August 14 - August 20, 2016
Gangster life
A thug tale
‘The Making of the Mob: Chicago’ chronicles Capone’s rise By Kyla Brewer TV Media
By Andrew Sawyer TV Media For the week of August 8 - 12
nown as The Windy City, Chicago is famous for a lot of things — deep dish pizza, the L train and Oprah Winfrey to name a few. But the city is also infamous for being the setting of the rise of one of North America’s most notorious organized crime syndicates: The Chicago Outfit. A new docuseries offers viewers a dramatization of the events that led to the rise and fall of one of the Mob’s founding members. Michael Kotsohilis (“The Dark Side of War,” 2009) stars as iconic gangster Al Capone in a new episode of “The Making of the Mob: Chicago,” airing Monday, Aug. 15, on AMC. In addition to dramatic reenactments, the program features archival footage and photos, as well as interviews with historians, authors, law enforcement personnel and actors famous for their portrayal of gangsters. Actor Ray Liotta (“Goodfellas,” 1990) narrates the series, which is now in its second season. The first season focused on the rise of the New York Mob, particularly with reference to Lucky Luciano, who was credited with revolutionizing the Big Apple’s organized crime hierarchy by forming alliances and creating the Five Families. Attracting around a million viewers per episode, the debut season was a respectable success for AMC, so it came as no surprise when the show was renewed. “The histories and the spectacular personalities inside the American mafia provides a fascinating real-life look at organized crime, and allows us to expand the storytelling beyond New York City,” said AMC executive Joel Stillerman. “Al Capone is one of
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George H. Xanthis as seen in “The Making of the Mob: Chicago” the most notorious crime figures, famous for their portrayals of Capone-like gangsters. Jonathan and ‘The Making of the Mob: Eig, a New York Times bestChicago’ showcases the canny selling author and a renowned criminal minds and brutish noCapone expert, also shares his nonsense killers that will stop at thoughts, as does former Las nothing for power.” Vegas mayor Oscar Goodman. The eight-episode series While the focus of the series picked up with Capone’s early rests squarely on Capone’s days in New York, and followed brawny shoulders, he isn’t the him on to Chicago, where he only gangster featured in this worked with his childhood season of the docuseries. Along mentor in the underworld: with the aforementioned RoJohnny Torrio (Paolo Rotondo, tondo as famed Italian-American “The Insider’s Guide to Hapmobster Torrio, “The Making of piness”). After Prohibition was established, Capone got into the the Mob: Chicago” stars Jason bootlegging business, garnering Fitch (“Shortland Street”) as ena reputation for his ruthless prac- forcer Tony Accardo, newcomer Christopher Valente as “The tices and flamboyant lifestyle, Brains” Paul Ricca, and Emmett which attracted the attention of Skilton (“The Almighty JohnPresident Herbert Hoover. For sons”) as Sam Giancana, known a time, he was seen as a man as The Wild Card. of the people, even donating Hollywood has long tapped some of his ill-gotten gains to organized crime for stories, and charity. However, the 1929 St. some of the most memorable Valentine’s Day Massacre shatfilms in history have dealt with tered that rock star gangster the workings of the American image. Capone is believed to Mob. From “The Godfather” have been responsible for the murder of seven members of the (1972) to “Scarface” (1983) to even TV’s “The Sopranos,” rival North Side Irish Gang in a North American audiences seem bid for power. to be fascinated with the Mob, Season 2 of “The Making of which is good news for AMC. the Mob” features appearances “The Making of the Mob” apby actor Vincent Pastore (“The Sopranos”) and Michael Madsen pears to have a solid following, with about a million live viewers (“Reservoir Dogs,” 1992), both per episode last season, and another 500,000 or so tuning in at their convenience. Things appear to be on track for Capone’s turn in the spotlight, as the opener attracted close to 1.2 million viewers.
The Bold and the Beautiful After Lizzie’s christening, Julius and Sasha exchange harsh words; after blaming her for his marriage to Vivienne still being in disarray, he demands she return to Chicago. Later, both Maya and Sasha realize that Zende and Nicole have taken their relationship to the next level. Caroline puts a damper on any plans Thomas might have for their immediate future by explaining that she has plans of her own. When they get to talking, Sasha gives Thomas advice about what kind of father he should try not to be. Bill insists that he will have nothing to do with Brooke’s plan to reunite him with Katie. Katie receives Bill’s settlement offer, but Ridge suggests she ask for more. Brooke is torn by the requests Ridge has made of her and Katie. Ridge goes to see Quinn and lays into her for targeting Eric and disrespecting Steffy. After Ridge demands she stay away from his family, Quinn gets an interesting text from Eric. Bill confides in Liam his suspicions about Katie and Ridge. Wyatt pays Quinn a visit, and he asks that his mother stay away. Meanwhile, Liam comforts Steffy and makes a promise to his exwife. Quinn becomes hopeful when Eric shows up at her door unannounced, and states that he will not allow his family to dictate his life. Thomas tells Julius to treat his daughter with respect when he overhears
Justin Hartley as seen in “The Young and the Restless”
Julius tell Sasha that she’s his biggest mistake. Days of Our Lives Days of Our Lives has been preempted for NBC’s coverage of the Rio 2016 Summer Olympics. General Hospital Kiki tells Ava that she needs to mind her own business. Carly keeps the peace. Franco gets some bad news, while Liz tells Jason to back off. Bobbie celebrates her birthday, and party guests react to some big news. Lulu delivers shocking news to Hayden. Ava is confronted by Morgan, and Finn confides in Hayden. Alexis asks Julian for help. Laura overhears a conversation between Kevin and Lucy, and Jordan makes Andre an offer. Finn makes a serious accusation. Kristina is upset with Alexis. The Young and the Restless Abby surprises Stitch with the news that she’s rented a lake house for Labor Day weekend. Stitch wants to hold off when Abby suggests they take Max. Later, Abby reveals to Ashley that the clinic wouldn’t divulge any information about Max to her. Lily pushes for the Foundation to remove Hilary from the board. Hilary tries to explain how she’ll make things right for the patients in the drug trial. At the GCAC, Jill pushes Victoria’s buttons in the hopes that she’ll join Brash & Sassy. Billy later tells Victoria that he wants her to join the company to help push Cane out. When Kevin tells Mariah that he wants to get back together with Chloe, Mariah takes it upon herself to see if she can get Chloe interested in Kevin. Phyllis tries to be supportive of Summer’s relationship with Luca, but urges her not to rush into anything. Summer and Luca take their relationship to the next level, which stuns Phyllis. Victor tries to get Phyllis to help him get Luca out of Summer’s life, but she wants nothing to do with it. Chloe does her best to try to convince Dylan that she’s not the mystery woman working with Victor to set Adam up. Chelsea celebrates Connor’s third birthday at the penthouse. Victor and Nikki are shocked to see Chloe there when they arrive. At the police station, Paul confronts Dylan about continuing to work on Adam’s case.
Daytime Sunday TW = Time Warner Cable
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Sunday, Aug 14
8 a.m. 8:30 9 a.m. 9:30 10 a.m. 10:30 11 a.m. 11:30 12 p.m. 12:30 1 p.m. 1:30 2 p.m. 2:30 3 p.m. 3:30 4 p.m. Xterra Xterra PGA Golf John Deere Classic Site: TPC Deere Run CBS Sunday Morning (N) Church Service Face the Nation Paid Paid Paid -- Silvis, Ill. (L) Program Program Program Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Athletics Rio 2016 Basketball (W) United States Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Rio 2016 Volleyball (W) United States vs. China (L) vs. China (L) (W) Marathon (L) Joy of Religion Americ- Cont- @IYou- McLWash. Wealt- Knitting Beads, It's Sew Fons & Quilting Sewing Joy of Painting Daytri Music N. (N) a/World rary th Chat augh Week hTrack Daily Baubles Easy Porter Arts Nancy Painting / Travel pper GdMrn- In Touch This Week Wild Christ Columbus Avenue Paid Paid To Be Announced To Be Announced World World TBA XGames XGames TxWknd Animals the King Baptist Church Program Program Juego de Estrellas Impacto Republica MFL Fútbol Torneo Apertura (L) Fútbol Central Netas divinas Como dice dicho Al punto Juegos OlÃmpicos de Rio 2016 Noticier Pagado Pagado Pagado Pagado OlÃmpico Juegos OlÃmpicos de Rio 2016 Twister ('96) MLB Baseball L.A. Angels vs Cleveland (L) Friends Friends Friends Life as We Know It ('10) Fox News Sunday Special Cons- Cons- Cons- Cons- Cons- African American USGA Golf U.S. Senior Open Site: Scioto Country Club -- Columbus, Ohio (L) Edition umer umer umer umer umer Short Films News WAWeek Washington This Week Public Affairs Programming Washington Week Washington This Week Wash. Journal Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Zakaria GPS Reliable Sources State of Union Zakaria GPS CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom News State of Union MLB Baseball Detroit Tigers at Texas Rangers (L) Insider Pre Insider Golf (N) Game Polaris MLB Baseball Detroit vs Texas Paid Paid BattleFrogLeague BattleFrogLeague BattleFrogLeague MLS Soccer Chi/Orlan. (L) OLines Report SportsCenter 30 for 30 30 for 30 OLines Report E:60Pics E:60Pics ESPN Films SportsCenter Exit Wounds The Shawshank Redemption ('94) Unknown ('11) Liam Neeson. Law & Order Law & Order Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU SVU Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Walking The Walking The Walking The Walking The Walking The Walking The Walking The Walking The Walking Dead Dead Dead Dead Dead Dead Dead Dead Dead Movie My Life as a Dead Girl ('14) Home Invasion ('96) Tall Hot Blonde ('12) My Crazy Ex J.Osteen Paid Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Saving Private Ryan ('98) Tom Hanks. Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Res. Power Power Power Power Bar Rescue Tyler Perry's Lift Voice (N) Payne Payne House of Payne I Can Do Bad All by Myself ('09) Tyler Perry. Jones Gospel C t ti Poker T'18 FIFA DFL Soccer German Supercup (L) GSC IMSA Auto Race Road Race Showcase Cliff Diving USGA Golf U.S. Senior Open Epic Beach Epic Yachts Private Islands Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Naked and Afraid Epic Backyards Hoarding Hoarding Hoarding Wedding Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Hoarding Dirty Dancing ('87) Patrick Swayze. Grease ('78) John Travolta. Mamma Mia! 10 Things I Hate About You ('99) Snapped Snapped Snapped It Takes a Killer Snapped Snapped Snapped PolicewomenFiles Snapped: Killer The Kitchen Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Chopped Pioneer Big Bite Cooking Heaton Pioneer Southern Giada Bites Rosary Sunday Mass S. Heart In Concert Concert Faith Church S. Heart B'kmark Weep Jim and Joy Movie Summer in the City ('16) A Novel Romance ('11) G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls My Summer Prince ('16) Walk J. Prince Carpet Jesse D. In Touch P. Point Written Victory Supernat Kolenda John Hagee Marriage Balanced Kingdom T.Point Walk ALVIN ALVIN ALVIN Sponge Sponge Sponge LoudHou LoudHou LoudHou Ice Age ('02) Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Ninja Movie Battleship ('12) Taylor Kitsch. The Hangover Part III ('13) Mother Mother The Hangover Part II ('11) FleaFlip FleaFlip FleaFlip FleaFlip FleaFlip FleaFlip FleaFlip FleaFlip Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Rio 2016 Summer Olympics MSNBC Rio 2016 Summer Olympics AM Joy MSNBC Live MSNBC Live Rio2016 Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Housewives NJ Housewives NJ Paid Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. CSI: Miami CSI Paid K9 Cops North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law Rugged Justice Rugged Justice Rugged Justice Alaskans K9 Cops Parks Swimming Holes Nat.Park Nat.Park Nat.Park Nat.Park Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Food Paradise Paradise Mystery Museum Parks Singin' in the Rain ('52) Brigadoon ('54) Meet Me in Las... Two Weeks in Another Town ('62) The Wild North ('51) Tremors 3: Back to Perfection ('01) Tremors 2: Aftershocks ('95) Fred Ward. Tremors ('90) Tremors 4: The Legend Begins ('04) Cop Out ('10) Bruce Willis. 1000 Ways to Die WaysDie WaysDie WaysDie WaysDie Tower Heist ('11) Eddie Murphy. Reba Reba G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls The Golden Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Reba Mini's In The Dark ('12) Elisabeth Rohm. A Clara's Deadly Secret ('13) The Boarder ('12) Andy Scott Harris. A Mother's Instinct ('15) First Time ('06) blind artist rebuilds her life. Emmanuelle Vaugier. Josie Bissett. Secret Earth Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pickers Secret Access: The Vatican Elves Descend. Liv/Mad K.C. Undercover Girl M. Austin Bunk'd StuckMid Liv/Mad Bizaard. Elena Girl M. Jessie Friends StuckMid Elena TeenT. TeenT. TeenT. TeenT. Gumball Gumball Gumball Gumball Clarence Clarence Alvin & the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked NEXO Knights Morning Futures MediaBuzz America's News HQ Fox News Sunday Journal Housecll America's News HQ FOX & Friends Live From the Olympics (L) Olympics Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Golf (M) Final Round Site: Olympic Golf Course -- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (L) Soul Sunday Soul Sunday Soul Sunday Soul Sunday Soul Sunday Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Boss Soul Sunday Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage The Nutty Professor ('96) Movie Leverage The Story of Food The Story of Food The Story of Food Life Below Zero Life Below Zero Life Below Zero Life Below Zero Life Below Zero Life -0 Fishing 30 for 30 30 for 30 30 for 30 30 for 30 Fishing The 33 ('15) Antonio Banderas. The story of Wedn- Jurassic World ('15) Chris Dracula Untold ('14) Luke Jumper ('08) No 33 Chilean miners trapped for 69 days. esday Pratt. Evans. Hayden Christensen. Reservati Vacation ('15) Ed Helms. Ballers Ballers Ballers Ballers The Uninvited ('08) Real Sports With Bryant Juno ('07) Ellen Marguerite Moreau. Gumbel Page. The Longest Men in Black II ('02) Ali ('01, Bio) Mario Van Peebles, Will Focus ('15) Will Smith. Borat: Cultural Learnings of Ride ('15) Will Smith. Smith. The life of boxing legend Muhammad Ali. America for Make Benefit ... Rocky Balboa ('06) Clouds of Sils Maria ('14) Juliette Binoche. An Killing Season ('13) Black Hawk Down ('01) Josh Hartnett. The Sylvester Stallone. actress takes part in the revival of a play. Robert De Niro. Gift Notting Hill ('99) Dark Water ('05) Jennifer Big Eyes ('14) Amy Punch-Drunk Love ('02) Notting Hill ('99) Hugh Grant. Connelly. Adams. Adam Sandler. Hugh Grant.
Sunday Prime time
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4:30 PGA KWTX Golf Rio KCEN 2016 Africa KNCT
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Sunday, Aug 14
5 p.m. 5:30 6 p.m. 6:30 7 p.m. 7:30 8 p.m. 8:30 9 p.m. 9:30 10 p.m. 10:30 11 p.m. 11:30 12 a.m. 12:30 Destin- KWTX 60 Minutes Big Brother Madam Secretary BrainDead 1/2 KWTX Blue Bloods Person of Interest Good ation.TV News cont'd Aug 28 (N) News Wife KCEN NBC Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Diving (W) Springboard Gold Medal Final, Athletics (M & W) Gold KCEN Rio 2016 Summer Rio News News Medal Final, Gymnastics Individual Event Gold Medal Final, Beach Volleyball (W) Quarter-final (L) News Olympics 2016 Parks & Central Classic Gospel Dancing on the Masterpiece Mystery! (N) The Tunnel (N) Music Music Dancing on the MasteWildlife Texas Edge (N) Cafe Cafe Edge rpiece TBA World Texas Funniest Home Celebrity Family The $100,000 Match Game (N) Texas Scandal Castle Eleme News Report Videos Feud (N) Pyramid (N) Report ntary Va por ti Sal y pimienta Mi jefe Notice Republica Al punto Impacto Mi jefe Notice Aqui y Ahora Ya era hora Titulare Videos Juegos OlÃmpicos de Rio 2016 Videos Monstruos vs. Aliens ('09)... Las crónicas de Narnia: La travesÃa del ('10)... Now You See Me ('13) Jesse Eisenberg. Now You See Me ('13) Jesse Eisenberg. Life as We Know Movie Rush Hour ('98) ('10) USGA Cons- Cons- TheSi- Bob's TheSi- Broo- Family Last news at The Big Modern Modern The The Anger Anger Golf umer umer mpsons Burgers mpsons klyn 99 Guy Man 9 Bang Family Family Middle Middle Manage Manage Q&A To Be Announced Q&A To Be Announced Comms. Newsmkr To Be Announced The Profit Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Rio 2016 Summer Olympics The Profit The Hunt (N) Declassified (N) Declassified The Hunt Declassified News CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom The Hunt MLB Baseball Detroit Tigers at Texas Rangers CB Camp School WPT Poker UFC (N) Baseball Rangers Game Bull Riding Baseball T. (L) MLB Baseball St. Louis Cardinals at Chicago Cubs (L) SportsCenter SportsCenter Soccer SportsCenter E:60Pics Arm Wrestling Arm Wrestling E:60 ESPN FC 30Shorts Baseball 30/30 A.F.L. Football Playoffs (L) Wanted ('08) James McAvoy. The Last Ship (N) Murder 1st (N) The Last Ship Murder in First Exit Wounds Exit Wounds ('01) ('01) Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Motive (N) Law&Order: SVU Motive SVU The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Geeking The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Walking (N) Out (N) Dead Perfect Sisters ('14) Abigail Breslin. Hidden Truth ('16) Diana Hopper. Perfect Sisters ('14) Abigail Breslin. Hidden Truth Stolen from the Suburbs Intervention Intervention (N) Intervention Esc.Polygamy (N) The First 48 Intervention Intervention Movie Esc.Polygamy Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue (N) Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Res. Bar Rescue Payne Payne Inspirat. Ministry Blessings Tyler Perry's Temptation: Confessions of a ('13)... Obsessed ('09) Beyoncé Knowles. Insider UFC (N) SO Wrap UFC 194 Site: MGM Grand Garden Arena Poker WPT Poker Alpha8 MLS Soccer Salt Lake vs Seattle (L) Naked Naked&Afraid XL Naked&Afraid XL Naked&Afraid XL Naked & Afr. (N) Naked&Afraid (N) Naked and Afraid Naked&Afraid XL Naked and Afraid Gypsy Wedd Love at First Kiss ReturnAmish (N) Gypsy Wedd (N) Return to Amish Gypsy Wedd Love at First Kiss Wedding Gypsy Wedd The Blind Side ('09) Sandra Bullock. J.Osteen Jeremiah Life Paid Movie Pitch Perfect ('12) Anna Kendrick. Snapped Snapped Snapped (N) Killer Killer Snapped Killer Killer Snapped Snapped Snapped Guy's Game (N) Chopped (N) Cooks vs. Co (N) Cooks vs. Cons Chopped Cooks vs. Cons Chopped Chopped Junior Guy's Game Vatican The World Over Sunday Night (N) Symbolo Rosary Cardinal Dolan Mother Angelica Sunday Mass S. Heart Priest F. Love Light A Country Wedding ('15) Chesapeake Shores (P) (N) G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Frasier Frasier October Kiss ('15) Movie Dickow Potter's Everyday LeadWay R Morris J.Osteen K. Shook Copelnd Creflo Overload Love Comes Softly ('03) Love's Enduring Promise F.House F.House F.House F.House Friends Friends Friends Friends The King The King LoudHou H.Danger H.Danger Thunder Thunder Nicky Nicky The Other Woman ('14) Cameron Diaz. The Other Woman ('14) Cameron Diaz. Mike&M. Mike&M. Captain America: The First Avenger ('11) Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Mexico Mexico Island Island H.Hunt House Mexico Mexico Island Island CaughtCamera Dateline NBC Dateline NBC Dateline NBC Dateline NBC Lockup Lockup MSNBC CaughtCamera Wives NJ (N) Housewives NJ Real Housewives Watch Housewives NJ Real Housewives WivesNJ Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Housewives NJ CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Alaskans The Last Alaskans The Last Alaskans Lone Star Law Food Paradise Food Paradise Parks Parks Swimming Holes Island Island Parks Parks Swimming Holes Paradise Food Paradise Bandwagon ('96) It's Always Fair Weather ('55) Party Girl ('58) Movie Silk Stockings ('57) The Bourne Supremacy ('04) Tremors 3: Back to Perfection ('01) Tremors ('90) The Bourne Identity ('02) Seriously Funny Kevin Hart/Pain Kevin Hart Kevin Hart/Pain Seriously Funny Death at a Fun... Death at a Funeral ('10) Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Ray Ray Gaffigan Gaffigan Queens Queens Queens Queens Gaffigan Gaffigan Reba Indiscretion ('16) Mira Sorvino. Kept Woman ('15) Courtney Ford. Indiscretion ('16) Mira Sorvino. Movie Mommy's Little Girl ('16) OzzyandJack (N) American Pickers Star Trek Anniversary Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Star Trek Anniversary (N) Liv/Mad Monsters University ('13) Underc. Bizaard. Friends StuckMid Bunk'd Girl M. Underc. Bizaard. Austin Jessie G. Luck Dog Blog Batman Steven Steven Steven Steven King Hill Clevela. Clevela. Am.Dad Fam.Guy Fam.Guy RickMort Squid RickMort TysonMy Clevela. Am.Dad Legends & Lies The Kelly File Greg Gutfeld Legends & Lies Hannity The Kelly File News Fox News Sunday FOX Report PGA Golf John Deere Classic Site: TPC Deere Run Feherty Rio 2016 Golf (M) Final Round Site: Olympic Golf Course Live From the Olympics Undercover Boss Soul Sunday Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Boss The Nutty Professor ('96) The Nutty Professor II: The Klumps Flashpoint Flashpoint Flashpoint The Nutty Professor II Life -0 Life Below Zero Life Below Zero Life Below Zero Life Below Zero Life Below Zero Life Below Zero Life Below Zero Life Below Zero 30 for 30 Reel Classics 30 for 30 30 for 30 30/30 30 for 30 No Reservations Brooklyn ('15) Saoirse Ronan. An The Night Of (N) Ballers VicePrin LastW- Ballers Vice The Night Of Last ('07) Catherine Zeta-Jones. Irish woman must make a tough choice. (N) (N) eek (N) Princi Week Entourage ('15) Adrian Grenier. Last The Night Of The Intern ('15) Robert De Niro. The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Dumb and Vincent Chase is back in Hollywood. Week ('15) Henry Cavill. Dumber To ('14) Outcast What We Do in the Sin City ('05) Mickey Ali ('01, Bio) Mario Van Peebles, Will Fracture ('07) Shadows ('14) Rourke. Smith. The life of boxing legend Muhammad Ali. Anthony Hopkins. The Gift ('15) Jason Ray Donovan Roadies Ray Donovan (N) Roadies (N) Ray Donovan Roadies Ray Donovan Bateman. Nottin Up in the Air ('09) George Big Eyes ('14) Amy Adams. Revolutionary Road ('08) What If ('14) Clerks g Hill. Clooney. Leonardo DiCaprio. Daniel Radcliffe. II ('06)...
Monday-Friday Weekday daytime TW = Time Warner Cable CH = Channel B = Broadcast TW
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Monday, Aug 15 to Friday, Aug 19
8 a.m. 8:30 9 a.m. 9:30 10 a.m. 10:30 11 a.m. 11:30 12 p.m. 12:30 1 p.m. 1:30 2 p.m. 2:30 3 p.m. 3:30 4 p.m. CBS This Morning The Rachael Ray The Price Is Right The Young and KWTX Bold & The Talk Let's Make a Deal KWTX Inside E.De Show the Restless News B. News Edition Generes Today Show Various Tu Rio Th Rio 2016/F Rio M Rio'16/Tu Rio'16/ Rio'16/ W Rio Th Rio 2016/F Rio 2016 Dr. Phil 2016 2016 Rio'16/W Rio'16 Rio'16 Rio'16 2016 Daniel Daniel Sesame Peg + Dinosa- Dinosa- Super Various Various Various Thomas/ George/ Bug Thomas Word- Odd Wild Tiger Tiger Street Cat ur Train ur Train WHY! George Thomas Bites Edison Girl Squad Kratts Good Morning Steve Harvey The View Texas The The Chew General Hospital The Doctors Hot Hot Judge America Report Insider Bench Bench Judy Despierta America Como dice el Amores Hoy Amor de barrio Sueño de amor El gordo y la Primer dicho Verdaderos flaca impacto Un nuevo dia Decisi- Various W Juegos Tu Juegos OlÃmpico/ W OlÃmpico/Th M Tu Suelta la M Tu Th Al rojo Cerrado/ ones OlÃmpicos OlÃmpicos OlÃmpico/ OlÃmpico OlÃmpico/F OlÃmpico sopa vivo/F OlÃmpicos RojoVivo Queens/F Queens/F King of King of Cleve- Cleve- Various Sein./- Friends/ Friends/ Various Friends/- New New M Seinf. M Seinf. Am.Dad Married Married Queens Queens land land Am.Dad Am.Dad Am.Dad Fam.Guy Girl Girl / Friends / Friends /Friends Various Cons- The Steve Wilkos The Jerry Springer Maury The People's Divorce Divorce Judge Mathis The Wendy Two 1/2 umer Show Show Court Court Court Williams Show Men M Key Capitol Hill Hearings / U.S. House of Representatives M U.S. House of Representatives / F Politics & Public Policy Today Wash. Journal Squawk Alley Fast Money Power Lunch Closing Bell Various Squawk on the Street Legal View Wolf CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom The Lead Sit.Room CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom At This Hour H. Fame Baseball Detroit vs Texas Drag Racing NHRA Seattle, Wash. School M CB Camp Gme365 Red Bull Air Race Baseball Oakland vs Texas Pregame Soccer Champions League UEFA Polaris Tu CBCamp Gme365 Soccer B. Munich vs Dortmund Baseball Oakland vs Texas Pregame Soccer Champions League UEFA UFC W CBCamp UEFA H/L Soccer Champions League UEFA Baseball Oakland vs Texas UFC 189: Mendes vs. McGregor UEFA H/L Th CBCamp UEFA H/L Soccer Champions League UEFA Soccer Champions League UEFA Soccer Champions League UEFA Drag Racing NHRA Seattle, Wash. Polaris F Poker WPT SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter OLines Football NFL Insiders NFL Live SportsN Highly? Horn M SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter OLines Football NFL Ftsy FB NFL Live SportsN Highly? Horn Tu SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter OLines Football NFL Insiders NFL Live SportsN Highly? Horn W SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter Baseball Williamsport, Pa. Baseball Williamsport, Pa. Baseball Th SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter OLines Football Baseball Williamsport, Pa. Baseball Williamsport, Pa. F SportsCenter First Take His & Hers First Take His & Hers NFL Live SportsN M Mike & Mike First Take His & Hers First Take His & Hers NFL Live SportsN Tu Mike & Mike First Take His & Hers First Take College GameDay NFL Live SportsN W Mike & Mike First Take His & Hers Tennis Western & Southern Open Mason, Ohio His&Hers Th Mike & Mike First Take His & Hers Tennis Western & Southern Open Mason, Ohio His&Hers F Mike & Mike Supernatural Supernatural Supernatural Supernatural Bones Bones Bones Castle / F Bones Castle / F Bones Various Rio'16/ M Rio Tu Rio F Rio 2016/W Rio M Rio Various W Rio Th SVU/F M Live Various Th Law & Order: Various Rio'16 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 TBA S.V.U. Casino (Cri, '95) Sharon Stone, Robert De Niro. Good... M Stooges Blood Ties (Cri, '14) Billy Crudup, Clive Owen. Rocky IV ('85) Die Hard: With a Vengeance ('95) True ... Tu Rocky III ('82) Sylvester Stallone. Uncle Buck ('89) John Candy. Happy Gilmore ('96) Alice... W The Three Stooges/ U.S. Marshals ('98) Alice in Wonderland ('10) Men in Black Th The Three Stooges/ Uncle Buck ('89) Happy Gilmore ('96) Outrageous Fortune ('87) National Lampoon's Animal House Footloose ('84) F Hitch ('05) Eva Mendes, Will Smith. M Unsolved Myster. Unsolved Myster. Mother Mother Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Friends With Kids ('11) Toni Braxton: Unbrea... Tu Unsolved Myster. Unsolved Myster. Mother Mother Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's cont'd next Grey's Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Little W W Unsolved Myster. Unsolved Myster. Mother Mother Grey's Th Unsolved Myster. Unsolved Myster. Mother Mother Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy A Little Bit of Heaven F Unsolved Myster. Unsolved Myster. Mother Mother Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's cont'd next Grey's Anatomy R. Game First 48 Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Various S.Wars Various S.Wars Various S.Wars Various S.Wars Various S.Wars First 48/Tu After 48 The First 48 Various Various Various Movie Various M Cops Various M Cops Various M Cops Cops M F Cops Various Bar Res./ Gangland Police/ Bar Res. Various Th Payne Various Various Martin Tu BET Hip Hop Awards/W Think Like a Man Various Payne TMZ Herd W The Herd Pregame Tu Soccer M UFC/W Th F Golf M Insider UFC FB RaceHub RaceClsc Tu Soccer/W Racing W Drag Racing FastLoud Fast N' Loud 2/2 FastLoud Fast N' Loud 2/2 FastLoud Fast N' Loud 2/2 Misfit cont'd next Misfit M Fast N' Loud Bush Tu Outlaw Empires Outlaw Empires Outlaw Empires Almost Got Away Almost Got Away Almost Got Away Almost Got Away Bush People Weed Country Weed Country Almost Got Away Almost Got Away Almost Got Away Almost Got Away Survival Survival W Weed Country Th Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked F Alaska/Frontier Alaska/Frontier Alaska/Frontier Alaska/Frontier Alaska/Frontier Alaska/Frontier Alaska/Frontier Alaska/Frontier Alaskan My Big/ 48 Hours My Big/ 48 Hours My Big/ 48 Hours Various Coupon Various Coupon Various SayYes Say Yes Various Say Yes Various Last 700 The 700 Club Gilmore Girls Gilmore/ F Hook Reba Reba Reba Reba M Tu W Various M Tu M Tu The Man St. Club F Young Middl... Middle Middle Blind ... Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped Next Top Model Next Top Model Movie M Snapped Tu WifeKid WifeKid WifeKid WifeKid WifeKid WifeKid Next Top Model Next Top Model Next Top Model Next Top Model Sisterhood Hip H Hip Hop W WifeKid WifeKid WifeKid WifeKid Next Top Model Next Top Model Next Top Model Next Top Model Next Top Model Next Top Model T. Model Th Next Top Model Next Top Model Next Top Model Next Top Model Next Top Model Next Top Model Next Top Model Next Top Model T. Model Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped F Movie WifeKid Snapped: Killer Snapped Pioneer Various Various Various Various Various Various Pioneer Pioneer Various BeatFlay Various BeatFlay Various BeatFlay Various Paid Various M Prime Various Various Women Rosary M HolyMass/Mass J.Home M Feasts Various TheCross Mercy Various Various Various Various Home and Family Little House Little House Little House L. House G. Girls G. Girls Home and Family J. Hagee J.Osteen J. Prince Copelnd K.Shook Furtick Various Various Various Life Various The 700 Club J. Hagee Various Various Creflo
Monday-Friday Weekday daytime TW = Time Warner Cable TW [49] [50] [51] [52] [54] [55] [56] [57]
[66] TOON [69]
[129] NATGEO
[303] ESPNCL
[531] MAX
[551] SHOW
Live From the Olympics Live From the Olympics Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Golf (W) Round 1 From: Olympic Golf Course Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Golf (W) Round 2 From: Olympic Golf Course Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Golf (W) Round 3 From: Olympic Golf Course Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil
Various Motors/ Various Count./ Pawn Pawn Various Girl Bizaa- Various World rdvark TeenT- TeenT- Clarenc Superno itansGo itansGo e o Shepard Smith Your World Reporting Live From the Olympics PGATour Live From the Olympics Live From the Olympics Live From the Olympics Live From the Olympics Various Various
Alaska State Troopers Various
Alaska State Troopers
M W Law&O./Tu F Various C.Minds/Th BlueB. Various Various
[512] HBO2
Monday, Aug 15 to Friday, Aug 19
8:30 9 a.m. 9:30 10 a.m. 10:30 11 a.m. 11:30 12 p.m. 12:30 1 p.m. 1:30 2 p.m. 2:30 3 p.m. 3:30 4 p.m. PAW Mutt&St. Umizoo Guppies Guppies Various PAW PAW Mchines ALVIN ALVIN Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Loud H. Movie M Chasing Mav... 2½Men 2½Men 2½Men Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various House Various FlipFlop Various FlipFlop Various FlipFlop Various FlipFlop Various MSNBC Live MSNBC Live MSNBC/ Rio'16 Various Rio'16/ MSNBC Various M Rio'16 W Rio'16 Th MSNBC/F Rio'16 News Various O. Mom Various Various Various Various Various Various Tu Tardy Various Tu Tardy Various Paid Paid Various WGrace Various WGrace Various WGrace Various WGrace Various WGrace Various WGrace Various WGrace Various Crocodile Hunter Animal Cops Animal Cops Star Law/ A.Cops Parole/Th Star Law Various Various Various Various Various BBQ Cr. Various BBQ Cr. Various BBQ Cr. Various BBQ Cr. Various W Island Various W Island Various Various Various Movie Kidnapped ('48) The Third Day ('65) George Peppard. The Cool Ones ('67) Holiday in Mexico ('46) The Fighting Sullivans Season of Passion ('61) I Confess ('53) The Blue Gardenia Carnival Story ('54) Th... The Phenix City Story ('55) The Sandpiper ('65) Seven Angry Men ('55) Men in War ('57) Movie Some Kind of a Nut Rome Adventure ('62) Troy Donahue. Jessica ('62) A Fever in the Blood ('61) Movie Dames Ready, Willing and Able Colleen ('36) Six Hits Shipmates Forever ('35) Flirtation Walk Big Ass M W Th Arachnoquake/ Tremo... F Isle of Tu Anacondas: Tremor- F Tu Lavalantula/W M The F Freddy Tu 2 Sp... Trem... Ghost Fright... Ghost / Ghost the De... The Hunt for th.... s/ Ghost Jeeper... Ghost Hunters Bourn... vs. Jas... Lava .... Various Various Various F Sat. S.N.L/ F Saturday Night Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Night S.N.L Live A. Griffith/ Griffith/ Griffith/ Griffith/ W Th F Bonanza Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Griffith/ Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Various Movies Various Movies Various Movies Various Movies Various Movies
Various W Pawn Various W Pawn Various W Pawn Stars Stars Stars Goldie/F Mouse/F Mouse/F Sofia Various Mickey PJ Masks Stuffins Elena the First M. Gum- Gum- Various Movies TeenT ball ball itansGo America's Newsroom Happening Now
8 a.m.
M Tu W Th F
B = Broadcast
M Tu W Th F
CH = Channel
M Tu W Th F M Tu W Th F M Tu W Th F M Tu W Th F M Tu W Th F
Various W Pawn Stars PJ Sofia1sMasks t/ Callie Steven Universe Outnumbered
Pawn/ W Th Various Motors/ Aliens Pawn S. Pawn Various Various Mickey/ Jessie/W Jessie Elena Powerp Powerp TeenT- TeenTuff Girls uff Girls itansGo itansGo Happening Now The Real Story
Various Various Gumball The Five
Olympics Golf Golf Various
Body T. Independence Day ('96) Will Smith. Riding in Cars With Boys Breach ('07) Ryan Phillippe. The Astronaut Fa... Everest ('15) Jake Gyllenhaal. Black Knight ('00) Ebola Eight Legged Freaks ('02) No Reservations A Beau... The 33 ('15) Antonio Banderas. Summer Catch Jurassic World ('15) Chris Pratt. Prelude to a Kiss Movie Ebola Brooklyn ('15) Saoirse Ronan. Wednes The Astronaut Farmer ('06) Hard Knocks Hitchcock/ Truffaut Ocea... Wednes The Comebacks ('07) Hard Knocks Life or Something... Real Sports Wild Wild West ('99) Movie Movie The 33 ('15) Antonio Banderas. Jupiter Ascending ('15) Hitchcock/ Truffaut A Perfect Murder ('98) Op. Eyes Movie Citizen U.S.A. Juno ('07) Ellen Page. Saving Silverman National Treasure ('04) Hard Knocks Movie The Fantastic Four Real Sports Our Brand Is Crisis ('15) The Intern ('15) Robert De Niro. Night at the Museum: ... True S... Wednes Friday Night Lights ('04) Jackie Brown ('97) Pam Grier. Pan ('15) Levi Miller. Movie Me & Earl & ... Straight Outta Compton ('15) Hard Knocks The 33 ('15) Antonio Banderas. Last Wk Ballers Movie What Happens in... Magnolia ('99) Jeremy Blackman, Tom Cruise. 28 Days Later ('02) The Heartbreak Kid ('07) Victor Frankenstein ('15) Pollock ('01) Ed Harris. Brokeback Mountain ('05) Self/ Less ('15) Ben Kingsley. Eagle Eye Batman... Kiss the Girls ('97) A Little Chaos ('14) Kate Winslet. My Big Fat Greek... The Judge ('14) The Place Beyond the Pines ('12) Get Hard ('15) Will Ferrell. Scream 3 ('00) The Hobbit: The Battle ... Movie End of Days ('99) The Visit ('15) Focus ('15) Blood Diamond ('06) Skinwalkers ('06) Judgement Day ('99) The Hand That Rocks the ... Things You Can Tell Just b... The Hundred-Foot Jou... Walking on ... The DUFF ('15) Natasha Leggero The Accidental Spy Veronika Decides to Die Zodiac ('07) Begin... Sister (Dra, '16) Beautiful Girls ('96) Ray (Bio, '04) Kerry Washington, Jamie Foxx. Compared to What: Th... Shopgirl ('05) Steve Martin. Unnatural ('15) Underclassman Judgment Day ('99) Movie The Gift ('15) Clouds of Sils Maria ('14) Juliette Binoche. Body ('15) No Escape ('15) Owen Wilson. Shaft ('00) Movie Bratz ('07) Freedom Writers ('07) Hilary Swank. The Life Aquatic With St... The One ('01) Jet Li. Missi... Dr. T &... Dreamscape ('84) Manglehorn ('14) The Last Days of Disco ('98) The Facility ('12) Movie Man of ... No God, No Master ('12) The Forger ('14) John Travolta. A Glimpse Inside the ... Man of the Year ('06) Movie St. Vincent ('14) Bravetown ('15) Josh Duhamel. The Gift ('00) Cate Blanchett. Sling Blade ('95) Billy Bob Thornton. Movie Dr. T &... Away From Her ('07) Wrecked ('10) The Salvation ('15) What If ('14) Movie
Monday Prime time
TW = Time Warner Cable CH = Channel B = Broadcast TW
Monday, Aug 15
4:30 5 p.m. 5:30 6 p.m. 6:30 7 p.m. 7:30 8 p.m. 8:30 9 p.m. 9:30 10 p.m. 10:30 11 p.m. 11:30 12 a.m. 12:30 E.DeG- KWTX Evening KWTX Ent. Mom 2 Broke Mom The Odd Scorpion KWTX Stephen Colbert James Corden Law&O[2] KWTX eneres News News News Tonight Girls Couple News rder: CI KCEN Olympic Rio 2016 Diving (M) Springboard Qualifying, Athletics (M, W), Gymnastivs News Rio 2016 Summer Rio [3] KCEN Dr. Phil KCEN NBC News News News Zone Individual Event Gold Medal Finals, Beach Volleyball (M) Quarter-final (L) 10pm Olympics 2016 Wild Arthur Business PBS NewsHour Antiques American Experience Charlie Rose (N) World Tavis Antiques [4] KNCT Kratts (N) Roadshow (N) News Smiley Roadshow Judge News World News Channel 25 Bachelor in Paradise (N) Mistresses (N) News Jimmy Kimmel Night- Paid Paid [5] KXXV Judy 25 News at 6:00 Live Chris Pine line Program Program Impacto Noticie. Contacto Depor. Corazon [6] UNI Impacto Incluido Notic. Rosa Guadalupe Un camino hacia Tres veces Ana Silvana Sin Lana Sin Senos Si Hay Señora acero Al rojo Titular. Juegos OlÃmpicos de Rio 2016 [7] TELE Cerrado Decision Notici Caso cerrado Girls Conan Cougar T [12] TBS Am.Dad Am.Dad Am.Dad Fam.Guy Fam.Guy Fam.Guy Am.Dad Am.Dad Fam.Guy Fam.Guy Frontal Conan Two and Family Family The Big The Big So You Think You Can Dance news at TheSi- Modern Modern Crazy Met Met TMZ [14] KWKT a Half Feud Feud Bang Bang 9 mpsons Family Family Talk Mother Mother Landmark Cases Key Capitol Hill Hearings [21] CSPAN U.S. House of Representatives The Profit Shark Tank Shark Tank The Profit The Profit The Profit [23] CNBC Rio 2016 Water Polo (W) Quarter-final (L) OutFront A. Cooper 360 A. Cooper 360 CNN Tonight CNN Tonight A. Cooper 360 A. Cooper 360 [24] CNN Sit.Room The Situation Sports Pre MLB Baseball Oakland Athletics at Texas Rangers (L) Rangers CBCamp WPT Poker MLB Baseball [26] FSN Polaris WPT Poker MLB Baseball (L) Baseball T. (L) SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter [27] ESPN Interrupt SportsCenter J & J (N) Profile [28] ESPN2 Highly? Horn Interrupt BattleFrog League BattleFrog League BattleFrog League Street. City Slam Street. ESPN FC Baseball T. (L) Castle Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles (N) Major Crimes (N) Rizzoli & Isles Law & Order Law & Order [29] TNT Castle Castle Queen South CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene [30] USA Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Modern Modern WWE Monday Night Raw The Making of Die Hard: With a [31] AMC Goodfellas ('90) Ray Liotta. True Grit ('10) Jeff Bridges. A teenage Making Mob A man testifies against the mob. girl sets out to capture her father's killer. Chicago (N) the Mob: Chicago Vengeance ('95) Bruce Willis. Friends With Benefits ('11) Mila Kunis. His Secret Family ('15) Friends With Benefits ('11) [32] LIFE Movie The Ex ('06) Zach Braff. The First 48 The First 48 60Days First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 60Days First 48 [33] A&E First 48 The First 48 Jail Jail Jail [34] SPIKE Cops Scared Straight Scared Straight Scared Straight Scared Straight Scared Straight Scared Straight Jail Martin Martin Wendy Williams Dish The Real [35] BET Hurricane Season ('09) Fresh P. Payne Guess Who? ('05) Bernie Mac. Whiparound (L) WPT Poker Alpha8 Insider UFC Pres Speak Yourself FS Live TMZ (N) Speak Yourself FS Live I Heard [37] FS1 Race Hub Speak Yourself Misfit Garage Misfit Garage (N) Misfit Garage (N) Fast N' Loud (N) Misfit Garage Misfit Garage 1/2 Misfit Garage 2/2 [38] DSC Misfit Misfit Garage Hoarding Hoarding Hoarding My Secret Job (N) Hoarding My Secret Job Hoarding [39] TLC Hoarding Hoarding The Fosters The 700 Club Hannah Hannah Hannah Hannah [40] FREE The Blind Side ('09) Sandra Bullock. The Fosters (N) Guilt (N) The Wedding Date ('05) The Wedding Date ('05) In Her Shoes ('05) Cameron Diaz. [41] OXYG In Her Shoes ('05) Chopped Cake Wars Chopped [42] FOOD Cupcake Cupcake Wars Cupcake Wars Cupcake Wars (N) Cake Wars (N) Chopped Journey Home News Rosary The World Over Scoundrl Women Holy Mass Feasts [43] EWTN B'kmark News EWTN Mass [44] HALL L. House Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Middle Middle Middle Middle G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Frasier Frasier Samuel Potter Gather Laurie Kingdom Songs Praise the Lord BGraham J.Osteen Manna Jerry D. Creflo [45] KPLE Praise the Lord [49] NICK ALVIN H.Danger H.Danger Crashlet Thunder Nicky GShakers F.House F.House F.House F.House Friends Friends Friends Friends Fresh P. Fresh P. Hotel Transylvania ('12) The Tourist ('10) Johnny Depp. [50] FX Mike&M. Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2 Hotel Transylvania ('12) ('13) It or List It Love It or List It Tiny H. Tiny H. House House H.Hunt House House House House House H.Hunt House [51] HGTV LoveList Love Hardball All in Rachel Maddow The Last Word All in Rachel Maddow The Last Word [52] MSNBC News Due Respect [54] BRAVO H.Wives Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives Housewives (N) OddMom Real Housewives Housewives NJ OddMom Real Housewives CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami [55] WE CSI Yukon Men Yukon Men Yukon Men Yukon Men Lone Star Law Yukon Men Yukon Men [56] ANPL Yukon Yukon Men Bizarre Foods Bizarre Bizarre Bizarre Foods S. Eats S. Eats Bizarre Food Bizarre Foods S. Eats S. Eats [57] TRAVEL FoodInt. Bizarre Foods My Friend Flicka ('43) Lassie Come Home ('43) How Green Was My Valley? ('41) Movie [58] TCM Movie Lord Love a Duck ('66) 2 Lava 2 Lantula! (2016, Horror) Lavalantula ('15) Steve Guttenberg. Arachnoquake [59] SYFY The Bourne ... The Bourne Supremacy ('04) Futura SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk Daily S. Nightly Midnight SouthPk Trip T Daily S. [60] COM Futura Futura Futurama Loves Ray Ray Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens Chris Chris [61] TVLAND Griffith A. Griffith Show Griffith Griffith Griffith Ray To Be Announced Deadly Daycare ('14) Kayla Ewell. To Be Announced [62] LMN Movie The Nightmare Nanny ('13) [63] HIST Sniper American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers [65] DISN Liv/Mad K.C. Undercover Bunk'd Bunk'd Adventures in Babysitting Girl M. Girl M. Underc. Bizaard. Bunk'd Girl M. Friends Jessie Jessie [66] TOON Gumball TeenT. TeenT. Steven BareBear King Hill Clevela. Am.Dad Am.Dad Fam.Guy Fam.Guy BobB BobB Robot Squid AquaT. Fam.Guy Hannity O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File Hannity [69] FNC The Five Special Report On the Record O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File PGATour Learn Live From the Olympics [70] GOLF Olympics Live From the Olympics (L) Dateline NBC Dateline NBC Dateline NBC Dateline NBC Dateline NBC [71] OWN Police Police/ Maricopa Police/ Maricopa Dateline NBC Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Flashpoint [74] ION Law&O. Law & Order Wicked Tuna Wicked Tuna (N) Live Free (N) Wicked Tuna Live Free or Die Wicked Tuna [129] NATGEO W. Tuna Live Free or Die Wicked Tuna NCAA Football Classics '11 Rose Bowl NCAA Football '05 Houston Bowl NCAA Football '11 Poinsettia Bowl NCAA Football [303] ESPNCL NCAA Football Classics Astron Last The Comebacks ('07) Ballers Straight Outta Compton ('15) O'Shea Jackson Hard Knocks The Night Of Youth ('15) [511] HBO autFarm.. Week Carl Weathers. Jr.. The backstory of N.W.A. and its members. Michael Caine. Suffragette ('15) Carey Mulligan. Last Hitchcock/ Truffaut The 33 ('15) Antonio Banderas. Mad Max: Fury Road ('15) Wedn[512] HBO2 Week Tom Hardy. esday Waitress ('07) Keri Get Hard ('15) Will Lady in the Water ('06) Paul Outcast Blood Diamond ('06) Leonardo [531] MAX Russell. Ferrell. Giamatti. DiCaprio. The Sleeping With Other People ('15) Ray Donovan Roadies Ray Donovan Roadies Sleeping With Other War [551] SHOW Hundred- Alison Brie. People ('15) Alison Brie. ('07) Mississippi Echoes of War ('15) James Badge The Salvation ('15) Mads The Alamo ('04) Dennis Quaid. Soldiers Mississippi [571] TMC Burning ('88) Dale. Mikkelsen. defend an outpost against Mexican troops. Burning ('88)
Tuesday Prime time
TW = Time Warner Cable CH = Channel B = Broadcast TW
Tuesday, Aug 16
4:30 5 p.m. 5:30 6 p.m. 6:30 7 p.m. 7:30 8 p.m. 8:30 9 p.m. 9:30 10 p.m. 10:30 11 p.m. 11:30 12 a.m. 12:30 E.DeG- KWTX Evening KWTX Ent. NCIS Zoo (N) NCIS: New KWTX Stephen Colbert James Corden Law&O[2] KWTX eneres News News News Tonight Orleans News rder: CI KCEN Olympic Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Athletics (M, W) Gold Medal Final, Gymnastics News Rio 2016 Summer Rio [3] KCEN Dr. Phil KCEN NBC News News News Zone Individual Event Gold Medal Final, Beach Volleyball (W) Semifinal (L) 10pm Olympics 2016 Wild Arthur Business PBS NewsHour Dick Cavett's American Experience Pt. 1 of 2 cont'd Charlie Rose (N) World Tavis Dick Cavett's [4] KNCT Kratts (N) Watergate Aug 17 News Smiley Watergate Judge News World News Channel 25 Bachelor in After Paradise (N) The Fresh News Jimmy Kimmel Night- Paid Paid [5] KXXV Judy 25 News at 6:00 Paradise (N) Middle Off-Boat Live Greg Kinnear line Program Program Impacto Noticie. Contacto Depor. Corazon [6] UNI Impacto Incluido Notic. Rosa Guadalupe Un camino hacia Tres veces Ana Silvana Sin Lana Sin Senos Si Hay Señora acero Al rojo Titular. Juegos OlÃmpicos de Rio 2016 [7] TELE Cerrado Decision Notici Caso cerrado Girls Conan Cougar T Friends Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang Conan [12] TBS Two and Family Family The Big The Big Broo- New Lucifer news at TheSi- Modern Modern Crazy Met Met TMZ [14] KWKT a Half Feud Feud Bang Bang klyn 99 Girl 9 mpsons Family Family Talk Mother Mother Key Capitol Hill Hearings [21] CSPAN U.S. House of Representatives The Profit Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank The Profit The Profit [23] CNBC Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Rio 2016 OutFront A. Cooper 360 A. Cooper 360 CNN Tonight CNN Tonight A. Cooper 360 A. Cooper 360 [24] CNN Sit.Room The Situation Insider Pregame MLB Baseball Oakland Athletics at Texas Rangers (L) Rangers CBCamp Bull Riding MLB Baseball [26] FSN UFCMain UFC (N) SportsCenter BattleFrog League BattleFrog League BattleFrog League SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter [27] ESPN Interrupt SportsCenter J & J (N) 30 for 30 [28] ESPN2 Highly? Horn Interrupt Softball Little League World Series (L) Featured Softball Little League World Series (L) NFL Live Castle Castle Castle Castle Castle Law & Order Castle Castle Pt. 2 of 2 Castle [29] TNT NCIS WWE Smackdown! Chrisley Chrisley Modern Modern Modern Modern Law&Order: SVU [30] USA NCIS NCIS [31] AMC True Grit (‘10) Jeff Unforgiven (‘92) Gene Hackman, Clint Eastwood. U.S. Marshals (‘98) Tommy Lee Jones, Wesley Halt and Catch Bridges. A retired assassin hunts down renegade cowboys. Snipes. A framed covert C.I.A. agent becomes a fugitive. Fire Good Deeds (‘12) Tyler Perry. Tyler Perry's Temptation: Confe... Good Deeds (‘12) Tyler Perry. [32] LIFE Movie Madea Goes to Jail (‘09) Married1stSight Married Married/ First Sight 1/2 (N) Born This Way (N) Married1stSight Married Married1stSight Pt. 1 of 2 [33] A&E First 48 The First 48 Escape Plan [34] SPIKE The Expendables (‘10) Jet Li. Four Brothers (‘05) Mark Wahlberg. The Book of Eli (‘09) Denzel Washington. Music Moguls (N) Music Moguls Martin Martin Wendy Williams Dish The Real Awards Think Like a Man (‘12) Chris Brown. [35] BET Whiparound (L) MLB Best School of Rickey UFC Unleashed UFC FB FS Live TMZ (N) Speak Yourself FS Live I Heard [37] FS1 Race Hub Speak Yourself Deadliest Catch Catch (N) Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch [38] DSC Bush Bush People [39] TLC Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers/Tiara (N) To Be Announced Love at First Kiss Toddlers & Tiaras To Be Announced Love at First Kiss Pretty Little Liars The 700 Club Raven Raven Raven Raven [40] FREE Middle Dead of Summer Pretty Little Liars Pretty Liars (N) DeadSum. (N) [41] OXYG Hip Hop Sisterhood Hip H Sisterhood Hip H Sisterhood Hip H Sisterhood (N) Sisterhood Hip H Sisterhood Hip H Waiting to Exhale (‘95) Chopped Chopped (N) Chopped Chopped (N) Chopped Chopped Chopped [42] FOOD Chopped Chopped Mother Angelica News Rosary Threshold Hope Preview Women Daily Mass Mother Angelica [43] EWTN Choices News Faith Daily Mass [44] HALL L. House Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Middle Middle Middle Middle G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Frasier Frasier Spirit Not Fan Impact Sekulow Creflo [45] KPLE Praise the Lord MLucado Supernat Potter Torah Everyday J. Prince Word Praise the Lord [49] NICK ALVIN H.Danger H.Danger Crashlet Thunder Nicky GShakers F.House F.House F.House F.House Friends Friends Friends Friends Fresh P. Fresh P. Lone Survivor (‘14) Mark Wahlberg. Lone Survivor (‘14) Mark Wahlberg. Unstoppable Battleship (‘12) Taylor Kitsch. [50] FX Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper H.Hunt House Fixer Upper Fixer Upper H.Hunt House [51] HGTV Fixer Fixer Upper Hardball All in Rachel Maddow The Last Word All in Rachel Maddow The Last Word [52] MSNBC News Due Respect Mrs. Doubtfire [54] BRAVO Tardy... Tardy... Tardy... Tardy... Tardy... Tardy... Tardy... Housewives NJ Real Housewives Mrs. Doubtfire (‘93) Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order: C.I. [55] WE Law:CI Law & Order Tanked! Tanked! Treehouse Treehouse M. (N) Tanked! Treehouse Treehouse Mast. [56] ANPL Tanked! Tanked! Bizarre Foods Bizarre Food Driven/Food (N) Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Driven by Food Bizarre Foods [57] TRAVEL Foods Bizarre Foods All About Eve (‘50) Bette Davis. Swamp Water (1941) Razor's Edge (Drama) [58] TCM Movie The North Star (‘43) Knowing (‘09) Nicolas Cage. Anacondas: The Hunt for the Bl... Movie [59] SYFY 2 Lava 2 Lantula! (‘16) Drive Angry (‘11) Nicolas Cage. Futura Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Daily S. Nightly Midnight Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Daily S. [60] COM Futura Futura Futurama Loves Ray Ray Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens Chris Chris [61] TVLAND Griffith A. Griffith Show Griffith Griffith Griffith Ray Caught (‘15) Sam Page, Anna Camp. To Be Announced Caught (‘15) Anna Camp. [62] LMN Movie A Mother's Instinct (‘15) [63] HIST Count. Count. Count. Count. Count. Count. Count. Count. Count. Motors Motors Motors Motors Count. Count. Count. Count. [65] DISN Adventures in Babysitti... Bunk'd Bunk'd Bizaard. Underc. Girl M. StuckMid Liv/Mad Underc. Bizaard. Bunk'd Girl M. Friends Jessie Jessie [66] TOON Gumball TeenT. TeenT. Steven BareBear King Hill B.Burger BobB Clevela. Am.Dad Am.Dad Fam.Guy Fam.Guy Robot Squid AquaT. Am.Dad Hannity O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File Hannity [69] FNC The Five Special Report On the Record O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File Live From the Olympics [70] GOLF PGATour Live From the Olympics (L) Haves/ Have Nots Haves/ Have Nots Haves/ Nots (N) Haves/ Have Nots Haves/ Have Nots Haves/ Have Nots Haves/ Have Nots [71] OWN Dateline Dateline NBC Saving Hope Flashpoint [74] ION C.Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Saving Hope Border Wars Border Wars Border Wars Border Wars Border Wars Border Wars Border Wars [129] NATGEO Abroad Locked up NCAA Football Classics UNC/N.C. St. NCAA Football Classic Purdue at Iowa NCAA Football [303] ESPNCL NCAA Football Mia./UNC NCAA Football Classics Mia./UNC A Beautiful Mind The Night Of Everest (‘15) Jake Gyllenhaal. Hard Knocks Vice Looking: the Movie (‘16) Shrink [511] HBO (‘01) Russell Crowe. Princi Jonathan Groff. (‘09) Kevin Spacey. The Night Of Wedn- Saving Silverman Block [512] HBO2 The Insider (‘99) Al Pacino. A former Brooklyn (‘15) Saoirse Ronan. An Last tobacco scientist reveals trade secrets. Irish woman must make a tough choice. Week esday (‘01) Jack Black. Party Eagle Eye Hitman (‘07) Hitman: Agent 47 (‘15) Rupert Victor Frankenstein (‘15) John Wick (‘14) Keanu Outcast [531] MAX (‘08) Shia LaBeouf. Dougray Scott. Friend. Daniel Radcliffe. Reeves. Listen to Me Marlon Roadies Ray Donovan It Follows (‘14) Maika Monroe. A [551] SHOW Zodiac (‘07) Jake Roadies Gyllenhaal. woman feels like she's being followed. Deterr... Manglehorn (‘14) Al Pacino. The Last Days of Disco (‘98) Meat Loaf: In and Nas: Time Is Sorority Sex House (2014, Adult) [571] TMC Trinidad Chloë Sevigny. Out of Hell Illmatic (‘14)
Crossword Television
50 Formal group, briefly 51 Notices 52 Omaha’s state [abbr.] DOWN Drain, as of energy “Bleeccch!” The Monkees hit: “__ Believer” Barbra Streisand’s character in “Funny Girl” (1968), Fanny __ 5 Ramones song: “__ ‘_’ Roll High School” 6 “Hey Jude” by The Beatles bit: “...take _ __ song and make it better.” 7 Surnamesakes of actress Tyne 8 Natalie of NBC morning show “Today” 9 Ms. Arden’s 10 Gave something, but expected to have it returned 11 Helen of __ 16 __ generis (Unique, in Latin) 19 Inconclusive 20 Quint’s boat in “Jaws” (1975) 21 House paint brand 25 ‘50s action show starring George Reeves, “Adventures of __” 26 Shih-__ (Toy dogs) 27 1922 Willa Cather novel, One of __ 29 Andrew __, host of “Bizarre Foods” on Travel Channel 30 “Less Than __” (1987) starring Andrew McCarthy 35 Gadget and Clouseau, e.g. 36 Once in _ __ moon 37 Theatrical lines givers 38 Opposites of ‘debits’, for short 39 Ms. Hayworth 40 Lemony beverages 41 ‘Y’ of fashion monogram YSL 42 Valley 45 “Barney Miller” star Mr. Vigoda 46 Catch the crook 1 2 3 4
ACROSS 1 Soapy kitchen bubble 4 TV actor Mr. Garrett 8 React, as warmed up cheese 12 Palindromic honorific 13 Pennine Alps massif, Monte __ 14 Ended 15 Olivia Newton-John charttopper 17 Mr. Wilson of “Mike & Molly” 18 Reality series on A&E starring The Robertson Family: 2 wds. 20 Margaret of “Meet Me in St. Louis” (1944) 22 The ‘S’ in RSVP 23 Riddle-me-__ 24 Sixth, in Rome 28 Mr. Palminteri of “A Bronx
Tale” (1993) 31 Tokyo-based vehicles manufacturer 32 Mr. Hammer of “The Social Network” (2010) 33 Minerals makeup line 34 Hosp. injury picture 36 Admittance 39 Actor who starred in the title role of long-running classic crime series “Perry Mason” : 2 wds. 43 “If I Knew You Were Comin’ __ Baked a Cake” 44 1949 Arthur Miller play, Death of a __ 47 Golfer when at the peg 48 ‘Televisions’ as opposed to ‘Television’, for short 49 Camel hair garment
Solution on page 15
Laughs Conan Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, I’m Conan O’Brien. Or, as I’m known at Comic-Con: Doctor Who in the streets and Doctor Strange in the sheets. It’s the 75th anniversary of Wonder Woman. In fact, Wonder Woman is so old, she is now eligible to pre-board her invisible plane. For Comic-Con, Pabst Blue Ribbon is debuting a Pabst Blue Ribbon-themed pinball machine. The pinball machine gives away prizes like crates of Pabst Blue Ribbon, and also something for the winners.
The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon The Republican National Convention started today, and we’re now just a week away from the Democratic Convention. Both have an important case to make: Who would be better at creating peace between Kim Kardashian and Taylor Swift?
Jimmy Kimmel Live The only thing more confusing than this Pokémon phenomenon is the Republican National Convention, which is officially underway at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland. They say there haven’t been this many white people at the Quicken Loans Arena since the night they double-booked Jimmy Buffet and Kenny G. There were a lot of boos for Ted Cruz, and rightly so. How dare Ted Cruz not support the guy who berated him for months, made personal attacks on his wife and suggested his father may have murdered JFK? That’s just rude.
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Solution on page 15.
Wednesday Prime time
TW = Time Warner Cable CH = Channel B = Broadcast TW
Wednesday, Aug 17
4:30 5 p.m. 5:30 6 p.m. 6:30 7 p.m. 7:30 8 p.m. 8:30 9 p.m. 9:30 10 p.m. 10:30 11 p.m. 11:30 12 a.m. 12:30 E.DeG- KWTX Evening KWTX Ent. Big Brother (N) Criminal Minds American Gothic KWTX Stephen Colbert James Corden Law&O[2] KWTX eneres News News News Tonight (N) News rder: CI KCEN Olympic Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Athletics (W) Gold Medal Final, Diving (W) News Rio 2016 Summer Rio [3] KCEN Dr. Phil KCEN NBC News News News Zone Platform Qualifying, Beach Volleyball (W) Final (L) 10pm Olympics 2016 Wild Arthur Business PBS NewsHour Nova American Experience Pt. 2 of 2 from Charlie Rose (N) World Tavis Nova [4] KNCT Kratts (N) Aug 16 News Smiley The Real The Real The Real Modern Black- News Jimmy Kimmel Night- Paid Paid [5] KXXV Judge News World News Channel 25 Real Judy 25 News at 6:00 O'Neals O'Neals O'Neals O'Neals Family ish Live line Program Program Impacto Noticie. Contacto Depor. Corazon [6] UNI Impacto Incluido Notic. Rosa Guadalupe Un camino hacia Tres veces Ana Silvana Sin Lana Sin Senos Si Hay Señora acero Al rojo Titular. Juegos OlÃmpicos de Rio 2016 [7] TELE RojoVivo Cerrado Notici Caso cerrado Girls Conan Cougar T [12] TBS Friends Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang Conan Two and Family Family The Big The Big MasterChef MasterChef news at TheSi- Modern Modern Crazy Met Met TMZ [14] KWKT a Half Feud Feud Bang Bang 9 mpsons Family Family Talk Mother Mother Key Capitol Hill Hearings [21] CSPAN U.S. House of Representatives The Profit Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank The Profit The Profit [23] CNBC Rio 2016 Summer Olympics OutFront A. Cooper 360 Town Hall (N) CNN Tonight CNN Tonight CNN Town Hall CNN Tonight [24] CNN Sit.Room The Situation Monster Jam (N) HallFame Pregame MLB Baseball Oakland Athletics at Texas Rangers (L) Rangers CBCamp UFC Unleashed MLB Baseball [26] FSN UFC MLB Baseball (L) Baseball T. (L) SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter [27] ESPN Interrupt SportsCenter Softball Little League World Series (L) Arm Wrestling Baseball T. (L) J & J (N) 30/30 [28] ESPN2 Highly? Horn Interrupt Arm Wrestling NFL Live Castle Castle Castle Major Crimes Major Crimes CSI: NY CSI: NY [29] TNT Castle Castle Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Suits (N) Mr. Robot (N) Law&Order: SVU Suits Mr. Robot [30] USA SVU Alice in Monsters vs. Aliens (‘09) Men in Black (‘97) Will Monsters vs. Aliens (‘09) Halt and Catch [31] AMC Wonderland (‘10) Reese Witherspoon. Smith. Reese Witherspoon. Fire Little Women: LA Little Women (N) Little Women (N) LW Atlanta (N) LW Atlanta Little Women: LA Little Women: LA [32] LIFE Little W LW Atlanta Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Dynasty Wahlbrg Black Wahlbrg Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Dynasty [33] A&E First 48 The First 48 Fight Club (‘99) Brad Pitt. [34] SPIKE Four Brothers (‘05) Mark Wahlberg. The Book of Eli (‘09) Denzel Washington. Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Wendy Williams Dish The Real [35] BET Movie Fresh P. Payne House of Payne Music Moguls Speak Yourself Whiparound (L) NCWTS NASCAR Racing UNOH 200 UFC Tonight (N) FS Live Garbage TMZ (N) Speak Yourself UFC [37] FS1 Golf Dual Survival Dual Survival Naked/Afraid Origins (N) Naked&Afraid XL Naked&Afraid XL Naked&Afraid XL [38] DSC Survival Dual Survival Big Fat Fab. (N) Love at First Kiss Big Fat Fabulous Love at First Kiss My Big Life [39] TLC My Big Big Fat Fabulous Big Fat Fabulous My Big Life (N) Ratatouille (‘07) Brad Garrett. The 700 Club McGuire McGuire McGuire McGuire [40] FREE Movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory The Sisterhood of the Traveling... The Sisterhood of the Traveling... Cruel Intent... [41] OXYG T. Model Next Top Model Cruel Intentions (‘99) Chopped Chopped Cuthroat (N) Cooks vs. Cons Cooks vs. Cons Cutthroat Kitchen Cooks vs. Cons [42] FOOD Chopped Chopped EWTN Live News Rosary Catalog. Vatican Women Women Daily Mass EWTN Live [43] EWTN Convrse News Catholic Daily Mass [44] HALL L. House Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Middle Middle Middle Middle G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Frasier Frasier C. Leaf Overload Potter J. Gray David J. J. Prince Furtick B.Moore R Morris J. Gray History Ravi Z. Jesse D. Laurie Creflo [45] KPLE Not a Fan [49] NICK ALVIN H.Danger H.Danger Crashlet Thunder Nicky GShakers F.House F.House F.House F.House Friends Friends Friends Friends Fresh P. Fresh P. Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (‘14) Tyrant (N) Tyrant Tyrant Tyrant Riddick (‘13) Vin Diesel. [50] FX [51] HGTV Property Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Buying/ Sell (N) H.Hunt House Property Brothers Buying & Selling H.Hunt House Hardball All in Rachel Maddow The Last Word All in Rachel Maddow The Last Word [52] MSNBC News Due Respect [54] BRAVO Wives Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives Housewives (N) Housewives (N) Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives House Monster-in-Law (‘05) Jennifer Lopez. Monster-in-Law (‘05) Jennifer Lopez. House [55] WE House House River Monsters Great Barrier Reef [56] ANPL Monsters River Monsters River Monsters River Monsters Great Barrier Reef Exp. Unkown Exp. Unkown Exp. Unknown (N) Exp. Unkown Exp. Unkown Exp. Unknown Exp. Unkown [57] TRAVEL Foods Exp. Unkown The Joe Louis... [58] TCM Movie The Steel Helmet (‘51) Home of the Brave (‘49) The Set-Up (‘49) Bright Victory (‘51) Ghost Hunters (N) Para. Witness (N) Ghost Hunters Para. Witness Drag Me to ... [59] SYFY Fright Night Knowing (‘09) Nicolas Cage. SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk Another SouthPk Daily S. Nightly Midnight Another SouthPk Daily S. [60] COM SouthPk SouthPk South Park Ray Ray Ray Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens Chris Chris [61] TVLAND Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Ray Killing Mommy (‘16) Yvonne Zima. Break-Up Nightmare (‘16) [62] LMN Movie To Be Announced To Be Announced Break-Up Nightmare (‘16) [63] HIST Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Pawn Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. American Pickers American Pickers [65] DISN Liv/Mad Liv/Mad Underc. Bunk'd Bunk'd Diary of a Wimpy Kid:... StuckMid Liv/Mad Underc. Bizaard. Bunk'd Girl M. Friends Jessie Jessie [66] TOON Gumball TeenT. TeenT. Steven BareBear King Hill B.Burger BobB Clevela. Am.Dad Am.Dad Fam.Guy Fam.Guy Robot Squid AquaT. Am.Dad Hannity O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File Hannity [69] FNC The Five Special Report On the Record O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File Rio 2016 Golf (W) Round 1 Site: Olympic Golf Course [70] GOLF Live From the Olympics Greenleaf Greenleaf Greenleaf (N) Greenleaf Greenleaf Greenleaf [71] OWN Iyanla Iyanla, Fix My Life Greenleaf Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Flashpoint [74] ION Law&O. Law & Order Drugs, Inc. Drugs, Inc. Drugs, Inc. Drugs, Inc. Drugs, Inc. Drugs, Inc. Drugs, Inc. [129] NATGEO Wars Border Wars NCAA Football [303] ESPNCL NCAA Football USC/Ore. NCAA Football Classics UCLA vs. USC NCAA Football Classics USC at UCLA NCAA Football Classics USC/Col. The Peanuts Hard Knocks Trainwreck (‘15) Amy Wedne- Ballers The Night Of Hard Knocks Deception (‘15) [511] HBO Movie (‘15) Schumer. sday (N) Paige Herschell. Vice (‘15) Bruce Willis. Playing out Wedn- Real Sports With Bryant Straight Outta [512] HBO2 Charlie Wilson's War (‘07) Dumb and Tom Hanks. Dumber To (‘14) Jim Carrey. fantasies using artificial inhabitants. esday Gumbel Compton (‘15) The The Water Diviner (‘14) Russell Fracture (‘07) Anthony Outcast Gone Girl (‘14) Ben Affleck. A man El [531] MAX Judge Crowe. Hopkins. reports his wife missing, but may be responsible. Cantante (‘06) Ray Rocky Balboa (‘06) Sylvester Ray Donovan Roadies Black Hawk Down (‘01) Josh Hartnett. Killing Season (‘13) [551] SHOW (‘04) Stallone. Robert De Niro. The Forger (‘14) John Travolta. Sin City: A Dame to Kill For Reservoir Dogs Hannibal (‘01) Julianne Moore. A brutal [571] TMC Helico... (‘14) Eva Green. (‘92) Harvey Keitel. serial killer stalks an FBI agent.
Thursday Prime time
TW = Time Warner Cable CH = Channel B = Broadcast TW
Thursday, Aug 18
4:30 5 p.m. 5:30 6 p.m. 6:30 7 p.m. 7:30 8 p.m. 8:30 9 p.m. 9:30 10 p.m. 10:30 11 p.m. 11:30 12 a.m. 12:30 E.DeG- KWTX Evening KWTX Ent. The Big Life in Big Brother (N) Code Black KWTX Stephen Colbert James Corden Law&O[2] KWTX eneres News News News Tonight Bang Pieces News rder: CI KCEN Olympic Rio 2016 Athletics (M, W) Gold Medal Final, Volleyball (W) Semifinal, Diving (W) News Rio 2016 Summer Rio [3] KCEN Dr. Phil KCEN NBC 2016 Platform Gold Medal, Beach Volleyball (M) Gold Medal Final (L) 10pm Olympics News News News Zone Arthur Business PBS NewsHour American Experience Charlie Rose (N) World Tavis This Old Ask-Old Wild [4] KNCT (N) News Smiley House House Kratts Judge News World News Channel 25 BattleBots The $100,000 Match Game News Jimmy Kimmel Night- Paid Paid [5] KXXV Judy 25 News at 6:00 Pyramid Danny McBride line Program Program Impacto Noticie. Contacto Depor. Corazon [6] UNI Impacto Incluido Notic. Rosa Guadalupe Un camino hacia Tres veces Ana Silvana Sin Lana Sin Senos Si Hay Señora acero Al rojo Titular. Juegos OlÃmpicos de Rio 2016 [7] TELE Cerrado Decision Notici Caso cerrado Girls BigBang BigBang Girls Girls Conan Girls Conan Cougar T Friends Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Girls [12] TBS Two and Family Family The Big The Big Rosewood Bones news at TheSi- Modern Modern Crazy Met Met TMZ [14] KWKT a Half Feud Feud Bang Bang 9 mpsons Family Family Talk Mother Mother Key Capitol Hill Hearings [21] CSPAN U.S. House of Representatives Shark Tank Shark Tank Amer. Greed (N) American Greed American Greed American Greed [23] CNBC Rio2016 Rio 2016 Summer Olympics OutFront A. Cooper 360 A. Cooper 360 CNN Tonight CNN Tonight A. Cooper 360 A. Cooper 360 [24] CNN Sit.Room The Situation CBCamp Mavricks Huddle Sports MILB Baseball [26] FSN 18 Holes 18 Holes Outdoor Huddle Sports MILB Baseball Springfield vs Frisco (L) SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter Baseball Little League World Series (L) Baseball Tonight (L) [27] ESPN Baseball J & J (N) 30/30 SEC Storied E:60 Tennis Western & Southern Open Site: Lindner Family Tennis Center (L) [28] ESPN2 His&Hers SportsCenter CSI: NY Disturbia (‘07) Shia LaBeouf. Runaway Jury (‘03) John Cusack. Castle Castle Castle [29] TNT Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Queen South (N) Law&Order: SVU Mr. Robot Queen South [30] USA SVU Halt and Catch Pretty Woman (‘90) Julia Roberts, Men Bruce Almighty (‘03) Jim Pretty Woman (‘90) Julia Roberts, [31] AMC Richard Gere. A wealthy man hires a call girl. Fire Richard Gere. A wealthy man hires a call girl. in Black Carrey. Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (‘09) 13 Going on 30 (‘04) [32] LIFE Movie The Nanny Diaries (‘07, Com) Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (‘09) The First 48 First48 First48 60 Days In (N) 60 Days In (N) The First 48 First48 First48 60 Days In [33] A&E First 48 The First 48 [34] SPIKE Bar Res. Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Varsity Blues (‘99) James Van Der Beek. Movie Wendy Williams Dish The Real Movie Fresh P. Fresh P. Payne Payne Tyler Perry's Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage... Martin [35] BET Speak Yourself Whiparound (L) UFC 196 Site: MGM Grand Garden Arena -- Las Vegas, Nev. FS Live TMZ (N) Speak Yourself Garbage I Heard [37] FS1 Golf [38] DSC Naked Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked/Afr. (N) Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid My 600-lb Life Half-Ton Killer? Half-Ton Killer Big Fat Fabulous Half-Ton Killer My 600-lb Life [39] TLC Coupon Coupon Coupon My 600-lb Life Kim P. Kim P. Kim P. Kim P. Home Alone 2: Lost in ... Pretty Little Liars The 700 Club [40] FREE Hook (‘91) Robin Williams. The Wedding Planner (‘01) Legally Blonde (‘01) [41] OXYG T. Model Next Top Model Next Top Model Legally Blonde (‘01) Chopped Chopped Chopped BeatFlay BeatFlay BeatFlay BeatFlay Chopped BeatFlay BeatFlay [42] FOOD Chopped Chopped The World Over News Rosary Spitzer's Universe Defend.. Women Daily Mass The World Over [43] EWTN Vocation News ClareNun Daily Mass [44] HALL L. House Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Middle Middle Middle Middle G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Frasier Frasier Watch ActsGod BlesLord Facts Creflo [45] KPLE Be Light Graham Spirit History Potter FearFigh J.Osteen J. Prince Integrity Praise the Lord [49] NICK ALVIN H.Danger H.Danger Crashlet Thunder Ice Age (‘02) Ray Romano. F.House F.House Friends Friends Friends Friends Fresh P. Fresh P. SexDrug SexDrug SexDrug The Other Guys (‘10) Will Ferrell. Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (‘14) The Other Guys (‘10) Will Ferrell. [50] FX [51] HGTV FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop H.Hunt House H.Hunt House FlipFlop FlipFlop H.Hunt House Hardball All in Rachel Maddow The Last Word All in Rachel Maddow The Last Word [52] MSNBC News Due Respect Real Housewives Real Housewives [54] BRAVO Flipping Housewives NJ Real Housewives Real Housewives Flipping Out (N) Housewives NJ Flipping Out Braxton Values [55] WE Law:CI Braxton Values Braxton Values Braxton Values Braxton Fam. (N) Cutting It: ATL (N) Braxton Values Cutting It: ATL Lone Star Law Lone Star Law (N) Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Lone Star Law [56] ANPL Star Law Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Lone Star Law [57] TRAVEL America Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Point Blank (‘67) Rio Bravo (‘59) John Wayne. The Last Challenge (‘67) [58] TCM The Sins of Rachel Cade (‘60) Freddy vs. Jason (‘03) Isle of the Dead (‘16) Silent Hill: R... [59] SYFY The Cabin in the Woods Jeepers Creepers 2 (‘03) Futura Futura Futura Harold & Kumar Go to White Ca... Daily S. Nightly Midnight Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Daily S. [60] COM KeyPeele Futura Futurama Ray Ray Ray Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens Chris Chris [61] TVLAND Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Ray Pregnant at 17 (‘15) Josie Bissett. The Perfect Daughter (‘15) Pregnant at 17 (‘15) Josie Bissett. [62] LMN Movie Zoe Gone (2014, Thriller) [63] HIST Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Mountain Men Mountain Men Mountain Men Ice Truckers (N) Mountain Men Mountain Men Mountain Men Descend. Liv/Mad Underc. Bizaard. Bunk'd Girl M. Friends Jessie Jessie [65] DISN Liv/Mad Liv/Mad K.C. Undercover Bunk'd Brave (‘12) [66] TOON Gumball TeenT. TeenT. Steven BareBear King Hill B.Burger BobB Clevela. Am.Dad Am.Dad Fam.Guy Fam.Guy Robot Squid AquaT. Am.Dad Hannity O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File Hannity [69] FNC The Five Special Report On the Record O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File PGA Golf Wyndham Championship Site: Sedgefield Country Club Rio 2016 Golf (W) Round 2 Site: Olympic Golf Course [70] GOLF PGA Golf 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 [71] OWN 20/20 20/20 Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Flashpoint [74] ION BlueB. Blue Bloods Lockdown Lockdown Lockdown Lockdown Lockdown Lockdown Lockdown [129] NATGEO Alaska State Troopers NCAA Football ‘97 Motor City Bowl NCAA Football Classics MS St./Ken. NCAA Football Classics Mich./Ohio St. NCAA Football [303] ESPNCL NCAA Football Classics Ocean's Last Jumper (‘08) Vice Brooklyn (‘15) Saoirse Ronan. The Night Of Wedn- Hitchcock/ Hard [511] HBO Thirteen (‘07) Week Hayden Christensen. Princi esday Truffaut Knocks The Man From U.N.C.L.E. All the Way (‘16) Bryan Taxicab Ballers True Story (‘15) [512] HBO2 San Andreas (‘15) Dwayne Johnson. (‘15) Henry Cavill. Cranston. Confessions James Franco. Magnolia (1999, Drama) Jeremy Blackman, Tom Cruise. A Outcast What We Do in the Get Hard (‘15) Will Ferrell. Wicked Deeds [531] MAX dying man wants to make peace with his estranged son. Shadows (‘14) (2004, Adult) Mississippi Burning (‘88) Ray Donovan Unnatural (‘15) James Roadies Gigolos Gigolos Roadies Ray Donovan [551] SHOW Gene Hackman. Remar. Stolen (‘12) Nicolas Cage. Garm Wars: The Last Druid Shooter (‘07) Mark Nothing to Lose Kill [571] TMC St. Vincent (‘14) (‘15) Lance Henriksen. Wahlberg. (‘97) Tim Robbins. Kane
Friday Prime time
TW = Time Warner Cable CH = Channel B = Broadcast TW
Friday, Aug 19
4:30 5 p.m. 5:30 6 p.m. 6:30 7 p.m. 7:30 8 p.m. 8:30 9 p.m. 9:30 10 p.m. 10:30 11 p.m. 11:30 12 a.m. 12:30 E.DeG- KWTX Evening KWTX Ent. NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Blue Bloods KWTX Stephen Colbert James Corden Law&O[2] KWTX eneres News News News Tonight News rder: CI Super News Rio 2016 Canoe Rio 2016 Summer Olympics KCEN Olympic Rio 2016 Athletics (M, W) Gold Medal Final, [3] KCEN Dr. Phil KCEN NBC Diving (M) Platform Qualifying (L) (SP) (N) 10pm Sprint Semifinal News News News Zone Wash. Charlie [4] KNCT Wild Arthur Business PBS NewsHour W.Week Charlie McL- @IYou- Great Performances at the Met (N) (N) Rose (N) augh th Chat Week Rose Kratts Judge News World News Channel 25 Shark Tank What Would You 20/20 News Jimmy Kimmel Night- Paid Paid [5] KXXV Judy 25 News at 6:00 Do? Live Hugh Grant line Program Program Impacto Noticie. Contacto Depor. Corazon [6] UNI Impacto Incluido Notic. Rosa Guadalupe Un camino hacia Tres veces Ana Caso cerrado Silvana Sin Lana Sin Senos Si Hay Señora acero Al rojo Titular. Juegos OlÃmpicos de Rio 2016 [7] TELE Juegos OlÃmpicos Cougar T Cougar T Girls BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang The House Bunny ('08) [12] TBS Friends Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinf. Seinf. Girls TMZ Two and Family Family Dallas Cowboys NFL Football Pre-season Miami Dolphins at Dallas Cowboys news at MasterChef [14] KWKT Site: AT&T Stadium -- Arlington, Texas (L) 9 a Half Feud Feud Politics & Public Policy Today [21] CSPAN Politics & Public Policy Today The Profit Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss [23] CNBC Rio2016 Rio 2016 Basketball (M) Semifinal (L) The Profit OutFront A. Cooper 360 The Eighties The Seventies The Sixties The Eighties [24] CNN Sit.Room The Situation MLB Baseball Rangers Insider Game Red Bull Air Race MLB Baseball Texas Rangers at Tampa Bay Rays (L) Sports Insider Pre [26] FSN SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter [27] ESPN Baseball Baseball Little League World Series (L) Baseball Little League World Series (L) Baseball T. (L) J & J (N) 30 for 30 30 for 30 Tennis Western & Southern Open Site: Lindner Family Tennis Center (L) [28] ESPN2 His&Hers SportsCenter Hawaii Five-0 Olympus Has Fallen ('13) National Treasure: Book of Secrets ('07) Bones [29] TNT Bones Bones Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Law&Order: SVU [30] USA NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup NASCAR NASCAR Auto Racing (L) The Breakfast Club ('85) Judd Nelson. Fast Times at Ridgemont Halt and Catch The Breakfast Club ('85) [31] AMC High ('82) Sean Penn. Fire Five students spend a Saturday in detention. Judd Nelson. Footloose ('84) Bring It! (N) The Rap Game (N) The Rap Game Bring It! Bring It! [32] LIFE RapGam The Rap Game The Rap Game Bring It! The First 48 60 Days In 60 Days In (N) The First 48 The First 48 60 Days In 60 Days In: Time [33] A&E First 48 The First 48 Jail Jail Jail [34] SPIKE Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Jail Martin Wendy Williams Dish The Real Movie Fresh P. Fresh P. House of Payne Waist Deep ('06) Tyrese Gibson. [35] BET Whiparound (L) MLB Baseball N.Y. Yankees vs L.A. Angels (L) Speak Yourself UFC Weigh-In (L) UFC Countdown UFC FB Pre [37] FS1 Golf Bush People Bush People The Book of (N) The Book of (N) Bush People Bush People Bush People [38] DSC Alaskan Alaskan Bush Wives/ Knives Killer Women (N) To Be Announced Killer Women To Be Announced [39] TLC Wives W. Wives/ Knives Wizards Wizards Wizards Wizards Matilda ('96) Mara Wilson. The 700 Club [40] FREE Movie Jumanji ('95) Robin Williams. Snapped Snapped PolicewomenFiles Snapped PolicewomenFiles Snapped PolicewomenFiles [41] OXYG Snapped Snapped [42] FOOD Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners...Dives (N) Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners, Drive-Ins Diners Diners Life on the Rock News Rosary Church F. Love Amazing Women of Grace Daily Mass Dolan [43] EWTN Goal News Beacons Daily Mass [44] HALL L. House Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Home I. Home I. Middle Middle Middle Middle G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Frasier Frasier [45] KPLE Praise the Lord Creation Super. Potter Trinity HLindsey End/ Age Manna P.Lord Foundations of Freedom Faith Fontaine Trinity Creflo [49] NICK ALVIN H.Danger H.Danger Crashlet Thunder Nicky Nicky F.House F.House F.House F.House Friends Friends Friends Friends Fresh P. Fresh P. Star Trek: Into Darkness ('13) [50] FX 2½Men Pompeii ('14) Kit Harington. Star Trek: Into Darkness ('13) Chris Pine. Renovation Love It or List It Love It or List It H.Hunt House H.Hunt House Love It or List It H.Hunt House [51] HGTV Reno. Renovation Hardball All in Rachel Maddow Hardball All in Rachel Maddow MSNBC Doc. [52] MSNBC Rio2016 Due Respect The Holiday ('06) Housewives (N) Dirty Dancing ('87) [54] BRAVO H.Wives Real Housewives Dirty Dancing ('87) [55] WE WGrace Boot Camp: Reali Boot Camp: Reali Boot Camp: Reali RealityStars (N) Matchmaker (N) Boot Camp: Reali Million Dollar M Boot Camp: Reali To Be Announced Treehouse Treehouse Treehouse TreehouseMasters Treehouse TreehouseMasters Treehouse [56] ANPL TBA Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Mystery Museum [57] TRAVEL GhostAd. Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Museum (N) Go Into Your Dance ('35) Dames ('34) Joan Blondell. Movie [58] TCM Studio Gold Diggers of 1933 ('33) 42nd Street ('33) From Dusk Till Killjoys (N) Dark Matter (N) Killjoys Dark Matter [59] SYFY Freddy vs. Jason Pitch Black ('00) Vin Diesel. ('95) ('06) Futura Futura Futurama SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk Just Friends ('05) Employee ofDthe Month [60] COM ('03) Ray Ray Ray Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens Gaffigan Chris [61] TVLAND Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Ray The Wrong Boyfriend ('16) (P) The Assault ('14) Makenzie Vega. The Wrong Boyfriend ('16) [62] LMN Movie To Be Announced [63] HIST Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens (N) Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Elena StuckMid Girl M. Bizaard. Underc. StarEvil StarEvil LEGO Bizaard. Girl M. Friends Jessie Jessie [65] DISN Liv/Mad / Brave ('12) [66] TOON Gumball TeenT. TeenT. Steven BareBear King Hill King Hill Clevela. Am.Dad Fam.Guy Fam.Guy BobB BobB EricAn Squid AquaT. Fam.Guy Hannity O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File Hannity [69] FNC The Five Special Report On the Record O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File PGA Golf Wyndham Championship Site: Sedgefield Country Club Rio 2016 Golf (W) Round 3 Site: Olympic Golf Course [70] GOLF PGA Golf [71] OWN Oprah Where Are They? Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Saving Hope Flashpoint [74] ION C.Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Saving Hope [129] NATGEO AirSecu. Airport Security Kentucky Justice Kentucky Justice Kentucky Justice Kentucky Justice Kentucky Justice Kentucky Justice Kentucky Justice Reel Classics 30 for 30 [303] ESPNCL NCAA Football Classics Arkansas at Tennessee NCAA Football Classics Ten./Ala. Furious 7 ('15) Vin Diesel. Dracula Untold ('14) Luke The Night Of The Night Of American Pie ('99) Wedn- Ballers Americ [511] HBO Evans. Chris Klein. esday an Pie [512] HBO2 Juno National Treasure ('04) Diane Kruger, Straight Outta Compton ('15) O'Shea Jackson Vacation ('15) Ed Ouija ('14) ('07) Ellen Page. Nicolas Cage. Fortune hunters search for treasure. Jr.. The backstory of N.W.A. and its members. Helms. Olivia Cooke. Unfaithful ('02) Richard The Longest Ride ('15) Britt Robertson. A Insurgent ('15) Shailene Woodley. Self/ Less ('15) Ben Kingsley. [531] MAX Gere. college student falls in love with a bull rider. Zodiac ('07) Jake Gyllenhaal. A The Gift ('15) Jason Bateman. Boxing Shobox: The New Generation Roadies [551] SHOW reporter follows the story of the Zodiac killer. Alfie ('04) Jude Law. Up in the Air ('09) George Spring Breakers ('12) Clerks II ('06) Kevin [571] TMC Mission: Impossible II ('00) Clooney. Selena Gomez. Smith.
Saturday Daytime
TW = Time Warner Cable CH = Channel B = Broadcast
[6] [7] [12]
[14] KWKT [21] CSPAN [23] CNBC [24] CNN [26] FSN [27] ESPN [28] ESPN2 [29] TNT [30] USA [31]
[32] [33] [34] [35] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [49] [50] [51] [52] [54] [55] [56] [57] [58] [59] [60] [61]
[63] [65] [66] [69] [70] [71] [74] [129] [303]
[512] HBO2 [531] MAX [551] SHOW [571]
Saturday, Aug 20
8 a.m. 8:30 9 a.m. 9:30 10 a.m. 10:30 11 a.m. 11:30 12 p.m. 12:30 1 p.m. 1:30 2 p.m. 2:30 3 p.m. 3:30 4 p.m. Lucky Dr. Innova- Inspec- Chicken Game Moms 50Plu- Paid Paid Xterra Xterra PGA Golf Wyndham Championship Site: Dog Chris tion tors Soup Change Everyd. sPrime Program Program Sedgefield Country Club -- Greensboro, N.C. (L) Saturday Today Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Triathlon Rio 2016 Canoe Sprint Gold Medal Finals, Diving Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Rio'16 Water Polo (N) (W) Gold Medal Final (L) (M) 10m Platform Semifinal, Golf (W) Final Round Basketball (W) Gold Medal (L) (M) Gold Medal (L) 1001 Mixed Martha' Ciao Test Cook's Greener Victory Wood This Old Ask-Old Motorw Wood- Central Steves' Mexico/ Cooki Nights Nutz s School Italia Kitchen Country World Garden Shop House House eek (N) wright's Texas Europe Plate ng-Wild GdMrn- Wild Ocean Sea Wildlife Rock Born to Paid Race- Sports World of X Games Baseball Little League World Series Site: Howard TxWknd Countd. Myst. Rescue Docs the Park Explore Program week Stars (N) J. Lamade Stadium -- Williamsport, Pa. (L) Sabadazo Rosa Mickey Mickey Handy Handy Pagado Pagado Rosa Guadalupe Lanzate Juegos OlÃmpicos Juegos OlÃmpicos de Rio 2016 Juegos OlÃmpicos OlÃmpico Juegos OlÃmpicos De chica Nina's Videos asom. Grudge Match ('13) Sylvester Stallone. Friends Friends Friends Friends Girls Seinfeld Seinfeld Kindergarten Cop ('90) Pets.TV Cons- Weekend Marketplace Cons- Cons- African American UFC's Road to the USGA Golf U.S. Amateur Site: Oakland Hills umer umer umer Short Films Octagon (N) Country Club -- Bloomfield Hills, Mich. (L) To Be Announced Washington Week To Be Announced Wash. Journal Paid EPL Soccer Chelsea at Watford (L) Bridge EPL Soccer Arsenal at Leicester City (L) Goal Mecum Auctions: Collector Cars and More (L) Paid CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom News Smerconish Paid Sports Mavricks MLB Baseball Texas vs Tampa Bay NFL Football Pre-season Miami vs Dallas Insider Outdoor Huddle Paid Baseball Little League World Series (L) 30 for 30 30/30 MLS Soccer LA/N.Y.C. (L) SportsCenter 30 for 30 30 for 30 WTA Tennis Western & Southern Open Site: Lindner Family Tennis Center (L) 30/30 30 for 30 Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Transporter 3 ('08) War of the Worlds ('05) Tom Cruise. Law & Order Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Chrisley Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Rio 2016 Summer Olympics RiflRiflRiflRiflRiflRifl Silverado (1985, Western) Kevin Costner, Kevin Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome ('85) eman eman eman eman eman eman Kline. Heroes try to stop the injustices of a crooked sheriff. Mel Gibson. Paid Paid Paid My Crazy Ex Blue Lagoon: The Awakening ('12) Girl Missing ('15) Gone Missing ('13) Paid Zombie Flip. Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Born This Way Born Zombie Flip. Wrath of the Titans ('11) Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Jail Cops Clash of the Titans ('10) Music Moguls Music Moguls Fresh P. Fresh P. Fresh P. Fresh P. Waist Deep ('06) Tyrese Gibson. Movie Music Moguls ERA Rodeo USGA Golf U.S. Amateur Site: Oakland Hills Country Club MLB Best Pre MLB Baseball (L) UFC Weigh-In Fast N' Loud Fast N' Loud 1/2 Fast N' Loud 2/2 Misfit Garage 1/2 Misfit Garage 2/2 Misfit Garage 1/2 Misfit Garage 2/2 Misfit Fast N' Loud Wedding Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Gypsy Wedd Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs ('09)... The Jungle Book ('67) Up ('09) Jumanji ('95) Matilda ('96) Mara Wilson. Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped E! Hollywood Pioneer Pioneer Southern The Kitchen (N) Cooking Smollett Cupcake Wars Chopped Chopped Chopped Junior Cake Rules Truth Jim and Joy Rosary Daily Mass Catalog Preview EWTN Mercy Rosary Web of Faith 2.0 Convrse Catholic Jesus All Yours ('16) Nicollette Sheridan. Autumn Dreams ('15) Jill Wagner. Movie G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Chesapeake Shores P.Island Veggie Monster Puppets Lassie Davey iShine Station Praise the Lord MLucado News FearFigh Rock Kid Auto ALVIN ALVIN Sponge Sponge LoudHou LoudHou Dino (N) ALVIN ALVIN ALVIN ALVIN Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge LoudHou Movie 2½Men 2½Men 2½Men 300: Rise of an Empire ('14) Pompeii ('14) Kit Harington. R.I.P.D. ('13) Ryan Reynolds. Tiny H. Tiny H. Tiny H. Tiny H. Afloat Afloat Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Property AM Joy Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Rio 2016 Handball (W) Gold Medal Final (L) MSNBC MSNBC Live Flipping Out Flipping Out Housewives NJ Housewives NJ Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives Wives Flipping Out Paid WGrace WGrace WGrace WGrace WGrace WGrace WGrace WGrace WGrace WGrace WGrace WGrace WGrace WGrace Law&O. Paid R. Mountain Vet R. Mountain Vet R. Mountain Vet R. Mountain Vet R. Mountain Vet R. Mountain Vet R. Mountain Vet Dr. Jeff Dr. Jeff: Extra ManFoo Man S. Eats S. Eats Food Paradise Food Paradise Food Paradise Paradise Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Exp. Unknown d Passage to Marseille ('44) Casablanca ('42) Dark Passage ('47) San Quentin ('37) Across the Pacific ('42) Starship Troopers ('97) Denise Richards. Pitch Black ('00) Vin Diesel. Twilight Outlander ('08) James Caviezel. Orange County ('01) Accepted ('06) Justin Long. Dazed & ...('93) SouthPk SouthPk School Dance ('14) Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Lopez Reba To Be To Be Announced A Nanny's Secret ('09) Haylie House of Secrets ('14) Neil Jackson. House of Darkness ('16) Announced Duff. Sara Fletcher. Forged in Fire Forged in Fire Forged in Fire Forged in Fire Forged in Fire Forged in Fire Forged in Fire Pickers Forged in Fire Friends Bunk'd StuckMid Girl M. Bizaard. Austin Underc. Friends Friends Friends Jessie Elena Descend. Liv/Mad Liv/Mad StuckMid LEGO BareBear BareBear Gumball Gumball Gumball TeenT. TeenT. TeenT. TeenT. Gumball Gumball Gumball Gumball Steven Universe America's News HQ Bull Bear Cavuto Forbes Cash In News HQ Journal Editorial R. Election HQ Fox & Friends Live From the Olympics (L) Olympics Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Golf (W) Final Round Site: Olympic Golf Course -- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (L) Home Home Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Boss Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU SVU Southern Justice Alaska Troopers Alaska Troopers Live Free or Die Live Free or Die Live Free or Die Live Free or Die Live Free or Die LiveFree Nine for IX ESPN Films 30 for 30 30 for 30 The Fab Five 30/30 ESPN Films Sesame Sesame Casper ('95) Doctor Dolittle 2 The 33 ('15) Antonio Banderas. The story of Brooklyn ('15) Saoirse Ronan. St. (N) Street Christina Ricci. ('01) Eddie Murphy. 33 Chilean miners trapped for 69 days. Blackhat ('14) Chris Wedn- Barbershop 2: Back in True Story ('15) Meet the Donors Entourage ('15) Adrian Grenier. Hemsworth. esday Business ('04) Ice Cube. James Franco. Vincent Chase is back in Hollywood. The Ladies Just Married ('03) Fracture ('07) Anthony The Water Diviner ('14) Russell Batman ('89) Michael Man ('00) Ashton Kutcher. Hopkins. Crowe. Keaton. Ray ('04) Jamie Foxx. The Listen to Me Marlon The DUFF ('15) Rocky Balboa ('06) Sylvester Ray Donovan life story of Ray Charles. Mae Whitman. Stallone. The One Punch-Drunk Freedom Writers ('07) Hilary Swank. Notting Hill ('99) Hugh The Death of 'Superman ('01) Jet Li. Love ('02) Adam Sandler. Grant. A superstar dates a shopkeeper. Lives': What Happened? ('15)...
Saturday Prime time
TW = Time Warner Cable CH = Channel B = Broadcast TW
[2] KWTX [3]
[6] [7] [12]
[14] KWKT [21] [23] [24] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30]
[32] LIFE [33] A&E [34] SPIKE [35] BET [37] FS1 [38] DSC [39] TLC [40] FREE [41] OXYG [42] FOOD [43] EWTN [44] HALL [45] KPLE [49] NICK [50] FX [51] HGTV [52] MSNBC [54] BRAVO [55] WE [56] ANPL [57] TRAVEL [58] TCM [59] SYFY [60] COM [61] TVLAND [62] LMN [63] HIST [65] DISN [66] TOON [69] FNC [70] GOLF [71] OWN [74] ION [129] NATGEO [303] ESPNCL [511] HBO [512] HBO2 [531] MAX [551] SHOW [571] TMC
Saturday, Aug 20
4:30 5 p.m. 5:30 6 p.m. 6:30 7 p.m. 7:30 8 p.m. 8:30 9 p.m. 9:30 10 p.m. 10:30 11 p.m. 11:30 12 a.m. 12:30 PGA Beautifu Weeken KWTX Texas Rush Hour (F) (N) Crimetime 48 Hours KWTX Blue Bloods Person of Interest Good Golf l Homes d News News Bucket Saturday News Wife Rio Country NBC KCEN Olympic Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Athletics (M, W) Gold Medal, Volleyball (W) Gold KCEN Rio 2016 Summer Rio 2016 Reporter News News Zone Medal, Diving (M) 10m Platform Final (L) News Olympics 2016 Project Mundo Latino The Lawrence Song of the Appea- Red Doctor Who Austin City Limits Texas Music Cafe Nova Smoke Welk Show Mountains rances Green Paid Paid World Texas Paid Last Dr. Ken In An Instant Boston EMS (N) Texas Scandal Castle Eleme Program Program News Report Program Man St. Report ntary Mi jefe Notice Crónicas MFL Fútbol Torneo Apertura (L) MFL Fútbol Torneo Apertura (L) Mi jefe Notice Estrellados Rosa Que noche con Angelica y Raul! Armados y peligrosos ('13) Titular. Videos Juegos OlÃmpicos de Rio 2016 Juegos OlÃmpicos Girls Girls Girls Girls BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang Frontal Grudge Match ('13) Sylvester Stallone. Girls USGA Two and Two and The Big The Big Wayward Pines Wayward Pines news at Met Home Free Met King of Met Modern Golf a Half a Half Bang Bang 9 Mother Mother Queens Mother Family Washington This Week Washington This Week New Orleans Town Hall Washington This Week New Orleans Town Hall TBA Jay Leno's Garage Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Guide Guide Guide Guide Mecum Auctions (L) CNN Newsroom Anthony Bourdain Anthony Bourdain Anthony Bourdain Anthony Bourdain Anthony Bourdain Anthony Bourdain News Smerconish MLB Baseball Texas Rangers at Tampa Bay Rays (L) Rangers Huddle UFC Unleashed ERA Rodeo MLB Baseball Pre SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter Soccer Baseball Little League World Series (L) Baseball Little League World Series (L) Baseball T. (L) ATP Tennis Western & Southern Open Site: Lindner Family Tennis Center (L) Arm Wrestling Champ.Drive Champ.Drive 30/30 SportsCenter Enemy of the State ('98) Will Smith. Limitless ('11) Bradley Cooper. The Town ('10) Olympus Has Fallen ('13) Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Modern Modern Suits Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Terminator Salvation ('09) Christian John Carter (2012, Action) Lynn Collins, Taylor Ender's Game ('13) Asa Butterfield. A John Bale. Kitsch. Mars inhabitants take prisoners. boy leads the fight against a genocidal alien race. Carter Boy in the Attic ('16) Abbie Cobb. Killer Coach ('16) Keesha Sharp. Boy in the Attic ('16) Abbie Cobb. Movie Stranger in the House ('16) The First 48 The First 48 48: Encounters First 48 (N) First 48 The First 48 48: Encounters First 48 Born Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops (N) Cops Jail Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Jail Jail Jail Cops Miami Vice ('06) Colin Farrell. Miami Vice ('06) Colin Farrell. Scandal Alex Cross ('12) Tyler Perry. Pre-Fight Show (L) UFC 202 (L) NHRA Drag Racing Lucas Oil Nationals TMZ (N) Victory UFC Post-Fight (L) MLB Baseball (L) Misfit Misfit Garage 2/2 Misfit Garage 1/2 Misfit Garage 2/2 Misfit Garage 1/2 Misfit Garage 2/2 Misfit Garage 1/2 Misfit Garage 2/2 Misfit Garage 2/2 Gypsy Wedd Gypsy Wedd Gypsy Wedd Love at First Kiss Gypsy Wedd Love at First Kiss Gypsy Wedd Wedding Gypsy Wedd Tangled ('10) Mandy Moore. Monsters University ('13) Billy Crystal. Brave ('12) Kelly Macdonald. Up ('09) Snapped Snapped Snapped (N) Snapped Snapped E! True Hollywood Story Snapped Snapped Diners Diners Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped Cake Church Mother Angelica Edith Stein Living Right Hidden: A Life Daily Mass Faith Amazing B'kmark Life Summer in the City ('16) Summer Love (2016, Romance) G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Frasier Frasier All of My Heart ('15) Freedom Prec.Memories Touch Ministries Hour of Power Graham Victory Welcome to Paradise ('07) Juce TV Live Praise the Lord F.House F.House Friends Friends Friends Friends Fresh P. Fresh P. LoudHou H.Danger H.Danger Thunder Thunder Make It Pop (N) Game Shakers The Wolf of Wall Street ('13) Leonardo DiCaprio. Mike&M. Mike&M. Baskets Baskets Fast and Furious 6 ('13) Vin Diesel. Renovation (N) H.Hunt House Beachfront Reno Renovation Property Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers BeachReno (N) MSNBC Doc. MSNBC Doc. MSNBC Doc. MSNBC Doc. MSNBC Doc. MSNBC Doc. MSNBC Doc. MSNBC MSNBC Doc. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days ('03) How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days ('03)... Wives Real Housewives The Holiday ('06) Cameron Diaz. Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order: C.I. Law&O. Law & Order The Vet Life (N) Dr. Dee: Alaska The Vet Life The Vet Life Dr. Jeff R. Mountain Vet Dr. Dee: Alaska Dr. Dee: Alaska The Vet Life Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures The Dead Files (N) The Dead Files Ghost Adventures The Dead Files Paradise Food Paradise Sabrina ('54) The Two Mrs. Carrolls ('47) Dead Reckoning ('47) Movie Key Largo ('48) Fast Five ('11) Vin Diesel. The Perfect Storm ('00) George Clooney. The Chronicles of Riddick ('04) Employee of the Month ('06) Dax Shepard. The Campaign ('12) Movie Dazed & Confused Mean Girls ('04) (' ) Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Ray Ray Ray Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens Ray Ray Lopez Til Death Do Us Part ('14) Newlywed and Dead ('15) Til Death Do Us Part ('14) Movie The Good Mistress ('14) Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Lab Rats Kir.Buc. Underc. Bunk'd Friends Liv/Mad Austin Jessie Dog Blog Bunk'd Bizaard. Liv/Mad Underc. Bunk'd Alvin & the Chipmunks ('09) Hill King Hill RickMort Am.Dad Clevela. Fam.Guy Fam.Guy DragonB. 1Punch Gundam Hunter X Naruto Gumball TeenT. TeenT. TeenT. TeenT. King FOX Report Legends & Lies Judge Jeanine Greg Gutfeld Hannity Judge Jeanine Greg Gutfeld America's Election HQ PGA Golf Wyndham Championship Rio 2016 Golf (W) Final Round Site: Olympic Golf Course Live From the Olympics Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Flex & Shanice Flex & Shanice Where Are? (N) Flex & Shanice Flex & Shanice Where Are They? Boss Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Flashpoint SVU LiveFree Live Free or Die Southern Justice Southern Justice Alaska Troopers Alaska Troopers Alaska Troopers Alaska Troopers Southern Justice 30 for 30 Reel Classics 30 for 30 30 for 30 30 for 30 Making of / K-19: The Widowmaker Point Break ('15) Luke Bracey. An Ballers The Night Of Point Break ('15) Luke Bracey. An Vice ('02) Harrison Ford. FBI agent infiltrates a team of thieves. FBI agent infiltrates a team of thieves. Princi The Night Of Spy ('15) Melissa McCarthy. Vice Our Brand Is Crisis ('15) Tropic Thunder ('08) Ben Last 28 Weeks Princi Sandra Bullock. Stiller. Week Later ('07) Batman Returns ('92) Batman Forever ('95) Val Kilmer. Batman & Robin ('97) George What Happens in Zane's Michael Keaton. Clooney. Vegas (Adult) Sex Roadies Black Hawk Down ('01) Josh Hartnett. Casino Royale (2006, Action) Judi Dench, Daniel Craig. Roadies Don James Bond is tasked with taking down a corrupt banker. ovan The Forger ('14) John Travolta. The One ('01) Jet Li. Death Do Us Part ('14) Mine Games ('12) Briana Death Do Us Part ('14) Mine Julia Benson. Evigan. Julia Benson. Games
this week
SUNDAY 3 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Beachfront Bargain Hunt “Longing for Long Branch, New Jersey” (CC)
3:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Beachfront Bargain Hunt “The Maine Idea Is to Relax in Old Orchard Beach” (CC)
4 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Beachfront Bargain Hunt “A Future on Fripp Island, South Carolina”
4:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Beachfront Bargain Hunt “A Couple Explores Daufuskie in Hopes of Finding a Beach House Big Enough for Their Large Family”
5 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Beachfront Bargain Hunt “Passport to Rio Hato, Panama”
5:30 p.m. (KNCT) (4) Central Texas Gardener (CC) (HGTV) (51) Beachfront Bargain Hunt “Searching for a Seafront Sanctuary in Saipan”
6 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Beachfront Bargain Hunt “A Crucial Life Change in Crucita”
6:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Beachfront Bargain Hunt “Hunting for the Perfect Seaside Vista Along the Coast of Virginia” (CC)
7:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Beachfront Bargain Hunt “A Newlywed Life on North Padre Island, Texas”
9 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Island Hunters “PreHoneymooning in Colombia”
9:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Island Hunters “On the Hunt in Ontario”
10 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters “Couple Wants Big Kitchen to Avoid Booty Bumpin’” (CC)
10:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters International “Londoners Search for a New Home in Andalusia, Spai”
MONDAY 3 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Love It or List It “A Family Fears They Will Never Complete Their to do List in Their Mid Century Home”
4 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Love It or List It “Mid Century Maternity”
5 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Love It or List It “A Couple Is Torn Between Their Century Old Farmhouse With Music Camp and a Family Ready Home”
6 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Love It or List It “A Family Is Divided Over Their Old Home That Has Plenty of Problems” (CC)
7:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Tiny House, Big Living “Tiny House Made for Three” (CC)
8 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Tiny House Hunters “After Surviving Cancer, Kristi and Her Husband Rafael Are Going Tiny To Enjoy More Out Of Life.”
8:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Tiny House Hunters “Starting Over in a Tiny House”
9 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters “Kids Help Find Victorian In Florida” (CC)
“Young Couple Debate Old vs. New in Manchester, NH” (CC)
9:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters International “Big Family in the HiRise City of Penang” (CC)
10 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Fixer Upper “Active Baby Boomers Seek Sanctuary Near Nature” (CC)
WEDNESDAY 3 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Property Brothers “Competitive Couple Is Challenged With a Reno” (CC)
5 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Property Brothers “Squashing Sibling Rivalry by Going From Cramped to Spacious” (CC)
6 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Property Brothers “Chasing the Suburban Dream Home”
7 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Property Brothers “Downtown Dreaming, Suburban Reality”
8 p.m.
10 p.m.
7:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Flip or Flop “Diamond in the Rough” (CC)
8 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Flip or Flop “Old Time Flip” (CC)
8:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Flip or Flop “Million Dollar Flip” (CC)
9 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters “Million-Dollar Style Battle in Chicago” (CC)
9:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters International “Summers in Spain” (CC)
10 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters “Single Mom Looks for Vacation Home in Sunny Florida” (CC) (HGTV) (51) House Hunters International “Modern or Mexican in San Miguel” (CC)
(HGTV) (51) House Hunters “Husband Moves Family to Native Paramus, New Jersey” (CC)
10 p.m.
9:30 p.m.
(HGTV) (51) House Hunters Renovation “A California Couple Set Fire to Their Renovation and Get Amazing Results” (CC)
(HGTV) (51) House Hunters International “Young Family Moves From Hawaii to Pisa, Italy” (CC)
(HGTV) (51) House Hunters Renovation “Reno From Floor to Ceiling” (CC)
(HGTV) (51) Tiny House Hunters “Moving From Parents Place to Tiny House” (CC)
TUESDAY 3 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Fixer Upper “Country Life Attracts Couple to Small Town Texas” (CC)
10 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Property Brothers “Ready to Spend It All on a Perfect Home”
THURSDAY 3 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Flip or Flop “Thrifty vs. Glitzy” (CC)
4 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
(HGTV) (51) Fixer Upper “Searching for a New Homebuilder’s Dream Home in an Old Neighborhood” (CC)
(HGTV) (51) Flip or Flop “A Family Friendly Flip”
5 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Fixer Upper “Couple Seeks a Unique Fixer” (CC)
4:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Flip or Flop “Natural Disaster” (CC)
5 p.m.
7 p.m.
(HGTV) (51) Flip or Flop “House of Hidden Horrors”
(HGTV) (51) Fixer Upper “Parents of College Students Find Fixer Close to Campus” (CC)
(HGTV) (51) Flip or Flop “Custom Craftsman” (CC)
8 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Fixer Upper “A Host and Hostess for the Bed and Breakfast” (CC)
9 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters
5:30 p.m.
6 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Flip or Flop “A Frantic Fiasco” (CC)
7 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Flip or Flop “Big Lot Little Flip” (CC)
10:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters International “Bicycling in Groningen” (CC)
SATURDAY 3 p.m. “Chic and Modern Home to Entertain in Style” (CC)
4 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Property Brothers “Desperate to Settle Into a Place of Their Own”
5 p.m. (KWTX) (2) Beautiful Homes and Great Estates (CC) (HGTV) (51) Property Brothers “Not Ready for the Suburbs”
6 p.m.
3 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters Renovation “An Architect and a Preservationist Search for a Historic Home They Can Make Hip Again” (CC)
9:30 p.m.
10:30 p.m.
Downtown Denver” (CC)
10:30 p.m.
(HGTV) (51) House Hunters International “Escaping the Usa to Find Peace and Serenity In Boca Chica, Panama” (CC) (HGTV) (51) Tiny House Hunters “Tiny Home in Mom’s Backyard” (CC)
“Young Buyer Seeks Character in
(HGTV) (51) Property Brothers
(HGTV) (51) Buying and Selling With the Property Brothers “Cold, Hard House”
9 p.m.
(HGTV) (51) House Hunters
4 p.m.
5 p.m.
6 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters Renovation “When Reno Hurts So Good” (CC)
8 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Love It or List It “A Family of Nine No Longer Fits in Their Home” (CC)
9 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters “Couple Looks for Waterfront Summer Home in Myrtle Beach” (CC)
(HGTV) (51) Property Brothers “Charming Fixer-Upper With Unexpected Issues”
7 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Property Brothers “New Beginnings and a Forever Home for a Single Mom”
8 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation “Outer Banks Overhaul in North Carolina”
9 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters Renovation “Sinking Kitchen, Rising Budget in California” (CC)
10 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters “Couple in Oahu Debates FixerUpper vs. Move-In Ready” (CC)
10:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters International “Miami Couple Renovates Second Home in Lake Como, Italy” (CC)
9:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters International “Wine or Beach in South Africa” (CC)
Killeen Daily Herald, TX: Home Aug 14, 2016 to Aug 20, 2016
This week’s solutions