Shades of Noir (SoN) Graduates & Journal Contributors: Shades of Noir Graduates consist of academics of colour and non academics of colour who have all successfully completed an extensive programme that develops their understanding of social justice and anti racism work. All SoN graduates work closely with Aisha Richards on a specialist training programme developing educational interventions to influence cultural change within creative arts education as well as within the creative industries. All graduates have a proven commitment to social justice and anti racism work. Our Journals have contributions from creatives and academic practitioners from all over the world and have brought together voices to discuss a wide range of intersectional conversations. We recognise through these contributions that there are many creatives who are interested in teaching but have not yet had that opportunity to do so and also recognise the investment in Shades of Noir’s work. Tell Us About It: ‘Tell Us About It’ was created by Terry Finnigan in 2009 and continues to be archived at the Stanley Kubrick Archive at LCC, as it continues to grow. This programme of work embraces, affirms and presents high-achieving UAL students of colour voices through the creation of artefacts, where they reflect on their learning across their degrees. These artefacts are shared with new staff and new students so they become aware of the importance of difference within the student body and how it can enhance the learning experience. Group for the Equality of Minority Staff (GEMS): GEMS is the longest standing and largest UAL staff group. The growth, engagement and prominence of the GEMS community contributes to the changes in the UAL culture with regards to diversity, inclusion and equality. Many nonteaching staff are alumni of UAL and/or practicing creatives. Open Call: As Teaching Within enters its sixth cohort the programme has supported over 80 academics in completing their PgCert, teaching hours and a large number of follow up positions across the Higher Education sector. The programme has evolved tenfold since its first iteration in 2016, and as such we are now in a position to open up our eligibility criteria and offer this opportunity to the wider creative community. 56 //