9 minute read
The Programme Overview
Bursary: All participants will have the following qualifications paid for as part of the programme bursary scheme. This includes a two day introduction to teaching entitled ‘Fact Not Fiction’ (December 2020) and the PgCert in Academic Practice in Art, Design and Communication (Dates TBC, 2021).
Support: UAL academics (current TW academics and GEMS academics) have put themselves forward to be shadowed by TW academics.
Shades of Noir also provide a series of workshops and tutorials throughout the year to cover Inductions to UAL, Teaching Workshops and PgCert Support.
Teaching Experience: Courses have been selected across University of the Arts London to host TW academics. The host course will negotiate space for 36 hours of paid teaching to take place between February and December 2021 with a minimum of 10 hours before the end of May 2021.
Structures: The Shades of Noir team and its founder, GEMS, College Deans, Associate Deans, Course Leaders and TW communities are all within the structures to support the programme and the cohort.
Mutual Benefit: This course was designed with anti-racism and social justice at the forefront.
What we wish to highlight is that we want each individual to consider the mutual benefit of participating in the program and the privileges that come with each space they occupy. This program is unique in its approach and practices that the Shades of Noir Teaching Within team deliver.
The purposeful network, the context of practice and pedagogical theory that each individual is encouraged to immerse themselves in within this programme is unique. The investment in each participant within the programme aims to be purposeful, challenging and impactful and for many, it is life-changing.
Parts of the programme we have developed aim to create change and support conflicts which are inevitable. In creating proactive change of a sector, this space is unprecedented in its successful outcomes and there is no pathway or roadmap but we are there with you.
The TW academics act as social advocates and take active parts in building on this story. The narratives of the community are unique and act as part of the evolution of the programme and help to pave the way for those after you!
We aim to build on Shades of Noir anti-racism work, a legacy for our communities and the TW communities continues to contribute significantly.
As part of the participation in this course, we require each TW academic to engage in the following
• Submit to a minimum of two Terms of Reference Journals contributions, • To share their experiences both positive and negative to be utilised and anonymised as part of the Teaching Within, case studies which are used in training delivery by Shades of Noir, • Participate in the TW archival work where needed, in forms of video, interviews, and Q&A sessions.
The Teaching Within programme is a proactive response that aims to bridge and address recruitment, attainment and progression of underrepresented non-white academics as well as white academics advocates who have illustrated active contributions to anti-racism.
Career progression: “Having access to such a progressive, supportive environment has been such a privileged position to be a part of. I have worked in industry for over 10 years and this programme has transformed the way I go about applying myself to various environments beyond Higher education. This programme has given me the qualifications and training to excel within the HE environment as a diverse academic.”
“Through participating in this fantastic intervention created by Aisha I have been able to propel myself into teaching and most importantly become a part of change to address the inequalities. This programme allows me to network with all active stakeholders at UAL including deans, programme leaders and course leaders. Having access to such a important network has allowed me to transform my career and given me a sense of confidence to become fearless in my approach.”
Training: “Having the opportunity to participate in a variety of teaching methods has allowed me to understand and tailor the methods to the students. Through this engagement I have been able to analyse, critique and understand why we as academics teach the way we do. I have been able to adapt what I have learnt to benefit the diverse student cohort. Being able to bring my cultural capital into the teaching environment has definitely benefited the students.”
“Thank you so much Montana, The additional training provided by the teaching within team has taught me to trust my intuition, my melanin and the wealth of Black and PoC Excellence I have access to. The exercises on practical implementation of the ToRs for teaching and exploring pedagogical methodology for the PGcert and for our personal development, meant a lot to me - it was like the dots all came together to produce several light bulb moments that filled me with electricity and excitement. Participating in the programme has had a huge impact on me and left me feeling incredibly empowered. Thank you for the support and for being so grounded, real and compassionate. You make me feel like I can achieve anything and I don’t often feel that way. Much appreciation always!!”
Networks: “Imagine being on cross country running course with various gradients to tread and where you require both the physical and mental agility. You strive your way through it, because you’re not only running for yourself but for the people (in this case the students) that you believe in within your plight for social justice that comes along by bringing about change. When challenged, what keeps you going is your training coach (Aisha) and the fellow supporters that encourages and cheers you along the way. That is the strength of a community that consists of Shades of Noir, TW cohorts and GEMS members.”
“The Teaching Within team offer the kind of support that you did not know you need until you need it. There are so many challenges along the journey of learning how to be an educator. Being an educator of colour is an added, layer that many before the programme would have had to figure out on their own. The support provided within the programme help you to grow in confidence and self-belief. This is invaluable to your future success as an academic.”
Support: “Being a part of this intervention has been life changing for me. For years I have worked here and I always wanted to get into teaching as I have a degree. The support and encouragement I have had from Aisha has been phenomenal. When I have felt down or discouraged she has always been there to tell me that “I can do it”. As for Montana she has taken my calls, explained things to me in detail and demystified the course demands to me. As a black practitioner I owe a lot to Shades of Noir for getting me to this point in my career.”
“The fact that my words are in this publication is a testament to my journey on the PgCert through the wonderful opportunity provided by Aisha Richards. Being part of the TW and the GEMS community gave me that zest of confidence and installed a sense of belonging.”
“Teaching Within has allowed me to become part of a like-minded community of people interested in the same issues as me. We look out for each other and support each in ways that you wouldn’t normally expect on a course of study. Working through challenges, talking through issues allows you to grown together in strength and pride. I’ve made many new connectionships that I truly value!”
“When things were challenging I had the support of Aisha and Shades of Noir team. Their encouragement and role modelling of what it means for social justice education is something that I will always take with me to pass on and provide the same support to the students.” “I am UAL alumni, an artist and work in administration so when I saw that I could train to be a teacher I jumped at the chance as I think that teaching is much more in line with my arts practice than admin. I enjoy working with the students and I have found that I am able to introduce new diverse resources to the course that I am working on. I know that the students appreciate this because they have told me.” Cultural value: “Teaching Within offered me a framework for common ground. A fascinating opportunity to spark conversations around the complexity of identities and how they can nurture unbalanced cultural economies. It reminded me of the importance of social contribution and commitment towards principles of equality and justice, in a world increasingly less interested in empathy and common truths.”
“When I started teaching within I was really nervous as I had so many things that I felt that I was doing. I was really worried as I had not been in education for some time only industry. I did the inclusive practice unit and I surprised myself! Soon I was reading books by Black scholars and blogging and it just opened up a whole world for me. I love being part of this community because it gives me so much support. Aisha and her team have been very generous with their time and I really feel that I would like to pursue employment in teaching but more than that I feel that I now have all the skills I need to do that.”
The Six Elements of Teaching Within.
Gems Shadowing.
The Group for the Equality of Minority Staff (GEMS) Academics have offered to be observed and shadowed for 1 to 2 hours by new participants on the TW programme.
Key Dates:
This will happen during October and will be organised on an individual basis through the TW team. Fact Not Fiction.
This is a pre teaching course that all TW participants will take part in. It is a twoday course and is a great first step in reflecting on your teaching practice.
Key Dates:
2021: FnF - Dec 2 & 3 Course Shadowing.
You will have up to 4 hours to shadow academics teaching on the course you will be allocated to teach on as part of the programme.
Key Dates:
This will happen during November and will be organised on an individual basis with your placement course.
Workshops & Independent Modules.
Shades of Noir also provide a series of workshops and tutorials throughout the year to cover Inductions to UAL, Teaching Workshops and PgCert Support.
Key Dates:
Induction - Sep 23
Digital Module 1 - January Workshop 1 - Feb 10 Workshop 2 - March 10 Tutorials - April 26 & 28 Digital Module 2 - May Digital Module 3 - June Workshop 3 - Sept 15 Tutorials - Oct 25 & 27 Teaching.
All TW participants are expected to teach at the University of the Arts London on allocated courses that have signed up to the programme. The teaching allocated within this programme is 36 hours per course on an Associate Lecturer contract. This means that all participants have the flexibility to be part of the entire process on a course, including assessment.
Key Dates:
This will happen between Jan - Dec 2022 and will be organised on an individual basis with your placement course. PgCERT.
The postgraduate certificate in Academic Practice is a year long course, which offers training in developing understanding and the application of theory and practice for academics working in arts higher education.
Key Dates:
During the revalidation of the course, at this time we can not give any specific dates but anticipate that the PgCert may run from January 2022 to January 2023.