Teambuilding Solutions - The Krypton Maze Explained

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The Krypton Maze Activity description and session outline! 01425 629327

The Krypton Maze

Bridge Build Activity

Some stats:! 70% of us have left a job because of relationship issues - usually with their immediate manager.!

67% of business success comes from managing relationships! 25% of a managers time is lost per day day to unnecessary conflict, argument and misunderstanding. Staff morale and team effectiveness a key to success in any organisation. ! The Krypton Maze event is a series of physical and cerebral challenges designed to get the most out of your team. ! The event can be run in a number of different ways depending on your required result: ! 1. Facilitated. Our experienced facilitators debrief teams after each activity to provide positive pathways for improvement.! 2. Fun. The activities are inherently fun and we can place an emphasis on the teams having fun whilst unconsciously learning about each other in the team.! 3. Competitive. We set teams up to compete head-to-head on activities to create healthy competition between teams. “Teamwork is the secret that make common people achieve uncommon result.�! Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha!

Krypton Maze Activity Description Physical Challenges Photo Mission The team is presented with a number of photographs that they must duplicate as closely as possible. However, they also have to find the item in the photo and replicate the picture from memory.

Serendipity Several items need to be retrieved from within a specified zone. The teams only have a few resources with which to retrieve them. Can they work out how the items can safely be retrieved?

Pipe Dreams


A number of ball-bearings need to be transported along a number of lengths of tube to the collection point at the end. However, the tubes are full of holes! The team needs to work together if all the balls are to be collected.

Teams are placed onto a giant set of skis and asked to negotiate our tricky obstacle course. This would be a headto-head challenge as two teams compete to complete the course in the fastest time.

Da Vinci Bridge

Bridge Build

The great inventor Leonardo Da Vinci once designed a bridge that was capable of being built using only interlocking pieces of wood. Can the teams work out the design?

The team must navigate their way across some barrels and selected bases. However, their resources are very limited so will the teams be able to work out the solution?

The Orbital

Egg Toss

The teams have to retrieve a number of stainless steel ‘Orb’s’ that are located around an area. They can only reach them by laying down a trail that takes them through the Orb field and back to their starting location.

In this finale activity, all the teams are presented with the same materials in order to build a contraption capable of throwing an egg the greatest distance. An ‘egg’cellent way to finish the day!

Krypton Maze Activity Description Cerebral Challenges The Harlequin

Chemical Reaction

The team is presented with a number of coloured squares divided into quadrants. The objective is to match up the squares so that the colours are coordinated. Sounds simple but is fiendishly difficult!

Whilst working on a volatile mixture of chemicals, one of our scientists has made a mistake and set in motion a possibly explosive chain reaction! Can the team separate the liquid in time to stop the meltdown?


Build That Tune

Can the teams figure out our circuit board to ensure each diode has the correct number of connections? The time is limited, and the pressure is on!

An MP3 player is supplied to a team which has a series of chimes that make a specific tune recorded onto it. All the teams have to do is construct interconnecting towers to enable a ball to strike the chime plates in the right order and at the right time!

Communication Communication


The teams are split into describers and listeners where one section of the team will have to convey the details of a diagram, via walkie-talkie, to the other section of the team. How accurate will the diagram be?

The team is split into two and one section must communicate an important message to the other using this tried and tested method of communication. This is all about attention to detail and concentrating on the task at hand!


Egg Tower

A number of blocks are placed upon one of a series of three pressure sensitive pads. The team has to work out how to transfer all the blocks onto one of the other pads in order to stop a bomb from exploding!

The teams are presented with sheets of A4 paper and cellotape and tasked with building the tallest freestanding tower capable of supporting an egg at it’s highest point. Simple enough?!

The Krypton Maze Facilitated



Half Day - Up to 6 activities

3 - 4 hours 6 activities! Icebreaker and finale

Approx. 3 hours - 6-8 activities! Ice breaker and finale

Teams are presented with an activity and observed by our facilitators. Time is taken at the end of each activity to de-brief teams. ! There is no timescale given to the de-brief as it’s up to the individual team to decide that they have got all they can out of the debrief. ! A maximum of 6 activities will be presented, however, they don’t all have to be completed as a quality debrief is the main focus.

Teams are started on different activities and rotate around so that they all attempt the same challenges at some point during the session. Time is strictly limited on each activity so that each team has the same opportunity as each other.! Scores are comparative to the the attempts of all the other teams. ! There may be an icebreaker and/or finale which incorporates all the teams.

Teams compete head-to-head on activities to increase the competitive element. ! Time is strictly limited on each activity. Competition is only between the teams competing against each other as opposed to the entire number of teams attempting the same activity.! There may be an icebreaker and/or finale which incorporates all the teams.

‘Success comes from progressive movement toward your goal’! American Heart Association

What can I expect from the different types of formats? Facilitated



Team Building and Development

Team Learning

Team Bonding

The Krypton Maze has activities that involve team collaboration, discussion and decision making.! We can also make use of team development theory to frame discussions.! Use of psychometrics/behaviour analysis tools.! Facilitated discussions during and/ or after each challenge.!

The focus here is to have team elements, but for them to be in a less formal environment and not to be the emphasis of the session.! Team members get to know each other better through interaction in a now work environment.! May involve key messages to be mentioned during a final debrief. !

The activities have an emphasis on fun and competition. ! There is no feedback required. ! The communication is fun and jocular and no mention of teamwork during the end of session wrap up. !

The emphasis is on the team.

The emphasis is on the activity and

The emphasis is on the activity.


! !

"None of us is as smart as all of us.�! Ken Blanchard

! ! ! ! !! 01425 629327

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