Temple Belton Board of RealtorsÂŽ
Temple Daily Telegram Publication For information on advertising call Lauren Ballard, Director 254-778-4444 • 800-460-6397 email: laurenb@tdtnews.com 10 South 3rd - Temple, TX 76501
GUY FOWLER, 721-3456 One of the Top Producing Agents for 2016
Chosen as one of Texas Monthly's Super Agents See these listings at www.guyfowler.com
email: aguy@guyfowler.com
Amazing home, 4Bd/4.5Ba/3La/2Dr, Terrazzo tile floors, granite counters, stainless appliances, custom cabinets, double sided FP, lots of windows, master suite w/ his/her baths, spa, multiple decks, fenced play area w/ dog run, trees. $359,000
Beautiful new 4Bd/3.5Ba/2La/2Dr home by Eagle Ridge Builders. Granite counters, Electrolux stainless appliances, double ovens, huge island, butler's pantry, 5 burner gas cooktop, split bedrooms, study, big utility, covered porch, FP. $579,000
Beautiful view of Lake Stillhouse! Gorgeous hill country home with 4Bd/3.5Ba/3La/2Dr, stone FP, wood flrs, large kitchen, island, double ovens, in-ground pool, multiple patios/porches, 4.29 acres lot, walk to lake. $730,000
NEW! Eagle Ridge Builders 3Bd/2.5Ba/2Dr plus study. Tile floors that look like wood, stone/brick archways, FP, granite counters, island, pantry, built-in buffet, split master, mud area, charging station, covered back porch w/ FP. $275,900
Large lot, spacious 5Bd, optional flex rm, 2 bonus areas. Pull out drawers, convection oven, stainless appliances, cul-de-sac location, covered back patio, privacy fence. $279,900 Call Brook@ 254-913-0801 for more info.
Custom built 4Bd/4Ba/3La/2Dr home, lake view, geo thermal heating/cooling, hardwd firs, gourmet kitchen, Wolf gas range, Sub Zero fridge, granite, island, library, study, outdoor cooking station, hot tub, sparkling negative edge pool, gated. $898,000
Brand new Eagle Ridge Builders home, 4Bd/3Ba/2Dr, large living, study, stone/brick archways, granite counters, stainless appliances, island, Alder wood cabinets, desk area, mud area, big covered back porch, outdoor FP. $373,800
Lake Belton view/access. 4Bd/4Ba/3La/2Dr + a sun porch & bonus room on 1/2 acre+ lot .Granite counters, double ovens, geothermal heating/cooling, swim/spa, multiple decks, security cameras, 3 tandem garage, RV parking. $565,000
New Eagle Ridge Builders 4Bd/3Ba/2Dr, large living, study, granite counters, lots of tile, alder wood cabinets/front door, stainless appliances, island, stone/brick archways, covered back porch w/ FP, side entry garage. $399,900
702 Clover Lane is a 0.53 acre lot with scattered trees, lot located on a cul-de-sac, level terrain, backs up to hole #1 for $94,900 and 5111 Sunflower Lane is a 0.328 acre lot with trees, rolling topography, backs up to hole #10 priced at $94,900.
A very cool house in Temple's Historic District. Hardwood floors, built-ins, cedar closet, FP. Two living areas, 2 dining areas, and master downstairs with 2 bedrooms and bath upstairs. Covered patio, extended deck. $225,000
Build a custom dream home on a choice of 10 lots in exclusive Misty Creek. An impressive water feature with multiple fountains, waterfalls, and a walking trail are located in the gated subdivision. Restrictions. Prices from $72,500 to $79,500.
~~1&11;~~ -
Absolute dollhouse! Just move in! 3Bd/2Ba/2La/2Dr. Updates include tile floors, paint, fixtures, insulation, duct work, windows, counter tops, tankless water heater. Corner lot, storage bldg, playhouse, fenced back yard, sprinkler, trees. $169,500
Historic District 4Bd/2Ba/2La/2Dr home, hardwood floors, FP w/ gas logs, large rooms, lots of windows, storage, double ovens, separate 1Bd/1 Ba w/ kitchenette cottage, large corner lot, huge trees, 3 car detached carport, security. $279,800
Stillwater Custom Homes, 4Bd/3Ba/2Dr, large living with stone FP, study, hardwood flooring, kitchen w/ island cooktop, granite counters, mother-in-law suite, covered rear patio w/ FP, fenced back yard, wooded lot. $393,900
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481 WYNDCREST We love this lialing be-
501 GNOIIE LANE ·THE HOME & LAKE VIEW YOU'VE BEEN WAinNG FORI Resting on 4.7 acres In BISD, this 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath home has a gorgeous view of SUIIhouse Lake and so much more... 2 cozy IMng areas, a fabulous kitchen, oflice off the master bedroom, 3 car garage. The outside living area offers a beautiful IN-GROUND POOL, hot tub and kitchen area. Wonderful trees, great privacy, Iota of custom features (buiH-ina, granite, harclwooda, etc.). So mucl'l more...come and seal $498,000
1134 FAR HIU. DR Plc:tLn perfect homaln Wyndham Hllll Design touc/les owners of Waco Silo's wo~ be pruud of. IITIITIIIWiale 4BR.. 2BA. New lam wood ftrs, auwn moukli'lg &wood ac:c:ent wall in famly nnl Lo island ldl bceats d SS appllancaa, cablnat space. & grmll col111ars. Splitpl.. wiMBR flWilf fnlm mail LA, MBA wfdJI vaniliBB, garden tub, & aep lhower. Great a~rb appaaJ. $175,000
11971 COUNTY LIIE If ~let rolling hills n calling ~r name, look no further than INs 4,481SF home in Rqjen!ISD! 6 8R& &4 U
mom,1st~alllyllnllhes (arnaDig cali'le18, grw~lle, stainless appllanoes) & spray foam
ilsulalion. LCM!Iy floor plan! Oulllide yo!Ill enjoy the lg back pordl wlouldoor FP, live oak treae, lg half aae yard & alone l brici
construction. llfoov&.ln Feb-March. $332,900
Great closet space. Immaculate home In Wyncllam HI'MI11 last long! $174,900
150 CHERIG DR Family friendly Northcllle, BISD, shrlrtdrMII\wlk ili..INI Sll.mng Omega
BA, wl21g farrily rlXliTl8 & spacioul kill:hen &
of exlras! Former Parade of Homes wi'lner ill aprawting wf 3 lg BRs, 2-11.! BAa, study,
mom. Ownlzad laundry can doubla as addad work 8pllllll. CVd back patio & 2 car dBiadlad gage CIOII'Iplele the property! $369,000
for anlarlalnlng overtaolmlg shaded back yard. Beauliful wood floors & wall art niches apacecl ttwu-out. A rlllll 8881 $264,900
hcma, llit2013, ap111 plan inckl: kt'lvfdn 1111111, wal r:A wm-, lg lllll:k poldt, granllt II'Nwl, lalge kil illand wiSS I!IAit,lg MBIWA maslar c1oaat oper~ng b Ldlly '"'· Bonus '"' w/Fiancn doors. T1l thruoCIII mrm LAs & carpet In BRs. SprHder sys lionl. & back, lllndlcaped front & ~ backyard HOA&pp«Mld lhedl $229,500
dining na. Covered wimature trees. 11*1 2 living & 2 dining. Half balh inc:kldea aeuna 9t 8CI9 plql8rty has a aloe* pond & plarq of mom! Expansive «N bade peUo olfen mom
451 GREEN PARK New from RW. Brutlln Hornas, this 48R, 3BA has it all L.oca18d i1 Northelill'e, i1 featu1'88 a venalile 8tudylftax
Mrlookii'G epacloua backyard. Lo master boasts of dbl varltlas, up garden U. & shwr.
&e03STREOER Nadad In BerDo13od ~ borhood, beautifully built Omega home full
7121 RED VAU.EY. V Bald'ul 3BR, 2BA SHAW r. SfALLION RD Great heme location 7127 TULLY WEARY LN Wonderful famly in His ofWes!IMlOd! Comer ld & walq 4b- near comer of Shaw & stallion Rd. Close ID home has great cul-de-sac Cllltl appeal! LolllnceiD naigtmhood pool & BISD 8dlool&. McMHn raady, open plan, kll::h8Miinil9family rm, &pill BRa, lg lclb:hen w/gralit8, gorg801.8 cabs, SS sppllllncas, & !piiCious drlng. MBR updaled wall IDor aon1Jiefnenls MBA vddbl vriil&,grilnUI&IIIIP ~I~ gardan areal Weatwood gem~ lull $154,900
causa It has It all...comar lot wfdtt ccnvanlences oMihout clly faal, beautlliJ Hallorcolar, 1111 oailings in mai'll.A&, graniiB counlllrs in lg iillland kill:hen, l!plt4BRrlBAplan wlwt patio
3810 SHA1.L.O\WORD RD Grad.oppo!lu~ for ii'J\Ielbswho wish ID oocupy thei'own d~
town, but in counlry1 Great buldi~ locatior8 calad in BISD, 4BR, 2 bath home is spadous plaid T"MJ 3BR, 2BAapacioul unilll, both wilh wlexc:ellent views (picturesque Dyee Grove wfa emart ftoor plan. The large front room is 2-car (Ia' & FP. Great apaoa & llllcnJga in each. Chii'Ch In distance) & ~ of space for verse.Uie In HI use u formal dlnii'CIIIMI'G or Wooded back yarda (lanced) mak8 WI an anly & a flw rinals. Rogan lSD! .kJsl ~ lnfonnal family gama raom! The secondary M1f rant for families. Ona unit new wcant,
IBIIIridion& Ill praact )'OUr ii'MIIItmenlin a great rural pnlpllf!y. Mcr8 aaeage may be available 'Mth pro~ SIDck pond well.
living area opens niclely iniD an ovenrized dinilg &1118 & kildllnl Lamilate "wood"
soon ID be markiBBI for$1100/mth. Olhll' 111H a~nan11y raniBd fer $16llmlh. A rBI8 G.lplex
ftoo1'8. neighborhood pool. $159,923
oppcnuilyln 80Uih Temple. 5189,900
8017 ALEXANDAIADR.Upscaleslme38R,
8021 FAIR HLL DRNE Ona of the best opan plans i1 the naighborhocd. SpaciOUB 48R, 2BA i8 a liMlri18l Great living apace • apen
323 BRUNSWICK DR Darling home! Greeted wfa.lrb appeal: fully landllcapad yard lo IEMIIy enlry wlcraftlman etyte tan! doot', INS 4BR,
countencps, tal aeilii'QS. & CRMn mou~. Lg cov patio facilg 811111.kadllmy lSD, HOA, and mins flom S&.W & ahoppilg. 3 yr dclrMM
lyi'ITllkldlenfdiliRIII, kiillland, ~raded diiiiMashar, piiB courDnl, aown rlliiWdlng,
2BA wl spiH plan, spaciOUB open ClOncepl, Gelley kild'len w/golgeoua cal:lineca & dark grmta opens to gananlUS alzad dlli'lg araa. l..g lv~mwllltlrMs, tal ceilings lookout~ pallo and back yard. Utility nn wJIIoor ~ oaililg buiH illlhaf wall. Palfadly sizBd ITlllllllr opar-. up tl mba IW1i8 & hera wnitiee, garden Ul. 811> arata lhc:Mr and welk-In cbaet $149,900
family rm,lclt &cln area together, enlartalli'lg 2BA Ia a winner. brand new carpet. updated Is a breeze! Other amenities lnclu: grw~lla deslgnarwall a:t:r, pd lvspaoe w1open fin.
ldd from Omaga a 'can't rrise"l $166,900
and fi'ont & back aprillder ayslam. Wyndham Hll gem. Academy &Temple lSD. $189,900
860 N. Main Salado, Tx
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1315 WALKER CIRCLE, SALADO 3 Bedrooms, 3 Baths $479,021
1307 WALKER CIRCLE, SALADO 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths $449,721
404 FM 2268, SALADO 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths $399,921
1295 WESTERN TRAIL, SALADO 3 Bedrooms, 3 Full Baths, 2 Half Baths $425,021
6006 BELLA CHARCA PKWY., NOLANVILLE 4 Bedrooms, 2 Baths $344,921
11079 STINNETT MILL RD., SALADO 4 Bedrooms, 4 Baths $379,921
6012 BELLA CHARCA PKWY, NOLANVILLE 4 Bedrooms, 3 Baths $369,921
9499 UVE OAK DR., SALADO 5 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths on 5.4 acres $465,021
2205 HIGH VIEW, BELTON 4 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths $559,921
3107 HESTER WAY, SALADO 4 Bedrooms, 3 Baths $349,921
209 CR 483, LOTT 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths on 3.49 acres $92,521
Call us or visit our website for an extensive list of lots and land for sale.
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2180 RIVERS EDGE Four bedrooms, 4.5 baths Gourmet kitchen. Corner lot with landscape package in place. 4 car garage. Large living area, with formal dining room, breakfast room. Safe-Room, Wired for today's electronics. Live in this gated community. $649,900
Write it
1 dt:JW!Ir.
To see more listings visit tdtnews.com, go to the Real Estate tab and c/jck on Property Listings!
8730 LAS COLINAS DR. 4BRI3.5BA, Temple Marilyn 760-9795
1317 N. 9TH 4BRI3BA, 3 Living Areas, Temple June 721-2461
103CROCKER Open Floor Plan Mark 760-9392
918 PATRIOT COURT 3BR/2BA, Belton Nancy 760-1881
3305 OAKRIDGE 3BRI3BA. Temple Marilyn 760-9795
5108 WHISTLE STOP 4BRI2BA. Temple June 721-2461
7747 E. FM 438 3BR/2BA, Academy Mark 760-9392
1005 TERRA ALTA 4BR/2BA, Belton Nancy 760-1881
2821 CREEK SIDE 4BRJ2fhBA, Temple Marilyn 760-9795
Belton Schools
5930 CARRIAGE 3BRI2BA, Temple June 721-2461
402 N. 2ND 3BR/2BA, Academy Mark 760-9392
10410 WINDY POINTE 4BRI21f2BA Nancy 760-1881
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4050 LAGO VISTA DR Slirming Cuslom lake view home on Sillhouse Hollow Lake an 0.524 acre! This 1 CIMler pristine home wi4BR (Master dCIMl) &3.5 BA; LR. Fam Rm wllirepace &bult~n cabinetry; Forllnf di'li'lg rooms; Huge GDLJmet kildlen wkentsr island &prep silk; 2 pllllries; Lake views from \tlually every room due ID wlnclr:M's along entire east fadng back yard for &peetaaB daly sun~ses and gorgeous sunse1B. Hause is light, bright, & open wlaoalilg ceilings; custlm siMIBrs; &abundant slorage c:losal&. MBA has separata His & Her countars &sinks, jatiBd bathtub, 8llplllllla glamle shawar, make-up vanity; W-1 closal wlbLi~~ns for her & 8llplllllla W-1 dose! for himl Ollica&llrtise area elf MBA wlrustan cabineby & 'Mllk desk. Backya'd has masonry fireplace & slone-llaaed deck. Must Seel $895,000
190<1 DEERFIELD DR Beautif ul 4BRI3BA home on comer lot in The Creeks of Deerfield; close to BS&W; see-thru fireplace between LR & Formal Dining Room; Formal & Informal dining areas; large gou rmet kitchen; MBR has large walk-in closet with ent ry to laundry room; split bedroom arrangement; covered, outdoor living space wtnreplace; 3 car garage; sprinkler system; privacy fence; landscaping. $375,000
1638 ALTA VISTA LOOP TEMPLE Beautiful Cuslom 4BR /3.5 BA Home in Los Colinas Subdivision. Large living room wilh 808 LIBERTY HILL Wonderful 4BR12BA in Woodbridge; Flex Rm; Lg Living w/FP; Lg inf dining across from open amer stone fireplace; Gourmet kitchen wilh granite axJnterlops. custom cabinels, large breakfast bar opening to Living Room Kitchen w/plenly of counter space, MBR has 2 W-1 & lnf Dining. studylollic:e has tile floor and doset Fomnal dinilg roam wall recess for }'CUr china hutch. Master bedroom ovenooks Closets; sep shower & whirlpool tub. Split BR arrangebackyard & pool/spa. Large MBA wilh free-standing tub, aeparale shower, 2 large walk~n dosels. 2 bedrooms share a Jack 'n ment w/3 BRs on other side. 2 car $159,900. bathroom; ....._ Jill _ !"""1"11' large laundry roam ironing board; in-ground pool and hot tub; a 2 car garage plus separate 1 car garage; $525,000 ~
3010 CAMBRIDGE CT 4BR/3.5BA, soaring windows & ceilings. Master suite Is enllre 2nd floor wng BR, sitting mn, lg dosstudy w/balcony overlooks Great mn & rock FP. Kilchan has center island w/gas cooklop; dbl wall oven, built-in Refrigerator/Freezer; All Kit appliances recentiy upgraded; Tile floors in Great Rm, LR, Kit, Forllnf Dining. Basement w/ shooting nange. Major remodel completed in 2014. $699,900
ets, skylights in MBA w/steam shower, overlooking wooded backyard;
15410 FM 107 2.1 Aaes- Great Location near Mother Neff Park at the comer of FM 107 and CR 236. Shed is approximately 16x20 on a concrete slab with hardy panel sides and a gable roof. Lean to Is for wood storage. There is water and power available on the property. No septic. Gnaat location to build your dream home. $30,000
317 BRUNSWICK Welcoming 4 BDR 2 BA home in Wyndham Hill. Floor plan Is Light, Bright, & Open with beautiful real wood floors and high ceilings. Living Room with comer fireplace, opens to infomnal dining room and kitchen. Kitchen has granite counter tops, SS appliances, dark wood cabinets. Master Bathroom has double vanity, separate shower, garden tub, and walk-in closet; Master Is split from other 3 bedrooms and ona bath. 2 car $174,9001
¡8000 FM 2268 NEAR HOLLAND Approx. 204.916 acres of rtdh famn land great for crops, cattle, & honses. Crops grown ana winter wheat, com, & milo. Property has large frontage on FM 2268 (Holland Hwy). Lend has a stock pond for cattle, fishing, dove hunting. Aaeage is fenced & cross fenced. 2 water wells & Cathey Creek flows across the property. Septic will be required. water & Elecbic are available. Rare find for this type of property! $999,900
12 VISTA DE LUNA Beautiful Family 4BR/3.5BA home in Lago Tem1. Kitchen opens to LR & Breakfast area; center island; Informal & Formal Dining; Laundry Room with sink; 2 car ganege; Study/ Office; MBR with raised ceiling & cove lighting & ceiling fan; MBA with jetted tub & separate shower; upstairs are 3 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms + a large Flex roam; backyard has tem1ced planting beds; large trees; oovered back patio; buill-in grill, sink, & U/C refrigerator. Must See! $475,000
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6705 SPRINGWOOD COURT Magnificent home in Springwood Fstares oo over one acre of land and beautifully landscaped FeaturesSBR, 4.5BA and sep 1/2BA in pool house next to gorgeous pool. Three living areas on first floor and second story living area, complete wfwet bar. Kitcllenrecently updated w /beautiful granite countertops and appliaras, including dbl oven. House also has plantation shutters. $649,900
604 WEST SHELL This classic Mid-Century Ranch style home has had the same owner for 32 yrs. Original hardwood floors extend through formal living/dining, hallway, and three spacious bedrooms. Large den on the back of the house has lots of storage. Fully fenced yard, lovely patio/ deck. double carport, and the back yard is a butterfly garden! Jefferson Elementary! Great opportunity at $167,500
408 SALADO CREEK PLACE This is one of the most beautiful building sites in Central Texas! This 2.6 Acre lot sits on Salado Creek. in exclusive Salado Creek Place! Walk down to the water and enjoy the beauty that is Central Texas. $325,000.
2613 OLYMPIA This beautiful home features 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, open living areas and a beautiful sunroom that looks out to a large backyard. The roof and exterior paint have been recently updated. $289,900.
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3617 SHALLOW FORD ROAD Stately two-story home in SW Temple! Large living area with soaring ceiling, second living
space upstairs, formal dining, big kitchen w I adjoining dining space, master bedroom and bath downstairs with two additional bedrooms
and a bath upstairs. Covered patio, fenced yard, double garage. Situated on a wooded lot and ready for occupancy. $229,000.
4904 ASCOT PARKWAY Spacious 5 bedroom, 5 bath house. This is the perfect house for someone looking for a house with just about everything! 2living, 2 dining, study, huge kitchen, screened porch, and a pool. All of this nestled on a 4.37 acre tract . Call today! $499,000.
110 ARBOR DRIVE, LITTLE RIVER Looking for a really great house in a small town atmosphere? You need to see this one! Three bedrooms, 2 baths, large living-dining-kitchen with great room concept, double garage, covered patio, fenced yard. Well-maintained. $209,000.
3201 TWIN RIDGE Beautiful custom-built Carothers home in Dawson Ranch! Four bedrooms, 3.5 baths, formal dining, studyf office, great room that opens to kitchen and informal dining, master bedroom downstairs, game room and three additional bedrooms upstairs, covered patio, fenced yard, corner lot. $349,500.
3505 ELM DRIVE Wow! Four bedrooms, 2 baths, double garage, lots of updating, terrific kitchen with lots of cabinets, big dining area,. covered patio, spacious yard with trees, and a storage building. Nice tile floors, fireplace. You need to see this house! $194,500.
4101 HICKORY ROAD Spacious Mediterranean style house with 4 bedrooms 2.5 baths, formal living-dining, huge family room with fireplace, large master bedroom with sitting area/ office space, double garage. Comer lot in Ramblewood. Great opportunity to update this house to your own taste. $198,000.
'I 'Hh\. ~ ..~__, I~J, .2UI '7
lT}I~IIi IJ\11 y 1Jo' I.H .. JC.UI / I U
HOUSEl With more t han 42,000 readers every Sunday, w hether you' re a rea ltor or a homeowner, t he Telegram's Showcase is t he p lace to feature your home for sa le.
PLACE YOUR AD TODAY! Submit ads Monday-Friday 8am-5pm, Saturday 8-llam call: 778.4444 I email: advertiz@tdtnews.com TEMPLE DAILY TELEGRAM SHOWCASE
n£:7AA~V® ~ IV7/VI~
Let us share the EXPERIENCE of selling G:t your home or helping you to find the right one... ··~ we create the EXPERIENCE... you receive the BENEFITS!
675 FM 485 - CAMERON
BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME with SBD, 3.5BA. is country living at it's finest! WI paved long driveway off the main road. you will be proud to call this place home! The main floor offers a living room, family room, dining room, beautiful country kitchen with an island, and a bedroom w I a bathroom for your guest. Upstalrs leads to 3 bedrooms and a Master! The home has so much to offer like bamboo flooring. 2 wood burning fireplaces with blowers, above ground pool, foundation irrigation system and much more. The property offers 2 barns with electric, water and a wash rack. Centrally located between Waco, Temple, Austin, and Bryan College Station. $401,999
CANYON CREEK SUBDIVISION, This 4 BRI 25 BA Home is ready for a new owner. This home features: Granite counter-tops in the kitchen, recently installed laminate in the living room and formal dining area, new carpet installed in the bedrooms, and a sprinkler system. The backyard has a nice covered deck with that would be a great retreat to relax in the evenings!! $197,000
VERY NICE Older Home with some recent updates. Comer lot with side entry garage. Large back yard. 3 Bedrooms, 2 baths, very open floor plan. New flooring. new paint, very nice kitchen_ new windows. You will not want to miss seeing this home. $113,900
2216 DAISY
GREAT LOCATION! Oose to shopping and Ft. Hood. Wonderful neighborhood, home needs a little updating here and there, would make excellent home. $64,000
VERY INVmNG and warm home with room to grow. 4BDI3BA split plan,. large Austin Stone fireplace and formal dining. The back yard has 2 very large storage sheds! You won't want to miss this one! $239,900
TANGLEWOOD- Residentallot in gated community in Tanglewood subdivision near Lake Belton. Community club house and pool POA restrictions. Build your dream home! $4, 000
1706 S.49TH
FRESH inside paint, 31111 stainless appliances, fenced yard, 20 x 16 workshop. $89,900
TANGLEWOOD- Residential lot in gated community in Tanglewood Subdivision near Lake Belton. Community club house and pool. POA restrictions. Build you dream home! $6,000.
WONDERFUL NEIGHBORHOOD - 4BRI 2BA large home with formals, backyard with lovely oak trees perfect for that quiet evening. $152.,000
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H Soil Retardant H Carpet Repairs
2407 CANYON SPRINGS, BELTON Wow! You won't want to miss this stunning custom designed, custom built home overlooking the beautiful natural setting below Belton Lake dam. Spectacular setting and location! Soaring beamed ceilings, walls of glass, hand scraped wood floors, travertine, custom cabinets and trim detail plus so much more! Wall of windows bring nature indoors. Family room, game room, media room. Downstairs MBR plus guest suite downstairs. Upstairs 2 BRs. 2B.As plus play room. Outstanding quality, beauty, function! Gorgeous home! $859,900
608 CLIFF DRIVE, BELTON Architect designed, custom built Maedgen home above Nolan Creek. offers distinctive Craftsman features & detail. Stunning 4BR..4.5BA home has every feature your sophisticated buyers seek. Soaring 2 story glass wall showcases luxurious pool & creek views. Wonderful Greatroom has Austin stone FP, built-in entertainment ctr. Amazing chers kitchen features professional grade appliances - Thermador range, Subzero frig, full size wine frig, 2 sinks. 14x8 island! Luxurious MBR w/FP. enormous w/i closet. Unmatched!! $715,000
8519 LAMPIJGIIT CT, TEMPLE Beautiful former Parade Home loaded wttons of detail & unique features! 900 square foot BASEMENT! Perfect for game, media room or additonal BR space. Inviting front porch. Living has beamed ceiling. corner FP. stamed concrete floors. surround sound, solid wood doors. Wonderful kitchen. MBR w/sitting area. dbl tray ceiling w/cove lites. Lux MBath. TONS of storage! Huge cedar closet. storage or craft room. Oversized 3 car garage. Much more! $289,900
413 HAlLMARK, BELTON Beautifully updated home in highly desirable Park Place in Belton. Quiet, peaceful setting backs to wet weather creek. So pretty! Custom designed, built john Kohutek home offers 4 BRs, MBR down. Updated kitchen has Brazilian granite, Frigidaire appliances, updated lighting. Amazing MBath updates incl Brazilian granite counters. Delta one touch faucets. custom shower surround. Wood look tile in wet areas. Roof 2014. Water heater 2012. Downstairs A/C 2014. Gorgeous deck overlooks lush, shady backyard, creek $247,900
3110 PITCHFORK CIR, BELTON Looking for a wonderful home in a wonderful neighborhood? This is it! Pretty home in Dawson Ranch features lg open FR with tray ceiling. Adjacent study has glass library doors. Big kitchen has tons of cabinets & countertop space for fun entertaining or meal prep. Your big dining table will fit too! Split MBR has spacious MBath w/comer tub. sep shower & walkin closet. This home has a lg east facing back patio so you can enjoy your morning coffee as well as your afternoon in the shade! Sprinklers, culdesac! $188,700
4105 WREN DRIVE, TEMPLE Great starter home in south Temple! Wonderful opportunity to purchase, live or/and invest in convenient south Temple neighborhood that is full of beautiful trees. Home needs updating, as price reflects, but floorplan is good. 3 bedroom, 2 bath home has 2 living areas, beautiful builtin cabinet area. Home is all brick. Big corner lot. Big backyard. Nice patio. Garden area. Great storage! Two car attached garage.Excellentschoolarea. $90,000
(254) 770-0996
Jirasek Realty www.jirasekrealty.com
510 South 1st St.
David Jirasek 254-770-0996
Jeremy Jirasek 254-770-0996
Jimmy Norman 254-913-9317
3 Bdrm 2 Bath in Morgan's Resort. Includes All Furniture including Dining Table &: Chairs, Sofa, Love Seat, Beds,
a-kind Ranch Style on 11 Acres! Custom Built w /Steel Construction. 4 Generous sized BRs w /Private BAs & Oimate ConDresser/<llest ofDrawen;, Desk, Washer, trol. Lg Family Rm. Hilltop Views. Dryer, Re&igerator, etx: on 4 Lots, 2 Car Fenced for Livestock. Utility Rm doubles Garage, Fireplace, RV Bldg w /Electric; as Safe Rm w I Concrete Walls. Troy lSD. Many Updates. Greenhouse&: Stg Bldg. $385,000. Pamela Shafer 254-760-7032
Story Construction! 1924SF (BellCAD), Brick Fireplace. Large Master Bedroom.. Rear Entry Two-Car Garage. (Cmrently Converted to Living Area &: easily converted back to Parking). Built 1983, 68x105 lot. $159,999. Calll>ameia Shafer 254-760-7032
(MCAD) Elevated Fishing Fenced/Cross
Cabin on Stills, on 3.57 Acre Platted Lot.
Wire/Hot Wire for Horses. Water Meter
Cabin has a Living Room, Kitchen and Bath- &: Septic System in Place. Tack House. Double-wide Mobile Homes Allowed. Outside City Limits. There is a 30' private $89,900. Call Pamela Shafer (254)760-7032 Drive Easement through the Property to the Neighboring Tract. Call Jeremy or David.
room. Lot is partly covered by :141 Acre Lake.
NEEDING TO BUY ORSELLYOUR HOME? CALL ME! I'M HERETO HELP YOU! enue, Cameron. 49'x137' •Rr Residential Hmne on 8.515 Acres, Troy
w=r "u"" ~W'J<et P.na!y&llli OIJ(OUl'Home
19x23 Car-
Zoned Lot. Mobile Home not allowed bv port. 22x32 Storage Shed wI Attached 12x32 City. $3,900. Call David Jirasek, Accred- Shed; 40x50 Shop w/2,11Dsf Cov. Storage ited Land Consultant Shed, Several other Storages. Small flood zone atSE roml!l' of land. Troy lSD. $160,(XXI. Call Jeremy Jirasek, ALC Candidate or David]irasek,. ALC, COM (254) 770-0996
4.1111 A£. Coryell County 176 l.egmd Oaks, Moody. Platted Lot in Restricted Subdivision (Horse Creek Ranch- www.hahoa.org). Water tap in place, electrical pole at front left c:otnel:. Nice sill! to build a rountiy home. Oak trees. Moody JSD,Cmyell County, near Mother Neff State park &: otlier Lake Belton parks & boat mnps. $52,500. David Jirnsek ALC, caM.
2 Living Area. 1,400 Square (Bell CAD).Fireplace, 2-Car Garage. Mature Trees in Front &: Back. <lose to Baylor Scott &: White Hospital. Shoppes on the Hill, Temple Mall, !MAX, & imB. Call David Jirasek.
Hwy 71, MJJamUJ.
and support, advise negotiate you through a stress free process to closing! BUYERS- I can service any properties on the market! No automated, push button services here. I will always provide you with the personal attention you deserve. Pamela 254-760-7032
32 Acres, Stone in com. ±1,999' boundary paralell to Possum Creek, 10' wide access. East Bell Water Bore required across Stone Road; may require hydraulic study. Overhead electric near SW comer. Soil types include a mix of clay &
ational Mixed-Use Property. :t2ll Acres Under Cul!ivation. Remainder Native Pasture Umd. 2 Ponds. Scattered Trees Include Large Elm & Oak. Mesquite Cover Provides Habitat for Game &: Wildlife. Mostly Flat Topography. Cameron lSD. Outside City Limits, No Restrictions. Ag Exemption in Place.
clay loam. $3,280 Per Acre. Pamela Shafer 254-760-7032
ACREAGE • 31.682 Ac, Qlina Spring • 28 A£, CR 236, Marlin
Leon River
Tract 14 Aaes on
Leon River. FM436 & Wilson Valley Road, kademy!SD. Lots of Trees and Biushfor Deer and other Wildlife. Easement to Co-Op Water Supply for water facility on the corner. Only about 4 Acres in Flood Zone. Call Jeremy Jirasek, ALC Candidate
or David Jirasek, ALC, COM.
• 31 Ac, NEHK Dodgm Lp 363 • 23 Ac, SF Development Land, Temple • 46 Ac, Cultivated/Pasture, NW Bell Co • 19 Ac, FM 21.84, Rogers, Bell/Milam Co • 15 Ac, FM 21.84, Rogers, Bell/Milam Co • 4+ Ac, Coryell County, SOLD!
IF YOU'RE BUYING OR SELLING farms, ranches, recreational land, commercial or industrial development J.anct you have many significant issues to consider. You Ileed a leader in land brokerage. A specialistwith expertise, training and dedka.tion, earning t11e designation of Accredited Land Consultant, ALC.
Leon River 186 Acres of .Ag/Recreational Mixed UsePropertyw/DewlopneltPoll!nlial. ±122 Acre!. Under Cultivation; Remainder Heavily Wooded. Approx 1/2 MileFrontageoo. Leon River. Small Seasonal Creek. Partially wifhinFioodZone. Leased to Ag. Tenant. Bellm lSD. Water meier on-&le. Call Jeremy Jirasek, ALe Candidate or DaWi Jirasek, ALC, COM
(254) 760-5609
(254) 493-3915
kellypgrealtor@gmail.com www.KallyPowellginiawic:z.com
janlereeclrealty@yahoo.com wwwJaniereedrealty.com '7he Highest Compliment is a Refel'rlll."
-Kelly Poweii-Giniewicz REALTOR®
3Q06 ANTELOPE Very lg brick home featuring 4BR, 2BA. Stone FP in den, tile & laminate firing. Fonnal IMng nn w/oversizad windows & formal dining. Outstanding KIT, granite counters, gas stove, counter for informal din & sep brkfst rm, utility rm w/slnk, exsn::lsa rm or 5th BR. racassad lighting, spacious secondary BRs, ceiling fans, laminate firing in BRs, master suite has 2 closels, MBA. granite, tile shcM.tar. Sun noomwlwall of windows. CALL JANIE.
774-7355 1400 S. 31st St., Temple
3208 CANYON HEIGHTS Immaculate house with 4 bedrooms 2 baths plus a study or sitting room off the master suite. Above ground pool has bean installed with coping so it blends beautifully into the yard large yard, covered patio, storage building. Excellent plan in this stillwater home floors throughout the house are wood or tile. $325,000.
Janie Reed REALTOR®
4205 LONGHORN TRAIL. Updated 3BR/2BA in Canyon Creek! Ready for move-in. Laminate wood ftooring throughout (2015), kitchen cabinets (2015), counter tops (2015), fixtures (2015), stainless steel appliances (2015). Spacious IMng room w/ brick fireplace, raised ceiling & ceiling fan. Isolated master suite. Patio, mab.Jre trees, wood privacy fence. Close to Scott & White & Temple Mall. A must sea...
10.517 ACRES
2119 ALLENA Baautful Stone & Brick home on 1.60 acres, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 3 car garage, fiormal & infonnal dining, kitchen features granite counter tops, breakfast/serving bar opens to breakfast rm. Large & open living nn w/stone FP, huge windows, granite in master suite, walk in shower, spacious bedrooms, lots of storage Including bonus room over garage, covered patio, fenced yard. CALL JANIE.
121 PR830, TROY. Slale hc:me!! 3BR/2BA. 21iving, siDnecomerfir&pB:e, starJed CXJOallfe tming, opei1 W1en wlsla1e island, grrie tu for i1famal lining II'~, swirlng IJIIIlifa, krdypiracali~IMI' sized silk, epacious dining 11118, 2nd 1\q area could be -4111BR, raised cel1), bronze 1lxtu18S, dlJ fans, aMlRid port:hes. Lage l&olaiBd master suite, CNeiSized lie shcMoer, dual hEmmer copper silks. TeJIIS rustic diarmel11 Mebll roof, energy ellicient, spray foam ilsulation. Fanced &crossed I'Bnce for horses Wibam. PeaceU na...Troy ISO.
8750 BREWSTER Has the wr1N FACTORI BEAUTlFlllY Clllftsd Craftsman Styte home on 11.757 ac. with Metal Wabhop Buildilg
1101 N. 3RD, TEMPLE Charming home in the historical district built in 1914. Relax on the front porch. Original hardwood floors, original, claw foot tub. 3 bedrooms down sleirs, huge 4th bedroom/ media room upstairs with full bath. Private fenced in backyard, beautiful comer lot with large mature trees. This Is a home with lots of character. Sellar will pay 3% of Buyer's Closing. CALL JANIE.
~doors & walk ltfough door.
Spacjou& 4BR Cedar Ceili~ Beams, stained Conaae Floas & Pretty reck FP w!CedEI' mantle. Abundsrt aD-oelry. Massiw "cpen", islnl ki1dle!l. CUsbn riqued islandwl butdwblock:tcp. Slaillass Staal appiancas. LG MSTRorr SuiiBBettl "'''walkttvuUieshower. HUGE MSTRwell:~ clo&el. C:U.O. ered patio &h pit, GREAT for entertai1ilg! call Kely for aShovoiY;j.
TRULY HAS A BEAU11FUL VIEW across the street, supposedly you can not build on lot across the street & Owner does not care if you remove trees. You need to verify this, but it has been the "norm". Lot For Sale is pretty w/ trees & pretty level. Great building site. Gated Community w/ Community pooll Call for gate code! Goliad LP, Tanglawood AddiUon, Temple $49,900
2929 CAMELOT LANE Beautiful Stone/Brick Home, 2200 SQ.FT., 4BRs, 3BAs, lila/Wood look Slats Throughout LG Living RM, electric FP, Kitchen features granite counters, infonnal breakfast I serving bar, stainless steel appliances,custom cabinets. Master suite spacious wlwindow seat/storage, master BA jetted tub, walk in tile shower, double vanities. 2 secondary BRs down, full BA, double vaniUes, Ul shower, 4th BR/media full BA. wood privacy fence.
6219 LYNETTE Such a cute 2 bedroom, 2 full bath home. Storage building could be a workshop for "piddling". House close to the lake & would make a great "lake house• for a small group to gather & have fun. Hardwood floors. Personality, character, chann are a few words to describe this house. Call to schedule a showing NOWI Sellar says "Will Consider All Offers." Call Kelly.
8991 FM 1237 Temple This Temple address is currenUy Troy lSD. Minutes from Belton & Troy. This 4 BR, 4+ BA, 2+ Living area, home is over 2900 sq ft. Each bedroom has It's own bath! Half bath & ext. door in the garage for easy access to swimming pool, gardening & outdoor activities. Large bam, BEAUTIFUL in11round pooll Call Kelly to schedule your showing.
VETERANS Real Estate
TONS OF SPACE! 4BR/3BA located on a cul-<le-sac in Red Rock Hills, this house features an upstairs bonus room, BR, & private BA, lg backyard & outdoor kitchen, community pool. Best of all a 6000.00buyersallowance! $245,000
GORGEOUS! White and bright gourmet kitchen, tall ceilings, detailed finishes, and in exclusive Misty Creek subdivision. Zoned for Academy or Temple schools! $514,900
3 BEDROOM HOME on a quiet cul-de-sac in Morgan's Point Resort. Garage has been converted. Large fenced yard. Handy man special. Priced below appraisal at $65,000.
Finney Insurance ~Germania IN S URAN C E
11\i:\ National Lloyds \.:.!j Insurance Company
Home • Auto • Commercial • Life 24
Holly Parker
Batty Renfro TEXAS REALTOR® 254-742-5508 Mull-Million Dollar ........ 2011&2016
TEXAS REALTOR® 254-231-2272
e Central Texas Auction and Realty
1510 HK Aile• Pkwy. $181,107
301 Blayto• $131,100
1811 Peca• Creek $144,100
1100 Peca• Creek
4 Bedroom, 2 Balli
3 Bedroom, 2 Bath
4 Bedroom, 2 Bath
4 Bedroom, 2 Bath
Well maintained horne on a large comer lot in Troy. Kitchen upgrades include granite and wood laminate flooring. Open
New home in Temple convenIent to Baylor S&W. Open concept, stained concrete floors, Granite in kitchen and baths
Beautiful new Home in Temple. lWo living areas, near Baylor S&W. Granite countertops, stained concrete floors, carpet In bedrooms
New home, Stonegate Community. Energy etftclent, Huge great room open to kitchen & breakfast. Vaulted ceilings & tile throughout.
3201 Crystal All• Dr. $111,100
3115 Crystal A•• Dr. $214,100
2 Cheye••e Trail
2458 Hartrlck Bluff $410,000
4 Bedroom, 2 Balli
4 Bedroom, 2 Bath
3 Bedroom, 2 Bath
4 Bedroom, 2 Bath
Gorgeous new home in Temple, BISD. Wood Floors, granite in kithchen, BBQ on back covered porch. Close to Baylor S&W
New home in Temple convenient to Baylor S&W. Open concept, stained concrete floors, Granite in kitchen and baths
Morgan's Point, well maintained, hard surface flooring. large comer lot, Boat & RV parking. Large corner lot, garden, deck and storage buildings
New Home, on quiet 2.5 acres. Beautiful stained pine ceiling on Porches, 2 stone fireplaces, Granite counter tops, Unique open floor plan. Academy lSD.
701 Haytllarkat Dr. $411,100
Hartrlck Valley Estates 1/2 Acre Lots
400 W. US Hwy 110
810 Aubry
8+ Acres
4 Bedroom, 3 Balli
Academy lSD, No City Taxes, Minutes to Baylor S&W. HOA, Restictions
Great investment. Existing brick home on property to rent or use as office. Belton Commercial Use Permit Mini Storage, RV & Boat storage
Beautiful new construction home with four bedrooms! Open concept with stained concrete floors so easy to clean, nickel fixtures, fenced back yard, and full sod in yard. Great value for a nice sized home.
New custom home on 1/2 acre. Study, formal dining, raised ceilings, Quiet Subdivision, No City Taxes, HOA, Academy lSD
202 Lake Road, Belton 25
Office 254-718-5120
Ma~s School ....... . 1019 S. 7 h St. Temple, TX 76504
........... PK-8 26
. ..... . .. K-5
Central Texas Christian School ....... K-12
Thornton Elementary . ... . . . . .. .. . . . . K-5
Elementa~ . . ....... 4111 Lark Tr, Temple 6502
4141 W FM 93, Temple 76502
2900 Pin Oak Dr, Temple 76502
Western Hills Elementa[d. . ... . ..... . .. K-5
Christian Church Schools............ PK-6 19
600 Arapaho Dr, Temple 765 4
317 N. 1st St Temple 76501
Hector P Garcia ElementarY .. . .. . ... K-5 2525 Levendusky Dr, Temple 7650
Jefferson Elementary . .. .. . .. . ... 400 w. Walker. Temple 76501
Bonham Middle School . .. .. . . . . . . . . 6-8
20 21
Lamar Middle School .. . ......... . .. 6-8
Travis Science Academy . . . . . . ... . . . 6-8
2120 N. 1st St Temple 76501
1500 S. 19th St. Temple 76504
3707 W. Nugenl Ave. Temple 76504 1717 E. Avenue J, Temple 76501
4600 Midway Dr. Temple 76502
Kennedy-Powell Elementary . . . . ..... PK-5 22 Meredith-Dunbar Early Childhood .... PK
Holy Trinity
6608 W. Adams
School .. . ..... . .... 9- 12 32
ve. Temple 7650 1
Ra~e-AIIen Elementa~ .............
Temple High School .. . . ..... . ..... . 9- 12 33
Scott Elementary . . . . . . ... .. . ... ..
Fred W. Edwards Academy . .... . ...
S. 5th St. Temple 7650
2301 W. Avenue P, Temple 76504
415 N. 31st St. Temple 76504
9- 12
1414 W. Barton Ave, Temple 76504
w o=:<(: • Elementary School
• Middle School
* High School
Hi~ h Point Elementary .. . ........... 16 5 Starlight Drive. Belton 76513
T61er Elementary ..... .. ........... . PK-5
Belton Middle School . ....... . ...... 6-8
Lake Belton Middle School .......... 6-8
South Belton Middle School. .. . . . .... 6-8
Belton H i~ h School . ......... 600 Lake R . Belton 76513
. . .. ... 9-12
Belton New Tech Hi~h @ 320 N. Blair. Belton 7651
Waskow . .. . 9-12
Chisholm Trail Elementary .. . .. . ..... K-5
5 1 E. 4th Ave. Belton 765 13
Joe M Pirtle Elementary . ........... . K-5
714 S. Pea Ridge Rd. Temple 76502
1704 Sparta Rd. Belton 76513
Lakewood Elementary ......... . ...
11200 FM 2305. Temple 76502
Leon Heights Elementary. . . .. . . . . . .. PK-5
8818 Tarver Dr. Temple 76502
1501 N. Ma1n St. Belton 76513
805 Sagebrush Dr. Belton 76513
Miller Heights Elementary. .. . . . ...... PK-5 1110 Fairway. Belton 76513
Southwest Elementart . . . . .. ... ... . 611 Saunders St. Belton 76 13
srcarta Elementary . . .. 1 00 Sparta Rd Belton 76513
. . . . ........
Tarver Elementary . . . . .. . ... . .. . ... PK-5 7949 Stone Hollow. Temple 76502
1082 S. Wheat Rd. Belton
North Belton Middle School .. . . .. . . .
7907 Prairie View Rd. Temple
:=a m ~ """""'
3 0
"""""' ro
-· ,..-+
0"' -· (./')
·+· N
. Elementary School
• Middle School
* High School
mr)> ----1
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hoosing the right lender when buying or refina ncing your home involves more than picking an office nearest you. It's choosing the right lender who is committed to you . That's where Amy comes in. Amy has served residents in Bell county for over 10 years. Her specialty is mortgage lending and she has dedicated herself to the wel l-being of her customers and their financial needs. She knows t hat every dream, every home, is a win for the community.
At Extraco, we're local and proud of it. We are committed to our commun ities and their success. Place you r business in good hands, hands that know where you're coming from, know where you are and know where you want to be.
Connect with us
Extraco Mortgage.
Mffilber FOK:
If you are looking for a large home in a private setting this is a must show. 1his home is located on a nice size very wooded lot located on a cul-de-sac, with only 5 other homes. The owner is a licensed realtor and is in the process of a makeover, the inside and outside of this home is going to be a wow factor. No lock box call for info to get inside the home. $269,000
2l8 Great Wed Loop -l!njoy the amenitlea of Morgans Point Resort&: wa.tdl the deer play! Beltoo.ISD! Culle 3BR 2BA in Morgans Point Reeort. Private backyard with a covered patio. All measurements and dimellskm& ue approximate. Home shows extremely well! MorgaDS Point Resort Section 16, Block 022,. Lot 003 Is lnduded In thla Nle. This ill the lot next to the home. i'2x100. $1M.900
l58&S Karl Ullll! - Thla is the home everyone Is loo1dng for. Briclt home loca1led an almost an acre in a nice coun-
try setting. Troy location. Very nicely well kept home with large pretty &uit trees and mme. The owners have updated the windows flooring and more. make your app to show today. $185,000
63011 Ralcbmy- Well taken care of home In BISD. 4 bedroom 2.5 bath with awered. patio, sprl11kler system. gutters, solar ecreens. two car gerase and a large atorase buildlng/ahop with eledrldty and cooling. This home Is
a must seel! $209,900
2200 317 ·This home In Moody is so doae to Temple, Belton. N'u:e amount of land to own, the owner ill leaving the frig.. stove, freezer In the house. Outside he Is leaving the 2 large storage bulktings, tractor and a cool Play-
.&G8 !hmflowa ·Beautiful home on number-tO Fairway at Wildflow« Country Cub.. Great view &om back porr:h. There ue only so~ homes on the golf course. Get thla one, will not last lollg. $279,900
house. $125,1100
We are your local home selling and marketing
L ___... Contact us today 2306llariDpla- nns IS A TO BB BUILT. Really nice llize home in Belton. Conatrudion can start with a contract. This Is • nice open floor plan with nice updalell to Include stainless steel appl, granite COUIItel' tops, tile
flooring. Make sure to show the floorplan to your buyers looldng In the Belton Area. $159,900
200 B Cm1raJ. Beltoa. - Great hlatork: building In Downtuwn Belton an the Square, has 31oft apartments 11plllalm. StreetJevelueofficee currently n!ldl!d byatmmeys &: other psoD:esiwu. Building was erec:led in the late 1800's and served u a bank for decades. Very clM&y, totally renovated and atlll has the old bank vaults Inside. This properly currently~ aver$6CXX)permonlhin181tal inoome.
REED REALTY 742-2224
MONDAY, May 2, 2016
Blue Sunday
St. Louis evens playoff series with OT win over Dallas — Page 1B
Sweet success BELTON
Making safer guns
James Bond meets Samuel Colt: Seeking to build a safer gun — Page 5B
Medical advice and tips for healthy living on the Health page
Please see LEMONADE, 3A
The big Apple
Company has created over 2,000 Austin jobs since 2012
30% showers
Girl, 8, learns how to run a business with lemonade
BELTON — Olivia Gutierrez, 8, pours a glass of lemonade, drops in a few mint leaves and dewberries, smiles, and tells a customer about her once-ayear business, Olivia’s SplishSplash Lemonade. She set up her stand behind The Gin at Nolan Creek on Sunday, as part of National Lemonade Day, a program designed to encourage young entrepreneurs. She said she had a lot of customers. “This is my third year,” she said. “My sister did it when she was about my age, and I just copied off of her and said, ‘oh, I want to do this.’” “Last year I made $200, which I spent on a kayak that I now use,” Olivia said. “I’m saving some for college.” She also plans to donate to animal shelters, she said. Her mother, Starr Platt of Belton, promoted the lemonade stand on Facebook. She said Olivia wanted enough money for roller blades and a musical instrument. “She asks for minimal help,” Platt said. “She zested the lemons herself.” Olivia also approached the owner of My Giving Tree, a Belton gift shop, to pay for the honey she used for sweetener this year. “She talked to Parks and Leisure about getting a permit to set up here,” Platt said. Olivia said she found the mint leaves on Salado Creek, and gathered the dewberries at Frank’s Marina on Lake Belton.
High: 69 Low: 50
Student wins local competition
Reece Medrano cooks Thursday with the help of his father, Joe, at their home in Temple.
Michael Miller/Telegram
Reece Medrano is a thirdgrader at Cater Elementary School who plays baseball, loves math and likes to play Minecraft videogames like many kids his age. But what this 8-year-old boy does different is throw down at the barbecue grill and he flips more than burgers. “He can identify and tell you the parts of a brisket,” his father, Joe Medrano, said. “He knows what different types of seasonings to put on the brisket and chicken.” Last weekend Reece competed in the Lone Star Que 4 Kids cook-off in Nolanville to raise money for Aware Central Texas, a local agency that assists in the prevention of child abuse, neglect and family violence. His mother, Allison Medrano, a teacher at Travis Science Academy, said it was
Michael Miller/Telegram
Reece Medrano checks meat temperatures Thursday with the help of his father, Joe, at their home in Temple. For more photos, see the gallery at tdtnews.com.
rather unexpected when Reece agreed to compete against 16 others between the ages of 6 through 9. In the kids division, the
competitors had to grill pork chops with only verbal assistance from an adult coach. The children are provided with a grill, meat and their
fire is lit for them. “He is hands on, seasons the meat and places it on the
Please see BARBECUE, 3A
AUSTIN (AP) — Apple has created more than 2,000 new jobs in Austin since 2012 and is on track to meet the area hiring goals it promised in exchange for millions of dollars in public incentives, according to documents filed with the city. The technology giant is set to receive $35 million in tax incentives over the next several years from the city of Austin, Travis County and the state of Texas for an expansion of its operations in central Texas, the Austin American-Statesman reported. Under the terms of the incentives package, which was signed in March 2012, Apple Inc. agreed to create more than 3,600 new full-time jobs in Austin in 10 years while retaining at least 3,100 existing full-time jobs year over year. According to the agreement, the average wage for those new jobs is to be $54,000 a year in the first year of the expansion and will stretch to $73,500 in the 10th year. Apple said last year that it was well ahead of hiring projections. A more recent report — filed in March by Terry Ryan, Apple’s senior tax manager — indicated that the company continues to outpace the requirements. As of Dec. 31, the total number of full-time Apple jobs in Austin was 5,102, according to the company’s report. That includes 2,089 new jobs created since 2012, according to the report — an average of more than 550 a year. The agreement calls for Apple to create 300 new jobs by the end of 2016. Also, the report says there were
Please see APPLE, 3A
NATION EDUCATION Police BACKROADS exchange Migrant children kept from enrolling Paper helped freed gun fire; slaves connect no injuries BY GARANCE BURKE AND ADRIAN SAINZ ASSOCIATED PRESS
No one was injured in a brief exchange of gunfire between a man and a Temple Police officer early Sunday at a trailer park at Berger Road and Interstate 35. Officers responding to a 1 a.m. call about multiple gunshots saw the man, Dakota Dale, standing outside a mobile home, armed with a handgun, said Officer Shawana Neely, spokeswoman for the
MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Candelario Jimon Alonzo came to the U.S. dreaming of becoming something more than what seemed possible along the rutted roads of his hometown in Guatemala’s highlands. This was his chance: He could earn a U.S. high school education and eventually become a teacher. Instead, the 16-year-old spends most days alone in the tumbledown Memphis house where he lives with his uncle, leaving only occasionally to
Jeff Chiu/Associated Press
San Francisco International High School students play basketball April 19 in the school yard after classes ended at
Celia Rhodes’ letter to the Southwestern Christian Advocate in early January 1880 started simply: “I wish to inquire about my people.” Her next sentences revealed disturbing details in spare, straightforward language: “I left them in a trader’s yard,” she began. Such was typical of the “Lost Friends” ministry for freed slaves searching for their families.
In the know
The Historic New Orleans Collection made available a free digital collection of more than 900 “Lost Friends” advertisements in Southwestern Christian Advocate between November 1879 and March 1884. The collection is searchable by name or location. It can be a valuable link for family historians searching their AfricanAmerican roots and slave ancestors. Digital repro-
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