Teambuilding Solutions - Teambuilding Guide

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Team Building!! ! ! ! to !

!Team Bonding

A guide to get the most out of your events! 01425 629327

Building a team Some stats:! 70% of us have left a job because of relationship issues - usually with their immediate manager.!

67% of business success comes from managing relationships! 25% of a managers time is lost per day day to unnecessary conflict, argument and misunderstanding. Staff morale and team effectiveness a key to success in any organisation. Understanding the type of programme for you can be crucial in getting the most out of your team. !

In an attempt to make some of your choices easier, we have developed this guide which takes you through the difference between team building and team bonding and what you can expect from each.

“Teamwork is the secret that make common people achieve uncommon result.�! Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha!

Team building

Team learning

Team bonding

The team building to team bonding continuum. There is a clear differential that must be made between types of ‘team building’ activities. At one end of the scale, we have interventions that develop the team and their understandings of themselves and their colleagues. ! The type of events we see in this type include workshops where team dynamics are discussed and can be supported by psychometric or behavioural tests such as Belbin, SDI, MBTI, etc.! These can also supported with experiential activities where the objective is to create situations where the team engage in discussion to overcome a physical of cerebral problem. What the activities should aim at is for participants to display their core behaviour. These can then be discussed in terms of their contribution to the team.! In contrast, team bonding activities are all about creating a shared experience that creates a feel good factor between team members and also generates some friendly internal competition between team members.! How do you choose between them?

Stages of Team Development & Type of Activity Most Suited Forming


Team Building Activity Team Building Activity Individuals are gathering information and impressions about each other and the scope of the tasks. Although a comfortable stage, the avoidance of conflict means that productivity is low despite high morale.

Minor confrontations will arise that are quickly dealt with, yet conflict may be suppressed. To deal with conflict, individuals will look for structural clarity and rules to prevent it. Morale is at a low point, but productivity is increasing.



Team Building Activity or Team Bonding Activity Team Bonding Activity The team’s tasks and responsibilities are clear and individuals listen to each other and are prepared to change pre-conceived views. Individuals have had to work hard to attain this stage and may resist any pressure to change - especially from the outside. Morale has increased sharply and productivity continues to improve.

Characterised by a state of interdependence and flexibility - everyone knows each other well and trusts each other enough to allow independent activity. Team identity, loyalty and morale are all high and everyone is equally taskorientated and peopleorientated.

Type of Leadership Required Directive



‘Success comes from progressive movement toward your goal’! American Heart Association


What can I expect from the different types of activities? Team Building and Development

Team Learning

Team Bonding

Activities that involve team collaboration, discussion and decision making.! Use of team development theory to frame discussions.! Use of psychometrics/behaviour analysis tools.! Facilitated discussions during and/ or after activities.!

Activities that involve learning a new skill not related to their work. This could be CSI, Cooking, Sailing, etc.! The focus is to have team elements, but for them to be in a less formal environment and not to be the emphasis of the session.! May involve key messages to be mentioned during a final debrief. !

Activities that are fun in nature and have an emphasis on the experience. These types of activities include archery and clay shooting. There is no feedback required and they usually involve competition between teams. The communication is fun and jocular and no mention of teamwork during the end of session wrap up. !

The emphasis is on the team.

The emphasis is on the activity and team.

The emphasis is on the activity.



"None of us is as smart as all of us.�! Ken Blanchard


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