MediWales Review: BioWales 2012

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BioWales Wa l e s , L i fe S c i e n ce a n d t h e Wo r l d

BioWales Brochure 2012 Celebrating the Conference’s 10th Anniversary

Awarding Success MediWales Innovation Award Winners 2011


Behind every great pint there’s a brilliant little yeast analyser...




Welcome to BioWales MediWales’ Spring edition of The Review encompasses the official brochure for Welsh Government’s BioWales conference 2012.

We’ve developed a pint-sized yeast analyser to help brewers achieve improved consistency and reduced costs

Inside you will find all the resources you need: editorial outlining Wales’ strengths and Welsh Government’s plans for this burgeoning sector; the conference programme; speaker profiles; the exhibitor directory; and a detailed floor plan. This edition also showcases the winners of MediWales’ Innovation Awards 2011 some of the most innovative indigenous companies and NHS personnel in Wales.

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Whether it’s an analyser to improve consistency in beer production or any other type of scientific instrumentation or medical product, we make it possible. Visit us on the GX Group stand to talk to a member of our team.

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CLYA Compact Lab Yeast Analyser

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We combine these capabilities with creativity, experience and absolute problem solving intelligence to deliver solutions that are innovative, commercial and practical.

BioWales 13-14 March 2012: Innovation, Translation, Commercialisation Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff Bay BioWales is one of the UK’s largest life science conferences and brokerage events held outside of London. Celebrating its 10th year, the conference has moved to the iconic Wales Millennium Centre to pay homage to its success. The two-day event will see the following keynote speakers command the stage: Professor Sir Christopher Evans, Chairman of the Welsh Government’s Life Science Sector Panel; Professor Sir Richard Sykes, Former Chairman of GlaxoSmithKline; and Professor Trevor Jones, Former Director General, ABPI. A brokerage event with pre-arranged, one-to-one meetings will occur throughout BioWales to discuss potential collaboration projects. On the night of 13th, BioWales’ gala dinner will host the Medilink UK Health Technology Awards to celebrate the success of life science companies throughout the UK.

BioWales 2012

Conference Brochure

MediWales Innovation Awards 2011


Growing exponentially for the past six years, MediWales’ Innovation Awards has become a landmark in the Welsh life science calendar. On 8th December 2011, 250 guests, including Rt. Hon Carwyn Jones AM, First Minister of Wales and Professor Sir Christopher Evans, Chairman of the Welsh Life Science Sector Panel, came together to celebrate the achievements of 2011. During the fantastic evening at Cardiff’s Hilton Hotel, nine awards were presented: six for industry and three for NHS personnel.

Welsh Life Science Comprising circa 300 companies, this sector brings in over £1.3 billion for the Welsh economy. With a strong medical technology cluster, Wales is aspiring to grow its biotechnology sector, seek more inward investment, and progress further into global healthcare markets.

Welsh Government Life Science Sector Panel Chairman’s Foreword


Life Science: At the Heart of Welsh Government


Conference Programme


Speaker Profiles


Exhibitor Profiles

24-34 35

Exhibitor Floor Plan MediWales Innovation Awards 2011


Who are we? MediWales Part-funded by the Welsh Government, MediWales is the industry-owned SUPPORTED BY THE WELSH forum for Wales, established to service the life science sector.


MediWales works with academics, businesses, clinicians (ABC) and business support organisations to facilitate their collaboration, improve healthcare systems in Wales, and to advise government on industry led strategy. MediWales can assist international contacts in sourcing commercial and collaborative research and development partners in Wales, helping our members to build relationships both at home and abroad.

Scan here to view MediWales’ publications

The Welsh Government is a democratically elected body established in May 1999. With devolved powers, it is responsible for developing and implementing policies in Wales on a broad range of economic issues, including economic development, education, the environment, agriculture, housing, roads and transport.

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Make it possible

MediWales is a founding member of Medilink UK, the network of regional medical technology organisations that represents the interests of around 3000 organisations across the UK.

7 Schooner Way, Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff CF10 4DZ MediWales Chairman: Mr Greg Baily, Huntleigh The MediWales Review is designed by Teamworks Design & Marketing

‘Making it Happen’: EDIWALES REVIEW ALES medica A NewMVision for the Welsh Life SciencesWSector




‘Gwneud i Bethau Ddigwydd’: special

The tenth anniversary of BioWales 2012 provides the perfect showcase for myself, as Chair of the Welsh Government’s Life Sciences Panel, to unveil our vision for a new strategy for the sector in Wales. The life sciences sector here in Wales has some good businesses, exciting academic projects and many smart and committed people. But we have the potential to achieve much more. We must capitalise on the excellent basic and translational research taking place in all of our universities. We must also raise international awareness of the quality of the Welsh life sciences brand if we are to realise some of the tremendous benefits that are possible for health and wealth in Wales. Throughout the conference, we will hear success stories from internationally renowned business people - those who have been there, seen it and done it many times over. This is a golden opportunity for entrepreneurs and enterprising

scientists in Wales to take inspirational ideas, and use them in companies and universities to take our life sciences businesses into the big leagues.

Developing the Welsh Ecosystem The most successful life sciences clusters, such as those in the US and Cambridge, have very dense networks. We need to build an ecosystem in Wales, which is similarly vibrant and dynamic, bringing people, ideas and money together to generate serial entrepreneurship and an attractive environment for investors. We need a focal point or local hub for the sector in Wales which is easily accessible to potential investors, partners and customers and which establishes a genuinely world class place

to connect research, development and commercialisation for all the key players and stakeholders in the sector. We want business, government, the NHS and universities to thoroughly understand what each other is doing and to interact all of the time, at every level. We need to ensure that the life science industry here in Wales has access to appropriate funds and to meet this need, we are working closely with the Welsh Government to create a dedicated life science fund for Wales. By delivering our strategy with your help, we can all make this vision a reality and make Wales an exciting country for exploiting life sciences and a destination of choice for business growth and inward investors the world over.

The delivery plan starts now! At BioWales 2012 we kick off the ecosystem that Wales needs to begin to realise the potential of the sector as a whole.

Professor Sir Chris Evans OBE

Gweledigaeth Newydd ar gyfer Sector Gwyddorau Bywyd Cymru Mae deg mlwyddiant BioCymru 2012 yn gyfle perffaith i fi, fel Cadeirydd Panel Gwyddorau Bywyd Llywodraeth Cymru, ddatgelu’n gweledigaeth ar gyfer strategaeth newydd i’r sector yng Nghymru. Yn y Sector Gwyddorau Bywyd yma yng Nghymru mae rhai busnesau da, prosiectau academaidd cyffrous a llawer o bobl ddeallus ac ymroddgar. Ond mae potensial i ni gyflawni llawer mwy. Mae’n rhaid i ni fanteisio ar yr ymchwil sylfaenol a throsglwyddo sy’n digwydd yn ein prifysgolion a chodi ymwybyddiaeth yn rhyngwladol am safon brand Gwyddorau Bywyd Cymru os ydym am wireddu’r manteision aruthrol posibl i iechyd a chyfoeth Cymru. Yn y gynhadledd byddwn yn clywed hanesion llwyddiant gan bobl fusnes sy’n cael eu cydnabod ledled y byd – y rheini sydd wedi profi llwyddiant drosodd a thro. Mae hwn yn gyfle euraidd i entrepreneuriaid a gwyddonwyr mentrus yng Nghymru i fabwysiadu syniadau

ysbrydoledig a’u defnyddio mewn cwmnïau a phrifysgolion i fynd â’n busnesau gwyddorau bywyd i’r lefel nesaf.

Datblygu Ecosystem Cymru Mae gan y clystyrau Gwyddorau Bywyd mwyaf llwyddiannus, fel y rheini yn UDA a Chaergrawnt, rwydweithiau dwys iawn. Mae angen i ni feithrin ecosystem yng Nghymru sydd yr un mor gyffrous a deinamig, gan dynnu pobl, syniadau ac arian ynghyd i greu entrepreneuriaeth gyfresol ac amgylchedd deniadol i fuddsoddwyr. Mae angen ffocws neu ganolfan leol i’r sector yng Nghymru sy’n hygyrch i fuddsoddwyr, partneriaid a chwsmeriaid, ac sy’n creu lle o safon

fyd-eang ar gyfer cysylltu ymchwil, datblygu a masnacheiddio i’r holl gyrff a rhanddeiliaid allweddol yn y sector. Rydyn ni am i fusnes, llywodraeth, y GIG a phrifysgolion ddeall yr hyn y mae pawb arall yn ei wneud a rhyngweithio’n gyson ar bob lefel. Mae angen i ni sicrhau bod y diwydiant gwyddorau bywyd yma yng Nghymru yn cael digon o arian, ac i’r perwyl hwn rydyn ni’n gweithio’n agos gyda Llywodraeth Cymru i greu cronfa benodedig ar gyfer y gwyddorau bywyd yng Nghymru. Drwy gyflwyno’r strategaeth hon gyda’ch cymorth chi, gallwn ni wireddu’r weledigaeth hon a gwneud Cymru’n wlad gyffrous ar gyfer y gwyddorau bywyd ac yn lle i fusnesau a buddsoddwyr o bedwar ban ddod i dyfu.

Mae’r cynllun cyflawni yn dechrau nawr! Yn BioCymru 2012 rydyn ni’n dechrau creu’r ecosystem y mae ei angen ar Gymru i ddechrau gwireddu potensial y sector cyfan.

Yr Athro Syr Chris Evans OBE






Life Science – At the Heart of Welsh Government

to patients, allowing for the design, manufacture, testing and evaluation of novel devices and sensors.

Supporting Business Success The Welsh Government supports companies influencing science with innovative techniques; organisations with the expertise to take research from ‘bench to bedside’; and universities with excellent knowledge transfer track records.

For BioWales’ 10th Anniversary, the Welsh Government is unveiling its ambitious sector strategy and is introducing the best in Wales to the best in the world. The international focus of this year’s event reflects the Welsh Government’s commitment to help businesses capture a share of global markets. We are showcasing a diverse range of industry players, whilst demonstrating why Wales is a prime destination for investors. Why Life Science? A fast growing sector, currently three of Wales’ ten most profitable companies operate in life sciences. Comprising over 300 companies, this priority sector has expertise in many areas including medical devices, in vitro diagnostics, e-health and wound care. Many Welsh companies are operating globally developing innovative new treatments and products, including: GE Healthcare (medical imaging,

medical diagnostics, patient monitoring systems, disease research, drug discovery), Ortho Clinical Diagnostics (diagnostic, screening products and transfusion medicine), Penn Pharma (pharmaceuticals), and ConvaTec (wound healing and manufacturing). With healthcare markets in BRIC countries expanding exponentially year-on-year, helping companies access these foreign markets is a priority. Welsh Government’s Life Sciences Panel is working to ensure Wales’ infrastructure nurtures industry success.

Meet the Panel Our Life Science Panel members are industry experts with the expertise to promote Wales globally. The panel has developed an exciting new strategy, which the Life Sciences Team will be delivering from April 2012, including a comprehensive suite of trade support activities.

The Welsh Government Life Sciences Team – Supporting Business Growth The Life Sciences Team can offer access to appropriate networks, employee development opportunities, NHS procurement advice, trade and export development, R&D, funding advice, and property opportunities for both existing Welsh businesses and potential inward investors.

Panel members from left to right: Dr Graham Guildford, Professor Sir Chris Evans, Dr Penny Owen, Professor Gareth Morgan, Gwyn Tudor. Professor Chris McGuigan is also a panel member.

Academic Excellence Our colleges and universities have excellent knowledge transfer and commercialisation capabilities offering attractive partnering opportunities for life science businesses. Academics are housed in facilities such as the Institute of Life Science at Swansea University - a £30 million building featuring hightech clinical research facilities and an imaging suite - a fantastic location for high-growth businesses.

Research Excellence in Wales Cardiff University Welsh Anaesthetic Institute (WAI) – The Institute exemplifies the strong relationship between the NHS and our universities. The Institute houses senior academics and consultant

anaesthetists who develop patents, evaluate medical equipment and conduct clinical trials. Wound Healing Research Unit (WHRU) – A leading research centre in wound care, the Unit provides specialist clinical services, research, and training, including clinical trials.

Swansea University e-Health Industries Innovation Centre (ehi²) – As the global e-Health market continues to grow, ehi² provides the ideal environment for businesses to access clinical, software and systems development, NHS data, clinical trials and evaluation expertise. The Centre for NanoHealth – Based on the application of nanotechnologyleading innovations in healthcare, this interdisciplinary centre gives access

Innovation Ground-breaking technology is being developed by: Calon Cardio – Their implantable pumps that treat heart failure are cheaper than current models available and require less invasive surgery to fit. Microvisk – Their pioneering devices monitor blood clotting levels for patients taking drugs such as Warfarin. Diurnal – Their novel physiological approaches to drug delivery will help patients suffering from reduced cortisol and testosterone levels.

Translation Welsh companies taking research from bench to bedside include: Cellnovo – developed the first mobile diabetes management system.


GE Healthcare Life Sciences SPRING 2012



Huntleigh Diagnostics – developed a medical device which detects the early onset of lower limb arterial disease. Magstim – developed non-invasive neurostimulation and monitoring products based on technology used by hospitals and researchers worldwide. BioMonde – manufactures larval therapy products for the global wound care market.

Commercialisation Companies taking Welsh technology to global markets include: Inhibitex – this Cardiff University spinout successfully developed a drug to treat Hepatitis C and was recently sold to American pharmaceutical giant Bristol-Myers in a $2.5 billion (£1.6 billion) deal. Q Chip – produce innovative sustainedrelease drug formulations for cancer and other diseases.

We’re making progress, so that you can, too.

Haemair, DTR Medical, Haemaflow and Swansea University’s College of Engineering and Industry – a twoyear project to develop respiratory aids which mimic the performance of healthy lungs.

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Applied Enzyme Technology – develop protein stabilisation tools for the pharmaceutical and environmental industries.


Why Wales? In Wales we know what inward investors need, and the commercial pressures you face – we’ve been helping companies locate here for decades. People and training - A skilled workforce is a vital company asset. With a track record of academic-industrial collaboration, Welsh graduates have the skills to join your company. Good quality companies and universities keep graduates in Wales – explaining why our staff retention is higher than the UK average into the potential labour market. Property - Wales has an exceptional variety of business property – from serviced offices to international headquarters; starter industrial units to R&D incubators - and we even have property with runway access or dedicated airspace. Access to funding - We encourage business growth by identifying sources of support and funding in areas such as skills development, academic collaboration and business expansion. To find out more about life science business in Wales, join us at Stand 38 or contact us: tel: 03000 6 0 3000 email:

Recent Funds Raised Include: Cellnovo

£30 million


£10.5 million

Q Chip

£8.5 million


£1 million

Acuitas Medical £1 million + Calon Cardio

£2.2 million

Only Men Aloud – Gala Dinner Performance Only Men Aloud will be performing their eclectic repertoire at the BioWales 10th anniversary gala dinner, putting a fresh spin on the Welsh male choir tradition. The choir won the BBC’s Last Choir Standing programme in the summer of 2008, and released their debut album shortly afterwards, which went gold in the UK. Their second album ‘Band of Brothers’ went straight to the top of the classical charts, and they completed two sell out tours of the UK in 2009. Only Men Aloud exemplify what this year’s conference is all about – showcasing the best of Wales to the world and succeeding in style.





Gwyddorau Bywyd – Yn Ganolog i Lywodraeth Cymru

Y Ganolfan NanoIechyd – Mae’r ganolfan ryng-ddisgyblaeth hon yn gweithio i gymhwyso arloesiadau nanotechnoleg mewn gofal iechyd a rhoi mynediad i gleifion, gan ganiatáu cynllunio, gweithgynhyrchu, profi a gwerthuso dyfeisiadau a synwyryddion newydd.

Ar gyfer deng mlwyddiant BioCymru, mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn dadorchuddio’i strategaeth sector uchelgeisiol ac yn cyflwyno’r gorau o Gymru i’r gorau yn y byd. Mae ffocws rhyngwladol y digwyddiad eleni yn adlewyrchu ymrwymiad Llywodraeth Cymru i helpu busnesau i sicrhau’u cyfran o farchnadoedd byd-eang. Rydyn ni’n arddangos amrywiaeth eang o ffigurau pwysig yn y diwydiant, gan ddangos pam bod Cymru’n farchnad ragorol i fuddsoddwyr. Pam Gwyddorau Bywyd?

Cwrdd â’r Panel

Mae’r sector yn tyfu’n gyflym, gyda thri o’r deg cwmni mwyaf proffidiol yng Nghymru ar hyn o bryd yn gweithio yng ngwyddorau bywyd. Mae dros 300 o gwmnïau yn y sector blaenoriaeth hwn, sydd ag arbenigedd mewn sawl maes fel dyfeisiadau meddygol, diagnosteg in vitro, e-iechyd a gofal clwyfau.

meddygol, diagnosteg meddygol, systemau monitro cleifion, ymchwil clefydau, canfod cyffuriau), Ortho Clinical Diagnostics (diagnosteg, cynhyrchion sgrinio a meddygaeth trallwyso), Penn Pharma (fferylliaeth), a ConvaTec (gwella clwyfau a gweithgynhyrchu).

Mae llawer o gwmnïau Cymru yn gweithredu’n fyd-eang i ddatblygu triniaethau a chynhyrchion arloesol, gan gynnwys: GE Healthcare (delweddu

Gyda marchnadoedd gofal iechyd Brasil, Rwsia, India a Tsieina yn ehangu bob blwyddyn, mae’n rhaid blaenoriaethu helpu cwmnïau i fanteisio ar y marchnadoedd tramor hyn. Mae Panel Gwyddorau Bywyd Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio i sicrhau bod seilwaith Cymru yn meithrin llwyddiant yn y diwydiant.

Mae aelodau’n Panel Gwyddorau Bywyd yn arbenigwyr yn y diwydiant gyda’r arbenigedd i hyrwyddo Cymru’n fyd-eang. Mae’r panel wedi datblygu strategaeth gyffrous newydd y bydd y Tîm Gwyddorau Bywyd yn ei chyflwyno o fis Ebrill 2012 ymlaen, gan gynnwys cyfres gynhwysfawr o weithgareddau cymorth masnach.

Tîm Gwyddorau Bywyd Llywodraeth Cymru – Cefnogi Twf Busnes Gall y Tîm Gwyddorau Bywyd gynnig mynediad i rwydweithiau priodol, cyfleoedd datblygu staff, cyngor caffael y GIG, datblygu masnach ac allforio, ymchwil a datblygu, cyngor cyllid, a chyfleoedd eiddo ar gyfer busnesau presennol Cymru a buddsoddwyr posibl o’r tu allan.

Cefnogi Llwyddiant Busnes

Aelodau’r Panel o’r chwith i’r dde: Dr Graham Guildford, yr Athro Syr Chris Evans, Dr Penny Owen, yr Athro Gareth Morgan, Gwyn Tudor. Mae’r Athro Chris McGuigan hefyd yn aelod o’r panel.

Rhagoriaeth Academaidd Mae gan ein colegau a’n prifysgolion adnoddau trosglwyddo gwybodaeth a masnacheiddio rhagorol sy’n cynnig cyfleoedd partneru da i fusnesau gwyddorau bywyd. Mae ysgolheigion yn gweithio mewn cyfleusterau fel yr Athrofa Gwyddor Bywyd ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe, adeilad gwerth £30 miliwn gyda chyfleusterau clinigol technoleg uwch ac ystafell ddelweddu, sy’n lleoliad gwych i fusnesau twf uchel.

Rhagoriaeth Ymchwil yng Nghymru Prifysgol Caerdydd Ysgol Anestheteg Cymru (WAI) – Mae’r Ysgol yn enghraifft o’r berthynas gref rhwng y GIG a’n prifysgolion.

Mae ysgolheigion profiadol ac anesthetegwyr ymgynghorol yn gweithio yn yr Athrofa, gan ddatblygu patentau, gwerthuso offer meddygol a chynnal treialon clinigol. Yr Uned Ymchwil Gwella Clwyfau (WHRU) – Fel canolfan ymchwil flaenllaw mewn gofal clwyfau, mae’r Uned yn cynnig gwasanaethau, ymchwil a hyfforddiant clinigol arbenigol, gan gynnwys treialon clinigol.

Prifysgol Abertawe Canolfan Arloesi’r Diwydiannau e-Iechyd (ehi²) – Wrth i’r farchnad e-iechyd fyd-eang barhau i dyfu, mae ehi² yn cynnig yr amgylchedd delfrydol i fusnesau gael arbenigedd ar ddatblygu clinigol, meddalwedd a systemau, data’r GIG, treialon clinigol a gwerthuso.

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi cwmnïau sy’n dylanwadu ar wyddoniaeth gyda thechnegau arloesol, cyrff â’r arbenigedd i fynd ag ymchwil ‘o’r labordy i’r ysbyty’, a phrifysgolion â chefndir rhagorol o drosglwyddo gwybodaeth.

Arloesi Mae technoleg arloesol yn cael ei datblygu gan: Calon Cardio – mae pympiau mewnblanadwy’r cwmni hwn i drin methiant y galon yn rhatach na’r modelau sydd ar gael ar hyn o bryd ac mae’r driniaeth i’w gosod yn haws. Microvisk – mae dyfeisiau arloesol y cwmni hwn yn monitro lefelau ceulo’r gwaed mewn cleifion sy’n cymryd cyffuriau fel Warfarin. Diurnal – bydd dulliau ffisiolegol newydd y cwmni hwn ar gyfer rhoi cyffuriau yn helpu cleifion sy’n dioddef o lefelau cortisol a testosteron isel.

Trosglwyddo Mae’r cwmnïau yng Nghymru sy’n mynd ag ymchwil o’r labordy i’r ysbyty yn cynnwys: Cellnovo – wedi datblygu’r system symudol gyntaf ar gyfer trin diabetes.


The Business Challenge




Moving your healthcare projects forward

Huntleigh Diagnostics – wedi datblygu dyfais feddygol sy’n synhwyro’r arwyddion cyntaf o glefyd rhedwelïol yn y coesau. Magstim – wedi datblygu cynhyrchion niwroysgogi a monitro heb lawdriniaeth ar sail technoleg a ddefnyddir gan ysbytai ac ymchwilwyr ledled y byd.


BioMonde – yn gweithgynhyrchu cynhyrchion therapi larfa ar gyfer y farchnad gofal clwyfau fyd-eang.

Masnacheiddio Mae’r cwmnïau sy’n mynd â thechnoleg o Gymru i farchnadoedd byd-eang yn cynnwys:

Developing Accelerating Translating


Innovative HPA Providing Technical Solutions Tel +44 (0) 1980 612100 Fax +44 (0) 1980 612241

Inhibitex – sgil-gwmni o Brifysgol Caerdydd sydd wedi llwyddo i ddatblygu cyffur i drin Hepatitis C ac a werthwyd yn ddiweddar i’r cwmni fferyllol Americanaidd anferthol Bristol-Myers mewn cytundeb $2.5 biliwn (£1.6 biliwn). Q Chip – fformwleiddiadau cyffuriau rhyddhau cyson arloesol ar gyfer canser a chlefydau eraill. Haemair, DTR Medical, Haemaflow a Choleg Peirianneg a Diwydiant Prifysgol Abertawe – prosiect dwy flynedd i ddatblygu cymhorthion anadlu sy’n efelychu ysgyfaint iach. Applied Enzyme Technology – offer sefydlogi protein ar gyfer y diwydiannau fferyllol ac amgylcheddol.


Pam Cymru? Yng Nghymru rydyn ni’n gwybod beth sydd ei angen ar fuddsoddwyr o’r tu allan a’r pwysau masnachol sydd arnyn nhw – rydyn ni wedi bod yn helpu cwmnïau i symud yma ers degawdau. Pobl a hyfforddiant – mae gweithlu medrus yn ased hanfodol i gwmni. Gyda chefndir o gydweithredu academaidd a diwydiannol, mae gan raddedigion o Gymru y sgiliau i ymuno â’ch cwmni. Mae cwmnïau a phrifysgolion o safon sy’n cadw graddedigion yng Nghymru, sy’n esbonio pam rydyn ni’n cadw mwy o staff na chyfartaledd y DU yn y farchnad lafur. Eiddo – mae gan Gymru amrywiaeth eithriadol o eiddo busnes, o swyddfeydd â gwasanaeth i bencadlysoedd rhyngwladol, ac o unedau diwydiannol i ganolfannau deori ymchwil a datblygu. Mae hyd yn oed eiddo ar gael gyda llwybr glanio neu awyrofod. Mynediad i gyllid – Rydyn ni’n annog twf busnes drwy ddod o hyf i gymorth a chyllid mewn meysydd fel datblygu sgiliau, cydweithredu academaidd ac ehangu busnes. I gael mwy o wybodaeth am fusnesau gwyddorau bywyd yng Nghymru, dewch i’n gweld ni ar stondin 38 neu ffoniwch ni ar 03000 6 0 3000 neu e-bostiwch

Mae’r arian a godwyd yn ddiweddar yn cynnwys: Cellnovo

£30 miliwn


£10.5 miliwn

Q Chip

£8.5 miliwn


£1 miliwn

Acuitas Medical £1 miliwn + Calon Cardio

£2.2 miliwn

Only Men Aloud – Perfformiad Cinio Gala Bydd Only Men Aloud yn perfformio’u repertoire amrywiol yng nghinio gala deng mlwyddiant BioCymru, gan roi blas newydd ar y traddodiad corau meibion. Enillodd y côr yn rhaglen Last Choir Standing ar y BBC yn haf 2008, gan ryddhau’u halbwm cyntaf yn fuan wedi hynny, a enillodd statws aur yn y DU. Aeth eu hail albwm ‘Band of Brothers’ yn syth i frig y siartiau clasurol, a chwblhawyd dwy daith a werthodd allan yn y DU yn 2009. Mae Only Men Aloud yn enghraifft berffaith o hanfod y gynhadledd eleni – arddangos y gorau o Gymru a llwyddo â steil.






BioWales 2012 Programme

Day 2 – Wednesday 14th March 2012

Day 1 – Tuesday 13th March 2012

MC- Sue Heatherington, Heatherington & Co

MC- Gareth Morgan, Institute of Life Science

8:00 – 9.30

Exhibition and Brokerage Meetings


Registration and Coffee

8:00 – 9.30

Coffee Break

8:00 – 10:00



Professor Sir Christopher Evans, OBE

Opens Conference


Sir Richard Sykes

Opening Address: Whither Life Sciences


Professor Sir Christopher Evans, OBE

A New Vision for Life Science in Wales


Edwina Hart MBE OStJ AM, Minister for Business, Enterprise, Technology and Science

Welcome Address


Professor John Harries, Chief Scientific Adviser for Wales


Professor Trevor Jones, CBE, Chairman, Association of British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI)

12:00 – 14:00


12:00 – 14:00

Exhibition and Brokerage Meetings

Translation 9:30

Michael Hunt, BSc ACA, CEO, ReNeuron

Developing a Stem Cell Therapy for Stroke Patients – the Translational Challenge


Berwyn Clarke, Board Director and Chief Scientific Officer, Lab21

Companion Diagnostics – a Key Component in Modern Medicine


Coffee Break and Exhibition

Science for Wales: a Strategic Agenda for Science and Innovation in Wales


David Ford and Dr Steven Conlan, Institute of Life Science

‘What’s the Point of Care?’ – Showing Research Makes a Difference

Current and Future Direction of the Pharmaceutical Industry and the Role of SMEs


Professor Jonathan Bisson, Clinical Director, NISCHR AHSC

Collaborative Working Between Industry, Higher Education Institutes and NHS Wales


Dr Trevor Howe, Head of Structural Biology and Biophysics, Janssen, a Johnson and Johnson company

Lions and Donkeys – Will Translation Improve Attrition in Pharmaceutical Research?



12:00 – 14:00


12:00 – 14:00

Exhibition and Brokerage Meetings

Innovation 14:00

Professor Chris McGuigan, Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor of Research, Cardiff University

ProTides: From Lab Science to Wall Street (and to patients)


Gabriele Cerrone, Chairman and Founder, BioVitas Capital

From Cardiff and Two Employees to $2.5 Billion Dollars


Mike Thompson, Managing Director, Biomet UK Healthcare Ltd

Rapid Recovery Knee Arthroplasty Patient Pathway – A New Service Model for Orthopaedic Care


Dr David Bott, Director of Innovation Programmes, Technology Strategy Board (TSB)

Concept to Commercialisation in Life Sciences


Kenneth Powell, Executive Chairman, Q Chip

Turning Good Science into Commercial Success – Case Histories from Biotechnology


John Jeans, Chairman, Cardiff University Council, MRC Technology and Imanova

Public Funding of Innovation in Life Sciences – Future Challenges


Dr Pete Corish, British Biocell International (BBI)

Innovation Versus Process – the Balancing Act for Successful New Product Development in Diagnostics






Coffee Break and Exhibition


Coffee Break and Exhibition


Ian James, Director, A4P Consulting

Innovation in Clinical Bioanalysis


Facilitated Finance Discussion


Dr Nick Thomas, Principal Scientist in Cell Technologies, GE Healthcare

Innovating Pre-Clinical Drug Development – Towards an Integrated Approach to Investigate Toxicology in Human Models


Rowan Gardner, Chairman, BioLauncher

New Models for BioScience Innovation





16:45 – 18:00


16:45 – 18:30

Brokerage Meetings


Gala Dinner

Day 1

13:15 – 13:45

UKTI Workshop – How to Access the US Healthcare Market

Sellgman Room

Day 2

13:15 – 13:45

GE Startup Workshop – Working with SMEs to deliver growth

Sellgman Room


Drinks Reception


Dinner and Medilink UK Awards Ceremony




Ifan Evans, Head of Life Science Sector, Welsh Government Dominic Griffiths, Senior Life Science Director, Fusion IP Dr Melanie Goward, Senior Investment Executive, Finance Wales Brenig Preest, Investment Director, Excalibur Group Holdings Ltd 16.30





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Speaker Profiles Day 1 – Tuesday 13 March MC – Professor Gareth Morgan Professor of Paediatrics and Immunology and Dean and Head of Swansea University’s College of Medicine Professor Gareth Morgan began his career at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London, where his work involved the treatment of otherwise fatal genetic immunodeficiency disorders by stem cell transplantation. Gareth led the clinical team that performed the first gene therapy in the United Kingdom and the establishment of the UK regulatory body for gene therapy. Gareth was seconded as a Wellcome Trust Lecturer in Tropical Diseases for two years at the Medical Research Council (MRC) unit in The Gambia, West Africa. Gareth is a Fellow of the Royal Colleges of Physicians, Pathologists and Paediatrics and Child Health. He is a member of a number of organisations including the European Society for Immunodeficiency (ESID). He is also Vice-Chair of the Welsh Government’s Life Science Sector Panel.

Morning Professor Sir Christopher Evans, OBE Sir Christopher’s considerable contributions to the biotechnology industry were honoured with a Knighthood in the 2001 New Year’s Honours List and an OBE in the 1995 New Year’s Honours List. In 1987-1994 he created Cambridge’s first biomedical companies, starting the now famous Cambridge Cluster which has grown from Sir Chris’ earlier start ups to some 350 companies worth over $7 billion. In 1996, Sir Chris founded Merlin Biosciences, which currently manages over €500 million and is one of Europe’s foremost venture capital firms specialising in medical sciences. Sir Chris has established forty-five successful, highquality science companies, twenty of which have been taken public on 5 stock markets. Sir Richard Sykes Sir Richard is Chairman of a wide range of prestigious organisations and companies including Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, the Royal Institution of Great Britain, the UK Stem Cell Foundation, the Careers and Research Advisory Council (CRAC), Toumaz, Circassia, Omnicyte and NetScientific. Sir Richard sits on the investment board of Deepridge Capital and is Vice-Chairman of the Swiss life sciences company, Lonza Group. He also sits on the advisory boards of Siemens Holdings plc and the Virgin Group.

Sir Richard previously worked as a Senior Independent Director and non-executive Chairman of ENRC, Chairman of NHS London and Rector of Imperial College London. He has previously served as Chief Executive and Chairman of GlaxoWellcome and Chairman of GlaxoSmithKline. Internationally, he is Chairman of the International Advisory Board; A*Star Biomedical Research Council, Singapore; and a board member of EDBI. He received a Knighthood in the 1994 New Year’s Honours list for his services to the pharmaceutical industry. Edwina Hart MBE OStJ AM Minister for Business, Enterprise, Technology and Science Edwina Hart has been the Gower’s AM since the first Assembly election in 1999. Having served as Minister for Finance and Local Government (2000-2003) and Minister for Social Justice and Regeneration (2003-2007), Edwina was appointed to the Health and Social Services portfolio in May 2007. Following re-election to the National Assembly for Wales in May 2011, Edwina Hart was appointed Minister for Business, Enterprise, Technology and Science. Professor John Harries Chief Scientific Adviser for Wales Professor John Harries, originally from Aberavon, took up post as the Chief Scientific Adviser for Wales on 1 May 2010. He is the University of London Professor of Earth Observation at the Blackett Laboratory of Imperial College London and a member of the Grantham Institute for Climate Research at the College. He is a past President of the Royal Meteorological Society, and of the International Radiation Commission. He was the first Director of the Space Science Department at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, and has been a senior adviser to the UK Government in several roles. He has been awarded the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) most prestigious civilian honour in recognition of his distinguished public service in advancing knowledge of the Earth’s atmosphere and climate change.

Professor Trevor Jones CBE – Chairman, Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI)

Dr David Bott Director of Innovation Programmes, Technology Strategy Board (TSB)

Professor Jones is former Director General of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) and now serves on the boards of a wide range of companies in the USA and Europe, including Allergan Inc and VeronaPharma plc.

David began his career working at the British Petroleum Research Centre and subsequently joined Courtaulds to set up and run their Strategic Research Group. He has worked for ICI Acrylics as Research Director and National Starch, where he was responsible for research in their Specialty Synthetic Resins Division for 2 years.

Professor Jones was previously a Director of The Wellcome Foundation, responsible for Research & Development. He is a founder member of the Genevabased, Public: Private Partnership, Medicines for Malaria Venture and has served on the World Health Organisation Commission on Intellectual Property Rights, Innovation and Public Health. Professor Jones was a member of the UK Government Regulatory Agency for twelve years. In 2005 he won the SCRIP Life Time Achievement award for his contribution to the pharmaceutical sciences and industry.

Afternoon Professor Chris McGuigan Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor of Research, Cardiff University Professor Chris McGuigan has received research funding of over £8 million since 1999. Three compounds discovered in his lab have now reached clinical trials. Professor McGuigan served on the board of Inhibitex which holds the license for INX-189. This drug is midway through phase 2 trials for the Hepatitis C virus. Inhibitex was recently taken over by Bristol-Myers Squibb in a deal worth $2.5bn. He also serves on the board of Synergy Pharmaceuticals, a public company in the GI space. Chris is the inventor of ProTides, a novel drug discovery method for viruses and cancer and is a member of the Life Science Sector Panel of the Welsh Government. He also sits on the governmentappointed REF panel assessing UK HEI research in health sciences. Gabriele Cerrone Chairman and Founder, BioVitas Capital Mr Cerrone is Chairman and Founder of BioVitas Capital, an international biotech incubator. BioVitas invests in early stage biotech intellectual property in Italy and has founded six biotech companies. Five of these companies have been listed and three of the five have hit values exceeding $900 million. Mr Cerrone co-founded FermaVir Pharmaceuticals Inc. and served as its Chairman until 2007, when it was acquired by Inhibitex. He is the Chairman and Co-founder of Synergy Pharmaceuticals Inc, a Nasdaq-listed pharmaceutical company focusing on GI disorders. He is the Chairman and Founder of GenSignia Inc, a diagnostic microRNA company, which is developing a breakthrough plasma test for the early stage detection of lung cancer.

David previously held the role of Director of Group Technology at ICI and sat on the UK Government’s Technology Foresight Panel for Materials. He was President of the Industrial Affairs Division of the Royal Society of Chemistry and served as Co-Chairman of the Strategy and Implementation Board of the Crystal Faraday Partnership on Green Chemistry. He is Chairman of Oxford Biomaterials and a Non-Executive Director of Oxford Advanced Surfaces Group, Apaclara and Spineless Design. John Jeans Chairman, Cardiff University Council, MRC Technology and Imanova Ltd In addition to John’s Chairmanships, he is a NonExecutive Director of the Alliance Medical Group and a Trustee of the Francis Crick Institute. Previously, John was the Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Operating Officer of the MRC, the UK’s largest funding agency for Medical Research. John has worked with numerous companies including Smith & Nephew and Johnson & Johnson. He led the commercial function of GE’s life science business and was the Chairman of its UK healthcare operations. John has held executive posts in organisations such as the British In Vitro Diagnostic Association (BIVDA). John is Chair of the TSB’s Rapid Diagnostics Initiative, and Cardiff University’s PET Imaging Scientific Committee. He is also a member of the Science Advisory Council for Wales.






Ian James Director, A4P Consulting Ian is a Co-founder of A4P Consulting Ltd, established with colleagues from Pfizer’s EU Clinical Assay Group, to provide integrated solutions in outsourcing oversight, sample logistics and consulting services in clinical bioanalysis and diagnostic programs to pharma and SMEs. In 1998 Ian joined Pfizer Global Research and Development as a Pharmacodynamic Assay Advisor and was responsible for biomarker selection, technology/ assay development and outsourcing in support of early and late phase clinical programmes. In 2007 he transitioned to a newly formed global companion diagnostics role continuing his prior work in HIV tropism diagnostic development for Maraviroc (CCR5 antagonist) and supporting additional HIV/HCV, oncology and anti-fungal programmes alongside various technology and near-patient platform development programmes. Dr Nick Thomas Principal Scientist in Cell Technologies, GE Healthcare Dr Thomas has a BSc in Biochemistry from the University of Glasgow and a PhD from the University of Wales College of Medicine. In a 28-year career with Amersham International, Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, Nycomed Amersham, Amersham, and GE Healthcare, he has held a number of positions in Operations, Marketing and Research and Development. He is the Inventor or Co-inventor of over 60 patents covering a wide range of technologies including microfabrication, and cellular imaging. Dr Thomas has worked on the development of cellular analysis instrumentation, software and reagents for 10 years. Rowan Gardner BioLauncher Rowan previously worked at Oxford Molecular Group and opened the company’s US operations. She also participated in the LSE main board listing as the company became the second best performing share. Rowan co-founded Synomics with recognised experts from the CERN computing lab and the European Bioinformatics Institute. Rowan has worked with numerous start ups, several international companies and the NHS to find mechanisms to source investment. In 2007, she helped launch the Astia foundation’s investor readiness program in the UK and assisted with raising £5.3m of capital to develop a service level architecture for life science data integration. Rowan also chairs the Life Science Advisory Board in Europe.

Day 2 – Wednesday 14 March MC – Sue Heatherington Heatherington & Co Sue’s passion for improving health outcomes through collaboration stems from her many years of experience as an NHS CEO in England and Wales. Recognising a drive for improvement expressed by highly motivated and talented professionals, she sought to create the environment where collaborative leadership could flourish and real, whole system change could occur, even against a backdrop of financial challenge. This included wider partnership work with universities, social care and others. Sue recently launched Heatherington & Co based north of Swansea, together with a talented group of colleagues who thrive on wanting to make a difference. Sue’s clients range across healthcare, life sciences and academia, including SMEs, where she creates space for conversations that matter.

Morning Michael Hunt BSc ACA CEO, ReNeuron Group Prior to his appointment as CEO of ReNeuron Group plc in July 2005, Michael spent six years at Biocompatibles International plc (sold to BTG plc) where he held a number of senior financial and general management positions. His early industrial career was spent at Bunzl plc. He sits on the BioIndustry Association’s Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine Advisory Committee and its Finance and Tax Advisory Committee. Michael is a Senior Industry Group member of the UK Government’s Office for Life Sciences and a member of the UK Technology Strategy Board’s RegenMed Advisory Group. He read economics at University College London and qualified as a chartered accountant with Ernst & Young in London.

Dr Berwyn Clarke Board Director and Chief Scientific Officer, Lab21 Dr Berwyn Clarke was Founder and CEO of Oneida TheraDiagnostics Ltd. Dr Clarke was Head of the Hepatitis C virus therapeutic area at GlaxoWellcome between 1990 and 2000 and previously worked with Wellcome Biotechnology and the Wellcome Foundation. Dr Clarke moved into the molecular diagnostic industry with Virco UK and became Vice President for Research at Visible Genetics Inc – a pioneering company in the use of molecular diagnostics for viral and cancer disease management. Dr Clarke co-founded Lab21 in April 2005 where he is currently a Board Director and Chief Scientific Officer. Lab21 is a leading provider of companion diagnostic services in Europe and a major global manufacturer of immunodiagnostic and molecular assays including tests for syphilis and malaria. David Ford Director of eHealth Industries Innovation Centre (ehi2) In addition to David’s role as Director of ehi2, he is University Director of Health Informatics Research Laboratories - a collaboration between the College of Medicine, Swansea University and NHS Wales Informatics Service. The laboratories provide state-ofthe-art facilities to design, prototype, test and evaluate innovative new information technologies for use in improving healthcare. David is joint lead of the Health Information Research Unit for Wales (HIRU). David is a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of the Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (FRSA) and a Director of MediWales, a membership organisation representing the medical technology sector of Wales. He has received research grants and consultancy contracts valuing over £20m. Dr Steven Conlan Head of the Reproductive Biology Group and Reader in Cell and Molecular Biology at the Institute of Life Science, Swansea University Dr Steve Conlan’s research interests are reproductive biology using cell, molecular, and nanobiology approaches to investigate the underlying causes of, and ranges of, conditions including endometrial cancer. Steve is Director of the Centre for NanoHealth (CNH), a £22million R&D facility. A joint initiative between the Colleges of Medicine, Engineering and Science at Swansea University, CNH offers a fully integrated nanotechnology and biomedical R&D environment within a purpose-built, open access facility. A graduate of Swansea University, Steve completed his PhD at the University of London and undertook postdoctoral research at the John Innes Centre in Norwich and the IMBB-FORTH in Crete, Greece.

Professor Jonathan Bisson Clinical Director, National Institute for Social Care and Health Research (NISHCR), Academic Health Science Collaboration (AHSC) In addition to Professor Jonathan Bisson’s role as Clinical Director, NISCHR AHSC, he is a Director of Research and Development for Cardiff University’s School of Medicine and Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. Jonathan is a Consultant Psychiatrist who developed an interest in traumatic stress during his time in the British Army. He has conducted various studies including two widely cited trials of early psychological interventions following traumatic events and three Cochrane systematic reviews in the traumatic stress field. He was Co-chair of the UK’s PTSD NICE Guideline Development Group and is Director of the All Wales Veterans’ Health and Wellbeing Service. Dr Trevor Howe Head of Structural Biology and Biophysics, Janssen Research & Development, a Johnson & Johnson Company Dr Trevor Howe and his group are focused on using structural, biophysical and computational methods for drug discovery and optimisation. Increasingly, the focus encompasses pathway/target identification and validation in translational systems which require the use, interpretation and understanding of highly heterogeneous data types. Prior to joining Janssen in 2003, Trevor headed the Computational Chemistry Council for Novartis. He established Lilly’s computational chemistry department in the UK and was a visiting researcher at the University of Oxford. He obtained his PhD at the University of East Anglia. He is currently a visiting Fellow at the Universities of Bristol and Cardiff and is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for the EPSRC.

Afternoon Mike Thompson Managing Director, Biomet UK Healthcare Ltd Mike Thompson has worked for Biomet - a global supplier of orthopaedic devices – for 2 years. Mike has over twenty years experience of sales and marketing in the global orthopaedic industry. He has worked for DePuy and Johnson & Johnson in a number of commercial roles, including Vice President of International Marketing, Worldwide Vice President of Marketing & Product Development, and President of Europe for DePuy International Ltd. Mike’s aim is to expand Biomet’s product and service offering to meet the needs of an increasingly challenging environment.






Kenneth Powell Executive Chairman, Q Chip

Dr Melanie Goward Investment Executive, Finance Wales

Kenneth is Executive Chairman of Q Chip – a Cardiff based company which develops novel delayed release formulations of drugs. Kenneth was the Founder and CEO of Arrow Therapeutics Ltd – a specialised antiviral drug discovery company acquired by Astra-Zeneca PLC for $150 million in February 2007. Kenneth is Professor of Cell Biology and Virology and Deputy Director of the Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research at UCL. He is also Head of Biology for the Wellcome Foundation.

Melanie is an investment executive working on early stage investments at fund management company Finance Wales. Finance Wales makes commercial investments into small and medium-sized businesses throughout Wales and specialises in early-stage technology, development capital and succession deals.

Ken has been involved in setting up and developing UK biotechnology companies across multiple therapeutic areas and utilising different business models. His companies have been involved in licensing deals with Pfizer, Novartis, AstraZeneca and GSK. Dr Pete Corish British Biocell International Dr Pete Corish is Head of Business Development for BBI Group and leads the internal technology acquisition group, BBInnovations. Pete is responsible for the sourcing, development and commercialisation of new technologies to maintain BBI’s position as the leading lateral flow assay developer and the acquisition of reagent-based products that underpin future IVD markets. This includes the extension of BBI’s core gold nanoparticle reagents into life science and novel biosensing applications. As part of Alere (formerly Inverness Medical Innovations) he also maintains a watching brief on the rapid developments in molecular and immunoassay point-of-care and the increasing role of personalised medicine and companion diagnostics in 21st century healthcare provision.

Facilitated Finance Discussion Dominic Griffiths Senior Life Science Director, Fusion IP Dominic is responsible for identifying and establishing new businesses arising from the Life Sciences portfolio of Fusion IP - a university IP commercialisation company that turns world class research into business. Dominic has established four spinouts that have secured over £5m in early stage funding since incorporation and currently holds directorships of Fusion IP Cardiff, Abcellute, Asalus Medical Instruments and Progenteq. Before joining Fusion IP, Dominic was responsible for business development activities of an AIM-listed drug delivery company, Phoqus Pharmaceuticals. Dominic holds a PhD in biochemistry.

Melanie previously worked as an Investment Director with the National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts (NESTA) and at Lloyds TSB Corporate working with technology companies at all growth stages. Melanie holds a Ph.D. and B.A. (Hons) from the University of Cambridge. Brenig Preest Investment Director, Excalibur Group Holdings Brenig is an Investment Director at Excalibur in London and Cardiff, specialising in life science investments. For over 10 years Brenig has invested in a wide range of successful growth and venture businesses. Prior to this, he worked at GE Healthcare, before becoming a corporate finance advisor. As an investor and advisor Brenig has been involved in £0.5bn of transactions. Brenig studied pharmacology at Cardiff University and financial strategy at Oxford University. He is also a qualified chartered accountant.

UKTI Workshop Host Anne Avidon USA Sector Lead for Healthcare and Medical Devices Anne Avidon is the USA Sector Lead for Healthcare and Medical Devices for UK Trade & Investment. Anne guides UK businesses in commercialising their medical devices and technologies in the US market. Anne has a Masters Degree from the University of Westminster, and is an active member of the Massachusetts Medical Device Industry Association (MassMEDIC), the Medical Development Group (MDG), the New England Health Information Management Systems Society (NEHIMSS) and the Massachusetts Technology Leadership Council (MTLC).





Exhibitor Profiles


AbD Serotec

Welsh Government – Life Sciences Sector Team Llys-Y-Ddraig Penllergaer Business Park Swansea SA4 9NX Tel: +44 (0)3000 6 03000 www. Email:

The Welsh Government is a democratically elected body. It has devolved powers and is responsible for developing and delivering policies in Wales covering many aspects of life including economic development, education, skills and technology and innovation. Life science is a priority sector and a dedicated team is in place to support the growth and business development of this sector in Wales. Activities include trade, skills development, property needs, routes to market and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).

Attending: Cari-Anne Quinn Senior Business Development Manager

Attending: Victoria Warltier Product Segment Manager Hayley Clarke Commercial Services Consultant

Endeavour House Langford Lane Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1GE United Kingdom Tel: 01865 852700 Email:

AbD Serotec prides itself on its commitment to providing research & industry customers the highest quality products & services. Our production facility in Oxford, UK, is certified to the ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 standards. We can offer:

Rm616, Bldg No. 6 CIFI Century Square No 28 Danba Road Shanghai China 200062 Tel: +86 21 31358882 Email:

Acerchem considers itself to be one of the global market leaders in the market sectors it operates in. We put our customers first in a constantly evolving and growing market place. We continually promote best practice in areas of cost, quality and customer service with both existing and new customers. The Business, since January 2011, now has an office in the UK, located at Swansea University operating out of the Institute of Life Science. This initiative unites Research and Development programs we currently support in China along with anticipated plans with the University.

• Over 15,000 antibodies and reagents • Large & small scale custom antibody production & conjugation services. Our reputation has been earned through long-term collaborations and partnerships with key life science and diagnostic companies around the world.


Welsh Government – Innovation Team Main Avenue Treforest Industrial Estate Treforest Pontypridd Rhondda Cynon Taf CF37 5YR Tel: 0300 061 6042 Email:

We are part of the Welsh Government’s department for Business, Enterprise, Technology and Science (BETS). Our support is aimed specifically at technology-based businesses in Wales in 9 key sectors including life sciences. We provide an integrated package of funding and support for all aspects of your business, from helping you develop new products and manage intellectual property assets, through design issues and manufacturing, to full commercialisation of your new products, services, processes and technologies. Our support is available at every step of the innovation process.

Attending: Jennifer Clark Innovation Promotion Manager Stella Asprou Innovation Stakeholder Engagement Executive

Attending: Jeff Jiang General Manager Thomas Walsh Business Development Manager

Adelphi Healthcare Packaging

Welsh Government - Regional Centre Service Sarn Mynach Llandudno Junction Conwy LL31 9RZ Tel: 03000 6 03000 Email:

Our Regional Centre Service can provide you with the opportunity to speak to someone face to face who’ll get to know what makes your business tick, and give you valuable information and guidance for free. Business advice and support on your doorstep.

Attending: Gavin Crauford Taylor Sales Director

Olympus House Mill Green Road Haywards Heath West Sussex RH16 1XQ Tel: 01444 472300 Email:

Adelphi Healthcare Packaging specialises in the supply of primary packaging to both the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries and holds a comprehensive range of glass, plastic and aluminium containers, precision dispensing systems, and various closures including stoppers, crimp seals and screw caps.

City Development Department Dundee City Council 3 City Square Dundee Scotland DD1 3BA Tel: +44 (0) 1382 434913 Email:

BioDundee was created in 1998 to help Dundee forge its reputation as a centre of excellence in life sciences and has continued to enable the sector to retain its competitive edge in a challenging global environment. Outside of Oxford and Cambridge, Dundee is home to one of the most significant life science communities in the UK. With world-class companies, universities and research institutions all within a three mile radius, the area offers a wide range of expertise from drug discovery, through medical devices and diagnostics to ag-biotech and environmental biotechnology. BioDundee brings together the local life science community as well as promoting its strength to external audiences around the world. BioDundee provides training and networking events, as well as offering marketing support through use of the internationally recognised brand at exhibitions, through newsletters and at the BioDundee International Conference held each summer - this year to be held on 30th & 31st May.

Adelphi stocks a number of specialist vials and stoppers that are particularly suited to new product development and that provide a highly inert product contact surface. Our particular speciality is helping companies in the very early stages of development to ensure that primary packaging choices are the most appropriate, both commercially and technically for their products.

BioDundee Attending: 13th March Alyson Hunt Tracy Rogers Chris Williams Mike Dickinson (am) Keith Brereton (am)

Senior Customer Services Officer Customer Services Officer Environmental Management Advisor Business Advisor Regional Manager

14th March Ros Duggan Katy Pritchard Iestyn Thomas Julian Rowe Angharad Brown

Customer Services Officer Customer Services Officer Environmental Management Advisor Business Advisor Business Advisor

Attending: Dr Adrian Mason BioDundee Coordinator





BBSRC - Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council

Attending: James Phillips Business Interface Manager

Polaris House North Star Avenue Swindon Wiltshire SN21UH Tel: 01793 413200 Email:

BBSRC is one of 7 Research Councils that make up Research Councils UK (RCUK). With a variety of funding schemes it supports academic research in biology and biotechnology, which is not only of an excellent quality, but also achieves impacts to benefit society and industry in the UK. Of particular relevance is the Bioprocessing Research Industry Club (BRIC), a scheme co-funded by EPSRC and industry, which funds research of relevance to the bioprocessing sector.

Biotec Services International Biotec House, Central Park Bridgend Industrial Estate Bridgend Wales CF31 3RT Tel: +44 (0)1656 762764 Email: Attending: Paul Viggers Business Development Manager Samantha James Business Development Associate

Biotec has established itself as an international, trusted partner delivering GMP temperature controlled pharmaceutical services. Our core services include QP & GMP Consultancy, Clinical Supplies Services, GMP Temperature Controlled Storage, Global Logistics, Advanced Therapeutic Medicinal Products and Commercial Services. Providing such specialist services to large industry sectors requires flexibility, expert knowledge and dedicated personnel; three areas in which Biotec has built an esteemed reputation. Trust Biotec to be your international partner in clinical trials.

Cardiff Medicentre

Attending: Mark Bowman Director of Innovation

Heath Park Cardiff CF14 4UJ Wales Tel: +44 (0)29 2075 7744 Email:

Cardiff Medicentre is a dedicated medical, healthcare, and life sciences business incubator located on the University Hospital of Wales campus. It offers high quality office and laboratory accommodation comprising 32 units ranging from 284 sq ft to 1,045 sq ft. Low-cost desk leasing is also available. Cardiff Medicentre offers specialist business incubation programmes and works closely with the Welsh Government’s Life Sciences Sector Team to ensure tenants have access to government business support services.

15F, Jianhui Bldg No 922 Hengshan Road Shanghai China 200030 Email:

Attending: Professor Adrian Harwood (Head of Innovation, Partnership & Engagement) Miss Emma Dalton (Biosciences Communication Officer)

The Cardiff University School of Biosciences possesses an international reputation for its biological research. In the authoritative 2010 World Rankings compiled by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the School features in the top 100 worldwide and in the top 10 in the UK. We have strengths across the spectrum of biological research, obtaining more than £21M of research awards in the last 2 years including research councils, charities and industry. We promote innovation through interdisciplinary research, and host the Cardiff Cancer Research UK Centre, the Arthritis Research UK Biomechanics and Bioengineering Centre, and are a major partner in three new collaborative translational research institutes focusing on cancer stem cell biology, mental health and sustainable environments. In addition, our researchers have an impressive record of translating and commercialising their research and have a highly developed network of industrial partners drawn from the UK, Europe and internationally.

CIICBM is recognised internationally as a leading Chinese biomedical industry services supplier and a niche player in the biomedical technology market in China. Our core services include: Biomedical Training (GLP, GCP, GMP etc.), Clinical Consumables Supply, and Pre-Clinical Technology Commercialization. CIICBM is committed to building ”international two-way channels” to promote Chinese-British biomedical industry collaborations.

Attending: Ms Min Yuan Project Director Dr Dazhen Wen General Manager Mr Dez M Stowe Overseas Manager

eHealth Industries Innovation Centre (ehi²)

Attending: Julie Kennedy Business Development Manager James Davies Business Development Manager Emma Hughes Network Coordinator Stephanie Lee Marketing & Network Manager

Second Floor, Institute of Life Science (Building 2) Swansea University, Singleton Park Swansea Wales SA2 8PP Tel: +44 (0) 1792 606838 Email:

ehi² Centre works with companies in creating new, innovative ehealth products and services with global market potential. It provides businesses with opportunities to test, adapt, improve and evaluate ehealth products and services in a safe and reliable environment to maximise their competitive advantage. It advises and assists companies and where needed, facilitates access to clinicians, academic experts, NHS organisations, and national NHS IT and ICT programmes.

Ensinger Precision Engineering

Cardiff University School of Biosciences Cardiff School of Biosciences Biomedical Sciences Building Museum Avenue Cardiff CF10 3AX Tel: 02920874238 or 02920879358 Email: or


CIIC Shanghai Bio-Medical Development Corporation

Attending: Alun Bevan Applications Engineer Chris Vince Technical and Applications Manager

Wilfried Way Tonyrefail Mid Glamorgan CF39 8JQ Tel: 01443 678400 Email:

Ensinger Precision Engineering is at the forefront of precision machining technology in engineering plastics. 2, 3, 4 and 5-axis CNC turning, milling and routing capacity is available as well as solutions for finishing, polishing, part marking, ultrasonic cleaning/packaging and assembly/kitting. The company are highly focussed on application engineering in the life science sector and work closely with customers on a technical level assisting in developing applications, specifying materials and optimising parts for manufacture.

Unit 20 Parkers Close Downton Industrial Estate Downton SP5 3RB UK Tel: +44 (0)1725 514 555 Email:

With engineering support spread across the country, Esco GB Ltd aims to provide our clients with the best quality, best supported, most energy efficient and most affordable range of clean air and containment equipment available in the marketplace today. Our client base covers a multitude of industries including: universities, clean manufacturing plants, hospitals, medical research institutions and pharmaceutical companies.

Esco GB

Attending: Laura Jones Esco GB Ltd





Attending: Lorna Elmslie Marketing Manager Healthcare & Life Sciences Deborah Scott Business Development Manager Healthcare & Life Sciences

Orion House SE Technology Park East Kilbride G75 0RD UK Tel: 01355 593449 or 01355 593421 Email

Gael Ltd is a software solutions company that helps organisations manage governance, compliance and risk. Working with clients in the life sciences, aviation, healthcare, manufacturing and services sectors, Gael helps these companies demonstrate compliance to internationally recognised standards with their compliance management software solution, Q-Pulse. Over 2500 organisations globally use it on a daily basis to successfully manage their compliance requirements.

GE Healthcare Life Sciences

Attending: Dan Arkwell Custom Products and Contract Manufacturing Account Manager, Northern Europe Warwick May Custom Products and Contract Manufacturing Sales Manager, UK & Ireland

800 Centennial Avenue Piscataway New Jersey America 8854 Tel: 07826 908 924 or 07977 274 477 Email:

GE Healthcare Life Sciences provides tools for drug discovery, biopharmaceutical manufacturing and cellular technologies, so research scientists worldwide can be more productive, effective and creative. Our vision is to be the start-to-finish bioprocessing solution provider, the partner of choice in cell and protein research and the leader in life sciences services. Building on our broad expertise across life sciences, we are firmly committed to help researchers understand life at a molecular level and develop solutions that can prevent, diagnose, treat, and cure disease.

GX Group

Attending: Claire Banks Business Development Manager Mark Helmich Managing Director


HealthTech and Medicines KTN


The Mayfield Usk Monmouthshire NP15 1SY UK Tel: +44 (0) 1291 673437 Email:

Our talented and friendly in-house team is fascinated by the challenges presented by imaginative clients and offers a complete skill set for product development. This includes electronic hardware and software design, industrial and mechanical engineering plus specialist areas such as optronics and microfluidics. We combine these capabilities with creativity, experience and absolute problem solving intelligence to deliver solutions that are innovative, commercial and practical. We make it possible.

Knowledge Transfer Network HealthTech and Medicines

HealthTech and Medicines KTN Granta Park Great Abington Cambridge CB21 6AL Tel: +44(0)7584 214705 or +44(0)7766 051 340 Email:

Attending: Sue Dunkerton Co-Director, HealthTech and Medicines KTN Dr Daniel Smith Collaboration Manager, HealthTech and Medicines KTN Narpal Sihra Senior Marketing Manager, HealthTech and Medicines KTN

The HealthTech and Medicines Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) supports business innovation through partnerships, funding and knowledge transfer: l Connecting partners: bringing together and facilitating collaborations with a common goal l Access to funding: identify and influence new and existing sources of funding l Knowledge transfer: opening doors to wider networks of people, organisations The KTN is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge transfer of technology into UK-based businesses and innovation within the key application areas of medicines, health technologies, regenerative medicine, stratified medicine and assisted living technologies (medical devices and diagnostics, biopharmaceutical bioprocessing), addressing needs across SMEs to large multinationals. Membership of the KTN provides access to: l Potential practitioner network into industry and industry friendly academia l Technology Strategy Board, National and EU funding competitions l Impartial advice and access to the full KTN team l Putting you in touch with the right partners for forming collaborations l Networking opportunities/events

Institute of Life Science, Swansea University

Attending: Sian Newman Head of Communications Emma Turner Marketing and Projects Coordinator Mike Day Commercial Manager Kevin Fernquest Account Manager

College of Medicine Swansea University Singleton Park Swansea SA2 8PP Wales Tel: 01792 602697 Email:

Swansea University is proud to be the Gold Sponsor for BioWales 2012. It is home to a thriving cluster of innovative life science and healthcare ventures centred around the Institute of Life Science (ILS). ILS provides access to exceptional resources for clients including clinical research and imaging facilities, a UK centre for mass spectrometry, commercial laboratory space, business suites, hot-desk facilities and access to partner initiatives such as the Centre for NanoHealth and APT Bioscience.

Johnson & Johnson – Ortho Clinical Diagnostics

Attending: Mark Lloyd Davies Senior Director Government Affairs & Policy, UK and Ireland

Pinewood Campus Nine Mile Ride Wokingham Berks RG40 3EW England Tel: 01344 871041 Email:

We embrace research and science – bringing innovative ideas, products and services to advance the health and well-being of people. Employees of the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies work with partners in health care to touch the lives of over a billion people every day, throughout the world. Our family of companies comprises: l The world’s sixth-largest consumer health company l The world’s largest and most diverse medical devices and diagnostics company l The world’s fifth-largest biologics company l And the world’s eighth-largest pharmaceuticals company We have more than 250 operating companies in 60 countries employing approximately 118,000 people. Our worldwide headquarters is in New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA.





Labtech International

Attending: Dr Suraj Patel Mr Rohit Chitnis

National Institute for Social Care and Health Research (NISCHR) 1 Acorn House The Broyle Ringmer BN3 1TG East Sussex Tel: 01273 814 888 Email:

Based in Ringmer, Sussex, Labtech International Limited is a distributor of life science instrumentation in the United Kingdom and France. Representing many major manufacturers on an exclusive basis, Labtech International Limited provides exceptional technical, applications and service support together with personal service that ensures a high level of customer satisfaction. Committed to continuous development of products and services, Labtech International Limited endeavours to provide significant added value for its customers at all levels.

Lion Laboratories Ty Verlon Industrial Estate Barry CF63 2BE Wales Tel: +44 (0)1446 724500 Email: Attending: Charles Squire UK Sales Manager Nigel Wood Export Sales Manager

Lion Laboratories (Lion) is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of breath alcohol testing equipment, supplying high quality and innovative products into various market sectors, including law enforcement, medical, industrial/ commercial, health and safety, and education. Lion supplies much of the equipment used by the UK police and the NHS, and exports worldwide for sales into the above sectors through a network of local distributors. The use of lion alcolmeters® has grown significantly over the years, and the range includes hand-held screeners and static/mobile units for evidential purposes. Lion’s service department prides itself on its efficient and speedy product turnaround.

Attending: Bev Luchmun Commercial Trials, NHS Innovation & IP Lead

Department for Public Health and Health Professions Welsh Government, Cathays Park Cathays, Cardiff CF10 3NQ Wales Tel: 029 20825252 Email:

The National Institute for Social Care and Health Research (NISCHR) is the Welsh Government body that develops strategy and policy for research in the NHS and social care in Wales. NISCHR fund two key elements of infrastructure to assist in the delivery of research and development. The NISCHR Academic Health Sciences Collaboration (AHSC) facilitates collaboration between industry, HEIs and the NHS. The NISCHR Clinical Research Centre (NISCHR CRC) provides an expert research workforce to support and develop research activity within health and social care.

Walton Road Portsmouth PO6 1TD UK Tel: 07808 912247 Email:

Pall is the world leader in the design, production, and supply of membranes, filtration devices, and separation systems. We supply products to nearly every industry in the world, including the most sophisticated and demanding applications in drug discovery, diagnostics, healthcare, and industrial fluid processing. We are a global, multi-site manufacturer with an impressive portfolio of products, quality systems, and experience to meet demanding material requirements.

Pall Life Sciences

Attending: Jeremy Riggs UK OEM Account Manager Debi Saunders Senior Staff Scientist

Pall offers the widest selection of membranes with the broadest range of performance characteristics, making it easy for you to find the best membrane fit for your product. Pall combines its extensive membrane manufacturing capabilities with advanced device engineering and design expertise to create unique and reliable solutions to your specific application needs. Our adherence to internationally recognised quality and six sigma principles assure consistent lot-to-lot performance and regulatory compliance.

Medilink UK 3 Smithy Wood Drive Smithy Wood Business Park Sheffield S35 1QN England Tel: 0114 232 9292 Email: Attending: Kevin Kiely Managing Director Julia Fu Events & Membership Co-ordinator

Confronting the day-to-day issues that face businesses, Medilink UK helps companies from concept through to commercialisation and nurtures collaborations between academics, clinicians and industry. With a team of experts, Medilink UK can provide bespoke market research for companies diversifying into the sector, or investing in research and development. On an international platform, Medilink UK supports global companies investing in the UK market as well as promoting the export of products and services to the US, Middle East and Asia.

Attending: Jan Sparks Engagement Officer

Patent Seekers Suite 18 & 19 Imperial House Imperial Park Newport Gwent NP10 8UH Tel: +44 (0) 1633 816601 Email:

NHS Wales Informatics Service 10 Oldfield Road Bocam Park, Pencoed Bridgend, Mid Glamorgan CF35 5LJ UK Tel: 029 20 500500 Email:

Pall’s OEM division at BioWales specialises in membranes for diagnostics and healthcare devices.

NHS Wales Informatics Service (NWIS) is a national organisation providing the information and technology services used by NHS Wales to support high quality patient care. Our work covers the development of new national products and the delivery of operational technology and information services. All products and services are developed in collaboration with health boards and health professionals in NHS Wales, to meet the needs of NHS Wales now and in the future.

Attending: Timothy Parry Business and Finance Director

We are experts in patent, design and research journal searching, supporting patent attorneys, companies and R & D departments worldwide. We cover all areas of search and analysis to assess prior art for new patent/design applications, produce patent/design landscapes, provide potential prior art for revocation proceedings, or to determine the risks of infringement. Our comprehensive range of databases cover more than 75 countries worldwide.






Penn Pharma

Attending: Agata Jankowska Business Development & Marketing Associate Rob Jones Business Development Director John Roberts Commercial Director

Tredegar Gwent Wales NP22 3AA Tel: 01495 711 222 Email:

Penn’s services support a fast and effective route from drug discovery through clinical trials to market. Penn’s services, developed over its 30 year trading history, are individually excellent and compelling in combination and include pharmaceutical development, manufacturing of clinical and commercial supplies and analytical test and release service. Penn operates under quality systems proven through audit and compliance with EU GMP. Penn is licensed by the MHRA for manufacturing, importation and distribution of medical products and we supply products to USA under the approval of the FDA. Penn has specialised facilities for handling potent compounds requiring contained resources and we are is licensed by the UK Home Office for the production of controlled drugs.

Attending: Lydia Vitolo International Account Manager

200 Western Ave Cardiff CF5 2YB Tel: +44 (0)29 2041 6725 Email:

PDR is a world renowned design consultancy and research centre offering comprehensive product development support. PDR has considerable experience in medical device development in all classifications from simple disability devices and rehabilitation equipment through to complex diagnostic tools and drug delivery systems. Device development at PDR is undertaken through a proven design methodology that employs the latest design and manufacturing analysis tools and technologies to produce robust, compliant and commercially successful solutions.

Attending: Andrew Jones BSc MA Sales Specialist, Life Sciences

Reed Scientific is a leading specialist recruiter dedicated to the scientific and clinical sectors. We specialise in sourcing talented individuals for roles across industry sectors, including: Bioanalytical, Biotechnology, Chemical, Contract Testing, Diagnostic, Environmental, Food, Forensic, Health and Safety, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Medical Device, Nutrachemical, Petrochemical and Pharmaceutical. We utilise our UK-wide office network and global advertising reach to meet our clients’ requirements in Wales and around the globe.


Attending: Jenny Murray Managing Director Rosie Davies Business Development Manager

1 Orchard Place Nottingham Business Park Nottingham NG8 6PX United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 787 245 6038 Email:

Unit 44, Bolney Grange Business Park Haywards Heath West Sussex RH17 5PB UK Tel: 01444 250010 Email:

Seralab is a leading supplier of control matrices and disease state material from both human and animal models. The company offers the most complete range of human and animal-based bio products in Europe. Seralab supplies serum, plasma, whole blood, tissues, microsomes, S9 fractions and fluids from the human model and an extensive range of animal species. Other products include Cell Culture sera and reagents including FBS, Cell Specific media selected growth factors and Stem Cell reagents.

Source BioScience LifeSciences are European leaders in DNA sequencing, genomic services, bioinformatic analyses and offer a comprehensive portfolio of genomic reagents and antibodies. Source BioScience LifeSciences offer a unique Sanger sequencing service; our local facilities in London, Cambridge, Oxford, Nottingham, Dublin and Berlin combined with our Overnight Service mean we have the flexibility to meet your entire DNA sequencing requirements. Our contract research services feature a broad range of microarray, genotyping and gene expression applications on Affymetrix, Agilent, and NimbleGen Fluidigm platforms.

Mount Pleasant Swansea SA1 6ED Wales Tel: 07977 504 847 Email:

Floor 1 4 Working Street Cardiff CF10 1GN Wales Tel: 029 2038 5140 Email :

Trials conducted range from Phase I studies in healthy subjects through to Phase II trials in patients, with full bioanalytical back-up and related services. Simbec specializes in early drug development, particularly first-into-human, and has 35 years experience in clinical & bioanalytical research. Simbec’s investigator centre, central laboratory and bioanalytical unit are all located on one site. Supplementary Accredited for Phase 1 research.

Swansea Metropolitan University – Design for Successful Ageing (DSA)

Reed Scientific

Attending: Dawod Kaaba Senior Executive Consultant Sean Martin Scientific Interims Specialist

Merthyr Tydfil Industrial Park Merthyr Tydfil UK CF48 4DR Telephone number: 01443 690977 Mobile: 07872 840799 Email:

Source BioScience LifeSciences

PDR (The National Centre for Product Design and Development Research)

Attending: Jarred Evans Commercial Director Julie Stephens Commercial Manager Peter Dorrington Technology Translator



Attending: Dr Huw Millward Senior Research Officer, Cardiff Metropolitan University Professor Peter McCarthy University of Glamorgan Dr Drew I Heusch Senior Lecturer, University of Glamorgan

Dr Ross Head Lecturer, Swansea Metropolitan University Ian Williams Product Designer, Swansea Metropolitan University Christopher Thomas Industrial Design Lecturer, Swansea Metropolitan University

Design for Successful Ageing (DSA) is a Knowledge Exchange Partnership (KEP) that aims to address age and occupational related assisted living problems by identifying the need for early design interventions to reduce the effects of poor ergonomics on the population as it ages. The scope of this KEP is multifaceted due to the nature of the requirements of the target population. This can be in relation to health, hospital/home care, well-being, human rights and personal dignity. The proposition, summarised by four over arching themes, is that effective and well implemented ergonomic product design enhanced and informed by high level medical research, can have a positive effect and lead to successful ageing. The identified themes are: l Design for Assisted Living l Psychology of Design Interventions l Design for Clinical Engineering l Ergonomic Evaluation

BioWales SPRING 2012


Exhibitor List 2012 Catering Point

University of Glamorgan University of Glamorgan Commercial Services Pontypridd CF37 1DL Wales Tel: +44 (0)1443 482776 or 07922891373 Email:

Attending: Dave Rimmer MD DREM Ventures Ltd / Welsh Opto-Electronics Forum Deputy Chair Susan Sheridan Projects Manager Welsh Opto-Electronics Forum

Attending: Neil Benn Managing Director Kay Newell Sales & Marketing Director





9 WOF are an independent body which aims to bring people together thereby facilitating the process of research, technology transfer, and generation of business opportunities. Our primary focus is the manufacture and development of materials, components, instrumentation, and systems based on, or enabled by Optics; Optoelectronics; Photonics. These technologies play a major role in most of our key industries – including Life Sciences. We are pleased to represent our members involved here in medical devices and bio-photonics.

Ziath Suites 11 & 12, Church Farm Maris Lane Trumpington CB2 9LG United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1223 655577 Email:


Ziath specialises in the development and manufacture of 2D barcode readers. Our scanners are compatible with all the major manufacturers of 2D barcoded tubes and can offer bespoke solutions to suit your requirements. We design and build our scanners, write our own software and offer expert support for all your barcoding needs.




22 23 24



25 26 27



28 29 30

Catering Point

3 7

Welsh Opto-Electronics Forum OpTIC Technium St Asaph Business Park LL17 0JD Tel: 07785 242455 or 07807 263184 Email: or



Catering Point

Attending: Louise MacCormac Knowledge Transfer Officer (Partnerships)

We are committed to working with the biosciences sector across Wales. The Advanced Analytical Science Research team within the Sustainable Environment Research Centre (SERC) hosts one of the most modern analytical laboratories in the UK. The Centre for Electronic Product Engineering (CEPE) provides expertise in embedded microelectronics and communication technologies. We are a team of experienced knowledge transfer specialists with an excellent track record of understanding, meeting and surpassing client needs.

Catering Point



Wa l e s , L i fe S c i e n ce a n d t h e Wo r l d






31 32 33




Exhibition Hall 1

Exhibition Hall 2


Medilink UK



20 National Institute for Social Care and Health Research (NISCHR)




HealthTech and Medicines KTN




Cardiff Medicentre


GX Group


Swansea University


NHS Wales Informatics Service

10 Labtech International 11 Acerchem 12 Swansea Metropolitan University – Design for Successful Ageing (DSA)

21 GE Healthcare Life Sciences 22 Patent Seekers 23 Welsh Opto-Electronics Forum 24 Welsh Government – Regional Centre Service 25 Source BioScience LifeSciences 26 Welsh Government – Innovation Team 27 Adelphi Healthcare Packaging 28 Reed Scientific 29 Pall Life Sciences 30 Ensinger Precision Engineering 31 Simbec

13 CIIC Shanghai Bio-Medical Development Corporation

32 Ziath

14 AbD Serotec

34 Lion Laboratories

15 Esco GB


33 BioDundee

16 Penn Pharma

35 BBSRC – Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council

17 Johnson & Johnson – Ortho Clinical Diagnostics

36 Cardiff University School of Biosciences

18 eHealth Industries Innovation Centre (ehi²)

37 University of Glamorgan

19 Biotec Services International

38 Welsh Government – Life Sciences Sector Team



The MediWales Innovation Awards 2011


Innovate, Collaborate, Celebrate

In partnership with Welsh Government’s National Institute for Social Care and Health Research (NISCHR), the MediWales Innovation Awards celebrate the remarkable innovations within both Welsh industry and NHS organisations. Kicking off at 6.30pm on 8th December, 250 of MediWales’ most valued members and stakeholders sipped champagne in front of the Christmas tree at Cardiff’s Hilton Hotel.

entrepreneur Sir Chris Evans and the chief medical officer for Wales Dr Tony Jewell, among others, presented six prestigious awards to industry, and three to NHS departments.

After an opening speech from the First Minister of Wales Rt Hon. Carwyn Jones AM, biotech

Our biggest dinner yet, MediWales gives special thanks to its event

For the second year running Chromogenex won the Export Achievement Award. A leader in the development and manufacture of laser systems for the cosmetic and medical markets, their strategy focuses on the high growth markets of Brazil, the Far East, India, South Africa, as well as Europe and North America. Despite difficult economic times the company has had an average annual growth of 75% for three consecutive years. This award was sponsored by DTR Medical.

sponsors GE Healthcare, Geldards LLP, Abel & Imray, GX Group and Huntleigh whose support made the evening such a renowned success. Accompanied by short films dedicated to each award winner, the following companies and NHS departments received awards:

The Innovation Award was won by ConvaTec Ltd, for their AQUACEL® SURGICAL dressings designed for use over joints following knee or hip replacement surgery. Extensible and absorbent, they provide surgeons with a high-performance, one piece dressing that addresses the clinical and economic challenges of skin blistering, infection and delayed discharge following joint repair. This award was sponsored by SMTL.


t t The Start-Up Award was picked up by spinout company Microvisk Technologies, which is developing the world’s first medical diagnostic strip based on a MicroElectro-Mechanical System (MEMS) used in devices such as the iPhone. This patented nanotechnology detects the subtle changes in blood viscosity and monitors blood clotting in warfarin patients. The company has worked closely with NHS North West and will commercialise in 2012. This award was sponsored by the Health Protection Agency.

A highly collaborative industry–NHS partnership was recognised this year with Flexicare Medical winning the Partnership with the NHS Award for the development of non-interchangeable connectors that stop drugs being given to patients by the wrong route. The Hall Lock is the only system with a full range of needles, syringes, manometers and tamper evident caps meeting the needs of the anaesthetic and pharmaceutical markets. This award was sponsored by eHealth Industries Innovation (ehi2) Centre.

Biotec Services International won the Outstanding Growth Award. Based in Bridgend, they are a global provider of temperature controlled pharmaceutical services, specialising in import, qualified person certification, labelling, assembly, storage and worldwide distribution of clinical trials supplies. Turning over £7.3 million, they have seen 110% growth in the last year. Since winning the MediWales Award in December, Biotec has unveiled plans to double capacity thanks to an investment of £800,000 that will see staff numbers grow from 39 to 55 over the coming months. This award was sponsored by Teamworks Design and Marketing.





The Industry Judges’ Award was won by Calon Cardio-Technology, a pre-revenue company specialising in the development of low-cost, minimally invasive blood pumps for the treatment of chronic and acute heart failure. The team of seven have developed a haemolysis-free pump currently in line for acute in vivo trials. In just four years, and despite recession, they have raised investment of £2.2million.


Boost the Competitiveness of your Bioscience Business


Rhowch hwb i ysfa gystadleuol eich busnes biowyddorau


ASTUTE is a £27m, 5 year project part funded by the EU’s European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Government, which aims to boost the competitiveness of the Welsh economy through supporting manufacturers & their


The Innovation within the NHS Award was won by Mr Richard Penketh, a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. Richard’s project, enabled by a health foundation grant and an equipment loan from Karl Storz, relocates the traditional procedure of cutting fibroids and polyps under general anaesthetic to outpatients under local anaesthetic. The project has received excellent feedback from patients and has made significant savings for the Trust. The aim is for UK wide adoption. This award was sponsored by WynneJones, Lainé& James LLP.

supply chains within the Wales Convergence Area, including the Valleys, West and Northwest Wales. The project provides Welsh industry with ready access to the unique combination of technical and business expertise, specialist equipment and resources available across 8 Welsh Universities, providing assistance with key industry challenges to facilitate industrial growth and long term sustainability. ASTUTE can help your business by providing specialist advice as well as technical assistance through collaborative R&D projects in adopting new technologies or improving your business processes. We have within our team a wide range of expertise of direct relevance to bioscience businesses in Wales, including:


Advanced Technologies: Molecular Biology, Process Chemistry, Micro-manufacturing, Micro/Nano-metrology, Microcontrollers, Master/ Toolmaking, Prototyping & Replication Design & innovation: Digital Design & Manufacturing, Medical Device Design, Product & Process Design Operations Management: GMP & Clean Room Manufacturing, Lean & Sustainable Manufacturing, Supply Chain Logistics For further information on how we can assist your bioscience business, please contact Jacqueline Marsh at the ASTUTE-Cardiff Project Office Tel: 02920 879611



Room S2.39, Cardiff School of Engineering, Cardiff University, Queens Buildings, The Parade, Cardiff CF24 3AA


The NHS Partnership with Industry Award went to Professor Judith Hall, a consultant anaesthetist at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, for the collaborative development of the Hall Lock device with Flexicare Medical. Judith’s brain child, this new system of connectors is designed to stop drugs being given to patients by the wrong route. It is an important patient safety innovation and a cost-effective solution for a major problem in health. The development of this device is an excellent example of what can be rapidly achieved when academia, the NHS and industry work together. This award is sponsored by the National Institute of Social Care and Health Research (NISCHR).

Mae ASTUTE yn brosiect £27m, 5 mlynedd a gyllidir yn rhannol gan Gronfa Datblygu Rhanbarthol Ewrop yr Undeb Ewropeaidd drwy Lywodraeth Cymru, sy’n bwriadu rhoi hwb i ysfa’r economi Gymreig i gystadlu drwy gefnogi cynhyrchwyr a’u cadwynau cyflenwi o fewn Ardal Gydgyfeirio Cymru, yn cynnwys y Cymoedd, Gorllewin Cymru a Gogledd Orllewin Cymru. Mae’r prosiect yn rhoi mynediad hwylus i ddiwydiannau Cymru i’r cyfuniad unigryw o arbenigedd technegol, arbenigedd busnes ac offer ac adnoddau arbenigol sydd ar gael ar draws 8 o Brifysgolion Cymru ac yn helpu i fynd i’r afael

The NHS Judges’ Award was received by Dr Kathryn Head, Clinical Lead and Speech and Language Therapist at Cwm Taf Health Board. Kathryn’s collaborative University of Glamorgan and Cwm Taf project is a bedside dysphagia screening process aimed at improving patient safety. Dysphagia difficulty in swallowing - affects up to 78% of stroke patients. The process has been successfully implemented by NHS nurses. With further collaboration and funding Kathryn intends to roll it out across Wales.

â’u sialensiau allweddol i hwyluso twf diwydiannol a chynaliadwyedd tymor-hir.




Gall ASTUTE helpu’ch busnes drwy ddarparu cyngor arbenigol yn ogystal â chymorth technegol ar ffurf prosiectau i gydweithio ar waith ymchwil a datblygu a fydd yn mabwysiadu technolegau newydd neu’n gwella prosesau’ch busnes. Mae’n tîm ni’n cynnwys amrywiaeth mawr o arbenigedd sy’n uniongyrchol berthnasol i fusnesau ym maes y biowyddorau yng Nghymru, gan gynnwys: Uwch-Dechnolegau: Bioleg y Moleciwl, Cemeg Prosesau, Microweithgynhyrchu, Micro / nano-metroleg, Microreolyddion, Gwneud prif batrymau / offer, Prototeipio a Dyblygu Dylunio ac Arloesi: Dylunio a gweithgynhyrchu’n ddigidol, Dylunio Dyfeisiau Meddygol, Dylunio Cynhyrchion a Phrosesau Rheoli Gweithrediadau: Arferion Gweithgynhyrchu Da a Gweithgynhyrchu mewn Ystafelloedd Glân, Gweithgynhyrchu Tynn a Chynaliadwy, Logisteg Cadwyni Cyflenwi I gael gwybod rhagor ynghylch sut y gallwn ni helpu’ch busnes yn y biowyddorau, cysylltwch â Jacqueline Marsh yn Swyddfa Prosiect ASTUTE yng Nghaerdydd Ffôn: 02920 879611


Y We:

Ystafell S2.39, Ysgol Peirianneg Caerdydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Adeilad y Frenhines, The Parade, Caerdydd CF24 3AA





1038-Biotec-MediWales-advert.indd 1

09/02/2012 16:41

United Kingdom

INDUSTRY Production and distribution is supported by partners including: ● iNets South West Biomedical ● MediWales ● Medilink East Midlands ● SEHTA ● Medilink West Midlands ● Medilink Yorkshire & Humber ● ABHI ● HealthTech and Medicines


● One Nucleus ● Scottish Enterprise ● Medilink North West

Distributed to 38,000 named individuals with an estimated total readership of 100,000

Well informed. Well read. News, developments and analysis from the magazine at the heart of the UK Lifescience Industry. Published by MedilinkUK and its partner organisations who are in daily contact with leading innovators, UK Lifescience Industry provides: ● Cutting edge analysis ● Leading scientific opinion ● A perfect platform for advertising ● Print and digital formats


Make sure you book your place Contact:

or call +44(0) 29 2047 3456

Cardiff Medicentre is a dedicated medical, healthcare and life-sciences business incubator. It is located on the campus of the University Hospital of Wales and offers: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Easy-in, easy-out leases; Units from 284 sq. ft. to 1045 sq. ft.; Desk leasing facilities for pre-starts; Access to academic expertise; Manned reception; 24 hour access, 365 days a year; Secure parking; Controlled security systems.

Cardiff Medicentre is the ideal place to locate your medical, healthcare or life-sciences company.

For further information, please contact: Dr Mark Bowman MBA Director of Innovation

Cardiff Medicentre Heath Park Cardiff CF14 4UJ

Tel: +44 (0)29 2075 7744 Fax: +44 (0)29 2075 0239 Email: Web:

Swansea University now offers accredited scientific training modules for working professionals in Wales.

WALES medica special

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Improve your skills in the laboratory Gain practical experience of new techniques Evidencing Continuous Professional Development Earn University Credits for each module

Entry & Masters Level Courses include:    

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Specific skills and technologies include: Precision Engineering Ltd

A solutions company, specialising in application engineering, part optimisation and ultimately precision machining of engineering plastic components.

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Ensinger Precision Engineering are at the forefront of precision machining technology in engineering plastics. 2, 3, 4 and 5-axis CNC turning, milling and routing capacity is available as well as solutions for finishing, polishing, part marking, ultrasonic cleaning/packaging and assembly/kitting. The company are highly focussed on application engineering in the Life Science sector and work closely with customers on a technical level assisting in developing applications, specifying materials and optimising parts for manufacture.


Part of the Ensinger worldwide group of companies, a global leader in the manufacture of engineering plastics.


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