FLOWERS e-book edition 2020
Dear Reader, ! This is a series of 13 paintings of flowers most of which were imaginary and the style of which was influenced by how some Australian aboriginal painters frame some of their works of art. ! Thank you for your interest in this e-book and if you would like to see other art books in my collection, please visit the publishing site ISSUU.COM. and type in the name tekannon. !
ʻHomage à Mondrianʻ Flowers 65 X 100
ʻFlower Powerʼ 50 X 70
ʻFlowers of the Mindʼ 50 X 70
ʻSilver Flowersʻ 50 X 70
ʻFlowers of the New Earthʼ 70 X 100
ʻFlowers of the Afterlifeʼ 50 X 70
ʻFlowers in the Sunʼ 65 X 100
ʻFlowers for a Kingʼ 65 X 100
ʻFlowers from a Lonely Planetʻ 70 X 100
ʻFlowers from a Wizardʼs Dreamʻ 65 X 100
ʻFlowers of an Optimistʼ 70 X 100
ʻFlowers of the Golden Skyʻ 50 X 70
ʻMondrian Inspired Flowersʻ 65 X 100