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Coast to Capital LEP – Croydon Providers

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Introduction Dear Enterprise Advisers and partners, The aim of this presenta5on is to introduce you to some of the providers of government schemes, informa5on, careers and guidance available to schools, colleges and students. The majority of these providers offer a na5onal service, but where the service is tailored locally and where we have a specific contact, such as Croydon Council, this has been iden5fied. Some offer free services, whilst others include a membership or fee and therefore are an investment for schools. I’m sure this presenta5on is not en5rely complete, as these are just the providers I have come across since working with the Enterprise Adviser Network, but I hope that you find this a useful resource. Please feel free to contact me with your feedback. Best wishes,

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Coast to Capital Croydon

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The Careers and Enterprise Company

The na5onal network that connects schools and colleges, employers and career programme providers to create high-impact careers opportuni5es for young people via the Enterprise Adviser Network. We bring together volunteers from business with educa5on leaders to strategically plan meaningful careers and enterprise ac5vi5es for secondary schools and colleges. Free provision to bridge the barriers between educa5on and the world of work for young people.

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GeRng business people into schools and colleges FACILITATING ENCOUNTERS WITH BUSINESSES

Croydon Council – contact with employers Tyrone Irish –Employment Pathways Officer Tyrone Irish ( ØKeeps a register of businesses willing to contribute to careers events (Fill out a request form if you want an event supported – see next slide)

ØOrganises borough wide events ØLinks with CEIAG support and EAN

Please complete form and return to

Upcoming Events Request form

Careers activity request form Date of request Contact Name School Name Primary phone number | Other phone number

Email address

School Profile

Get a form from Tyrone Irish, Employment Pathways Officer at Croydon Council, (, your Enterprise Adviser or Either scan and return, or hand in to your Enterprise Adviser or at the Council Office


Activity □  Careers Talk □  Inspirational Talk

□  Careers Workshop □  Other (specify below)

Date of Event (if over several days please indicated date you require employer to attend) Please describe nature of activity requested

Time employer is required

Paper version only for now – electronic version being prepared.

□  Mock interviews □  Company Tour

How many employers required?

Year Group Year 7 ☐

Year 8 ☐

Year 9 ☐

Year 10 ☐

Year 11 ☐

Expected group size Is the event industry specific? Yes ☐ No ☐ Industry:

please Tyrone as much no5ce as possible

Please list staff members that can be contacted regarding this matter: Name


Year 12 ☐

Education Business Partnership

Interview skills with employers Work Experience (bought- in services)

An established and recognised brokerage between educa5on and business. Our service provides young people with opportuni5es to learn and develop skills for career wellbeing and employability.


Raising aspira9ons We passionately believe young people raise their aspira5ons by learning about work through prac5cal experiences, work placements and mee5ng employers in a variety of contexts. Our structured programmes inspire students to be be\er prepared for the workforce and the future

Young Chamber

free service in Croydon – contact to sign up

Dr Helen Gray – schools project consultant Young Chamber is a member offer for schools and colleges from the Accredited Chambers of Commerce in the UK. Its purpose is to help bridge the gap between businesses and the educa9on sector. Young Chamber provides a range of different ways in which Chambers of Commerce can help schools and colleges tap into the knowledge, skills and experience that local businesses can provide students for them to succeed in the world of work. To find out more please visit:

h\ps:// Founders4schools is a free service for UK state maintained and private primary, secondary schools and sixth form colleges that provide you with a quick (5 mins!) and simple way to increase the employability of your students by facilita5ng encounters with employers. Founders4schools offers 3 employability services: 1) Careers talks by role models from the business community. It takes 5 minutes to select local business leaders that can help bring to life subjects and raise your students aspira5ons.

2) Careers Fairs supported by growing SMEs that are crea5ng the jobs of today and tomorrow. These events can take place all year round and is a good way for students to hear what local companies have on offer. 3) Workplace visits so that your students can experience what it is to work at a company that is growing. These ‘events’ can be booked as a one-off session but many teachers choose to create series of events across a term or year (at least one per term) for even greater impact.

The Na5onal Careers Service provides informa5on, advice and guidance to help individuals make decisions on learning, training and work opportuni5es. On-line informa5on about job roles and cv wri5ng. The service offers confiden5al and impar5al advice (telephone service). This is supported by qualified careers advisers. h\ps://

Inspiring the Future is a free service for state schools and colleges to recruit volunteers doing a range of jobs to share their knowledge and experience with your students face-toface. Before you get started, why not have a read of our top tips for teachers using the system. We have volunteers from: •all levels – apprentices to CEOs An exci5ng addi5on and important part of the Na5onal •all jobs – archaeologists to zoologists •all over the UK Careers Service is the Inspira5on Agenda. The role of the Volunteers come into school to help young people to make Inspira5on Agenda is to broker rela5onships between better informed decisions about their futures and the value schools, colleges and employers crea5ng links between of education. With Inspiring the Future, you will also find it industry and educa5onal ins5tu5ons. The focus of our efforts easier to access employers who can support careers fairs.

is to inspire young people to think about their future careers. Talk to our Schools team on 0207 566 4880 (they are happy to give personal help you to access and use the For further details go to or


Apprenticeship Support Expression of interest form Support offered to schools in London and the South area with the aim of geRng 3 million people into appren5ceships by 2020. (govt target) Schools can choose up to four ac5vi5es over a period of two days: ØLive broadcast (this is a webinar that teachers can sign up to and play in assemblies) ØAppren5ceship presenta5on by an Educa5on and Employers representa5ve (classroom/assembly format) ØParent evenings ØCareers fair a\endance with resources ØTeacher CPD session ØAn appren5ceship Guide book for all schools ØAppren5ceship registra5on session ØAppren5ceship applica5on session

Inspiring the Future: Inspiring Women Campaign •  The Inspiring the Future: Inspiring Women campaigns aims to get thousands of inspira5onal women into schools, talking to girls to broaden their horizons and raise aspira5ons. See our 2-minute video #ReDrawtheBalance to find out more

Follow the Inspiring Women blog:

NCS Inspira5on Agenda: London offer delivered by Prospects

h\p:// nda.aspx Through inspiring events organised by the schools and colleges, employers are able to engage with young people through ac5vi5es such as: ØIndustry Insight, talks about a sector or industry ØRoutes into work, talks about Appren5ceships, University or School Leaver programmes ØWork place visits, young people visit and meet real people in real jobs at work ØEmployers a\ending Career Fairs ØMock Interviews delivered by employers The Na5onal Careers Service Inspira5on Agenda is a free service, we broker employer rela5onships, share Labour Market informa5on, news and resources through our E-bulle5n. If you are a school or college and want to find ways to inspire your students then get in touch with us today. London - (see next slide for details)

NCS Inspira5on Agenda: London offer delivered by Prospects

Our remit is to support London schools’ own careers ac5vi5es and to bring employers into the schools – accompanied by our qualified (DBS checked) Careers Advisers. As part of the Na5onal Careers Service, this is free to all state funded secondary schools and FE colleges in London (target age range 16-19). We can bring employers into school to a\end your events such as: Careers Fairs Mock Interviews Insight talks We require an 8 week lead 5me to support ac5vi5es. In the first instance we would need to know the date of your event. One of our Careers Advisers would then be in touch with you to discuss how we could support. To request our support at your events, please email our project inbox with the date you have in mind and we will call you as soon as possible. We also organise workplace visits, workshops in schools and “Meet the Appren5ce” ac5vi5es in school. We adver5se these by flyer to all schools and allocate on a “first come, first served” basis. We are currently organising our Autumn and winter ac5vi5es and will email our schools’ offer at the beginning of Autumn term. Please do contact us if you have specific events in mind, or keep an eye out for our Autumn flyers of workshops or visits. Prospects Services | Prospects House | 19 Elmfield Road | Bromley | BR1 1LT Tel: 020 8315 1267 |

WorldSkills is the global hub for skills excellence and development. Through international cooperation and development between industry, government, organizations, and institutions, we promote the benefits of and need for skilled professionals through grass-roots community projects, skill competitions, and knowledge exchange. We show how important skills education and training is for youth, industries and society by challenging young professionals around the world to become the best in the skill of their choice. h\ps://

Free Careers Educa5on Programme download and/or order one free paper copy. Skills Champions - Access to appren5ces who will a\end events and tell their career stories to inspire others SAVE THE DATE! London Skills Show Nov 24th and 25th 2017

Free resources, data base of STEM ambassadors and volunteers who will work in schools to support programmes. h\p://

Organise a Big Bang@ event – ie a STEM event in school h\ps:// programmes/the-big-bang-near-me/ Local contact Aimee Welch

SATROTel: 01483 688070 Fax: 01483 573704 Email: h\p://

Welcome to SATRO! You've entered a world where a passion for inspiring young people is a part of everyday life. SATRO is an educa5onal charity and social enterprise which has been working with young people in Surrey and the South East for over 30 years. In that 5me we have inspired over 450,000 young people. What do we do? SATRO provides real-life experience of all aspects of the working world, par5cularly in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) through a diverse and challenging range of programmes. We work closely with schools, businesses and volunteers to inspire young people, fuelling their passion and enthusiasm for their future careers. SATRO provide a range of services in Croydon including SATRO BTEC courses/mobile construc5on classroom, science workshops, challenges and compe55ons. Some ac5vi5es are sponsored by business partners, and there are variable costs to schools/colleges. Discuss your requirements with your Enterprise Adviser, and we can support you in liaising with Satro to see what can be oered within your budget or supported by local businesses.


STEM Ambassadors volunteer their 5me and support to promote STEM subjects to young learners in a vast range of original, crea5ve, prac5cal and engaging ways. In London there are 2,500 brilliant and inspiring volunteers helping to support the STEM curriculum and raise awareness of STEM careers, by revealing how essen5al STEM is throughout the world. STEM Ambassadors cross all ages and backgrounds, represen5ng over a vast spectrum of dierent employers across the UK. Our Ambassadors include appren5ces, zoologists, set designers, climate change scien5sts, engineers, farmers, geologists, nuclear physicists, and architects. They help open the doors to a world of opportuni5es and possibili5es which come from pursuing STEM subjects and careers. They not only inspire young people; they also support teachers in the classroom by explaining current applica5ons of STEM in industry or research. Whether you are an employer, teacher, community or youth group leader, or currently volunteer as a STEM Ambassador, we can support you. Request form South London

The Brokerage

In school support from City professionals for London schools and colleges

Classroom sessions and contribu5on to careers events Classroom sessions We deliver a wide range of engaging sessions tailored to the needs of your students and your school. Most sessions are free to state schools in London. Please contact us directly to see how we can work with your school. We can visit your school to: Deliver workshops on employability skills Run our 'Trading Game' workshops to students of maths and business studies Deliver mock interviews to students A\end careers fairs These sessions are made available thanks to funding from Allen & Overy LLP For more informa5on or to book a place, please contact a member of our team or call 020 7628 9904. Please note, all our sta are DBS checked.

Go Construct Comprehensive skill sector website – aims to explain and promote career pathways and opportuni5es. Sign in for free careers and teaching resources, including: Ø  Ø  Ø  Ø  Ø

Skill sector presenta5ons Posters, infographics, careers educa5on resources Videos Work experience and construc5on site visit guides Day in the life of

Find a Construc5on Ambassador Career Quiz

h\p:// ‘Engaging businesses effec5vely in good prac5ce CSR’ – funded by Croydon businesses. Delivers workshops in partnership with Alliance/Teach First, eg Confidence and Employability Workshops 60 students from years 10/12/13 meet 6 employers, experience 4 interven5ons during course of one day. Impact of the workshop: Address barriers to employment, develops sox skills. Can also offer interview skills, personal statement, work placements

Elba Mentoring – nego5able costs to schools h\ps:// Contact for Croydon: Astrid Flowers Ltd Students volunteer to sign up for the programme axer being introduced to it in an assembly. They are matched with appropriate mentor volunteers from the local business community, and meet regularly in a local business hub axer school throughout year 10. ØWorking with 2 Croydon schools in phase 1 ØLooking to recruit more Croydon schools for phase 2 from Sept 2017


Range of inspira5onal interac5ve business based programmes – most cost, but Tenner Challenge is free (around March) h\ps://

Companies Programme (year long project culmina5ng in compe55ve presenta5ons) starts Sept/Oct (cost £500) h\ps:// Day programmes can be booked any 5me – approx. £10 per student h\ps:// Contact for Croydon: Erwan Toulemonde

Job Centre Plus in schools Oers informa5on sessions on jobs and how to apply for them. Par5cularly keen to work with poten5al NEETs – will engage over several sessions. Work with Careers and Enterprise Company to priori5se target groups and schools/colleges in local areas. h\ps:// Contact your Enterprise Adviser or


Professional body represen5ng Accountancy – offer: ØCareer Stories ØCareer talks ØGuidance on different routes into the profession Contact Meghan Doyle, marke5ng manager, student recruitment

‘A complete approach to transforming students’ enterprise skills’ h\p:// As a team of teachers, we set up Enabling Enterprise to help our students become rounded and successful. We wanted to do more to build our students’ enterprise skills, their understanding of the world of work and high aspira5ons. We focus par5cularly on eight core skills that are the essen5als: Teamwork & Leadership; Listening & Presen5ng; Aiming High & Staying Posi5ve; Problem Solving & Crea5vity. We start by understanding where your students’ strengths and weaknesses currently lie, and then train teachers on how to teach these skills effec5vely. Building on this founda5on, Enabling Enterprise builds high levels of competence in these skills through innova5ve programmes of lesson-5me projects, challenge days and trips to visit top businesses. We’ve seen the impact of our work on over 100,000 students in the last five years, and hope this booklet inspires you to get involved too. Details of what they offer on next slide

How do we develop these essen5al skills?

Our programmes are designed to support and upskill teachers to embed these skills into their teaching. The 4 elements below are flexible for your school. Skills Builder Use our assessment tool to see where your students’ skills levels are currently and see the progress tracked over the year. Teacher Training 1-2 hours of teacher training for all teachers, become familiar with our skill framework, resources and learn some top 5ps on skill development. Resources Challenge Days, Lesson Time Projects and Short Skill Videos - available to use as drop down days, enrichment days or for subject specific teaching Business Trips Providing your students an aspira5onal day, working alongside employers and applying the skills in the real world. Costs vary from £600 upwards, to find out more please email:

Future First is working across the UK to ensure that every school and college is supported by a thriving alumni community. h\p://

ØManages and maintains alumni networks for state schools ØCrea5ve support and resources for use of alumni to mo5vate current students and to encourage social mobility. ØCost to schools - £2,000pa for first 2 years (includes services of a network builder and manager; axer that op5on to go onto diy version for £500pa)


Sussex Innova5on is a business incuba5on network for entrepreneurs, start-ups, growing companies and corporate and academic innovators, offering flexible, professional office space and a comprehensive range of in-house support services designed to assist during the vital early years of opera5on. 85% of ideas supported by Sussex Innova5on develop into profitable, sustainable businesses. Sussex Innova5on is run on a commercial basis with all profits reinvested into encouraging entrepreneurship. The first centre at the University of Sussex opened in 1996, followed by Croydon in 2015 and a purpose-built site in Brighton’s thriving New England Quarter 2016.

The hub in Croydon features a large open plan collabora5ve space, and office space for more than 30 tenant companies. Croydon’s vibrant, ambi5ous business community is currently one of the fastest-growing in the country, and Sussex Innova5on is ideally placed to help nurture that growth. h\p:// innova5on-croydon

SINC run regular networking events and support the Enterprise Adviser Network in Croydon and Croydon Tech City h\p:// Their graduate interns are STEM ambassadors who can support events in schools and colleges. Contact your EA or


Croydon Tech City is a not-for-profit organisa5on responsible for growing, managing and sustaining Croydon's tech cluster and community. The team works with official partners, public sector bodies, local businesses, corpora5ons, and the wider Croydon community to make Croydon the Silicon Valley of South London. In par5cular, Croydon Tech City delivers: ØCULTURE: Fosters a tech culture and community and inspires new technology and tech people ØTECH BUSINESS and SUPPORT: Educates tech start-ups and scale-ups through mentorship, workshops and events ØEDUCATION: A talent pipeline and tech skill surplus in the borough through our Future Tech City programme ØPROMOTION and INWARD INVESTMENT: Promote and steward Croydon and South London tech ecosystem

They support Educa5on through Code Club, tech awareness projects/events in/for local schools Suppor5ng traineeships at Croydon College WATCH THIS SPACE –future events and opportuni9es will be promoted by The Enterprise Adviser Network

h\ps:// Born and bred in Croydon, the Shaking Hands team is comprised of business experts, publishing professionals, and web gurus. All of whom are commi\ed to bringing small-medium businesses in Croydon to the forefront of the UK stage. Unlike most organisa5ons, Shaking Hands Interac5ve Partnership is not comprised of management, middle management, and clients. Instead, each of our partners, staff, members and service providers play an intrinsic part in Shaking Hands’ philosophy of building long-term, sustainable business rela5onships within the borough. Planning a big careers event for young people in Croydon on Nov 29th in partnership with yourfeed – SAVE THE DATE!!! Watch this space- Shaking Hands are keen to engage with educa9on via the Enterprise Adviser Network


Start-Up Croydon helps those wan9ng to start their own business with both business planning and the development of basic business skills.

Could oer enterprise workshops free to schools/colleges Contact for ini5al enquiry


Enterprise for London is the capital's business support organisa5on, created to enable businesses to succeed. As a team made up of entrepreneurs, we understand the challenges of star5ng and growing a business. Our Objec9ves 1. To deliver bespoke, high quality and consistent advice to individuals looking to start or grow a business in London 2. Develop and manage an extensive network of partners for the benefit of both clients and the communi5es in which we work 3. Educate and inform the benefits of an entrepreneurial mindset 4. Provide high quality workspace with added value to encourage enterprise 5. Deliver the crea5on of jobs and opportuni5es for increased employment in London Offer some free Enterprise Workshops for schools and colleges in Croydon – contact your Enterprise Adviser or

a programme of ac5vity targe5ng 14-19 year olds that aims to promote the range of career opportuni5es in the NHS. Stories, videos, compe55ons for years 8 and 9, interac5ve career finder. Step into the NHS Informa9on about local career pathways – Jacquie Woodcock, Lead Nurse Professional Development and Educa9on

Talks on NHS careers and informa5on about latest training opportuni5es eg degree appren5ceship available from Sept 2018, new nursing associate role being run from Croydon. MMI (mul5ple mini interview) prac5ce for Medicine candidates and talk on alterna5ves to Medicine. Jacquie is keen to build outreach into Croydon schools/colleges, and will develop what she can offer in response to requests – eg the hospital had a simulaDon lab in the past which they might be able to open again, and maybe hold open days in the future as Experience Days. Work Experience possibiliDes for the over 16s could also be explored in future – please let your Enterprise Adviser know what you need.

Amicus Horizon Love London Working Supported access to work – for adults, but will work with over 16s. Works alongside Croydon Works, local job brokers h\ps:// Clients enrolled via referrals, given tailored support to access work (1:1 cv and training prep including interview skills) Funded by European Social Fund Oer to schools/colleges Willing to do presenta5ons about service to tutors and/or students contact them via your Enterprise Adviser or

Lives not Knives h\p:// Based in Centrale Shopping Centre. Oers support to vulnerable young people, mainly in PRUs.

Work Experience Work Readiness programmes



LifeSkills, created with Barclays is a free, curriculum-linked programme, developed with teachers to help improve the skills and employability of young people in the UK. Choose the free resources and lessons that work best for you and follow the LifeSkills lesson plans to help prepare your students for the world of work. Five minutes to fill or a whole double period? Our lesson plans are flexible enough to fit your 5metable. Search by age group or keyword, or jump to a LifeSkills module - People skills, Work skills, or Money skills. There are also five-minute quick-fire lessons and longer volunteer-led lessons. Covers 11-19 age range. Op5ons to order free paper resources, contact employers to deliver sessions and arrange work experience, virtual work experience and other digital resources. Free service – you need to sign up to access resources.

the project Suppor5ng CEIAG leadership in several schools in Croydon – runs a course for middle leaders. (first cohort 2017-18, Quest, Meridian High, St Andrews, St Mary’s C of E, Edenham High) – This is a CPD programme for established teachers, not ini5al training programme.

Careers Educa9on toolkit free to download toolkit

Carol Jackson Croydon 07984516061. London and South East England Shelly Donaghy London 07939 857559 or 0207 543 1432

Programmes to support disengaged, poten5al NEETS – funded by partnership working with public sector. 18+ programmes – Get Started, Get On and 12 week Team programme – regularly offered in Croydon via 16-19 bulle5ns. on-line business start up support for eligible young people

Achieve Course Our new educa5on programme, Achieve, is a personal development course for 11

to 19-year-olds who are at risk of underachievement or exclusion. This course offers a prac5cal approach to learning to help them fulfil their poten5al. run an Achieve Club free resources to download qualifica5ons (can be indirect delivery which is free, or delivered + costs/out of school and funded elsewhere)

Compu9ng curriculum and more

Meets the demands of the new curriculum in an engaging way and builds skills in teamwork, communica5on and problem solving

Apps for Good is an open-source technology educa5on movement that partners with educators in schools and learning centres to deliver our course to young people 10- 18 years of age. We provide the course content, training and connec5ons to our Expert volunteers, and then let teachers do what they are best at – inspiring and guiding young people.

Free service which oers curriculum materials and support from industry experts: h\ps:// -apps-for-good

Real world in the In the course, students work together as teams to ďŹ nd real classroom issues they care about and learn to build a mobile, web or social app to solve them. Like professional entrepreneurs, Gives access to our industry Experts students go through all key aspects of new product and opportuni9es development, from idea genera5on, technical feasibility and programming to product design, deciding on business for students to models and marke5ng. engage with the local community

Design Ventura is the Design Museum’s flagship design and enterprise project for young people aged 13-16. Run in partnership with Deutsche Bank’s youth engagement programme Born to Be, this exci5ng enterprise challenge places design skills in a real world context, developing student crea5vity and enterprise capabili5es. Over 200 schools across the UK par5cipated in Design Ventura in 2016.



Adobe Youth Voices at TakingITGlobal h\p:// Through Adobe Youth Voices, TakingITGlobal works in partnership with NGOs, educa5onal ins5tu5ons and youth organiza5ons in an eort to engage youth aged 13-18. TakingITGlobal carefully selects partner organiza5ons from its vast network and provides them with the tools and training required to implement local youth media-making programs. Our partner organiza5ons deliver exci5ng programming for the youth in their communi5es with the goal of preparing them to create media artwork that lead them to become the problem solvers, cri5cal thinkers, and leaders of tomorrow. Through iEARN, over 400 educators around the world have been trained in AYV as part of face-to-face workshops and an eight week online course designed to introduce educators to the Adobe Youth Voices program and help them support youth media making and guide young people to truly Create with Purpose.

Saturday club in Croydon Library h\ps:// of-croydon/croydon-tech-city Code Club UK is a na5onwide network of volunteers and educators who run free coding clubs for young people aged 9 – 13 h\ps://

At Code Club, we think all children should have the opportunity to learn to code, no ma\er who they are or where they come from. To do this, we support a na5onwide network of volunteers and educators who run free coding clubs for young people aged 9-13 to build and share their ideas, learning along the way. We currently have over 10,000 clubs in over 100 countries, and our club projects have been translated in 28 languages. Our projects are easy to follow step-by-step guides which help young people learn Scratch, HTML & CSS and Python by making games, anima5ons, and websites. The projects gradually introduce coding concepts to allow young people to build their knowledge incrementally, meaning there’s also no need for the adult running the session to be a compu5ng expert. We also support ac5ve clubs with a range of extra resources like cer5ficates and posters, as well as compe55ons and offers. Code Club was founded in 2012, and in 2015 joined forces with the Raspberry Pi Founda5on, a registered UK charity. Code Club is a key educa5onal programme for the Founda5on, working to help many more young people learn how to build their ideas with code.

HP LIFE e-Learning Courses

These free online training courses are designed to help entrepreneurs learn what they need to know to establish and grow a business. Users learn at their own pace in their own 5me. Courses include Basics of Finance, ProďŹ t and Loss, Your Target Audience, and more. h\p://


Tools for educators and industry to develop new and innova5ve ways of teaching and training the future workforce to gain the skills in demand. h\ps:// WorldSkills aims to: •  Create connec5ons from skills Compe55ons to a las5ng career through lifelong learning opportuni5es. •  Bring skills awareness into the classroom by crea5ng hands-on learning opportuni5es for youth. •  Help educators and industries to develop training systems and prac5ces to remain relevant for the future needs of skilled professionals. •  Give students the educa5onal tools they need to discover and pursue a skill. •  Support ins5tu5ons and educators to develop new and innova5ve ways of teaching the upcoming workforce the skills in demand.

/ If you're a teacher or lead a group of young people such as Scouts, Youth Groups or a private team, then we'd love to get you involved. We’re all about inspiring engineers so we need enthusias5c people like you to run a team in any one of our four categories. There’s a way to get involved whatever the ages of your group: IET Formula Goblin (9-11 years old) IET Formula 24 (11-16 years old) IET Formula 24+ (16-25 years old) Corporate Challenge (16+)

We want to encourage as many young people as possible to consider engineering as a possible career path. To help you run the best team you can we offer support in the form of our online forum and Q&A sec5on, our test days and we are always happy to talk to you by phone or by email. (There are costs involved in running these projects. Careers and Enterprise Company are supporDng Green Car projects in Coast to Capital region – contact if you want to find out more.)

London Ambitions

London focused resource – free to use, but you need to join Superb resources and programmes for young people Access to connec5ons for young people to help shape career opportuni5es for young Londoners Aim to bring educa5on and industry closer together, helping employers and teachers join forces in providing young people with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their future

Follow us on Twi+er - @coast2capital Website - Email –

Class Careers

Provide 50 minute online workshops designed to give students direct access to people working in a variety of different sectors and roles, so they can make informed decisions about their futures. Their mission is to bring these to the classroom efficiently as an alterna5ve to employers visi5ng schools. There is no cost to schools.

Follow us on Twi+er - @coast2capital Website - Email –

Teaching Resources Click on the links below to access: •Real life, your life - an online suite of resources, activities and supporting materials for key stage 4 learners. They can be delivered as part of work in citizenship, PSHE, English, drama or careers advice •information about our annual schools competition •our guide for students •Patient journeys - aimed at students at key stages 3 and 4 - this toolkit helps students to find out about the range of roles that 5 different individuals come into contact with on their patient journeys. The toolkit includes a PowerPoint presentation, worksheets and links to 18 short films. •the Health Careers work experience toolkit which covers work experience in the NHS and gives practical examples of how work experience needs have been accommodated in a variety of healthcare settings •information about the annual Healthcare Science week •information about youth health champions - a role for 14 to 18 year olds which aims to give them the skills, knowledge and confidence to act as peer mentors •FAQs for teachers and careers advisers, including getting representatives from the health sector to speak to students, and literature available from Health Careers

Enterprise Educators UK is the na5onal network for enterprise educators. Our purpose is simple - to support our members to increase the scale, scope and effec5veness of enterprise and entrepreneurship educa5on and prac5ce A network of educators mainly in HE/FE, which focuses on what is going on in Enterprise educa5on, not how/why. Offers a range of excellent resources and ideas for curriculum focus on Enterprise. Enterprise Educa9on is defined as equipping students (or graduates) with an enhanced capacity to generate ideas and the skills to make them happen.’ Quality Assurance Agency *Broader than new venture crea9on/business start up *Encompasses skills that are highly desirable by employers

Other organisa5ons promo5ng enterprise in educa5on: Entrepreneurship in Educa5on h\p:// h\p:// ideas for curriculum projects making construc5ve use of employer input

STEM curriculum resources These wide-ranging resources are wri\en for use by teachers and lecturers in the classroom. The materials support greater pupil engagement by raising awareness of the applica5ons of STEM in the workplace, and poten5al career pathways resul5ng from the study of STEM subjects. The materials include resources to support cross-curricular work. Careers focus resources to support careers educa5on

(All educa5onal professionals can access our resources by crea5ng an account on our website. Just click 'Register' at the top right side of our homepage and ďŹ ll in the details.)

Teaching resources free to download ØVideos ØPresenta5ons – careers in engineering ØChallenges eg bridge building compe55on ØCareer pathways Could be used in conjunc5on with input from a STEM or Construc5on Ambassador On work related learning ac5vi5es.

Learn Live Brings a world of opportuni5es and experiences into the classroom through innova5ve, live, interac5ve broadcasts. Using the latest online technology, students can link with local businesses, na5onal organisa5ons and schools / colleges across the globe to interact in live sessions and discussions. Par5cularly useful resource for Travel, Tourism and Avia5on students with regular live broadcasts at London Gatwick Airport but experiences with other sector employees included such as construc5on and banking.

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Case studies for curriculum working subject based curriculum project ideas (free access) work related learning ideas from across the capital. h\p:// (cost)

Online Careers Resources Unifrog – resource for students to find and apply for courses and appren5ceships U-explore – three minute videos from real people with real careers advice based on personal experiences CareerBox Career Player (for graduates but useful in 6th form) career videos/skill sector descrip5ons icould inspiring career stories – video interviews, inspira5on and guidance on making choices, buzz quiz UCAS – connec5ng students with higher educa5on. Online registra5on. Guidance for teachers. Success at School – provides a free Work Experience log for students (designed by teachers) Follow us on Twi+er - @coast2capital Website - Email –

Online Careers Resources Allaboutschoolleavers comprehensive service to support understanding of opportuni5es for school leaver/appren5ceship programmes as alterna5ve to university. Free career test, specialist mini sites on career opportuni5es in Law and Finance and career finder. Pure Poten5al free university and careers advice for state school/ college students. Organises/adver5ses events in central London (students can sign up for alerts), produces excellent booklet to support decision making and applica5ons. Future Finder new app from Your Life gives personalised careers informa5on, helping students decide which A Levels to choose. From what you can earn, to what you’ll be doing day to day, Future Finder app has all the jobs info you’ll need, connec5ng the subjects of today with the exci5ng jobs of tomorrow. Follow us on Twi+er - @coast2capital Website - Email –

GeRng students into work experience and volunteering FACILITATING ENCOUNTERS WITH BUSINESSES

Croydon volunteering/work experience Adver5ses and supports volunteering opportuni5es in Croydon – drop in to their office in Centrale Shopping Centre h\p://

NHS Volunteering – coordinator is Jayne Spayne Work experience 16-19 – generally a block in July h\ps:// involved/work-experience.htm 18+ volunteering h\ps:// involved/Volunteering.htm

National Citizen Service (NCS) programme ‘The Challenge’ inspired by David Cameron For students aged 15 – 17 years Residen5al stay, skills programme and community work programme Subsidised – cost per student £50 (£35 early booking) 3.5 week programme Promoted by guest speakers in secondary schools and FE colleges

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Head Start

London wide volunteering opportuni5es with HeadStart programme as follow on leadership training Follow on programme from ‘The Challenge’ Guaranteed job interview with sponsor The Challenge is the UK’s leading charity for building a more integrated society Design and deliver programmes that bring different people together to develop their confidence and skills in understanding and connec5ng with others

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Youth Sport Trust Sports leadership programmes Young Ambassadors Designed to build the leadership skills of young people to ensure they are empowered to take on the following roles: •  Be the youth voice for PE and school sport in their school and community •  Promote the posi5ve values of sport •  Be a role model and champion for PE and school sport •  Increase par5cipa5on opportuni5es and healthy lifestyles for everyone Currently in England Young Ambassadors are developed locally by SGOs and schools. Follow us on Twi+er - @coast2capital Website - Email –

Next market is Saturday November 25th 2017

For further details or to apply for a stall:

n e We help young South Londoners grow through the power of sport, inspiring them to ďŹ nd a be\er path in life, for a be\er life

Premier League Enterprise programmes hfps:// Educa5on programmes using the power of football to teach business skills to secondary school pupils, including the Premier League Enterprise Challenge to inspire the next genera5on of entrepreneurs. Route to Employment: Programmes to help young people become work ready, par5cularly focusing on those from disadvantaged backgrounds who are furthest from the job market. For more informa5on contact: SusanPa\ Community Inclusion: Targe5ng young people in areas of depriva5on. Free sessions in football and other posi5ve ac5vi5es, alongside pastoral support to ins5l posi5ve values and help prepare our par5cipants for a be\er life. For more informa5on contact: AdinaBenne\ Barclays Premiere League Works for 16-25s

The Duke of Edinburgh Award

Raising aspira5ons and developing the skills of young people Charity inspiring and transforming the lives of millions of young people from all walks of life. Volunteering to physical ac5vi5es, life skills to expedi5ons, achieving a DofE Award is a passport to a brighter future, valued by employers and universi5es Oered at Bronze, Silver or Gold levels

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The Brokerage

Free Work Related Learning opportuni9es in The City

City Careers Open House Secondary: (years 7-10) Funded by the City of London Corpora5on, City Careers Open House Secondary is an aspira5on raising programme designed to give students in Years 7-10 an introduc5on to the City. The students will visit a pres5gious City business and experience first-hand a modern working environment, gaining an insight into working life and the huge variety of opportuni5es the City offers. They will learn about the different skills used by city workers on a day- to-day basis and how to showcase their own key skills in a professional seRng. Working in the City (years 10-13) is a two part programme, with each workshop also available as a standalone. Part one allows students to find out more about the City and the roles available. They will be given the chance to interview employees about their careers and responsibili5es and gain a useful and realis5c understanding of what it takes to be successful. Part two focuses on developing students’ self-awareness, strengthening their employability skills and preparing them for the interview process. Here, employees will interview students and give them useful feedback and prac5ce for their future For more informa5on or to book a place, please contact a member of our team or call 020 7628 9904. Please note, all our staff are DBS checked.

GeRng students onto courses or into work FACILITATING ENCOUNTERS WITH BUSINESSES

Croydon Council – Careers Educa5on , 16-19 pathways. Roopa Doshi, Par5cipa5on Officer (and contact for IAG network) ( h\ps:// post 16 prospectus Regular bulle5n lis5ng opportuni5es – courses and appren5ceships August 2017

Contact to join mailing list for the bulle5n


Croydon Works, in partnership with Croydon College is an employer engagement and job/appren5ceship brokerage service to all including young people, aims to pipeline local talent for local jobs as delivery vehicle for Value Croydon. Free to use recruitment service Work experience at the council h\ps://

Skills London – save the date! h\p://

Runs milkround events – free job fairs h\p:// Cpd and support for teachers – free to join, excellent support and resource

Training providers who will support Croydon careers events Emma Adderley, Traineeship and Appren5ceship Engagement OďŹƒcer (could support events etc ) 0345 074 7825 Traineeships and appren5ceships up to level 5+6 in some sectors (covers IT systems/networking, digital marke5ng, soxware and development, project management, cyber security) City of London Business Traineeships programme Melissa Lucien, Head of Programmes 020 7628 9904, Building links between City employers and talented/diverse young people from local communi5es surrounding the Square Mile. Workshops, career insight days, targeted guidance + paid full-5me placements for at least 6 weeks.

Training providers who will support careers events in Croydon Rare Rising Stars: Specialist diversity recruitment company with exper5se in graduate recruitment and development, a well as suppor5ng school students to secure places at top universi5es and work experience. Work experience, paid work placements, Civil Service Fast Track Appren5ceship. Inspiring stories and celebra5ng success. Will a\end careers events. Step Forward Run by The Challenge. Connects mo5vated young people across London with top employers, giving skills to succeed at university, work and beyond in 12 months. Ages 17-20, 9k salary, support from mentors, tutors etc 0203 793 7333 in Croydon, linked with Naferbox (major Croydon based tech company) Smart Training 020 3700 4294, text SMART to 80800. Oer traineeships in a number of skill sectors, and childcare appren5ceships up to level 3. Would work in schools/colleges in Croydon to support applica5ons

London and South East contact Dr Olivia Keenan


The Ins9tute of Physics is a leading scien9fic membership society working to advance physics for the benefit of all. Schools can affiliate for £50pa to get regular resources and careers materials Free talks in central London to encourage young people to engage in physics (6th form/FE groups welcome), Free newsle\er sign up for young people 16-19. Careers Resources

more ac5vi5es and resources

Network of poten5al speakers from regional branches who might be engaged to support school/college events (contact regional lead) - Events organised for 6th formers and college students, including career stories Excellent range of for resources for all ages, Grants awarded (up to £600) to support school/college ac5vi5es ØSTEM club ac5vi5es pack ØPhysics and Enterprise drop down day full pack of teaching resources – Ashfield Music Fes5val aimed at highligh5ng jobs in physics and encouraging post 16 take up

Croydon school leaver Apprenticeship Programmes These are just some of the organisa5ons in Croydon offering Appren5ceship Programmes: •  Atkins Global •  Superdrug •  Home Office •  Croydon Council •  Axis Interna5onal •  Mo\ Mcdonald

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