2 minute read
SaiCoir Erosion Net, BioNet, Nedia Erosion Control Blankets
from Living Systems
by TD Garden
Launch Stratify Fluid geocell – three-diMensional cellular soil conFineMent //
Grooming Digestive Translate Volatile
Envirogrid is a flexible and expandable cellular soil confinement structure that combines compaction resistance with drainage to provide slope and stream bank erosion control, as well as ground and retaining wall stabilization. Originally developed by the Corps of Engineers, the confinement structure is generically known as geocell. The cells are made of strips of thermo-welded High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) that when expanded can be filled with vegetation, aggregate, concrete or combinations thereof. Each geocell mat is made of 58 strips of solid or perforated HDPE in a section length of 29 cells and 5 cells wide; 142in (3.6m) in length with heights ranging from 2 – 8in (5.1cm – 20.4cm).
Envirogrid is an alternative for geotextiles, hydroseeding, gabion baskets, and concrete reinforcement for slope stabilization. For example, it offers an economy of aggregate quantities in comparison with geotextile-aggregate layer construction. Its expanded cell walls keep the aggregate from being pushed away from the applied load, while applied loads are spread over an extended surface area.
While hydroseeding can be employed to hold soil and seed in place until vegetation gets established, this technique may not be adequate to control erosion caused by high water velocities associated with steep slopes. Envirogrid reinforces root systems and directs hydraulic flows over the top of cells, with the cells acting as a series of check dams, thereby preventing formation of rills and gullies. It controls the migration of fills by hydraulic and gravitational forces, through the dissipation of hydraulic energy in and underneath cells and by confinement of fill material within cells. In addition, water is trapped in the cells and percolates to the soil.
A geocell section filled with local soils can be an economical solution to both cut and fill situations. In very steep slope applications soils can be retained with a geocell vertical wall structure. The cells not only hold the soil in place, they also provide drainage throughout the structure. Its large surface area allows for great compaction resistance and for the support of heavy loads such as trucks.
The flexible nature of the concrete-filled cellular confinement system permits conformance with subgrade movement without the potential cracking and undermining associated with poured-in-place concrete slabs. Installation costs are dramatically reduced through elimination of costly forms and other construction techniques typically related to concrete channel lining. In areas with limited easements, stacked cellular confinement-wall slopes along channels allow the use of vegetative, granular or concrete fills in the outer cells in order to steepen slopes and to increase resistance to higher flow rates.
Manufacturer: GeoProducts