School Visit to the Museum England / Stratford-upon-Avon / Shakespeare’s House
Alexandra Duarte (EFL teacher)
School Visit to the Museum England / Stratford-upon-Avon / Shakespeare’s House PREPARING THE SCHOOL VISIT
Duration of the visit: Approximately 2 hours Location: Startford-upon-Avon / about 170 Km northwest from London / England Suppliers: Mobile phones / cameras Online worksheets (internet access or previously downloaded)
Objectives Be familiar with the Elizabethan England Get to know William Shakespeare and his written production Learn and apply vocabulary connected with writing, houses, clothing…
School Visit to the Museum | 07/03/2017
Before going Some rules for you to take into account inside the museum …
No food or drinks Silence Muted mobile phones But all handheld devices fully charged!
At the museum (Examples of Activities)
Students are challenged to take pictures and record short videos around the place; Students will learn new vocabulary by reading the labels or looking up in an online dictionary in order to fully describe the house, the rooms, the clothing… Using their handheld devices, students will make some audio recordings reading some labels and giving directions; Students will be given some cues to discover relevant objects and titles of some of the most famous comedies, tragedies and sonnets; Activities / instructions will be available online and all activities will be developed using their mobile phones and / or tablets.
After the Visit
Opinion Poll to be sent to students for feedback;
All will be ready to present to parents and schoolboard on a pre-arranged date. In the end, some typical Shakespearean dishes will be tasted. In case students so wish (and if this first event is successful), a second date will be scheduled for staff and peers.
School Visit to the Museum | 07/03/2017
Either individually or in pairs, students choose to o prepare digital presentations; o create a timeline with Shakespeare’s most famous plays; o write an article for the school page and Facebook sharing their experiences and learnings; o do a roleplay recreating Shakespeare’s time; o present research work on their fabrics and food and prepare some recipes; o …