos Islands Golf Association Fraser Dods was elected as vice-president of the Caribbean Golf Association when the body held its AMG last week in the Bahamas. Dods, who will serve in the position for two years, promises to give TCI a louder voice in the region. The 52-year-old told the Weekly News that he will work with the other members of the association to help advance the game. “Last year, the TCI and Barbados golf associations petitioned the CGA for some changes to our main championship
tournament structure, and we as an organisation made some long-overdue steps in 2015 to increase the priority on woman’s golf - through creating two new women’s categories in the CGA Senior Championships and adding another female team member to the George Teale competition.” For the national player, he hopes the regional body can “continue to reflect the values of our communities and the sporting world in providing all segments of the golfing public (elite golfers, men, women and children) opportunities to play the game and better themselves and their communities through their
involvement in the sport of golf.” HOSTING 2019 CARIBBEAN AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIPS Dods also announced that TCI will be hosting the 2019 Caribbean Amateur Golf Championships at the Provo Golf Club. The event will see 110 of the best golfers from 11 Caribbean countries competing over several days in late July, early August. Dods is not the first high ranked TCI representative in the regional body, since he is following in the footsteps of John Phillips (current member of the TCI Cabinet) who was the CGA treasurer for a number of years.
Joseph almost made Haiti’s Olympic boxing team TCI could have had two athletes at the 2016 Rio Olympics, both competing for different nations in different sports. Jimkelly “The Hammer” Joseph was asked by the Haitian Boxing Federation (Federation Haitienne de Boxe Amateur) to represent them at the Games which is set to start this Friday and he had agreed, but a form was not submitted in time to compete at the trials in Venezuela in early July. The 23-year-old heavyweight was born in the TCI, but his father is Haitian. If he was selected he would have joined another Turks Islander, British sprinter Delano Williams at the Games. “I was asked to compete in the 2016 Rio Olympics by Haiti’s Boxing Federation president Pierre Eddy Daniel. After speaking for hours and sending videos and pics he was convinced and ready to have me represent Haiti. At first I
didn’t take it that serious but when he sent the AIBA form for the Olympics, I knew it was on.” Unfortunately a mixedup caused him to miss a key deadline by four hours. The hard-hitter, who has a record of 12-1 said that the exposure would have helped promote TCI boxing. “I was going in to represent Haiti yes, but TCI was in my heart 1000%. This move would have indeed helped Haiti, but also TCI as well.” Joseph, who suffered his first loss last month in Providenciales, is pumped up for a re-match against Bahamian boxer Davian Smith, after which he intends to take his career to the next level with a professional training stint overseas. TCI has lobbied for years for a chance to compete at the Olympics, but is restricted due to our status as a British Overseas Territory.
Jimkelly “The Hammer” Joseph missed a key deadline in the run up to the Olympic trials.
August 6 - 12, 2016
LAND FOR SALE In beautiful Bottle Creek, North Caicos
.46 acres overlooking the creek, spanning King Road and Windsor Road
CALL 232-3508 OR 946-4664
August 6 - 12, 2016
August 6 - 12, 2016