1 minute read
Drafting the Floor Plate
You will need to learn to copy and arrange components on adjacent faceted surfaces. 33
This can be tricky, and it takes time to master. Remember not to overlap components with dashed (hidden) edges. 33
Drafting the Floor Plate
Begin modeling the Jefferson County Courthouse by first drafting the floor plate, as described in these steps: 1. Study the floor-plate base diagram and familiarize yourself with it. Draft a rectangle face. Draw an edge from the top-left corner to the bottom-right corner of the rectangle face. Add a circle (radius 50’) to the midpoint of the diagonal edge. 2. Create the arc at the left side of the floor plate. Delete the diagonal edge outside of the circle.
3. Offset the initial arc outward 100´.
4. Draw an edge along the green axes. Connect both endpoints to the offset arc from step 3.
Draft a second arc (right side of plate) and offset it 100´.
5. Draw perpendicular edges from the endpoints of the offset arc to the first arc. Draft an edge starting 27´ inside the offset arc, down along the green axis.
6. Draft the edges along the red axis, starting from the endpoints of the diagonal edge of the circle out toward the adjacent arcs. Use construction geometry if needed. Make sure the edges subdivide the face between the circle and arcs.
7. Draft the edges from the indicated locations. The edges will be connected from facetedge endpoint to the facet-edge endpoint. Draft a total of six edges: four on the left and two on the right of the floor plate.
8. Offset the inner arcs 26´ and 27´ on both sides to create a double line 1´ apart.