14 4
How to... CHOOSE a bank ..........................................3 CHOOSE a vEtErinarian .............................4 CHOOSE a SEwing maCHinE........................5 CHOOSE a prOpanE COmpany ....................6 CHOOSE a CrEdit uniOn .............................8 rECOgnizE tHE SignS Of a HEart attaCk ..9
CHOOSE an autO bOdy SHOp ...................10 CHOOSE a dOCtOr ....................................11 CHOOSE a funEral HOmE .........................13 CHOOSE an EmplOymEnt SErviCE ...........14 CHOOSE an auCtiOnEEr ...........................15 CHOOSE a rEal EStatE agEnCy ................16
CHOOSE a COmputEr rEpair SpECialiSt..17 CHOOSE a griEf SuppOrt grOup .............18 prEparE yOur HOmE tO SEll ...................19 CHOOSE trEE SErviCE...............................20 CHOOSE a SalOn ......................................21 CHOOSE a HOmE rEmOdEling COmpany ..23
How to ChOOSe
any consumers spend an inordinate amount of time considering other financial transactions, but they rarely put so much effort into their choice of banks. Banking services can influence a wide range of financial matters, and there are several details to consider when choosing a commercial bank. Interest Rate and Fees The true value of a bank account can be found in its interest rates. Each bank has a slightly different interest rate for savings accounts, although most of them will adjust these rates based on the federal funds rate. Differences in interest rates may seem insignificant, but they can result in big changes when large deposits are concerned. Banks services also usually involve fees and penalties for certain transactions. A checking account might restrict the number of checks that you are allow to write per month before you pay a fee, or you might be required to maintain a minimum balance in your savings account. Every bank has its own policies, and these should always be taken into account by anyone who is choosing a bank.
a BaNK Convenience Convenience is another factor to consider when choosing a bank. Try to find one that has plenty of convenient branch locations not just close to where you live, but wherever you might travel on a regular basis. It’s more difficult to conduct financial matters when on the road if you’re using a local or regional bank. The important thing is that your bank is accessible when you need it. There will most likely come a time when you have to stop at a bank on your way home from work or make a mad dash to deposit a check before a bank closes. Having a convenient location (or several convenient locations) will make your life much easier. Overdraft Protection As much as you try to avoid it, the occasional overdraft happens to nearly everyone. Each bank has specific policies regarding overdrafts. Some offer overdraft protection in the form of a high interest credit line that kicks in when you bounce a check, while other banks charge a fee for each overdraft. Some banks don’t cover bounced checks at all. Consider the policies of your potential banks of choice before you come to a final decision.
Bank Stability Stability is an often overlooked element of commercial banking. When you deposit money into a bank, it is important to consider the solvency of the bank’s balance sheet. Most funds held on deposit are invested by the bank under a fractional reserve banking system, and a bank with a clean balance sheet can best weather the turbulence caused by market corrections. Most banks are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for up to $250,000 per depositor. This value can vary depending on the type and number of accounts held by a customer. Your money should be safe in any bank, but failures can occur. A solid bank should have limited exposure to toxic assets that put its balance sheet at risk. Services You Need Banks offer a wide range of services. Whether you need to take out a loan or open a checking account, choose a bank that satisfies your concerns with the lost cost and highest rate of return. Careful and vigilant shoppers can expect positive experiences with a trustworthy commercial bank.
How to choose
n today’s society, pets are generally considered to be members of the family. As such, they should be provided with the excellent health care that any member of your family deserves. Many people neglect to bring their pets to a local veterinarian due to cost concerns. These people tend to believe that it is simply not financially wise or necessary to provide their animals with regular health care. However, by ensuring that your pet has regular check-ups from an experienced animal professional, you can add years to your pet’s life and improve upon its happiness. You should never wait until your pet is sick to provide it with the health care that it needs. Many animal diseases can be prevented with regular check-ups, saving you time and money in the long run. Visits to the veterinarian will boost your pet’s health, allowing it to lead a happier, more vigorous life. The process of searching for a veterinarian can seem intimidating. However, so long as you adhere to the following guidelines, you can easily locate an animal health care professional that will provide your pet with the services that it needs in order to lead a long, healthy life.
When searching for a veterinarian, you should first ask for references from your friends and family. The best way to receive an accurate impression of a vet’s quality of work is by speaking with his or her past clients. A veterinarian’s references should assert that he or she is professional, timely, honest and compassionate. The Internet is also an excellent source of information regarding the quality of a specific animal health care professional. Search for reviews from past clients, and check the business’s reputation with the Better Business Bureau. After you have narrowed down your choices, feel free to visit the veterinarian’s office in order to receive a personal impression of the professional’s values. The office should be scrupulously clean, and all employees should be friendly and welcoming. You should observe the interactions between the office’s staff and the animals that are present. If a large number of pets seem excessively stressed or anxious about their visit, this could be a warning sign that the vet is not as gentle or careful as he or she should be. You can even chat with the other clients that are present. Ask them about their past experiences with this particular veterinarian. Most clients would be happy to share their stories or recommendations with you.
How to choose
uying a new sewing machine or serger can be a major investment. Many of the high –end models do multiple tasks. You might want to do some comparison shopping before you purchase a machine that doesn’t suit your needs. Prospective buyers have several sources or research material. Sewing magazines and websites offer customers’ product reviews. Additionally, Consumer Reports presents side-by-side comparisons of specific brands and their competitors. Internet blogs and forums dedicated to home sewing provide hands-on experience and evaluations of major brands. Machine owners share the positives and negatives, information you can use when making your own choice. Make a list of the features you need and want in a sewing machine. Include must-have features and nice-to-have ones. In that list you might want to include some things like thread cutters, needle threaders, a needle camera and embroidery capabilities. Also, buying a cheap off-brand machine is a false
a seWING MachINe economy. Flimsy machines will not perform as well as sturdier and slightly more expensive ones, nor will they last as long. Ask the sales person if the machine has a metal casing. The casting is the inside of the machine. If you plan on having your sewing machine for several years, buy the best one you can fit into your budget and that is right for your needs. This may mean buying a very basic machine. Will you use the machine primarily for sewing clothing, making alterations, crafting, quilting and embroidery? Or do you plan to do upholstery work or other sewing that may require an industrial machine. How often will you sew? Compare and contrast various models ability to meet your individual needs.
Your choice of a specific machine will be influenced somewhat by the amount of space you can devote to it. A compact model may be more convenient if you do all your sewing on the dining room table. On the other hand, a more complex machine can be better suited to a life in a dedicated sewing room. Sewing furniture can help store the machine and all of the accessories that you collect. Don’t buy a sewing machine unseen no matter how good those internet prices are. The warranty is not what you might think it is. What happens if something goes wrong with the machine? You will have to pay the shipping costs and who know where it came from.
How to choose
a PRoPaNe coMPaNY
any customers have no idea they need to use the services of a propane company until they actually run out of energy in a propane tank or grill. It can be chaotic to try to find a propane company at the last minute that offers reasonable prices and is reliable. When choosing a propane company, here are some tips to consider: ReLIaBILITY Reliability is a critical factor to consider when choosing a propane company. You want to choose a company that will work great, even if you are in an emergency situation. If you rely on propane to heat your entire house, then you will want to form a good relationship with a propane company. If the tank just happens to empty without any warning, then you will have to immediately call a propane company to have them come and fix the problem. It is a wise choice to find a propane salesperson who treats you with respect and is cooperative. It is also important to consider the reliability of the store owner who sold you a particular propane tank, as well as the reliability of the brand of the propane tank you purchased. PRIce It is a good idea to consider the prices of various tanks and the price required to refill old tanks. You want to get the best rates possible, but also purchase a propane tank that is high quality and will last for years. It is a good idea to stick to a budget when purchasing a propane tank. It is important to trust the person that sold you a tank in the event that you need to return or exchange it. PRoPeR sTaNDaRDs It is a good idea to check and make sure that a propane company has all of the necessary paperwork to meet government requirements and standards. You want to be sure the actual propane you are using is safe. You want to make sure a company knows what it is doing, so you do not put your family or other loved
It is important to ask a propane salesperson for paperwork that shows they have gone through the training required by the government. ones at risk. You also do not want to waste your money on a service that turned out not to be worthwhile. It is important to ask a propane salesperson for paperwork that shows they have gone through the training required by the government. Be sure to ask if they have the appropriate license and certifications they need to sell propane in your state.
BacKGRoUND It is also smart to check with a state agency to make sure no complaints have been filed against the propane company. Because propane can be dangerous if not properly handled and transported, any signs of carelessness could put your safety and property at risk. Every state has an agency which will regulate the propane industry. These agencies have the sole purpose of watching over propane companies to make sure they act within government regulations. There certainly is due diligence required in picking the right propane company. But if you take your time and pick the right one, you’re more likely to be satisfied with their service to provide you with good, safe heating for many years to come.
How to choose
t a time when banking industry woes are the talk of the evening news, many people find that a community-based credit union is the perfect option for taking care of their financial service needs. A credit union is a cooperative financial institution owned by its members. The deposits in most credit unions are insured by the federal government up to $250,000, making them a safe and secure choice for handling your financial accounts. Because they are notfor-profit organizations, credit unions also may be able to offer you more lucrative rates of interest on your savings and more competitive interest rates on loans. To choose the right institution, begin by first investigating which local credit unions will accept you as a member. Some credit unions are tied to particular companies, so only those employees are eligible for membership. Others are linked to certain communities or school districts, so you can join if you live or work within the appropriate boundaries. With so many credit unions around the country, there are likely to be multiple options in your neighborhood. Once you determine which credit unions you are allowed to join, you can narrow the field of possibilities by studying the services and fees at each institution. If you are you primarily interested in opening a savings or checking account, visit the credit union to get a copy of the current interest rate sheets for each of these services. Most credit unions will give you this information at their offices on request, and some even post the details on their Web sites.
Always find out whether there are any fees associated with the accounts you want to open. Like many savings and loans and banks, some credit unions will charge service fees if you do not keep a minimum balance in an account. Others will charge fees if you
Like many savings and loans and banks, some credit unions will charge service fees if you do not keep a minimum balance in an account. don’t use your debit card a certain number of times each month. Extra fees can make a good interest rate seem less appealing, so study those details before you join. If you are interested in applying for a personal or business loan, be sure to ask whether lending is one of the services offered by the credit union. Then compare the loan interest rates and specials at local institutions to
find out which credit union would best fit your needs. Many consumers want to compare the office hours at credit unions and the proximity of branches to their homes before joining. Some credit unions may be open for longer hours in the evening or may have weekend office hours, which can be helpful if you work every weekday. Another important issue for many customers is the availability of ATM machines and the fees associated with their use. If you need money when the offices are closed, you will want to be sure the credit union has ATMs near your home to give you access to your money. In addition, some institutions have agreements for shared services with other credit unions around the country. Through these arrangements, customers may have access to ATMs and other services when they are away from home. This can be a handy advantage for those who travel or for people who have children attending college in other cities. If this benefit interests you, check with local credit unions to see which ones offer this service. Once you have done your research, make a list of the pros and cons so you can compare each individual credit union before making the switch. You will find that credit unions can be an excellent alternative to banks and other financial institutions, with comparable, competitive services and rates. If you do your homework, you can find an ideal credit union match.
eart attacks are dangerous occurrences that are all too often dismissed as minor conditions such as indigestion or heartburn. If treatment is not sought, though, lasting damages may be inevitable. There are several warning signs which should be looked for when trying to determine whether you are having a heart attack. One of these signs is chest pressure, with some individuals describing the feeling as being similar to having an elephant standing on their chest. Any pains in the chest should always be examined. Failure to analyze the situation can lead to worse heart attacks in the future. When tightness or pain is experienced, call 911 immediately in order to obtain emergency aid. Shortness of breath may also be a sign of heart attacks. If problems with breathing arise, attention should be paid. If you are suddenly unable to breathe or experience any other warning symptoms, a heart attack may be occurring. It is essential to remain calm when breath becomes short as the experience can be highly stressful and frightening. Some people experience pain in the arms, back or shoulders when they are undergoing a heart attack. Individuals have complained that they have experienced shooting pains in their arms for no reason whatsoever. This could be an indicator that future coronary problems are imminent. Some individuals have claimed that the pain has been felt higher in the body such as the neck and even the jaw. These pains should never be ignored, particularly if they occur along with additional heart attack symptoms. If a person experiences vomiting or cold sweats along with pain in the limbs or chest, they should contact the hospital immediately so that they can obtain any treatment that they need. Some individuals have dismissed a heart attack as a common cold or influenza that has occurred due to cold weather or contagions. In short, a patient should never take any symptoms for granted, no matter how seemingly minor. Other possible symptoms include racing pulse, profuse sweating, or short periods in which consciousness is lost. In order to obtain the help that the victim requires, immediate action needs to take place in order
Approximately 500,000 fatalities that occur each year within the U.S. are due to heart attacks. to make sure that there are no lasting damages resulting from myocardial infarction. Excessive sweating during a heart attack is not at all related to the type of sweating that is experienced when a person exercises for long periods of time. This form of sweating produces more sweat in a short time period instead of perspiration which occurs during normal exercise. A high pulse or loss of consciousness are two
sure signs that emergency help needs to be obtained. Approximately 500,000 fatalities that occur each year within the U.S. are due to heart attacks. It is dangerous and is often ignored until far too late. Any symptoms need to be taken seriously if the patient has a chance of surviving the heart attack. Make sure that emergency services are immediately obtained so that an EMT will assess the attack and perform the required techniques that are needed to ensure survival.
How to choose
our car, van, SUV, or truck is one of the most important things to your ever day life. It is there for the transportation of you and your loved ones, keeps your family safe on the road, and it even gives you a unique way to express yourself. It is important that you do everything you can to keep your vehicle in the best shape possible, especially if something unexpected happens. There are some people out there who are mechanically inclined and can take care of most of their car’s issues on their own. You may even have a favorite mechanic for changing the oil and belts, or even doing major maintenance under the hood. However, it is just as important to know what you are going to do for your car or truck if it is ever in an accident. Even if you are an extremely careful driver, following the rules and obeying the speed limit, there are still other people out there who are not. Accidents happen every day, and not everyone on the road is being extra careful. If you are ever in an accident, even if it is a fender bender that does not seem to have done much damage, it can still cause lots of problems and annoyance. If you have a trustworthy auto body shop that does quality work, they can help make the situation go by with fewer troubles, and possibly even save you money in the long run. If you do not already have an auto body shop that you know and trust, it can be very helpful to get advice from your friends and neighbors who live nearby. Someone you know has likely already dealt with some of the auto body shops in your area and can tell you about their experiences, whether they are good or
aN aUTo BoDY shoP
Some shops are very busy, and if you pick one that is not happy about doing your work, you may not be getting the best deal or work on what you need. bad. Once you have a couple of recommendations, you can use the Internet to find out even more about the shops you are thinking of. Doing an Internet search can be great, not only because you may be able to find the auto body shop’s Web site which should tell you a bit about their practices, but you may also be able to find out about other people’s experiences. If you find a lot of negative feedback about one of the shops you are thinking of, it is likely a good idea to pick a different one. Also, if you can’t get any recommendations from your friends and family, the Internet is a great place to start your search. Once you have found a few shops that look promising, it is time to hop on the phone. Call around to the shops you are thinking of, and describe that problem or even the accident to the person you speak with. If you are paying attention, you might be able to tell if they feel optimistic about the job, or if they seem less than enthusiastic. Some shops are very busy, and if you pick one that is not happy about doing your
work, you may not be getting the best deal or work on what you need. If it seems like the shop is interested and glad to have your business, you will need to get a price quote. It may be hard, and in some cases, impossible for them to guess at the price before they see the car, but they may be able to still give you an idea of what you may be paying. Write down the quotes you get from all of the different shops, and then get ready to head out and go see the shops for yourself. When at the shop, make sure to check for certification, guarantees, prices, and cleanliness of the shop as well as the front office. You will need to make you decision based on all of these things.
How to choose
ne of the most important things you can do to safeguard your health is to choose the right physician, someone who will work proactively with you on your health issues. There are some important factors to consider when you’re in the process of selecting your doctor. Your primary care physician is responsible for all your medical needs, and should you need the attentions of a specialist, your primary care physician is responsible for making that referral. Most people will want to choose a generalist as their primary care physician, whether a family practice doctor or an internist. But in some cases, you may want to choose a physician who specializes in a certain area of medical practice. Often the personal physician you choose will be mandated by the type of health insurance you carry. You will be required to choose your personal doctor from within that primary care physician (PCP) network. The best way to find a new doctor is through a referral from friends, family or someone else whose judgment in this matter you can trust. People who like and trust their own physicians are eager to share their experiences.
A DocToR Whoever your choice turns out to be, once you’ve contacted the physician and found out whether they can add you to their patient rostrum, it’s a good idea to check with your insurance company and make sure that your visits to this doctor will be covered. Paying for medical care out of your own pocket can become very expensive. Another good source of physician referrals may be the local chapter of the American Medical Association or other professional physicians’ organizations in your area. Before you make your final decision, be sure the physician you have chosen is accepting new patients. Contact the doctors’ office to make sure that they are adding new patients to their practice and that they accept the type of insurance you carry. Under ideal circumstances, the very first visit you make to your new doctor will involve a routine physical examination during which your new doctor will take a detailed patient history. Some insurance companies will not pay for routine physicals, however. Some other factors to consider when choosing a physician: You’ll want to make sure his or her office is convenient to either your home or your workplace. You’ll want to make sure the physician you’ve chosen has admitting privileges at a hospital where you’d feel
comfortable should you have to become a patient there. Another point to consider when choosing your doctor, is your physician able to perform diagnostic tests and procedures in his or her own office or will you have to visit a separate facility when you need these services? Finally, verify how long it will take you to book an appointment. Not every one of your medical needs will require seeing a doctor that very same day, but when an emergency arises, you’ll want to make sure that your doctor can handle it. Dr. Webster, a family medicine physician has practiced medicine in the Central Texas area for 40 years. Dr. Webster has been voted the Best or One of the Best Physicians in the Central Texas area for the last 15 years. Dr. Webster accepts most insurance, has an in-house lab & x-ray and also accepts same day appointments. His office is conveniently located in the Rosewood Plaza at 5610 E. Central Texas Expressway, 5 minutes from Seton Hospital, in the Killeen/Harker Heights area. In addition to quality health care for the entire family, Dr. Webster offers HCG Weight loss, Allergen Immunotherapy and Facial Aesthetics within his practice and the community. Contact Dr. Webster at 254-6901280 to schedule your appointment or consultation.
How to choose
hen grieving over the loss of a loved one, the last thing you want to be thinking about is planning their funeral. However, if no funeral plans were made prior to the death, you may find yourself facing this reality. This is a difficult process and you want to make sure that you are comfortable with any arrangements you might have to make. When you are ready to begin planning, the first step you need to take is to choose where you would like to have the service. This decision may be easier if your loved one was a member of a church, synagogue, mosque or other religious organization. Next, perform a search on the Internet or newspaper obituary page to find funeral homes in your area. Call each one and make an appointment for an on-site or telephone arrangement conference with a funeral director to discuss your basic options. Most likely, the cost of the funeral is one of your concerns. Start your conversation with the funeral director by asking about the basic fee. Independent family-owned funeral homes may offer lower costs, but you won’t know for sure until you talk to them. From there, you can follow-up with questions on available services and any down payments you will need to make. After this initial conversation, you can make a more educated estimate of your funeral budget. There’s no getting around the high cost of funerals. It is said to be one of the most expensive purchases you will
a FUNeRaL hoMe
make. The total cost can easily run over $10,000, with the casket alone making up over half of the sum. With the funeral director, you will review general pricing with a list of services. You won’t want to make any decisions on the spot, so ask the funeral director for an itemized price in writing. The Federal Trade Commission mandates that each funeral home provide customers with a pricing list. Remember that you have control over what services you receive. You should never pay for funeral services that you do not want.
If casket prices at your chosen funeral home are too pricey, you have the right to purchase a casket elsewhere with no additional charge. Compare prices at other funeral homes and on the Internet, then make the choice that works best for your situation. If you are planning the funeral with other family members, make sure you discuss who is going to be the primary contact for all funeral arrangements. This makes things easier for both the funeral home and family members who are trying to get information on arrangements. After finalizing your decision on what type of service you would like, you need to get all of the paperwork in order. This means filling out and submitting all necessary permits and copies of death certificates, as well as securing burial arrangements at the cemetery or crematory. This may all seem overwhelming, but remember that if you have done your research you have chosen the best funeral home for the needs of your loved one. They have the expertise to guide you through this difficult process and to ensure the funeral runs smoothly for everyone. Remember if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask the funeral home for their advice. You always have the option of finding a different funeral home if you have problems with them down the road. If that happens, you only need to pay for services that you requested them to perform. Contact your funeral home for additional questions or concerns.
How to Choose an eMploYMent serViCe
Explore the state of employment in America. Find out who gets hired and why at expresspros.com
“We don’t have the people we need. Some 82 percent of manufacturers say they can’t find workers with the right skills,” said Doug Oberhelman, CEO of Caterpillar Inc.
s the economy recovers, there are still many individuals who are trying to find employment. Some are finding the process difficult as they struggle with not having the education or experience employers are often requiring. Employment services, also known as staffing company, can help bridge the gap and help in finding you a job. In fact, the American Staffing Association found that 88 percent of employees who worked for a staffing company say temporary or contract work made them more employable. What to Consider The first feature to examine when choosing a service or company to work with is how successful the company has previously been in finding jobs for
job seekers. It’s also essential to receive information about their experience, including how long they have been in business. training opportunities You can also check to see if the service provides training that could help you find a job. Some places will offer job seekers vocational training that is free to help give them a better chance of finding employment. Having these types of vocational skills can help you become more employable for the jobs that are often the most in-demand by employers. “We don’t have the people we need. Some 82 percent of manufacturers say they can’t find workers with the right skills,” said Doug Oberhelman, CEO of Caterpillar Inc. “Welders, CNC programmers and
operators, electricians, pipefitters, machinists—to cite a few examples—are highly skilled. And the jobs pay well. The average manufacturing worker earns roughly $77,000.” Although some services provide training without additional cost, other agencies will require that you pay a fee in order to cover the costs of the training. speCialized options Many employment companies will have one or two vocations they work with, so you’ll want to make sure that the company you work with is able to provide you the best service based on your interests and skills. There are services and companies that find jobs for people in specific areas including finance, administrative, health care, information technology and many others. Some services do not focus on a particular skill set or industry, but it’s important that whichever company you work with has had success with finding jobs for people with your same skillset. Finding a reputable employment service is not a difficult task, but you should still take your time when trying the find the right one for you.
How to
choose AN AUcTIoNeeR
hen deciding on an auctioneer, the selection process does not have to be difficult. However, it is necessary to take a few things into consideration before you make your choice. The first thing to determine is the kind of auction you wish to conduct. Auctions can be held for a variety of purposes, including raising funds or liquidate a business. An auctioneer must possess charisma and confidence, and vector these personality traits with their voice. They must be affable and gregarious, and use their gifts of speech to create a rapport with the audience. The auctioneer must connect with the bidders in a way that entices them to participate. By having a verbal connection with the audience, they can help maximize the bids on even the most unattractive of items. When hiring an auctioneer, one of the best places to begin is an auction house. Many skilled and experienced auctioneers are independently contracted and can work at a variety of locations. As it is their career, these experienced auctioneers will know how to push bids higher and when to close. They also have the speed and verbal dexterity to move through lots expediently.
If a professional auctioneer is unavailable or too expensive, another viable option would be to find a person in the community who possesses these qualities of charisma. Sometimes having a person known to the bidders can be even more effective than using a professional auctioneer. However, it is still recommended that this individual undergo some training with regard to the logistics of the bidding, closing, and overall auction process. Another method of finding auctioneers is through the Internet or newspaper. Newspapers typically have an auction section where you can locate professionals in the area. It is also vital to ensure that all auctioneers listed are licensed and currently working auction events. Ask for references and work history. Another option is to contact the National Auctioneers Association or visit their Web site. The National Auctioneers Association website provides a list of qualified auctioneers in your area. Many auctioneers are also certified and credentialed by similar auctioneer organizations such as the Certified Auctioneers Institute, or CAI. This credential demonstrates that the auctioneer has undergone
extensive training as well as a standard of integrity and professionalism, some of which goes beyond what is required for a state license. If you are unsure about an auctioneer, you can always watch them perform an auction. Most auctioneers are contracted throughout the year, and it is excellent idea to visit them working and get a feel for how they handle a crowd. By examining and comparing each auctioneer, you can determine which one best fits the needs of the audience and the auction items. The Internet is also a great tool for finding the right auctioneer. Not only do Web sites narrow down the search to auctioneers in the area, they also provide contact information and can expedite the entire hiring process. However, some sites may not list credentialed auctioneers. The quality of these lists will vary from site to site, and it is recommended you visit a Web site of a certified institution. Nevertheless, by performing a quick background check and obtaining reliable references, you can locate a professional auctioneer who can perform the job with confidence.
How to CHOOse
a ReaL esTaTe aGeNCY
hether you are selling or buying a home, it is vital to have both the best Realtor and real estate agency on your side. The agent and agency that you choose could make the difference between selling your house for the asking price or settling for the best offer on the table, which could mean thousands of extra dollars in your pocket. Although you will be spending most of your time with the real estate agent that you choose, the agency that employs them can also make a difference in the sale or purchase of your next home. You want to choose an agency that has plenty of local connections, a keen understanding of the neighborhoods you are interested in as well as solid contacts within the world of real estate. This is especially important if you are selling a home. While your real estate agent will play a key role in helping you locate your dream home, it is often their agency that will take care of the sale of the house. What can make the difference between one real estate agency and the next is the methods by which they advertise their listings and how they conduct the sales process. This can greatly influence the sale of your home and ultimately how much you will get for it. Although they may all appear the same on the
outside, some real estate agencies may differ slightly in the type of real estate they prefer to show or sell. Some might be more familiar with commercial properties while others are great at selling high-end homes. Browse the agency’s listings beforehand to see if your home meshes well with their existing listings. Examine how the listings themselves are displayed to see if you, as a prospective buyer, would find them easy to read yet informative. While you shouldn’t rule agencies out because of their size, it is an important factor to consider. While smaller agencies may be able to dedicate more time to the sale of your home, they also may not have the networking advantages of larger agencies. If you do choose a larger agency, the real estate agents have more of a chance of networking to sell your home. Yet you may not get the personalized attention that you could with a smaller agency, which might make the process seem overwhelming at first.
There are several questions that you should be prepared to ask when selling a home: -- What methods will be used to sell my home? The Internet? Newspapers? -- How many pictures of my house will appear online? -- On which sites will my home be displayed? -- Can you see examples of other homes that have recently been sold in my price range? -- How long have they been selling homes in my neighborhood? -- What makes your agency different from the others? Make sure to investigate the reputation of an agency before you say yes to their services. You can use different Web sites to read client testimonies, because they could make the difference between a good agency and a great one. If friends or family have an agency that they recommend you should rely on their previous experiences for your own home sale. You should also find out how long an agency has been operating in the area. It is preferable to choose one that has been established for a long time, but those who are new can also work hard for the sale of your home. Although they shouldn’t necessarily be avoided, you should be aware that those individuals who run an agency as their side business may not have the amount of time necessary to show your house the way you would like it to be shown. Make sure you do your research beforehand since this is one of the biggest transactions you will ever conduct. You want only the best real estate agents and agency on your side to get the best deal for your future home or sale.
How to choose A coMPUTeR RePAIR sPecIALIsT
If repairing computers was something you could learn overnight, then you wouldn’t need a specialist to do it for you.
ou probably use your computer almost every day. Most modern computers are designed to be friendly to even the most basic user to chat, e-mail, listen to music and watch videos. However, sometimes things go wrong. When that happens, you’re often left with some technical and confusing error message designed for computer geeks. And, computer problems tend to come when you least expect them. That’s why it’s important to find a skilled computer repair specialist quickly and at an affordable price. If you need your computer up and running in a short time, follow these tips. KNoWLeDGe AND eXPeRIeNce There are two basic systems that repair specialists can be familiar with. They are PC and Macintosh. If you’ve got an Apple, that’s Macintosh. If not, you’re probably using a PC. The most common type of computer is a PC, so go with a PC specialist if you aren’t sure. Chances are, you’d know if you chose to buy a Mac. Another thing to consider is the type of computer you’re using. Is it a desktop or a laptop? Desktops are the type of computer that are meant to be kept in one place for a long period of time. Laptops are the smaller computers that fold up like a notebook. Those specialists who are more familiar with desktop computers probably can’t do much if your laptop goes down. So, pick a laptop specialist if that’s what you’re using. When it comes to price, you’re often far better off going with a small shop or individual. One-stop-shops can sometimes be more expensive and will try to upsell you on specialized products or services that you may not need. Don’t be persuaded to purchase anything you don’t understand. Oftentimes, these “upgrades” can be
nothing more than installing a few free programs that you could have downloaded yourself on the Internet. Experience is another quality to look for in a computer repair specialist. Most specialists have been working with computers for a while to know all the ins and outs involved. If repairing computers was something you could learn overnight, then you wouldn’t need a specialist to do it for you. So, ask about how long they’ve been working on computers. The longer they’ve been at it, the chances are greater they’ve seen your problem before and know how to fix it quickly. TRAINING AND ceRTIFIcATIoN Training and certification can be another good quality to look for in a computer repair specialist. They may be able to present you with certificates in special software such as Microsoft or Apple. They may also have an associate’s degree from a
two-year technical college. These types of certifications are good to look for. However, don’t go on certificates alone. Experience and skill still carry more weight when it comes to repairing computers. MAKe A PeRsoNAL VIsIT You can’t judge a book by its cover. The same is true for computer repair shops. Bigger is not always better. Advertising may give you some clues, but it’s also not a good indicator of who you’re dealing with. To really get a good idea, you should go to the shop and meet the technician in person. Tell them about your problem and see how they respond. Make sure you’re not talking to a sales representative out front. You want to see the person who does the actual work. If they seem like they know what the problem is, chances are they do. If they respond with something like a puzzled look or a vague suggestion to just bring the computer in, then you’ll probably want to look elsewhere.
How to chooSe
There is something special about connecting with other people that understand the pain of losing a loved one.
osing a loved one is the most difficult experience a person will ever have in his or her lifetime. It can be emotionally traumatic and completely change a person’s outlook on life. Expressing one’s feelings within a supportive group atmosphere is necessary to survive the tragedy of losing a loved one. Sharing feelings with other families may be difficult, especially when a parent has passed away. Siblings often do not want to discuss their feelings with one another, since they are in a vulnerable state of mind. Seeking out a support group can be the single best thing a person does to overcome this difficulty. What is a Grief Support Group? A grief support group is a group of people that get together on a regular basis, usually once a week. They all have one thing in common, and that is they have lost
a loved one. They share their thoughts and feelings with one another and how they deal with the grief process. These people may be of all different ages, or a group may be dedicated to only one age group. Usually a trained counselor, psychologist, psychiatrist or social worker will be the head of a grief support group. These sorts of trained professionals have skills necessary for dealing with the mourning process. They can truly help a group of individuals overcome the pain that grieving often brings about. Benefits of a Grief Support Group There are plenty of benefits that come with being part of a grief support group. First off, a person may connect with others on mental, emotional and spiritual levels. By connecting with others, each person is essentially able to lift one another out of the grieving process. There is
something special about connecting with other people that understand the pain of losing a loved one. People are free to exchange ideas in these sorts of groups, and the members of such a group are often nonjudgmental. Members will freely listen to one another and every member will have the chance to say something. A person may be assured that his or her reactions to the grieving process are normal, even when that person may feel completely out of the ordinary. A support group reinforces that each person is normal and respected. There are all sorts of things that can be shared in a support group. A person may choose to share memories of a loved one with the entire group. Or, a person may simply need to express what he or she is going through at that moment. If a person needs to cry, then a grief support group can be the perfect place for him or her to express such strong emotions. Types of Support Groups Available There are plenty of support groups that exist. If a person has lost a parent or child, there is likely a specific support group for that loss. If a person has lost a grandparent or spouse, there are also support groups that exist for those losses as well.
How to PrePare
Your Home to Sell
elling your home can be an emotional decision. Not only does it signal a major change in your life, but your home has more memories and feelings attached to it than other possessions typically do. As soon as you make the decision to put your home on the market, though, you need to look at it from a potential buyer’s point of view. That means setting aside your own feelings and thinking about your home as a business person would, trying to market it to the largest possible pool of buyers. Take some time to consider the main points a potential buyer will be looking for, and make your home fulfill as many of those requirements as possible. For starters, buyers are always looking for a spacious home with ample storage. You can increase your home’s appeal by clearing the clutter from every room. Clutter obstructs the potential buyer’s ability to see the space your home has to offer. Buyers will look in closets and cabinets. These areas need to be organized so that it appears that your home has plenty of storage space. You may have to pack and store some things in order to create the a feeling of spaciousness that makes your home more appealing. Before prospective buyers begin coming to your home, you also need to remove the items that make it very personally yours. If you have a grouping of family photos or ribbons, trophies, and awards that family members have earned, you need to pack those up. If you happen to collect certain objects such as cows in the kitchen or sea shells in the bathroom, pack away those collectibles. Even though items such as these are not a stationary part of your house, they can have a negative influence on a buyer’s opinion of the house, because it’s unlikely the buyer will have your exact same sense of taste. If you step back and look at your home from an outsider’s point of view, you may see flaws that need repair. The walls may not look as pristine as a buyer would like. A major cleaning may be all that your walls and floors require, or you may need to repaint certain areas or have your floors professionally
cleaned. You need to fix anything that is broken. This includes light fixtures, hinges, appliances or fixtures such as the sink or shower door that may be chipped or simply not functioning properly. If a buyer sees small signs of neglect, they may take that to mean you neglect things around the house that could potentially signal larger problems. Not only should you take a critical look at the interior of your home, you need to also examine the exterior before you put a sign in front of it letting
people who drive by know it’s for sale. It might even be a good idea for you to get in your car and slowly drive by your home in both the daytime and in the evening to discover how it would look to someone who is searching for their dream home. Once again, small details matter. The front porch light or any exterior lights should function properly. Your house numbers should be visible, and even your mailbox should look good. The lawn needs to be mowed or raked, depending on the season. If you have a walkway to your front door, it should not have any cracked stepping stones or plants creeping across it. Live flowers add beauty to your home’s curb appeal. Dead or dying plants don’t. Garden art can enhance the beauty of your landscape when kept to a minimum and when the items compliment the overall landscape design. Finally, your front door should be attractive. The first view a potential buyer sees inside your home should be inviting, and the tour through your home should reveal a clean, well maintained home. You want buyers to see themselves living comfortably and happily in the home you have enjoyed. If you can do that, you’ll have a much better chance of selling your home quickly and for the best price.
How to ChoosE
A sALoN “A great stylist will sometimes tell you, no. Don’t be offended, she/ he is just looking out for your hair’s health.” Cleanliness A neat and cleaned salon is important. It’s ok to ask how the tools and implements are cleaned. Each client should have cleaned, sanitized tools and implements used on them. If the salon is not neat and clean, then the likelihood of the tools and implements would not be either.
Scissor Sister’s Hair Salon
isiting a salon is a great way to give your-self an emotional boost. Everyone loves to look their best. Salons usually offer a variety of services. Cutting, Styling, Coloring, Perming and Straightening are just some of the services offered at most salons. Some even offer the option to add artificial or real hair to your own, called extensions. Some salons are more pampering, offering services like massage, facial or full body waxing, manicures and pedicures. Some even offer sunless spray tanning. Salon prices can range from low to very high, depending on the services given. Here are a few tips to help you find a salon that is right for you. Internet The internet is a great place to start. Most salons have their own websites with the prices available. Internet also offers the ability to see reviews from other clients. Facebook is also very helpful in this area and is a growing way for a salon to do business. Some offer pictures of the stylists work along with pictures of the salon itself.
great stylist will sometimes tell you, no. Don’t be offended, she/he is just looking out for your hair’s health. The stylist might do a strand test, to test the hair’s elasticity for the service in mind, especially if you already have chemically treated hair. Making an Appointment There are many ways of making a salon appointment. Some salons only make appointments by phone, and some have the options of making an appointment by website or even Facebook. If uncertain of how long your appointment will be, the best is to call the salon itself. Some salons can take you on a walk-in basis and some require making an appointment to ensure that you get in for the time you need.
Education A great salon will also educate you about your hair and help you choose the correct shampoos and conditioners for your hair. They will talk to you about your budget and also what kind of upkeep you want when choosing a cut or even color. Stylists love to make their client look and feel good about themselves. After all, that’s what a salon is all about. In summary one of the best ways to ensure a great salon service is be a part of the experience. Ask questions about the service you are receiving. Keep a log of everything you get done to your hair. This is helpful when you find the need to switch to another stylist. When you do this you are setting them and yourself up for success.
Ask for a Consultation `“It’s best to call the salon to get a consultation. Consultations are sometimes free, but, better to get a quote with the stylist so that you’re not surprised at the register at the end of your service.” Says Heather Collins Co-owner of Scissor Sisters Hair Show Salon. Make sure you disclose all previous hair coloring or chemical services to your stylist and bring in a “goal” picture. “Keep in mind that a stylist is bound by your own hairs ability, previous services and chemicals ability. A
How to choose a hoMe ReMoDeLING coMPaNY
urchasing a home is the single largest investment a consumer can make. For this reason, it is important to make sure that your home is properly maintained and the right repairs are performed when problems arise. Selecting the right home repair professional to handle these issues is a key to protecting your investment. However, when it comes to hiring the repair contractors for their home, many people put very little time or effort into their selection process to avoid the frustration that this process can cause. Some people choose to just contact the first name that they grab from their local phone directory. While many companies can promise to provide the results that you are searching for when it comes to the maintenance and repairs for your home, most of the time you will notice that these companies leave much to be desired when the project is completed. There are more fruitful ways of locating the most reputable professionals in your area to handle these jobs without getting frustrated and feeling overwhelmed. Researching Your Home Contractors before Hiring A thorough research on the home contractors that you are planning to hire to perform your home maintenance and repair projects will help to insure that you are selecting the right person or company for the job. Once you have located a contractor for the job, you should set up a consultation with them. During this consultation you will find out most of what you need to make a well-established and knowledgeable decision on whether or not this is the contractor that can handle your maintenance and repairs. asK The RIGhT QUesTIoNs It is important to remember that you are interviewing a contractor or business to perform a service for you. For this reason you should conduct the consultation as though it were a job interview. Asking the right questions of the contractors is important. Some of the questions that will provide you a clear idea of the work provided through a specific contractor or business include: • How much experience do you have in this business? Make sure that you do a check to insure that they have the background and expertise that they claim to have. • When hired for a job, who performs the work? Sometimes there are sub-contractors that are hired by a company or main contractor to aide in completing projects on time. You have the right to know who will be working within your home and on your property. • Ask to see the contractor’s license. Most states require that all general and specialty contractors be licensed and registered in the state that they perform their work. • Ask to see the insurance certificates that the contractor has. A reputable contractor will carry property damage, personal liability and worker’s compensation insurance. • Inquire about any permits that may be needed
when their job is finished. Be cautious of low-ball bids that you receive from a contractor. Often the contractor will be more interested in getting the job and will provide you with estimates that are lower than other contractors. Unfortunately the homeowner will find that the contractor makes up for this by using second-rate materials and skimping on their labor. If you need to hire a second contractor to re-do the maintenance or repairs that should have been done right the first time, you can actually find yourself paying more than you should. BacKGRoUND checK When you are finished with your consultation with the contractor, you should make sure that you perform a thorough background check on the prior work history that they may have. You can ask the contractor to provide you with a list of the previous clients that they finished work for. Contact the client and ask about their experience with the contractor and their satisfaction with the services they were provided. You can also contact the Better Business Bureau to inquire about the work history of the company and contractors that they may have knowledge of. The BBB will be able to let you know of any formal complaints filed against the entity that may exist.
and who will be obligated to insure that they are in place at the time work is being performed. GeT eVeRYThING IN WRITING There are many homeowners that get stuck paying for unexpected expenses when a contractor has completed their maintenance or repair projects. This can be avoided by asking the contractor for a written estimate explaining in detail all of the fees, expenses and costs that you will be responsible for
WaRNING sIGNs There are specific warning signs that you should look for when hiring a contractor to perform maintenance and repairs on your home. These warning signs are not necessarily an indication that the contractor is unable to provide the results that you want, but you should be wary. These signs include: • Pressuring the homeowner into making an immediate decision on hiring them. • The contractor insists that a large portion or all of the costs of the repair be paid in advance. • The contractor will only accept cash as a form of payment, instead of credit cards or checks. • The contractor travels door-to-door to offer their services to potential clients.