Issue 80 / February - March 2017
sparking passion for the Gospel across the UK
Lindsay Brown:
Š Lathan Ball
Communicating God’s truth
Welcome to Ignite magazine. I always enjoy reading and learning about what God is doing through the ministry of Counties evangelists, and in other ways across the UK. Lindsay Brown challenges us (page 10), with five clear ways in which we should be committed to evangelism in our day, and you will find each of these represented in some way in the work of Counties today. I am particularly struck by his appeal for us to remain committed to preaching. Will and Lynne Andrews are taking a coach load of people to hear J. John at the Emirates stadium this summer (page 4). Gospel preaching is to be clear, simple and ultimately, point to Christ. Perhaps it is time that many of us re-evaluated the commitment to, and quality of gospel preaching opportunities in our home cities, towns and villages. Perhaps you could invite a Counties evangelist to preach, or equip your fellowship to preach the gospel more effectively? In the pages of Ignite this year, you will see a growing focus on Neighbourhood Chaplains. This new ministry will help support and train local churches to reach unreached and lonely people with the love of Christ. A number of Counties evangelists and other leaders are being trained to offer this programme in your area. Read more about it on page 8. Thank you for continuing to partner with Counties. May God bless your efforts in the gospel this year. Yours in His service
Martin Erwin, CEO
Counties exists to make Jesus known across the UK through our evangelists, exhibitions and resources, in Biblically faithful and culturally relevant ways. Address: Counties 30 Haynes Road, Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 3HD Telephone: 01373 823 013 Email: Thank you for your valued partnership. We are glad to make Ignite available free of charge. It costs approximately ÂŁ5 per year to produce and distribute six editions of this newsletter to you. Every additional contribution will help us continue in our mission. Counties (formerly Counties Evangelistic Work) is a Registered Charity No. 264278 and a Company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales No. 1041761 Editor: Helen Rimmer - Design:
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News in Brief
Neighbourhood Chaplains pilots begin
Latest news from Ian & Sally Carr
Tributes to Mavis Clargo
Lindsay Brown explores methods of communicating God’s word
Life story from ex-offender
The Life exhibition is a hit in Stafford
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News in Brief
The greatest gift Hundreds of presents were handed out to sailors over Christmas with the message of the true meaning of the season. Bristol Counties evangelist Steve Loader, also a chaplain at the local docks, gave out Christmas presents with gospel tracts and films to crew members passing through the port over the festive period. He said: “Christmas provides the wonderful opportunity to remind the seafarers that it isn’t all about the gifts we give to each other. I shared with those who are prepared to listen about the Gift and the Giver, which is Jesus Christ and eternal life, found only in him.”
Just one? Evangelist J John and the Philo Trust are putting together a major evangelistic event in London this year with the aim of people bringing just one nonChristian to hear just one message. Hertfordshire Counties evangelists Will & Lynne Andrews plan to take a coach of people from their local area to the JustOne event at the Emirates stadium on Saturday 8 July. Will said: “The concept is for Christians to take ‘just one’ non-Christian, on ‘just one’ day to hear ‘just one’ message. “We are planning to arrange a number of warm up events to generate interest.” Could you take one J John. non-Christian friend to this event? For more details visit: 4 | Ignite
Reaching out to the unemployed A member from a job club run by Essex evangelists Andrew and Rachel Mugford has been exploring the Christian faith. Andrew said: “Our greatest encouragement work wise has been Job Club in the mornings and Alpha in the evenings. One lady who came to the Alpha via the Job Club has admitted an extremely chequered past and is opening up like a bud to the warmth of God’s love. Wonderful to witness! “It’s all very humbling and we continually thank the Lord Jesus for the opportunities He’s giving us.”
News in Brief
Photos © Dave Sargent
Gospel in the driving seat A bus packed full of the latest gadgets for young people is helping Counties Cardiff evangelist Mike Thomas reach out to communities across South Wales. The Eden Bus from the Message Trust kitted out with two Xboxes, a Playstation 4, three Apple Macs, 3D TVs and a recording studio – is being managed by Mike Thomas. Mike said: “The Eden Bus exists to take the gospel into areas that don’t necessarily have a place for a church-based youth group to meet, or to help start a new youth group. “Managing the bus project is going really well. We’ve had hundreds of young people on the bus over the last three months at weekly sessions and one off events, it’s definitely been a huge success everywhere we’ve been. “We’ve been working with churches from across South Wales, from Cardiff to Mountain Ash in the valleys and we’re looking forward to a week’s mission with Counties evangelist Phil Davies and the team from Tilsley College in Swansea in February.
Mike Thomas with the Eden Bus.
The Eden Bus exists to take the gospel into areas that don’t necessarily have a place for a church-based youth group to meet, or to help start a new youth group. “We’ll be going into schools delivering RE lessons as well as taking the bus out in the evenings to do some outreach work.” If you are in South Wales and are interested in booking the Eden Bus contact Mike on Ignite | 5
Spotlight on the work of Dorset evangelists Dorset evangelists Ian and Sally Carr support local church outreach through Bible teaching, children’s and youth work, clubs and school visits. Here they give an update on the last few busy months: “There were over 600 people at the Sturminster Newton High School Christmas Concert and at the end I was able to share the gospel briefly and close with a prayer and blessing. The following day, when I was at one of the local primary schools for an assembly, a parent came to up to me to say how thrilled she was that I had been able to share so clearly. “Then on Christmas Eve, I led and preached at Okeford Fitzpaine’s Crib Service, which is easily the best attended service in the year. The church was full, and it was wonderful to take folk beyond the manger to the point, purpose and relevance of the celebration. Most of those present would never go to a church at any other time.
Fresh start “Following months of discussion, prayer and consideration, Christian Camps in Dorset will be closing after more than 40 years, which is a particular sadness to us. However, this new situation will open up the possibility of other involvements in various areas of ministry. “We have taken on responsibilities as part of the Leadership Team at Sturminster Christian Fellowship. This is not a paid role, but will involve my preaching there once a month. Please pray for wisdom as we and another couple also invited seek to help move things forward in this (currently) small church, and as we try to do what we can in the strength of His Spirit, to further establish a really thriving evangelical witness in the local area. “The rest of my time will continue in schools work (assemblies, support of heads, chaplaincy and mentoring), children’s groups, prison chaplaincy, itinerant preaching, and ex-offender rehabilitation/support, pastoral support of men (several individuals), and personal one-to-one evangelism as opportunities present themselves.”
“I was at Guys Marsh prison both before Christmas, and between Christmas and New Year; it was good to share a message of hope and the reliability of God with the men who came along. Please pray that they will hold on to the things we considered.” Ian and Sally Carr.
There were over 600 people at the Sturminster Newton High School Christmas Concert and at the end I was able to share the gospel.”
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Tributes paid to Mavis Clargo Lionel and Mavis Clargo.
Tributes have been paid to senior evangelist Mavis Clargo who went to be with the Lord on Boxing Day. Husband Lionel said: “My dear one is now safe in the arms of Jesus, who made the promise very clear in John’s Gospel chapter 14. 1-6 ! Thank you for praying for us, we have both known a real peace that only the Lord can give.” Lionel and Mavis worked for over 40 years with Counties as evangelists in Surrey. They were involved in tent missions, holiday clubs, hundreds of school visits, preaching and pastoral work. Martin Erwin, CEO at Counties, said: “I was privileged to meet Lionel and Mavis 25 years ago when I was being trained as a Counties evangelist. Mavis always showed genuine love for our family, and I know that during her long illness, others were moved at her concern for them rather than for herself. She has left a wonderful example to us all of how
to face our own mortality in light of eternity, with the certainty that comes from knowing Jesus personally.” Mavis was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2012 and publicly spoke about living with the terminal illness and how her faith helped her and Lionel cope. Speaking in 2014 to Ignite, Mavis said: “It’s been a real rollercoaster for us – there are times when we feel full of faith and confidence in God’s promises and what the Bible says about heaven seems very real. Other times separation seems too hard to contemplate. “It’s hard to face uncertainty – we love to have things cut and planned out. None of us know the future but we know who holds the future, and we hang on that when times are tough. “We have a heavenly Father who knows us through and through and who longs for our complete trust in Him – walking by faith and not by sight and discovering more and more every day ‘Jesus, better by far.’”
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It’s good news! A church in Stockport has received a warm welcome from the local community after trialling the new Neighbourhood Chaplains programme from Counties. Volunteers from Brinnington Community Church have been visiting their local neighbourhood through the new scheme which aims to equip churches to visit people where they live. Michael Flynn, 22 from Brinnington, met with a volunteer from the Neighbourhood Chaplains team. He said: “I grew up in care all my life, moving from pillar to post, and since then I have never settled. At a point in my life when I needed someone and no one else was there, (Neighbourhood Chaplain) Andrew was there for me to show me a way that no one had ever shown me before. 8 | Ignite
“He taught me things from the Bible and I can deal with things a lot easier now I’m following Jesus; I don’t have to fight and rage, I am settled and happy.” Elderly couple Ray and Rita from Brinnington said they had never been to church but were touched by the visit from their local church. Ray said: “We were really touched that someone from the local church cared enough to call round to see us. They were very caring and asked if there was anything they could do to help us.
We were really touched that someone from the local church cared enough to call round to see us.”
Feature “My wife Rita really suffers with her health and can’t get out so we’ve never been to their church, but the volunteers Martin and Stephie were very kind. They told us about their beliefs and prayed for us and call round when they can.” The training programme is currently being run in six regions around the country but plans are in place to launch the scheme wider in the spring. The scheme involves volunteers from churches attending a three-part training session covering areas such as listening skills, pastoral care, safe practice, referral issues and biblical principles. It also includes a toolkit for churches and a branded uniform. 25-year-old Stephie Davies from Brinnington Community Church is a Neighbourhood Chaplain. She said: “I thought Neighbourhood Chaplains was a good idea but I didn’t think it was for me as I’m normally a bit nervous around meeting new people. “But after the training day I gave it a go with more experienced team members and it’s been really rewarding. I love getting to know people, praying for them and calling back to see the progress they’ve made - how our prayers are being answered. Now people give me their prayer requests when I meet them
on the street and I’m definitely going to keep going out whenever I can.” Bedfordshire evangelist Colin Johnson helps to run the Neighbourhood Chaplains team in Leighton Buzzard. He said: “Our Neighbourhood Chaplains team are going out on a weekly basis now. The team are becoming more independent and are going out without me more and more. “We meet monthly for review and prayer and are encouraged by the 20 people we call on regularly. One man we visit is reading avidly some Christian books we have left and has asked what is the meaning of grace. Sadly one of the men we were visiting died just before Christmas. He was a lonely man and who had been homeless in the past. His family had rejected him so it was a privilege to be able to befriend him and show him the love of Jesus. “Another person we visit has been suffering from dementia and thankfully we have been able to get the church involved in helping to offer support.” If you would like to pre-register for the national launch, or simply want to know more about Neighbourhood Chaplains please email Jenny Rossiter – or call Counties on 01373 823013 Ignite | 9
Evangelism tips
© Lathan Ball
God’s word
Lindsay Brown, the main speaker at the next Counties Day Conference in Slough.
Christian speaker and author Lindsay Brown will be leading the main seminars at the next Counties Day Conference. Lindsay, from the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students, will talk around the theme of ‘shining like stars in an ever-increasing dark world’ on Saturday, 4 March at Langley Grammar School, near Slough. Here he looks at the most effective methods to use to share the gospel: Throughout the world many different evangelistic methods are used, including drama, questionnaires, open air preaching, book tables and camps. I however want to focus on several of the methods which, it seems to me are the most essential biblical methods which we must use if we want to see biblical fruit in our movements. It is clear in Scripture that God communicates His truth primarily through: 10 | Ignite
1. The spoken word 2. The written word I would like to suggest therefore the following primary methods which should be employed by all Christians seeking to win unbelievers to Christ.
1. Public Evangelistic Proclamation or Preaching This has always been used throughout the history of the church and has been ordered by God. We neglect it at our peril. In the New Testament it was the approach the apostles used to those with nominal Christian backgrounds (see Acts 2, where the sermon is full of Scripture references), as well as to those with pagan backgrounds (see Acts 17), where Paul includes very few references to Scripture and incorporates references to contemporary sculpture and Pagan poetry
Evangelism tips into his presentation as he seeks to connect with his hearers. Good preaching will aim to satisfy the mind, prick the conscience (leading to repentance), challenge the will (thus calling for a response) and finally, move the emotions. We should aim to provide models of preaching where the proclaimed message is clear, including little theological jargon and making provision for the definition of terms which are unknown to the secular world like sin, grace, justification, repentance, etc. We should also speak where people are, being clear and simple, but not simplistic and we should finally aim to proclaim Christ, always aiming to confront people with Him personally.
2. Small groups in the home Perhaps one of the first examples of the evangelistic Bible study is where the evangelist Philip opens Scripture up to the Ethiopian treasurer. But there also seems to be much justification in the New Testament for small group work in the context of a warm atmosphere, namely a home where people were invited to hear the gospel shared in a loving, relaxed atmosphere. This was done in Jason’s home (Acts 17:5), in the home of Justin (Acts 18:7) and elsewhere (Acts 21:8, 20:7, 10:22, 2:46 - where we are told of a house full of seekers).
3. Apologetics Another form of public evangelistic work is that of apologetics, which can be defined as a reasoned defence of the gospel. Many people do not understand that this is not a replacement for the Holy Spirit’s working, and it is not a rational substitute, but rather a basis or ground for faith. A clearly reasoned presentation of the gospel can be a means by which the objective truth of God’s word can be made clear so that men will heed it as a vehicle of the Holy Spirit. Examples of
the apologetic approach in Scripture are Acts 17:2-3 where Paul talks with Jews who have some biblical knowledge and Acts 17:16-31 where he talks with non-Jews who have no biblical background.
4. Working in teams There seems to be justification for this in Jesus’ own ministry, where he gathered together not only the 12 apostles, but a larger body of people who often travelled with him, which included both men and women. The most striking text highlighting this practice is in Luke 8.1-3 which says that Jesus was accompanied by the 12 apostles and MANY women! This example was later copied in the life of the apostle Paul, where he sometimes had, it seems from his writings, over 20 people travelling together with him.
5. Literature Often in my experience students lack faith in the power of the written word of the gospel to convict and with the help of the Holy Spirit transform people’s lives. We need to encourage them to liberally distribute and use Scripture to expose people to the gospel.
“It is my conviction that these five methods are principal methods in the Scripture which we must aim to incorporate into our means of proclaiming the Christian truth in addition of course to personal evangelism.” Lindsay Brown
*This article has been edited for Ignite. For the full version of the article visit Ignite | 11
Photos © Andrew H Williams
Life stories
Fresh start for ex-offender Philip
“A relationship with God is better than probation!” – these are the words of ex-offender Philip Ogundipe who has set himself on a new path, thanks to his new-found faith in Jesus. Philip was saved and baptised last summer after being mentored by Counties evangelist Kim Hobbs in Hemel Hempstead. Philip said: “Finding Jesus has made a big difference in my life. I now have peace of mind. God has changed so many things. I am not homeless and I have a future with friends.” 30-year-old Philip’s life has not always been easy. He was brought up by his grandmother in Nigeria before moving to England with his parents when he was 14. Philip got in trouble at school and mixed with a bad crowd who led him ultimately to petty crime and drugs.
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His relationship with his parents was strained because of his problems at school and he was always out - avoiding the difficulties at home. Things became worse with the gang and Philip drifted deeper into crime around drugs and gangs, which eventually led him to a conviction and he was sent to prison. Philip was released in November 2014 but with his relationship with his parents strained he found himself homeless and without a job. That’s when he met Kim Hobbs at Cornergate Foundation, a charity set up to help ex-offenders with practical support and one-to-one mentoring sessions. Kim explained: “Philip was homeless for five years (either on the street or sofa-surfing) and without food when he came to South Hill Centre in May 2014 for a food parcel. Someone said he should meet me and we chatted and it all started from there. We did get him the food parcel too!
Life stories
Counties evangelist Kim Hobbs talks to Phillip at the South Hill Centre in Hemel Hempstead.
“Due to a miracle of God, we got Philip a solicitor to challenge his homelessness status and he is now housed. Praise God! Philip thought I was a hero but now he knows it was God!” Over a year after they first met, Kim and wife Jo took Philip to their church summer camp. Kim said: “Philip told Jo and me that he wanted to pray the prayer of salvation and to get baptised. He has told me since that he felt peace for the whole of the following week and his life has changed hugely ever since.” Philip added: “I watched Kim and Jo’s lives and wanted what they had. That’s why I wanted a new life without anxiety. The madness of my old life creeps back on me sometimes and I don’t want that.” He continued: “That’s why I asked to pray. After I was baptised I was so happy, I didn’t feel like taking drugs. I have peace of mind now. God has changed so many things.”
Kim said: “Being sent to prison isolates people and stigmatises them. People who have completed their sentence have paid the price set by society and yet, even then, they return to very challenging circumstances. Ex-offenders lose touch with life on the outside, on their return they lean on friends who may not be good for them, if they are to turn from crime, they may not have accommodation, no work, they may have no worldly goods worth having and little indeed to look forward to. Many have lost touch with family, children etc. “At Cornergate Foundation we offer friendship and love and we do not judge. We offer practical support and the potential to meet with others who are further down the same road they are travelling. We also offer them the chance to know the love of God and I always tell them God loves them from day one.”
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Photos © Samantha Cook
Life expo proves popular with Stafford children A church which has booked Counties popular Life exhibition for the third time is building great relationships with their local schools as a result. Berkswich Methodist Church, Stafford, hosted the Life exhibition with help from volunteers from their church and Wildwood Church. They are now running a lunchtime Christian club at one school and work in the schools, leading assemblies and taking RE classes. Jean Harrison, schoolswork development lead at Berkswich Methodist Church said: “We have found that the schools are so much 14 | Ignite
more receptive to us working alongside them once they have experienced Life. “God has been opening doors through Life and we continue to look for the other opportunities He has planned throughout the coming months.” During the last Life visit, the church saw 700 children from nine local schools visit the exhibition over eight days and they are now building on the relationships formed. Jean continued: “It’s always great to come together with other churches in sowing the gospel seeds and in fellowship.
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children from nine local schools visited the exhibition over eight days “We opened to the schools throughout the week and also welcomed the church congregation through on the Sunday morning. You are never too old to learn from Life! “We have also found that Life reaches out to the staff who accompany the children, with conversations shared and sometimes worries unburdened. They too see and hear about the life of Jesus and I am sure, are touched by the message of God’s love for them.”
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Ignite | 15
Your local evangelists For more information on evangelists and the work they do in each area visit
T: 01373 823013 E:
15 22
9 8
10 17
5 21
1. Charles & Elizabeth Addoco
Andrew & Rachel Mugford 2. Will & Lynne Andrews Kim & Jo Hobbs 3. Tim & Joy Ayrton Tony & Ruth Hood 4. Beverley & Bryan Bedford David & Katie Symons 5. Jonathan & Heather Brain 6. David & Lindsey Brown Andy & Isobel Hodson Paul & Vanessa Willmott 7. Ian & Sally Carr 8. James & Christine Coates (AE) 9. Tim & Charissa Cooke Martin and Angie Korchinsky (ETP) 10. Ivor & Angela Cooper Bob & Rita Telford
11. Clive & Fiona Cornish
Mike & Janet Thomas 12. Tim & Katrina Cracknell Tom Elliott (AE) 13. Gordon & Penny Curley 14. Phil & Sheila Davies 15. Julian & Elizabeth Gutteridge (ETP) 16. John & Rachel Hardwick 17. Janet Hawking (AE) 18. Colin & Linda Johnson 19. Steve & Dawn Loader 20. Matt & Nicola Rich 21. Mike & Su Strange John Simpson (AE) 22. Robert & Sarah Watson 23. Janice Webb (AE)
AE – Associate Evangelist | ETP– Evangelist Training Programme
Seniors and widows Grace Anderson, Tom & Madelene Bathgate, Jean Campbell, Geoff Carr, Roger & Hazel Chilvers, Lionel Clargo, Ray & Carol Dadswell, Rose Geary, Stephen & Jean Gillham, Victor Jack, Andy & Miriam Jelfs, Phyllis Jenkins, Hettie Hall, Wendy Iliffe, John & Jane Martin, Ruby Powell, Dick & Betty Saunders, Gladys Whittern.