Ignite autumn edition

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One 2 Lead: Training young people for mission and life Ignite_Aut_2018_V9.indd 1

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WELCOME These are exciting times in the work of evangelism and mission in the United Kingdom. The political uncertainties around Brexit, and the continual slide towards secularism in our laws and land provide a challenging backdrop. However, the picture is neither bleak nor altogether hopeless! Increasing challenges present greater opportunities for the life changing message of the Gospel to take root in broken lives and communities. As a partner in the work of the church of Christ, Counties is stepping out, seeking to reach into the void with the Light of the world in our hands and hearts. In this issue you will read about new training plans and programmes led by Ashley George, seeking to raise up a new generation of young people equipped for the task of Making Jesus known. Counties will also soon see part of the work of the Church Planting Initiative merge with us in England and Wales, with a fresh desire and incentive to see new churches planted. In a feature article (spread over two issues), I reflect on the nature and role of the evangelist in the UK for the 21st century. Pray that God would raise up evangelists. Not simply itinerant, filling pulpits of ever smaller churches, but strategically placed by God in church leadership, revitalising and planting new congregations to the glory of God. Much love in Him Martin Erwin, CEO Counties

Counties exists to make Jesus known across the UK through our evangelists, exhibitions and resources, in biblically faithful and culturally relevant ways. Counties (Formerly Counties Evangelistic Work) is a Registered Charity No. 264278 and a Company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales No. 1041761 Address: Counties 30 Haynes Road, Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 3HD Telephone: 01373 823 013 Email: office@countiesuk.org www.countiesuk.org Thank you for your valued partnership. We are glad to make Ignite available free of charge. It costs approximately £5 per year to produce and distribute this newsletter to you. Every additional contribution will help us continue in our mission. Editor: Helen Rimmer - helen@teaforthree.co.uk Design: Hullo Creative - www.hullocreative.com

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News in brief


A look at TES grants News


Father of three shares his testimony Life Story


One 2 Lead programme joins Counties Feature


The 21st century evangelist Bible teaching Bible Teaching


Bringing the Gospel to ‘Geeks’ News


Just a Minute with Janet Hawking

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READ ALL ABOUT IT IN OUR ANNUAL REPORT – OUT NOW! The highlights of the work of Counties over the last year - and the impact this is making - have been published in a new fold-out annual report. The Annual Report 2018 features encouraging stories, statistics on people reached with the Gospel in a fold-out poster with all the details of Counties evangelists based around the UK. Martin Erwin, CEO, said: “Our goal is to equip local churches to make Jesus known across the UK. Evangelism is the work of the church, and we are excited about the many ways in which Counties is able to encourage God’s people in this work. “This Annual Report highlights the many aspects of our work and it’s thanks to the ongoing support of individuals, trusts and churches, that we are able to carry on with this vital work.” Copies of the Annual Report are available by emailing office@countiesuk.org

“Our discipleship group for young people meet every month and reach out to the homeless. We have been able to give out clothes, food and toiletries and pray for those in need. We praise God for the way in which this work has touched and blessed so many people, and God willing, we hope to continue and grow this work in the future.” Rob and Sarah Watson, Wirral evangelists.

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S U P P O R T I N G I N N O VAT I V E EVANGELISM AND OUTREACH Counties continues to manage and promote the grant-making trust TES (The Evangelization Society). Here we look at a pioneering project to benefit from a TES grant over the last year.

TOP OF THE CROPS A Christian mentoring scheme which helps young people through difficult times in their lives – has been given a boost thanks to a TES grant. CROPS (Christian Options in Peterborough Schools) was granted £1000 to buy a laptop and projector for its mentoring project. The charity, which has been providing educational and pastoral resources to Peterborough schools for almost 30 years, launched ‘CROPS Mentoring’ to recruit, train and supervise volunteer mentors from local churches.

will be essential for ensuring professional and reliable training evenings for mentors, as well as presenting our work to others. They will also be used by CROPS in other aspects of youth and schools ministry outside of the mentoring project.”

“Our mentoring project is an opportunity to ‘be Jesus’ in the lives of young people facing difficult times in their lives, to show the love care and compassion that Jesus did to those in need around him.

CROPS has recruited and trained 14 mentors from ten different churches who are working in 10 of our 14 local secondary schools. Chris added: “Our mentors have supported students through a wide range of issues over the last 18 months, these include bullying, self-harm, bereavement, self-esteem issues, dealing with alcoholic parents, parents who have been sent to prison, parental separation, watching domestic violence, violence and gangs, social skills and friendship problems, those close to being permanently excluded from school, running away from home, loneliness, anxiety, exam stress and physical abuse.”

“TES kindly gave us a grant to purchase a laptop and projector for the project. These

To find out more about CROPS email chris.wild@crops.org.uk or visit: crops.org.uk

Chris Wild from CROPS said: “We regularly speak about the Christian faith in schools and this impacts thousands of students each year both in secondary and primary schools through lessons, assemblies, RE days, lunchtime clubs, transition lessons and hosting larger projects like GSUS Live.

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“ I H A V E I N N E R P E A C E T H AT WA S N ’ T T H E R E B E FO R E ” Wiltshire dad, Nik Coleman, knew in his heart he had to find Jesus after a potentially lifethreatening situation was intervened by an audible voice, which he believes was God.

back – that’s when I realised I was smothering my daughter. I knew then in that moment that I had to go to church. I believe God was talking to me and saved my daughter.”

Nik, from Chippenham, was in bed asleep with his wife and baby daughter when a voice kept waking him up.

Nik grew up in a non-Christian family but went to church youth activities at Ladyfield Evangelical Church, where Counties evangelists Jonathan and Heather Brain attend. When he was just 13 years old, he started taking drugs and left the youth group. He said: “As a teenager I started drinking, playing about with the occult and partying a lot.

He explains: “When my daughter was just a month old, me and my wife fell asleep in bed with her. I heard an audible voice telling me to wake up. At first, I ignored it thinking it was my wife. Again, it said - ‘wake up’, but still I ignored it and it wasn’t until the third time that I did wake up. “I looked to my wife but she was fast asleep. Then I asked where our daughter was and woke my wife up. She immediately pushed me

“I didn’t want to do what others were doing so I set my own path and this continued up until my late 20’s when I met my wife and then had that encounter with my baby daughter.”

Nik and Joanna

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Nik, who works as a carer, gave his life to Christ in 2017 and was baptised by Jonathan Brain at Ladyfield Evangelical Church. Jonathan said: “Nik says he knew all along that the Gospel was all true but he kept resisting it until the near tragedy with his daughter. We became friends and brothers and I was privileged to baptise him last year.

has had a huge impact and still has. I have inner peace that wasn’t there before. I have confidence to witness - whether that is talking to friends, doing children’s talks, taking part in home studies or talking to my kids. I have got a lot to be thankful for.”

“Nik is great at sharing his story and talking to people about actual life-meaning and purpose. He’s a rough diamond with a powerful story of conversion to Jesus Christ that he wants to share everywhere. He’s a top chap!” Nik now regularly visits local schools, coffee shops and youth groups with evangelist Jonathan Brain to share his testimony with young people. Nik continued: “Having Christ in my life

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Nik and his family

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RAISING UP A N E W G E N E R AT I O N OF LEADERS A successful training programme which has seen more than 80 young people equipped to serve in ministry will now be run by Counties. One 2 Lead, previously run by a team of volunteers in South Wales and Herefordshire, will now be led and further developed by the team at Counties. The personal development programme runs over six weekends in a two-yearly cycle and is

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aimed at 16-30 year olds to help them: • • • •

grow deeper in their walk with God discover and develop their gifts make new and lifelong friends become a lifelong servant of Jesus in their local church and beyond

Bible teaching and development sessions are mixed with outdoor activities such as laser combat, quad biking, speed-boating, caving

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NEW S 9 and an introduction to scuba. Counties training officer Ash George said: “We are excited to bring One 2 Lead into the family of Counties. In the short term, the programme will remain the same and I will spend time over the next year visiting the weekend sessions and considering how we might develop One 2 Lead in years to come.

N AT H A N D AV I E S “I enjoyed the opportunity to ask questions of the gifted and encouraging teachers on the course and, for the first time, to explore theological issues, doctrinal fundamentals and biblical meditation. It taught me to be a leader in the broader sense and the key advice in how to bring others along the journey with you to explore, to a greater extent, the gifts God has given us. “Every weekend involves some kind of activity such as speedboating, caving, laser shooting and canoeing. These were just awesome times to connect with other students but also to get a bit of one on one time with some of the leaders to ask pressing questions (all while enjoying a fun activity). “The Bible is at the heart of every session. From finance, to doctrine, all of it is encompassed by the understanding that Jesus is the one we look to in all things. He is the true Leader- the Author and Perfector of our faith.

“It’s had nearly 80 different students who have attended at least one weekend and these young people have been involved in being leaders on camps, mission trips to Hungary and Romania, helped at agricultural show outreaches and many other evangelism and mission opportunities. A number have also gone on to Bible College and full-time Christian ministry.” “I would say to others thinking about going on One 2 Lead – just do it! The six weekends included in the package were outstanding for my own development as a young leader and Christian. I am now entering a full-time ministry post and feel equipped by the sessions and advice I was given at One 2 Lead.” Nathan Davies (23) who is starting a full-time ministry post with UCCF, went on One 2 Lead in 2016/17.

CHLOE DAVIES Nathan also met his wife Chloe on One 2 Lead. Chloe said: “The highlight of One 2 Lead was meeting my now-husband Nathan. Not that this was either of our motivations for going to One 2 Lead, but we’re both pretty happy with the outcome! “One of the best things about One 2 Lead is how indepth the teaching is, and how it focuses on biblical principles as well as practical advice. Probably one of the most important things I learned through the programme was taking initiative in serving. “It’s a really good mix of teaching, discussion time and then an opportunity to put what you’ve learned into practise. The teaching always starts with what the Bible says about whatever topic we’re covering, and we’d often be given a list of verses to look at to find out what the Bible says about an issue, rather than just taking the leaders’ word for it. “I would 100% recommend it. I was hesitant before my first weekend as I was nervous about being the only one from my church going and not knowing anyone, but I’m now glad I did. “

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“One 2 Lead is the reason my faith is strong. I was taught more about God, as well as techniques to battle difficult questions about the Bible and my faith. Also finding others your age in church is a great way to encourage your faith. “I remember my first One 2 Lead when a group of us started at the same time and we didn’t know each other. Everything was awkward at the beginning but by the end we were looking forward to seeing each other for the next session. We now meet as regularly as possible and are a close group of friends. “It’s also great at encouraging skills. If you are musical, then you’re encouraged to lead worship. If you enjoy theology, then there are sessions for that. If you enjoy being practical, not only are you given the lesson on what to do you are given opportunities to be practical.” Keren Erwin (18) student from Melksham.

“The most memorable moment from my time in One 2 Lead, besides the teaching, has to be the bonding activities. I have met so many new people. My experience has been amazing and I would definitely recommend it to any of my Christian friends who are looking to develop their relationship with Jesus.” Tom Binding (18) student from Swansea.

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THE EVANGELIST IN THE 21ST CENTURY In the first of a two-part teaching series,

people for works of service, so that

Counties CEO Martin Erwin looks at the

the body of Christ may be built up

role of an evangelist and the challenges

until we all reach unity in the faith

churches and evangelists alike face in

and in the knowledge of the Son of

today’s ever-changing society.

God and become mature, attaining to

The apostle Paul writing to the Christians in Ephesus, explained to

the whole measure of the fullness of Christ." Ephesians 4:11-13 (NIV)

the church how God would build,

This is one of only three places where

strengthen and establish the work:

the word ‘evangelist’ is used in the

"So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the

Bible. (The other two are Acts 21:8 and 2 Timothy 4:5).

pastors and teachers, to equip his

W H AT I S T H E G O S P E L? Of course, the word ‘Evangel’ is the NT Greek word for glad tidings, or good news, usually translated as ‘Gospel.’ But when used as a noun the ‘gospeller’ or bringer of Good News is called an ‘evangelist.’ There is a danger that we presume that everyone in our churches understands what the Gospel is, and are committed to it. A Counties evangelist said to me a number of years ago, “The problem is that we have many churches that call themselves evangelical, but they are simply not evangelising!” Sadly, too many churches are setting aside a

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‘mission’ or ‘evangelism’ budget and purely spending it on social enterprise. The Gospel of Jesus Christ, and in particular, the work of evangelism requires both our presence – bringing the love of Jesus through our actions, loving our neighbours - and a demand for clear proclamation. “But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?” Romans 10:14

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B I B L E T EA C HI N G 1 3

Martin Erwin

Counties mission statement, simply put, is ‘Making Jesus known across the UK.’ However, we, like many others are facing challenges about the nature of the work of the evangelist, and the relationship between the evangelist and the church. We need to rediscover a confidence

in the Gospel. It is the power of God for everyone who believes (Romans 1:16). Ignite seeks to tell the story of changed lives. Through the power of His death and resurrection, Jesus is still in the business of saving people, from themselves, from sin, and from death and hell.

THE PROBLEM OF HISTORIC DEFINITIONS OF THE WORD ' E VA N G E L I S T '. An early 20th century Bible encyclopaedia, relates a common view of Ephesians 4:11, one based both on Philip the Evangelist (Acts), and

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reflecting British and North American experience of the evangelist from the era.

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“ But Ephesians 4:11 teaches that one particular order of the ministry, distinguished from every other, is singled out by the Head of the church for this work in a distinctive sense. All may possess the gift of an evangelist in a measure, and be obligated to exercise its privilege and duty, but some are specially endued with it. "He gave some to be apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers." It will be seen that as an order in the ministry, the evangelist precedes that of the pastor and teacher, a fact which harmonises with the character of the work each is still recognised as doing. The evangelist has no fixed place of residence, but moves about in different localities, preaching the gospel to those ignorant of it before. As these are converted and united to Jesus Christ by faith, the work of the pastor and teacher begins, to instruct them further in the things of Christ and build them up in the faith.”

challenge, whilst recognising the value, learning and significance of such works from a past generation.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia". 1915.

I believe it is a Biblical model, and one that has served the church well in many generations and cultures. However, that does not seem the primary role here in Ephesians 4.

There are two presumptions from the definition that I would like to gently

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ASSUMPTION #1 When people are converted to Christ, the evangelist steps aside, and the pastor and teacher takes over.

ASSUMPTION #2 The evangelist is an itinerant, travelling preacher, with no fixed place of residence. This is borne out by another similar and influential document from the end of the 19th century… “Judging from the case of Philip, evangelists had neither the authority of an apostle, nor the gift of prophecy, nor the responsibility of pastoral supervision over a portion of the flock. They were itinerant preachers, having it as their special function to carry the gospel to places where it was previously unknown.” M.G. Easton M.A., D.D., Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Third Edition, published by Thomas Nelson, 1897. The role of the itinerant evangelist is important.

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One other challenge is that of the perception of evangelists, both in the church and in the world. Some teleevangelists, and high profile prosperity preachers, along with media coverage have damaged the word ‘evangelist.’ It is a good word, a God word, an honourable word, and we will need to reclaim and redeem it.

As the church of Christ meets the challenges of secularism here in the UK, with so many people now living here who have never heard the Gospel, and many local churches struggling to reach and connect with their communities, there has never been a greater need to re-evaluate the importance and the role of the evangelist.

T H E U LT I M A T E P U R P O S E OF GIFTS... For our purpose, we need to look briefly at the verses immediately before and after Ephesians 4:11…

From these verses and in the context of the whole letter of Ephesians, we can state that:

Ephesians 4:12-13

A. the purpose of the gifts is growth

"…so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ."

B. the grounds for growth is unity v1-6

Eph. 4:10 "And the same one who descended is the one who ascended higher than all the heavens, so that he might fill the entire universe with himself." NLT

C. t he gifts for growth – v7-12, specifically in verse 11 God’s plan is, through the church, to fill the universe, with Christ, for His glory and name to spread throughout the cosmos, and complete the task of the universal mission of the Gospel.

In part two of this article (out in the Winter edition of Ignite), Martin will look at the challenges facing churches, Bible colleges and evangelists and look at ways of moving forward to encourage more evangelists in their mission.

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"CHRISTIANS CAN BE 'NERDS' TOO!" Meet the new evangelists from the US who are reaching out with the Christian message in the ‘geek world’. Essex-based couple Shaun and Livi Almond have joined Counties as trainee evangelists. Californian Shaun, 39, and British-born Livi, 36, have two children Kaleia, 10, and eight-year-old Hezekiah. Every Thursday they release a podcast called ‘The Geek Underground’ - which they describe as ‘a nerdy, geeky podcast about all things pop culture with a focus on encouraging and giving a positive message.’ Ignite meets Livi to find out about their unique ministry.

I got Shaun a job at the station and he and I ran an evening show on a Friday called The Current. We would cover Christian rock and rap and it was great fun. What brought you to the UK? We felt God’s calling and decided to carry on with our radio show, as a podcast called Geek Underground. We have talked about the level of Christian input for the show, and currently we are using a positive message, although we have made it clear we are Christians and won’t go to see certain movies or play certain games because of our faith.

What were you doing in America? I lived in the USA for 12 years and originally went over to work for the Salvation Army to open a teen drop-in centre called the Underground in New Mexico. It was very popular and had over 10,000 youth visits in one year. I met Shaun when he came from California to visit his Dad. He decided to stay and used the Underground for a college Bible study.

Explain a bit more about Geek Underground At the moment we have about 400 listeners from around the world and have been running for about 16 weeks. We would like to use the podcast to reach the unsaved in the geek community, which in England is untouched. The two main Comic Cons in the UK get over 30,000 visitors and no faith-based organisations are there to reach them. By using the podcast - we gain recognition in the community which will give us a platform to share our faith.

I also worked for Vertical Radio, a Christian radio station, that is rather well known locally as it has superb baseball coverage in the summer.

How else do you mix the Christian message into your podcasts? We also highlight people and groups that are

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Shaun and Livi Almond with children Kaleia and Hezekiah

making a difference. These are usually people working with the homeless, orphans, foster children and sex trafficked women. We hope as we gain more listeners, to invite more wellknown names to come on and discuss issues and their faith. We have tried to also showcase people who have spoken out about their faith in the media, like Chris Pratt. Shaun and I believe that building relationship, even through the podcast, is important, and to show that Christians can be nerds/geeks too, and enjoy the community as well! Are you involved in any other areas of ministry? Shaun and I are youth workers primarily. Shaun works in local secondary schools, and I work in a primary school. We run Revolution Youth on a Wednesday night for local teens, which we are hoping to add to in the coming year with art classes. We also work with other youth workers in the area on a termly youth fun/service called Joy, and monthly Messy Church and youth

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service. In September we will be running our second Youth Alpha, which is in cooperation with Churches Together. Why did you join Counties? I have been around Counties since I was born, literally, as Andy and Mim Jelfs have been a huge part of my life. It was they who asked us to come along to last year’s weekend conference, and we were amazed and excited to see what Counties is doing, and both felt that it would be wonderful to be a part of such an amazing ministry. We both feel so blessed to be able to learn and work alongside Counties. How will Counties help support you in your ministry? Mentoring Shaun in his speaking gift, training us further in our ministries and supporting us in the work we do. Find out more: Listen to the Geek Underground on itunes.apple.com or visit @thegeekUG on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

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JUST A MINUTE – WITH JANET HAWKING Ignite meets Counties Associate Evangelist Janet Hawking and finds out more about her ministry in Pembrokeshire. Hello Janet! Can you briefly describe your area of ministry in Pembrokeshire? I teach in three counties covering 200 junior schools in West Wales. I was in 12 schools every week in June and July, sharing Bible stories with 450 children. Two of these schools were new ones that we had never been to before. It’s like being on a mission daily! What are the best bits about this ministry? Best bits are the children and staff who are touched or challenged by what they hear and who ask if they can have a Bible. They have fun learning the Bible and faith can start to grow. Deep conversations can follow, and staff say how well behaved the kids are in our lessons. Many go home and share what they have heard. What are the challenging parts? Travelling two hours a day to get to far-away schools with no helpers in big towns. Getting home tired after four lessons, repacking my prop bag for lessons the next day to leave by 7.45am, five days a week. Is there a recent encounter in a school which has made you smile? A special needs helper asked me for a Bible after the first lesson, as she had never owned one before. Five weeks later she greeted me with: ‘Janet I baptised myself, fully clothed in the sea!!’ Lifeguards went to rescue her! She had just moved from England and feels

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a magic in Wales and has been engrossed in the New Testament teaching in her class. Why did you join Counties? How does this help you? I joined Counties as I had managed the GSUS Live resource for six weeks at a time to a whole county, and felt the need to be mentored, stretched and united with other evangelisticminded believers, so as not to be so isolated. How did you become a Christian? I became a Christian in Devon when I was 14 in a Methodist Chapel at a mission when the altar call was given. A joy and peace filled my heart, and showed in my face! What is your favourite Bible verse and why? One of my many favourite Bible verses is Hebrews 13:5-6. The assurance of His Presence and Help, even more so now as I am a widow. He Knows and will supply whatever wisdom I need, especially when kids or staff ask me deep questions. What do you do in your free time? I love to plant seeds and grow vegetables and flowers to give away or make chutneys and jam. How do you relax? I go to Aqua class and I also like to cycle on the country roads. Plans for the future? To continually obey the call of God. Train up a bigger school’s team to cover the whole of Wales, and gain confidence to call people to repentance.

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Charles & Elizabeth Addoco Shaun & Livi Almond (ETP) Andrew & Rachel Mugford

HERTFORDSHIRE ill & Lynne Andrews W Kim & Jo Hobbs


T im & Joy Ayrton Tony & Ruth Hood



Julian & Elizabeth Gutteridge



Please send me:

John Hardwick

Janet Hawking (AE)

BRISTOL & AVON Steve & Dawn Loader








Jonathan & Heather Brain avid & Lindsey Brown D Andy & Isobel Hodson Paul & Vanessa Willmott

Caleb & Adanesh Mathewos (ETP)


James & Christine Coates (AE)


T im & Charissa Cooke Martin & Angie Korchinsky Lee & Lesley Marsland (ETP)

WARWICKSHIRE I vor & Angela Cooper Bob & Rita Telford


Robert & Sarah Watson

Name Address

Postcode Telephone Email

SENIORS & WIDOWS Grace Anderson, Tom & Madelene Bathgate, Jean Campbell, Roger & Hazel Chilvers, Lionel Clargo, Ray & Carol Dadswell, Stephen & Jean Gillham, Victor Jack, Andy & Miriam Jelfs, Phyllis Jenkins, Hettie Hall, Wendy Iliffe, John & Jane Martin, Ruby Powell, Betty Saunders, Gladys Whittern.

Your details will be kept on our database and may be shared with a local Counties Evangelist, but with no other persons or organisations. P lease remove me from your mailing list


I would like to partner with Counties. Please find enclosed my/ our gift of £ (please make cheques payable to Counties)

To give online by debit or credit card visit countiesuk.org

GLOUCESTERSHIRE Tim & Katrina Cracknell

Gift Aid


Gordon & Penny Curley


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Mike & Su Strange

live & Fiona Cornish C Mike & Janet Thomas

Phil & Sheila Davies Steve & Gwyneth Treseder (AE) Paul & Laura Davies (ETP)


Matt & Nicola Rich


Ian & Sally Carr

Monthly newsletter by email

BEDFORDSHIRE Colin & Linda Johnson


I gnite Magazine and Praise & Prayer diary by post (please fill in address)


everley & Bryan Bedford B Steve Ellacott (AE) David & Katie Symons Jacquie & Tim Bodman (ETP)


AE – Associate Evangelist ETP– Evangelist Training Programme

T his is a Gift-Aid donation (We will send you a gift-aid declaration, if you have not already completed one). I would like to set up a regular standing order.

Your feedback is always appreciated. THANK YOU

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NEIGHBOURHOOD CHAPLAINS ROADSHOW 2O18 Discover how your church can connect with the lost and lonely in your community



6 September 11 am

11 November 6:3Opm

Brierley Hill, Church in the Community

Woodford Green, Salway Evangelical Church



27 September 7pm

15 November 12:3Opm and 7pm

Swansea, Dunvant Christian Fellowship

Motherwell, Tilsley College



25 October 7pm

21 November 12:3Opm and 7pm

Stockport, Heaton Chapel Christian Church

Christchurch, Moorlands College

Free to attend. To reserve a place, please call Counties on

O1373 823 O13 neighbourhoodchaplains.co.uk Ignite_Aut_2018_V9.indd 20

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