Ignite magazine

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Finding the love of God ONE MUM’ S STO R Y T H R O UG H DE PR E S S I O N

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WELCOME It is dark outside as I write. Physically dark as winter draws in, but spiritually dark too! We live in a rapidly changing world, and Stephen McQuoid’s message to us at conference, and reflected in his article on page 14 is a reminder, not simply of how much Britain has changed, but of how quickly it is changing. And yet, our God is the same, yesterday, today and forever, and his love is steadfast! In order to meet the needs of the day, it is vital that we continue to learn and grow. Training is essential for all of us! Do pray for the developments in Counties regarding training, reflected in these pages. To meet the needs of the day, the local church needs to understand the needs and opportunities, and be equipped to rise up and meet them. Finally, we were thrilled to win a national award for Key to Life? This is helpful in assuring local leaders and school teachers of the quality of the resources that Counties offers. However, like you, we seek to press on, desiring to be faithful AND fruitful, so that our reward might be simply to hear Jesus say ‘Well done good and faithful servant.’

Much love in Him Martin Erwin, CEO Counties

Counties exists to make Jesus known across the UK through our evangelists, exhibitions and resources, in biblically faithful and culturally relevant ways. Counties (Formerly Counties Evangelistic Work) is a Registered Charity No. 264278 and a Company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales No. 1041761 Address: Counties 30 Haynes Road, Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 3HD Telephone: 01373 823 013 Email: office@countiesuk.org www.countiesuk.org Thank you for your valued partnership. We are glad to make Ignite available free of charge. It costs approximately £5 per year to produce and distribute this newsletter to you. Every additional contribution will help us continue in our mission. Editor: Helen Rimmer - helen@teaforthree.co.uk Design: Hullo Creative - www.hullocreative.com

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Photos (above) by Keith Mindham


News in brief News


Key to Life? wins national award News


New training opportunities Feature


Meet Lynda who has found faith in God Life Stories


Stephen McQuoid reflects on the great heroes of faith Bible Teaching


Just a Minute with Mike Thomas

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FA M I L I E S G A T H E R A T COUNTIES CONFERENCE More than 170 evangelists, supporters, staff and their families joined in Northamptonshire last month at Counties Family Conference.

Others said: “The conference was

Richard Canham, Chair of Counties Trustees, said: “The feedback from the delegates was extremely positive and it will be a conference that I will remember, for all the right reasons, for a long time to come.”

conference.” “Speaker excellent,

well organised, relevant, interesting and stimulating.” “What a privilege to be at such an inspiring and relevant worship team excellent. Counties forum and updates very informative and interesting.” “I think that this was the best Counties Conference I have ever attended over 30 years.” Everyone gathers for a group photo at the Daventry Hotel, Northamptonshire

N AT I O N A L R E C O G N I T I O N FOR CHRISTIAN WEBSITE A Christian website run by Counties Cumbrian evangelist Matt Rich has been recognised by a national awards ceremony.

didn’t win, founder Matt Rich has said

Chatnow.org was shortlisted in the People’s Choice category of the Premier Digital Awards. Although the website

prayer is that as more Christians visit

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it was still great publicity. He said: “This was a great opportunity to showcase the website to a new audience. My main the website some will want to become volunteers.”

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D AT E S F O R Y O U R D I A R Y A training event to help children’s workers and Sunday School teachers tell great stories from the Bible has been organised by Counties and Children Worldwide on 27th January 2018 at Pendennis Good News Church, Bristol. If you are interested in booking email Nic via nicb@pendennisgoodnews.com or telephone 0117 957 1685. Peter Maiden, former International Director of Operation Mobilisation, will be leading the main talks at the next Counties Day Conference on 3 March 2018 at Winterbourne International Academy, near Bristol (BS36 1JL).



THE WORD IS ON THE STREET IN NORTH DEVON A team of volunteers in North Devon have had an encouraging start to their new Neighbourhood Chaplains ministry with two local women coming to faith. Counties evangelist Beverley Bedford said: “Neighbourhood Chaplaincy has been launched in Great Torrington with a wonderful Commissioning Service. It was particularly encouraging to hear of a lady coming to Christ at the end of the service. How good is the God we adore! “Neighbourhood Chaplaincy is reaching out into the community by building relationships. As lead Chaplain I have completed discovery courses with two ladies who both committed their lives to Jesus. The Neighbourhood Chaplains will be walking with these new believers as part of our befriending service. “Neighbourhood Chaplains will also be using their practical skills with the aim

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of demonstrating the love of Jesus. The community of Great Torrington has allowed us to adopt two garden beds in the public park to maintain and keep tidy. This first Neighbourhood Chaplaincy project has given many opportunities to be a visible presence in our town, to converse with local people, share our faith and even the bold step of offering prayer for and with individuals when appropriate. “We are thrilled how God is working through us in this initiative as we have stepped out in faith relying totally on Him. So as Chaplains we encourage you to consider getting your church involved in this amazing outreach for your neighbourhood. “ For more details on Neighbourhood Chaplains contact Counties on 01373 823013 or email resources@countiesuk.org

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C E L E B R AT I O N S A S KEY TO LIFE? WINS N AT I O N A L AWA R D Counties innovative resource for schools and outreach events Key to Life? has won a prestigious award for its ‘Best Use of Digital Media in Youth Work’. Key to Life? was one of 17 award winners made up of churches, Christian community organisations and individuals at the 11th Premier Digital Awards ceremony, organised by Christian media organisation Premier and hosted by Gospel artist FaithChild alongside

Premier presenter Maria Rodrigues. Key to Life?, launched in 2016 by Counties, is a cutting edge mobile experience sharing the story of Jesus through a unique, interactive and immersive lesson. It’s housed in a purpose-built vehicle that transforms into a large, interactive learning space featuring floor to ceiling touch screens. Ben Telford, Key to Life? Coordinator, said: ‘I’m delighted that Key to Life?

From left, Ruth Jackson, editor at Premier Youth & Children’s Work magazine with Richard Canham, chair of Counties trustees and Kevin Baldwin, Life Exhibition co-ordinator at the awards ceremony.

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has been recognised, among so many other excellent digital resources, for its innovation and effectiveness. The exhibition is going from strength to strength, and the feedback and enthusiasm of schools and users continues to be brilliant. Huge thanks goes to all those involved in making Key to Life? a reality over the last three years. Please keep praying for the exhibition as we look forward to a busy 2018.’ The Premier Digital Awards’ mission is to help the Christian community take hold of all the opportunities offered by the digital revolution. Kevin Bennett, Chief Operations Officer at Premier, said: “The awards programme was established in 2007 to encourage more Christians to become actively involved in the digital arena and to turn the spotlight on those who’d already managed to give a Christian flavour to internet communications.

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“ Key to Life? is one of the most innovative resources I have seen in a long time to bring to life, with new technology, the importance of an age-old story to a new generation.” Dave Boden, Ethos Strategic Lead, Grace Academy Trust

“The world has changed beyond our imagination in the last 10 years, and this year’s winners are worthy examples of organisations which have kept pace with these developments in communicating the Christian message.” For a full list of winners visit: premierdigital.info and for more details or to book Key to Life? visit keytolife. media or call Counties on 01373 823013.

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EQUIPPING GOD’S PEOPLE FOR EVANGELISM Many people know about the work of Counties through its network of evangelists and its innovative schools resources but not as many have heard about the charity’s work in training to equip churches and individuals. Ignite caught up with CEO Martin Erwin to find out more about what Counties offers churches to help them become Christ-centred communities. Why do people need ‘training’ in evangelism? Often, what we call ‘evangelism’ in the church today, is really a form of Christian social work. There is a great deal of caring that goes on in the lives of people, led by the church, but at some point we need to be able to talk about Jesus, to share our story, and to ‘give a reason for the hope that is within us.’ I don’t think that these are opposing needs, but actually, the caring work being done well by so many, should lead to sharing. Part of our desire in Counties, is to help equip local churches to share the Good News more effectively today.

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What is your vision for Counties in terms of its offering for churches and individuals? We would love to see a wider range of training for local churches, raising the temperature of Gospel compassion, challenging and helping to change the climate in local churches, (where often we become insular, focused on our own needs). Jesus words in John 4 and Luke 10 are poignant here ‘Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.’ John 4v35 (AV) and ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’ Luke 10v2 (NIV) Simply put, our vision is to help inspire, equip and release God’s people into evangelistic service. How will Counties achieve this? The question presupposes that Counties will ‘achieve this.’ In reality, Jesus only has one plan for the evangelisation of the UK

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– the church. Early in 2018, we are planning to appoint a Counties Training Officer. Working with our evangelists and networks of local churches, the Training Officer will help to build and establish a variety of training programmes that will help to Inspire, Equip and Release local churches to more effectively share the Gospel across our nation. How can Counties help individuals share their faith and become more active in their communities? Currently, we are excited about the Neighbourhood Chaplains programme. Training days are running in various parts of the UK, helping to equip local churches to reach the lost and lonely in their communities. 6 million elderly people in our nation count the television as their main companion, many receiving no visits or human contact from one week to the next. Neighbourhood Chaplains vision is to raise an army of trained teams, to meet and love these people, and many more, in both word and action. Why not get your local church to sign up to Neighbourhood Chaplains?

‘old fashioned,’ or worse still ‘out-of-date’! One goal of the new Training Officer will be to help us establish a new gap year programme called TEAM (Training, Evangelism And Mission). Realistically, this will have a full launch for September 2019, but much work will be done in 2018. Please pray about this. On a recent visit to Northern Ireland, I visited Crown Jesus Ministries. CJM have partnered with others to develop and run a School of Evangelism. We would love to do something similar here for England, Scotland and Wales. This programme would run over a period of time on a regional basis, and would be a huge blessing to local churches in the goal of our new vision for training. How can people get involved? • Pray for the Lord to send out workers into the harvest field. • Look out for new initiatives and opportunities coming from Counties. • Sign up to become part of what God is doing among us.

Is there a gap in the training offered at the moment? Yes! Many Counties evangelists are great at sharing the Good News in schools, youth and children’s work, at summer camps and house parties. Yet, when many of these young people are looking for an opportunity to serve God, to explore Christian ministry, or to take a gap year with a Christian organisation, we have nothing to offer them. Sadly (and wrongly), Counties is perceived by some as being

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CEO Martin Erwin

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“ F I N D I N G T H E LOVE OF GOD GAVE ME HOPE!” When mum of two Lynda Stanford lost three of the most influential men in her life over a matter of a few years, her ongoing battle with depression worsened. Her dad, step-dad and grandad all died and she says she felt utterly lost until she found God. Lynda met Counties evangelist Ruth Hood through a mutual friend and she encouraged her to go on an Alpha course, which then led to her faith in Christ. Lynda, from Walsham le Willows in Suffolk, said: “Finding the love of God gave me hope. It restored my ability to be unafraid. It’s helped my outlook which has also had a huge knock-on effect to my mental health, which helps me cope with the depression. You find the simplest things to smile about. God changes the way you see everything.” Here, 32-year-old Lynda describes her journey to faith and how it has changed her life for the better: “About a year ago when my children were at Hopton Holiday Club I met a lady called Wendy and we got chatting

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about a scheme at the school called Open The Book. They desperately needed people and Wendy asked if I would be interested. I explained that I was a pagan and she said that was absolutely fine. “As I acted out scenes from the Bible, it awoke something and taught me things I didn’t know. I had so many questions. Wendy suggested I did an Alpha Course. She explained that it would be a good starting point for answers and I admit part of me did it to disprove it. My mum is a Jehovah’s Witness and I looked into that and was put off by the Christian faith as a result.

“Around this time my friend Kim suggested I go to church with her, I was actually surprised how much I enjoyed this. Singing the songs lifted me up and having a wonderful friend to talk to really helped. Kim was baptized a few months back and it was so moving. It was utterly amazing to be part of that. I believe God put us together to help each other.”

Photos by Keith Mindham

From left, Counties evangelist Ruth Hood with Melissa (Lynda’s daughter), Wendy and Lynda at Hopton High Street Chapel.

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“Around this time I started Alpha, run by Ruth Hood and Wendy Banks. It started filling in the jigsaw pieces. Discussing powerful things helped me understand it all. Ruth and Wendy were happy to answer my questions and were wonderfully uplifting. I started feeling less and less alone. I began to pray and I started to feel like God was a part of me. “It was about five weeks into the video and it discussed making a personal dedication to Christ if you felt ready. With all my heart and mind I felt this was exactly what I needed to do and I made my personal dedication on the 12th July 2017. I felt lighter knowing I would never be alone again. John 8 v 12 comes to mind. “Following God has given me meaning in my life. I am no longer wondering alone and lost. God can lead me and show me how to make my life count for him and his kingdom. My life has been searching meaning and purpose. I finally feel that I have found the light. Through Jesus Christ I can be saved. I feel the Holy Spirit filling me up and I know with God in my life I can do anything. “Alpha is a fantastic course, wellstructured and it makes you think about things. It changed my views on everything. I realized God sacrificed the biggest thing with Jesus dying for us on the cross. It made me want more for

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my children, I realized how important my relationship with God is and how it would affect my children too. The moment I asked God into my life I felt incredible I felt like I could talk to him about anything, I felt I could turn to him with everything. I wanted more than anything to make him proud.” Lynda was baptised in the sea over the summer at Sizewell Holiday Camp with her daughters Chole and Melissa close by. She continued: “It was a wonderful experience. Being a Christian has changed my life in so many ways, I live to serve Him. My eldest is starting to ask more questions and she finds our church’s Sunday school for the teenagers really helpful. She can ask questions and I love hearing her talk about it all. “Being a mum and a Christian means I get to share the wonderful word of God with my children - to me that’s amazing. Somehow you find time to fit it all in, I never imagined wanting to go to church but it’s so wonderful. “My advice to anyone exploring Christianity is don’t be afraid to ask questions, don’t be scared to explore it. It is a truly amazing feeling and as a mother seeing how my girls see things is also wonderful.”

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“ Being a mum and a Christian means I get to share the wonderful word of God with my children to me that’s amazing.”

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and only a relatively small

GLO and Counties trustee,

percentage of the population

led the main talks at Counties recent family conference in

actually attended church on a regular basis. Nevertheless,

Northamptonshire. Here he shares

the influence of Christianity over the

some of his talk, focusing on the great

centuries meant that Christianity was

heroes of faith recorded in Hebrews 11:

still highly regarded.

It is said that evangelism is never done

The past 50 years have witnessed

in a vacuum. Whenever we pluck up the courage to share the Gospel with someone, we are speaking into a cultural setting where other worldviews exist. In previous generations that cultural setting was greatly influenced by a Judeo Christian worldview. Indeed, only a couple of generations ago most people believed in the existence of God and gave lip service to the 10

a sea change in people’s attitudes. Church attendance is declining, the Judeo-Christian worldview has been replaced by a post-modern relativism and concepts such as sin and salvation have been all but extinguished from the public consciousness. Furthermore, there is also now a furious cultural backlash against anyone who would believe and defend Christian values


or suggest that we as human beings

Church going was respected and many

extent of this backlash can be seen in

people believed that religious belief in

the hostile treatment that was handed

general and Christianity in particular

out to former Liberal democrat leader

had something to offer society. Of

Tim Farron who resigned from the

course, back them most people in the

leadership of the party having been

UK were not ‘born-again’ believers

hounded out for his Christian beliefs.

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are fallen and need to change. The

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B I B L E T EA C HI N G 1 5

How do we proclaim the gospel in

he did that, but we note that the sum

a society so hostile to its message?

total of his life pleased God. He was not

At this year’s Counties weekend, we

merely someone who claimed to believe

were reflecting on some of the great

in God, but also lived with integrity

heroes of faith from Hebrews 11 whose

allowing his life to be shaped by

lives are recorded to inspire us. There is much in this passage that we can draw on before we start to answer that question. We begin with Able (v.4) whose commitment to God was

his faith. Next there is Noah who took seriously God’s warnings about judgment (v.7) even though no one else did. He acted

such that he did not just want to serve

upon this and built an ark so that

and worship God but give God his

anyone who believed in God’s word

best. Then there was Enoch (v.5) who

could be saved. These great men are

is described as someone who pleased

then followed by Abraham (v.8-12)

God. The writer does not specify how

who was willing to leave the security

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of his family and country because God

us a conviction that it is true and has

promised him a land of his own and

power (Rom.1:16). Secondly, we need to

a family. It was not obvious how this

communicate in a way that is culturally

would come about or where this land

relevant and appealing. We should

was. However, Abraham trusted God

emphasize God’s love and not just

and was willing to take risks because he

judgment. We also need to critique the

believed God could use him and would

culture around us showing how broken

do something with his life.

it is and how limited in its ability to

“ We must give God our best” All of these men teach us something about our witness. Able would remind us that when we serve God we cannot get away with doing it in a half-hearted way. We must give God our best and earnestly share what we know with people who are lost. Enoch reminds us that we should behave with integrity and have no right to talk to others about spiritual transformation if we have not

bring peace and joy, which of course the Gospel can deliver. We need especially to focus on Jesus because his life of love and care for others is admired by the worst of cynics. Thirdly, we need to unite with fellow Christians to create Christian communities that demonstrate to our culture, poisoned by bad ideas, that the Gospel can bring joy, meaning and harmony and that the church can be a true home when Christ is at the centre.

been transformed ourselves. Noah reminds us that God’s judgment is real and it demands a response from us while Abraham encourages us to trust God as we make ourselves vulnerable taking the

LISTEN NOW Stephen’s talks are available via Counites’ video channel, visit: vimeo.com/countiesuk

gospel to the world. We need to believe that God goes before us and that he will bless what we do. Inspired be these great examples we turn to the question asked earlier. How can we communicate the Gospel in a culture that is so hostile to its message? Firstly, we must be authentic, not just preaching it but living it. As we share the gospel people must see in

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TRAINING OFFICER An exciting new role as Counties’ Training Officer has been created. This role will: - Help us establish a new gap year programme ‘TEAM’ (Training, Evangelism And Mission).


- Connect with other organisations across the network and with other groups regarding training opportunities and partnerships.

- Oversee Counites Evangelists Training Programme in regions and nationally; - Oversee training for existing Counties evangelists; - Assist with developing and delivering Neighbourhood Chaplains training;

SCHOOLS’ RESOURCE C O O R D I N AT O R Could you help to deliver RE lessons about Jesus to thousands of children across the UK? You could be the new full-time Schools’ Resource Coordinator overseeing Key to Life and GSUS Live. Counties is looking for a committed candidate who will: - Meet and support local organisers of exhibitions; - Arrange resource bookings, administration, site surveys, moves and set-ups;

The successful candidate will: - Be able to share their Christian faith; - Have good administration and planning skills; - Have an aptitude for using technology and understanding equipment heavy handling; - Have an understanding of modern RE education; - Be able to work flexible hours, including evenings and weekends.

- Oversee maintenance and operations of the vehicles; - Lead training and assist local volunteers. - Oversee publicity and communication with potential users;

For further details about these roles email jonathan@countiesuk.org or call Jonathan Brooks-Martin on 01373 823013.

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1 8 NE WS

JUST A MINUTE – WITH MIKE THOMAS Hi Mike, can you describe your role as a Counties evangelist? I think my role is split into two parts. Firstly to organise and participate in outreach and evangelism across the area in which I work. Secondly to encourage others within the area to get involved in reaching out to those around them with the life changing power of the Gospel What else do you do in your community? I’m involved in a number of projects both locally and further afield. My day can include anything from chairing a local resident’s charity, taking a school assembly, rhyme time at a toddler group to driving a double decker bus and running a youth club in towns and villages across South Wales. What do you see as the best way to reach people in your community with the good news of Christ? Relationships are key! We’ve been living, working and worshipping in the area now for 20 years and still sometimes feel like we’re outsiders as the same families have been living in the same houses around us for generations. It’s only through authentic relationships, which take time, that we earn the right to share our lives and our faith with those around us. It’s almost Christmas - what plans do you have for outreach events? I’ll let you into a little secret… I own Santa’s sleigh! Every year we take the

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sleigh to every street in East Cardiff and give out 1000’s of candy canes to everyone, along with a leaflet with a short Christmas message and an invitation to Christmas services in churches across the area. We’ll also be running Christmas Wrapped Up and getting primary school classes to visit churches to share the Christmas story with them using puppets, storytelling, crafts, baking and media. Best Bible verse and why: Hebrews 13:8. Knowing that we can always rely on God in a world where things are constantly changing brings me hope and comfort. What does it mean to you to be a Christian, how do you keep your faith ignited? For me I think being a Christian is best defined as someone who is a Follower of Jesus. In other words a Christian is someone whose faith prompts them into action, it cannot be a passive thing to be a follower of something or someone. Is my faith active in every part of my life from my calling as an evangelist to my life at home with my family? Keeping my faith ignited is a challenge, but I love listening to podcasts as I’m driving, it’s certainly a good use of all of the time spent in the car. Planning to spend quality time with the Lord is so important!

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Charles & Elizabeth Addoco Andrew & Rachel Mugford ill & Lynne Andrews W Kim & Jo Hobbs


T im & Joy Ayrton Tony & Ruth Hood


everley & Bryan Bedford B David & Katie Symons


Jonathan & Heather Brain

WEST MIDLANDS avid & Lindsey Brown D Andy & Isobel Hodson Paul & Vanessa Willmott

Julian & Elizabeth Gutteridge (ETP)

PARTNER WITH US SUBSCRIBE Please send me: I gnite Magazine and Praise & Prayer diary by post (please fill in address)

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Ian & Sally Carr James & Christine Coates (AE)


T im & Charissa Cooke Martin & Angie Korchinsky

WARWICKSHIRE I vor & Angela Cooper Bob & Rita Telford


live & Fiona Cornish C Mike & Janet Thomas

GLOUCESTERSHIRE Tim & Katrina Cracknell



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SENIORS & WIDOWS Grace Anderson, Tom & Madelene Bathgate, Jean Campbell, Roger & Hazel Chilvers, Lionel Clargo, Ray & Carol Dadswell, Rose Geary, Stephen & Jean Gillham, Victor Jack, Andy & Miriam Jelfs, Phyllis Jenkins, Hettie Hall, Wendy Iliffe, John & Jane Martin, Ruby Powell, Dick & Betty Saunders, Gladys Whittern.

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Ignite_Winter_2017_AW2.indd 19

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BE INSPIRED AND EQUIPPED F O R E V A N G E L I S M AT C O U N T I E S D AY C O N F E R E N C E 2 O 1 8 Guest speaker: Peter Maiden, former International Director of Operation Mobilisation and former chairman of Keswick Convention

Saturday 3 March 2O18 Winterbourne International Academy, near Bristol (BS36 1JL) • Seminar programme with input from Counties evangelists • Prayer • Worship • Book stall • Activities for children

• Counties’ AGM for Counties Link Groups and Trustees • Commissioning of the Counties evangelists; • Refreshments and buffet lunch • Plus much more!


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