TV Book 8/7/16

Page 1

August 7 - August 13, 2016


Crowe knows

Hit the road

Crowe brings his love of music to the small screen in ‘Roadies’ By Jacqueline Spendlove TV Media

By Andrew Sawyer TV Media For the week of August 1 - 5


hey say you should write what you know, which is just what writer/director Cameron Crowe did when he penned the Oscar-winning screenplay for the 2000 film “Almost Famous.” The semi-autobiographical drama draws from Crowe’s time working as a journalist for Rolling Stone in his teens and has gained considerable acclaim. Now, Crowe is returning to his music industry roots with his first scripted TV series, “Roadies.” As the title concisely suggests, the dramedy shines a light on a group of roadies as they accompany a big-name band around the country, setting up lights, making soundboard magic happen and generally ensuring that the show goes on. A new episode of “Roadies” airs Sunday, Aug. 7, on Showtime. Even as a young writer, Crowe landed a lot of major interviews in his green Rolling Stone days, from his first cover story on the Allman Brothers Band to Led Zeppelin to Lynyrd Skynyrd. He credits the roadies — the crew of technicians and support personnel that travels with a band on tour — with orchestrating a lot of these behind-the-scenes meetings, and, as such, wound up spending a lot of time with them. “Roadies” is an extension of Crowe’s glimpse into that world. It’s easy to see a band perform, looking and sounding amazing, without considering the long hours, hard work and fierce dedication that goes on before and after the show to make it all happen. As Showtime touts, the show puts a spotlight on the “reckless, romantic, funny and

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Ron White and Imogen Poots as seen in “Roadies” often poignant lives” of these unsung heroes, giving a look at the music world through their eyes. “I always fall in love with that backstage crowd,” Crowe said in an interview with Entertainment Weekly. “The band is usually the least interesting group of people because they’re there to work, but the other people are creating this magical spell around them.” To keep the focus on the titular roadies and their various goings-on, the fictional Staton-House Band is seldom seen and never heard. Luke Wilson (“Old School,” 2003) steps away from the big screen and puts his affable persona to good use as Bill, the roadweary tour manager for the arena-level band. Playing Bill’s work-wife is Carla Gugino (“Night at the Museum,” 2006) as Shelli, the production manager, brains of the operation and constant fire putter-outter. The two of them have a bit of a will-they-won’tthey thing going on, but Shelli

is married to a guy who himself is a far-flung roadie for Taylor Swift. Nonetheless, Bill and Shelli take on the “mom and dad” role in the makeshift family made up of the rest of the ragtag crew. This includes Kelly Ann (Imogen Poots, “Need for Speed,” 2014), an electrical guru who rigs a mean light and skates a mean board, and her twin brother, Wesley (Colson Baker, “Beyond the Lights,” 2014), the band’s coffee guy and “manny” for the lead singer’s horrific son. Tough and no-nonsense Donna (Keisha Castle-Hughes, “The Almighty Johnsons”) is the sound engineer, Milo (Peter Cambor, “NCIS: Los Angeles”) is the bass guitar tech, and loud and grizzled Phil (Ron White, “Horrible Bosses,” 2011) is the band’s seasoned road manager. In “Roadies,” the gang must contend with Reg Whitehead (Rafe Spall, “Shaun of the Dead,” 2004), a slick corporate suit sent in to overhaul tour expenses by making the crew do more with less. Unsurprisingly, he’s met with hostility by the tight-knit group, who want nothing to do with him or the cuts he’s out to make for the sake of the almighty dollar.

The Bold and the Beautiful Wyatt is in disbelief when Liam claims to have seen Quinn in Monte Carlo. Eric worries that he and Quinn will be found out and he suggests she return to Los Angeles. Steffy spots a woman kissing Eric from afar and she completely flips out when she realizes the woman is Quinn. Soon, things escalate between Steffy and Quinn as they exchange harsh words. Ridge tells Brooke about his recent split with Caroline, while Brooke shares that she’s trying to get Bill and Katie back together. Steffy calls Thomas and tells him about Eric and Quinn. Thomas quickly fills Ridge in. Days of Our Lives Hope comes home from the hospital. Chloe gets some unexpected news, and soon Claire starts working as her assistant. Jennifer looks for help from an unlikely place. Sonny catches up with Paul. John and Marlena share a romantic moment. Caroline experiences a startling vision. John and Brady find a lead in Tate’s kidnapping case. Chloe shares her news with Philip, and Gabi suffers a frightening encounter. After Deimos declares his love for Nicole, the two take their relationship to the next level. Dario struggles with forgiving his father. Nicole confides in Chloe. Jennifer continues her custody battle while JJ lashes out at Chad. Hope enjoys a romantic evening with Rafe. Jennifer imagines that Jack is comforting her. Justin is faced

Kyler Pettis as seen in “Days of Our Lives”

with possibly losing his job or worse. General Hospital Jordan turns to Andre for his help on a case. Curtis has some questions for Nina about Franco. Jason has some news to share when he reappears. Liz defends Franco, and Kristina confides something in Morgan. Dillon voices his disappointment to Valerie, and Scott and Lucy have a reunion. Kiki worries that Morgan is experiencing another manic episode. Valentin makes a stunning discovery. Darby has some bad news for Dillon. Maxie and Nathan share some news about their upcoming nuptials. Sonny prevents an attempt to get away with Spencer. Jax tells Carly that there will be consequences if she doesn’t back down. The Young and the Restless Esther and Kevin are shocked when they see that Chloe is back in Genoa City. A confused Natalie watches as Kevin catches up with Chloe. Chloe promises Kevin that she’s sane now and no longer wants to hurt Adam, but Kevin isn’t quite convinced that she is telling the whole truth. Meanwhile, Mariah fills Natalie in on the history between Kevin and Chloe. Phyllis is beside herself when she learns that Jack rented out the medical research space to Cane for Brash & Sassy since it means Billy will be working right downstairs. Nick worries that Victor hasn’t forgiven him; he asks Adam if he plans to return to Newman and if Victor plans to kick Victoria to the curb. Adam assures Nick he has no plans to take over, and goes on to say that Victor claims to have evidence proving his innocence. Sharon proposes a family vacation to the Caribbean, but Dylan suggests camping instead, since he can’t go too far away from work. Sharon, Dylan, Mariah, Faith and Sully arrive at the campsite. While Dylan and Faith go fishing, Sharon and Mariah dine on cheese and crackers. Faith decides to tell a ghost story that both Sharon and Mariah try to shoot down as soon as they can. Ashley lets Devon and Hilary know that the drug trial patients are filing a lawsuit. Devon wants to settle quickly, but Hilary wants to fight.

Daytime Sunday TW = Time Warner Cable











[6] [7] [12]


[14] KWKT

[21] CSPAN [23] CNBC [24] CNN [26] FSN [27] ESPN [28] ESPN2 [29] TNT [30] USA



[32] [33] [34] [35] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [49] [50] [51] [52] [54] [55] [56] [57] [58] [59] [60] [61]




[63] [65] [66] [69] [70] [71] [74] [129] [303]




[512] HBO2

[531] MAX

[551] SHOW




CH = Channel

B = Broadcast




Sunday, Aug 7

8 a.m. 8:30 9 a.m. 9:30 10 a.m. 10:30 11 a.m. 11:30 12 p.m. 12:30 1 p.m. 1:30 2 p.m. 2:30 3 p.m. 3:30 4 p.m. PGA Golf Travelers Championship Site: TPC at CBS Sports CBS Sunday Morning (N) Church Service Face the Nation Paid Paid Paid River Highlands -- Cromwell, Conn. (L) Program Program Program Spectacular Rio 2016 Summer Rio 2016 Volleyball (M) Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Cycling (W) Road Race, Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Meet the Press United States vs. Canada (L) Olympics Swimming (M & W) Qualifying Heats (L) (N) Joy of Religion Americ- Cont- Perspe- McLWash. Wealt- Knitting Beads, It's Sew Fons & Quilting Sewing Joy of Painting Daytri Music N. (N) a/World rary ctives augh Week hTrack Daily Baubles Easy Porter Arts Nancy Painting / Travel pper GdMrn- In Touch This Week Wild Christ Columbus Avenue Paid To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced TBA TxWknd Animals the King Baptist Church Program Juego de Estrellas Impacto Al punto Netas divinas Como dice dicho Rosa Guadalupe Recuerda y gana Republica El Chavo Juegos Olímpicos de Rio 2016 Fútbol (M) Fiji vs. México, Honduras vs. Portugal Busca del sueño Noticier Nina's LazyTwn Juegos Olímpicos Scary Movie... MLB Baseball San Francisco vs Washington (L) 17 Again ('09) Zac Efron. Friends She's the Man ('06) Fox News Sunday Special Cons- Cons- Cons- Cons- Cons- Hostage ('05) Bruce Willis. To Be Announced NHRA Drag Racing Northwest Nationals (L) Edition umer umer umer umer umer Newsmkr WAWeek Washington This Week Public Affairs Programming Washington Week Washington This Week Wash. Journal Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Zakaria GPS Reliable Sources State of Union Zakaria GPS CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom News State of Union Rangers Insider Pregame MLB Baseball Texas Rangers at Houston Astros (L) MLB Baseball Texas vs Houston WPT Poker Paid Paid MLS Soccer K.C./Por (L) NFL's Greatest Softball Senior League World Series (L) SportsCenter OLines Report SportsCenter 1st Take Softball Big League World Series (L) ATP Tennis Atlanta Open (L) Baseball T. (L) OLines Report SportsCenter SportsCenter Twister ('96) Helen Hunt. Contagion ('11) Matt Damon. Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order NASCAR Auto Racing (L) Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Rio 2016 Summer Olympics The Walking The Walking The Walking The Walking The Walking The Walking Walking Men in Black ('97) Will Smith. Dead Dead Dead Dead Dead Dead Dead Movie Marriage of Lies ('15) April Bowlby. I Am Watching You ('16) Tiny House Tiny House Tiny House J.Osteen Paid Esc.Polygamy To Be Announced To Be Announced Black Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Esc.Polygamy Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Res. Power Power Power Power Bar Rescue Madea's Wi... Lift Voice Lift Every Voice Payne Payne House of Payne Just Wright ('10) Queen Latifah. Jones Gospel IMSA Auto Racing NHRA Auto Race USGA Golf U.S. Women's Amateur (L) Shield FA Soccer Community Shield (L) Golf Homestead Homestead Epic Homes Epic Homes Epic Homes Epic Homes Naked and Afraid Naked Epic Bar Builds R.Amish Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Return to Amish 2 Fast 2 Furious ('03) The Fast and the Furious ('01) Vin Diesel. Movie Jurassic Park ('93) Sam Neill. Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped House The Kitchen Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped Pioneer Big Bite Cooking Heaton Pioneer Southern Giada BBQ Rosary Sunday Mass S. Heart In Concert GKChest. Mercy Rosary Catech. Faith Church S. Heart B'kmark Weep Jim and Joy Movie My Summer Prince ('16) Love on the Air ('15) G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls For Love and Honor ('16) J. Prince Carpet Jesse D. In Touch P. Point Written Victory Supernat Kolenda John Hagee Marriage Balanced Kingdom T.Point WalkWrd Walk ALVIN ALVIN Sponge Sponge Sponge LoudHou. LoudHou. LoudHou. Rio ('11) Jesse Eisenberg. Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Ninja Mike&M. Mother Mother Mother Mother The Amazing Spider-Man 2 ('14) Andrew Garfield. The Wolverine ('13) Hugh Jackman. Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper H.Hunt H.Hunt H.Hunt H.Hunt H.Hunt H.Hunt H.Hunt H.Hunt H.Hunt Fixer Upper Rio 2016 Summer Olympics MSNBC Rio 2016 Summer Olympics AM Joy MSNBC Live WivesNJ Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Tennis Site: Olympic Tennis Centre -- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Paid Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. CSI: Miami CSI Paid K9 Cops North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law Lone Star Law Star Law K9 Cops Parks AdvTeam Bizarre Food Paradise Food Paradise Food Paradise Food Paradise G.Fieri Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Parks Harlow: Blonde Dinner at Eight ('33) Saratoga ('37) The Beast of the City (... Personal Property ('37) China Seas ('35) The Darkest Hour ('11) The Faculty ('98) Dark City ('98) Rufus Sewell. Doom ('05) Ghost Hunters WaysDie WaysDie 1000 Ways to Die WaysDie WaysDie SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk South Park Reba Reba G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls The Golden Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Reba To Be To Be Announced The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe The Other Man ('08) Announced Liam Neeson. Banned From the Bible Banned From the Bible II OzzyandJack American Pickers Pickers Ten Commandments LEGO Underc. Liv/Mad StuckMid Friends Liv/Mad Austin Girl M. Girl M. Bunk'd Underc. Elena Bizaard. Girl M. Jessie Bunk'd Elena BareBear BareBear BareBear BareBear BareBear BareBear BareBear BareBear BareBear BareBear BareBear TeenT. TeenT. To Be Announced Morning Futures MediaBuzz America's News HQ Fox News Sunday Journal Housecll America's News HQ FOX & Friends Pregame CHAMPS Golf 3M Championship (L) EPGA Golf Paul Lawrie Match Play Site: Archerfield Links Golf Club (L) Pregame PGA Golf Soul Sunday Soul Sunday (N) Soul Sunday Soul Sunday Soul Sunday Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Boss Soul Sunday Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage M.Dodge M.Dodge M.Dodge M.Dodge M.Dodge M.Dodge M.Dodge M.Dodge M.Dodge M.Dodge M.Dodge M.Dodge M.Dodge M.Dodge M.Dodge Explorer: ISIS Fishing 30 for 30 30 for 30 ESPN Films ESPN Films 30 for 30 30 for 30 30/30 Fishing Real Boxing WCB Wedn- First Look /Meet Real Time With Black Knight ('00) Martin First Look / The Bucket List Sports esday the Donors Bill Maher Lawrence. ('07) Jack Nicholson. Night at the Museum: Our Brand Is Crisis ('15) Sandra Harry Potter and the Order of the The Fantastic Four Boxing Secret of the Tomb ('14) Bullock. Phoenix ('07) Daniel Radcliffe. ('15) Miles Teller. Being Get Hard ('15) Will Ferrell. Lady in the Water ('06) Paul Eagle Eye ('08) Shia LaBeouf. Hitman ('07) There ('79) Giamatti. Dougray Scott. The The Hundred-Foot Journey ('14) The Ray ('04, Bio) Kerry Washington, Jamie The DUFF ('15) Mae Southpaw Railw... Helen Mirren. Circus Foxx. The life story of Ray Charles. Whitman. ('15) Manglehorn Ginger & Rosa ('13) Mississippi Burning ('88) Gene The Forger ('14) John Sling Blade ('95) Billy Bob ('14) Al Pacino. Elle Fanning. Hackman. Travolta. Thornton.

Sunday Prime time

TW = Time Warner Cable CH = Channel B = Broadcast TW




4:30 PGA KWTX Golf Rio KCEN 2016 Africa KNCT



[6] [7] [12]


[2] [3]

[14] KWKT [21] [23] [24] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30]




[32] LIFE [33] A&E [34] SPIKE [35] BET [37] FS1 [38] DSC [39] TLC [40] FREE [41] OXYG [42] FOOD [43] EWTN [44] HALL [45] KPLE [49] NICK [50] FX [51] HGTV [52] MSNBC [54] BRAVO [55] WE [56] ANPL [57] TRAVEL [58] TCM [59] SYFY [60] COM [61] TVLAND [62] LMN [63] HIST [65] DISN [66] TOON [69] FNC [70] GOLF [71] OWN [74] ION [129] NATGEO [303] ESPNCL [511] HBO [512] HBO2 [531] MAX [551] SHOW [571] TMC




Sunday, Aug 7

5 p.m. 5:30 6 p.m. 6:30 7 p.m. 7:30 8 p.m. 8:30 9 p.m. 9:30 10 p.m. 10:30 11 p.m. 11:30 12 a.m. 12:30 Weeken KWTX 60 Minutes Big Brother (N) Madam Secretary BrainDead (N) KWTX Blue Bloods Person of Interest Good d News News News Wife KCEN NBC Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Diving (W) Springboard Synchronized Final, Gymnastics (W) Team KCEN Rio 2016 Summer Rio News News Competition, Swimming (M & W) (L) News Olympics 2016 Parks & Central Classic Gospel Dancing on the Masterpiece Mystery! (N) The Tunnel (N) Texas Music Cafe Dancing on the MasteWildlife Texas Edge (N) Edge rpiece TBA World Texas Funniest Home Celebrity Family The $100,000 Match Game Texas Scandal Castle Eleme News Report Videos Feud Pyramid Report ntary Va por ti Sal y pimienta Mi jefe Notice Republica Al punto Impacto Mi jefe Notice Aqui y Ahora Ratatouille (2007, Animated) Ya era hora Titulare Videos Juegos Olímpicos de Rio 2016 Videos Madagascar ('05, Ani) Blended ('14) Adam Sandler. The Break Up ('06) 17 Again ('09) Movie 50 First Dates ('04) NHRA Drag Racing TheSi- Bob's TheSi- Broo- Family Last news at The Big Modern Modern The The Anger Anger Northwest Nationals (L) mpsons Burgers mpsons klyn 99 Guy Man 9 Bang Family Family Middle Middle Manage Manage Q&A To Be Announced Q&A To Be Announced Comms. Newsmkr To Be Announced The Profit Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Rio 2016 Summer Olympics The Profit The Hunt Declassified CNN Report The Hunt Declassified News CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Report MLB Baseball Texas Rangers at Houston Astros CB Camp Training School WPT Poker Cycling HallFame Gme365 Polaris Bull Riding Countdown (L) NFL Football Hall of Fame Game Ind./G.B. (L) SportsCenter SportsCenter Soccer SportsCenter Baseball Intermediate World Series (L) 30Shorts Arm Wrestling ESPN FC SportsNation 1st Take A.F.L. Football (L) The Last Ship Murder in First The Last Ship Murder in First Law & Order 2012 ('09) John Cusack. Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Motive Racing Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Motive (N) Walking The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Dead His Double Life ('16) Sorority Nightmare ('16) His Double Li... The Good Mistress ('14) Sorority Nightmare ('16) Intervention Intervention Intervention Intervention (N) Esc.Polygamy (N) The First 48 Intervention Intervention Black Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue (N) Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Res. Bar Rescue Payne House of Payne Inspirat. Ministry Campmeeting Madea's Witness Protection ('12) Tyler Perry. The Janky Promoters ('09) Ice Cube. MLS Soccer Seattle vs Orlando City (L) MLS Soccer NY/LA (L) Pstgame Victory NHRA Drag Racing IMSA Auto Racing Naked Naked&Afraid XL Naked&Afraid XL Naked&Afraid XL Naked & Afr. (N) Naked&Afraid (N) Naked and Afraid Naked&Afraid XL Naked and Afraid Love at First Kiss R.Amish Return to Amish Return to Amish Love at First Kiss ReturnAmish (N) Gypsy Wedd (N) Return to Amish Gypsy Wedd J.Osteen Jeremiah Life Paid Movie The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift ('06) Cast Away ('00) Tom Hanks. Snapped Snapped Snapped Killer Killer Snapped Killer Killer Snapped Snapped Snapped Guy's Game Guy's Game (N) Chopped (N) Cooks vs. Co (N) Cooks vs. Cons Chopped Cooks vs. Cons Chopped Food Star Symbol. Rosary Franciscan Univ. Mother Angelica Sunday Mass S. Heart Prime F. Love Vatican Priest The World Over Sunday Night Wedding Bells ('16) Autumn Dreams ('15) Jill Wagner. G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Frasier Frasier Ms. Matched ('16) Love's Resounding Cou... M. Jesus GDickow Potter's Everyday LeadWay R Morris J.Osteen K. Shook Copelnd Creflo FearFigh Love Begins ('11) F.House F.House F.House F.House Friends Friends Friends Friends The King Fresh P. LoudHou. H.Danger H.Danger Thunder Thunder Nicky Nicky White House Down ('13) Channing Tatum. White House Down ('13) Channing Tatum. Thor: The Dark World ('13) H.Hunt H.Hunt H.Hunt H.Hunt H.Hunt Bargain Bargain Mexico Mexico Island Island H.Hunt House Mexico Mexico Island Island MSNBC Doc. MSNBC Doc. MSNBC Doc. MSNBC Doc. MSNBC Doc. MSNBC Doc. MSNBC Doc. MSNBC MSNBC Doc. Wives NJ (N) Watch Real Housewives Real Housewives Shahs Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Tennis Site: Olympic Tennis Centre -- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Star Law Lone Star Law Food Paradise Food Int. (N) Parks Parks Swimming Holes Parks Parks Parks Parks Swimming Holes G.Fieri Food Paradise Red Dust ('32) Bombshell ('33) Wife vs. Secretary ('36) Reckless ('35) Movie Libeled Lady ('36) Pitch Black ('00) Vin Diesel. The Chronicles of Riddick ('04) Doom ('05) Karl Urban. Doom ('05) SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk South Park Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Ray Ray Gaffigan Gaffigan Queens Queens Queens Queens Gaffigan Gaffigan Reba The House Sitter ('15) The Last Bid ('16) Cassi Thomson. Movie Broken Promise ('16) Ashley Scott. The Last Bid ('16) (P) American Pickers American Pickers Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers OzzyandJack (N) OzzyandJack Liv/Mad StuckMid Underc. Underc. Underc. K.C. Underc. (N) Bizaard. StuckMid Bunk'd K.C. Undercover Bizaard. Austin Jessie G. Luck Dog Blog BareBear BareBear BareBear BareBear BareBear King Hill Clevela. Clevela. Am.Dad Fam.Guy Fam.Guy RickMort Robot MrPickle China IL Clevela. Clevela. Legends & Lies The Kelly File Greg Gutfeld Legends & Lies Hannity The Kelly File News Fox News Sunday FOX Report Golf Central PGA Golf Travelers Championship Site: TPC River Highlands -- Cromwell, Conn. CHAMPS Golf 3M Championship Golf Golf Undercover Boss Soul Sunday Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Boss Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage Flashpoint Flashpoint Flashpoint Leverage Leverage The Boonies The Boonies The Boonies The Boonies The Boonies M.Dodge M.Dodge M.Dodge M.Dodge M.Dodge The Boonies Reel Classics 30 for 30 30 for 30 30 for 30 30/30 30 for 30 The Peanuts Movie ('15) Ocean's Thirteen ('07) The Night Of (N) Ballers VicePrin LastW- Ballers Vice The Night Of Last Noah Schnapp. George Clooney. (N) (N) eek (N) Princi Week Boxing Ballers Last Real Time With The Night Of Our Brand Is Crisis ('15) Sandra Mad Max: Fury Road ('15) Reindeer Week Bill Maher Bullock. Tom Hardy. Games ('00) Outcast Crimson Tide ('95) Gene Get Hard ('15) Will Ferrell. The Water Diviner ('14) Russell Consenting Adults Hackman. Crowe. ('92) Kevin Kline. Vixen... Southpaw The Ray Donovan Roadies Ray Donovan (N) Roadies (N) Ray Donovan Roadies Ray Donovan ('15) Circus Sling Freedom Writers ('07) Hilary Hannibal ('01) Julianne Moore. Mississippi Burning ('88) Gene Wild Bill ('95) Jeff Blade... Swank. A brutal serial killer stalks an FBI agent. Hackman. Bridges.

Monday-Friday Weekday daytime TW = Time Warner Cable CH = Channel B = Broadcast TW


[2] KWTX [3] KCEN [4] KNCT [5] KXXV [6]






[14] KWKT [21] CSPAN [23] CNBC [24] CNN

[26] FSN

[27] ESPN

[28] ESPN2

[29] TNT [30] USA

[31] AMC

[32] LIFE

[33] A&E [34] SPIKE [35] BET [37] FS1

[38] DISC



[40] FREE

[41] OXYG

[42] [43] [44] [45]



8 a.m. 8:30 9 a.m. 9:30 10 a.m. 10:30 CBS This Morning The Rachael Ray The Price Is Right Show Today Show Various




Monday, Aug 8 to Friday, Aug 12

11 a.m. 11:30 12 p.m. 12:30 1 p.m. 1:30 2 p.m. 2:30 3 p.m. 3:30 4 p.m. The Young and KWTX Bold & The Talk Let's Make a Deal KWTX Inside E.De the Restless News B. News Edition Generes Tu Rio 2016/W Th Rio 2016/F Rio Various Th Rio 2016 M Rio 2016/Tu Rio 2016/W Dr. Phil 2016 Rio 2016 Daniel Daniel Sesame Peg + Dinosa- Dinosa- Super Various Various Various Thomas/ George/ Bug Thomas Word- Odd Wild Tiger Tiger Street Cat ur Train ur Train WHY! George Thomas Bites Edison Girl Squad Kratts Good Morning Steve Harvey The View Texas The The Chew General Hospital The Doctors Hot Hot Judge America Report Insider Bench Bench Judy Despierta America Como dice el Amores Hoy Amor de barrio Sueño de amor El gordo y la Primer dicho Verdaderos flaca impacto Un nuevo dia Decisi- Various W Juegos Olímpicos Olímpico/ Th Juegos Suelta la sopa Al rojo vivo Cerrado/ ones Olímpico Olímpicos RojoVivo Queens/F Queens/F King of King of Clevelan Cleve- Various Sein./- Friends/ Friends/ Various Friends/- New New M Seinf. M Seinf. Am.Dad Married Married Queens Queens d/Queens land Am.Dad Am.Dad Am.Dad Fam.Guy Girl Girl / Friends / Friends /Friends Various Cons- The Steve Wilkos The Jerry Springer Maury The People's Divorce Divorce Judge Mathis The Wendy Two 1/2 umer Show Show Court Court Court Williams Show Men M Key Capitol Hill Hearings / U.S. House of Representatives M U.S. House of Representatives / F Politics & Public Policy Today Wash. Journal Squawk Alley Fast Money Power Lunch Closing Bell Various Squawk on the Street Legal View Wolf CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom The Lead Sit.Room CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom At This Hour Drag Racing NHRA Sonoma, Calif. School M CB Camp Training UFC Unleashed UFCMain Knckout Baseball Texas vs Houston Gme365 Baseball Texas vs Colorado Pregame Baseball Texas Rangers at Colorado Rockies Tu CBCamp H. Fame Rodeo ERA Salt Lake City, Utah Baseball Texas vs Colorado UFC Unleashed Soccer Atletico Madrid vs. Real Madrid Poker W CBCamp Knckout Soccer Manchester C. vs R. Madrid Baseball Colorado vs Texas Pregame Baseball Colorado Rockies at Texas Rangers Rangers Th CBCamp Knckout Red Bull Air Race Poker WPT Baseball Colorado vs Texas UFC 188 MonsterJ F Baseball Col/Tex. CB Camp/UFC SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter OLines Football NFL Insiders NFL Live SportsN Highly? Horn M SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter OLines Football NFL Insiders Baseball Little League World Series Horn Tu SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter OLines Football NFL Insiders Baseball Little League World Series Horn W SportsCenter SportsCenter Baseball Little League World Series Baseball Little League World Series Baseball Little League World Series Horn Th SportsCenter SportsCenter Baseball Little League World Series Baseball Little League World Series Baseball Little League World Series Horn F SportsCenter First Take His & Hers First Take His & Hers NFL Live SportsN M Mike & Mike First Take His & Hers First Take NFL Live SportsN Highly? Re-take Tu Mike & Mike First Take His & Hers First Take NFL Live SportsN Highly? Re-take W Mike & Mike First Take His & Hers OLines Football NFL Insiders NFL Live SportsN Highly? Baseball Th Mike & Mike First Take His & Hers OLines Football NFL Insiders NFL Live SportsN Highly? Baseball F Mike & Mike Supernatural Supernatural Supernatural Supernatural Bones Bones / Tu The Bones M W Th Castle/F Castle/ Break Up Bones Bones M Tu Rio'16/W Rio'16/Th Th Rio 2016/F Rio Tu Rio M Rio 2016/W Rio Tu Rio'16/W F SVU Rio'16/ W Rio'16/Th F Law & Order: NCIS Rio'16/F Rio'16 2016 2016 2016/F Rio 2016 Rio'16/Th Rio'16 Rio'16 Rio'16/F SVU S.V.U. /SVU Jaws 2 ('78) Roy Scheider. King Kong ('05) Adrien Brody. M Stooge The Sum of All Fears ('02) Ben Affleck. Terminator Salvation ('09) The Mummy ('99) Tu Stooges King Kong (Act, '05) Naomi Watts, Adrien Brody. The Scorpion King ('02) The Mummy Returns ('01) Brendan Fraser. Pirates of the C... W Jaws: The Revenge ('87) Enter the Dragon ('73) Bruce Lee. The Sorcerer's Apprentice ('10) Movie Th Conan the Barbarian ('82) Kill Bill Vol. 1 ('03) Uma Thurman. Mad Max ('79) Mel Gibson. Mad Max 2: Th... F Conan the Destroyer ('84) M Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Movie Tu Unsolved Myster. Unsolved Myster. Mother Mother Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy One for the Money W Unsolved Myster. Unsolved Myster. Mother Mother Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Little W Th Unsolved Myster. Mother Mother Mother Mother Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Crazy Ex F Unsolved Myster. Unsolved Myster. Mother Mother Grey's Anatomy Grey's cont'd next Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy RpGame First 48 Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Various S. Wars Various S.Wars Various S.Wars Various S.Wars Various S.Wars First 48/Tu After 48 The First 48 Police/ Bar Res. Various Various Various Movie Various M Cops Various M Cops Various M Cops Cops M F Cops Various Police/ Bar Res. Payne/ Payne Payne Various Martin Various Movies Various Movies Payne The Herd Pregame Tu Soccer Soccer/W '07 Open W Champion RaceHub Various Various W Poker Champ. MLBBest TMZ FastLoud Fast N' Loud 2/2 Fast N' Loud FastLoud FastLoud M Vegas Rat Rods Vegas Rat Rods Vegas Rat Rods Fast N' Loud Pot Cops Pot Cops Almost Got Away Almost Got Away Almost Got Away Almost Got Away Gang Wars GangWar Tu Pot Cops Dark Woods Dark Woods Almost Got Away Almost Got Away Almost Got Away Almost Got Away Dual Survival Survival W Dark Woods FastLoud Fast N' Loud 2/2 Fast N' Loud Fast N' Loud Misfit Garage Misfit Garage Misfit Garage Naked Th Fast N' Loud F Alaska/Frontier Alaska/Frontier Alaska/Frontier Alaska/Frontier Alaska/Frontier Alaska/Frontier Alaska/Frontier Alaska/Frontier Bush Various Various Say Yes Say Yes Various Say Yes 48 Hours/F R.Amish 48 Hours/48 Hours 48 Hours/ 48 Hours 48 Hours/ 48 Hours Various Last 700 The 700 Club Gilmore Girls Gilmore Girls Reba Reba Reba Reba The The The M Tu W Cast Man St. Club Middl... Middle Middle Middl... Away M WifeKid WifeKid WifeKid WifeKid WifeKid WifeKid WifeKid WifeKid WifeKid WifeKid WifeKid WifeKid WifeKid WifeKid Next Top Model TpModel Tu WifeKid WifeKid WifeKid WifeKid WifeKid WifeKid Next Top Model Next Top Model Next Top Model Next Top Model Sisterhood Hip H Hip Hop W WifeKid WifeKid WifeKid WifeKid Next Top Model Next Top Model Next Top Model Next Top Model Next Top Model Next Top Model TpModel Th Next Top Model Next Top Model Next Top Model Next Top Model Next Top Model Next Top Model Next Top Model Next Top Model TpModel PolicewomenFiles Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped F Some... Snapped Pioneer Various Various Various Various Various Various Pioneer Pioneer Various BeatFlay Various BeatFlay Various BeatFlay Various Paid Various Catalog. Women Rosary Daily Mass J. Home/F J. Home Various TheCross Mercy Various Various Various Various Various Home and Family Little House Little House Little House L. House G. Girls G. Girls Home and Family J. Hagee J.Osteen J. Prince Copelnd K.Shook Furtick Various Various Various Life Various The 700 Club J. Hagee Various Various Creflo

Monday-Friday Weekday daytime TW = Time Warner Cable TW [49] [50] [51] [52] [54] [55] [56] [57]















[66] TOON




M Tu W Th F






[129] NATGEO

[303] ESPNCL



[512] HBO2

[531] MAX

[551] SHOW



M Tu W Th F M Tu W Th F M Tu W Th F M Tu W Th F M Tu W Th F

B = Broadcast




Monday, Aug 8 to Friday, Aug 12

8:30 9 a.m. 9:30 10 a.m. 10:30 11 a.m. 11:30 12 p.m. 12:30 1 p.m. 1:30 2 p.m. 2:30 3 p.m. 3:30 4 p.m. PAW Mutt&St. Umizoo Guppies Guppies Various PAW PAW Machine ALVIN ALVIN Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge LoudHou. Various Movie Th Next 2½Men Mother Mother Mother Mother Various Various Various AngerM. Various 2½Men Various M i Various H.Hunter Various H.Hunter Various H.Hunter Various House Various FlipFlop Various FlipFlop Various FlipFlop Various FlipFlop Various MSNBC Live MSNBC Live MSNBC Live Various M Rio 2016 Th Rio 2016 Various Th Rio 2016 News H.Wives Rio'16 H.Wives/ WivesNJ Th F Rio 2016 Tennis Rio'16 Th F Rio 2016 Tennis Rio'16 M Tu W Rio 2016 Tennis Rio'16 Paid Paid Various WGrace Various WGrace Various WGrace Various WGrace Various WGrace Various WGrace Various WGrace Various Various Cat Diary A.Cops Cat Diary Various Cat Diary Parole Cat Diary Parole/W Lion Den Parole/ TBA/ Treeh. Various Various Various Various Coaster Various Coaster Various Coaster Various BertConq Various Various W S. Eats Various Various Various Movie Texas Carnival Pagan Love Song Easy to Love On an Island With You Dangerous Wh... Fighting ... Sagebrush L... The Arizona Ra... Gun S... Masked Raiders ('49) The Myst... Riders of the Ran... Her Hi... H.M. Pulham, Esq. ('41) Crossroads ('42) Tortilla Flat ('42) Experiment Perilo... Movie Captains Courageous A Guy Named Joe ('44) Boom Town ('40) Clark Gable. Woman of th... The ... The Farmer Takes A Wife Delicious ('31) Janet Gaynor. A Star Is Born ('37) State Fair ('33) Th Rise of the W Para. Th We Movie/ Miami W Para. Th Repo Men/ Movie/ W Paranormal Various M Pitch Black / F Grave Hous... Zombies/ Path of... Witne... Are St... Magma/ Witness Witness Interv... Witness Witness Movies Halloween Various Various S.N.L/ Tu Sat. M W Th F Sat. Night Live / Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various S.N.L Night S.N.L Tu Sat. Night Live A. Griffith/ Griffith/ Griffith/ Griffith/ W Th F Bonanza Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Griffith/ Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith F Blue: A Secret Various F Blue: A Secret Various F Blue: A Secret Various F Blue: A Secret Various Movies Life Life Life Life Various Tu Various Tu Pawn Various Tu Pawn Various Tu Th Various Tu Th Various Tu Th Various Tu Th Various Count./ Various Pawnog. Stars Stars Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn Elena/ Liv/Mad/ Austin Mickey/ Jessie/T Bunk'd Phineas Various Jessie K.C. Stuck in Mickey/ Friends/ Girl Walk Mickey/ Various G. Luck Descend. & Ally Austin h Jessie & Ferb Underc. Middle Liv/Mad W Elena World Prank Austin TeenT- TeenT- TBA.../ Th Teen Th TeenTita Steven Steven TeenT- TeenT- Powerp Gum- ClarClarTeenT- TeenT- GumitansGo itansGo TeenT. Titan Uncle ns/Uncle itansGo itansGo uff Girls ball ence ence itansGo itansGo ball America's Newsroom Happening Now Outnumbered Happening Now The Real Story Shepard Smith Your World The Five Reporting Live From the Olympics Live From the Olympics Live From the Olympics PGATour Live From the Olympics Live From the Olympics Live From the Olympics Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Golf (M) Round 1 From: Olympic Golf Course Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Live From the Olympics Golf Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Golf (M) Round 2 From: Olympic Golf Course Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Live From the Olympics Golf Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Various Various M Tu Th Dateline/W Various Flex/F Oprah Numb3rs Numb3rs Various Various Various Various Various M Tu F C.Minds/W Various Law&O./Th BlueB. Various Various Various Various Alaska State Alaska State Various Various Various Troopers Troopers Football Classics Various M Football Classics Various M Football Classics Various M Football Classics Various M Football Classics Movie Love and Basketball ('00) K-19: The Widowmaker ('02) No Reservations ('07) The Peanuts Movie ('15) Father's Day ('97) Prelude to a Kiss ('92) Meet the Donors Independence Day ('96) Will Smith. Bill Maher Movie Flash of Genius Terror at the Mall Ocean's Thirteen ('07) Wild Wild West ('99) Real Sports Movie Double Take ('01) Wednes Life or Something... Hard Knocks The 33 ('15) Antonio Banderas. LstWeek Hitchcock Hard Knocks Brown Sugar ('02) The Bucket List Wednes Godsend ('04) The Crash Reel ('13) The Man Fro... Blackhat ('14) Chris Hemsworth. The Insider ('99) Russell Crowe, Al Pacino. The Bourne Ultimatum Movie The Haunted M... The Good Shep... Fantastic 4: Rise ... Jackie Brown ('97) Pam Grier. Sports The Making of Vacation ('15) Ed Helms. Harry Potter & the Orde... Dead Poets Society ('89) Movie Meet the Donors The Intern ('15) Robert De Niro. Trouble With the Curve Wednes Night at the Museum: ... 27 Dresses ('08) Barbershop ('02) Max ('15) Robbie Amell. Hard Knocks A Perfect Murder ('98) Shutter ('08) LstWeek This ... Planet of the Apes ('01) Kiss the Girls ('97) Sinister 2 ('15) Point of No Return ('93) The Hobbit: The Battle ... What We Do in the S... Focus ('15) 300 ('06) Gerard Butler. Lantana ('01) Movie Parenthood ('89) The Longest Ride ('15) Britt Robertson. Hitman ('07) John Wick Movie The Brothers Mc... Lucky Numbers ('00) The Kingdom ('07) Ali (Bio, '01) Mario Van Peebles, Will Smith. Outcast Brokeback Moun... The Water Diviner ('14) Eagle Eye ('08) Shia LaBeouf. Get Hard ('15) Scream 3 ('00) Waterworld ('95) Kevin Costner. Bloodsport ('88) The War ('94) Kevin Costner. Miami Vice ('06) Colin Farrell. 1492: Conquest... Bronx Obama ('14) Match ('14) Shopgirl ('05) Steve Martin. Sister (Dra, '16) Notting Hill ('99) Compared to What: Th... Wrong Side of Town The Railway Man ('13) Colin Firth. Notting Hill ('99) The Hundred-Foot Jou... Clouds of Sils Maria ('14) Juliette Binoche. Alfie ('04) Jude Law. The Virgin Suic... Black H... Passion of Mind ('00) Frank & Jesse ('95) Skinwalkers ('06) Unnatural ('15) Street Dance Family Movie Take Care ('14) Garm Wars: The ... Punch-Drunk ... Nothing to Lose Growing Up & Other ... Burning Bodhi Girl on the Edge ('15) Hit by Lightning ('14) The Salvation ('15) Notting Hill ('99) Hugh Grant. Revolutionary ... Echoes of War ('15) A Murder in the Park Wrecked ('10) Trinidad (Doc, '08) P. Enemy Good Morning, Vietnam Don't Blink Dark Water ('05) Exorcismus ('10) Slow Burn ('05) The Facility ('12) The Jam: Idea Wooly ... Girl on the Edge ('15) The Last Keepers ('13) Helicopter Mom ('14) Ping Pong Summer ('14) Ginger ...


M Tu W Th F


8 a.m.

CH = Channel

Monday Prime time

TW = Time Warner Cable CH = Channel B = Broadcast TW






Monday, Aug 8

4:30 5 p.m. 5:30 6 p.m. 6:30 7 p.m. 7:30 8 p.m. 8:30 9 p.m. 9:30 10 p.m. 10:30 11 p.m. 11:30 12 a.m. 12:30 E.DeG- KWTX Evening KWTX Ent. Mom 2 Broke Mom The Odd Scorpion KWTX Stephen Colbert James Corden Law&O[2] KWTX eneres News News News Tonight Girls Couple News rder: CI KCEN Olympic Rio 2016 Diving (M) Platform Synchronized Gold Medal Final, Gymnastics (M) News Rio 2016 Summer Rio [3] KCEN Dr. Phil KCEN NBC News News News Zone Team Finals, Swimming (M & W), Beach Volleyball (W) U.S. vs. China (L) 10pm Olympics 2016 Wild Arthur Business PBS NewsHour Antiques American Experience Pt. 1 of 2 cont'd Charlie Rose (N) World Tavis Antiques [4] KNCT Kratts (N) Roadshow (N) Aug 9 News Smiley Roadshow Judge News World News Channel 25 Bachelor in Paradise (N) Mistresses (N) News Jimmy Kimmel Night- Paid Paid [5] KXXV Judy 25 News at 6:00 Live line Program Program Impacto Noticie. Contacto Depor. Corazon [6] UNI Impacto Incluido Notic. Rosa Guadalupe Un camino hacia Tres veces Ana Silvana Sin Lana Sin Senos Si Hay Señora acero Al rojo Titular. Juegos Olímpicos de Rio 2016 [7] TELE Cerrado Decision Notici Caso cerrado Tribeca Conan Cougar T [12] TBS Am.Dad Am.Dad Am.Dad Fam.Guy Fam.Guy Fam.Guy Am.Dad Tribeca Fam.Guy Fam.Guy Frontal Conan Two and Family Family The Big The Big So You Think You Can Dance news at TheSi- Modern Modern Crazy Met Met TMZ [14] KWKT a Half Feud Feud Bang Bang 9 mpsons Family Family Talk Mother Mother Landmark Cases Key Capitol Hill Hearings [21] CSPAN U.S. House of Representatives The Profit Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank The Profit The Profit [23] CNBC Rio 2016 Summer Olympics OutFront A. Cooper 360 The Eighties CNN Tonight CNN Tonight The Eighties CNN Tonight [24] CNN Sit.Room The Situation H. Fame Sports Pregame MLB Baseball Texas Rangers at Colorado Rockies (L) Rangers CBCamp Sports MLB Baseball [26] FSN Red Bull Air Race (N) Baseball Little League World Series (L) Baseball Little League World Series (L) SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter [27] ESPN Interrupt SportsCenter BattleFrog League BattleFrog League E:60 Street. SuperB31 Baseball T. (L) J & J (N) NFL Live [28] ESPN2 Highly? Horn Interrupt SportsCenter Castle Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles Major Crimes Major Crimes Major Crimes [29] TNT Castle Castle Modern Modern WWE Monday Night Raw Queen South Modern Modern CSI: Crime Scene [30] USA NCIS NCIS King Kong ('05) The Mummy (1999, Adventure) Rachel Weisz, Making Mob The Making of Terminator Salvation ('09) [31] AMC Adrien Brody. Brendan Fraser. Adventurers resurrect an Egyptian mummy. Chicago (N) the Mob: Chicago Christian Bale. Maids (SF) (N) UnREAL (SF) (N) UnREAL Devious Maids UnREAL [32] LIFE You Again ('10) The Switch ('10) The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 [33] A&E First 48 The First 48 Jail Jail Jail [34] SPIKE Cops Scared Straight Scared Straight Scared Straight Scared Straight Scared Straight Scared Straight Jail Martin Martin Wendy Williams Dish The Real [35] BET Movie Fresh P. Fresh P. House of Payne Set It Off ('96) Jada Pinkett Smith. Whiparound (L) UFC Fight Night FS Live TMZ (N) Speak Yourself FS Live I Heard [37] FS1 Race Hub Speak Yourself Misfit Garage Misfit Garage (N) Misfit Garage (N) Vegas Rat Rods Misfit Garage Vegas Rat Rods Misfit Garage [38] DSC FastLoud Misfit Garage Hoarding Hoarding Looking for Love Tiny at 20 (N) Looking for Love Tiny at 20 Hoarding [39] TLC Hoarding Hoarding The Fosters (N) Guilt (N) Dead of Summer The 700 Club Hannah Hannah Hannah Hannah [40] FREE Cast Away ('00) Tom Hanks. [41] OXYG TpModel Next Top Model Next Top Model Something's Gotta Give ('03) Jack Nicholson. Something's Gotta Give ('03) Jack Nicholson. Chopped Cake Wars Chopped [42] FOOD Cupcake Cupcake Wars Cupcake Wars Cupcake Wars (N) Cake Wars (N) Chopped Journey Home News Rosary The World Over Scoundrl Women Daily Mass Journey Home [43] EWTN B'kmark News Priest Daily Mass [44] HALL L. House Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Middle Middle Middle Middle G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Frasier Frasier Samuel Potter Gather Laurie Kingdom Songs Praise the Lord BGraham J.Osteen Manna Jerry D. Creflo [45] KPLE Praise the Lord [49] NICK ALVIN H.Danger H.Danger Crashlet Thunder Nicky School F.House F.House F.House F.House Friends Friends Friends Friends Fresh P. Fresh P. The Other Woman ('14) Cameron Diaz. The Other Woman ('14) Cameron Diaz. Getaway ('13) [50] FX Mike&M. Bad Teacher ('11) [51] HGTV LoveList Love It or List It Love It or List It Tiny H. Tiny H. House House H.Hunt House House House House House H.Hunt House Hardball All in Rachel Maddow The Last Word All in Rachel Maddow The Last Word [52] MSNBC News Due Respect [54] BRAVO Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Tennis Site: Olympic Tennis Centre -- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (L) OddMom Tardy... Watch Real Housewives The Real Housewives CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami [55] WE CSI Yukon Men Yukon Men Yukon Men Yukon Men Lone Star Law Yukon Men Yukon Men [56] ANPL Yukon Yukon Men Bizarre Foods Bizarre Bizarre Bizarre Foods S. Eats S. Eats Bizarre Food Bizarre Foods S. Eats S. Eats [57] TRAVEL Paradise Bizarre Foods Bathing Beauty ('44) Million Dollar Mermaid ('52) Take Me Out to the Ball Game (... [58] TCM Movie Skirts Ahoy! ('52) Push ('09) Chris Evans. Repo Men ('10) Jude Law. [59] SYFY Pitch Black (... The Chronicles of Riddick ('04) SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk Daily S. Nightly Midnight SouthPk Trip T Daily S. [60] COM Futura Futura Futura Futura SouthPk South Park Loves Ray Ray Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens Chris Chris [61] TVLAND Griffith A. Griffith Show Griffith Griffith Griffith Ray To Be Announced Forced Exposure ('16) To Be Announced [62] LMN Movie A Nanny's Revenge ('12) [63] HIST Revelat. American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers [65] DISN Liv/Mad Liv/Mad Underc. StuckMid Girl M. High School Musical 2 ('07) Bizaard. StuckMid Bunk'd Friends Girl M. Austin Austin Jessie [66] TOON Gumball TeenT. TeenT. BareBear Gumball King Hill B.Burger BobB Clevela. Am.Dad Am.Dad Fam.Guy Fam.Guy Robot AquaT. EricAn Am.Dad Hannity O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File Hannity [69] FNC The Five Special Report On the Record O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File PGATour Learn Live From the Olympics [70] GOLF Olympics Live From the Olympics (L) Dateline NBC Dateline NBC Dateline NBC Dateline NBC Dateline NBC Dateline NBC Dateline NBC [71] OWN Dateline Dateline NBC [74] ION C.Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Flashpoint Live Free or Die Wicked Tuna Wicked Tuna (N) Live Free (N) Wicked Tuna Live Free or Die Wicked Tuna [129] NATGEO W. Tuna Wicked Tuna NCAA Football Classics Ark./MS St. NCAA Football Classics S.C./Ark. NCAA Football Ark./Ken. [303] ESPNCL NCAA Football NCAA Football Classics Ark./Ga. Last The Aviator ('04, Bio) Cate Blanchett, Leonardo Hitchcock/ Truffaut (N) Ballers The Night Of Boxing WCB Vice Last [511] HBO Week DiCaprio. The life of director and aviator Howard Hughes. Princi Week Last Real Sports With Bryant Blackhat ('14) Chris Hemsworth. Entourage ('15) Adrian Grenier. [512] HBO2 Max ('15) Robbie Amell. Week Gumbel Vincent Chase is back in Hollywood. Tropic... Self/ Less ('15) Ben Kingsley. The Last Witch Hunter The Green Inferno ('14) Lorenza Outcast End of Days ('99) Arnold [531] MAX ('15) Vin Diesel. Izzo. Schwarzenegger. Black Hawk Down ('01) Josh Hartnett. Ray Donovan Roadies Ray Donovan Roadies Black Hawk Down ('01) Josh [551] SHOW Hartnett. Burning Bodhi Punch-Drunk Reservoir Dogs The Grifters ('90) Anjelica Trainspotting SuicideGirls [571] TMC ('15) Kaley Cuoco. Love ('02) Adam Sandler. ('92) Harvey Keitel. Huston. ('95) Ewan McGregor.

Tuesday Prime time

TW = Time Warner Cable CH = Channel B = Broadcast TW






Tuesday, Aug 9

4:30 5 p.m. 5:30 6 p.m. 6:30 7 p.m. 7:30 8 p.m. 8:30 9 p.m. 9:30 10 p.m. 10:30 11 p.m. 11:30 12 a.m. 12:30 E.DeG- KWTX Evening KWTX Ent. NCIS Zoo (N) NCIS: New KWTX Stephen Colbert James Corden Law&O[2] KWTX eneres News News News Tonight Orleans News rder: CI KCEN Olympic Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Diving (W) Platform Synchronized Final, News Rio 2016 Summer Rio [3] KCEN Dr. Phil KCEN NBC News News News Zone Gymnastics (W) Team Final, Swimming (M & W) (L) 10pm Olympics 2016 Wild Arthur Business PBS NewsHour JFK & LBJ: A Time American Experience Pt. 2 of 2 from Charlie Rose (N) World Tavis JFK & LBJ: A Time [4] KNCT Kratts (N) for Greatness Aug 8 News Smiley for Greatness Judge News World News Channel 25 Bachelor in After Paradise The Fresh News Jimmy Kimmel Night- Paid Paid [5] KXXV Judy 25 News at 6:00 Paradise (N) (SP) (N) Middle Off-Boat Live line Program Program Impacto Noticie. Contacto Depor. Corazon [6] UNI Impacto Incluido Notic. Rosa Guadalupe Un camino hacia Tres veces Ana Silvana Sin Lana Sin Senos Si Hay Señora acero Al rojo Titular. Juegos Olímpicos de Rio 2016 [7] TELE Cerrado Decision Notici Caso cerrado Girls Conan Cougar T Friends Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang Conan [12] TBS Two and Family Family The Big The Big Broo- New Lucifer news at TheSi- Modern Modern Crazy Met Met TMZ [14] KWKT a Half Feud Feud Bang Bang klyn 99 Girl 9 mpsons Family Family Talk Mother Mother Key Capitol Hill Hearings [21] CSPAN U.S. House of Representatives The Profit Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank The Profit The Profit [23] CNBC Rio 2016 Summer Olympics OutFront A. Cooper 360 The Eighties CNN Tonight CNN Tonight The Eighties CNN Tonight [24] CNN Sit.Room The Situation CBCamp UFCMain WPT Poker ERA Rodeo [26] FSN Baseball Rangers Polaris Insider Gme365 MLB Baseball Texas Rangers at Colorado Rockies BattleFrog (N) Baseball Little League World Series (L) Baseball T. (L) SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter [27] ESPN Interrupt SportsCenter USSF Soccer U.S. Open Cup (L) Arm Wrestling BattleFrog League E:60 J & J (N) 30/30 [28] ESPN2 SportsN Horn Interrupt SportsCenter Law & Order Law & Order Horrible Boss... We're the Millers ('13) Jason Sudeikis. Animal King (N) Animal Kingdom Law & Order [29] TNT Law&Order: SVU Modern Modern WWE Smackdown! Shooter (N) Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Shooter [30] USA SVU The Mummy ('99) The Mummy Returns ('01, Adv) Rachel Weisz, The Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior The Scorpion King [31] AMC Brendan Fraser. Brendan Fraser. A 3,000-year-old mummy is resurrected. ('08) Michael Copon. ('02) [32] LIFE Movie Did You Hear About the Morgan... Taken ('08) Liam Neeson. Gone ('12) Amanda Seyfried. Taken ('08) Liam Neeson. Married1stSight Married Married at First Sight (N) Born This Way (N) Black Black Married Married at First Sight [33] A&E First 48 The First 48 Escape Plan (... [34] SPIKE The Expendables ('10) Jet Li. Four Brothers ('05) Mark Wahlberg. The Book of Eli ('09) Denzel Washington. Music Moguls (N) Music Moguls Martin Martin Wendy Williams Dish The Real Movie Waist Deep ('06) Tyrese Gibson. [35] BET Whiparound (L) MLB Best UEFA Soccer Super Cup Sev./R. Mad. UFCMain FS Live TMZ (N) Speak Yourself FS Live I Heard [37] FS1 Race Hub Speak Yourself [38] DSC GangWar Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch [39] TLC Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Love at First Kiss Toddlers & Tiaras Love at First Kiss Toddlers & Tiaras Guilt The 700 Club Raven Raven Raven Raven [40] FREE Middle Dead of Summer Pretty Little Liars Pretty Liars (N) DeadSum. (N) [41] OXYG Hip Hop Sisterhood Hip H Sisterhood Hip H Sisterhood Hip H Sisterhood (N) Sisterhood Hip H Big Momma's House 2 ('06) Sisterhood Hip H Chopped Chopped (N) Chopped Chopped (N) Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped [42] FOOD Chopped Chopped Mother Angelica News Rosary Threshold Hope Catech. Women Daily Mass Mother Angelica [43] EWTN Choices News Priest Daily Mass [44] HALL L. House Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Middle Middle Middle Middle G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Frasier Frasier Spirit Not Fan Impact Sekulow Creflo [45] KPLE Praise the Lord MLucado Supernat Potter Torah Everyday J. Prince Word Praise the Lord [49] NICK ALVIN H.Danger H.Danger Crashlet Thunder Nicky School F.House F.House F.House F.House Friends Friends Friends Friends Fresh P. Fresh P. Just Go With It ('11) Adam Sandler. Just Go With It ('11) Adam Sandler. 30 Minutes o... Ted ('12) Mark Wahlberg. [50] FX Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper H.Hunt House Fixer Upper Fixer Upper H.Hunt House [51] HGTV Fixer Fixer Upper Hardball All in Rachel Maddow The Last Word All in Rachel Maddow The Last Word [52] MSNBC News Due Respect [54] BRAVO Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Tennis Site: Olympic Tennis Centre -- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (L) Housewives NJ Watch Tardy... Tardy... Tardy... Tardy... Tardy... Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order: C.I. [55] WE Law:CI Law & Order Tanked! Tanked! Treehouse Treehouse M. (N) Tanked! Treehouse Treehouse Mast. [56] ANPL Tanked! Tanked! Bizarre Foods Bizarre Bizarre Foods (SF) (N) Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods [57] TRAVEL Foods Bizarre Foods The Magnificent Ambersons ('42) Fifth Avenue Girl ('39) Movie [58] TCM Overland Tel... Saddle Legion ('51) Treasure of the Sierra Madre The Perfect Storm ('00) George Clooney. The Core ('03) Hilary Swank. [59] SYFY The Core ('03) Deep Impact ('98) Elijah Wood. [60] COM Futura Futura /Futurama Futura Futura Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 N.Glaser Daily S. Nightly Midnight Tosh.0 N.Glaser Daily S. Loves Ray Ray Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens Chris Chris [61] TVLAND Griffith A. Griffith Show Griffith Griffith Griffith Ray My Sweet Audrina ('15) Don't Wake Mommy ('15) My Sweet Audrina ('15) [62] LMN Movie Seeds of Yesterday ('15) [63] HIST Count. Count. Count. Count. Count. Count. Count. Count. Count. Motors Motors Count. Count. Count. Count. Count. Count. [65] DISN Liv/Mad High School Musical 2 ('07) High School Musical 3: Senior Ye... Friends StuckMid Bunk'd Friends Girl M. Austin Austin Jessie [66] TOON Gumball TeenT. TeenT. BareBear Gumball King Hill B.Burger BobB Clevela. Am.Dad Am.Dad Fam.Guy Fam.Guy Robot AquaT. EricAn Am.Dad Hannity O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File Hannity [69] FNC The Five Special Report On the Record O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File Golf H/L (N) Live From the Olympics [70] GOLF PGATour Live From the Olympics (L) Haves/ Have Nots Haves/ Have Nots Haves/ Nots (N) Haves/ Have Nots Haves/ Have Nots Haves/ Have Nots Haves/ Have Nots [71] OWN Dateline Dateline NBC Saving Hope Flashpoint [74] ION C.Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Saving Hope Locked up Locked up Locked up Locked up Locked up Locked up [129] NATGEO No Man Inside Combat Locked up NCAA Football Classics Mia./UNC NCAA Football Classics Mia./Fla. S. NCAA Football Classics Fla. S./Mia. [303] ESPNCL Football NCAA Football Classics Tex./Okl. Breach ('07) Ryan The Night Of Ted 2 ('15) Seth MacFarlane. Hard Knocks (SP) Vice Youth ('15) Michael Caine. Ballers [511] HBO Phillippe. (N) Princi Real Time With The Night Of Wedn- Super [512] HBO2 Real Sports With Spy ('15) Melissa McCarthy. The Peanuts Movie ('15) Last Bryant Gumbel Noah Schnapp. Week Bill Maher esday Troopers ('02) El Cantante ('06) Marc A Little Chaos ('14) Kate Winslet. Magnolia ('99, Dra) Jeremy Blackman, Tom Cruise. Outcast [531] MAX Lanta... Anthony. A dying man wants to make peace with his estranged son. Unnatural ('15) James Roadies Street Dance Family ('16) Jane Wants a Boyfriend Sleeping With Other People ('15) Ray Donovan [551] SHOW Remar. Entity Allstars. ('15) Lindsay Arber. Alison Brie. Shooter ('07) Mark Up in the Air ('09) George Notting Hill ('99) Hugh Man of the Year ('06) Robin [571] TMC Revolu... Wahlberg. Clooney. Grant. A superstar dates a shopkeeper. Williams.

Crossword Television

ACROSS 1 Comic actor Mr. Arnold 4 Nero’s 2050 7 Molly of “Las Vegas” 11 Hotshot 12 Prie-__ (Prayer bench) 13 Acreage 14 Roy of “Jaws” (1975) 16 Electrical unit 17 Bravo’s “Top Chef: __ __ Kitchen” 19 Crime thriller based on the John Grisham bestseller, “The __” (1994) 22 Embrace 23 Traveling, as a sailor: 2 wds. 24 Matthew of “Friends” 28 Big paper in the Big Apple, commonly 29 Promissory note

30 33 35 37 38 42 43

47 48 49 50

‘-Z’ Camaro models “__ Dawn” by Tanya Tucker Jump “Come On __” by Dexy’s Midnight Runners Celebrity professional contractor who co-hosts the show at 43 Across: 2 wds. “It’s _ __!” (Sportscaster’s exclamation) Football star co-host of reno/ dream home competition series “Home Free” on FOX: 2 wds. Deborah of “From Here to Eternity” (1953) Oolong and Orange Pekoe Amazement Swanky store, __ Fifth Avenue

51 Initials-sharers of Laurie’s portrayer on “The Partridge Family” 52 “Rizzoli & Isles” network DOWN 1 ‘_’ __ in Terrific 2 Workplace gig, for short 3 “Yawn, that doesn’t impress me.” 4 Core 5 “__ Joe Black” (1998) 6 He who asked “You rang?” on “The Addams Family” 7 TV actor Fred (“The Grinder” and “The Wonder Years”) 8 Louis Gossett Jr. movie, “__ Eagle” (1986) 9 ‘Sporty’ Spice Girls member, __ _ 10 Satisfy, as hunger 12 Prince Charles’ first wife 15 Gen. Robert _. __ 18 Start of a Drill Sergeant’s call! 19 “__ _ help you?” (Is there anything you need?) 20 Space travel meas.: 2 wds. 21 Teddy Bears song: “To Know Him __ __ Love Him” 25 Annoy 26 Method for memorizing 27 Currency in China 31 Popular ‘80s comedy series 32 Musical scale’s fifth note [var. sp.] 33 Jenny Craig, and others 34 Besides that 36 Annie of “Designing Women” 37 Actresses Stone and Roberts 38 Professional TV dancer Mr. Chmerkovskiy, to pals 39 Virginia willow 40 “Growing Pains” star Mr. Cameron 41 Didn’t tell the truth 44 Baseball implement 45 Be the title holder 46 Soaked Solution on page 15


Laughs The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon

Have you been playing this new Pokémon Go game? It’s huge. In fact, I saw that Pokémon Go already has more users than Tinder. Which makes sense, ‘cuz Pokémon Go users actually like what they end up catching from other people.

The Late Show With Stephen Colbert

The Republican National Convention is next week. Quick programming note — the “Late Show” will be live every single night. So tune in for a mockery of our political system — and then watch the “Late Show!”

The Late Late Show with James Corden

I’m sorry, but saying Donald Trump could be a capable leader is not very reassuring. If you are about to have an operation and they tell you that your doctor could be a capable surgeon, you would be like: “You know what? It was a minor heart attack. I’m good. Don’t worry.”

Jimmy Kimmel Live

A new Quinnipiac University poll has Trump and Clinton almost tied. This is the first tie for Donald Trump that wasn’t manufactured in China.

Late Night With Seth Meyers

Bernie Sanders is expected to endorse Hillary Clinton tomorrow. Said Sanders: “But before I do, are we sure there are no more states?”


Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Solution on page 15.

Wednesday Prime time

TW = Time Warner Cable CH = Channel B = Broadcast TW






Wednesday, Aug 10

4:30 5 p.m. 5:30 6 p.m. 6:30 7 p.m. 7:30 8 p.m. 8:30 9 p.m. 9:30 10 p.m. 10:30 11 p.m. 11:30 12 a.m. 12:30 E.DeG- KWTX Evening KWTX Ent. Big Brother Criminal Minds American Gothic KWTX Stephen Colbert James Corden Law&O[2] KWTX eneres News News News Tonight (N) News rder: CI KCEN Olympic Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Beach Volleyball (W) U.S. vs. Switzerland, News Rio 2016 Summer Rio [3] KCEN Dr. Phil KCEN NBC News News News Zone Swimming (M & W), Gymnastics (M) Individual All-Around Gold Medal Final (L) 10pm Olympics 2016 Wild Arthur Business PBS NewsHour American Experience Pt. 1 of 2 cont'd American Experience Pt. 2 of 2 World Tavis Amer. Experience [4] KNCT Kratts (N) next News Smiley 1/2 cont'd next Paid [5] KXXV Judge News World News Channel 25 Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Modern Black- News Jimmy Kimmel Night- Paid Judy 25 News at 6:00 Off-Boat Off-Boat Off-Boat Off-Boat Family ish Live line Program Program Impacto Noticie. Contacto Depor. Corazon [6] UNI Impacto Incluido Notic. Rosa Guadalupe Un camino hacia Tres veces Ana Silvana Sin Lana Sin Senos Si Hay Señora acero Al rojo Titular. Juegos Olímpicos de Rio 2016 [7] TELE RojoVivo Decision Notici Caso cerrado Girls Conan Cougar T [12] TBS Friends Seinf. Seinf. Seinfeld Seinfeld BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang Conan Two and Family Family The Big The Big MasterChef MasterChef news at TheSi- Modern Modern Crazy Met Met TMZ [14] KWKT a Half Feud Feud Bang Bang 9 mpsons Family Family Talk Mother Mother Key Capitol Hill Hearings [21] CSPAN U.S. House of Representatives The Profit Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank The Profit The Profit [23] CNBC Rio 2016 Summer Olympics OutFront A. Cooper 360 The Eighties CNN Tonight CNN Tonight The Eighties CNN Tonight [24] CNN Sit.Room The Situation Rangers CBCamp Bull Riding MLB Baseball [26] FSN Poker Monster Jam (N) HallFame Pregame MLB Baseball Colorado Rockies at Texas Rangers (L) MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Boston Red Sox (L) Baseball T. (L) SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter [27] ESPN Interrupt SportsCenter USSF Soccer U.S. Open Cup (L) Baseball T. (L) J & J (N) NFL Live [28] ESPN2 SportsN Horn Interrupt Baseball Little League World Series (L) First Take Castle Castle Castle Castle Castle Castle CSI: NY [29] TNT Castle Castle Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Suits (N) Mr. Robot (N) Law&Order: SVU Suits Mr. Robot [30] USA SVU [31] AMC Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows ('11) The Sorcerer's Apprentice ('10) Nicolas End ('07) Johnny Depp. Robert Downey Jr.. Cage. Pirate... Little Women: LA Little Women (N) Little Women (N) LW Atlanta (N) LW Atlanta Little Women: LA Little Women: LA [32] LIFE Little W LW Atlanta Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Wahlbrg Black Wahlbrg TBA Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. [33] A&E First 48 First 48: Love Fight Club ('99) Brad Pitt. [34] SPIKE Four Brothers ('05) Mark Wahlberg. The Book of Eli ('09) Denzel Washington. Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Wendy Williams Dish The Real [35] BET Movie Fresh P. Fresh P. House of Payne Music Moguls Whiparound (L) Sr.Open Prev (N) UFC Unleashed UFCMain UFC FB FS Live Garbage TMZ (N) Speak Yourself TMZ [37] FS1 Race Hub Speak Yourself Dual Survival Dual Survival Dual Survival Dual Survival Dual Survival Dual Survival Dual Survival [38] DSC Survival Dual Survival Love at First Kiss My Big Life (N) Big Fat Fab. (N) Love First Kiss (N) Big Fat Fabulous Love at First Kiss My Big Life [39] TLC Wedding Gypsy Wedd Runaway Bride ('99) Julia Roberts. The 700 Club McGuire McGuire McGuire McGuire [40] FREE The Notebook ('04) Ryan Gosling. Eat Pray Love ('10) The Preacher's Wife ('96) [41] OXYG TpModel Next Top Model Next Top Model Eat Pray Love ('10) Cooks vs. Cons Cooks vs. Cons Cutthroat Kitchen Cooks vs. Cons [42] FOOD Chopped Chopped Junior Chopped Junior Chopped Junior Cuthroat (N) EWTN Live News Rosary Catalog. Vatican Women Women Daily Mass EWTN Live [43] EWTN Convrse News Priest Daily Mass [44] HALL L. House Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Middle Middle Middle Middle G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Frasier Frasier C. Leaf Church Potter J. Gray David J. J. Prince Furtick B.Moore R Morris J. Gray History Ravi Z. Jesse D. Laurie Creflo [45] KPLE AHA [49] NICK ALVIN H.Danger H.Danger Crashlet Thunder Nicky School F.House F.House F.House F.House Friends Friends Friends Friends Fresh P. Fresh P. Fast and Furious 6 ('13) Vin Diesel. Tyrant (N) Tyrant Tyrant Tyrant Jack Reacher ('12) [50] FX [51] HGTV Buying Buying & Selling Buying & Selling Property Brothers Buying/ Sell (N) H.Hunt House Property Brothers Buying & Selling H.Hunt House Hardball All in Rachel Maddow The Last Word All in Rachel Maddow The Last Word [52] MSNBC News Due Respect Real Housewives [54] BRAVO Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Tennis Site: Olympic Tennis Centre -- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (L) Real Housewives Watch The Real Housewives Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order: C.I. [55] WE House Law & Order Into the Pride Christian Clash of Africa's Giants (N) Urban Pradator Clash of Africa's Giants [56] ANPL Pride Into the Pride Exp. Unkown Exp. Unkown Exp. Unknown (N) Exp. Unkown Exp. Unkown Exp. Unknown Exp. Unkown [57] TRAVEL Foods Exp. Unkown White Cargo ('42) Lady of the Tropics ('39) The Heavenly Body ('43) Come Live W... [58] TCM Movie Conspirators ('44) Ghost Hunters (N) Para. Witness (N) Ghost Hunters Para. Witness We Are Still ... [59] SYFY Movie The Perfect Storm ('00) George Clooney. SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk Another SouthPk Daily S. Nightly Midnight Another SouthPk Daily S. [60] COM SouthPk SouthPk South Park Ray Ray Ray Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens Chris Chris [61] TVLAND Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Ray My Crazy Ex I Love You To Be Announced My Crazy Ex My Crazy Ex [62] LMN Movie To Be Announced To Be Announced My Crazy Ex [63] HIST Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Pawn Pawn S. Ice Road Truckers American Pickers American Pickers Jessie [65] DISN Liv/Mad High School Musical 3: Senior Ye... K.C. Undercover Bizaard. Friends Austin StuckMid Bunk'd Friends Pocahontas ('95) [66] TOON Gumball TeenT. TeenT. BareBear Gumball King Hill B.Burger BobB Clevela. Am.Dad Am.Dad Fam.Guy Fam.Guy Robot AquaT. EricAn Am.Dad Hannity O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File Hannity [69] FNC The Five Special Report On the Record O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File Live From the Olympics [70] GOLF Olympics Live From the Olympics (L) Flex & Shanice Greenleaf Greenleaf Greenleaf Greenleaf (N) Greenleaf Greenleaf Greenleaf [71] OWN Flex Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Flashpoint [74] ION Law&O. Law & Order Drugs, Inc. Drugs, Inc. Drugs, Inc. Drugs, Inc. Drugs, Inc. Drugs, Inc. Drugs, Inc. [129] NATGEO Wars Border Wars [303] ESPNCL Football NCAA Football Classics '91 Rose Bowl NCAA Football Classics Wash./UCLA NCAA Football Classics Ore. St./Wash. NCAA Football Classics Cin./L.ville Straight Outta Compton ('15) O'Shea Jackson Wedne- Ballers Our Brand Is Crisis ('15) Real Time With Last [511] HBO Dracula Untold Hard Knocks ('14) Luke Evans. Jr.. The backstory of N.W.A. and its members. sday (N) Sandra Bullock. Bill Maher Week [512] HBO2 Pan ('15) Levi Miller. San Andreas ('15) Dwayne Johnson. Mad Max: Fury Road ('15) Wedn- Hitchcock ('12) Anthony Jupiter Tom Hardy. esday Hopkins. Ascending ('15) A Knight's Tale ('01) Heath Blood Diamond ('06) Leonardo Outcast Hitman: Agent 47 ('15) Rupert Eastern Promises [531] MAX Ledger. DiCaprio. Friend. ('07) Naomi Watts. The Gift ('00) Cate Blanchett. Ray Donovan Roadies Saw ('04) Leigh Saw II ('05) Donnie Wahlberg. Dead [551] SHOW Nottin... Whannell. Man (... Good Mission: Impossible II ('00) The Life Aquatic With Clerks II ('06) Kevin Good Morning, Vietnam [571] TMC Morn... Tom Cruise. Steve Zissou ('04) Bill Murray. Smith. ('87) Robin Williams. Blow...

Thursday Prime time

TW = Time Warner Cable CH = Channel B = Broadcast TW






Thursday, Aug 11

4:30 5 p.m. 5:30 6 p.m. 6:30 7 p.m. 7:30 8 p.m. 8:30 9 p.m. 9:30 10 p.m. 10:30 11 p.m. 11:30 12 a.m. 12:30 E.DeG- KWTX Evening KWTX Ent. The Big Life in Big Brother Code Black KWTX Stephen Colbert James Corden Law&O[2] KWTX eneres News News News Tonight Bang Pieces News rder: CI KCEN Olympic Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Gymnastics (W) Individual All-Around Gold Medal News Rio 2016 Summer Rio [3] KCEN Dr. Phil KCEN NBC 2016 Final, Swimming (M & W) (L) 10pm Olympics News News News Zone Arthur Business PBS NewsHour Africa Daytri- Bailamos! New Yellow Charlie Rose (N) World Tavis This Old Ask-Old Wild [4] KNCT (N) pper Madrid Stars News Smiley House House Kratts Judge News World News Channel 25 BattleBots Pt. 2 of The $100,000 Match Game News Jimmy Kimmel Night- Paid Paid [5] KXXV Judy 25 News at 6:00 2 from Aug 4 Pyramid Live line Program Program Impacto Noticie. Contacto Depor. Corazon [6] UNI Impacto Incluido Notic. Rosa Guadalupe Un camino hacia Tres veces Ana Silvana Sin Lana Sin Senos Si Hay Señora acero Al rojo Titular. Juegos Olímpicos de Rio 2016 [7] TELE Cerrado Decision Notici Caso cerrado Girls BigBang BigBang Girls Girls Conan Girls Conan Cougar T Friends Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Girls [12] TBS Two and Family Family The Big The Big Rosewood Bones news at TheSi- Modern Modern Crazy Met Met TMZ [14] KWKT a Half Feud Feud Bang Bang 9 mpsons Family Family Talk Mother Mother Key Capitol Hill Hearings [21] CSPAN U.S. House of Representatives Shark Tank Shark Tank Amer. Greed (N) American Greed American Greed American Greed [23] CNBC Rio 2016 Summer Olympics OutFront A. Cooper 360 The Eighties CNN Tonight CNN Tonight The Eighties CNN Tonight [24] CNN Sit.Room The Situation CBCamp Swing Huddle Sports ERA Rodeo [26] FSN Polaris Swing Outdoor Huddle Sports MLB Baseball Colorado Rockies at Texas Rangers SportsCenter SportsCenter Baseball Little League World Series (L) Baseball Little League World Series (L) SportsCenter [27] ESPN Interrupt SportsCenter J & J (N) NFL Live CFL Football Montreal Alouettes at Edmonton Eskimos (L) E:60 NFL Live SportsCenter [28] ESPN2 Baseball Due Date ('10) CSI: NY CSI: NY 50 First Dates ('04) Castle Castle Castle [29] TNT Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Queen South (N) Law&Order: SVU Mr. Robot Queen South [30] USA SVU Kill Bill Vol. 1 ('03) Uma Thurman. An Kill Bill Vol. 2 (2004, Action) David Carradine, Uma Enter Sherlock Holmes: A Game of [31] AMC assassin seeks revenge on her former associates. Thurman. An assassin continues her quest for vengeance. the Dr... Shadows ('11) Robert Downey Jr.. My Crazy Ex My Crazy Ex My Crazy Ex (N) I Love You (N) My Crazy Ex My Crazy Ex My Crazy Ex [32] LIFE Crazy Ex My Crazy Ex The First 48 The First 48 (N) 60 Days In The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 60 Days In [33] A&E First 48 The First 48 [34] SPIKE Bar Res. Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Varsity Blues ('99) James Van Der Beek. Movie Martin Wendy Williams Dish The Real Movie Fresh P. Fresh P. House of Payne Hustle and Flow ('05) Terrence Howard. [35] BET FS Live Speak Yourself Garbage I Heard Whiparound (L) SO Wrap UFC Fight Night [37] FS1 USGA Golf U.S. Senior Open Speak Yourself [38] DSC Naked Naked&Afraid XL Naked&Afraid XL Naked&Afraid XL Naked&Afraid XL Naked/Afr. (N) Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid My 600-lb Life 600 Pound Mom 600 Pound Mom Big Fat Fabulous 600 Pound Mom My 600-lb Life [39] TLC Secret Secretly Pregnant My 600-lb Life Kim P. Kim P. Kim P. Kim P. Pretty Little Liars The 700 Club [40] FREE Runaway Bride ('99) Forrest Gump ('94) Tom Hanks. Something's Gotta Give ('03) Mrs. Doubtfire ('93) [41] OXYG TpModel Next Top Model Next Top Model Mrs. Doubtfire ('93) Chopped Chopped Chopped BeatFlay BeatFlay BeatFlay BeatFlay Chopped BeatFlay BeatFlay [42] FOOD Chopped Chopped The World Over News Rosary Spitzer's Universe Defend.. Women Daily Mass The World Over [43] EWTN St.Fran. News Priest Daily Mass [44] HALL L. House Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Middle Middle Middle Middle G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Frasier Frasier Watch Not Fan Be Light Facts Creflo [45] KPLE FearFigh BGraham Spirit History Potter Trinity J.Osteen J. Prince Integrity Praise the Lord [49] NICK ALVIN H.Danger H.Danger Crashlet Thunder Rio ('11) Jesse Eisenberg. F.House F.House Friends Friends Friends Friends Fresh P. Fresh P. Sex&Drg The Hangover Part III ('13) Sex&Drg Sex&Drg Sex&Drg The Hangover Part III ('13) Fast and Furious 6 ('13) Vin Diesel. [50] FX [51] HGTV FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop H.Hunt House H.Hunt House FlipFlop FlipFlop H.Hunt House Hardball All in Rachel Maddow The Last Word All in Rachel Maddow The Last Word [52] MSNBC News Due Respect Shahs of Sunset Shahs of Sunset Housewives NJ Housewives (N) Watch Real Housewives OddMom OddMom OddMom [54] BRAVO Rio 2016 Tennis (L) Braxton Fam. (N) Cutting It: ATL (N) Braxton Values Cutting It: ATL Braxton Values [55] WE Law:CI Law & Order: C.I. Braxton Values Braxton Values Last Alaskans Last Alaskans (N) Woods Law (N) Lone Star Law (N) North Woods Law Lone Star Law The Last Alaskans [56] ANPL TheHunt Last Alaskans [57] TRAVEL Monumnt Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Judgment at Nuremberg ('61) Spencer Tracy. Bad Day at Black Rock... The Old Man & the Sea... [58] TCM Movie Desk Set ('57) The Incredible Hulk ('08) Push ('09) Chris Evans. [59] SYFY Movie The Hulk ('03) Eric Bana. Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Daily S. Nightly Midnight Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Daily S. [60] COM Futura Futura Futura Futura Tosh.0 Ray Ray Ray Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens Chris Chris [61] TVLAND Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Ray Bad Sister ('15) Ryan Newman. The Pastor's Wife ('11) Bad Sister ('15) Ryan Newman. [62] LMN Movie To Be Announced [63] HIST Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Mountain Men Mountain Men Mountain Men (N) Ice Truckers (N) Mountain Men Mountain Men Mountain Men Elena StuckMid Bunk'd Friends Girl M. Austin Austin Jessie [65] DISN Liv/Mad Liv/Mad Underc. StuckMid Girl M. Ratatouille ('07) TeenT. NinjaGo Regular King Hill B.Burger BobB Clevela. Am.Dad Am.Dad Fam.Guy Fam.Guy Robot AquaT. EricAn Am.Dad [66] TOON Gumball TBA Hannity O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File Hannity [69] FNC The Five Special Report On the Record O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File PGA Golf John Deere Classic Site: TPC Deere Run Rio 2016 Golf (M) Round 1 Site: Olympic Golf Course [70] GOLF PGA Golf John Deere Classic (L) 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 [71] OWN 20/20 20/20 Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Flashpoint [74] ION BlueB. Blue Bloods Lockdown Lockdown Lockdown Lockdown Lockdown Lockdown Lockdown [129] NATGEO No Man No Man Left NCAA Football Classics Ga./Ark. NCAA Football '13 Capital One Bowl NCAA Football Tex.Tech/Ok. St. [303] ESPNCL Football NCAA Football Classics Ga./Ga.T. The Night Of Vice Wedn- [511] HBO Hitch- Jurassic World ('15) Chris The Peanuts Movie ('15) The 33 ('15) Antonio Banderas. cock Pratt. Noah Schnapp. Princi esday Lookin... Real Sex Ballers Snatch ('01) Three groups of [512] HBO2 27 Remember the Titans ('00) Meet the Donors The Intern ('15) Robert De Niro. Dress... Denzel Washington. characters are after a stolen diamond. Outcast Outcast Outcast Outcast Outcast Outcast Outcast Outcast Outcast Fifty Shades of Grey [531] MAX ('15) Dakota Johnson. Black Hawk Down Ray Donovan No Escape ('15) Owen Wilson. Roadies Gigolos Gigolos Roadies Ray Donovan [551] SHOW ('01) Josh Hartnett. The One ('01) Jet Li. Hannibal ('01) Julianne Moore. Exorcismus ('10) Sophie Vavasseur. [571] TMC The Jam Dark Water ('05) Jennifer Connelly. A brutal serial killer stalks an FBI agent. Sexqu...

Friday Prime time

TW = Time Warner Cable CH = Channel B = Broadcast TW






Friday, Aug 12

4:30 5 p.m. 5:30 6 p.m. 6:30 7 p.m. 7:30 8 p.m. 8:30 9 p.m. 9:30 10 p.m. 10:30 11 p.m. 11:30 12 a.m. 12:30 E.DeG- KWTX Evening KWTX Ent. NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Blue Bloods KWTX Stephen Colbert James Corden Law&O[2] KWTX eneres News News News Tonight News rder: CI KCEN Olympic Rio 2016 Athletics (W) Shot Put Gold Medal Final, Swimming (M & W), Diving News Rio 2016 Summer Rio [3] KCEN Dr. Phil KCEN NBC 2016 (W) Springboard Qualifying, Beach Volleyball (W) Round of 16 (L) 10pm Olympics News News News Zone Charlie Rose (N) World Tavis Wash. Charlie [4] KNCT Wild Arthur Business PBS NewsHour W.Week Charlie McL- @IYou- Great British (N) (N) Rose (N) augh th Chat Baking (SF) (N) News Smiley Week Rose Kratts Judge News World News Channel 25 Shark Tank What Would You 20/20 News Jimmy Kimmel Night- Paid Paid [5] KXXV Judy 25 News at 6:00 Do? Live line Program Program Impacto Noticie. Contacto Depor. Corazon [6] UNI Impacto Incluido Notic. Rosa Guadalupe Un camino hacia Tres veces Ana Silvana Sin Lana Sin Senos Si Hay Señora acero Al rojo Titular. Juegos Olímpicos de Rio 2016 [7] TELE Cerrado Decision Notici Caso cerrado Girls BigBang BigBang Rush Hour 2 ('01) Jackie Chan. Cougar T Cougar T Sky High ('05) [12] TBS Friends Seinf. Seinf. Seinf. Seinf. Girls MasterChef news at TheSi- Modern Modern Crazy Met Met TMZ [14] KWKT Two and Family Family The Big The Big MasterChef a Half Feud Feud Bang Bang 9 mpsons Family Family Talk Mother Mother Politics & Public Policy Today [21] CSPAN Politics & Public Policy Today The Profit The Profit The Profit The Profit The Profit [23] CNBC Rio2016 Rio 2016 Football (W) Quarter-final (L) The Profit OutFront A. Cooper 360 The Eighties Inside Man The Hunt The Hunt Inside Man [24] CNN Sit.Room The Situation Rangers CBCamp Insider HallFame MLB Baseball MonsterJ. Swing Mavricks Insider Pregame MLB Baseball Detroit Tigers at Texas Rangers (L) [26] FSN SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter Baseball Little League World Series (L) Boxing Premier Champions (L) [27] ESPN Interrupt SportsCenter NFL Live ESPN J & J (N) Baseball Little League World Series (L) E:60 SportsCenter SportsCenter [28] ESPN2 Baseball Red 2 ('13) Bruce Willis. Hawaii Five-0 National Treasure: Book of Secrets ('07) Bones [29] TNT Bones Bones NASCAR Auto Racing (L) Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Shooter Law&Order: SVU [30] USA SVU [31] AMC Mad Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome ('85) Mad Max (1979, Sci-Fi) Joanne Samuel, Mel Gibson. Cops engage in an Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome ('85) apocalyptic death game. Max 2... Mel Gibson. The Rap Game (N) The Rap Game Bring It! Fan Chat Bring It! [32] LIFE RpGame The Rap Game The Rap Game Bring It! Chat (N) Bring It! (N) The First 48 The First 48 60 Days In The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 60 Days In [33] A&E First 48 The First 48 Jail Jail [34] SPIKE Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Jail To Be Announced Martin Martin Martin Martin Wendy Williams Dish The Real Movie Baggage Claim ('13) Paula Patton. [35] BET Whiparound (L) SO Wrap Garbage Speak Yourself FS Live TMZ (N) Speak Yourself FS Live I Heard [37] FS1 USGA Golf U.S. Senior Open Speak Yourself Bush People Bush People Bush People Bush People Bush People Bush People Bush People [38] DSC Bush Bush People Deadly Women Killer Women (N) WomenPrison (N) Killer Women Women in Prison [39] TLC Deadly Deadly Women Wizards Wizards Wizards Wizards Diary of a Mad Black Woman ('05) The 700 Club [40] FREE Movie Meet the Browns ('08) D. Mann. Snapped Snapped Policewomen (N) Snapped PolicewomenFiles Snapped Snapped [41] OXYG Snapped Snapped [42] FOOD Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Life on the Rock News Rosary Church F. Love Amazing Women Daily Mass Franciscan Univ. [43] EWTN Goal News Priest Daily Mass [44] HALL L. House Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Home I. Home I. Middle Middle Middle Middle G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Frasier Frasier [45] KPLE P.Lord FearFigh Creation Super. Potter Overload HLindsey End/ Age Manna P.Lord Foundations of Freedom Faith Spirit Overload Creflo [49] NICK ALVIN H.Danger H.Danger Crashlet Thunder All In HALO F.House F.House F.House F.House Friends Friends Friends Friends Fresh P. Fresh P. Runner Runn... R.I.P.D. ('13) Ryan Reynolds. R.I.P.D. ('13) Ryan Reynolds. [50] FX Identity Thief ('13) Jason Bateman. [51] HGTV H.Hunt H.Hunt H.Hunt H.Hunt H.Hunt Love It or List It Love It or List It H.Hunt House H.Hunt House Love It or List It H.Hunt House Hardball All in Rachel Maddow Hardball All in Rachel Maddow MSNBC Doc. [52] MSNBC News Due Respect Cheaper by the Dozen ('03) Housewives (N) Cheaper by the Dozen ('03) The Game Plan ('07) [54] BRAVO Rio 2016 Tennis (L) [55] WE WGrace Boot Camp: Reali Boot Camp: Reali Boot Camp: Reali BootCamp (SF) (N) Matchmaker (N) Boot Camp: Reali Million Dollar M Boot Camp: Reali Treehouse To Be Announced Treehouse Treehouse (N) Treehouse TreehouseMasters To Be Announced [56] ANPL Treehs. Treehouse Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Mystery Museum [57] TRAVEL GhostAd. Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Museum (N) Lucky Star ('80) Brett Marx. Street Angel ('28) Janet Gaynor. Ladies in Love ('36) [58] TCM Movie Change of Heart ('34) Killjoys (N) Dark Matter (N) Killjoys Dark Matter Anaconda 3:... [59] SYFY Grave Hallo... The Incredible Hulk ('08) SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk Just Friends ('05) Employee of the Month ('06) [60] COM Futura Futura Futura Futura South Park Ray Ray Ray Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens Gaffigan Chris [61] TVLAND Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Ray Trust No One ('14) Nicole De Boer. Blue (SF) (N) Blue:ASecretLife Trust No One ('14) Nicole De Boer. [62] LMN Movie Love You to Death ('12) [63] HIST Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens [65] DISN Tangled ('10) Mandy Moore. Elena StuckMid Girl M. K.C. Undercover StarEvil StarEvil LEGOFr. Girl M. StuckMid Austin Austin Jessie [66] TOON Gumball Uncle Uncle Uncle Gumball King Hill King Hill Clevela. Am.Dad Fam.Guy Fam.Guy BobB BobB BGelman AquaT. EricAn Am.Dad Hannity O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File Hannity [69] FNC The Five Special Report On the Record O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File PGA Golf John Deere Classic Site: TPC Deere Run Rio 2016 Golf (M) Round 2 Site: Olympic Golf Course [70] GOLF PGA Golf John Deere Classic (L) [71] OWN Oprah Where Are They? Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Saving Hope Flashpoint [74] ION C.Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Saving Hope Airport Security Airport Security Airport Security Airport Security Airport Security Airport Security Airport Security [129] NATGEO W. Tuna Wicked Tuna 30 for 30 [303] ESPNCL Football NCAA Football Classics UCLA/Wash. NCAA Football Classics USC at UCLA Reel Classics The Jumper ('08) The Transporter The Night Of The Night Of Unfriended ('15) Heather Wedn- Ballers Kill [511] HBO Crash ... Hayden Christensen. ('02) Jason Statham. Sossaman. esday Theory... [512] HBO2 Ballers Our Brand Is Crisis ('15) Sandra Looking: the Movie ('16) The Fantastic Four Straight Outta Compton ('15) O'Shea Jackson Bullock. Jonathan Groff. ('15) Miles Teller. Jr.. The backstory of N.W.A. and its members. Blackh... 28 Days Later ('02) Cillian Victor Frankenstein ('15) Daniel Outcast (SF) (N) Outcast Outcast Magnolia ('99) Tom [531] MAX Scre... Murphy. Radcliffe. Cruise. Revolutionary Southpaw ('15) Jake Ray Donovan Godfrey: Roadies The Best Man ('99) Taye [551] SHOW Road ('08) Gyllenhaal. Regular Black (... Diggs. Bratz ('07) Logan Browning. Freedom Writers ('07) Hilary St. Vincent ('14) Bill Murray. Bravetown ('15) Josh Duhamel. [571] TMC Ginge... Swank.

Saturday Daytime

TW = Time Warner Cable CH = Channel B = Broadcast











[6] [7] [12]


[14] KWKT [21] CSPAN [23] CNBC [24] CNN [26] FSN [27] ESPN [28] ESPN2 [29] TNT [30] USA [31]


[32] [33] [34] [35] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [49] [50] [51] [52] [54] [55] [56] [57] [58] [59] [60] [61]




[63] [65] [66] [69] [70] [71] [74] [129] [303]




[512] HBO2 [531] MAX [551] SHOW [571]






Saturday, Aug 13

8 a.m. 8:30 9 a.m. 9:30 10 a.m. 10:30 11 a.m. 11:30 12 p.m. 12:30 1 p.m. 1:30 2 p.m. 2:30 3 p.m. 3:30 4 p.m. Lucky Dr. Innova- Inspec- Chicken Game Moms 50Plu- Paid Paid The Lost Treasure PGA Golf John Deere Classic Site: TPC Deere Run Dog Chris tion tors Soup Change Everyd. sPrime Program Program Fleet of 1715 -- Silvis, Ill. (L) Saturday Today Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Athletics (M) Discus Gold Medal Final, Water Polo Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Rio 2016 Volleyball (M) (W) United States vs. Hungary (L) United States vs. France (L) 1001 Mixed Martha' Ciao Test Cook's Greener Victory Wood This Old Ask-Old Motorw Wood- Central Steves' Mexico/ Cooki Nights Nutz s School Italia Kitchen Country World Garden Shop House House eek (N) wright's Texas Europe Plate ng-Wild GdMrn- Wild Ocean Sea Wildlife Rock Born to TBA To Be Announced To Be Announced 30 for 30 TBA TxWknd Countd. Myst. Rescue Docs the Park Explore Sabadazo Rosa Mickey Mickey Handy Handy Pagado Pagado Rosa Guadalupe Lanzate Juegos Olímpicos Noticier De chica Nina's Nina's LazyTwn Juegos Olímpicos de Rio 2016 Fútbol (M) Cuartos de final Juegos Olímpicos de Rio 2016 Ocean's Eleven ('01) George Clooney. Friends Friends Friends Friends Girls Seinfeld Seinfeld The Mexican ('01) Julia Roberts. Pets.TV Cons- Weekend Marketplace Cons- Cons- Gospel Music USGA Golf U.S. Senior Open Site: Scioto Country Club -- Columbus, umer umer umer Presents Ohio (L) To Be Announced Washington Week To Be Announced Wash. Journal Paid Paid Paid Rio2016 Soccer Pregame EPL Soccer Everton vs Tottenham (L) Pregame EPL Soccer Sunderland vs Man City (L) GoalZone Paid CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom News Vital CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom News Smerconish Paid CBCamp Insider MLB Baseball Detroit vs Texas UEFA Soccer Champions League ERA Rodeo Outdoor Huddle Paid Baseball Little League World Series (L) Baseball Little League World Series (L) Baseball Little League World Series (L) Baseball SportsCenter SportsC. Bowl SportsCenter Profile SportsC. Bowl Profile Soccer International Champions Cup NFL's Greatest Games 30 for 30 Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Limitless ('11) Bradley Cooper. Ocean's Eleven ('01) George Clooney. Law & Order Rio 2016 Summer Olympics NASCAR Auto Racing (L) Chrisley Chrisley Rio 2016 Summer Olympics RiflRiflRiflRifl High Plains Drifter ('73) Clint The Last Samurai (2003, Drama) Ken Watanabe, Tom Cruise. Pearl eman eman eman eman Eastwood. An American in Japan embraces the samurai culture. Harb... Paid Paid Paid My Crazy Ex The Stepchild ('16) Sarah Fisher. Nightmare Nurse ('15) Indiscretion ('16) Paid Zombie Flip. Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Born This Way Born Zombie Flip. Armageddon ('98) Bruce Willis. Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Con Air ('97) Nicolas Cage. Movie Fresh P. Fresh P. Fresh P. Fresh P. Martin Martin House of Payne Fresh P. Fresh P. Baggage Claim ('13) Paula Patton. USGA Golf U.S. Senior Open Site: Scioto Country Club 2015 Westminster Westminster Best MLB Best Pregame MLB Baseball Pit./L.A. D. (L) ERA Rodeo Street Outlaws Street Outlaws Street Outlaws Street Outlaws Street Outlaws Street Outlaws Street Outlaws Outlaws Street Outlaws Untold Stories Untold Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Love at First Kiss Love at First Kiss Untold Stories Diary of a Mad Black Woman ('05) Kimberly Elise. Grease ('78) John Travolta. Failure to La... Meet the Browns ('08) D. Mann. Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped E! Hollywood Pioneer Pioneer Southern The Kitchen (N) Cooking Heaton Cupcake Wars Chopped Chopped Chopped Junior Cake Rules Truth Jim and Joy Rosary Daily Mass Catalog. Scandal EWTN Mercy Rosary Web of Faith 2.0 Convrse Catholic Jesus Hearts of Spring ('16) Movie G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Love By the Book ('15) Leah Renee. Love's Complicated ('16) P.Island Veggie Monster Puppets Lassie Davey iShine Station Praise the Lord MLucado News P.Lord Rock Kid Auto ALVIN ALVIN ALVIN ALVIN Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge LoudHou. Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Dino The Hangover Part II ('11) The Hangover Part III ('13) Movie 2½Men 2½Men 2½Men Identity Thief ('13) Jason Bateman. Renovation Renovation Renovation Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It LoveList Renovation Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Rio 2016 Rio 2016 Summer Olympics MSNBC /Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Tennis (L) Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Tennis (L) Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Tennis (L) Rio2016 Real Housewives Top 25 Paid WGrace WGrace WGrace WGrace WGrace WGrace WGrace WGrace WGrace WGrace WGrace WGrace WGrace WGrace Law&O. Paid My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell Dr. Dee: Alaska Dr. Dee America's Cutest R. Mountain Vet Dr. Jeff: Extra ManFood ManFood S. Eats S. Eats FoodInt. FoodInt. Food Paradise Food Paradise Paradise Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Exp. Unknown Things to Co... Outcast of the Islands ('52) The Sound Barrier ('52, Dra) The Four Feathers ('39) Time Bandits ('81) Anacondas: The Hunt for the Bl... Anaconda 3: The Offspring ('08) Anacondas: Trail of Blood ('09) Movie Piranhaconda ('12) Employee of the Month ('06) Just Friends ('05) Ryan Reynolds. Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 The 40-Year-Old Virgin ('05) Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Lopez Reba Lizzie Borden When the Sky Falls ('15) Mike Deadly Friends ('03) Jessica To Be Announced Text to Kill ('15) Dina Took an Ax ('14) Dopud. Paré. Meyer. Prehistoric Monsters Revealed The Lost Pyramid Quest for the Lost Ark History History The Big History of Everything Elena Jessie Bunk'd Friends Liv/Mad Underc. Underc. Girl M. LEGOFr. Bizaard. StuckMid Girl M. K.C. Undercover Tangled ('10) BareBear BareBear Clarence Clarence Uncle Uncle Powerpu. Powerpu. Steven Steven Steven Steven Gumball Gumball Gumball TeenT. TBA America's News HQ Bull Bear Cavuto Forbes Cash In News HQ Journal Editorial R. Election HQ Fox & Friends Live From the Olympics (L) Olympics Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Golf (M) Round 3 Site: Olympic Golf Course -- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (L) Home Home Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU SVU Southern Justice Alaska Troopers Alaska Troopers Rocky Mountain Rocky Mountain Rocky Mountain Rocky Mountain Rocky Mountain Rocky 30 for 30 30 for 30 30 for 30 30 for 30 30 for 30 30 for 30 Sesame Sesame The Peanuts Movie ('15) We Are Marshall ('07) Hitchcock/ Truffaut Prelude to a Kiss ('92) Meg The St. (N) Street Noah Schnapp. Matthew McConaughey. Ryan. Aviat... National Treasure ('04) Wedn- Dumb and Dumber To ('14) Vice Vice Vice Vice Pitch Perfect 2 ('15) Anna Nicolas Cage. esday Jim Carrey. Princi Princi Princi Princi Kendrick. A Little Chaos ('14) Kate Winslet. Evan Almighty ('07) Tender Mercies The Judge ('14) Robert Downey Jr.. A Mulholland Dr. Steve Carell. ('83) Robert Duvall. lawyer's estranged father is suspected of murder. ('01) Sister (2016, Miami Vice ('06) Colin Farrell. Two Blown Away ('94) Jeff Bridges. Zodiac ('07) Jake Gyllenhaal. A Shaft Drama) agents work undercover transporting drugs. reporter follows the story of the Zodiac killer. ('00) Good After Words ('15) Marcia Mission: Impossible II ('00) Alfie ('04) Jude Law. Good Morning, Vietnam The Morn... Gay Harden. Tom Cruise. ('87) Robin Williams. Gift (...

Saturday Prime time

TW = Time Warner Cable CH = Channel B = Broadcast TW




4:30 PGA KWTX Golf Rio KCEN 2016 Project KNCT Smoke TBA KXXV

[6] [7] [12]


[2] [3] [4]

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5 p.m. 5:30 Beautifu Weeken l Homes d News Country NBC Reporter News Mundo Latino




Saturday, Aug 13

6 p.m. 6:30 7 p.m. 7:30 8 p.m. 8:30 9 p.m. 9:30 10 p.m. 10:30 11 p.m. 11:30 12 a.m. 12:30 KWTX Texas Rush Hour (N) 48 Hours 48 Hours KWTX Blue Bloods Person of Interest Good News Bucket News Wife KCEN Olympic Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Athletics (M & W), Swimming (M & W) Gold KCEN Rio 2016 Athletics Rio News Zone Medal, Diving (W) Springboard Semifinals, Beach Volleyball Round of 16 (L) News Semifinal 2016 The Lawrence Song of the Appea- Red Doctor Who Austin City Limits Music Music Nova Welk Show Mountains rances Green Cafe Cafe Paid World Texas Paid Last Dr. Ken In An Instant Boston EMS (N) Texas Scandal Castle ElemeProgram News Report Program Man St. Report ntary Mi jefe Notice Crónicas MFL Fútbol Torneo Apertura (L) MFL Fútbol Torneo Apertura (L) Mi jefe Notice Estrellados Rosa El último desafío ('13) Titular. Videos Juegos Olímpicos de Rio 2016 Videos Funniest Videos Que noche con Angelica y Raul! Girls Girls BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang Frontal Tribeca Ocean's Eleven ('01) Girls USGA Two and Two and The Big The Big Wayward Pines Wayward Pines news at Met Home Free Met King of Gothika Golf a Half a Half Bang Bang 9 Mother Mother Queens ('03) Halle Berry. Washington This Week Washington This Week New Orleans Town Hall Washington This Week New Orleans Town Hall TBA Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss American Greed American Greed American Greed Rio 2016 CNN Newsroom Declassified Declassified Declassified Declassified Declassified Declassified News Smerconish Rangers CBCamp Mavricks Sports MLB Baseball Rodeo Sports Huddle Insider Pregame MLB Baseball Detroit Tigers at Texas Rangers (L) Countdown (L) NFL Football Pre-season Dallas vs Los Angeles (L) SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter MLB Baseball Baseball Little League World Series (L) Baseball Little League World Series (L) E:60 X Games Soccer X Games SportsCenter The Shawshank Redemption ('94) Apollo 13 ('95) Tom Hanks. National Treasure: Book of Secrets ('07) Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Suits NASCAR Racing Modern Modern Family Pearl Harbor ('01) Ben Affleck. A love The Night The Night Manager The Night Manager The Night The Night triangle unravels during the attack in 1941. Manager Manager Manager Perfect Sisters ('14) Abigail Breslin. The Inherited ('16) Jenn Liu. Perfect Sisters ('14) Abigail Breslin. Movie Sorority Nightmare ('16) The First 48 The First 48 The First 48: Killer First 48: Drugs (N) First 48: Drugs (N) 48: Extreme Kills The First 48: Killer First 48: Drugs Born Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Jail Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Jail Jail Jail Cops Tyler Perry's Temptation: Confessions of ... Obsessed ('09) Beyoncé Knowles. Scandal I Can Do Bad All by Myself ('09) SchoolRickey (N) SO Wrap TMZ (N) UFC FB UFCMain AFL Aus.Rules (L) MLB Baseball Pit./L.A. D. (L) MLB Baseball L.A. Angels vs Cleveland (L) Street Outlaws Street Outlaws Street Outlaws Street Outlaws Street Outlaws Street Outlaws Outlaws Street Outlaws 48 Hours: Hard 48 Hours: Hard 48 Hours 48 Hours 48 Hours 48 Hours 48 Hours: Hard Untold Untold Stories Pitch Perfect ('12) Anna Kendrick. 10 Things I Hate About You ('99) Movie Dirty Dancing ('87) Patrick Swayze. Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped E! True Hollywood Story Snapped Snapped Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Cake Church Mother Angelica Paul VI Pt. 2 of 2 Rosary Living Right Tyburn Convent: Gloria Deo Daily Mass Maximil. B'kmark Life My Summer Prince ('16) Summer in the City ('16) G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Frasier Frasier Perfect Match ('15) Freedom Prec.Memories Touch Ministries Hour of Power BGraham Victory The Climb ('02) Ned Vaughn. Juce TV Live Praise the Lord LoudHou. H.Danger H.Danger Thunder Thunder Thunder Thunder L. Dudas School F.House F.House Friends Friends Friends Friends Fresh P. Fresh P. Captain America: The First Avenger ('11) Mike&M. Mike&M. Baskets Baskets Anger M. Anger M. Battleship ('12) Taylor Kitsch. Renovation (N) H.Hunt House Beachfront Reno Renovation LoveList Love It or List It Love It or List It Property Brothers BeachReno (N) MSNBC Doc. MSNBC Doc. MSNBC Doc. MSNBC Doc. MSNBC Doc. MSNBC Doc. MSNBC Doc. Rio2016 MSNBC Doc. The Game Plan ('07) Dwayne Johnson. Real Housewives Real Housewives Shahs of Sunset Shahs of Sunset Watch Rio 2016 Tennis (L) Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order CSI: Miami Law&O. Law & Order The Vet Life The Vet Life (N) Dr. Dee: Alaska The Vet Life The Vet Life Dr. Dee Dr. Dee: Alaska Dr. Dee: Alaska Dr. Dee (N) Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost/ After (N) The Dead Files (N) The Dead Files Ghost/ Aftershoc The Dead Files Paradise Food Paradise The Heiress ('49) The Fallen Idol ('48) Anna Karenina ('48) Movie The Wrong Box ('66) Lake Placid 2 ('07) Lake Placid vs. Anaconda ('15) Lake Placid 3 ('10) Yancy Butler. Lake Placid:... Lake Placid ('99) Tosh.0 Cop Out ('10) Bruce Willis. Scary Movie 2 ('01) Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Ray Ray Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens Ray Ray Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Ray Esc.Polygamy Esc.Polygamy Esc.Polygamy My Crazy Ex Esc.Polygamy Movie To Be Announced To Be Announced My Crazy Ex Lost Ark American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Austin StuckMid Underc. Liv/Mad Bizaard. Monsters University ('13) Lab Rats Kir.Buc. Friends Bizaard. Underc. Liv/Mad Austin Jessie Dog Blog DragonB. AquaT. RickMort Clevela. Am.Dad Fam.Guy Fam.Guy To Be Announced Gumball To Be Announced FOX Report Legends & Lies Judge Jeanine Greg Gutfeld Hannity Judge Jeanine Greg Gutfeld America's Election HQ PGA Golf John Deere Classic Site: TPC Deere Run Rio 2016 Golf (M) Round 3 Site: Olympic Golf Course Live From the Olympics Love Thy Love Thy Flex & Shanice Flex & Shanice Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Love Thy Flex & Shanice (N) Flex & Shanice Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Flashpoint SVU Rocky Rocky Mountain Southern Justice Southern Justice Alaska Troopers Alaska Troopers Alaska Troopers Alaska Troopers Southern Justice 30 for 30 Reel Classics 30 for 30 30 for 30 30/30 30 for 30 The Aviator ('04) Leonardo DiCaprio. Brooklyn ('15) Saoirse Ronan. An Ballers The Night Of Brooklyn ('15) Saoirse Ronan. Vice The life of director and aviator Howard Hughes. Irish woman must make a tough choice. Princi The Night Of The Bourne Ultimatum Vice Black Mass ('15) Johnny Depp. Last San Andreas ('15) Dwayne Johnson. ('07) Julia Stiles. Princi Week Natio... Mulholland Dr. ('01) Scream ('96) Neve Campbell. Outcast Victor Frankenstein ('15) Outcast Black Rain ('89) Naomi Watts. Daniel Radcliffe. Michael Douglas. Shaft ('00) Samuel L. Ray Donovan Roadies The Gift ('15) Jason Bateman. It Follows ('14) Maika Roadies Don Jackson. Monroe. ovan The Gift ('00) Cate Mission: Impossible II ('00) I Survived a Zombie Frankenhooker ('90) I Survived a Zombie Blanchett. Tom Cruise. Holocaust ('14) James Lorinz. Holocaust ('14) Frank...


this week

SUNDAY 3 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters “New Orleans Couple Seeks House Full of Historic Character” (CC)

3:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters “Former Pro Athlete and Family Make Big Move to Oregon” (CC)

4 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters “Hip Couple Looks for a Home With Style in Frederick, MD” (CC)

4:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters “City Vs. Suburbs” (CC)

5 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters “Artist and Husband Disagree on Historic vs. High-Rise in Atlanta” (CC)

5:30 p.m. (KNCT) (4) Central Texas Gardener “Stayin’ Alive in Summer” (CC) (HGTV) (51) House Hunters “Cleveland Doctors Need Home Before Baby Arrives” (CC)

6 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters “Denver Transplants Look for Beautiful Downtown Home” (CC)

6:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters “Tampa Couple Goes Head-toHead on Style of First Home” (CC)

7 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Beachfront Bargain Hunt “Fleeing Chicago, Illinois for St. Croix”

7:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Beachfront Bargain Hunt “Me and My Madre in South Padre Island, Texas”

9 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Island Hunters “The Fantasy Islands of Lake Nicaragua”

9:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Island Hunters “Purchasing a Summer Island in Ontario, Canada”

MONDAY 3 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Love It or List It “A Couple Debates Whether Their Home Can House Their Future” (CC)

4 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Love It or List It “Under Construction”

5 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Love It or List It “A Family Fears They Will Never Complete Their to do List in Their Mid Century Home”

6 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Love It or List It “A Couple Is Torn Between Fixing Up Their Home in the City or Moving to the Country for More Land”

7 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Tiny House, Big Living “Austin and Kaytlyn’s Kansas City Tiny House” (CC)

7:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Tiny House, Big Living “Newlywed Snowbirds Build Tiny Nest” (CC)

8 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Tiny House Hunters “New Parents Go Tiny”

8:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Tiny House Hunters “A Free Spirit Looks For a Tiny House on Wheels in Austin, Texas”

9 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters “Twenty-Somethings Seek Historic Home in Midtown Mobile, Al” (CC)

9:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters International “Beach Battle In Punta Del Este, Uruguay” (CC)

10 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Tiny House Hunters “Starting Fresh by Going Small in San Diego”

10:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Tiny House Hunters “Going Tiny to Travel”

Seeks Multi-Family Victorian in Springfield, Massachusetts” (CC)

WEDNESDAY 3 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Buying and Selling With the Property Brothers “Eric and Misty”

4 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Buying and Selling With the Property Brothers “Family Is Feeling the Pinch in Their Starter Home” (CC)

5 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Buying and Selling With the Property Brothers “Evonna and Lazarus” (CC)

6 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Buying and Selling With the Property Brothers “Pearl and Folkert” (CC)

7 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Property Brothers “Putting the ‘om’ in Home”

8 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Buying and Selling With the Property Brothers “Time To Move On”

9 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters “Size vs. Projects in Austin, Texas” (CC)

9:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters International “South to Liberia, Costa Rica” (CC)

10 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Property Brothers “Room to Grow in Time for a Surprise Delivery” (CC)



3 p.m.

3 p.m.

(HGTV) (51) Fixer Upper “Active Baby Boomers Seek Sanctuary Near Nature” (CC)

4 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Fixer Upper “Young Family Embraces Revitalization Efforts Making Their Own History” (CC)

5 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Fixer Upper “Physicians Seek Farmhouse for Growing Household” (CC)

6 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Fixer Upper “Professor and Family Crave Country Climate” (CC)

7 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Fixer Upper “A Young Couple Hopes for a House With Old World Charm” (CC)

8 p.m.

(HGTV) (51) Flip or Flop “Dilapidated Flip” (CC)

3:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Flip or Flop “Cracked Flip” (CC)

4 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Flip or Flop “Big Money Flip” (CC)

4:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Flip or Flop “Freeway Flip” (CC)

5 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Flip or Flop “No Risk, No Reward” (CC)

5:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Flip or Flop “Pesky Flip” (CC)

6 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Flip or Flop “Breaking Up” (CC)

6:30 p.m.

(HGTV) (51) Fixer Upper “Making New Family Memories in Rural Texas” (CC)

(HGTV) (51) Flip or Flop “Toxic Flip” (CC)

9 p.m.

(HGTV) (51) Flip or Flop “Labor of Love”

(HGTV) (51) House Hunters “Lolita

7 p.m.

7 p.m.

7:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Flip or Flop “Trickle Down Flip” (CC)

8 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Flip or Flop “Fire Sale Flip”

8:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Flip or Flop “A Pig in a Poke” (CC)

9 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters “Cincinnati Newlyweds Have Low Budget and Long Wish List” (CC)

9:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters International “A Family Trades Hectic DC for Gouda, Netherlands” (CC)

FRIDAY 3 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters “Young Buyers Look for Vintage Home in Baltimore” (CC)

3:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters “HighSchool Sweethearts Seek First Home in Scenic Downingtown” (CC)

4 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters “Family Tries to Replicate Their Georgia Dream Home in Kansas” (CC)

4:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters “Albanian Family Seeks MultiGenerational Home in Queens” (CC)

5 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters “Young Couple Looks for Mountain Views in Colorado Springs” (CC)

5:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters “Single Gal Seeks Contemporary D.C. Area Condo” (CC)

6 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters “Young Couple With Modest Budget Seeks Bigger Home In Toledo” (CC)

6:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters “Buying a Vacation Home in Destin, Florida” (CC)

(HGTV) (51) Love It or List It “A Skateboarder and Art Professor Can’t Decide to Stay or Leave Their Home” (CC)

8 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Love It or List It “Site Unseen”

9 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters “L.A. Buyers Want to Trade Suburbs for Urban Core” (CC)

9:30 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters International “Escape to St John, U.S. Virgin Islands” (CC)

SATURDAY 3 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Love It or List It “As Their Children Become Teenagers, a Couple Realizes That They Lack Space and Privacy” (CC)

4 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Love It or List It “Professional Mom and Stay at Home Dad Are Torn Between the Basic Functions of Their Bungalow” (CC)

5 p.m. (KWTX) (2) Beautiful Homes and Great Estates (CC) (HGTV) (51) Love It or List It “Functioning for Four” (CC)

6 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Love It or List It “New Kid on the Block”

7 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Property Brothers “Relocation Woes Into Dream Home Joy” (CC)

8 p.m. (HGTV) (51) Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation “Destined for a Renovation in Destin, Florida”

9 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters Renovation “A Reno That Ruffles Feathers” (CC)

10 p.m. (HGTV) (51) House Hunters “Empty Nesters Seek to Make Florida Vacation Permanent” (CC) Killeen Daily Herald, TX: Home Aug 7, 2016 to Aug 13, 2016s

This week’s solutions

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