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A Team Effort: From Review to Preview With the Annual Review and Directory, the MediWales team – Manager Gwyn Tudor, Co-ordinator Debbie Laubach and
Editor Coralie Palmer – can take the opportunity to give our members and other readers a snapshot of where we are
now, how we got here and where we’ll be heading next.
A strategic overview of last year’s most important developments
The strong position the Forum now occupies in the sector
and our future direction
reflects the way that as a well-established and close-knit 4
management team, we work together in growing every
published debate, from events to political influence. We look
11 Organisation
forward to carrying on that work next year on your behalf,
How we’re structured and
and we’d remind you that as always, we’re keen to hear your
managed, and by whom 22 Index
ideas, comments and feedback.
Facts and figures for last year’s
Gwyn Tudor
Debbie Laubach
22 Directory
Coralie Palmer
r e v i e w
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Events Preview Outline of forthcoming events for
aspect of MediWales, from membership numbers to
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A Manifesto in Action
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List of members & their activities
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5 Schooner Way, Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff CF10 4DZ
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T/F 029 2047 3456
W: www.mediwales.com
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Manifesto in Action 2007-8 MediWales Manager Gwyn Tudor describes how the forum’s growth is shaping our future presence in the sector at home and abroad. This last year has seen MediWales consolidate and expand both its essential membership services, and its strategic role in representing our members and strengthening our collaborative links. The forum is now firmly established as the networking and communications hub for the Welsh life sciences sector, responding to
a clear demand from our members. With dedicated staff roles servicing member events, publications and liaison, we’ve been able to communicate more a n consistently with an increased membership. Both our highly popular core seminars – now embedded as milestones in the sector calendar – and the new quarterly MediWales Review magazine have produced enthusiastic feedback, while the inaugural MediWales Innovation Awards proved a notable success. In addition to being partner or
contributor to other events, MediWales has substantially developed its collaborative activities. In two initiatives of particular interest, we’re working closely with projects exploring commercial/NHS/academic collaboration. The Europeanfunded Giebel Round in Wrexham is modelled on a successful German scheme where clinicians and industrialists are brought
together in a close-knit group, meeting alternately in a clinical or industrial environment. Meanwhile the BioMed Centre in Bristol has generated another active focus, u a l r e v i e w a n involving Welsh SMEs working together with a Welsh university. Both these initiatives are generating a number of new collaborative projects. This kind of hands-on involvement has informed the strategic intelligence available to us, which is central to our role as sector representative.
Dr Brian Gibbon at last year’s MediWales Innovation awards
We’ve been able to build on these strengths to reach a wider and more influential audience, raising the profile of Welsh medical technology throughout the UK. Welsh SMEs in the sector now have a voice that’s heard at policymaking level. As a member of Medilink UK (which I chaired for six months last year) MediWales has liaised with trade organisations such as the ABHI and others to represent sector SMEs UK-wide, feeding into a number of government initiatives. As a member of its Trade Organisation Group for the last two years, we have also been closely involved in the Health Industries Task Force d(HITF),d which i r ethiscyear t o r y 2 began publishing a series of high-profile reports on policy issues in the sector. Our active participation in these processes has resulted in our response being sought on such matters as the Cooksey report looking at R&D funding in healthcare, and the national survey
provided expertise at international trade shows such as MedTrade in Atlanta and Arab Health in Dubai, as well as sourcing information for our members as to which trade shows are appropriate for them.
of clinical trials. Both these initiatives were led by the ABHI and MediWales was able to contribute a Welsh perspective on some key issues. The Cooksey Report included a discussion on attitudes to innovation adoption in the NHS – a perennial concern for our members; and the trials survey data on medical devices helped ensure their importance was recognised in a context where pharmaceuticals naturally tend to dominate.
It’s these successes that we’ll be building on in the next year, when our strategic role will be augmented by two activities in particular. A major project for 2007 will be two complementary surveys of companies in the Welsh sector. Wales currently lacks substantial metrics on such essentials as activity, turnover, and employee numbers for its medical technology companies. Such data is becoming increasingly important, not only for promoting Welsh medical technology in the UK and overseas, but in seeking assistance from the Welsh Assembly Government. Our first and quantitative survey will be working to plot these metrics.
We’ve also taken a greater role in supporting the promotion of Welsh medical technology internationally.
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MediWales has assisted both International Business Wales (IBW) and UK Trade & Investment to develop their strategies for the medical technology sector. We have a continuing and very productive collaboration with IBW in which we’re increasingly relied on for sector expertise. We’ve provided briefings for IBW employees or consultants, written IBW articles for publications such a n n u a as Clinica, and have represented Wales both at consulate events abroad and at IBW events such as the ‘Insider’ magazine’s Business Breakfasts. MediWales worked closely with IBW to promote the Medica 2006 exhibition in Dusseldorf, for which we produced a ‘Medica Special’ MediWales Review. Our presence
The other essential new strategic goal for MediWales will be to build on our representative role by routing a lot more information back to the members, through a web-based system of regular briefing papers. We tend to be the contact point for key information such as HITF reports, science policy documents and international business opportunities, as well as the intelligence gathered through conferences and government groups. This material often results in lengthy reports, only parts of which apply to our membership. Briefing papers would contain a digest of such information in a single-page A4 format, provided through the website. It’s become clear that this kind of quicklyaccessed key information would be extremely valuable to SMEs over a range of issues, and we’ll be seeking to do the most that we can within our resources.
A second survey, undertaken in parallel, will be sourcing r e v i e w a n d qualitative information on the sector. Here we’ll be looking at what our membership in particular, and the sector in general, want in terms of support. We’ll be codifying both the barriers that companies encounter, and the sorts of activity that have proven to be effective in promoting their success, and could act as practical models.
By building these initiatives into our strategic activities, we’ll be working to make our representative role a thoroughly i r e c t o r y 2 0 0 two-way process – and one that will then, in its turn, feed into the issues targeted through our events and aired in our magazine.
Gwyn Tudor MediWales Manager
Events Preview MediWales events for the coming year are already being discussed and developed with our directors in the light of our member feedback.
Innovation Awards 2007 Hilton Hotel, 7th November Cardiff The MediWales Innovation Awards 2007 will benefit from a higher profile being accorded to the process throughout the year, from promotion and applications through to shortlisting and judging, culminating in presentations to the winners at the Awards Dinner.
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Core Seminars The flavour of our core seminars will be that of broad appeal. Many organisations successfully offer smaller or specialist activities, so our four MediWales events – outlined opposite – will be concentrating on the bigger issues that affect the whole sector, with the involvement of senior and expert figures. In addition to these core seminars there’ll be collaborative events throughout the year. Raising Finance
Routes to Market
Raising finance is always an important topic and one that we try to cover at least every other year. This will not be a signposting function but a discussion about the opportunities/barriers related to raising finance in order to turn smaller companies into larger companies. We’ll be looking at how that picture shifts and changes, and how it specifically affects medical and bioscience companies.
Routes to Market will look at the realities of selling the product. There is the possibility of collaborating with IBW on an event exploring the international market, looking at the strategies needed for selling overseas that can be developed across the board, whether you’re in medical devices, biotechnology or pharmaceuticals.
Research & Development
Regulation is a subject for which there’s always a demand, although the treatment has to be quite r e v i e w a n d generic because our members work with a great many European directives. We’ll be looking at issues relating to how smaller companies manage their regulatory compliance and processes: we may for example pick a specific topic issue - such as post-market surveillance – where regardless of what subsector you’re in, you’re still going to have the same challenges.
Research & Development will be tackling a related issue from an SME perspective, possibly i r e exploring c t o rtheyrole 2of 0 marketing information and market assessment in translating research into commercial products, processes and business startup/spinout opportunities.
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Structure and Management
Annual Review Index 2006-7
MediWales is an independent company owned by its members, who are represented by its board of non executive directors. Members of the board comprise leading academics and industrialists, and have appointed Gwyn Tudor as Forum Manager.
To be the representative body and point of contact for the medical and life science sectors in Wales
Mr Greg Baily – MediWales Chairman Huntleigh Healthcare Ltd. Part of the Getinge group, Extended Care Division. Design, distribution and manufacture of a wide range of medical devices, from pocket dopplers to lifts and hoists. Dr Richard Bibb – MediWales Treasurer and Secretary The National Centre for Product Design & Development Research (PDR) PDR is a leading centre of expertise in product design and development with specialist areas such as the development of medical products and medical modeling for reconstructive surgery. Dr Grahame Guilford, GE Healthcare GE Healthcare is a world leader in medical diagnostics and in life sciences. Focused on enabling molecular medicine, the company works through three main business areas in a n n diagnostic imaging, protein separations and discovery systems. Dr Catherine Ramsay, Biotrace International Biotrace International, a 3M company, is a leading manufacturer and distributor of industrial microbiology products.
OBJECTIVES To provide a forum for networking and to encourage the exchange of ideas, collaboration and supply chain development To promote members’ products, services and expertise To raise awareness of regulatory issues, vendor associations and finance opportunities for members MEMBERSHIP To aid communication between members and interested organisations worldwide
Joint & Assisted Events
Mr Andrew Thomas, Magstim Magstim develops, manufactures and markets state-of-the-art equipment for neurologists, neurophysiologists, neurosurgeons and psychiatrists, enabling them to assess, protect and improve the functioning of the nervous system in various applications. Mr David Ford, Swansea School of Medicine The School, a new organisation and Wales’s second Medical uSchool, a l runs r ea four-year v i e w a n Graduate Entry course in Medicine, and undertakes a wide range of biomedical, clinical and population research. Professor Paul J Smith School of Medicine, Cardiff University. The Cancer Biology and Biophotonics group
encompasses basic cellular research, systems biology, anticancer drug discovery and leads the UK Optical Biochips consortium, developing microand nanotechnologies for the life sciences. Dr Sharon Thomas - Observer Welsh Assembly Government. Technology & Innovation Group supports and encourages technology transfer between companies, create links between academia and business and dhelps dthose i r seeking e c t tooexploit r y 2 the commercial potential of research and development. For further information please contact:MediWales, 5 Schooner Way, Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff CF10 4DZ Tel: 029 2047 3456 Email: gtudor@mediwales.com Web: www.mediwales.com
Biodevice Partnering Event, Scotland
BioWales Conference, Welsh Assembly Government
Academic/NHS/Business Support
Innofire Conference, Wrexham Insider Business Breakfast, Cardiff Joint MAS and Cardiff & Vale NHS Trust Event
Website Visits per month
Welsh mission to Medtrade, Atlanta
MediWales Review
4 x 2000
Directory 2007
Regular Sector Representation/Collaboration ABHI - formal liaison through Medilink UK
MediWales Events
BioMed Centre - Bristol Urology Unit
Innovation Awards
95 attending
Chief Nurse’s All Wales Research Committee
Clinical Research Collaboration (CRC) Cymru
Working with the MOD The NHS Marketplace a n
Welsh mission to Medica, Dusseldorf WisH Awards
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NHS Institute Conference, London
n u a l
r e v 43i e wDepartment a n dof Enterprise, d i r eInnovation c t o& rNetworks y 2 0 0 7
Technology Transfer
(DEIN), Welsh Assembly Government
Site visit: Sony
Giebel Round - Cymru. Wrexham CBC
Site visit: WHS
HITF - Trade Organisation Group
Total event attendance
Delegate satisfaction recorded as over 95% satisfied or very satisfied at all events
Health Technologies Knowledge Transfer Network Institute of Medical Physics and Medical Engineering, Cardiff University International Business Wales Medilink UK
Wireless Technology for Medical Systems “Medical companies should have a quicker, easier and lower cost way of getting wireless technology to market” Zarlink’s Microelectronics division delivers, with: • Proven micro-packing expertise supporting smaller, faster and more reliable technologies • End-to-end design knowledge ensuring faster time-to-market
Directory 2007 Abel & Imray 23 Windsor Place, Cardiff CF10 3BY Tel: 029 2034 7030 Fax: 029 2066 6637 Web: www.patentable.co.uk
• Manufacturing capabilities meeting worldwide medical standards
Zarlink Semiconductor—Microelectronics Phase 2, Castlegate Business Park Portskewett, Caldicot, Monmouthshire NP26 5YW Tel: +44 (0) 1291 435300
Abel & Imray is a leading firm of Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys handling all aspects of intellectual property including patents, trade marks and designs. We have expertise in all fields of medical and related technology. Our team of biotechnology and chemistry specialists has particular experience in diagnostics, gene therapy, drug delivery systems, protein engineering, pharmaceuticals and combinatorial chemistry. We have extensive experience of medical devices, including mechanical, optical and electronic medical devices. Our professionals have particular skills in the protection and exploitation of intellectual property relating to those fields, as well as experience in management and development of intellectual property portfolios.
The Aber BioCentre The University of Wales Aberystwyth Commercialisation & Consultancy Services Cledwyn Building Penglais Aberystwyth SY23 3DD Tel: 01970622385 Fax: 01970 622959 Web: www.aber.ac.uk/meansbusiness
The Aberystwyth BioCentre (ABC) combines the expertise of three internationally recognised Institutes in biological, environmental & agricultural sciences: the Institute of Grassland & Environmental Research (IGER); the Institute of Rural Sciences (IRS) & the Institute of Biological Sciences (IBS) of the University of Wales Aberystwyth. ABC offers research & development opportunities, consultancy, licencing & technology transfer in: plant breeding, animal science & nutrition, pharmaceuticals & agrochemicals, microbiology, parasitology, food quality, diagnostic & analytical sciences, environmental management, proteomics, genomics & metabolomics.
Axiom Manufacturing Services Ltd Technology Park, Newbridge Newport NP11 5AN Tel: 01495 242130 Fax: 01495 242096 E-mail: enquiry@axiom-ms.com Web: www.axiom-ms.com
BBI Healthcare
Axiom provides full turnkey solutions for clients throughout the UK and Europe, from product realisation through service and repair to end-of-life management. Axiom focuses on complete solutions that give our customers a real competitive advantage within their marketplace. With over 25 years of experience of printed circuit board assembly, electromechanical assembly, full product box-build and turnkey solutions combined with extensive test capability and a strong quality culture makes Axiom the perfect solution when selecting an electronics manufacturing partner.
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Unit A, Kestrel Way Garngoch Industrial Estate Gorseinon Swansea SA4 9WN Phone: 01792 229 333 Fax: 01792 897 311 E-mail: info@bbihealthcare.com Web: www.bbihealthcare.com
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BBI Healthcare was launched in April 2006 and is a subsidiary of BBInternational (BBI Holdings), the AIM-listed manufacturer and developer of point of care diagnostic tests. BBI Healthcare is based in Swansea and markets the company’s flagship GlucoGel diabetes product for people with hypoglycaemia, along with a portfolio of novel diabetes and healthcare products under acquisition. BBI Healthcare does not manufacture products, but brings into the UK market niche products for the healthcare market.
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The BioMed Centre Bristol Urological Institute Southmead Hospital Bristol BS10 5NB Tel: 0117 959 5690 Fax: 0117 950 2229 E-mail: biomed@bui.ac.uk
Brecon Pharmaceuticals Ltd The BioMed Centre was established to improve the management of older and disabled people suffering from uncontrollable urinary incontinence. A multidisciplinary research programme has been initiated and a major endeavour is to produce a new range of incontinence aids. The BioMed Centre provides clinical and scientific facilities to promote multi-disciplinary collaboration.
Brecon Pharmaceuticals Ltd is a leading outsource services provider to the global pharmaceutical industry. With over 25 years’ experience, Brecon is the chosen partner and supplier to major pharmaceutical and healthcare companies worldwide, providing the highest quality commercial packaging, storage, distribution and clinical trial services including: Commercial: blister packaging, Alu/Alu, Alcar, strip packaging, sachet filling, heat and cold seal walleting, bottle filling and tablet counting. Special facilities for Penicillin, hormones, cytotoxic, biological and potent products. Analytical services: Stability testing, studies to full ICH standard, method validation, further development and updating of methods, extra validation to GMP standards as required, plus extensive report writing service covering protocol generation, certificates of analysis, method transfer, validation, ICH stability reports. Clinical trial supplies: phase I-IV open/blinded, multi-centre, multi-country studies, label design and compilation, cold chain storage and distribution, returns and evaluation including reconciliation.
Wye Valley Business Park Hay on Wye Hereford HR3 5PG Tel: 01497 820829 Fax: 01497 820050 E-mail: info@breconpharm.com Web: www.breconpharm.com
Biostatus Ltd 56 Charnwood Road Shepshed Leicester LE12 9NP Tel: 01509 558163 Fax: 01509 651061 E-mail: enquiry@biostatus.com Web: www.biostatus.com
Biostatus is passionate about cell-based science. We are committed to providing our customers with highly innovative tools that offer significant advantages to both routine and research-oriented, cell-based analysis. Our mission is to invent, develop and market novel reagents for use in cell-based research, drug screening and healthcare diagnostics and to expand these markets through the development of complementary detection and screening technologies. Today, the company ships products to customers in over 30 countries worldwide! See www.biostatus.com for further information. Biostatus, novel solutions for imaging, cytometry and screening.
Cardiff University Department of Anaesthetics and Intensive Care
Biotrace Ltd The Science Park Technology Drive Bridgend CF31 3NA Tel: 01656 641400 Fax: 01656 768835 E-mail: sales@biotrace.co.uk Web: www.biotrace.com
Biotrace International Plc, a 3M company, is a leading manufacturer and supplier of industrial microbiology products. The company offers a wide portfolio of microbiology products for food, beverage, dairy, water quality and industrial processing customers. Products include rapid hygiene monitoring systems, pathogen detection kits, sampling devices and culture media. For the Pharmaceutical, Personal Care & Cosmetics business Biotrace supplies a range of own manufactured air samplers and GMP compliant prepared culture media for the monitoring of clean room facilities. Biotrace is a strategic supplier of biodetection systems to the UK MoD and to a number of foreign governments and defence organisations.
Biplas Medical 3/4 Llantrisant Business Park, a n n Llantrisant, RCT CF72 8LF Tel: 01443 237654 E-mail: richard.bedwell@biplas.com Website: www.biplas.com
Cardiff University
Innovative design and development company with manufacturing capability in
in 0 7 u aplastic l injection r e v moulding. i e w Wea develop n d devices d i using r e the c tlatest o rtechnology y 2 0 polymer and metallurgy with the required electronics using our associated partner. Offering know how and expertise based on our engineering and knowledge of a wide range of processes, capable of manufacturing the end product at a cost effective price. We are currently working on single use disposable devices in the field of laparoscopy, gynaecology and urology. We are working with leading clinicians in these areas to enabling the use of appropriate technology and processes to develop devices with patient need being the priority. Opportunities for partnerships are sort in the medical/healthcare arena enabling early stage devices and systems be developed, trialled and finally marketed via our distribution partners. We design and develop specialised packaging in the areas of radiology and bioscience.
Medical device evaluation centre – equipment testing, user assessments, accurate traceable measurements and standards information. Training for manufacturers of medical products – tailor made courses, seminars and hands on teaching, contextualising products either pharmaceutical or equipment to aid the sales team. Education for healthcare professionals – gaining competence in research skills, lectures and hands on work shops, use of statistics, presentation and management skills. Research - medical devices and pharmaceuticals, ergonomics, immunology and anaphylaxis, extensive publication record
Medicine Heath Park Cardiff, CF14 4XN Tel: 029 2074 4884 Fax: 029 2074 7203 E-mail: cannc@cf.ac.uk
Biomechanics Research Unit
University of Wales College of Medicine The MediCentre Heath Park Cardiff CF14 4UJ Contact: Prof John Middleton, a Head n n of Unit E-mail: middletonj2@cf.ac.uk Web: www.meditech.cf.ac.uk
The research unit offers in-depth expertise in nonlinear mechanics, computational modelling and computerbased methods for biomechanical and biomedical applications. Solutions to one-off, unique biomedical problems and customised solutions are available for a wide range of medical devices, orthopaedic implants and dental appliances including pre-clinical assessment. Many collaborative projects are ongoing with numerous research centres aandl industrial r e vpartners i e wat a national a n dand international d i r e clevel t o(large r yscale2 0 0 funding, SME-based projects, international workshops etc). This provides a strong base to strengthen the multidisciplinary skills of the unit which are required within the medical device sector. The unit also hosts ‘MEDITECH’ the Medical Engineering and Technology Research Network www.meditech.uwcm.ac.uk. This is funded by the National Physical Laboratory.
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51 Park Place Cardiff CF10 3AB Contact: Sarah Hatch, CITER Manager Tel: 029 20870 129 Fax: 029 20870 129 Email: hatchs@cf.ac.uk Web: www.citer.org
Manufacturing Engineering Centre Cardiff University Queen’s Building Newport Road Cardiff CF24 0YF Tel: 02920 874641 Fax: 02920 874880 E-mail: manufacturing@cf.ac.uk Web: www.mec.cf.ac.uk
Cardiff University Research and Commercial Division Cardiff University 7th Floor, 30-36 Newport Road Cardiff CF24 0DE Tel: 029 2087 4837 Fax: 029 2087 4189 Web:www.cardiff.ac.uk/racd
Wound Healing Research Unit (WHRU)
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CITER brings together life sciences and clinical expertise from Cardiff University to advance technological developments in the field of tissue engineering and repair and ultimately to improve patient care and quality of life. CITER’s three strands of activity are: interdisciplinary research encompassing the biomechanical, regulatory, ethical, physiologic and health service aspects of tissue engineering and repair; the provision and commercialisation of clinical service technologies; and education, training and knowledge dissemination including an MSc in Tissue Engineering, an interdisciplinary postgraduate taught scheme which may be of particular interest to representatives in the healthcare sector. CITER’s range of services is potentially attractive to the NHS, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, engineering, devices and biomaterials companies.
Cardiff Institute of Tissue Engineering & Repair
Upper Ground Floor School of Medicine Cardiff University a n Heath Park Cardiff CF14 4XN Contact: Professor KG Harding, Director Tel: 029 2074 4505 Fax: 029 2074 6334 E-mail admin@whru.co.uk Web: www.whru.co.uk
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CellPath Ltd Unit 80, Mochdre Enterprise Park Newtown, Powys SY16 4LE Tel: 01686 611333 Fax: 01686 622946 E-mail: info@cellpath.co.uk Web: www.cellpath.co.uk
Chapman Molony
The award winning Manufacturing Engineering at Cardiff University, has expertise in: • 3D CAD modelling of anatomical structure from CT/MRI data • Manufacturing of biomodels using rapid prototyping techniques such as SLS & SLA • Design and manufacture of personalised implants with biocompatible materials, for cranio-maxillofacial surgery such as cranioplasty and bone tumors • Production of surgical tools to meet specific surgeon’s requirements • Development of surgical training models • Generation of finite element analysis models from CT/MRI data for biochemical research.
Cardiff Business Technology Centre Senghenydd Rd Cathays Cardiff, CF24 4AY Tel: 029 2064 7038 Fax: 029 2064 7039 E-mail: huw@chapmanmolony.com Web: www.chapmanmolony.com
The Research and Commercial Division at Cardiff University supports research, consultancy services and technology transfer activities across all academic schools and research centres. Cardiff University spends approximately £100 million on R&D annually, of which approximately 60% is in Biomedical and related technology areas. The Division also supports an active programme of patenting and licensing technology and innovations to companies, the establishment of spin-out companies as well as extensive range of consultancy and other knowledge transfer services. WHRU has three core activities: • Specialist clinical services • Research • Education and Training The research work completed at the unit includes conducting clinical trials ato ICHGCP l r estandards, v i e biological w a nresearch d d(with i ra particular e c t oemphasis r y on2 0 0 microbiology and material science), physical measurement (the interface of medicine and engineering/electronics) and health services research (including HRQoL and health economics). The unit offers an MSc in Wound Healing and Tissue Repair as well as a range of short courses. The unit collaborates with a number of other departments within the University of Wales and is part of the Cardiff Institute for Tissue Engineering and Repair. The target markets include health professionals working with nonhealing acute or chronic wounds and health care companies involved in specialist wound care.
CellPath Ltd is a market leading healthcare company, which specialises in the manufacture and distribution of products for use in the cellular pathology disciplines of histology and cytology. CellPath also specialises in Pharmaceutical Promotion. Our in-house teams are specialists in the following areas: Process Development; Chemistry; Analytical Chemistry; Product Development; Injection Moulding; Novel Packaging Design; Artwork Design; Contract Manufacture. CellPath’s latest initiative is CellNass - an archiving service for hospitals to store specimen slides and blocks. CellNass is registered with the Human Tissue Authority for the storage of tissue.
Chapman Molony are Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys with offices in Cardiff and Swansea. They are able to provide advice and assistance relating to the protection, and enforcement of all aspects of Intellectual Property, including Patents, Trade Marks, Copyright and Designs. Chapman Molony’s technical expertise lie in the field of engineering, electronic and medical technology but work relating to other technical areas can also be handled. In addition to assisting clients in protecting their intellectual property, Chapman Molony offer in-house consultancy services and can undertake audits to identify protectable Intellectual Property, including new technology, Trade Marks, house-styles, brands, designs and copyright.
Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust, University Hospital of Wales Mechanical Section, Clinical Engineering Heath Park Cardiff CF14 4XW Tel: 02920 742014 Fax: 02920 742489 E-mail:John.Maisey@Cardiffand Vale.wales.nhs.uk
Hospital Department specialising in Clinical Engineering services, and medical physics disciplines.
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Deloitte Blenheim House, Fitzalan Court Newport Road Cardiff CF24 0TS Tel: 02920 481111 Fax: 02920 482615 E-mail:aldavies@deloitte.co.uk Web: www.deloitte.co.uk
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Deloitte is one of the UK’s leading professional services firms in the areas of: Audit, Tax, Consulting and Corporate Finance. Throughout the UK, Deloitte has approximately 10,000 people across 21 offices and a sector specialist group that focuses on the Life Sciences market. We have a local team that advises on all aspects of business support including fund raising and grant and tax credit advice. For further information please contact either Alistair Davies on 029-20264272 or Vince Nolan on 029-20264274.
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Deltohn Ltd
Eclipse Creative Ltd Deltohn provides services to the biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors. The company has strong links with organisations in Europe, Japan and the USA and can provide access to all of these either by direct support or through its network of experts. Services include programme/project management including risk analysis, budget control, planning, product portfolio review, development of strategy and production of business plans for emerging technologies or products, outlicensing of technology or products, identification of co-development partners or strategic alliances, project leadership/management training and teambuilding and maintenance.
New Hall Llandewi’r Cwm Builth Wells Powys LD2 3RX Contact: Helen A Delahaye Tel: 01982 551227 Email: helen@deltohn.org
Dentron Ltd Llys Myrddin Efailwen Clynderwen Carmarthenshire SA66 7XG Contact: Jonathan Copus Tel: 01994 419792 Fax: 01994 419796 E-mail: admin@dentron.co.uk Web:www.dentron.co.uk
Dentron Ltd specialises in innovative medical devices. The best known is the Biogun, a wide spectrum electronic microbicide which kills micro-organisms (including the superbug MRSA) using a concentrated stream of electrically charged air particles applied from a distance of 2-10mm. The device is used by podiatrists, dentists and dermatologists for a variety of conditions including tooth decay, gum disease, periodontitis, athlete’s foot, verrucae and other warts, fungal nail infections and foot ulcers. The method is safe, drug free and in most circumstances painless. Dentron is seeking distributors for the Biogun worldwide and also partners for a subsidised research project on woundcare.
DHP Pharma 1-3 Waller House Elvicta Business Park Crickhowell NP8 1DF Tel: 01873 812182 Fax: 01873 810836 E-mail: info@dhpclin.com Web: www.dhpclin.com
DHP are UK/EU specialists in the manufacture, storage and distribution of investigational medicinal products and named patient/compassionate use medicinal products. DHP’s services to the pharmaceutical industry and non-commercial organisations include: phase 1-4 manufacture, primary and secondary packing; blinding of tablets, capsules and other dose forms; patient pack design, filling, labelling, assembly; complete investigator supply assembly; and multilingual label deign and print facility in house. Also QP release of investigational medicinal products; procurement of comparators; temperature controlled storage; worldwide distribution; returned drug accountability; and certified destruction. DHP is a member of the Bilcare group providing global capabilities in clinical services.
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DTR Medical 17 Clarion Court Clarion Close Enterprise Park Swansea SA6 8RF Tel: 01792 797910 Fax: 01792 797955 E-mail: info@dtrtechnologies.com Web: www.dtrmedical.com
DTR Medical is an innovative medical device and cleanroom contract manufacturing company, with the ability to design, CE mark and manufacture and sterilise a wide range of medical devices and other healthcare products. Based in Swansea, South Wales, DTR Medical custom built facilities includes a versatile ISO class 7 cleanroom complex operated by a highly trained team. Experienced in the manufacture and packing of many medical devices used in the ENT, Vascular Neurology, Orthopaedic and general surgery, DTR Medical can also handle design files and CE marking. The company already contract manufactures a wide range of custom built products for the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and diagnostic industries. Fully equipped to handle Nelipack thermoform blisters, flow wrapping, and shrink wrapping and vacuum packing. The facility also has specialist expertise in handling liquid filling of medical devices and related products.
Pascoe House 54 Bute Street Cardiff Bay, Cardiff CF10 5AF Tel: 029 2047 0070 Fax: 029 2047 0071 E-mail:brian@eclipsecreative.co.uk Web: www.eclipsecreative.co.uk
Wales leading videographics and 3D animation facility offering design, visualization and 3D animation for bio and pharmaceutical companies. MultiBAFTA award winning facility producing Broadcast and Corporate communications, graphics and animation on behalf of many of the world’ s leading drug companies for sales, marketing and presentation/event materials.
Egin Cyfyngedig Egin Cyfyngedig offers consultancy to turn laboratory instruments and equipment concepts into reality. With our associates we offer modelling, simulation, prototyping and development of mechanical, fluidic and electronic systems at reasonable cost. We can help take devices past the approvals stage and into manufacture. With extensive knowledge of the business support infrastructure in Wales we can assist with technology transfer, feasibility studies and finance for innovation.
Llain Deg Llanddaniel Fab Gaerwen Sir Ynys Môn LL60 6NN Tel: 01248 848 068 Mobile : 07962 268 461
The Electrotrade Co. Ltd New House Llangwm Usk Monmouth NP15 1HJ Tel: 012-916-50279 Fax:08704 868450 E-mail: celtic@electro.co.uk Web: www.electro.co.uk
The Electrode Company Ltd is a Medical Device company, and has specialised in Non-invasive monitoring and optical sensors since 1986. The company’s experience in pulse oximetery has given them an insight into the opportunities for new technology in pulse oximetery. The accuracy of a pulse oximeter system is very dependant on the accuracy of the sensor. The Lightman® was developed to answer the need for a quick portable accurate tester for sensors. It is the only product on the market capable of checking pulse oximeter sensor accuracy. Patent protected and containing a specialised microspectrometer it is easy to use providing a clear indication of the accuracy of the sensor under test. Surveys have shown 30% of sensors do not meet the expectations of accuracy of clinicians potentially leading to Adverse Incidents with oxygen administration. The Lightman® can help prevent this situation.
Ensinger Precision Engineering Ltd
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Wilfried Way Tonyrefail Mid Glamorgan CF39 8JQ Tel: 01443 678500 Fax: 01443 676777 E-mail: precision@ensinger.ltd.uk Web: www.ensinger-online.com
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Ensinger Ltd is an international organisation and market leader in the manufacture and distribution of thermoplastics for the medical industry, which is supported by the production of precision machined components. We are committed to continued growth and are always at the forefront of technology; Ensinger Precision Engineering offers 3,4 or 5-axis CNC routing; 2,3 and 5-axis turning and 3, 4 and 5-axis milling. Ensinger is constantly looking for new and unique blends of materials that can be developed for specific applications in the medical field. As certain materials become standard commodities, Ensinger intends to continually invest in research and development to lead developments in this exciting industry. Decades of experience in engineering plastics makes EPE your natural partner for the manufacture of high quality, high precision engineering components. An ISO 9001:2000 company and an Investor in People, quality is assured from Ensinger because we invest as much in personnel and training as we do in machinery and equipment.
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Finance Wales
george james Ltd
Oakleigh House Park Place Cardiff CF10 3DQ Tel: 0845 587 4140 Fax: 029 2033 8101 E-mail: info@financewales.co.uk Web:www.financewales.co.uk
Finance Wales offers investment solutions to SMEs based in Wales to help them achieve their growth potential. Tailored funding packages are designed to help start up. early stage as well as more established SMEs with development capital, management succession or acquisition needs. Finance Wales is a wholly owned subsidiary company of the Welsh Assembly Government.
Hotley Bottom lane Great Missenden Buckingham HP16 9PL Tel: 01858 433 481 Email:jayne.mclaughlin@georgejame sltd.co.uk Web: www.georgejames.com
Frontier Medical Frontier Medical Newbridge Road Industrial Estate Blackwood NP12 2YN Tel: 01495 235800 Fax: 01495 235808 E-mail:: info@frontier-group.co.uk Web: www.frontier-group.co.uk
Frontier Medical manufacture and market a range of medical products in four broad business streams: Sharpsafe is Europe’s leading brand of plastic sharps disposal containers Repose is a range of inflatable polyurethane pressure redistribution devices for the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers, manufactured under license from the NHS eXchange is the brand under which products are made available to organisations for harm reduction purposes amongst the intravenous drug using community Multigate is the brand of swabs, dressings, bandages and packs sold to healthcare organisations throughout the UK Frontier are based at two factories new Blackwood with facilities for plastic injection moulding and welding. Core market in the UK is the NHS and private health sector although approximately 50% of production is exported, mostly to the EC.
GE Healthcare The Maynard Centre Forest Farm Whitchurch Cardiff CF14 7YT Tel: 029 2052 6000 Fax: 029 2052 6348 Web:www.gehealthcare.com
Geldard LLP
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Dumfries House Dumfries Place Cardiff CF10 3ZE Tel: 029 2034 1740 Fax: 029 2925 6253 E-mail: michael.lindsey@geldards.co.uk Web: www.geldards.co.uk
GE’s Maynard Centre facility develops and manufactures reagents and reagent systems to support customer research in genomics, proteomics and cell biology. These reagents are frequently designed for use on the company’s instrument platforms. Key target market sectors are the early stages of drug discovery programmes in the major pharmaceutical companies worldwide, in particular high-throughput drug screening, metabolism and distribution studies
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Edwards Geldard is one of the leading intellectual property law practices in the UK, and is widely regarded as the pre-eminent IP practice in Wales. Our intellectual property team advises a variety of clients on all aspects on IP protection, exploitation and enforcement, including Welsh bioscience businesses, universities and NHS Trusts. We also provide advice on all other areas of commercial and corporate law, enabling us to offer a comprehensive legal service to the bioscience sector in Wales to City standards, but at local rates.
george james offer recruitment, fund raising, training, HR and coaching services. We cover Biotechnology, Pharmaceuticals, Medical Technology, Medical Devices, Diagnostics, Instrumentation, Scientific Software, Fine Chemicals and Chemical Technology companies. We have a keen interest and track record of providing a broad range of cost effective services. We work at a wide range of levels of recruitment, at grades from 35k to £200. Projects generally cover broad level to team leader in general management, sales, business development marketing, human resources, service, manufacturing, medical/clinical, regulatory, quality and R & D.
GX Design Engineers The Mayfield Usk Monmouthshire NP15 1SY Contact: Claire Banks Tel: 01291 673437 Fax: 01291 673438 E-mail: claire@gxl.co.uk Web: www.gxl.co.uk
GX Design Engineers offer a medical product design and development service from concept through to manufacture including skills in electronic, mechanical, optics, industrial and software design, prototyping and CAD animations. Medical projects have been undertaken for clients including Bayer Diagnostics, Gyrus Medical, Rhytec, CLP, Pall, Medical Support Systems, Morecare and British Gas. GX combine practical engineering solutions with creativity, innovation and focus.
Home Telehealth Ltd @ Wales Digital Media Initiative Saint Line House Mount Stuart Square Cardiff CF10 5LR Tel: 029 2044 4795 Fax: 029 2044 4778 E-mail: david@hometelehealth ltd.co.uk Web: www.hometelehealthltd.co.uk
Home Telehealth Ltd is a telecare organisations specialising in the provision of managed services and telecare technology for remote health and social care monitoring of patients with long-term conditions in a setting of their choice. Home Telehealth Ltd through its service and technology provision addresses the stated policy and strategic requirements of Government Departments in Health, Social Services Care and Housing regarding plans for ;independent living initiatives, reducing hospital admissions, enabling early hospital discharge, addressing bed blocking issues and improving care pathways. Home Telehealth Ltd business is aimed primarily at delivering significant cost savings(between 30 and 70%) to health and social care providers whilst improving the quality of life of the public and patients.
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Huntleigh Healthcare Ltd
Huntleigh Healthcare Ltd Diagnostic Products Division Unit 35 Portmanmoor Road East Moors Cardiff CF24 5HN Tel: 029 2048 5885 Fax: 029 2049 0170 Email: sales@huntleighdiagnostics.co.uk Web: www.huntleigh-diagnostics.com
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Huntleigh Healthcare Diagnostics Products Division, a member of the Huntleigh Technology plc Group of companies, is the largest manufacturer of pocket Dopplers in the world and offers an extensive portfolio for vascular and obstetric applications. The ISO 9001-accredited site at Cardiff is the largest manufacturer of foetal monitors in the UK and its position has been strengthened with the introduction of portable foetal monitors, monitors with telemedicine capabilities and electronic viewing and archiving systems. The Dopplex Assist range of modular medical systems demonstrates the company’s commitment to expanding applications areas in foetal monitoring, vascular laboratory assessment and our new range of vital signs monitoring systems. Expertise in electronic components and software drives other group product developments including pressure area care pump technology. With the continued success of its new products, the company is set to expand its position in the world market.
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JMJ Laboratories Ltd
Hyderus Cyf Hyderus is a strategic communications consultancy specialising in Influencing treatment decisions and patient empowerment across Europe, building specialist and general understanding of public health issues communicating development and developing country health matters to policy makers, specialist audiences and the general public and helping Welsh organisations to communicate with stakeholders in Wales and throughout the World. Within these disciplines we provide strategic consulting qualitative market research (through a partner company), commissioning and management of quantitative research, stakeholder relations and public affairs in Wales and the UK, internal communications media and public relations in Wales and the UK, media and influencer relations in over 50 countries and crisis planning and management.
34 Maindee Road Cwmfelinfach Ynysddu Newport NP11 7HR Tel: 01495 2000321 Fex: 01495 200019 E-mail: info@hyderus.com Web:www.hyderus.com
Gavenny Court Brecon Rd Abergavenny, Monmouthshire NP7 7RX Tel: 01873 856688 Fax: 01873 858982 E-mail:info@jmjlabs.co.uk Web: www.jjmjlabs.co.uk
Kinneir Dufort 5 Host Street Bristol BS1 5BU Tel: 0117 901 4000 Fax: 0117 901 4001 E-mail: design@kinneirdufort.com Web: www.kinneirdufort.com
Impy Wipes Fairhaven Hirwaun Road Aberdare Mid Glamorgan CF44 9AR Tel: 01685 810316 Fax: 01685 824431 E-mail:arolls@impywipes.co.uk
Impy manufacture and markets bacterialcide wet wipes suitable for both personal and surface cleansing (patient and environment) using naturally derived bactericide and alcohol free for use by the healthcare market including the NHS.
Kinneir Dufort is a leading international design consultancy. We are experts in delivering product innovation to the medical sector. Our award-winning team successfully develops projects from research and concept generation through to design development and industrialisation. All of our clients benefit from Kinneir Dufort’s fully resourced, multi-disciplinary team equipped with the latest CAD and prototyping technology. We have 30 years of medical experience demonstrated through a broad portfolio of highly successful projects. Key areas of expertise are research; creativity; mechanical and electronic product design; rapid prototyping and project management. Our clients also benefit from our ISO 13485/9001 accreditation which guarantees fully documented and efficiently managed projects.
Krysium Advisors Ltd
Jara Consulting Ltd 95 Allt-yr-Yn Avenue Newport NP20 5DE Contact: John Cable Tel: 01633 784344 Mobile: 07887944285 Email: john@jaraconsulting.com
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Jara Consulting Ltd is a specialist business-to-business sales and marketing consultancy with a strong presence in the technology and engineering markets. The inclusive service offering extends from strategic decision making, branding and positioning through to tactical programmes for sales and marketing campaigns. We provide clients with seamless strategic and tactical marketing and sales support throughout their business. Typical consultancy projects include marketing strategy formulation and implementation, Positioning and branding, new product (service) development (NPD), sales strategy and implementation lead generation, conversion and optimising sales performance marketing, sales and operations integration, abusiness l r process e v i and e organisation w a n development, d d i r coaching e c t and o rmentoring y 2 for 0 0 senior management. Our technology clients benefit from this holistic approach to business, sales and marketing solutions with the added benefit that technology understanding and experience brings.
Jenesis 60 Nolton Street Bridgend CF31 3BP Tel: 01656 767778 Fax: 016-566-45592 E-mail:info@jenesisrecruitment.com Web: www.jenesisrecruitment.com
JMJ provides fully accredited analytical services for occupational health screening, general pathology and work place drug testing. JMJ’s services are fully supported with training course, seminars and expert advice. Our Market covers all industry sectors in both the private and public sectors. As a UK market leader JMJ is unique in offering a complete service at this level and continues to see healthy growth in both new and existing business areas.
Scientific Recruitment and HR Consultancy
P.O Box 16 Leominster HR6 0DD Tel: 01568 610777 Fax: 01568 780477 E-mail: advisors@krysium.com
Services – We assist companies with developing their R&D efforts into commercial products, primarily for bio-diagnostic and processing instrumentation. Products – Bio-detection systems for detecting organisms in food, water and end-product applications.
Lifeforce Immune System Bank PLC
a n n Imperial House Imperial Way Newport NP10 8UH Tel: 016-3381-1877 Fax :016-338-11811 E-mail: del.delaronde@ImmuneSystemBank.org Web: www.ImmuneSystemBank.org
u aLifeforce l r isethev world’s i e wleading a first n dImmune d System i r e Bank. c t oBased r yin Newport, 2 0 0 7 South Wales, Lifeforce collects, processes and stores Lymphocytes from whole blood. These cells are then available for the individual if they need to undergo Adoptive Immunotherapy/Biological Therapy for the treatment of a wide range of cancers, leukaemias or viral infections, including HIV/AIDS.
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Medical Device Innovations (MDi) Ltd
The Magstim Company Ltd Spring Gardens Whitland Carmarthenshire SA34 0HR Tel: 01994 240798 Fax: 01994 240061 Email: info@magstim.com Web: www.magstim.com
Located in Whitland, South West Wales, Magstim develops, manufactures and markets state-of-the-art equipment for neurologists, neurophysiologists, neurosurgeons and psychiatrists, enabling them to assess, protect and improve the functioning of the nervous system in various applications. Our principle products are the Magstim range of magnetic nerve stimulators and the Neurosign range of intra-operative nerve monitors – competitive, cost-effective and leaders in their class.
McGreevy Consulting International The Croft 3, Duffryn Crescent Peterstone Super Ely Cardiff, CF5 6NF Tel: 01446 760174 Fax: 01446 760424 E-mail:ken@kcamarketing.co.uk
McGreevy Consulting International comprises a group of highly skilled and qualified Management Consultants, with specialists within the health field. All of the McGreevy Consulting International primary consultants have worked for many years in senior positions in the public sector, mainly in branches of the NHS, and all have wide ranging private sector experience of working with companies and organisations on all aspects of business development. The team have significant expertise in finance, customer care, marketing, management, production, distribution, interim management, change management, leadership and will provide well constructed solutions to all business problems.
MedaPhor™ Ltd 2 Radnor Court 256 Cowbridge Road East Cardiff, CF5 1GZ Tel: 0 2920 785153 Fax: 02920 398101 E-mail: sales@medaphor.com Web: www.medaphor.com
MedaPhor™ is a joint venture between medical educationalists, computer and interactive media specialists and Cardiff University. The company produces elearning ultrasound modules for obstetrics and gynaecology. Complementing these modules, MedaPhor™ organises regular 3-day “hands-on” ultrasound courses in Cardiff and is in the process of developing an innovative virtual reality simulator to provide practical skills training away from the clinic. MedaPhor™ products and services are suitable for post-graduate students, gynaecologists, obstetricians, radiographers, midwives and nurses to develop critical knowledge and skills as part of their training. They are also suitable for practitioners for fulfilling their continued professional development (CPD) and for trainers as an indispensable teaching resource for the classroom and lecture theatre. MedaPhor™ is committed to creating a catalogue of training modules for a cross section of medical disciplines.
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Medical Device Consultancy
6 Bessborough Drive Cardiff CF11 8NE Tel: 029 2022 1640 Fax: 029 2022 1579 Mob: 07739 733177 E-mail: lewlink@btclick.com Web: www.medicaldeviceconsultancy.co.uk Contact: Trevor Lewis
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The Medical Device Consultancy provides specialist business development assistance for medical device, diagnostic and related companies, including partner search and selection. Associates have particular strengths in quality system establishment, improvement, auditing and regulatory compliance in the US and Europe; marketing, strategic market research and planning. The Medical Device Consultancy can deliver high quality consultancy advice and assist with implementation where appropriate.
Daresbury Innovation Centre Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus Halton Cheshire WA4 4FS Tel: 01925 607030 Fax: 0870 1305387 Email: pw@mdi-md.com Web: www.mdi-md.com
MDi is an intellectual property management and development company created to realise value from inventions made by clinicians, surgeons and leading surgical & biomedical engineering groups throughout Europe. Focused exclusively on interventional medical devices, the aims of the company are to source, assess, finance and develop new technologies for commercialisation via partnerships with major healthcare corporations. Projects meeting the success criteria will be developed to the point where they are attractive to such companies. The technologies will then be sold or out-licensed to these commercial partners to provide maximum access to the market and rapid penetration. By converting ideas into products, MDi aims to improve future patient care and clinical practise whilst also enabling inventors and institutions to share in the rewards of commercialisation.
MicroPharm Ltd Station Road Industrial Estate Newcastle, Emlyn Carmarthenshire SA38 9BX Tel: 01293 710 529 Fax: 01293 710 529 E-mail:enquiries@microharm.co.uk Web: www.micropharm.co.uk
MicroPharm has two divisions. The Therapeutics division specialises in the contract filling of pharmaceutical products for systemic use. Both manual and automated systems are available which enable the filling of as few as one hundred to several thousand units (vials or ampoules) in EU Grade A isolators located in pharmaceutical cleanrooms. This division also manufactures immunotherapeutic products on contract, including antivenoms for use in Africa. This involves the purification of the immunoglobulin fraction from the antisera with or without enzymatic cleavage to produce Fab or F(ab’)2 fragments. MicroPharm has authorisations from the UK MHRA to manufacture such products for both “Specials” and IMP (Clinical Trials) applications. The Company can also offer this service to external clients on a contract basis. The Diagnostic division raises antisera on contract for a number of European companies and academic groups. Sheep are the preferred species but some other species may be available by arrangement. MicroPharm can provides ovine donor plasma and serum and also holds large stocks of more than one hundred different antisera for direct sales to academic, research and diagnostics organisations.
Molecular Light Technology Research Ltd
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5 Chiltern Close Cardiff Industrial Park Llanishen Cardiff CF14 5DL Tel: 029 2074 7033 Fax: 029 2074 7118 E-mail: info@mltresearch.com Web: www.mltresearch.com
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MLT Research Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Gen-Probe Inc., San Diego, USA., a global leader in the development, manufacture and marketing of rapid, accurate and cost-effective nucleic acid tests (NAT), used primarily to diagnose human diseases. MLT Research Ltd develops and manufactures NATs to detect harmful microorganisms in the environment and in industrial processes.
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PDR (The National Centre for Product Design & Development)
Mountway Ltd Unit 7, Tafarnaubach Industrial Estate Tredegar Blaenau Gwent NP22 3AA Tel: 01495 723300 Fax: 01495 723360 Email: mail@mountway.co.uk Web: www.mountway.com
Manufacturers of assistive devices – portable bath lifts, toilet lifts and pillow lifts targeted for use by the elderly and disabled at home. Customer groups include social services/PCT community equipment services; occupational therapists; nursing/residential homes; and elderly/disabled people.
University of Wales Institute Cardiff (UWIC) Western Avenue Cardiff CF5 2YB Tel: 02920 416723 Fax: 02920 416935 E-mail: info-pdr@uwic.ac.uk Web: www.pdr-online.co.uk
Muscagen Ltd Welsh School of Pharmacy Redwood Building King Edward VII Avenue Cardiff CF11 9BJ Contact: Dr Robin H Davies Tel: 029 2087 5830 Fax: 029 2087 4149 Email: daviesrh@cf.ac.uk Web: www.muscagen.com
Muscagen predicts and designs selective therapeutic agents in the G Proteincoupled Receptor (GPR) area with special interest in developing alleviating agents in the fields of alzheimer’s disease, incontinence, cardiovascular disease, obesity and asthma.
Peboc Division Eastman Company UK Limited
Nacur¨ Healthcare Ltd 15 Spring Gardens Industrial Estate Whitland SA34 0HZ Tel: 0871 789 1048 Fax: 0871 789 1049 Email: info@nacur.com Web: www.nacur.com Contact: John Spendler
Nacur ¨Healthcare Ltd are the manufacturer of the Nacur¨ Nasal Spa, a specially designed medical device for the cleansing of the nose and sinuses. The Nacur¨ Nasal Spa can be used by sufferers of sinus and nasal diseases such as rhinitis, sinusitis, catarrh, hay fever, etc. The main users will be patients who have had endonasal operations to clean the nasal cavity and nasal passages. Main targets are hospitals, pharmacies, health shops, clinics in the UK and abroad. International distributor and agency enquiries are welcome.
Norgine Ltd New Road Tir-y-Berth Hengoed Caerphilly CF82 8SJ Tel: 01443 812183 Fax: 01443 816648 Web: www.norgine.com
The National Centre for Product Design & Development Research (PDR), established in 1994, specialises in all aspects of product design, research and development. PDR currently has over 40 full-time staff and is one of the best equipped facilities in the UK with research, concept generation, product design, CAD, RP, CNC machining and batch manufacturing housed in a purpose-designed building based at UWIC in Cardiff. PDR is involved with many projects in the medical sector aimed at delivering practical solutions to medical problems through strategic, collaborative and academic research. PDR’s award winning design team has undertaken many design projects for medical companies covering areas such as disposables, medical devices, surgical instruments, safety/waste disposal, hospital seating and beds. PDR’s Medical Applications Group has conducted research projects with over 60 hospitals and companies and provides the UK’s leading medical modelling service.
Norgine Ltd is the UK-based affiliate of Norgine, an independent pan-European
a n n u apharmaceutical l r e v company. i e w With a UK n headquarters d d i r ateHarefield, c t o Middlesex r y 2and 0 a0 7 manufacturing site at Hengoed, Mid Glamorgan, Norgine conducts an international business. Norgine employs about 600 people in the UK and a further 400 in its affiliated companies. The company markets a broad range of prescription medicines through a network of companies and distributor partnership throughout Europe, the Nordic region, the Middle and Far East, South Africa, Australia , USA and Latin America. About 80% of sales derive from products used in the treatment of gastro-intestinal illness. Research and acquisition strategies reflect our interests in gastroenterology and hepatology.
Industrial Estate Llangefni Anglesey LL77 7YQ Tel: 01248 725 217 Fax: 01248 725 209 E-mail: chapmand@eastman.com Web: www.eastman.com
Peboc is an FDA-inspected cGMP manufacturing facility offering a range of capabilities for the production of organic intermediates and pharmaceutical excipients, including Eastman Vitamin E TPGS NF. It specialises in custom manufacturing of pharmaceutical intermediates, reagents and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) across the full range of manufacturing scale from kilograms to hundreds on tonnes. The site has a mix of multipurpose, batch equipment designed for a wide range of cGMP and other chemical applications, state-of-the-art R&D laboratories, a cGMP pilot plant and a cGMP small-scale manufacturing facility. It is supported by a comprehensively-equipped analytical facility.
Performance Health Products Unit 32, Village Farm Road Village Farm Industrial Estate Pyle, Bridgend CF33 6BL Tel: 01656 745775/746100 a Fax: 01656 742835 Email: info@v-trak.com
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PHP is specifically focused on efficacious posture management for wheelchair users. The company coined the phrase ‘posture management’ to clarify the very particular needs of its user profile. It specialises in the design and provision of seating systems which can be configured for the individual a l r e v i e w a n d d i r e c t o r y 2 0 0 characteristics of the varied and complex conditions encountered in the disabled and the elderly. A four-year product development programme is extending and refining the current product range. Its products are sold in 22 countries including Japan and Saudi Arabia but are seen in many more as original equipment on wheelchairs from a leading wheelchair manufacturer. Current markets targeted include the former Eastern Bloc countries.
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PharmaFlow Ltd
12 Island Farm Close Bridgend CF31 3LY Contact: Hedley Rees, Director Tel: 01656 655664 Mobile: 07840 920563 Email: h.rees@pharmaflowltd.co.uk Web: www.pharmaflowltd.co.uk
Specialists in providing supply-chain management services to the pharmaceutical and life sciences sectors. We help sponsor companies and their key stakeholders to release value, excess cost and risk vulnerability from their supply-chains, as they bring new molecular entities through to market or marketing partners. Utilising appropriate tools, techniques and processes developed through over 25 years’ experience in the industry, PharmaFlow can deliver responsive, resilient and cost-effective supply-chains at any and every stage of development and commercialisation. If you are a sponsor company in pharmaceuticals, biotech or biopharmaceuticals; a contract manufacturing organisation; a contract research organisation; a third party logistics service provider, venture capitalist or university innovator, PharmaFlow can help with your value proposition.
Polymer Health Technology Festival Drive Ebbw Vale NP23 8XE Tel: 01495 302288 Fax: 01495 350189 Email: info@polyhealth.com Web: www.polyhealthcom Contact: Mr Nick Woodman, Director
PHT is a leading manufacturer and develop of medical grade coated products for wound management applications. Based in a purpose-built new facility in Ebbw Vale, PHT brings together over 25 years’ experience in the development and manufacture of wound management devices. With a range of polyurethane foams, adhesive coatings and offering confidential new product development capabilities, PHT develops and manufactures products in partnership with its suppliers and customers. From simple adhesive coatings to complex wound contact materials, we aim to develop innovative solutions for wound management devices.
Porvair Filtration Group Specialises in the design and manufacture of specialist porous media and filtration products for industries such as pharmaceutical, medical, laboratory and personal healthcare. Key products include BioVyon® for a host of applications such as SPE, blood separation, protein capture, chemical wicking, sterile filtration and venting. Porous bronze and stainless steel media are available for more demanding applications, where greater mechanical strength or better chemical resistance is required.
Clywedog Road South Wrexham Industrial Estate WrexhamLL13 9XS Tel: 01978 661144 Fax: 01978 664554 Email: info@porvairfiltration.com Web: www.porvairfiltration.com
a n Protherics UK Limited
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Ffostrasol Llandysul Ceredigion SA44 5JT Tel: 01239 851122 Fax: 01239 858800 E-mail: ian.scoular@protherics.com Web: www.protherics.com
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Protherics is a leading biopharmaceutical company focused on the development, manufacture and marketing of specialised products for critical care and cancer. Protherics has developed and manufactures two biologics for critical care which are FDA approved and sold in the US: CroFab™, a pit viper antivenom and DigiFab™, a digoxin antidote. Protherics has two major development opportunities in its critical care portfolio. CytoFab™ is being developed by AstraZeneca, for the treatment of severe sepsis, after a major £195 million ($340 million) licensing deal with AstraZeneca in December 2005. In addition, Protherics is currently undertaking a phase 2b study with Digoxin Immune Fabs for the treatment of pre-eclampsia. Protherics has a pipeline of four novel cancer products in clinical development, and intends to undertake their sales and marketing in the US and EU. With headquarters in London, the Company has approximately 260 employees across its operations in the UK, US and Australia.
Quintiles Consulting 79 High Street Reading RG12 1DR Tel: 01344 60 1200 Fax: 01344 60 1202
The Quintiles family of companies is a global leader in pharmaceutical services, improving healthcare worldwide by providing innovative, quality professional expertise, market intelligence and partnering solutions to meet the dynamic needs of the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and healthcare industries.
Ruskinn Technology Ltd Unit 33 Bennett Street Bridgend CF31 3SH Tel: 01656 644111 Fax: 01656 644110 E-mail: sales@ruskinn Web: www.ruskinn.com
Ruskinn technology ltd manufactures and market specialists gas controlled atmosphere work stations to the medical microbiology and research laboratory market. Ruskinn work stations are used to help diagnose and identify a range of mircrobiological infections.
SGS United Kingdom 202b Worle Parkway Weston-super-Mare Somerset BS22 6WA Tel: 01934 522917 Fax: 01934 522137 Email: sgsprodcert@sgs.com Web: www.sgs.co.uk/industrysectors/medical-devices.htm
SGS United Kingdom is one of the leading medical device certification bodies and operates globally from a network of offices. SGS is Notified Body 0120 under the medical devices directive covering all medical devices, and can also offer CMDCAS audits for Canadian regulatory approval, FDA inspections under the US/EU MRA and Accredited persons Program, and UKAS accredited ISO 13485:2003 and ISO 9001 certification. SGS also offer testing of electro-medical equipment.
Simbec Research Ltd Merthyr Tydfil Industrial Park Cardiff Road Merthyr Tydfil CF48 4DR Business Development Manager Tel: 01443 690977 a n n u Fax: 01443 692499 Email: alan.woodward@simbec.co.uk Web: www.simbec.co.uk Contact: Alan J Woodward
Europe’s longest-established clinical CRO, servicing the pharmaceutical, biotech, and allied industries worldwide, and with over 30 years’ experience in early clinical drug development and bioanalytical research. Simbec’s UK HQ focuses on accelerating drug development through optimised Phase I safety and Phase aandl tolerance r e vstudies i e w a nII/IIa d early d proof-of-concept i r e c t o trials. r y 2 0 0 Simbec is supported by a strong bioanalytical unit and central laboratory on the same site, and provides specialist services including gamma scintigraphy imaging and Simtest dermatology. A full range of services is available, from protocol design to final reporting.
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Swansea University
St Davids Assemblies Ltd Glasfryn Road St Davids Haverfordwest Pembrokeshire SA62 6RY Tel: 01437 720555 Fax: 01437 725500 Email: sales@stdavidsassemblies.co.uk Web: www.stdavidsassemblies.co.uk
St Davids Assemblies Ltd is firmly established as one of the UK’s leading manufacturers of complex pressings, close-tolerance plastic mouldings and assemblies. The company’s longstanding reputation for innovation and quality combined with the latest production techniques and prototype development makes it an ideal choice for any organisation seeking a manufacturing partner. From a purpose-built modern 33,000 sq ft factory in St Davids, products are distributed world-wide to customers including Bosch Siemens, Flymo, Philips, Glen Dimplex, Jaguar, Kenwood, Moulinex and Russell Hobbs.
The Institute of Life Science is a £50 million venture in medical research and technology transfer. It is a unique collaboration between IBM, the Welsh Assembly Government and Swansea University. Born out of the success of the School of Medicine, the ILS is housed in a purpose-built six storey building on the University campus. It is home to over 200 specialists, including more than 20 professor-led research groups, technology transfer experts and a dedicated business support team. The Institute of Life Science actively encourages commercial engagement and is delighted to host the Boots Centre for Innovation in its business incubation centre.
Centre for Complex Fluids Processing
Processing at Swansea University represents an area of expertise, innovation and capability in which Wales can readily substantiate claims to be Worldleading. Built on a foundation of research excellence in the areas of Process, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, this internationally acknowledged excellence underpins engagement with industry within Wales, and on a worldwide basis, in areas such bio-processing, foods processing, lubrication and filtration, by building on our expertise in colloids, rheometry and advanced surface characterisation techniques. Complementing our existing commercial activities, the Centre is now targeting engagement with the biomedical industrial sector. The Centre has a unique shared laboratory within NHS Hospital Morriston, and is developing new rheometrical approaches to monitoring and understanding blood coagulation, blood clot viscoelasticity and blood clot structure. The work which also involves NMR spectroscopic studies of blood clot microstructure is being conducted in a collaborative research project involving the NHS Trust Hospital at Morriston, Swansea. Other biomedically relevant areas of research include a novel polymer fabrication process that constructs porous polymer scaffolds and a collaborative project with a Welsh SME pioneering the development of an artificial lung.
Swansea University Singleton Park Swansea SA2 8PP Tel: 01792 60 23 63 Fax: 01792 296 620 E-mail: s.y.newman@swansea.ac.uk
Steritouch Ltd Unit 15 Roseheyworth Business Park Abertillery Gwent NP13 1SP Tel: 01495 211400 Fax: 01495 211404 E-mail: sales@steritouch.com Web: www.steritouch.com
Institute of Life Science
SteriTouch® is a range of additives providing protection against the organisms responsible for illness and infection, including Salmonella, MRSA and E. Coli. SteriTouch® is available as a masterbatch for plastics, a powder coat for metal, wood and glass, and an additive for liquids and powders. The active components used in SteriTouch® have comprehensive approvals, including EFSA, EPA and FDA, and are supported in the Biocidal Products Directive. Implementing SteriTouch® is an inexpensive and straightforward process, enabling manufacturers to economically differentiate their products from those of their competitors, while providing excellent long term protection for the end user. SteriTouch® is currently used in products as diverse as baby cups, radiators, hospital tags, footwear, IT equipment, air conditioning units, cutlery and storage lockers.
School of Engineering Swansea University Singleton Park Swansea. SA2 8PP Tel: +44 (0)1792 295216 Fax: +44 (0)1792 295676 The Centre for Complex Fluids
Surgical Materials Testing Laboratory Princess of Wales Hospital Coity Road Bridgend Tel: 01656 752820 Fax: 01656 752830 Email: info@smtl.co.uk Website: www.smtl.co.uk
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The Surgical Materials Testing Laboratory, part of the Welsh NHS, provides a range of testing and technical services to the NHS and the medical device industry worldwide, including but not limited to; • Dressings testing (fluid handling and affinity, conformability, to BP and BS requirements); Bandage testing to BS 7505; • Biological testing (cytotoxicity testing to ISO 10993-5, protein testing to EN455-3); • Hosiery testing to BS 6612, 7672 and 7563; • Glove testing to EN 455; a• Microbiological l r e v i testing, e w including a n d d i endotoxin r e c tand o barrier r y testing, 2 0 as 0 bioburden, well as antimicrobial testing (e.g., silver dressings); Environmental monitoring of cleanrooms (to ISO 14644-1 and GMP); Test method development, R&D and incident investigation.
Swansea School of Medicine
Swansea University Singleton Park Swansea SA2 8PP Tel: 01792 513404 Fax: 01792 513430 E-mail: d.v.ford@swansea.ac.uk a n Web: www.swan.ac.uk/medicine
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Swansea’s School of Medicine is a dynamic environment dedicated to finding new solutions to old problems in Medicine. The School’s research interests include: Medical Genetics, Cancer Studies, Medical Epidemiolog, Health Service, Research, Clinical Trials, Health Informatics, Reproductive Biology , Neurological and Developmental Medicine, Molecular Medicine & Diagnostics, Medical Microbiology, Maxillofacial research, Cytochromes P450, aBioinformatics l r e v i e w a n d d i r e c t o r y 2 0 0 The EPSRC National Mass Spectrometry Centre is now incorporated within the School and in collaboration with IBM, the School has a ‘Blue C’ supercomputer facility for use in medical research. The School’s expertise includes probiotics, cell biology, cellular diagnostics, super-computing, analytical mass spectrometry, health informatics and cancer bioinformatics, antibiotics & resistance in microorganisms, protein expression systems, public health improvement and health services research, and the epidemiology of disease and illness. Further information regarding the school’s research activities can be found at ww.medicineswan.ac.uk/researchgroups.html.
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Therapina Ltd
UDL Intellectual Property
Mindale House Ffordd Hendre Prestatyn LL19 8PG Wales, UK Tel: +44-174-585-1111 Fax: +44-870-130-8342 E-mail: info@therapina.com Web: www.therapina.com
Therapina is the first company in the world to exploit the new bioscience of exogenous pathway signalling. Therapina’s ActiveSignal™ technology is a highly intelligent method of activating cell-to-cell signalling for therapeutic purposes. Unlike pharmaceuticals, ActiveSignal products have a biological rather than a chemical action, with little or no risk to the patient. The company already has a successful veterinary product, and has demonstrated that cell-signalling devices will bring radical and rapid improvements in the treatment or eradication of a number of chronic human conditions. Licences are available for cell signalling against specific conditions. Patents worldwide. Contact Warren Ward.
Urquhart-Dykes & Lord LLp Churchill House Churchill Way Cardiff CF10 2HH Tel: 02920 642150 Fax: 02920 340600 Email: email@udl.co.uk Web: udl.co.uk
University of Glamorgan
Trosolwg systems and software Trosolwg Llansaint, Kidwelly, Dyfed SA17 5HX Contact: Dr David Jennings Tel: 01267 267068 Fax: 01267 267068 Email: info@trosolwg.co.uk Web:www.trosolwg.co.uk
Software design and development, for real-time and embedded systems. Trosolwg uses state of the art tools and techniques to minimise product development risk, optimise return on investment and resolve the conflict between speed and compliance. The stringent safety and reliability demands imposed by highly regulated markets such as medical devices are easily exceeded. We offer thorough specification of your product’s requirements, taking a risk driven and iterative approach. An incremental development process provides traceability which can be linked to industry standards. Your product is more reliable and time to market is accelerated. Early validation of your real time or embedded system by the use of modelling and testing tools. Code is generated automatically, saving time and increasing reliability. Version and change control systems to manage subsequent evolution of your product, allowing integration of customer feedback. Automated methods reduce quality audit time by 80%. Reverse engineering to give your existing tried and tested software a new lease of life and to assist in the development of your next generation of products. Technical feasibility studies of your company’s technologies and methods.
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Delivering electronic manufacturing solutions. As the largest UK-owned EMS providers, TT electronic manufacturing services Ltd (TTems) is an established manufacturer of electronic & electromechanical assemblies and finished aproducts l r toe the v defense, i e wtelecommunications, a n d d i automotive, r e c t medical o r yand 2 0 0 industrial sector. Its complete range of value added services covers design support and process optimisation, turnkey manufacturing and tailored logistics through to after sales support. In addition it provides life-cycle cost-efficiency combining UK-based NPI and low- to mid-volume production with a high volume low cost manufacture from its own facilities in China and Malaysia, both with UK programme-management. TTems demonstrates commitment to its customers through the implementation of lean and six-sigma technique and led to accreditation such as : ISO9001:2000, ISO14001, TS16949 and a Kitemark for quality standard IPC-A-610D.
Faculty of Health, Sport and Science
The University of Glamorgan has established an international reputation for the provision of higher education and the conduct of research. Training within the new research infrastructure for Wales, CRC Cymru, is being led by the Joyce Kenkre at the University of Glamorgan. There is also a multidisciplinary MSc in Clinical Research available at the university. A recent collaborative scoping study across Wales between industry, academia and clinicians led by the School of Care Sciences demonstrated that industry valued the opinion of nurses, midwives and other healthcare professionals in the commercial development of their products. The university, in collaboration with other institutions, offers the facility of advice in the development of a research programme to get the product to market, and of research evaluation including health economics.
Commercial Services (UGCS)
The University of Glamorgan Commercial Services (UGCS) has an excellent track record of winning research and development grants for early stage medical applications. The University carries out research that may be of interest to companies in the health care science and medical technology sector. For medical devices, funding can be secured to demonstrate the physical application of research and develop a clearly constructed business case. Funded collaborative research and consultancy services can be provided to help companies to fully adopt new IP. For further information or to arrange a visit to discuss your needs please contact UGCS at the above details.
University of Glamorgan Pontypridd Rhondda Cynon Taff CF37 1DL Tel: 01443 483170 Fax: 01443 483140 E-mail: kroberts@glam.ac.uk Web: www.glam.ac.uk/socs/
Pontypridd Glamorgan CF37 1DL Tel: 01443 482 482 Fax: 01443 485 916 E-mail: lobrown@glam.ac.uk Web: www.glam.ac.uk/business
TT electronic manufacturing services Ltd (TTems) Tregwilym industrial estate Rogerstone, Newport NP10 9YA Tel: 01633 892345 a Fax: 01633 895755 Email: info@ttems.com Web: www.ttems.com
In an increasingly competitive world and global market, the protection of Intellectual Property is vital to commercial success. Particularly in the medical sector where many of the major players are based in the US or Japan, Welsh innovators need to keep ahead of the game. UDL, the largest firm of patent and trade mark attorneys in Wales has, through many years of experience working in the medical field, the expertise to advise you on all aspects of patents, trade marks and designs. To find out how we can help you protect some of your most valuable assets, visit our website or call/email Mark Davies, Vicki Strachan or Sue Ratcliffe.
Ultrawave Ltd
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Eastgate Business Park Wentloog Avenue Cardiff CF3 2EY Tel: 0845 330 4236 Fax: 0845 330 4231 E-mail: admin@ultrawave.co.uk Web: www.ultrawave.co.uk
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Ultrawave have been manufacturing ultrasonic cleaners for over 15 years and are one of the largest independent UK manufacturer of ultrasonic cleaning equipment. Our extensive product range includes bench top ultrasonic baths, industrial ultrasonic cleaning equipment, submersible transducers and generators as well as the HTM2030 compliant Hygea range of validated ultrasonic cleaning units for use in healthcare and medical applications. In addition, Ultrawave supply a complete range of ultrasonic cleaning fluids and an ultrasonic activity meter. Used in almost any cleaning application ultrasonic cleaning offers many advantages over other cleaning techniques.
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Zarlink Semiconductor
Venalink Unit46, First Avenue Zone 2, Deeside Industrial Park Deeside Flintshire CH5 2NU Tel: 01244 287050 Fax: 01244 289175 E-mail: johnjones@venalink.co.uk Web: www.venalink.co.uk
Since 1999 Venalink have been at the forefront of Monitored Dosage Systems in Europe. During this time we have amassed a wealth of knowledge in the choice, setting up and use of systems in the community, nursing / care homes and hospitals. All Venalink packs conform to strict FDA regulations and are barrier proofed to a minimum of USP class ‘B’ in terms of moisture and gas permeation. Being a totally disposable system, they are hygienic and require no cleaning or sterilisation between uses.
Welsh Assembly Government Department of Enterprise Innovation and Networks Plas Glyndwr Kings Way Cardiff, CF10 3AH Tel: 029-20 828712 Fax: E-mail: sharon.thomas@wales.gsi.gov.uk Web: www.wda.co.uk/bioscience
The Innovation team support individuals in making their businesses more innovative and help those businesses to develop new products, services, processes and embrace technological change. Innovation also works closely with other organisations to help businesses access the whole range of support and expertise that is available to support businesses along their journey of innovation. The assistance they provide includes:• Free impartial advice from locally-based specialist advisors • Support for research & development and new product and process development • Professional help to identify, protect and commercialise intellectual property • Access to specialist equipment, facilities and expertise • Networking opportunities • Strategic innovation support for key sectors • Support for innovators • Links to internationally respected academic resources in Wales including a • Centre of Excellence • E-Business programme (deployment of ICT within and between businesses at a range of levels, to enhance and improve business operations). The team help deliver the Welsh Assembly Government’s Innovation Action Plan which aims to strengthen Wales as a knowledge based economy, as well as the Nexus Report which aims to maximise the economic potential of our universities and colleges.
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Castlegate Business Park Portskewett Caldicot NP26 5YW Tel: 0 1291 435300 Fax: 01291435291 Web: www.zarlink.com
Proven Micro-Packaging Expertise Zarlink’s Advanced Packaging division delivers a competitive advantage for its medical device customers by miniaturising electronic circuits to create smaller, smarter and more reliable circuit solutions with a board footprint significantly smaller than individual ICs. With a track record of success in designing and developing Advanced Packaging modules, Zarlink’s micro-packing expertise is at the heart of mission-critical and cutting-edge medical device applications. • Key technology in ultra-reliable applications, such as pacemakers, defibrillators and neuro-stimulators. • Assemble modules for the world’s smallest pacemaker. • Developed patented in-body antenna technology for medical products. • Innovative packaging road map using embedded active components. • System In a Package (RF SIP) solutions for implant devices. Zarlink’s Advanced Packaging division employs over 40 engineers supported by the latest hardware and software design tools to provide one of the most experienced Advanced Packaging design facilities in Europe. This integrated research, design and manufacturing facility is supported with onsite business services, sales and project management capabilities for seamless customer service delivery.
Advertising feature
Manufacturing the future of diagnostics at MLT The team behind the chemiluminescent technology used in diagnostic testing systems worldwide are now supporting other diagnostics companies through its process scale-up and manufacturing services.
olecular Light Technology Research (MLT) is a Welsh biotech success story that is now offering opportunities for other diagnostics businesses to benefit from the substantial investment made in its state-of-the-art processing, production and testing facilities in Cardiff. “MLT’s technology is used in tests developed by Gen-Probe Inc., which today represent 80% of blood-bank testing for HIV and hepatitis HCV in the USA. Gen-Probe bought us in 2003 as a platform for new product innovation and for establishing MLT as an international manufacturing centre of excellence in diagnostics systems,” explains managing director Dr Molly Price-Jones. “As well as developing MLT’s operations to meet the current and future needs of Gen-Probe we’re now able to support the processing needs of other diagnostics suppliers. Being part of the
UK diagnostics community for many years we’ve been aware of the world-class innovation that can sometimes be frustrated by the lack of facilities or processing and regulatory experience; or indeed larger players needing to outsource processing of specialist products until their markets develop sufficiently. And that’s why MLT can become a highly costeffective partner for growth.” Leading MLT’s manufacturing services is international operations manager Damien Lucas. “Our whole approach is working closely with partners from start to finish to make sure they get maximum benefits from outsourcing using MLT,” he says. “We can help companies that are at the process scale-stage, right through to those requiring volume processing and filling, to meet cGMP standards, and our custom-designed controlled and monitored environments are suitable
for the biotechnology, pharmaceutical and environmental industries. All new clients are offered detailed proposals and specifications and have a dedicated client manager for planning and coordinating all day-to-day activities.” MLT’s manufacturing and quality control personnel have extensive experience in manufacturing; process development; stability trial development; HPLC purification; analytical testing; final formulation; and product filling and finishing services. For more information contact Damien Lucas on 02920 747033 or by email: damien.lucas@mltresearch.com www.mltresearch.com
Advert to come
Wales Innovation Relay Centre The Wales Innovation Relay Centre (WIRC) works with Welsh companies, universities and research centres to facilitate technology transfer and to exploit new research and innovation. It is part of the international Innovation Relay Centre network established by the European Union to support innovation and transnational technology transfer. This network currently spans 33 countries, including all EU member states as well as Bulgaria, Chile, Iceland, Israel, Norway, Romania, Switzerland and Turkey. The WIRC helps companies to explore ways in which their products and processes can be improved by adopting new and emerging technologies. It alerts businesses to the latest technology developments from across Europe and can help them through the technology transfer process.
WRC Advert 210 x 148.5mm.indd 1
As part of the innovation relay network, the WIRC is ideally positioned to broker transnational deals and to help companies successfully apply for EU R&D funding. It can assist companies in Wales to commercialise and exploit their innovative technologies by helping them find suitable partners throughout Europe for further development, licensing agreements, joint ventures, manufacturing partnerships and other collaborative arrangements. WIRC staff also help organise and participate in numerous international brokerage events and thematic groups which provide opportunities for Welsh businesses and research organisations to meet potential technology partners, licensees and suppliers.
The WIRC is funded by the Welsh Assembly Government and the European Union’s Innovation Programme, and its services are free and available throughout Wales. The centre is staffed by a team of case officers, who all have expertise in technology transfer and wide-ranging industrial and R&D experience. The team are adept at helping smaller companies that may lack the information, resources and specialised skills to find suitable technology partners and negotiate technology transfer agreements.
For more information visit www.walesrelay.co.uk
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Medical Solutions
The award winning design consultants Established in 1987, GX is an independent design consultancy specialising in the original design and development of ground breaking products, advanced instruments and machines. GX has an extensive range of in-house services which include:
Industrial Design Mechanical Design Electronic Design Software Design Optronics Design Rapid Prototyping
GX Design Engineers The Mayfield Usk Monmouthshire NP15 1SY United Kingdom For all enquiries contact Claire Banks
Tel +44 (0)1291 673437 Fax +44 (0)1291 673438 E-mail claire@gxl.co.uk Web www.gxl.co.uk