Bosted International

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The Bosted System is a socio-educational IT system developed for social institutions internationally. The system supports the daily documentation activities for care providers. • Frees up time from administrative work for improved care • User-friendly online system • Platform for knowledge sharing across professional and geographical borders Read more about the background and cases on the use of the Bosted System in this magazine.


Focus on the citizen Social workers worldwide have a lot in common. First and foremost they

facing individual social workers – in the form of administrative tasks

have been entrusted by others to work with the most disadvantaged

and supporting social workers' efforts as well as knowledge sharing

people in society. A social worker’s primary task is to assist, guide,

among them internationally – are universal, regardless of whether

provide compensatory support and develop potential so that the most

they work at residential or activity centres for the mentally disabled or

disadvantaged have a life which is worth living – on the street, in their

handicapped, sheltered workshops, crisis centres, special schools or day

own home or together with other people with special needs, for example

centres for addicts.

in public and private care providers. By documenting the efforts being made and creating the necessary In a busy and fragmented world, there is a need for tools which support

evidence-based knowledge, documentation can help ensure coherence

and document the efforts being done for the disadvantaged, the outcasts

and create an overview as well as providing political arguments for the

and disabled citizens, and for more than ten years Team Online A/S has

efforts. Moreover, documented knowledge can lead to knowledge sharing

been working with, for example, social educational workers and centre

and new initiatives tailored to the particular situation of individual

managers to develop the Bosted System. The result is a system which


is now both market-leading and which sets the standard in Denmark. The Bosted System has been implemented at 40 per cent of all Danish

With the Bosted System as a social worker IT tool, the possibility exists

social service centres. This corresponds to at least 450 installations

of creating a transnational documentation and knowledge-sharing

having been done or being done in 2009.

platform, which can encourage communication and dialogue among players in the social field, across national boundaries and for the benefit

Moreover, the system has been implemented on Malta, and we expect

of both employees and employers, but also for the benefit of the

to be represented in at least ten countries by 2012.

individual citizens who are at the receiving end of all these efforts.

At Team Online we see ourselves as expert developers of digital solutions

Therefore, with this magazine we hope that we can interest you in

for the social field in collaboration with system users. Our aim is to

learning more about our system and our approach. Because we do

develop the Bosted System from being the best in Denmark to being

not simply want to sell an IT system to you; we can support your

the best IT system for social workers in the world customized to local

efforts to focus on the citizen and develop the way in which the

and regional requirements and needs. We believe that the challenges

social field works.

CEO Michael Sandal, Team Online

Former Minister of Economy and Business Affairs Bendt Bendtsen is in Team Online's Board.

Team Online A/S


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Content 4 The Bosted System

– covers all everyday needs Case: North Zealand Centre for



Digitization increase efficiency

Centre manager, Michael Henriksen, centre for mentally disabled, Assens municipal,

Case: Home for children with

physical and mental disabilities

claims that with the digitization of documentation, people with special needs will experience a higher level of care. The work involved in documenting efforts becomes more efficient, and quality is improved.

6 Case: Bramdrupdam

Successful IT in daily life Social IT raises the status of the profession   Bramdrupdam

residential centre, Denmark:

8 It started at Lindebjerg

10 years with social IT on the agenda


More time for care

Case: Sønderparken – Centre for Social psychiatry

10 The welfare state

Denmark and the social services

The residential centre got a grip on its medicine handling thanks to the Bosted System’s Medicine Handling module.


Exporting knowledge about welfare:

The Bosted System is a child of the Danish welfare model and ten years of user-driven innovation.

UN Convention on Disability Rights Case: Employment services Pilevej

12 Bosted System modules One all-inclusive system

14 Case: Richmond Foundation, Malta Denmark on the world map for social workers

16 How to implement the Bosted System: We help you all the way

18 Case: Rendbjerghjemmet

12   Modular


The individual care provider starts by selecting only the modules which it needs. As new requirements and needs arise, more modules can be added.

Experiences from Richmond Foundation, Malta: The implementation of the Bosted System took place in 2008. The System can be used to ensure that social workers build networks and exchange experiences locally as well as internationally.

14 bostednews

User quotes



The Bosted System – covers all daily needs The Bosted System is a state-of-the-art IT

view action plans, information about medicine,

own office to use it, but that you can log on,

tool for social workers, which is easy to use

planned activities etc.

for example, from another workplace or from

and which has been developed to cover daily needs in the way of facilitating documentation

Modular system

and developing socio-educational initiatives.

The Bosted System is modular. This means


The Bosted System is the result of more than

that the individual care provider can choose

Simple price structure

ten years of user-driven innovation within social

to start out with those parts of the system

Payment for the Bosted System is in the

IT in Denmark, where Team Online has worked

which are immediately relevant and then

form of a user licence, and a distinction

and continues to work closely with managers,

gradually add more modules as and when

is made between full-time users, part-time

employees and relatives at the social service


users and passive users. When the system

centres, ensuring that the system supports the daily work routines of social sector services.

The Bosted System comprises modules for

is in operation, the licence covers all costs

all typical daily tasks, and the development

incidental to the running, support and ongoing

work is continuing. Our development philosophy

updating of the system.

Using the Bosted System requires only limited

is that we welcome input, and that our solutions

IT skills and in reality replaces the many hand-

should benefit all. We rank any suggestions which

High level of data security

written notes jotted down in notebooks and

we receive in order of priority, and update the

The Bosted System is registrered at the Danish

long bookshelves full of ring-binders where

system three times a year to incorporate

Data Protection Agency. It is a secure system

daily observations and action plans have so

new system features – at no additional cost.

which complies with all relevant EU legislation

far accumulated – only to gather dust! For the

Moreover, we are always engaged in major

and the strict national data security require-

employees, the system means that you can

development projects involving customers and

ments in Denmark. The system itself and all

always find the information you need in one

the authorities. After testing, the results of

the data are run on central servers hosted

and the same place.

these projects are then rolled out and made

by Athena Hosting A/S in Denmark. Athena

available for everybody – at no additional

Hosting A/S specialises in the handling of

cost for customers.

sensitive personal data for public as well as

For example, each individual citizen has his own digital profile card where you can find all


home. All it takes is a PC with a internet

the relevant information and where you can

The Bosted System is web-based, which

quickly note your observations in the logbook,

means that you do not need to be in your


private enterprises.


CASE: HOME FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE Text messaging for shift planning – The Bosted System is the common denominator in our communication which ensures that we gather and register data and that we are able to share data with the many different partners


we have in relation to the children, says Rikke Hansen, the Centre Director of 3Kløveren in Snekkersten, north of Copenhagen, which is an care provider for children and young people with various degrees of physical and mental disabilities.

In control of methadone dispensing

The care provider’s staff uses the Bosted System

Drug addicts undergoing methadone treatment

giving access to the system, we can save time co-

need to take methadone daily, but few drug

pying and sending information to the partners

addicts can handle being given methadone

who, at the same time, can better prepare

for more than one day at a time. This was a

for action plan meetings etc., says Rikke

problem at North Zealand Centre for Abusers,

Hansen. She has also taken the initiative

a rehabilitation centre, because many of the

to have a special function developed in

addicts registered here had to travel considerable

the system which enables the care provi-

distances to the nearest dispensing centre.

der to book temporary employees via text

The centre therefore decided to buy a bus

messaging. The shift planner accesses the

which now drives around to users daily to

system, selects the relevant temporary employees,

dispense methadone according to a schedu-

texts enquiries to them and receives answers

led route. As part of the trial, North Zealand

via text messaging.

for internal documentation and knowledge sharing, but also externally as a dialogue tool with partners and relatives: – We are in contact on a daily basis with many partners such as caseworkers, health authorities, doctors etc. By using the communication possibilities that the system offers and, for example, by

Center for abusers also wanted to strengthen

– It is easy for everyone, and it is fast, says

security in connection with the dispensing of

Rikke Hansen, who is very aware of digitization

medicines. The aim was to avoid a situation

as a tool for dialogue and communication:

in which addicts were given the wrong doses

– There is so much that we want and need to

or were able to obtain methadone in different

do which also requires that we have both the time

locations in the course of the same day. The

and the requisite tools to do it. By digitization,

solution was to introduce the Bosted System

we get those tools and, in the long run, I also

at North Zealand Center for abusers. To cater

believe that it will help free up resources,

to the centre’s special needs, Team Online de-

enabling us to continue to spend time

veloped a Medicine Handling module which,

on the most important thing: being

among other things, makes it possible to send

together with the children – taking a

reminders to addicts in the form of text mes-

walk through the elephant grass in the

sages, to print automatic packaging lists for the

sensory garden, the socio-educational

pharmacy and to check that addicts have not

work, points out Rikke Hansen, Centre

already obtained methadone from other dispen-

Director of Home for children with physical

sing centres.

and mental disabilities.




Successful IT in daily life In 2007 the residential

cation handicaps or mental illness.

advantages of the Medicine Handling module


Most of the residents are given one or more

– I am particularly enthusiastic about the

types of medicine every day – and up to four

way the system facilitates control and

times a day.

follow-up. Personally, for example, I often




ded that the care provider wanted to be a paperless organisation.

Pernille Holt Sørensen, a social worker,

refer to the list showing the administering of

To achieve this, the care provider implemented

explains that altogether the residents have 38

p.n. medicines. I can see exactly how much

the Bosted System’s digital logbook in all its

different diagnoses requiring treatment, so

all the residents get, which means that I am

departments. Today, there is hardly a ring-binder

medicine plays a big part in their daily routines.

able to keep a much closer eye on every-

left in the organisation.

She is delighted that she can use the Bosted

thing. In the medicine log, I can also see

System’s Medicine Handling module to manage

how much medicine each resident has been

the medicines:

given and by whom in various periods. This

The digitization of both internal and external communication has also strengthened relations between managers and employees:

– It is nice that the Bosted System is so relia-

results in a high level of safety and profes-

– By spending 10 minutes in the Bosted

ble. For example, we administer both epilepsy

sionalism in the handling of medicines, says

System, I get my very own impression of where

medicine and p.n. medicine which must be

Alice Bjørnlund.

things are happening and what has been hap-

given in the right doses and at the right times.

pening, says Centre Director Alice Bjørnlund,

Afterwards we can now check that the medicine

adding that digitization has also spurred

has in fact been administered. As regards the

Strengthened dialogue with the outside world

creative thinking and initiatives among staff

p.n. medicine, we can also quickly see who has

The digital documentation of relevant data on


administered what, how many times and when

the administration of medicines also strengt-

– Working with documentation in the Bosted

the resident was last given any, so that we don’t

hens the dialogue between the residential care

System promotes creativity and has made my

end up over-medicating residents, says Pernille

provider and the outside world, for example

staff think more innovatively. For example, they

Holt Sørensen.

the municipal day centre Nordhøj, which

come up with suggestions on how various tasks

Michael Kjær, Head of Department, agrees

many residents frequent. When staff at the

could be solved to improve quality, explains

with Pernille Holt Sørensen, pointing out that

day centre are informed about changes in the

Alice Bjørnlund.

more control also makes individual employees

medication administered by the residential

feel more confident.

care provider, it sharpens their attention to

Bosted Medicine Handling


– The system enables us to focus more on

possible changes in the behaviour of users.

Bramdrupdam is a residential centre for 44

what we are doing: Are the residents being given

– We also have parents who ask whether their

residents. The care provider caters for mentally

the medicines they need? Should somebody

child is not being given a bit too much p.n.

disabled residents in need of special support

carry on taking epilepsy medicine if he has not

medicine. In such a situation, I can quickly

due to severe physical disabilities, a strong

had an epileptic fit for many years? Have new

generate a report to show what their child has

need for somatic care and/or a need for nur-

and better products been introduced? asks

actually been given in the past three months

sing assistance. Moreover, the care provider

Michael Kjær.

or in the past year. In this way, we can base

has a group of mentally disabled residents with

As director of the care provider, Alice

strongly agitated behaviour, serious communi-

Bjørnlund is in no doubt whatsoever about the


our dialogue on the actual facts, says Alice Bjørnlund.


Bosted Note Bosted Medicine Handling

Bosted Forums  Restricted access  Attachment of files  Search function  Marking who has read which entries

Option of sending and receiving messages

 List of prescriptions

with attached files. The message is

 Registration of medicines delivered

displayed as a popup on the receiver’s

 Inventory management

display and includes a reply option.

 Urine sample control

All messages received and sent are

 Packing lists

stored under the personal profile of the employee.

Social IT raises the status of the profession When



that citizens perceive – and receive – a more

low more transparent case handling. Also, it

help from the public

coherent and higher quality of social services

will make it easier for the individual to assume

sector, it is important

and other public services, says Director Ib

greater responsibility for his or her own situation

that the help matches

Poulsen, Socialt Leder Forum.

as well as strengthening the dialogue between

their needs, and that communications with

Socialt Leder Forum is a nationwide Danish

those who are to provide the help are simple

organisation for managers and middle managers

– I experience daily how working with social

and straightforward.

of residential, social and activity centres for

IT raises the profile of the profession, resulting in

people with special needs.

a higher level of professionalism and overview.

– Citizens are not that interested in know­ing

citizens, the authorities and staff.

whether the local health board, the department

Ib Poulsen sees social IT as an important

The risk of ad hoc solutions is far lower when

of family affairs or the disabled services division

element when it comes to developing the

the necessary documentation is in place,

is responsible. Therefore, the digitization of

social worker profession, but also as a tool

which allows you to systematically build up

the social sector is extremely important.

which can make it easier for individual citizens

a picture of the individual resident, says Ib

Because social IT is the tool which can ensure

to gain insight into their own situation and al-

Poulsen, Socialt Leder Forum.

What is social IT? Social IT is broadly defined as the digital solutions which are used in the practical work with citizens with special needs.




More than 12 years with social IT on the agenda residential centre for the mentally disabled, we


had no idea how far we would be able to go

– What I observed was that the social workers

together. Today, Lindebjerg is totally digitalised,

went around noting down everything they saw,

and Team Online has 34 employees. The re-

experienced, thought and learnt. The only pro-

sult of our brainstorm, the Bosted System, is

blem was that they seemed to be doing so mostly

now the most widely used socio-educational

for themselves. There was no structure to it, and

IT system for social workers in Denmark, and

no control. And thereby no learning. There was no

Team Online A/S is now fast penetrating the

chance of the social workers themselves or others

Ten years ago, a social worker and a former

European market, says CEO Michael Sandal,

learning from what others found out – or from

electrician with a flair for IT met to discuss the

Team Online A/S.

what they thought out.

action plan, which was introduced with the

From idea to business

that digitization could provide a solution to

Danish Act on Social Services (Lov om Social

The start of the Bosted System was just a

a number of the problems which I identified

Service) in 1998.

Centre manager, Michael Henriksen, centre for mentally disabled, Assens municipal

possibility of digitalising the statutory § 111


From my interest in computers I knew

thought, a persistent, enduring idea of using

and which had to do with documentation and

Since then, the dialogue developed explo-

modern computers as an efficient tool for do-

efficiency measurements – getting a grip on

sively, and in 2008 the technology supplier

cumenting social workers' activities. Towards

action plans and efforts in general and drawing

Team Online A/S celebrated the 10th anni-

the end of the 1990s, the man behind the

attention to the social workers' activities. That

versary, both of its groundbreaking IT tool for

idea, the social worker Michael Henriksen,

was the thought and the idea – it had to be

social workers, the Bosted System, and of the

had just been appointed deputy director of


success-ful implementation of the concept of

the residential and activity centre Lindebjerg,

Michael Henriksen emphasises that the Bosted

social IT, which has helped propel the digitization

with a not-quite-finished degree in engineering

System is the result of a bottom-up process:

of the entire social sector.

behind him.

– The system has been developed in collaboration

– When I met Michael Henriksen, Deputy

Michael Henriksen’s thoughts about hand-

with employees from care providers, employees

Director of the Funen-based residential and

ling documentation and sharing information

who are familiar with their own hectic working

activity centre Lindebjerg to discuss the pos-

via a computer sprang from his observations

lives and the daily pressures that come from many

sibilities for developing an IT system for his

and amazement at the routines of the social

different quarters, explains Michael Henriksen.


More time for care


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The care providers using the Bosted System

of working hours

pay a monthly licence per full-time employee.

a year can be

However, experience shows that the cost is


soon recouped.

paperwork to care

A survey conducted by the University of Southern Denmark documents that emplo-


from compromising

overall service quality in Denmark.

yees at a typical Danish care provider can

– So experience from Denmark shows that

each save 134 hours a year by implementing

by going digital an care provider can realise

the Bosted System and working digitally

savings corresponding to one hour more of

with action plans, journals and medicine

daily care per resident. And, of course, based



on a modest investment with a payback time

172 minutes more for care rather than




of usually a year or two. Now that really is

paperwork. This in turn means that al-

good business, says CEO Michael Sandal,

most 500 million Danish kroners’ worth

Team Online A/S.

feels the need to describe her current mental condition. – When I am feeling down, I rid myself of the sad thoughts when I write them down in

Mentally ill make entries in the logbook

the logbook. It is easier to write that you are

At the social psychiatry centre Sønderparken,


having a bad day than it is to say it. Especially if you are a reserved person, says Kirstine

resourceful, computer-literate users can make

Jette Heidi Sparvath, development consul-

entries in the care provider’s logbook them-

tant, explains that putting the residents’ own

selves and evaluate the day’s activities using

logbook entries on the same footing as those

the Bosted System’s extranet. Ten users at

of the staff gives residents a sense of equality.

the psychiatric residential and support centre

– The resident involvement is also a huge

have access so that they can provide feedback

advantage in respect of temporary emplo-

to their teachers at the training centre and

yees and new staff who can quickly gain a

comment on the logbook entries made by their

better insight into the situation and mental


well-being of the residents, says Jette Heidi Sparvath.

The extranet enables users to influence their

Bent Schultz, a psychologist, mentions

own lives and challenges their ability to cope

another benefit of the citizens’ access via the

with a mental illness.


One of the mentally ill users, Kirstine Gersvang, thinks that the system is easy to use.

– Residents can write down how episodes with other residents affect them.

She uses the Bosted System, among other

Residents often isolate themselves from

things to add her own detailed comments on

the others if there are conflicts going on that

the staff’s observations so that the logbook

they cannot handle.

provides a more balanced picture of her

Using the extranet, the staff are able to

situation. The system also makes it easier for

act quickly based on the insights they gain

Kirstine Gersvang to express herself when she

through the citizens’ entries.

A citizen at Sønderparken

Extranet – communication with non-staff  Access to selected data for partners,

citizens and relatives  Access to activities, action plans, goals

and subgoals,logbook, forums, docu-

ments and medicine



THE WELFARE STATE Danish Social Security Card

Denmark and the social services


In Denmark, as in the other Nordic countries,

they are deprived children, homeless adults,

Within the area of marginalised children and

social legislation is extensive, directing focus

physically or mentally disabled, elderly or in

adults, Denmark has several thousand small

at the rights and needs of citizens. In principle,

any other way belong to the weakest groups.

and large private and public care providers,

social legislation ensures that all Danes are en-

In Denmark, most of the social services

counselling services etc. which are financed

titled to regard themselves as full members of

are financed by taxes. The central elements

by the state and which offer specialist services

a welfare state, the aim being that everybody is

of the social policy are the responsibility

for, for example, physically and mentally

healthy and receive the help which they need

of the Ministry of Social Welfare, including

disabled residents, marginalised children,

as and when they need it.

the National Board of Social Services which

battered women, alcoholics and drug addicts.

In principle, social legislation places a safety

is charged with making an active contribution

The many services on offer are advertised on a

net under all citizens in Denmark – from the

to a knowledge-based social policy which con-

national portal,, where

day they are born until they die. This means

tributes to ensuring that citizens are provided

detailed information can be found about the

that everybody – regardless of their financial

with effective social services. The National

various care providers, their target groups and

standing and social status – is entitled to

Board of Social Services ensures that social

their services.

hospital treatment, financial support if they

and welfare political initiatives are put into

are unemployed, and nursing and care when

practice by the Danish local authorities fast

they cannot look after themselves, whether

and as intended by Parliament.


– I like working here. Everyone likes my food, and

of hours worked and the volume of units produ-

I think the pay is OK, says Marianne. Marianne

ced, Marianne’s pay and that of the other users is

herself is mentally disabled and works four days a

based on their social competences. This gives us

Higher pay for smiling

week at the café, which is part of an occupational

an overall picture of the user – from her personal

scheme at the employment services Pilevej. Her

aura to her skills – which we use as a basis for cal-

The dish of the day at Cafe is tomato soup with

monthly salary depends not only on the number

culating his or her salary, explains Poul Erik Peter-

pasta at a price of $2 per portion, and Marianne

of hours worked. As is the case for the other 61

sen, who heads the Sheltered workshop Pilevej.

is busy in the kitchen getting ready before the

users, her salary depends on a number of factors.

mentally disabled residents and staff descend for

– There is a close link between pay and the indivi-

Easy to manage


dual user’s action plan. In addition to the number

The advanced pay system has been developed


Read more about Denmark at


Action plans In 1998, the concept of action plans was in-

The Danish state’s goal of digitalising social services

troduced in the Danish Act on Social Services. According to the act, all functionally impaired

1. Digitization is to increase quality, coherence and flexibility in the social services 1

adults are entitled to an individual action plan

in writing.

2 2. Digitization is to strengthen the legal rights of citizens and strengthen their role

The introduction of action plans was based on

four goals:

3 3. Digitization is to improve the basis on which priorities are decided and control is

1. 1 The plans were to increase the involvement

of individual users and strengthen their

4 4. Digitization initiatives are to increase the quality of the social services and free


offered to citizens as players in the social system exercised locally and nationally up resources

2 The plans were to ensure that efforts were 2.

5 5. A coherent IT architecture involving the use of shared concepts is to be established

planned individually based on the individual

wishes, needs and situation of users

within the social services

3 The plans were to strengthen the holistic 3.

efforts, ensuring that individual service

providers work together and coordinate their

activities targeted at individual users

4 The object of the plans was to increase 4.

quality control within the social services

with a view to strengthening the legal rights

of citizens. Among other things, this is

ensured through a strengthening of the

access to appeal about efforts and the

contents of the plans

The action plan must contain information about:

UN Convention on Disability Rights

 the purpose of the efforts,

The essence of the UN Convention on Disa-

the system also provides individual citizens

 the efforts required to fulfil the purpose,

bility Rights is that all citizens, regardless

with insight into their own situation and

 the expected time-frame of the efforts and

of any physical or mental disabilities, are

thereby a chance to influence their own

other special aspects regarding type of

entitled to be treated as equal citizens.


residential unit, employment, personal as-

The philosophy of the Bosted System the-

– The rights of the individual are inviolable.

sistance, treatment, aids etc.

refore supports the social workers' efforts

This is why the citizen is the focus of the

aimed at realising this vision.

Bosted System. The overview and trans­

The Bosted System has been developed in col-

Documenting the efforts targeted at indivi-

parency afforded by the system strengthen

laboration with the authorities, care providers

dual citizens creates a basis for knowledge

the legal rights of the individual citizen and

and citizens and with reference to legislation

sharing among members of the profession

his or her chance of impacting and influencing

with a view to supporting the preparation of

– increasing the quality of the services

their own lives, says CEO Michael Sandal,

individual action plans by means of IT.

provided for individual citizens. However,

Team Online.

as part of the Bosted System and is easy to manage for staff. Pay is calculated on the basis

Handling of work pay for citizens at the employment services

of two questionnaires which are completed by

 Work planning for residents

the resident’s contact. The first form, basic

 Attendance and time registration

and qualification-based pay, covers personal

 Reward pay

competencies such as independence, colla-

 Calculating pay

boration, flexibility and personal appearance.

 Printing payslips and tax reports

The other form, function-based pay, concerns

 Score calculation of quality and

the user’s ability to perform daily tasks.

function-based pay




One all-inclusive system The Bosted System is a modular system. This means that the individual care provider can make do with selecting the modules which it needs the most. The care provider can always add more modules as new needs and requirements arise. The Bosted System offers modules for all daily tasks in respect of administration, documentation, evaluation and knowledge sharing, including basic modules and functionalities such as Logbook, Action Plan, Calendar, Activities, Documents, Tasks, Statistics, Medicine Handling, Note and Forums. In the following, you can read more about the individual modules.

LOGBOOK & ACTION PLAN Logbook (Diary) makes it possible to document daily observations about the citizens. In Action Plan, the citizen can be described in detail. Goals and subgoals can also be listed in the individual and holistic action plans.

 Restricted access to folders  Email notification on upload of new files

TASKS Handling of short and long-term tasks associated with a citizen (if relevant).

MEDICINE HANDLING Handling of medicine for the individual citizen with information about preparations, dose and side effects and with a record of medicine administered.


 Upload of files without limitations in respect of file types

Option of graphic overview.

STATISTICS Gives a structured extraction of all kinds of information. Data can be

– joint calendar with appointment functionality

Joint calendar functions showing an overview of appointments for employees and citizens, e.g. meetings, activities and holidays, as well as an overview of events and activities at the care provider.

sorted and extracted as comma-separated files or PDF files, and reports (filter) can be generated.

NOTE Internal communication system with file attachment option. The message


is displayed as a popup on the receiver’s display and includes a reply

Organisation of internal and external activities offered by the care provider

option. All messages received and sent are stored under the personal

with the option of adding an educational reason for the activities.

profile of the employee.



A space for storing all kinds of digital documents, pictures, scanned

knowledge sharing


For the management’s and employees’ daily internal communication

 Joint template-based folder structure

with a noticeboard and digital post-its for staff use.


– digital platform for daily internal communication and

Employee status in the system User – each individual employee has his or her own username and


password for logging on to the Bosted System Superuser – has rights to give other employees access to the system and to register a new resident/citizen Administrator – an employee with unlimited rights and access to all




information in the system


Basic principles in the Bosted System PROFILE CARD


A profile card is created for each department, employee and citizen in

To manage the rights in the Bosted System and ensure a clear overview

the Bosted System where all relevant information can be found such as

of information, system access levels are established to which the individual

information on background, contacts etc.

employee is associated upon creation. The system access levels are typically divided into profiles for administrators, superusers, users and


special profiles, such as for persons responsible for medicine.

After login, the individual user has access to the start page which shows selected information about citizens and employees based on the affiliation


of the individual user with the organisation. The start page can be

Via Helpdesk, you can monitor the status of new requests and ideas for the

designed centrally or individually for each user.

Bosted System which the care provider has registered with Team Online.

Covering more specialised needs The system also offers the option of a more sophisticated solution where modules covering more specialised needs can be added depending on the needs and requirements of the individual care provider – at no additional cost. This concerns modules such as: Resident Finances, Course Administration, Booking Temporary Employees, Administration of Pay for Citizens as well as External Communication via an Extranet.



Opens up for rent calculation, calculation of electricity and heating

Opens up for time and attendance registration, pay calculation and work

costs as well as pocket money.




Is used to handle internal and external courses in the form of course

Gives relatives or other partners access to activities, action plans, goals

establishment, budget, attendance registration, association of employees,

and subgoals, logbooks, forums, documents and medicine.

citizens and facilities as well as Course Statistics.


OPTION OF SENDING TEXT MESSAGES Can be used for work time planning, e.g. sending a text message to a

Offers managers the chance to plan work resources and the option of sen-

temporary employee to remind him or her of calendar appointments.

ding text messages with information on shifts to temporary employees.

The Text Message module is an optional extra and requires installation.

The system also enables: Email communication. The Bosted system offers an integrated email solution with associated web mail and



Handling of votes in respect of work and entertainment: “Which educational method should we use?” or “When

the option of sending and receiving emails.

should we have our next staff movie outing”.

Managing relevant names from the citizens’ world; the

Establishment of questionnaires and generation of statistics

system, for instance, notifies the user of the citizen’s birthday.

based on the responses.

Registration of partners such as doctors, physiotherapists, psychiatrists and psychologists.




The entire start-up in Malta has been one of the greatest successes in my career as a project manager, says Janani Thayan, who is responsible for Team Online’s international projects."

Denmark on the world map for social workers The differences in social workers' practices from one country to another are minimal. The similarities are greater. This is demonstrated by experience from Malta, where the Bosted System has been implemented in record time with very few adjustments.

Quick and easy implementation

Knowledge exchange between countries

– The implementation of the Bosted System in

The Richmond Foundation has 42 employees

Malta has been one of the greatest successes

treating all forms of mental health disorders,

– From the outset, the management at the

of my career as a project manager, says Janani

and is financed by fundraising like all other

Richmond Foundation has been open to the

Thayan, project manager.

Maltese social service centres. The Richmond

system and the system concept which is based

The experience all the way from implementa-

Foundation went through exactly the same

on the daily work performed at Danish care

tion to user courses shows that the differences

introductory process as the care providers in

providers, says Janani Thayan.

between Danish and Maltese care providers


are minimal. The Bosted System was therefore

– They are using basic modules such as Action

Richmond Foundation, also emphasises the

implemented in record time in Malta with very

Plan, Logbook, Medicine Handling, Calendar,

organisation’s willingness to change as one

few adjustments even though the system was

Activities, Forum and Note, which together

of the reasons for the successful implementation

originally developed for Danish care providers.

cover the most important everyday needs

of the Bosted System in Malta:

The implementation itself was completed

– also for a Maltese social worker, says Janani

after three meetings in Malta and one week


of user courses at the Richmond Foundation.


Thayan, Team Online.

Dolores Gauci, centre manager at the

– I believe that staff who are flexible and who can handle changes constructively are


pivotal to successful system implementation. In addition, every organisation and its



Southern Denmark.

employees need continuous support from the


management in order to learn new methods

Thayan confirms this:

and phase out the old ones, says Dolores

– It has been a real

Gauci, Richmond Foundation.

eye-opener for me to see

Andrew Baberi, who works as a social worker

how good the Maltese are at

at Richmond Foundation, is certain that other

integrating disabled citizens

Maltese care providers could benefit from the

into society. They do that, for

Bosted System.

instance, by letting disabled

Exporting knowledge and IT

children attend schools where

The success seen in the Maltese social service

to be more efficient and effective, especially

they can be taught with non-

field confirms that the Bosted System based on

in our line of work. The Bosted training allows

disabled children. The same goes

user-driven innovation in Denmark can work

this as, at the click of a button, it can give you

for adults at workplaces where disabled people

extremely well in other countries, says Bjørn

all the information you need. This saves a lot

have jobs working alongside non-disabled

Petersen, Danish Consul to Malta.

of time going through files and paperwork with

people, explains Janani Thayan.

– I believe that, in this day and age, you need

– It came as a positive surprise that the

the risk of not finding the information that you

Another experience which Janani Thayanhas

system matched so well in a Catholic country

want, says Andrew Baberi, who finds it very

brought back from her observations in Malta is

with different traditions to Denmark, both in

easy to use the system.

that the staff at the Richmond Foundation use

respect of ownership and how care providers

smileys to describe the mood of the children.

are being managed. So now that the Malta

Cultural understanding

– I believe that, in this day and age, you need to be more efficient and effective, especially in our line of work

Niels Henrik Helms, a researcher conducting research into IT-based knowledge and learning at the University of Southern Denmark, has monitored the Malta project from the outset. He is convinced that there is huge development potential for the cooperation within the social service sector for both Malta and Denmark – and, in the long term, for all other countries. – The Maltese frequently use the expression ‘cross-fertilisation’, meaning that it will be mutually beneficial for us to exchange experi-

Andrew Baberi

ence and share knowledge about how we see things. With its 400,000 inhabitants, Malta is

project has been completed, there is every reason to look at the opportunities for spreading the use of the Bosted System to even more countries, says Bjørn Petersen, who, among other things, expects the Enterprise Europe network to help pave the way for new useful contacts. Michael Sandal, CEO of Team Online, sees the spread of the Bosted System as a reflection of the flexibility of the system, which, in turn, is a reflection of Team Online’s own development strategy. – We always base our development work on the needs of users and the authorities’ requirements. Based on this, we have created a viable product which does not just hold its own in our

smaller than Denmark, and things are done

– They can choose between four different

differently from how we do them in Denmark.

small country – but also internationally.

smileys, and this is particularly relevant

It is also highly satisfactory to know that we

But the cooperation between the two countries

when the children return to the care provider

are simultaneously developing our own business

gives both parties a knowledge of and insight

after weekend visits with their parents. It is

area and the quality of the social workers'

into the other country’s culture as well as their

a fun detail which could easily be implemented

efforts for the benefit of the people that this

respective approaches to the concept of social

at the Danish care providers, says Janani

is all about – the citizen – whether they be

services, says Niels Henrik Helms, Director


Danish, Maltese, American, Tunisian, Dutch

of Knowledge Lab, a research centre at the

or Turkish, says Michael Sandal.

Implementation process

25 25 2008 2008



7 7 M M

Official Delegation among others with the Danish Consul to Malta





20 20 A A

Observation of staff workflow and leadership at Richmond Foundation got access to the system





2009 2009

User courses at Richmond Foundation bostednews



How to implement the Bosted System:

We help you all the way Deputy Manager of Customer Relations Janne Poulsen

When you decide to implement the Bosted

make sure that the Bosted System is acces-

System, we help you every step of the way

sible to the staff 24/7, just as our support

through the process. This means that our

department is available on a daily basis with

experienced consultants are involved in all

tips and tricks and other advice on using the

aspects of the work, right from the setup of

system. If the care provider should need ad-

the system to user training and, of course,

ditional training or wants to implement new

during the actual transition from paper to

modules or func­tionalities, our professional

digital documentation. After Go Live, we

consultants can also offer assistance with this.

Courses and consultant’s services

Written course material has been prepared for all courses and modules,

Team Online has developed courses customized to new care providers

and there are also illustrated user guides available for all modules

wishing to get off to a good start with the Bosted System:

and functionalities.

 Start-up course: Two days for decision-makers and key staff at the

Apart from the basic courses, Team Online also offers a number of

care provider who must be able to determine the basic setup of the

supplementary courses such as a standard IT competency identification

Bosted System during the course.

process and a course in basic IT skills. In addition, we can also

 Superuser course: One day for selected staff with technical flair and/

develop special courses in collaboration with the care provider

or a desire to help and support colleagues in connection with

adapted to local wishes and needs, e.g. if the care provider wishes

questions about the use of the Bosted System.

to introduce special modules after Go Live.

 User course: One day for all employees who will be working with the Bosted System.

Generally, all courses are held locally at the care provider by Team Online’s own teachers and consultants.

Support After Go Live, Team Online offers operations monitoring of the system 24/7. In the event of emergency and critical breakdown errors, the operations monitoring department can be contacted. This support is designed for administrators and superusers who can report system errors and general emergency support needs. Team Online’s ordinary user support in the national competency centre in Odense, Denmark, is open five days a week. From there, Team Online offers support in respect of the day-to-day problems that occur and answers any questions that may arise in connection with the ordinary ongoing operation of the system which the local superuser or administrator is unable to help with. Moreover, the competency centre gathers wishes and needs from system users, and these are taken into account when prioritising tasks in respect of the ongoing development and updating of the system.




Project elements At Team Online, we guide all our customers through an implementation process involving five welldefined phases: preparation, start-up, training, implementation and follow-up.

In the preparation phase, it is important to:

 Identify the current work routines at the care provider  Define the care provider’s needs and wishes for the Bosted System  Prepare and hold a start-up course for decision-makers and key staff


at the care provider

In the start-up phase, it is important to:  Introduce all employees to the implementation plan  Complete all schedules and activity plans for the future progress of the project


During the training phase, it is important to:  Identify the employees’ IT competencies  Conduct the necessary basic IT courses  Handle open issues and any barriers


 Train the necessary number of superusers

During the implementation phase, it is important to:

 Train relevant employees at user level

 Follow up on the individual elements in the implementation plan  Fix a Go Live date  Replace the previously used systems, notebooks, paper notes with the new routines of the Bosted System.


 Ensure successful commissioning

During the follow-up phase, it is important to:  Evaluate system functions, options and the implementation process  Gradually adjust work routines, e.g. internal meetings, overlaps in connection with handovers etc., to achieve the highest possible


 Develop an internal support organisation  Provide continuous information about new functionality in the Bosted System


 Train new employees and plan training in new modules




CASE: RENDBJERGHJEMMET Quick and easy implementation The relief home Rendbjerghjemmet in Egern-

their daily documentation and administration

sund, in southern Jutland, is an independent

work. Six weeks after the revolution at Rend-

care provider functioning as a relief home for

bjerghjemmet, social worker Herdis Bonde was

families with mentally disabled family mem-


bers as well as a permanent holiday home for

– Things have gone really well – and far better

many mentally disabled people. The relief

than anticipated. Although it was all a bit confu-

home has between 70 and 125 users annually,

sing the first couple of days, I am surprised how

and virtually all logbook entries were made

quickly the Bosted System has become a part of

in one and the same report book covering six

our daily work, says Herdis Bonde, who is sup-

months before Rendbjerghjemmet introduced

ported in this view by her colleague Gitte Busch

the Bosted System. Everything was written in

Hansen, who works in the office:

this book, from episodes with the residents and

– Working with the system is easy and interes­

messages about broken washing machines to

ting, and it offers a wealth of functionalities.

important information about changes in a resi-

Earlier, we just had one paper diary. But now, it is

dent’s medication and sick notes from emplo-

so much easier to gain an overview, and we can

yees. And everything all mixed in together. But

access information about the individual user at

that came to an end on 1 April 2008. From one

the click of a button. We can also use the system

day to the next, the old report book with the

to gather information so we can print out invoices

staff’s registrations was binned, and the staff

for stays here etc. It is pure magic, says Gitte

instead started to use the Bosted System for

Hansen. Social educational worker Herdis Bonde




We create value for our users More than 15,000 social service workers are using the Bosted System on a daily basis for administration, documentation and knowledge sharing across units, departments, care providers and authorities. Employees find that the Bosted System has been developed for their professional group, and they sense that the system is based on extensive knowledge about the specific conditions in their daily work.

ANNI SCHØTT, CENTRE MANAGER, FØNIXGÅRDEN I believe that in this day and age, we need to be more efficient and effective, especially in our line of work. The Bosted training allows this as, at the click of a button, it can give you all the information you need. This saves a lot of time going through files and papers with the risk of not finding the information that you want.

ANDREW BABERI, SOCIAL EDUCATIONAL WORKER, RICHMOND FOUNDATION In the long term, there is no doubt that we can free up time for the one-to-one work. Right now, we are investing in the system, but I am convinced that we will have recouped the cost in a year or two in the form of enhanced efficiency.

NIELS OLE BENNEDSEN, CENTRE DIRECTOR,RENDBJERGHJEMMET The Bosted System has given us extra knowledge and a common language in respect of medicine which make us stronger in our own fields of expertise.

MICHAEL KJÆR, HEAD OF DEPARTMENT, BRAMDRUPDAM The Bosted System has given us better control of the documentation and easier access to the necessary information. It is no longer just stored in our heads.

PERNILLE HYLDTOFT, HEAD OF DEPARTMENT, MINIBO We have digitised almost all the daily documentation work. Of course we still have paper, but it is kept to a minimum. Everything is accessible to all relevant staff in the Bosted System.

MICHAEL HENRIKSEN, CENTRE MANAGER, CENTRE FOR MENTALLY DISABLED, ASSENS MUNICIPAL I do not mind at all if the social workers spend half an hour a day away from their care work, documenting and writing digital logbook entries. As long as it means that we, the mentally disabled, get better opportunities for living our lives just like everyone else.

LISBETH JENSEN, CHAIRMAN OF NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR MENTALLY DISABLED Now, I can keep an eye on what is going on in Simon’s life. I can leave a message or ask questions etc. whenever I have time. Before the Bosted System, the staff often only had the time to call me back in the morning when I was really busy at work. Now, I can leave a message in forums, and I then know that our contact always checks the Bosted System when she is next on duty.



User-driven innovation We involve users The system is developed in close collaboration

wishes then become actual products when we

through which new modules and improvements

with the care providers and always with focus

reflect on their queries. We promise the care

in the system are released to all users.

on the citizen. User-driven innovation is one

providers more innovative ideas for solutions

The three annual updates help to ensure that

of the keywords in Team Online’s development

by keeping abreast of developments in IT and

the system continues to match users’ ever-

which means we listen to users’ wishes and

social service legislation. We follow up on all

growing demands and expectations regarding

needs. We are in dialogue with managers and

new policies and examine the requirements

functionality and ease of use.

officials from the social services. Cooperation

for documentation. With 10 years of experience

with users ensures that the Bosted System

in the field, we have built up a large network

becomes an aid in the daily social work rather

from which we benefit; thus we know where

Development based on user-driven innovation

than a barrier.

the social service field is heading.

Since 1998 when CEO Michael Sandal

Ideas into action

Three annual updates

Cooperation with the care providers means

Our development works both ways. Often users

the company. With the Bosted System as our

that users in their daily work with Bosted

provide us with input, but just as often we

starting point, the vision is to help create the

System automatically translate their own

ask users if they can use anything we have

world’s best socio-educational IT tool based on

workflows into improvements in the system

developed for others. This is the case with the

user-driven innovation.

and into new modules. The users’ ideas and

three annual updates of the Bosted System

established Team Online A/S, innovation, development and collaboration have driven

Johnny Killerup Pedersen

Phone: 623 271 4256

ASU Sky Song


1475 N Scottsdale Rd Scottsdale, AZ 85257 USA


If you are interested to know more about Team Online and the Bosted System, please feel free to contact us for additional information. ww

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