Federation report: FEI Key results 2019 Figure 7: FEI’s SGO 2019 index score
83% Figure 8: FEI’s scores on the four SGO dimensions
Democratic processes
Internal accountability
Societal responsibility
Background: FEI’s SGO 2015 scores In the SGO 2015 report, the Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) achieved an SGO index score of 76%, which made FEI the best performing federation among the 35 federations benchmarked in 2015. It achieved the highest score within the internal accountability and control dimension (88%) followed by transparency (77%), democratic processes (70%) and societal responsibility (68%). On a general level, FEI performed very well in the SGO 2015. With regards to transparency, the organisation published an annual general activity report including complete, objective and understandable information on accounts, assets, events, revenue, sponsoring, development of sport and programmes. FEI also published annual reports of all the standing committees online. Athletes were represented within a specific athletes’ committee and the chairman/-woman of the athletes’ committee was a member of the organisation’s governing body and elected by athletes. Moreover, FEI had state-of-the art procedures regarding the implementation of an ethics code. There were, however, weakness in relation to the allocation of hosting rights to major events and the regulations and reports on remuneration.
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