Join us to pray on 27 May
Your favourite Bible moments
Prayer for events across the UK
CONTENTS 04 Prayer moment
Join in this special prayer on 27 May
05 Eventful times
Lifting up Tearfund’s summer events
06 Life-giving legacies
Thanksgiving for sacrificial lives
07 Iron sharpening iron
Prayer for our connected churches
Research Tearfund carried out this year found that one in two adults in the UK say that they pray. ‘I certainly wouldn’t describe myself as religious,’ says Henry, 64, before admitting that he, ‘...kneels by his bed every night to pray.’
08 Life, healing and hope
Week of prayer for the Middle East
09 Speak up
Prayer for our changing climate
10 Church and poverty
According to Tearfund Ambassador and founder of the 24-7 Prayer movement, Pete Greig, this is, ‘Proof, once again, that most people in the UK – including millions like Henry, who won’t be anywhere near a church today – still pray.’
Lifting up the global poverty forum
11 Be still and know
Reflections on favourite Bible verses
12 Crisis in the DRC
Democratic Republic of Congo prayers
I know that these examples are not comparable to the dedicated way that you pray every day for people in poverty with Tearfund’s Prayer Diary. But I find it encouraging that even people without a faith still recognise the power of prayer. And practise it.
13 Living in our limits
Lament for environmental degradation
14 Set us free
Combatting child trafficking in Nepal
15 Indigenous people
In this, Tearfund’s 50th year, we are bringing people together for a ‘prayer moment’. On 27 May 2018, almost 50 years to the day since Tearfund started, we’re inviting you to join us in saying a special prayer to mark Tearfund’s Jubilee, written by Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury. See page 4 for full details. Please encourage your friends, family and church groups to join us in prayer too.
Prayer to end stigma in Latin America
16 Bridging the gap
Celebrating advocacy in Uganda
17 East and Southern Africa
Lifting up struggling countries
18 Light in the darkness
Prayer for the Central African Republic
In this special year for us, we’ve set a goal to see one million prayers raised to overcome extreme poverty. By using the Prayer Diary you are already part of it. But if you want to find out more and encourage others to get involved visit
19 Embracing Jesus’ vision
Challenging decision makers
20 Integral mission
Week of prayer for the Micah Triennial
21 Towards stability
Lifting up west and central Africa
22 Fragile states
Prayer for countries on the edge
23 Prayer resources
More opportunities to pray
Peter Shaw, Editor
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Copyright © Tearfund 2018. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the reproduction of text from this publication for Tearfund promotional use. For all other uses, please contact us. Cover image: Allard, a farmer from the Central African Republic Photo: Hazel Thompson/Tearfund
Photo: Ralph Hodgson/Tearfund
Photo: Tom Price/Tearfund
GLOBAL PRAYER MOMENT: PLEASE JOIN US IN PRAYER TODAY Prayer is the most powerful tool we have; it underpins everything we do at Tearfund. For the past 50 years our supporters have been praying with us as we follow Jesus where the need is greatest. We have seen incredible release and restoration through our work with local churches all over the world and have much to be thankful for. We believe an end to extreme poverty is possible. So, on 27 May 2018, almost 50 years to the day since Tearfund was birthed, we want to lift our voices and ask God for an end to extreme poverty. People around the world, in their churches and in their homes, will pray this prayer written by the Archbishop of Canterbury for this Jubilee year. We’d love you to join in too, and say this prayer with us today:
A PRAYER BY JUSTIN WELBY, ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY Gracious and generous God, you became poor so that we might be enriched by your love, and you gave the world’s wealth and resources as a common inheritance of all human beings. We pray you would strengthen your church to be a beacon of hospitality for the poor. We pray that, seeing the light of Christ’s love, the nations and peoples of the world may fight not to kill, but to outdo one another in care for the poor, and in actions of gracious generosity. Through him who for our sakes did not grasp the wealth of heaven, but instead gave all to live for us as a slave, and die for us in pain, Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen.
EVENTFUL TIMES: 27 MAY – 2 JUNE Tearfund’s presence at Christian events is a huge opportunity to share our vision and work with new and existing supporters across the UK. It’s a privilege to partner with a wide range of organisations. We run cafés, exhibition stands, seminars and after hours entertainment with the aim of sharing our stories and seeing new support.
SUNDAY 27 MAY Today is almost 50 years to the day since Tearfund was birthed and we want to lift our voices and ask God for an end to extreme poverty. People around the world, in their churches and homes, will pray a special prayer written by the Archbishop of Canterbury for this Jubilee year. Please turn to page 4 opposite and join us.
TUESDAY 29 MAY In the Feast of Tabernacles, Jewish families construct a sukkah (a small hut, similar to a tent), to remember how Israel lived for 40 years in the desert and how God provided for his people. The feast celebrates the joy of knowing your sins are forgiven and God’s miraculous provision. Praise God for how he provides for you today.
MONDAY 28 MAY Over the next six days, 35,000 people will gather at two Big Church Day Out venues and Wildfires festivals where Tearfund is the main partner. Pray for this amazing opportunity to engage the UK church through sharing God’s compassion for people in extreme poverty.
WEDNESDAY 30 MAY We’re so grateful for all of you who volunteer your time for Tearfund – sharing your compassion for people in poverty, and speaking out on their behalf. Pray for safety, protection, health, energy, and passion, and for many Spirit-led encounters and conversations.
THURSDAY 31 MAY In this Jubilee year – Tearfund’s 50th – we’re encouraging people at Christian events to join us in prayer to end extreme poverty across the world. Like you, we believe prayer is vital, as we have throughout our history. Poverty is a spiritual as well as a physical and economic
problem that we need to take a stand against – pray for breakthrough today. FRIDAY 1 JUNE ‘Worship is about connecting with the heart of God... you’re going to get his heart for the world too. You can’t say “I love God and I love connecting with God” and not care about the things he cares about,’ says worship leader Matt Redman. Ask God if there’s something he cares about that he’s inviting you to care more about. SATURDAY 2 JUNE Throughout the summer, Tearfund teams will be at many events, including New Wine, HTB Focus, David’s Tent and CreationFest. Pray for the many people at these and other events, and for all the planning and preparation that goes into them. Ask that God will encounter and bless people as they meet together.
Above: Tearfund volunteers at Big Church Day Out Photo: Tom Price/Tearfund
THURSDAY 7 JUNE ‘Our parents were always mindful of the needs of others and when our father died he left a legacy to Tearfund. We thank you Lord for his generosity and contribution to the invaluable work of Tearfund,’ says Jennifer, daughter of Eric and Kathleen Hunt. Thank God for his church’s response to poverty.
LIFE-GIVING LEGACIES: 3 – 9 JUNE Gifts in wills enable us to continue our work where the need is greatest, offering hope and practical solutions to those who need it the most. This week, we thank God for our generous supporters who have chosen to leave behind a life-giving legacy. SUNDAY 3 JUNE Gordon Landreth was part of the original Evangelical Alliance Relief Committee that set up Tearfund. His daughters, Jenny and Sue, write, ‘We are grateful for all that Gordon contributed to Tearfund and are thankful that his legacy can continue to share Jesus’ love where the need is greatest.’ Thank God for all those who have journeyed with us over the past 50 years.
TUESDAY 5 JUNE ‘Thank you Lord, for the gift of years: for wisdom and experience, for the ability to look back on our lives and to discern how you have been working out your loving purpose in us.’ This was a favourite prayer of long-term supporter Mary Manhire, who left Tearfund a legacy. Praise and thank God for how he’s worked in your life.
MONDAY 4 JUNE Margaret Brown was always very generous with her time, helping others and volunteering for good causes. Close friend Linda says, ‘She was a strong but quiet lady and I count myself lucky to have been one of her friends.’ Thank God for the blessing of friendship and pray for those close to you.
WEDNESDAY 6 JUNE Peter and Scilla Naish’s son, Chris, remembers how his parents modelled generosity. ‘Whilst growing up we were aware that money was tight, but we were brought up with the conviction that giving was a part of Christian life,’ he says. Ask God to help you experience more of the joy of giving.
Above: Bill Beak, who supported Tearfund for more than 30 years
Right: Gordon Landreth, who was part of the committee who set up Tearfund
FRIDAY 8 JUNE Anthony remembers how his mother’s cousin, Sylvia Dawson, led a contented life that was enriched by family and her deeprooted faith. ‘She lived her life in line with Christian values and will be sadly missed,’ he says. Pray for all those who are feeling the pain of losing loved ones. SATURDAY 9 JUNE Bill Beak, a committed Christian for more than 60 years, gave prayerful and financial support to Tearfund for almost 32 years. Thank God for supporters like Bill whose lifetime support continues through their legacy. Photos and stories shared by generous permission of their families. If you would like to know more about how to include a gift to Tearfund in your will, call 020 3906 3906, email or visit
IRON SHARPENING IRON: 10 – 16 JUNE This week we pray with UK churches who have made commitments to support specific Tearfund partners around the world through our Connected Church scheme. Cross placed in the Some of these connections have been established for a few years, developing deeper courtyard at Tearfund’s offices in Teddington to relationships and learning from one another. As Bishop Cranmer of Muhabura in mark our 50th‘The anniversary Uganda says, path to a friend’s home is made by the feet that walk it.’ Photo: Margaret Chandler/Tearfund
SUNDAY 10 JUNE Connected Church partners pray and give thanks for each other in a similar way that Paul gave thanks for his partners in the gospel in Philippians 1:3-6. Pray for the many churches involved in the scheme, who will be giving thanks for their extraordinary partnerships and the difference those relationships are having on both sides of the connection. MONDAY 11 JUNE Five years ago a church in Northern Ireland began a relationship with the Diocese of Muhabura, located near an extinct volcano in the Virunga Mountains, Uganda. The aim was to provide water in mountain villages where women spent four to five hours each day fetching water. Give thanks for the many people who now have access to clean running water thanks to that partnership. TUESDAY 12 JUNE In 1994, Rwanda experienced a terrible genocide in which more than 800,000 people died. Through Connected Church, UK churches have found they have much to learn about forgiveness from the journey of reconciliation in Rwanda. Pray
‘THE PATH TO A FRIEND’S HOME IS MADE BY THE FEET THAT WALK IT’ for the people of Rwanda, as they demonstrate what it means to be disciples of Christ. WEDNESDAY 13 JUNE Every 30 seconds a child is abducted. Many UK churches have become long-term partners of our anti-trafficking work in India. Give thanks that, through these churches, God is giving families the means to break free from poverty and avoid the schemes of traffickers. THURSDAY 14 JUNE Tearfund has been championing self-help groups for many years in places like Ethiopia. Give thanks for these groups and how their example has been inspirational for churches in the UK, helping them to reach out to their communities.
FRIDAY 15 JUNE The Presbyterian Church in Ireland supports Tearfund’s partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Church members were shown a film telling the story of pregnant women in a village who have to travel many miles on a dangerous road to access medical care. With the support of the church, these pregnant women will soon have a clinic in their village. Pray for the many parts of the DRC which continue to be dangerous places for women to live. SATURDAY 16 JUNE When the Syrian refugee crisis hit our television screens, churches across the UK were keen to know how they could best make a difference, as the crisis seemed overwhelming. Give thanks for churches that quickly responded and continue to support our partners in the region, and pray for refugees who are still suffering.
Above: Semira, her husband Eleazar, and their children who benefitted from a Tearfund food distribution in Ethiopia Photo: Colin Cosier/Tearfund
DECLARE HIS GLORY AMONG THE NATIONS, HIS MARVELLOUS DEEDS AMONG ALL PEOPLES. 1 CHRONICLES 16:24 Due to security sensitivities, we are not publishing the prayers for this week online.
Tearfund Action team with campaign cards calling on the World Bank to invest in renewable energy Photo: Margaret Chandler/ Tearfund
SUNDAY 24 JUNE Throughout this year churches are holding light services to highlight that one in seven people still live without electricity, while the World Bank’s funding for energy access does little to provide poor communities with off-grid renewables. Many churches will invite local MPs to attend these services. Pray that these events will be a great success. And if you’d like to hold a light service in your church visit MONDAY 25 JUNE Today we hold in tension two opposing facts. Firstly, access to electricity has helped us develop economically and live well, and we want people living in poverty to have this too. But opposing this is climate change, which has been exacerbated by our energy use. We need to find a way for people living in poverty to increase their consumption, while we reduce ours. Lord, help us to share your provision fairly. TUESDAY 26 JUNE Give thanks for Tearfund partners who bring light into the darkness of communities
SPEAK UP: 24 – 30 JUNE Next week is The Climate Coalition week of action on climate change. Ordinary people around the UK will meet their MPs to ask the British government to do all that they can to tackle this huge issue. As Christians we speak up for our global neighbours who are pushed into poverty by erratic weather that causes crops to fail. Visit to find out how you can get involved.
without electricity. For women like Isabelle in Madzangina, Democratic Republic of Congo, this means they can give birth safely at night as their clinic has solar lighting. In the past they would have faced a long motorbike ride on dangerous roads to reach a clinic. WEDNESDAY 27 JUNE Politicians tell us that they rarely get asked about climate change – it’s not a vote winner. This week people will be meeting their MPs to let them know that if we want to tackle poverty, we also need to tackle climate change. Pray for significant meetings and for good relationships to be built with MPs. THURSDAY 28 JUNE Alison Dennis from Orpington is part of our Tearfund Action Community. She recently met her MP to discuss climate change and he agreed to take part in a local event about
climate change, lifestyles and faith. She says, ‘I felt that he genuinely listened and welcomed churches getting involved in climate change issues.’ Pray for your MP today. FRIDAY 29 JUNE Tearfund Action Community members are engaged in a variety of ways to respond to the dilemma posed on Monday’s note. From ethical consumption choices and switching to 100 per cent renewable energy, to contacting MPs and others with power, and encouraging their churches to get involved. Pray that Jesus will be made visible to others through this. SATURDAY 30 JUNE Take time today to humbly consider how you can speak up for people living in poverty around the world. This could be in how we speak out, but also through our deeds and lifestyle choices.
CHURCH AND POVERTY: 1 – 7 JULY The Global Forum on Church and Poverty brings together 50 theologians and strategic influencers from around the world to explore the theology and practice around jubilee and how this links to overcoming poverty. Taking place in Rwanda from 3 to 6 July, this forum will provide a platform for joint discussion, collective growth and the space to devise strategies to unite the church and encourage a whole-life approach to ending extreme poverty. SUNDAY 1 JULY ‘I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you.’ 1 Corinthians 1:10 Lord, bless the global forum this week with a spirit of unity. MONDAY 2 JULY Tearfund’s Theology and Network Engagement and Rwanda country teams have taken the lead in organising this forum. Tearfund CEO Nigel Harris will join them in Rwanda. Pray for God’s strength, wisdom and guidance as they make final preparations for the week ahead, that conversations will be fruitful. TUESDAY 3 JULY Praise God that so many leaders have seen it as an important global event to be part of. As the participants prepare to travel to Kigali from
more than 15 countries, pray for safe travel and a hassle-free immigration process. WEDNESDAY 4 JULY Today is Liberation Day in Rwanda and this year marks 25 years since the end of the 100-days genocide that took place in 1994. As the delegates of the forum commemorate this day by visiting the Kigali Genocide Memorial, thank God for the reconciliation that has taken place since then and pray that love, forgiveness and justice will prevail in Rwanda. THURSDAY 5 JULY We are excited to have 12 young people from around the world join us at this week’s forum. Pray that the conversations they are part of, and the interactions they have, will deepen their understanding of mission and inspire them to seek a future that lets God’s word shape their approach to ending extreme poverty.
FRIDAY 6 JULY Today is the last day of the forum. As participants continue to reflect on the theology and practice around jubilee and how this links to overcoming extreme poverty, pray that there will be a clear focus and commitment to put what has been learnt and shared into action when they return to their respective countries. SATURDAY 7 JULY As the participants leave Kigali and travel home, thank God for everything that has taken place over the last few days. Pray that the strategies developed will have a great impact on the work of overcoming poverty, and that the the participants will pursue more ways to collaborate in the future.
LORD, BLESS THE GLOBAL FORUM WITH A SPIRIT OF UNITY Above: Woman from a Tearfundsupported self-help group in Kyonza District, Rwanda Photo: Edward Woods/Tearfund
Last year we asked some of you to share your ‘perfect Bible moment’ – your favourite verses, and the places you love to read them. We were overwhelmed by the response which included some very moving stories...
SUNDAY 8 JULY ‘All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.’ 2 Timothy 3:16 Father, thank you for your word, for revealing yourself to us through it, and using it to grow, encourage and equip us. Help us to love you and know you better through your word. Amen. MONDAY 9 JULY Pam shared the way that God had spoken to her through John 21:15-17. While she was sitting by the Sea of Galilee, God reminded Pam that the most important thing she could do was to keep loving him, even through the challenges of her role as a leader. Thank God that all we need to do is love him – he has done the rest for us.
TUESDAY 10 JULY Jesse told us that she likes to consider 2 Corinthians 4:16 when she looks in the mirror on her birthday. Praise God for the way he renews us daily, and for the way that God uses us for the glory of his kingdom. Ask him to show you how he’d like to use you more today. WEDNESDAY 11 JULY Graeme remembers pondering Ephesians 2:14 while looking at the separation wall through Bethlehem. As we consider the conflicts and divisions not only in the Middle East, but throughout God’s world, let us pray for peace and reconciliation. Pray for a restoration of broken relationships and for the peacemakers involved in healing those divides in Jesus’ name.
We share some of your favourite Bible moments this week Photo: Hazel Thompson/Tearfund
THURSDAY 12 JULY Kristina reflected on Isaiah 30:15 while feeding her newborn son, Eli, hoping that he would grow up being nourished on God’s word. Take some time to quietly reflect on God’s saving grace. Ask that he would give you the strength to keep trusting him more. FRIDAY 13 JULY Penny had been asking God if she should help a friend pay their Bible college fees. Suddenly, a passing bird released a dropping right onto 2 Corinthians 9:9-14! Thank God for his abundant generosity to us and pray for his wisdom as we consider how to reflect that generosity in our own lives. SATURDAY 14 JULY As a student, Elaine sang hymns while facing the sea, contemplating Jeremiah 29:11. Although her life has taken some unexpected paths, she continues to trust that he’s working out his plan for her. Pray that we would have such faith as God works out his plan in our own lives. Moreover, as waves of conflict and suffering batter our world, praise God that, in it all, he is using his people to enact his great plan for eternity.
Left: Hebdavi Muhindo, Tearfund’s DRC Programme Manager, visiting a family displaced by violence Photo: Ben Anguandia/Tearfund
CRISIS IN THE DRC: 15 – 21 JULY The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been in civil conflict for more than two decades. In the east of the country, a surge in violence starting earlier this year, has triggered the world’s worst displacement crisis, with food insecurity; shelter, water, sanitation, and hygiene needs and human rights abuses. Kivu, Kasai, Tanganyika and Ituri provinces have been the epicentres of violence.
SUNDAY 15 JULY A crisis is raging in DRC’s Kasai region, but it has not been widely reported. Since August 2016, more than 1.4 million people have been displaced because of conflict between militia and government forces. More than 80 mass graves have been discovered. Pray for all those that are displaced from home because of the crisis. MONDAY 16 JULY National People’s Coalition for the Sovereignty of Congo (CNPSC) is an armed group that has recently emerged in eastern DRC. They are rebelling against President Joseph Kabila, who refused to step down and hold elections in 2016 when his constitutionally mandated two-term limit expired. Pray for the government to act with integrity and take the lead in promoting peace.
TUESDAY 17 JULY In early 2000, thousands of people died in what became known as the world’s bloodiest local conflict. Conflict has reignited as the Lendu tribe attacked Hema villages in Ituri Province, massacring hundreds. More than 1,300 children are suffering from machete wounds. Pray for Tearfund’s partner Action Entraide, who are encouraging Hema community elders to discourage young men from retaliating. WEDNESDAY 18 JULY Amid the world’s most complex crisis situation in the DRC, we believe that God is almighty and a great restorer of love and peace – lifting up those who have witnessed horrific violence and displacement. Pray that God will restore peace and offer healing even where there is deep hurt and trauma. THURSDAY 19 JULY ‘Change can happen when things are worst because then the change will be visible. In the DRC, many people have been left behind,’ says Dr David Kasali, rector of Tearfund partner Christian Bilingual
University of Congo (UCBC). Pray that UCBC’s holistic education approach will be a success, enabling it to change traditions and empower the next generation of young Congolese. FRIDAY 20 JULY Praise God that Tearfund’s work in DRC is offering long-term solutions through Church and Community Transformation (CCT). Envisioning, training in integral mission and challenging churches through a series of Bible studies enables them to reflect and find sustainable solutions. SATURDAY 21 JULY ‘Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.’ Psalm 62:8 Dear Lord, we trust that you are in control amidst the continuous crisis which has left the people of DRC poor and uncertain about any hope for peace, political or economic stability. We earnestly ask you to be the refuge for this damaged nation in Jesus’ name. Amen.
LIVING IN OUR LIMITS: 22 – 28 JULY Tearfund is working towards a world where every person’s basic needs are met, and all have the chance to thrive within their environmental limits. We are shocked by the rate and impact of environmental degradation that is hitting the poorest people in our world hardest – those who have done the least to cause it. Pray with us this week for people and projects across the globe. SUNDAY 22 JULY Many families in rural Bangladesh lost their land, assets and homes in the 2017 floods. Our partners are working with local churches and student groups, training them to become resilient communities. Pray for the community as they establish tree plantations to protect communities from lightning and soil erosion. MONDAY 23 JULY Ethiopia has faced constant droughts for the last four years. Tearfund’s partners have introduced environmentally friendly farming techniques such as Conservation Agriculture and Sustainable Organic Agriculture which we want to scale up to reduce the impact of climate change on food production. Pray that God would help restore our relationship with the natural environment. TUESDAY 24 JULY One of our partners, Pak Mission Society, in Pakistan is piloting a circular economy project collecting and recycling waste. The project provides local jobs to people in the community, which improves health and access to a safe and clean environment. Pray that the project will be successful and become a role model.
‘HAITI IS A BEAUTIFUL PLACE MASKED BY TRASH’ WEDNESDAY 25 JULY Tearfund has begun the Nigerian Eco-Entrepreneurship Project with students in Nigeria. Pray that this project will influence the next generation of policy makers to implement environmentally and economically sustainable policies in the future. THURSDAY 26 JULY I n India, 34 families in the hill state of Uttarakhand lost their farmland in 2013 during floods. Stones from upstream littered fine agriculture fields. With assistance from Tearfund, families brought piped water to their uncultivated fields uphill and 75 people in the village were employed to produce three cash crops each year. Pray for the 11 nearby villages that are also trying to become self-sufficient.
FRIDAY 27 JULY ‘Haiti is a beautiful place masked by trash,’ says Obed, a student from Haiti. His friend James learned about recycling and they decided to start picking up rubbish. These young men have mobilised other friends to collect the trash and turn it into goods for sale like bookbags, shower curtains and laptop sleeves. Pray that God will bless these young people with wisdom as they seek to transform Haitian society through green jobs. SATURDAY 28 JULY Through partners in Nepal, 671 people have participated in training in livestock and agricultural livelihood strategies. Vegetable collection centres have been established that give farmers access to markets to sell their produce. Pray that increased access to markets will continue to lift families and communities out of poverty.
Above: Shyam, 60, from Nepal reads by the light of an energy saving bulb Photo: Tom Price/Tearfund
SET US FREE: 29 JULY – 4 AUGUST The trafficking of girls from Nepal into India for forced prostitution is one of the busiest slave trafficking routes anywhere in the world. An estimated 5,000 to 10,000 Nepali women and girls are trafficked to India each year.
SUNDAY 29 JULY Traffickers often come from the same places as the girls and women they traffic. They are both men and women, and most often they are people the victim knows such as neighbours, relatives, friends – even parents. Pray for God to intervene powerfully in their hearts so that they will no longer sell women and girls. MONDAY 30 JULY Tearfund plans to expand our anti-trafficking work in three of the most vulnerable districts: Sindhupalchok, Nuwakot and Makwanpur. Pray for Tearfund and our local partners in the area who are involved in the implementation, that we will recruit the right staff; and for safety as they work. TUESDAY 31 JULY Central to these plans is bringing together local churches to support anti-
trafficking work. Pray that pastors and congregations will be inspired by the vision, as well as for wisdom and protection as they get involved. Pray also that the church will influence the government and other organisations who are working to end trafficking. WEDNESDAY 1 AUGUST In September 2017, one of our partners in Nepal organised a conference: A Christian response to human trafficking in Nepal: why should the church respond? The aim was to highlight theological views on human trafficking and inspire attendees to take action. Thank God for this initiative and pray that it will bear much fruit. THURSDAY 2 AUGUST ‘This conference really helped us have a clearer view on human trafficking, and how important the role of the church is in addressing it,’
Prakash and Alisha, at their home in Chainpur, Nepal Photo: Tom Price/Tearfund
says Pastor Sailendra Moktan, Chair of Sindhupalchok Christian Society. Pray for Sailendra and for the 135 people who took part, including 43 pastors from local churches who attended the conference. FRIDAY 3 AUGUST One of our local partners told us the story of a 50-year-old woman from Makwanpur. Aged 20 she was sold by her neighbour to a brothel. When she was able to return, she was rejected by her husband – but not by the church. Pray for her, as she settles back into the community. And pray for girls and young women in Nepal to be able to live with dignity – without fear of poverty, violence and trafficking. SATURDAY 4 AUGUST Another girl from Nuwakot was sold by her relative when she was just 12 years old. Thanks to the support of Christian organisations she has been able to return home. Now – praise God – she is going to church, studying and wants to be a lawyer. Ask God to continue to heal and restore this girl and many others like her. Pray that the pain of their past won’t hinder their future.
We celebrate International Day of the World’s Indigenous People this Thursday. Indigenous communities and other marginalised groups around Latin America face challenges because they lack access to basic services such as education, healthcare, water and sanitation. Around the region, Tearfund and our partners work to end this injustice. SUNDAY 5 AUGUST Not having a toilet was a big problem for girls and women in San Juan Mocá, south-west Guatemala. The indigenous community are Tz’utujil (a Maya ethnic group) who are extremely poor. Praise God for the work of our partner, Accion Medica Integral San Lucas, which provides training and materials to build new toilets. MONDAY 6 AUGUST After a 30-year struggle, the Miskito people have finally secured the rights to their land. This has brought confidence and leadership to the community. Now the community is focusing on achieving good governance of the land and natural resources. Pray for the Miskito people, and other marginalised indigenous communities, who face challenges protecting their land. TUESDAY 7 AUGUST Subsistence farmers Carmelo and Virginia, who live in Tipa Tipa village in Bolivia’s Mizque province, are suffering because of lack of rainfall. Tearfund’s partner Unión Cristiana Evangélica showed the local church how to access government resources, and they were able to obtain a water tank. Praise God for the church
‘ALMIGHTY GOD, OUR HEARTS BREAK WHEN WE LEARN ABOUT THE INJUSTICE IN THIS WORLD’ in Bolivia and for the leaders engaging with Tearfund partners to transform their communities. WEDNESDAY 8 AUGUST For many years, the indigenous people of Colombia have been told they are worthless. Tearfund’s Inspired Individual Carolina encourages the indigenous Wiwo people to celebrate who they are. Her work builds relationships and friendships, and celebrates how brave they are. Pray for reconciliation, respect and healing for the Wiwo. THURSDAY 9 AUGUST Widespread social exclusion of indigenous communities is a direct contributor to inequality. Latin American churches are advocating for the rights of marginalised indigenous communities. Some of the best results have come about when churches help indigenous groups to work alongside the government and claim their rights to services. Pray for the work of the church in supporting communities to advocate for themselves.
FRIDAY 10 AUGUST Across Central America, Tearfund’s partners encourage churches to get active in their communities. Not just taking a stand against corruption, inequality and violence, but in the everyday lives of people in their communities. Pray for safety and wisdom for Tearfund staff and partners as they work in some of the most vulnerable and insecure parts of the region. SATURDAY 11 AUGUST Almighty God, our hearts break when we learn about the injustice in this world. Thank you that your people across Latin America are making sure that everyone’s voice is heard. We pray for an end to violence, corruption and injustice in Latin America and for all those who are suffering because of injustice. Amen.
Above: Woman campaigning in Guatemala City: ‘No to injustice! No to impunity! The change begins with you and me’ Photo: Alexis Pacheco/Tearfund
Farmers in their sorghum field near Aweil, South Sudan, who benefitted from seeds and tools from Tearfund Photo: Will Swanson/Tearfund
BRIDGING THE GAP: 12 – 18 AUGUST Tearfund’s partner, Pentecostal Assemblies of God (PAG) in Uganda has been integrating advocacy – speaking out about the needs of communities to authorities – into its work with local churches. This is to help communities access resources from local government. Tearfund conducted research to find out what impact this was having and produced a report, Bridging the Gap, which we are using to inspire our prayers this week. SUNDAY 12 AUGUST Thank God for Uganda’s decentralised system of government, which promotes transparency, and for the training offered by PAG, which empowers communities to seek out the information they need from local government. Pray that simplified information on plans, policies and laws would become more available to citizens, to help them lobby for resources for their communities.
MONDAY 13 AUGUST ‘Before the training I was a “nobody”. Today, I am a councillor representing my parish at the sub-county. After the training, I felt empowered to approach people and discuss issues that affected us in our villages.’ Praise God that the training has given confidence to this woman from Akoboi district in Uganda, and many like her, to represent the needs of their communities to the government.
WEDNESDAY 15 AUGUST Praise God that the training has led to more effective advocacy and quicker response times from the government. ‘Now the government can see we are competent, our capacity has been built and they are happy to work with us.’ Pray that communities continue to develop their ability to hold government accountable.
TUESDAY 14 AUGUST Give thanks that the church welcomes all people, meaning that many marginalised groups are represented in communities that have been trained in advocacy. Pray for PAG as it works to ensure all community
members are included, so that all voices are represented when they speak to the government.
THURSDAY 16 AUGUST ‘Before this formal training it was just the government implementing their plans, but now it is from the bottom up: people come together to plan and are able to influence.’ Thank God for this shift in power between communities and the government, and
ask that PAG’s training will continue to bless these relationships. FRIDAY 17 AUGUST Bridging the Gap has been launched in Soroti and Kampala in Uganda, and at the UK Parliament in London. Give thanks for these successful events and the publicity they have given to the transformative work of PAG. Thank God for the influence the report has already had and pray that it continues to demonstrate the huge difference advocacy can make. SATURDAY 18 AUGUST ‘I know that the Lord secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy.’ Psalm 140:12 Father, thank you for the work of PAG, which empowers communities to speak to their local government. Continue to bless and guide them. Thank you that whenever we work to help communities we are not alone, and it is you who brings justice. Amen. Above: Church supported by Tearfund partner Pentecostal Assemblies of God, Uganda Photo: Alex Stewart/Tearfund
EAST AND SOUTHERN AFRICA: 19 – 25 AUGUST There are 19 million people in East and Southern Africa who are in urgent need of food, water and medical treatment. The countries in this region face huge trials because of civil war, famine and many displaced people. In the midst of this, the church and our partners are working tirelessly to follow Jesus where the need is greatest.
SUNDAY 19 AUGUST Wherever possible, Tearfund works with the local church to bring change and transformation to their surrounding communities. Pray for the local church in East and Southern Africa, which brings hope and restoration to communities in material and spiritual need. Pray that God will give strength and wisdom to the church leaders as a source of hope. MONDAY 20 AUGUST Give thanks for the incredible generosity of Tearfund supporters who gave to the East Africa crisis appeal. Their giving has provided food, water and medical assistance to thousands of people in South Sudan, Somaliland, Kenya and Ethiopia. Pray for wisdom and protection for our staff and partners working in these countries. TUESDAY 21 AUGUST ‘The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.’ Psalm 9:9
Burundi and South Sudan continue to face widespread political unrest and food shortages. Pray for peace in both of these countries and that God will encourage Tearfund’s staff and partners through his presence. WEDNESDAY 22 AUGUST Tearfund’s self-help groups are built on the belief that people living in poverty can take ownership of change rather than just be recipients of aid. Give thanks to God for the millions of people in East Africa who have gained dignity through knowing they are more than their circumstances, and that God has a plan for their lives. THURSDAY 23 AUGUST South Sudan is the youngest country in the world yet one of the most broken; facing civil war, famine, and displaced communities. Pray for the future of South Sudan, that God will bring peace where there is conflict and unity where there is brokenness. Pray for children and future generations, that God’s peace will be with them.
FRIDAY 24 AUGUST Jonah, a grandfather in Mozambique, was trained by Tearfund’s partner in new farming techniques after reduced rainfall left his family close to starvation. Through these new techniques, Jonah was able to increase his maize harvest and train new farmers in conservation agriculture. Give thanks to God for the incredible work that our partners are doing with farmers in Mozambique to change the lives of families like Jonah’s. SATURDAY 25 AUGUST Heavenly Father, we thank you that each person is important and valuable to you. We lift up the people of East and Southern Africa, that your presence will be with them and they will know your peace in times of difficulty. We give thanks for the incredible sacrifice our staff and partners make following Jesus and working with people in greatest need. Amen.
LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS: 26 AUGUST – 1 SEPTEMBER ‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.’ John 1:5
The Central African Republic (CAR) has been described as one of the ‘darkest’ places on earth. Extreme poverty and brutal conflict have left a nation in turmoil. However, in the midst of darkness, Tearfund is working to shine God’s light.
SUNDAY 26 AUGUST Conflict broke out in 2013. This caused mass displacement, extreme poverty and high levels of sexual violence. Half the population are dependent on humanitarian support and conflict has forced some aid agencies to withdraw. Pray that families in need will get lifesaving support, and thank God Tearfund is still able to work in CAR. MONDAY 27 AUGUST As a result of cultural practices and the conflict, 60 per cent of women in CAR are illiterate. Tearfund, through our partner Association Centrafricaine pour la Traduction de la Bible et l’Alphabétisation (ACATBA) is providing literacy training. Thank God for this training, and the difference it is making – giving women the skills and confidence to support their families. TUESDAY 28 AUGUST Tearfund is challenging harmful cultural practices through the ‘Transforming Masculinities’ approach to create an environment where everyone can flourish. ‘I thank Tearfund for this training. I will fight for the
future of my children, especially the girls, and will be an example because I’m committed to transforming my community,’ said one participant. Pray that God will inspire people to be agents of change in their homes and communities. WEDNESDAY 29 AUGUST Against a backdrop of changing attitudes to gender, Tearfund is offering women the opportunity to choose a skill they are interested in developing, alongside training to start small businesses. Pray that these ventures will be successful, and that more women will be empowered as a result. THURSDAY 30 AUGUST Conflict has forced around a quarter of all families in CAR to flee their homes, either to safety in other communities, or escaping to neighbouring countries. People are starting to come home, but often return with nothing. Thank God that people feel safe enough to go back, and lift up Tearfund and ACATBA’s work in helping to rebuild what was lost.
‘I WILL FIGHT FOR THE FUTURE OF MY CHILDREN’ FRIDAY 31 AUGUST Since the conflict, sexual violence has become very common in CAR. Tearfund partner ACATBA is providing centres for women who have experienced violence to receive counselling, support and access to other amenities, including medical care, as required. Pray that women will experience true healing in body, mind and spirit. SATURDAY 1 SEPTEMBER Lord God, we thank you for the generosity of people who gave to our appeal last Christmas, allowing for this important work to go on. We pray for peace in the Central African Republic, a nation torn apart by violence. We pray that men and women across CAR will be peacemakers, and that healing and transformation will come to this country. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Above: Farmer Allard from Mbaiki, Central African Republic, who has been given seeds and tools by Tearfund Photo: Hazel Thompson/Tearfund
In this, Tearfund’s Jubilee year, we’re embracing the vision Jesus reveals in Luke 4 – how people are being restored in their relationships with God, one another and the world. This week we focus on prayer for our leaders and decision-makers and for the role we can play to bring about a more just and sustainable world.
SUNDAY 2 SEPTEMBER The UK provides the World Bank with funds to improve energy access for people in poverty, which aims to end extreme poverty by 2030. This year, Tearfund is calling on the World Bank to invest more in local, clean, renewable energy that best serves people living in poverty. Please pray that this campaign will be a success. MONDAY 3 SEPTEMBER Give thanks for the growing number of Christians who are praying, taking action and making lifestyle changes as an expression of their faith and commitment to tackling extreme poverty. Pray that God will equip and strengthen them to keep going, and that their lives will influence and inspire others into action. TUESDAY 4 SEPTEMBER As the UK’s Department for International Development (DfID) turns 21 this year, give thanks for its work tackling extreme poverty. Pray that DfID’s leaders will be guided by the pursuit of justice and equality for the world’s poorest as they make decisions about where to direct the UK’s aid budget.
WEDNESDAY 5 SEPTEMBER Tackling climate change is key to achieving our goal of ending extreme poverty. Give thanks for the Scottish government’s commitment to taking bold steps in this direction. As a new, ambitious Climate Change Bill comes into effect in Scotland, pray that it will be effective in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and encourage other nations to take more bold action. THURSDAY 6 SEPTEMBER Pray for groups of young change-makers in Jos, Yola and Kaduna in Nigeria. Mentored by Tearfund’s team in the country, these groups are mobilising their churches and communities to speak out and do practical work on green entrepreneurship, waste, clean energy and tree planting. Pray for protection over these young people as they work for a more economically and environmentally sustainable future for their nation.
FRIDAY 7 SEPTEMBER As the first of the 2018 political party conferences gets under way this weekend, pray that issues of poverty, injustice and climate change will be high on the agenda. Pray that our leaders and decision-makers will act in the interests of those living in poverty across the world. SATURDAY 8 SEPTEMBER Dear Lord, we lift to you all who suffer because of poverty, injustice or climate change. We pray that world leaders and influencers will be guided in their decision-making by principles of justice and sustainability. And we ask that you will inspire and equip us to make a difference in shaping a fairer and more sustainable world.
Above: Child campaigning at the climate march in London 2015 Photo: Rob Pinney/Avaaz
Micah Global’s seventh Triennial Consultation is being held this week – 10 to 14 September – in the Philippines. The network motivates and equips a worldwide community of Christians to embrace and practise integral mission (encouraging the restoration of people’s relationships with God, each other and creation). One of the themes of Triennial is examining how integral mission fits with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
SUNDAY 9 SEPTEMBER Pray for the Micah Team in the Philippines as they manage logistics and strive to give everyone a good ‘Mabuhay’ (a welcome greeting in Filipino) to their country. Hosting a conference of this size can be challenging so pray that they are richly blessed and refreshed by the meetings. MONDAY 10 SEPTEMBER Pray for good health and for wisdom as the speakers share what’s on their hearts. Pray that the conference programme serves and engages the delegates and provokes deeper thought and action. Ask that words and ideas will be translated into transformed lives and communities. TUESDAY 11 SEPTEMBER Many Tearfund staff members and partners will be attending. Lift them up in your prayers and ask that this opportunity for fellowship will be fruitful. Pray that connections will be strengthened and new ones forged, and that conversations and shared learning will lead to tangible impact.
Above: This year the Micah Global’s Triennial Consultation takes place in the Philippines Photo: Tom Price/Tearfund
WEDNESDAY 12 SEPTEMBER One in seven people still don’t have access to electricity (in the Philippines it’s one in ten). Power sources like solar provide energy without damaging God’s creation and contributing to climate change. Pray for Tearfund’s Renew Our World campaign team who are sharing at the conference, so that this global movement to live more sustainably continues to gain momentum. THURSDAY 13 SEPTEMBER For some participants at the Triennial Consultation, the idea of integral mission – the proclamation of the gospel and the demonstration of it in practice – and Tearfund’s model of church and community transformation will be new. Pray that each delegate will be blessed by what they hear and leave with a fuller understanding of how God will restore the whole of creation.
West and central Africa is an area with complex challenges contributing to high levels of poverty. Our partners here equip local churches and communities to understand the potential they have to change their situations. They are tackling issues as diverse as ensuring water and food supplies, building sustainable livelihoods, and challenging sexual and gender-based violence.
FRIDAY 14 SEPTEMBER Around the world, Tearfund and other members of the Micah network are working to build resilience in communities so that they are better able to withstand disasters. Pray for communities who are experiencing trauma, loss, and suffering today, and for all those working with them. SATURDAY 15 SEPTEMBER ‘What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.’ Micah 6:8 Pray for everyone as they leave the conference, that they have safe travel and return home envisioned, reinvigorated and affirmed in their identity and calling.
SUNDAY 16 SEPTEMBER Praise God for young people in Nigeria who, through the Jos Green Centre, are working to protect their natural environment. Their vision is to establish a climate innovation hub in Jos. Pray that God will make their work fruitful and that young people will be the driving force behind transitions from fossil fuels to environmentally friendly approaches. MONDAY 17 SEPTEMBER In the Democratic Republic of Congo and Central African Republic high levels of conflict, violence and displacement continue to affect huge numbers of people. Pray for God’s protection for all those affected, and for Tearfund teams and partners who are offering lifesaving interventions. TUESDAY 18 SEPTEMBER The church in Chad and Mali is helping communities to realise the possibilities they have to lift themselves out of poverty. A pastor in Chad says, ‘Christians here have changed their way of thinking because they have understood that they are not called to remain poor.’ Thank God for these revelations and pray for more changes of mindset.
WEDNESDAY 19 SEPTEMBER Working with the church to transform communities is a key part of our strategy in Burkina Faso. Pray for wisdom for the Tearfund team and partners as they implement this. Pray for all the churches involved, that they will become catalysts for the development of their communities. THURSDAY 20 SEPTEMBER In Niger, Tearfund is working through local partners to help farmers improve their livelihoods by adapting to the changing climate. Thank God for the success of this project that has created improved access to markets, and for more opportunities to create small businesses, including microfinance. Pray that more lives would be changed.
FRIDAY 21 SEPTEMBER ‘I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.’ 1 Timothy 2:1-2 Pray for the leadership of the nations in West Africa, particularly Liberia and Sierra Leone, and for a sustainable peace in Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast). SATURDAY 22 SEPTEMBER Thank you Lord for the many lives that have been transformed in West and central Africa as churches rise to the challenges they face. We pray for all those working across the region to see communities released from poverty. May they encourage and support each other in their work and share what they have learnt. Amen.
Above: Child at Hope Presbyterian Church, Waterloo, Sierra Leone Photo: Layton Thompson/Tearfund
PRAYER RESOURCES We want to equip you so that you can join us in prayer for an end to extreme poverty. Visit for more resources and opportunities to pray.
FRAGILE STATES: 23 – 29 SEPTEMBER Fragile states are places that are extremely vulnerable to natural or manmade disasters, but have limited capacity to cope with the consequences of such events. Tearfund is committed to serve people in these countries who are living in chronic need. We believe in an almighty God who is able to bring hope, peace and restoration to a broken world. SUNDAY 23 SEPTEMBER Pray for peace in Afghanistan, where the government and international forces are struggling to contain violence and widespread criminal activity. Ordinary Afghans are most at risk, with many leaving their homes in the countryside to find safer living conditions for their families in the cities. Pray that God will provide for the most vulnerable.
TUESDAY 25 SEPTEMBER Over the last year Tearfund has worked with pastors in West Africa, students in northern Iraq, communities in Rwanda and Burundi, young people in Lebanon and church leaders in Myanmar to support them as they attempt to build peace in their communities. Pray that God will use people powerfully to bring healing and peace to many lives.
MONDAY 24 SEPTEMBER South Sudan has been experiencing ongoing conflict since 2013 which has resulted in more than four million people displaced from their homes, and thousands killed. Pray for hope to be restored through peace and reconciliation initiatives and for God to strengthen our partners and churches who are providing emergency assistance.
WEDNESDAY 26 SEPTEMBER Following the worst drought in years, more than six million people in Somalia desperately need humanitarian support. Some areas are inaccessible to aid, so pray that assistance will get to where it’s needed most. Pray for sustained rainfall and for farmland to be restored.
Seven-month-old Hamdi from Dhanano village, Somaliland, has severe acute malnutrition Photo: Colin Cosier/Tearfund
THURSDAY 27 SEPTEMBER Zimbabwe saw a change of president following a peaceful coup at the end of 2017. The new president has a huge task ahead, including restoring the economy, delivering on promises of reform, and tackling long-standing national healing and reconciliation issues. Pray for peaceful elections, which are planned to take place by August 2018. FRIDAY 28 SEPTEMBER Motorbikes and pick-up trucks have been banned in regions of Mopti and part of Segou in Mali, following a decline in the security situation. This has hampered the work of three of our partners based there. Pray for those partners, for increased security in northern and central Mali, and for peaceful elections when they occur. SATURDAY 29 SEPTEMBER Although Pakistan has been facing security issues for many years, we thank God that the number of related incidents has fallen thanks to action by the Pakistani army and government. However, the threat of terror attacks still remains, so pray for peace and protection for the country.
email WEEKLY PRAYERS BY EMAIL Would you like to get regular prayer requests? Tearfund’s weekly prayer email, One Voice, features stories and prayer requests from around the world. You’ll get an email every Friday with downloadable content which gives you the flexibility to use it at your Sunday service, small group meeting or on your own. Sign up at for the One Voice weekly email. ENCOURAGE YOUR CHURCH TO PRAY Why not get your church involved in praying for an end to extreme poverty? Tearfund has created great resources to equip your church to pray together. To have a look, visit
ORDER EXTRA COPIES OR AUDIO AND BRAILLE VERSIONS OF THE PRAYER DIARY Audio and Braille versions of the Prayer Diary and Tear Times are available, free of charge, upon request. You can also order more copies of the Prayer Diary and Tear Times for your church or group and sign up to receive extra copies regularly. Please call Tearfund on +44 (0)20 3906 3906.
URGENT PRAYER ALERTS We have a prayer alert service on WhatsApp (a smartphone application), to share urgent prayer requests around the time of disasters or crises. 1. Add +44 (0)7752 590723 (our dedicated WhatsApp number) to your phone’s contacts. 2. Text ‘UPDATE’ via WhatsApp to us on the above number. 3. We will add you to our broadcast list and send you occasional prayer requests.
Bible on a cattle-skin drum in a church prayer room in Mutaho, Burundi Photo: Andrew Horton/Tearfund
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We pray you would strengthen your church to be a beacon of hospitality for the poor. We pray that, seeing the light of Christ’s love, the nations and peoples of the world may fight not to kill, but to outdo one another in care for the poor, and in actions of gracious generosity. Amen. A prayer by Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury
Child reading his Bible at church in Chagunda, Salima, Malawi
100 Church Road, Teddington TW11 8QE Salem Chapel, Salem Lane, Church Village, Pontypridd CF38 1PT Challenge House, 29 Canal Street, Glasgow G4 0AD 241 Newtownards Road, Belfast BT4 1AF +44 (0)20 3906 3906 email twitter facebook Registered Charity No. 265464 (England and Wales) Registered Charity No. SC037624 (Scotland) Photo: Ralph Hodgson/Tearfund 31948-(0518)