Ignite magazie April 2013

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April - May 2013 / Issue 57

sparking passion for the Gospel across the UK

Three cheers for outreach! 5

TV crew film GSUS Live


Hundreds enjoy conference


New 3 DVD out now

Happy NEW Easter! Do we Christians make too much fuss over Christmas and not enough over Easter? Sitting at my desk in Westbury, I confess that I really miss taking school assemblies! At one time, I would re-tell the Easter story more than 40 times every year, and hopefully share the truth with passion and integrity. Some headteachers were especially grateful, as they found the subject too difficult to handle. Over the past couple of weeks, thousands of youngsters (and adults) will have heard Counties evangelists deliver the Easter message. Some will have had the joy of witnessing the Holy Spirit bring about the reality of new birth! Hallelujah! Maybe we could even regard Easter as the start of our new year? Isn’t this a time to celebrate new things? “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation…” (2 Corinthians 5. 17-18) • We have become new creations: “in Christ” • We are in a new relationship: “God reconciled us to himself” • With a new responsibility: “gave us the ministry of reconciliation” In this Ignite, we hope you will share in our joy and encouragement, as we recall God’s faithfulness. But we also pray you will find inspiration to engage with us in this ‘ministry of reconciliation.’ We’d love to serve you or your church - please ask! This month we are also including our NEW Praise & Prayer Diary, which we know many of you use faithfully. Please let us know what you think - and remember, you can find the May edition on the website or request it by post or email. Finally, we have produced a NEW 3 DVD which reviews the work of another three evangelists. It runs for 5 minutes and we would love you to show it to your church or home group. Please request your FREE copy from the office. May the risen Christ fill you again with His life and strengthen our partnership in this ‘ministry of reconciliation,’ In Christ,

John Wilkes, Evangelist - CEO

Counties exists to present ‘Life in all its fullness: locally & nationally’ through our full time evangelists, exhibitions and resources, in Biblically faithful and culturally relevant ways. Address: Counties 30 Haynes Road, Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 3HD Telephone: 01373 823 013 Email: office@countiesuk.org www.countiesuk.org Thank you for your valued partnership. Counties (formerly Counties Evangelistic Work) is a Registered Charity No. 264278 and a Company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales No. 1041761 Editor: Helen Rimmer helen@countiesuk.org Design: www.relevantdesign.co.uk

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6: Rico Tice delivered thought-provoking talks at the Counties Day Conference with Counties CEO John Wilkes.


4 Trustee Simon Bennett talks about Counties finance review 5 TV crew film GSUS Live for popular show


6 Hundreds enjoy Counties Day Conference 2013 8 American cheerleaders share Gospel with children

8: Andy Hodson with American cheerleader.


10 Pray for GSUS Live and Life 10 Get creative at workshop 11 New 3 DVD and brochure published

Please introduce Counties to your friends by following us on Facebook and Twitter

Facebook ‘Counties Evangelism Network’ Twitter ‘@countiesuk’

10: Children enjoy space club. Ignite | 3


Celebrating God’s faithfulness Every year, Counties produces a financial review highlighting income and expenditure, as well as outlining plans for future spend. The review reflects Simon Bennett, Trustee. the generosity of supporters including individuals, churches and charitable trusts. Trustee Simon Bennett presented the finances for the year ending September 2012 at the Counties AGM in March. Here Simon speaks to Ignite about his findings:

Where does Counties get its income from? A large proportion comes from charitable trusts where the original creators of the trust and current trustees have the vision to see the Gospel message proclaimed in this country. Other sources include individual and church donations, legacies and investment income.

We were blessed last year with a very large donation from the sale of a church building 4 | Ignite

What was the investment last year? We invested ÂŁ96k in our GSUS Live units and the Life exhibition. These are fantastic resources which share the Gospel with thousands of children around the country.

What are the plans for the future? I would like to come back to the big gift we received 2012 in the previous year. After 2011 passing on part of this 2010 2009 to the evangelists as an 2008 extra gift, the trustees felt that we should look at ways of using this strategically for the future. We are planning to create new resources and find ways to use existing resources more widely. But our priority remains identifying new people who share our vision and are called by God to be evangelists in this nation. Watch this space to see how our faithful God and your prayers takes this work forward! Audit

The income seems slightly down from last year, why do you think that is?

The Westbury team continue to be thrifty with only 3% of expenditure being spent on governance and 21% on support costs. However, on closer inspection you will find that support costs include the Counties Day, the annual conference and the cost of producing things like Ignite which some might say are direct charitable expenditure. The remaining 76% was spent directly on charitable activities, with the vast majority of this being gifts directly to the evangelists.


Expenditure chart.

How much does Counties spend on running costs?







Designated gifts

Gifts to evangelists

350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0

which significantly boosted the income for that year. However, if we ignore this gift we still saw a small increase in income which is very encouraging.


Lights, camera, action!

Ashley Maddocks A film crew with the Eddie Stobart drivers.

A Channel Five production crew have been busy filming the GSUS Live unit in action as part of the popular TV show Trucks and Trailers. The show follows the day-to-day work of the Eddie Stobart haulage company. The film crew spent a few hours as driver Ashley Maddocks helped move the GSUS Live unit from Northampton to Cambridge. The observational documentary charts the progress of the Eddie Stobart transport and logistics business. The hugely successful show from Princess Productions regularly attracts over 1.8 million viewers. During the filming, the TV crew filmed

the GSUS Live unit being moved to Lynton Village College in Cambridge. They then hopped on board and watched a demonstration, as well as interviewing the driver and GSUS Live coordinator Steve Parry. Steve said: “It

was a great opportunity to share what GSUS Live is all about and hopefully with the millions of people who watch this popular show.�

The 5th series of the show begins in May and it is hoped the footage of GSUS Live will be aired during this series. Ignite | 5


Hundreds inspired at Counties Day Conference A day of worship, prayer and inspiring teaching was enjoyed by hundreds of people at the Counties Day Conference in March. Popular Christian speaker and author Rico Tice led two main sessions on the subject of Evangelism – why and how? Rico commented: “It was a real privilege to come and speak at the conference. My thanks to everyone involved in the day.” Held at Myton School in Warwick, reports where also heard from evangelists including Clive Cornish, Matt Rich, Mike Strange plus James and Naomi Richards. Seminars on subjects such as church planting, connecting with the marginalised and children’s ministry were well attended. Senior evangelist Stephen Gillham commented: “Everything went extremely well, very smooth running and it was good to see such a great crowd of folks there filling the school hall. I am sure everyone who was there must have been encouraged and challenged by all that was said and done. One of our best I would think in recent years.” Bedfordshire evangelist Colin Johnson added: “We really enjoyed the conference. The best one I have ever been to. The interviews were interesting, AGM well presented and chaired, seminar very good and Rico was brilliant.” Date for your diary - Counties Day Conference 2014 Saturday, 1st March in Maidenhead.

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“A truly excellent day! One of the best Counties events I have ever had the privilege of attending.� Jim Halifax, Hampshire.

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Three cheers for outreach!

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Church planter Andy Hodson with American cheerleader.

A group of cheerleaders from the USA used dance moves to help share their faith with children in the East Midlands. The team of 16 girls from Dallas Baptist University were invited by Counties church planter Andy Hodson to perform at three schools in his home town of Stourbridge as part of a school outreach programme. The cheerleading squad - The Patriettes – partnered with Greater Europe Missions (GEM) to help share the love of Jesus Christ to people in the UK over a week-long outreach trip. The girls performed various moves, high kick, splits and other high energy routines, which wowed the children and the teaching staff. Andy said: “It was a great morning. The girls all performed an energetic routine which really entertained the pupils. They were then able to share their faith in a basic way and chat with the children about life in Texas. The performances finished with some freestyle dance with the children.” Cheerleader Joelle Hamilton commented: “My favourite part of

this trip has been seeing the joy and happiness on the children’s faces during our performances. Seeing how the Lord has called us to bring even a few minutes of excitement into their lives is indescribable. I feel blessed to have this opportunity and wouldn’t change a second of it.”

“The Patriettes shared the love of Jesus Christ through the gifts and talents the Lord blessed them with through dance,” added head coach Lindsay Rose. “It was incredible to watch the girls grow but also to see them spread so much joy and energy to the schools, churches, and community that we had the opportunity to partner with.” Andy Hodson is part of Church in the Community, Lakeside, Brierley Hill, West Midlands. The church works with a number of schools in the area visiting assemblies and leading RE lessons. For more information on Lakeside Church visit: churchinthecommunity. org or churchplantinginitiative.co.uk Ignite | 9


Space invaders More than 80 children were enlisted as astronauts at a special Space Academy in Chichester, organised by Hampshire evangelist Gordon Curley. The five-day holiday club gave children many of them unchurched - a chance to engage in quizzes, competitions, crafts, DVDs, whilst discovering about how God is faithful. One parent said: “My children had a fantastic time. It makes a huge impact on the children and it’s absolutely wonderful all that the club does.”

Please Pray • Former Counties evangelist David Iliffe was called home in March. David was a valued and highly respected evangelist. A tribute to him will appear in the next edition of Ignite. Please remember Wendy and the family in your prayers. • You are invited to join local evangelists at the South Wales Praise & Prayer Day on April 16th in Pontypool. Call the office for more details. • The GSUS Live units will be in Birmingham and West Bromich during April and May. • The Life exhibition will be in Hastings (17th - 24th April) and Pontymoile Mission Hall (13th - 19th May). • Counties will be displaying the GSUS Live unit and promoting the Life exhibition at CRE in Sandown (14th - 17th May), please pray for new contacts to be made.

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Learn creative ways to teach Bible stories Do you want to be inspired with new ways to reach children and families with the Bible message in church and community events? Evangelists John Hardwick, Martin Erwin and children’s worker Andy Goode will be leading a one-day workshop on Saturday 27th April at Challenge Community Church in Hereford. It is aimed at helping people with their story-telling when leading children’s talks in church, holiday clubs or school assemblies. Starting at 10am, the event costs £10 including lunch. To book or for more details email: erwin@countiesuk.org


Read all about it The varied and dynamic work of Counties is featured in a new promotional brochure and DVD ROM. The 16-page booklet features information on 3 key areas of Counties: evangelists, training and resources. As well as the brochure, a DVD ROM is included with a short film on the work New Counties brochure. of 3 evangelists (Ivor Cooper, Ian Carr and Paul Willmott), and a sermon outline, powerpoint and response card. John Wilkes, CEO, said: “It is hoped our supporters will use the new resource to help share the work of Counties with members of their local churches and help raise awareness of opportunities in communities across the New Counties 3 DVD. country.” For a free copy please email: office@countiesuk.org

Counties Partners Subscribe Please send me:

n Ignite Magazine by post (address) n monthly Praise and Prayer Diary by post n monthly Praise and Prayer Diary by email My Details Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Other





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My Gift

Join the dots over breakfast Find out how you can develop a sustainable evangelism strategy for your church at a breakfast seminar this month. Evangelists Ivor Cooper and Bob Telford will speak on the issue at ‘Joining the Dots’ on Saturday, 20th April, 9.15am, at Saltisford Church, Warwick. Please book by 12th April by emailing: andrew.wright@davislangdon.com or call 01564 822837.

I would like to partner with Counties. Please find enclosed my/our Gift of £

(please make cheques payable to Counties)

n There is no need to acknowledge this gift. Gift Aid


This is a Gift-Aid donation (We will send you a gift-aid declaration, if you have not already completed one). I would like to set up a regular standing order.


Your feedback is always appreciated.


Counties 30 Haynes Road Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 3HD

Ignite | 11

Your local evangelists 1. Charles & Elizabeth Addoco Heather Smith 2. Will & Lynne Andrews 3. Tim & Joy Ayrton Tony & Ruth Hood 4. Kevin & Anita Baldwin 5. Jonathan & Heather Brain 6. David & Lindsey Brown Andy & Isobel Hodson (CPI) Paul & Vanessa Willmott 7. Ian & Sally Carr 8. Tim & Charissa Cooke 9. Ivor & Angela Cooper Bob & Rita Telford 10. Clive & Fiona Cornish Mike & Janet Thomas 11. Tim & Katrina Cracknell 12. Gordon & Penny Curley 13. Ray & Carol Dadswell 14. Phil & Sheila Davies 15. Martin & Rachel Erwin 16. John & Rachel Hardwick 17. Colin & Linda Johnson 18. Matt & Claire Merriam (CPI) Mike & Su Strange 19. Matt & Nicola Rich 20. James & Naomi Richards 21. David & Katie Symons 22. Robert & Sarah Watson ETP - Evangelists Training Programme CPI - Church Planting Initiative

Seniors and widows Grace Anderson Tom & Madelene Bathgate Jean Campbell Geoff & Isobel Carr Roger & Hazel Chilvers Lionel & Mavis Clargo


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Pray for our ‘vacant’ counties




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To contact your local evangelist please call 01373 823013 or visit countiesuk.org

Rose Geary Stephen & Jean Gillham Victor Jack Andy & Miriam Jelfs Phyllis Jenkins John & Hettie Hall Wendy Iliffe

John & Jane Martin Elsie Newman Dennis Pierce Ruby Powell Dick & Betty Saunders Margaret Stokes Gladys Whittern

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