Prayer Diary Spring 2018

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Life begins at 50

Reflecting on Holy Week

Preparing hearts for Lent


WELCOME... DEWI ARWEL HUGHES: 1947-2017 ‘I’m not sure when the moment came that I understood it’s a Christian responsibility to care for the poor. The moment I did, I realised that I must’ve been sleepwalking… The Bible is full of stuff about the poor. ‘Right from the beginning, God cares for the widow, the orphan and the immigrant. His whole revelation is inclusive. It’s a new way of living which would, if you obeyed his law, ensure there would be no poor in the land.’ Dewi Hughes I wanted to pay a personal tribute to Dewi who sadly died in October last year (see Tear Times page 7). When I joined Tearfund just under ten years ago he was a great support and a wise counsel when it came to writing and editing the Prayer Diary. Dewi was Tearfund’s theological advisor for nearly 20 years, until 2012. Before that he coordinated our work in Wales. But his relationship with Tearfund stretches back to the very early days as a supporter alongside his wife, Maggie. His journey in the early 1970s – detailed above – mirrors that of many evangelical Christians who had a revelation of Christ’s love for poor people, and his call to his followers to challenge injustice. Tearfund owes a huge gratitude to Dewi for his influence, encouragement and mentoring of so many people, myself included. I’ll leave you with his words summarising Tearfund’s theological basis, ‘We are people who believe that Jesus is the Saviour and what we’re working towards is the renewal of mankind through him, and through the power of his Spirit.’ Thank you, Dewi.

Peter Shaw, Editor twitter @TearTimes | email

Photo: Ralph Hodgson/Tearfund



CONTENTS 04 Rising in darkness

Prayer for the Central African Republic

05 Thinking theology in Nigeria

Lifting up our theology conference

06 Preparing hearts Leading up to Lent

07 In our lifetime

A vision of an end to poverty

08 Prayer warriors

Joining Women’s World Day of Prayer

09 Lifting each others’ arms

Prayer for overseas volunteer teams

10 Fighting disease in Iraq

Prayer for this hard-hit nation

11 Together in Haiti

Lifting up this Caribbean country

12 Action against injustice

Reflecting on campaigns’ successes

13 Renew Our World

Thanks for new life this Easter

14 Climate in Latin America

Prayer for changing weather patterns

15 Triumphs and trials Prayer for East Africa

16 Flood damage

South Asia floods update

17 Moving mountains

Prayer for young people in the Andes

18 Together against poverty

Giving thanks for our supporters

19 Glimmer of light

Reflections from a visit to Mumbai

20 Setting captives free

Prayer for people in prison

21 Prayer by Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury

22 In need of renewal

Small group prayer reflection

23 Prayer resources

More opportunities to pray

Copyright © Tearfund 2017. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the reproduction of text from this publication for Tearfund promotional use. For all other uses, please contact us. Cover image: Farmer in her field in Aweil, South Sudan Photo: Will Swanson/Tearfund

Photo: Esther Trewinnard/Tearfund


RISING IN DARKNESS: 28 JANUARY – 3 FEBRUARY One of the least developed countries in the world, sectarian conflict in the Central African Republic (CAR) has displaced more than a million people since 2014. Tearfund is supporting the recovery and empowerment of women and girls who have been affected by sexual violence – which is often used as a weapon of conflict.

SUNDAY 28 JANUARY Tearfund’s local partner in CAR has established centres to support survivors of sexual violence by providing a listening ear, legal advice and dignity kits. Pray that women will find peace and comfort at these centres. MONDAY 29 JANUARY Tearfund is empowering women through literacy classes and business training. Yolande, who’s completed a literacy course, says, ‘I didn’t know how to read or write. Now I know how to read the Bible and I’ve become a leader in the church. It makes me very happy!’ Praise God for the difference literacy is making to Yolande and pray that more women will learn reading and writing skills. TUESDAY 30 JANUARY Fresh waves of violence swept across CAR in 2017, making the country one of the most dangerous in the world to be an aid worker. Give thanks for Tearfund’s dedicated staff and partners working in challenging circumstances. Pray that our team will know God’s peace and protection every day, as they work to bring hope to conflictaffected communities.

WEDNESDAY 31 JANUARY Rose used to travel 3km to a dirty river to get water, which gave her children diarrhoea and belly aches. Now Tearfund’s staff have constructed a new pump in Rose’s village. ‘We are full of joy because they came and built the well. We don’t need to go to the forest anymore,’ says Rose. Give thanks that – through our hygiene and sanitation work – families like Rose’s are now healthier, safer and happier. THURSDAY 1 FEBRUARY We have been working with men and women – including faith and community leaders – to address underlying beliefs around gender roles, masculinity and sexual violence. Pray that through these discussions, gender inequality will be challenged and women treasured in their communities.


FRIDAY 2 FEBRUARY With more than 70 per cent of the country controlled by armed groups, tensions across CAR have grown progressively worse in recent months: 600,000 people are currently displaced as a result of the violence. Pray for God’s intervention, that weapons will be laid down and peace will reign across CAR. SATURDAY 3 FEBRUARY Heavenly Father, help Tearfund to continue to bring hope and healing to conflict-affected communities across CAR. We ask that you bring healing to women who have experienced sexual violence. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen. Some names have been changed this week to protect identities. Above: Tearfund gave Geena, from Mbaiki, Central African Republic, tools and seeds to help cultivate her land Photo: Hazel Thompson/Tearfund


Church meeting in Plateau State, Nigeria Photo: Andrew Philip/Tearfund

THINKING THEOLOGY IN NIGERIA: 4 – 10 FEBRUARY Tearfund’s work began in Nigeria 50 years ago, in response to the humanitarian crisis that stemmed from the 1967 civil war. A special gathering of church leaders and young theologians will take place in Nigeria this week. This is a chance for Tearfund to reflect on our historical roots and reaffirm our mission to end extreme poverty.

SUNDAY 4 FEBRUARY Lift up our team in Nigeria as they make final preparations for the gathering. Pray for strength and the smooth running of all event activities. May the atmosphere throughout the week be one in which we hear from and are challenged by the word of God.

TUESDAY 6 FEBRUARY It is estimated that at least 200 million women and girls alive today have undergone female genital mutilation/ cutting (FGM/C). On this International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM/C pray for an increased awareness around the world of the harmful impacts of this appalling practice.

MONDAY 5 FEBRUARY Pray for the safe arrival of the church leaders who are travelling to the gathering today. Ask for open hearts and minds as they prepare for this time of celebration and reflection. Thank God for the speakers and facilitators that we are blessed with. Ask that they will channel God’s wisdom as they make final preparations for their talks.

WEDNESDAY 7 FEBRUARY At this point in the gathering, the young people will join with the leaders to bridge the generational gap which is often the cause of division in Nigeria. Pray that God will speak through insightful conversations and stir hearts to unite to overcome poverty and bring about whole life transformation in their communities.


THURSDAY 8 FEBRUARY The last day of this gathering is focused on the younger generation. Pray that the young people will leave inspired and changed by what they have heard over the last few days. Pray that they will rise up among their generation, seeking justice, inspiring

change and being influential voices not only in their local communities but also on a national and global level. FRIDAY 9 FEBRUARY As the youth and planning team prepare to leave, join us as we thank God for everything that has been achieved this week: Heavenly Father, we thank you for the love you have for Nigeria and for the work that Tearfund and our partners have achieved here over the last 50 years. We pray that it will be pressed upon the hearts of all who attended to challenge, envision and equip the church for 50 more years to come. SATURDAY 10 FEBRUARY ‘Do not deprive the foreigner or the fatherless of justice, or take the cloak of the widow as a pledge. Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and the Lord your God redeemed you from there.’ Deuteronomy 24:17-18 Give thanks for the successes of the last 50 years. Pray that the legacy of this gathering will be one of restoration, reconciliation and refocusing for Nigeria.


SUNDAY 11 FEBRUARY ‘This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.’ 1 John 4:10-11 Praise God for the love that he has for us and pray that, through this knowledge, we are able to show love to those we meet today. MONDAY 12 FEBRUARY Communities in the DRC lack access to safe water, sanitation and healthcare. Pray for the work of Tearfund partner Action Entraide in the DRC as they train the church to identify the community’s needs. Ask that they would be able to work effectively to bring safe drinking water to those who have none.


PREPARING HEARTS: 11 - 17 FEBRUARY This week we’re reflecting on Lent which begins this week, and on the living hope we have through Jesus’ resurrection. You can sign up for our Lent devotionals by email, where we’ll be reflecting more about this hope and praying through some of the great challenges in our world every day over the coming weeks, focusing on the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Visit TUESDAY 13 FEBRUARY Pastor Isaac, a church leader in the DRC, told us: ‘The DRC has experienced years of conflict and tensions remain, with fresh outbreaks of violence erupting in different parts of the country all too often. Conflict definitely holds the work back.’ Pray for peace in the DRC, that a spirit of respect and reconciliation will grow, helping communities to develop.

THURSDAY 15 FEBRUARY The church has been recognised by the DRC’s government as a great way to reach and support marginalised communities. The training provided by our partners encourages the church to identify existing local resources. Pray that churches in the DRC will work well with local communities, and clearly identify needs and resources.

WEDNESDAY 14 FEBRUARY ‘Be still, and know that I am God’ Psalm 46:10 Today is the start of Lent – take a moment of silence to reflect. In a world that can seem hopeless remember that we have a great hope through Jesus’ resurrection. Give thanks for this hope and the peace we receive through our Lord Jesus Christ.

FRIDAY 16 FEBRUARY Give thanks for Pastor Isaac and the other church leaders that our partners in the DRC are working with. Pray for provision so that they can build good relationships with their communities. Ask for them to be encouraged and strengthened through their work.

Pastor Isaac who leads the church and community transformation work in Madzangina village, Democratic Republic of the Congo Photo: Hannah Maule-ffinch/Tearfund

SATURDAY 17 FEBRUARY Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. 1 Peter 1:3 Give thanks for the hope we have. Pray that many more people in the DRC will know the hope of new life that comes from following Jesus.

For 40 days of Lent reflections, sign up at:


‘IN ALL THINGS GOD WORKS FOR THE GOOD OF THOSE WHO LOVE HIM’ IN OUR LIFETIME: 18 - 24 FEBRUARY Cross placed in the courtyard at Tearfund’s offices in Teddington to mark our 50th anniversary Photo: Margaret Chandler/Tearfund

SUNDAY 18 FEBRUARY ‘For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God… And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.”’ Romans 8:14-15 Lord God, today we pray for all those in your kingdom who are orphaned. Let them know your loving kindness and fatherly care. Strengthen our families and bless all fathers, in your name Jesus. Amen. MONDAY 19 FEBRUARY ‘We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.’ Romans 8:22 Lord God, we thank you for our world. Teach us to care for the gift of your creation. We ask for your mercy for the areas of our world affected by the changing climate through Jesus’ precious name. Amen. TUESDAY 20 FEBRUARY ‘For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all… But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.’ Romans 8:24-25

Romans 8 is a foundational passage of our Jubilee Year. It speaks to us of life in the Spirit through a restored relationship with God. Be encouraged and challenged as you read the passage this week and pray through some of its verses. Use the daily prayers as suggestions to spark off your own prayers around its themes. Lord God, we cry out to you for those who are caught up in violence and conflict. We wait patiently, in hope for peace in your name Jesus. Amen. WEDNESDAY 21 FEBRUARY ‘We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.’ Romans 8:26 Lord God, we thank you for sending us your Spirit to teach us to pray. Take our cries when words fail us, and use them for your will and purposes, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. THURSDAY 22 FEBRUARY ‘And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.’ Romans 8:28 Lord God, thank you for your guidance and care and that you work all things for the good of those who love you. Lord Jesus, we pray for all people in dark places today, that they too may see your light. Amen.

FRIDAY 23 FEBRUARY ‘He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all – how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?’ Romans 8:32 Lord God, thank you for your generosity and provision. We pray for all families living in poverty, that through Jesus’ example we will be inspired to be generous too. Amen. SATURDAY 24 FEBRUARY ‘In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.’ Romans 8:37 Lord God, your love reaches through all eternity – in you we are more than conquerors. Plant a bold vision in our hearts to see the end of extreme poverty in our lifetime. In your name Jesus we pray. Amen.


PRAYER WARRIORS: 25 FEBRUARY – 3 MARCH World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement led by Christian women who welcome you to join in prayer and action for peace and justice. The movement spans 98 countries, 1,048,092 participants and 95 languages. Women’s World Day of Prayer (WWDP) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland has supported Tearfund’s work since 2010 in Burkina Faso, Egypt and Haiti.

SUNDAY 25 FEBRUARY ‘She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction in on her tongue.’ Proverbs 31:26

while also improving homelife. Lord, bless those working to reduce the vulnerability of women and girls.

Throughout our lives we are blessed with many strong, inspiring, kind women who lead and love us with grace and integrity. Take time to thank God for the women in your life who have influenced you.

THURSDAY 1 MARCH Gender-based violence causes more deaths and disability among women aged 15 to 44 than cancer, malaria, traffic accidents and war*. The Thursdays in Black campaign calls for a world without rape and violence against women and children. At a time when society barely acknowledged women, Jesus encouraged and affirmed them throughout his ministry. Ask that churches would follow his example and empower women across the world.

MONDAY 26 FEBRUARY World Day of Prayer is a 24/7 prayer movement. Every Monday, Journée Mondiale de Prière (the French WDP Committee) invites women worldwide to join them at 9pm (8pm in the UK) to pray for peace. Join them in prayer today. Search Journée Mondiale de Prière France on Facebook or Google.

FRIDAY 2 MARCH Today, the World Day of Prayer movement will hold their 2018 service on the theme, ‘All God’s creation is very good’ Genesis 1:1-31. In the UK alone there will be more than 5,000 services using material written by Christian women in Suriname, a sovereign state off the coast of South America. Take time to visit their website and find out more about the Women’s World Day of Prayer. Lift them up as they as they intercede for peace and justice. SATURDAY 3 MARCH Father God, we thank you for creating us male and female. Thank you that we each have a role to play in your kingdom. We pray for women all over the world to live life in all its fullness using all their God-given potential. Amen. Thanks to Dr Elizabeth Burroughs, Chairperson of the WWDP National Committee for England, Wales & Northern Ireland and Christabel Mui from Tearfund’s Partnerships team for writing the prayers this week. * World report on violence and health (World Health Organisation, 2000)

Yolande from the Central African Republic reading her Bible Photo: Hazel Thompson/Tearfund

TUESDAY 27 FEBRUARY Every year the WWDP National Committee for England, Wales and Northern Ireland allocates grants totalling approximately £250,000 to a wide range of Christian projects in the UK and throughout the world, mainly those that support women and children. Pray for disadvantaged families across the world. WEDNESDAY 28 FEBRUARY In Burkina Faso, Tearfund are working with the local church to build latrines. This reduces vulnerability of women and girls


Tearfund overseas volunteering stand at the Big Church Day Out Photo: Joel Upton/ Tearfund

SUNDAY 4 MARCH Our partners in Bangladesh would love you to pray for them: ‘Please pray for discernment, wisdom and unity amongst our team as we continue to serve one another and the community. Praise God for the impact that our volunteers make in the community and pray that they would continue to grow spiritually.’ MONDAY 5 MARCH In Malawi, David, the National Ministries Coordinator for Scripture Union Malawi asks that we pray for them as they plan to receive volunteers: ‘Give thanks for the opportunities we have to work with children and young people throughout Malawi, but please pray for the ongoing electricity shortages in the country, which make day-today activities difficult.’ TUESDAY 6 MARCH Please join our friends at Ethembeni in South Africa, praying: ‘That we will consistently choose to trust God for our daily needs and praising God that, for 17 years, we have been able to do ministry in his name.’ Visit to find out how you can volunteer overseas.

LIFTING EACH OTHERS’ ARMS: 4 – 10 MARCH Every year, around 600 UK volunteers choose to visit our Tearfund partners across the globe with Tearfund Go. They spend a few weeks or months living and working alongside communities affected by poverty and injustice. Join us this week as we lift those Tearfund partners to God, giving thanks for their incredible commitment.

WEDNESDAY 7 MARCH Today let’s meditate on Ephesians 4:1-2: ‘...I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.’ Pray this for our partners working faithfully with communities in desperate situations.


THURSDAY 8 MARCH We remember today, on International Women’s Day, that God created men and women as equals and Jesus encouraged and affirmed women throughout his ministry when many around him gave women little value. Lord, we pray for persistence for all our Tearfund partners as they pursue justice for those who experience sexual violence, trafficking and discrimination.

peace and stability across the communities we work. And we’d love prayer for the health and wellbeing of all our staff.’

FRIDAY 9 MARCH Our friends at Zoe-Life in South Africa ask us to: ‘Pray for the safety and health of all our current volunteers in communities. Please pray that there would be continued

SATURDAY 10 MARCH Father God, we thank you for the incredible sacrificial love of our partners across the world. Thank you that they are following your calling to serve communities affected by poverty and injustice. We pray that this year, the UK volunteers will bring renewed energy to projects and that, through their commitment, partners would know your love.


Woman in a settlement in Ninewa, Northern Iraq, where Tearfund have set up toilets, hand-washing stations and water tanks Photo: Abigail Drane/Tearfund

FIGHTING DISEASE IN IRAQ: 11 – 17 MARCH There are currently more than 3.4 million internally displaced people in Iraq, many of whom have made a perilous journey to escape ISIS. Most live in temporary shelter, often without safe water, sanitation and hygiene facilities, leaving them vulnerable to life-threatening diseases. SUNDAY 11 MARCH ‘We are so thankful for you, as you brought the water tanks and hygiene kits. They have helped us live a life here.’ Lina and her five children arrived at a temporary settlement after seven days fleeing ISIS. Give thanks that they are safe, and ask that Tearfund’s hygiene kits and water tanks will reach many more people like Lina to protect them from disease.

‘THANK YOU FOR WATER TANKS AND HYGIENE KITS’ MONDAY 12 MARCH ‘This is what the Lord says: do what is just and right. Rescue from the hand of the oppressor the one who has been robbed.’ Jeremiah 22:3 Give thanks for the wonderful Tearfund staff and partners working so hard to bring safe water and sanitation to displaced people in challenging circumstances. Ask for protection, encouragement and renewed strength.

TUESDAY 13 MARCH Tearfund is working in recaptured areas around Mosul to provide water and electricity so the former inhabitants who fled can return. Lift up this project and ask that Tearfund and its partners could help restore basic services for people when they return. WEDNESDAY 14 MARCH Nasim and Asma fled from ISIS with their four young children in 2014. ‘When we arrived here there was nothing, it was like a desert,’ Asma told us. Since then, Tearfund has negotiated a water pipeline extension and installed 1,800 water storage tanks in their area. Pray for this work, that Tearfund could increase the number of settlements it reaches with the blessing of a clean water supply. THURSDAY 15 MARCH Pray for those in positions of power and authority in Iraq, that they would have wisdom in how to lead and would do so effectively, with compassion for all. Pray for peace and the effective provision of services and infrastructure to benefit the people.

FRIDAY 16 MARCH A key part of Tearfund’s hygiene work is training and promotion, encouraging people to practise and pass on good techniques to protect themselves and others from disease. In the Dohuk area of northern Iraq, Tearfund has so far reached 6,000 households with hygiene promotion. Ask God to bless this project, that people will be enthusiastic and receptive and that many will stay healthy through it. SATURDAY 17 MARCH Dear Lord, we pray for an end to the conflict in Iraq. Please bless Tearfund’s work providing water and help people avoid disease. Give the millions of displaced Iraqis strength and hope for the future. We ask that they will soon be able to return home and that both their temporary settlements and their original towns and villages will have the water, sanitation and hygiene they need. Amen.


TOGETHER IN HAITI: 18 –24 MARCH Daily life is a struggle for most people in Haiti. Decades of political uncertainty, recurring natural disasters, high unemployment and limited access to basic services mean most families live in poverty. But through Tearfund’s support, churches and communities are discovering a way out by working together.

SUNDAY 18 MARCH ‘You can raise a heavy pole with just your fingers if you work together,’ says Pastor Gesther. ‘Tearfund’s training opened our minds to realise that, even though we have very little, by pooling our resources we can do a lot.’ Praise God that increasing numbers of churches in Haiti are being equipped to work with their communities to bring long-lasting change. MONDAY 19 MARCH Church-led self-help groups give hundreds of people across Haiti the opportunity to save money, invest in small businesses and work together. Thanks to her self-help group Ifona now makes and sells snacks. ‘A lot has changed since I joined the group,’ she says. ‘I can support my family, and my children go to school.’ Pray that many more lives will be transformed as these groups gain strength.


TUESDAY 20 MARCH ‘The wind was so strong that we had to hold on to one another. Our house was ripped apart.’ More than a year on from Hurricane Matthew, which hit Haiti in September 2016, the memories of the devastation are still vivid. Pray for all those affected by the hurricane, that they will receive healing and renewed hope as they rebuild their homes, farms and businesses. WEDNESDAY 21 MARCH The 2010 earthquake claimed the lives of 220,000 Haitians. A subsequent cholera outbreak killed 9,000 more. Pray for Tearfund’s partners as they work with communities to become better prepared for disaster by protecting their environment, improving water and sanitation, and developing contingency plans. THURSDAY 22 MARCH ‘Taking the child in his arms, he said to them, “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me.”’ Mark 9:36-37 Pray for the children of Haiti, many of whom – because of poverty – are vulnerable to violence, sexual exploitation, forced labour and trafficking.

FRIDAY 23 MARCH Tearfund’s vision is to see churches and communities working together to protect the children of Haiti. A first step is to develop a national child protection network which will stand up for child rights and call for changes in the law. Pray that this vision would become a reality, for the sake of all Haiti’s children. SATURDAY 24 MARCH Lord, we pray for families in Haiti who feel like they are struggling alone, unable to see a way out of poverty and despair. Empower your church to reach into these situations, bringing people together to strengthen communities, pursue justice and overcome poverty. Amen. Above: Tearfund staff member helping to distribute food in Haiti following the hurricane in 2016 Photo: Jade Beakhouse/Tearfund


ACTION AGAINST INJUSTICE: 25 – 31 MARCH As we approach Easter, we remember that Jesus’ death restored our relationship with God. Our relationships with others, ourselves and our planet are also preserved as we seek to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God (Micah 6:8). For almost 20 years Tearfund has campaigned against injustice and, this week, we celebrate the victories and pray for our ongoing work.

SUNDAY 25 MARCH In 1998 Tearfund launched its campaigning work by calling for the Miskita indigenous people in Honduras to have legal title to their land. In 2015 we finally won! Praise God for our partner, MOPAWI, and our committed supporters who persevered to see this happen.

TUESDAY 27 MARCH If we’re going to end extreme poverty, we have to tackle climate change. Give thanks for a campaign success ten years ago – the UK’s Climate Change Act, a world first. Pray that Scotland’s new Climate Change Act will contribute significantly and that other nations will follow.

MONDAY 26 MARCH Give thanks for the Jubilee 2000 campaign in which we played a large part. Christians and many others spoke up for the biblical principle of cancelling debt. Some £100 billion of unpayable debt was cancelled. Uganda used the money they saved to abolish primary school fees, and children who couldn’t afford school were able to start.

WEDNESDAY 28 MARCH The World Bank is committed to providing access to energy for people living in poverty, however much of the funding supports fossil fuel development. This year we’re challenging the World Bank to invest much more in local, clean and renewable energy. Pray for success in this campaign.


THURSDAY 29 MARCH Gerry Edwardson from Holy Trinity Church, Northwood felt called to do something about poverty and injustice. Last year he joined Tearfund’s Action Community and invited his MP to a meeting at church. Pray for this year’s Action Community team as they take action to set the oppressed free.

GOOD FRIDAY 30 MARCH Take time today to remember the incredible price Jesus paid for us in giving up his life on the cross. The Son of God cruelly crucified at the hands of sinful men – the greatest injustice of all. Thank you Lord Jesus for the work of the cross, that you gave everything to bring us freedom. May we use that freedom, and the knowledge of your great love for us, to spur us on in the pursuit of justice. SATURDAY 31 MARCH ‘We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.’ Romans 8:22 The cross is good news for the whole of creation. Let’s reflect on the truth that Jesus has dealt with the sin and brokenness that we know and feel, and that also causes pain for creation. Above: Tearfund supporter holding a banner at the 2015 climate change march Photo: Clive Mear/Tearfund


RENEW OUR WORLD: 1 – 7 APRIL Easter is a time to celebrate our new life in Christ. It also provides us with an opportunity to think about our world and its desperate need of renewal. Tearfund is part of an international campaign seeking to love our neighbours, care for creation, and help shape a fair and sustainable world for all. It’s called Renew Our World and has a focus on climate change. EASTER SUNDAY 1 APRIL ‘I am making everything new.’ Revelation 21:5 We rejoice because Jesus has the power to defeat death and bring new life. Jesus came to give us life in all of its fullness and we are filled with the hope of the restoration of all things. Pause and consider the wonder of this new life – what it means for you and for the world around us. MONDAY 2 APRIL Give thanks for the global collaboration to tackle the issue of climate change, expressed in the international Paris Climate Agreement. Pray for nations and world leaders to turn their agreement into action. Pray for reduced emissions and that communities living in poverty would be supported to adapt to the changing climate. TUESDAY 3 APRIL ‘Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light.’ Micah 7:8 Pray for all those who don’t have electricity to power their homes and businesses. Give thanks for renewable energy options that do not damage God’s creation or contribute to climate change. Give thanks for our projects in Nigeria that help young people develop livelihoods in solar energy and pursue other opportunities for green entrepreneurship.

Bywaters in London – the world’s most sustainable recycling facility – manages Tearfund’s Teddington office waste Photo: Margaret Chandler/Tearfund

WEDNESDAY 4 APRIL Give thanks for every Christian demonstrating their care and commitment to tackling injustice by taking action, praying and making lifestyle changes as part of the Renew Our World campaign. Pray that our actions would make a difference and ask God to give us grace to continue when change seems slow. THURSDAY 5 APRIL Thank God for sustainable farming initiatives that bring hope to communities across the world, providing a secure food supply where harvests have been depleted due to the changing climate. Pray for work in Eastern and Southern Africa to raise awareness and influence governments to support more sustainable farming. FRIDAY 6 APRIL Isabelle from a remote village in the Democratic Republic of Congo went into labour in the middle of the night. She gave birth in the village clinic, helped by a nurse using light from the new solar electricity supply. Praise God for the

difference this makes for women like Isabelle and pray that many more clinics, schools and homes can benefit from solar power. SATURDAY 7 APRIL Creator God, thank you that your sacrifice on the cross is good news for us and the whole of creation. We praise you for the hope and peace that this brings. Help us to follow you, bringing light to darkness and seeking to be faithful stewards of your creation. In Jesus’ name. Amen. A Tearfund Food Waste Feast in Brighton Photo: Jack Wakefield/Tearfund


CLIMATE IN LATIN AMERICA: 8 – 14 APRIL With increasingly volatile and erratic weather patterns linked to climate change, the recent El Nino event – which is impacting weather systems across the world – is one of the strongest since 1950. As a result, countries across Latin America are being adversely affected by droughts and storms.

Peru is becoming increasingly prone to landslides, floods and water contamination Photo: Lynne Paterson/Tearfund

SUNDAY 8 APRIL Tearfund, through our partner Centro Intereclesial de Estudios Teológicos (CIEETS), has responded to drought in Nicaragua by providing cash assistance to subsistence farmers. ‘Without rain it has been impossible to get a sufficient harvest for my family,’ says Magda, who received a cash grant to help her provide for her children. ‘If we had not received this support, we would not have anything.’ Pray for farmers like Magda who are struggling to support their families as a result of the drought. MONDAY 9 APRIL Over the past year, Peru and Colombia have suffered extreme rains, leading to landslides, floods and water contamination. Tearfund responded through local networks to help affected communities recover. Pray that God’s comfort will surround all those who lost their homes and loved ones in these disasters. TUESDAY 10 APRIL The north-west of Brazil – although typically arid – is facing the worst drought in 80 years, which has led to crop failure, the

loss of livestock and extreme water rationing. Pray for rains to fall in Brazil to replenish the land and bolster water supplies. WEDNESDAY 11 APRIL Tearfund is working across Latin America, mobilising and training local churches to respond to disasters. Pray that, through this training, local churches may play a pivotal role in supporting communities affected by climate change and build up their resilience to withstand harsh weather conditions. THURSDAY 12 APRIL The Vitichi region of the Bolivian highlands is suffering from severe droughts, causing harvests to fail. However, thanks to training from Tearfund in how to actively meet the needs of communities, churches lobbied local authorities to address these challenges. The authorities listened and provided mechanisms to improve agricultural productivity. Give thanks for the role the local church is playing in advocating for communities affected by climate change.

FRIDAY 13 APRIL The National Commission for Food Security in Haiti has announced that the country’s food shortages are worsening, exacerbated by a virus which destroys black bean crops. Many areas are classed as facing the highest level of emergency. Pray for those who are going to bed hungry and for our response as we seek to serve those most in need. SATURDAY 14 APRIL ‘He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.’ Mark 4:39 Heavenly Father, we claim your authority over the storms and droughts across Latin America. We ask that you would help us best respond to the needs of those affected by climate change, and that you would protect those most susceptible to extreme weather patterns. Amen.



Seven-month-old Hamdi from Somaliland has severe malnutrition Photo: Colin Cosier/Tearfund

SUNDAY 15 APRIL Abdul had 400 goats and sheep, but now, due to drought, he has only 30. As livestock is income, Abdul no longer has the money to support his ill family – two of his children are suffering from severe acute malnutrition. Ask that families like Abdul’s would know healing in the midst of the current crisis. MONDAY 16 APRIL With severe drought overwhelming Somalia, many are experiencing disease and severe malnutrition. In Sadawanag, Tearfund has been supplying water trucks to provide immediate relief. However, this is not enough to drink and cook with, and the need is vast. Pray that Tearfund will have more resources to distribute water to those who need it most. TUESDAY 17 APRIL Calle Culle has been one of the least-affected towns in Somaliland, but this is not down to good fortune. Tearfund’s partners have trained the community on how to prepare for and respond to disasters, meaning they have been able to save food and protect livestock. Pray that God would continue to bless these projects.

TRIUMPHS AND TRIALS: 15 – 21 APRIL Tearfund launched our East Africa Crisis appeal in March 2017. Across Northern Kenya, South Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia, 19 million people are on the brink of starvation. Those who once had enough are now poverty-stricken, and those who were struggling now live in extreme poverty. WEDNESDAY 18 APRIL Women from Calle Culle are learning to read and write, empowering them to run businesses to support their families. Through the women’s group they are now able to not only raise children, but also farm and rear livestock – skills vital for surviving this famine. Lift up these women as they persevere in their education and pray they would know God’s blessings.


THURSDAY 19 APRIL Sadly, in Sadawanag village – not far from Calle Culle – many are struggling to survive. Waris and her two boys have

been left with a fraction of the livestock they once had. Thankfully, Tearfund’s projects in the village include cash programming, allowing locals to purchase food from the market. Pray that rain comes so that families can start on the long journey to recovery. FRIDAY 20 APRIL For 18 months, Hani has only eaten white rice. This has left her malnourished and suffering from scurvy, all while trying to nurse her baby girl. Hani and her family eat whatever God provides, and are thankful for the blessing of rice. Pray for Hani and people like her, that they will be able to avoid severe malnutrition and have access to nutrient-rich food. SATURDAY 21 APRIL ‘If you spend yourselves on behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.’ Isaiah 58:10 Father, bless East Africa with the rain it so desperately needs, and prompt us to assist where we are able. Amen.


FLOOD DAMAGE: 22 – 28 APRIL In August 2017 Nepal, India and Bangladesh experienced the worst monsoon rains of the last 15 years, affecting 41 million people. Tearfund has been working across the region to support communities where more than 1,200 people were killed and millions left without shelter following large-scale flooding. SUNDAY 22 APRIL As crops and food stores were washed away in the floods, more than a million people in Nepal were left in need of food. Crop damage combined with the collapse of infrastructure to move food, led to increased prices at the markets. Praise God for Tearfund’s partners who were able to provide emergency food and supplies, and pray for a good harvest this year as people re-establish their crops. MONDAY 23 APRIL Pray for more than 20,000 families in Nepal who were displaced by the floods, where 235,150 houses were damaged. Pray that those affected will receive the support they need to rebuild or repair their homes. TUESDAY 24 APRIL The incessant rains in Bihar and Assam in India totally destroyed crops and grain stores, as well as houses and livestock. With no means to sustain their

families many had to migrate to find jobs, leaving their children behind. Pray for the restoration of livelihoods and that families can be reunited. WEDNESDAY 25 APRIL Stagnant water standing in pumps and wells led to contamination and an increase in waterborne infections. Praise God for the provision of water purification tablets and for water sources that are being restored. Pray for initiatives aimed at preparing villages for such emergencies in the future. THURSDAY 26 APRIL The floods have caused acute financial pressure leading many to look for alternative sources of income. This leaves communities vulnerable to traffickers. Ask for God’s protection over the children in the affected areas and thank God for our partners working to raise awareness in the communities they work in.

FRIDAY 27 APRIL Many children in Bangladesh lost their schools and all of their education materials during the floods. Pray that the schools will be able to function again quickly, and that there will be no lasting effects on the children’s education. SATURDAY 28 APRIL Lord God, we thank you that, in the midst of terrible circumstances, your people are at work to bring your hope into situations. We pray for communities around the world who have lost everything to natural disasters and we pray for our partners as they continue to reach out with your love. Above: Flooding in August 2017 has caused displacement and devastation across Bangladesh Photo: Tearfund


MOVING MOUNTAINS: 29 APRIL – 5 MAY Young people in the Andean countries where Tearfund works – Colombia, Peru and Bolivia – face many challenges. These include high levels of unemployment and low wages. Young men are disproportionately more likely to die as a result of homicide and accidents. Adolescent maternity in the Andean region is particularly high, which perpetuates the cycle of poverty amongst young people. A large number of young men and women are migrants, and – because they have precarious jobs – they are often victims of rights violations and human trafficking.

SUNDAY 29 APRIL Pray for young men and women living in the poorest areas of Barranquilla and Cartagena in Colombia. Ask God to keep them from falling into the networks of drug trafficking and prostitution. Pray for the churches taking part in the Sport for Life project, which aims to keep Colombian children safe by promoting education and Christian values. MONDAY 30 APRIL Ask God to provide good job opportunities for young men and women in Colombia, Peru and Bolivia so that they do not have to migrate to other countries. Pray for the network of churches working to prevent young migration through Tearfund partners’ Tarija in Bolivia and Red Viva in Colombia. Lift them up as they build the capacity of churches to take care of young migrants. TUESDAY 1 MAY Pray that God will give young people in Andean countries the chance to build a better future for themselves and their children. Pray for Mosoj Yan, a Tearfund partner in

Cochabamba, Bolivia, that prevents girls being sexually abused, and also takes care of sexually abused children. Pray also for the Hand-by-Hand network, which helps to prevent violence on the north coastal area of Colombia. WEDNESDAY 2 MAY Ask God to stop the wave of urban violence in Andean cities, which leaves many young people dead. Pray for Tearfund partner Oeser, that works through a network of 100 churches in Bolivia to help young people develop skills to stay free of drugs and early pregnancy.


Children in poverty in Columbia are at a high risk of falling into drug trafficking networks Photo: Jim Loring/Tearfund

THURSDAY 3 MAY Pray for children from indigenous communities in the Andean countries, that they can receive quality education and good healthcare. Lift up our partners Shalom and Warmys working with indigenous populations in Peru. May God provide them with sustainable funds to finance their projects in the coming years. FRIDAY 4 MAY Pray for Afro-descendant children from communities in Chocó and the north coast of Colombia, that they would enjoy quality education and good health services. Pray that Tearfund’s partner CORSOC will be effective in helping these communities overcome the crisis caused by recent heavy rains. SATURDAY 5 MAY Bless the Lord because he has raised a network of churches in Colombia, Peru and Bolivia. Give thanks that they are opening up better futures for children and young people. Praise the Lord because he cares for the weakest and most vulnerable people.


TOGETHER AGAINST POVERTY: 6 – 12 MAY ‘Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.’ Isaiah 1:17 This week, we give thanks for the amazing contribution of our supporters around the UK. They bake, knit, run, cycle and do so much more to promote our work, stand up for justice and beat poverty.

SUNDAY 6 MAY We have a wonderful range of supporters of all ages. This year, six-year-old Beth was inspired to run 5km for the East African food crisis. She smashed her fundraising target and made enough money to feed 25 people for a year. Thank God for children like Beth and ask him to bless and multiply their efforts. MONDAY 7 MAY Lift up all the individuals, churches and groups who faithfully give to our work each month. Ask God to bless their commitment, that they will have a real sense of encouragement from their regular and sacrificial giving. TUESDAY 8 MAY Our supporters take on all sorts of ambitious challenges. This year, teachers James and Callum continued their 12,000-mile sponsored cycle ride from Surrey to New Zealand. Thank God for their gritty determination and commitment and ask that many more would be inspired to support us.

WEDNESDAY 9 MAY ‘God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.’ Hebrews 6:10 Around the country we are supported tirelessly by volunteers who promote our work. Since his retirement, Dr David Golding has spent two decades speaking and campaigning for Tearfund, and has organised 15 Great North Run teams. Lift up to God all the volunteers who give and achieve so much. Pray for strength, encouragement and blessing on all they do. THURSDAY 10 MAY Praise God for the people who remember Tearfund by pledging a gift in their will. Often people support us for decades and then go even further with a legacy gift. Others create tribute funds to remember a loved one. Give thanks for these people and pray that the knowledge of how their generosity is benefitting others will be a great source of comfort.

Above: Team Tearfund runners fundraising at the 2017 Ealing Half Marathon Photo: Tom Price/Tearfund

FRIDAY 11 MAY Give thanks for all those who use their talents and gifts to raise money for Tearfund. Pat Wynne from Blackpool hosts a weekly bake sale every Friday, making 80 cupcakes per week! Praise God for faithful and determined supporters like Pat who are so committed to our work. SATURDAY 12 MAY Dear Lord, thank you so much for providing for the work of Tearfund through so many wonderful people who give their time, energy and resources. Thank you for giving them compassion for others and a desire to seek justice. We pray that their dedication to this cause will be a witness to others and that you will bless them through it. Amen.



GLIMMER OF LIGHT: 13 – 19 MAY Tearfund partners in India are working to bring love and hope to people who have been trafficked. A team of young adults from Northern Ireland visited Mumbai last year to learn more about poverty and trafficking and to encourage our partners, who are working tirelessly often in distressing situations. SUNDAY 13 MAY Our partners in Mumbai visit people who work in brothels every day. This is dangerous work in an environment that is oppressive, emotionally disturbing and unhygienic. But this work is essential to build trust and friendship with those who are most in need. Pray that our partner staff will be kept safe, both physically and mentally, in such challenging situations. MONDAY 14 MAY The brothels in Mumbai are spiritually dark places, where a person’s worth is constantly dragged through the dirt. But the Bible says that we are ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’ Psalm 139:14, and Jesus’ sacrifice for us was priceless. Pray for our partners as they bring hope and Christ’s compassion to a world of darkness.


TUESDAY 15 MAY Shipra lives in a rehabilitation home run by our local partner, Oasis India. Many of the women living here are traumatised and struggle with severe mental health issues, after years of work in the sex trade. But through care, education and friendship, the women are safe and supported. Shipra says, ‘I am so happy here because it feels like family.’ Pray that more women will leave their life of slavery and be supported through Oasis India’s work. WEDNESDAY 16 MAY Oasis India runs a home for children who have been born in the red light district. These homes are safe and fun, and the amazing staff become the children’s carers – helping them to grow up in an environment where they can thrive. Praise God for these homes and for the hope they provide. THURSDAY 17 MAY Tearfund partner Sahaara works in slums on the outskirts of Mumbai. The people here live in extreme poverty,

Women in Mumbai supported by Tearfund partner Oasis India Photo: Robby Doland

and the brothels are very dangerous. The staff face their own challenges with sickness, family and poverty. Still, they are working tirelessly every day to help others who are suffering. Praise God for their costly, personal sacrifice and hard work serving other women, and pray that God will bless them and their families. FRIDAY 18 MAY The team who visited Mumbai were encouraged by the incredible work that our partners are doing, but challenged by the stories they heard from women who have had their lives, families and self-worth ripped apart by trafficking. Pray that more young people will be inspired by the stories that the team have returned with, and will live generously to help people who are living in poverty and vulnerable to traffickers. SATURDAY 19 MAY Dear Lord, thank you for the hope that Jesus has brought us, even in a world where trafficking is real and poverty is rife. Help us to walk in Jesus’ footsteps as we love and care for people living in poverty, who are vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation. Amen.


SETTING CAPTIVES FREE: 20 – 26 MAY During Tearfund’s 50th anniversary year, we are also reflecting on the biblical theme of Jubilee – a time of release and restoration. Jesus declared he has come to bring ‘freedom for the prisoners’ Luke 4:18 – a new life of freedom in him. He consistently sought out people branded as ‘sinners’ by society and offered a fresh start. This week, we pray for people in prison and all who work with them. Prisoners held in Kigo prison, Uganda Photo: Andrew Philip/Tearfund

SUNDAY 20 MAY There are more than 10 million people in prison around the world. Many are there for justified reasons, but others have been wrongly accused or jailed without trial. Pray for justice for those who are unfairly imprisoned, and that all countries will build fair and transparent legal systems. MONDAY 21 MAY Supported by Tearfund, Alexander McLean set up African Prisons Project to improve living conditions in prisons across the continent. The project helps prisoners learn new skills, including studying law through distance learning, helping some prisoners to overturn their unfair convictions. ‘Helping out my fellow inmates in their appeals is deeply satisfying,’ says Francis, a prison law student. Praise God for this innovative project.


TUESDAY 22 MAY Tearfund’s partner Prison Fellowship Zambia provides prisoners with healthcare, education and pastoral support. They teach inmates new ways to earn a living, such as tailoring and better farming techniques. Pray that ex-offenders will be equipped to start their lives again on a new course and avoid re-offending after release. WEDNESDAY 23 MAY Prison Fellowship Zambia runs a victim awareness course called Sycamore Tree, which helps prisoners consider the effects of crime on victims, themselves and the community. ‘The course has reinforced my desire to make amends for my crimes,’ says one participant. ‘I hope at some point my victims have been, or will be able to, forgive what I’ve done.’ Pray for forgiveness to flow between perpetrators and victims. THURSDAY 24 MAY Cally Magalhães works in the youth prisons of São Paulo, Brazil. She organises workshops, professional support and family visits to help young offenders break the cycle of crime and drug abuse. ‘I met Cally, and my life started to change when

I decided to follow God,’ says Luciano, a former youth prison inmate. Give thanks for the transformation this work is bringing, and pray for strength for Cally and her team. FRIDAY 25 MAY Footsteps is Tearfund’s magazine for grassroots health and development workers in low-income countries. We published an edition about prisons last year. Pray that Footsteps readers will be blessed by this and will use it to bring about positive change in their communities. SATURDAY 26 MAY ‘Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.’ Hebrews 13:3 Dear Lord, we lift up to you all who are in prison, and the people who work with them. We pray for healing and restoration with God, and ask that prisoners will know your love, care and forgiveness. Amen.


A PRAYER BY JUSTIN WELBY, ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY Gracious and generous God, you became poor so that we might be enriched by your love, and you gave the world’s wealth and resources as a common inheritance of all human beings. We pray you would strengthen your church to be a beacon of hospitality for the poor. We pray that, seeing the light of Christ’s love, the nations and peoples of the world may fight not to kill, but to outdo one another in care for the poor, and in actions of gracious generosity. Through him who for our sakes did not grasp the wealth of heaven, but instead gave all to live for us as a slave, and die for us in pain, Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

Cross in the courtyard at Tearfund’s offices in Teddington, erected to mark our 50th anniversary Photo: Margaret Chandler/Tearfund



Psalm 104 is a magnificent reminder of God’s creative work and upholding power in our world.

In Need of Renewal

‘When you send your Spirit, they are created, and you renew the face of the ground. May the glory of the Lord endure for ever.’ Psalm 104:30-31

REFLECT As you reflect on these verses from Psalm 104 consider the world that God has created and loved. These verses speak about perfection but we now have a world which is fragile, broken, hurting and which, at times, seems hopeless. Take time to lament the pain, brokenness and tragedy that we see today in the world. We have not always taken care of our world, nor acted in the way that we would have liked. Consider the ways in which our world has been damaged and is in need of renewal, and how we may have expressed apathy, negligence and complicity. But in the midst of the brokenness, there is hope. There is beauty and God is renewing his beloved creation. Think about the signs of hope that there are in our world and the various ways that we can be a part of this renewal.

PRAY Loving Father God, loving creator, We give you thanks for this day. Help us now to worship you. We thank you for the opportunity of this day. Grant to us a spirit of openness and enquiry, A willingness to learn and be taught, A willingness to be open to new ideas and challenges. We thank you that we are wonderfully made. That you know us and you love us. Help us to know that your love endures forever. You are renewing and restoring us, And also renewing and restoring the whole of your creation. We give you thanks and praise. Amen.

Above: Women praying at a church service in Tikapur, Western Nepal Photo: Ralph Hodgson/Tearfund


PRAYER RESOURCES We want to equip you so that you can join us in prayer for an end to extreme poverty. Visit for more resources and opportunities to pray. email WEEKLY PRAYERS BY EMAIL

Would you like to get regular prayer requests? Tearfund’s weekly prayer email, One Voice, features stories and prayer requests from around the world. You’ll get an email every Friday with downloadable content which gives you the flexibility to use it at your Sunday service, small group meeting or on your own. Sign up at for the One Voice weekly email. ENCOURAGE YOUR CHURCH TO PRAY Why not get your church involved in praying for an end to extreme poverty? Tearfund has created great resources to equip your church to pray together. To have a look, visit

ORDER EXTRA COPIES OR AUDIO AND BRAILLE VERSIONS OF THE PRAYER DIARY Audio and Braille versions of the Prayer Diary and Tear Times are available, free of charge, upon request. You can also order more copies of the Prayer Diary and Tear Times for your church or group and sign up to receive extra copies regularly. Please call Tearfund on +44 (0)20 3906 3906.

URGENT PRAYER ALERTS We have a prayer alert service on WhatsApp (a smartphone application), to share urgent prayer requests around the time of disasters or crises. 1. Add +44 (0)7752 590723 (our dedicated WhatsApp number) to your phone’s contacts. 2. Text ‘UPDATE’ via WhatsApp to us on the above number. 3. We will add you to our broadcast list and send you occasional prayer requests.

Church in Bangui, Central Africa Republic Photo: Hazel Thompson/Tearfund

We will not use your number for any other purposes and it will not be visible to others. Replies will be received by Tearfund only. If you would like to stop receiving these messages, text STOP to +44 (0)7752 590723.



Gracious and generous God, you became poor so that we might be enriched by your love, and you gave the world’s wealth and resources as a common inheritance of all human beings. We pray you would strengthen your church to be a beacon of hospitality for the poor. Amen. A prayer by Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury

Yolande from Bangui, Central Africa Republic, who has benefitted from literacy training from Tearfund’s partner

100 Church Road, Teddington TW11 8QE Salem Chapel, Salem Lane, Church Village, Pontypridd CF38 1PT Challenge House, 29 Canal Street, Glasgow G4 0AD 241 Newtownards Road, Belfast BT4 1AF +44 (0)20 3906 3906 email twitter facebook Registered Charity No. 265464 (England and Wales) Registered Charity No. SC037624 (Scotland) Photo: Hazel Thompson/Tearfund 31876-(0118)


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