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Water Management

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Aquifer Recharge

Aquifer Recharge

The photograph in Figure 14.37 is an example of either a clever design or the unfortunate result of poor site grading or delayed maintenance. Sometimes a designer considers subtle grading solutions to handle rainwater. The designer of this solution chose to create a gravel path with a crown so as to direct surface water to either side of the walkway into the adjoining grass or planting beds. The standing water could have been the result of ground subsidence or long-term erosion exacerbated by heavy foot or vehicle traffic. In either case, the crown makes much of the walk accessible during rain events.

town planning that incorporates Sustainable Storm Water management


The photograph in Figure 14.38 was taken of a model of a new town plan constructed in the central Netherlands. The plan for this new town development incorporated a variety of storm water management strategies. At the heart of the plan is a greenway that winds through the development. It was designed to hold maximum detention capacity during heavy

Figure 14.37 The Hague, the Netherlands Figure 14.38 Model of new town plan, the Netherlands

rains as well as to accept excess surface water from the internal storm water management systems integrated throughout the development. The models represent a comprehensive approach to managing storm water, integrating diverse systems of canals, water retention basins and swales, rain gardens, and other systems to reduce flooding of structures and to accommodate multiple uses.

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