Tear Times Autumn 2018

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AUT UM N ’18






Talks faith, fame and determination

Encouragement from Archbishop Welby

Giving thanks in our review of the year


WELCOME GOLDEN YEAR I know we have a few months left, but what an amazing year it’s been. We want to give thanks to God for his blessings over the past 50 years, and for your steadfast support. Tearfund exists to bring the love of Jesus to the poorest people on earth, to help them achieve their Godgiven potential. We’d like to thank all of you who have given, fundraised, volunteered and joined us in celebration this year. And if you’ve run a race, donated your 50th birthday, lived on rice and beans, held a bake sale for Tearfund, or if you have a word of encouragement for us, I’d love to hear from you. In the next Tear Times we will be looking back on this Jubilee year, and I want to include as many of your stories as possible. Please email me at editor@tearfund.org or write me a letter (see the back page for address details). A number of you have contacted me recently about the plastic wrapping that Tear Times comes in. This can be recycled by either putting it in local plastic bag recycling or by returning it to Polyprint Mailing Films Ltd in Norwich (you can find the full address on the packaging). But I share your concerns about plastic waste and we are looking into more sustainable ways to send the magazine to you. So, please also let me know anything you think we can change, or ways to improve the materials we produce. And thank you for your helpful suggestions.

Peter Shaw, Editor

! @TearTimes | " editor@tearfund.org

Photo: Ralph Hodgson/Tearfund



CONTENTS NEWS & OPPORTUNITIES 04 News Burundi appeal thanks and more updates 21 All things new The Justice Conference hosted by Tearfund


28 House of Cards Order your Tearfund Christmas card catalogue

FEATURES 08 A life in ruins Finding the courage to carry on in Nepal 12 Celebration at Coventry Cathedral Encouraging words from Archbishop Welby 22 A flush of excitement Shattering taboos about loos


24 Power to the people Streams of power-giving water 26 Interview with Sir Cliff Richard On fame, faith and not giving up

REVIEW OF THE YEAR 13 Making all things new Pull-out centre page annual review


30 Love can build a bridge From the City of London to rural Myanmar

Copyright © Tearfund 2018. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the reproduction of text from this publication for Tearfund promotional use. For all other uses, please contact us. Cover image: Courageous Samjana from Nepal Photo: Matthew Joseph/Tearfund



NEWS ‘P!p" #$ %‫פ‬ 'at J)* +n ,-. /0 1$s’ THANK YOU FOR SAVING LIVES IN BURUNDI In June we launched an emergency appeal to address the food crisis in Burundi – one of the world’s poorest nations. A reported 7.3 million people live below the poverty line and face severe food shortages. The country has struggled with political and economic instability, which shows little sign of ending. Tearfund partners have identified those most in need, are distributing emergency food items, and teaching parents how to make nutritious porridge. At the same time, they are raising awareness of hygiene practices to reduce the risk of diarrhoea and other related illnesses. It’s been a lifeline to the most vulnerable – children under five years old, pregnant women, and new mothers.

Thank you for your generous support of our appeal to help hungry families in Burundi, and countries in greatest need across the world. Rev Vincent Ndayimbona from Tearfund partner, Anglican Diocese of Matana, says they’re able to make a bigger impact: ‘I would like to thank you for your support. We have been able to feed people, and they have hope that Jesus can change their lives. ‘It’s very hard to share the gospel with hungry people – people who are dying with malnutrition. But when we have the support from Tearfund, we can give hope and life to them. Tearfund is helping our work to grow and develop.’ Read more about the food crisisand why Tearfund is committed to saving lives in Burundi: www.tearfund.org/burundiappeal

Above: Child suffering from malnutrition at a Tearfund-supported nutrition project Photo: Tom Price/Tearfund


CHARITY AWARD FOR INNOVATIVE ANTI GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE WORK Our work challenging sexual and gender-based violence in South Africa has been recognised at the 2018 Charity Awards – winning the international aid and development category. In KwaZulu-Natal, a province in southeast South Africa, nearly half of all men admit to perpetrating gender-based violence. But a Tearfund project gives survivors a safe place to recover and share stories, and encourages leaders to speak out against abuse. The project currently supports 547 survivors, 90 per cent of whom have felt confident to speak about their experiences for the first time. 'Sexual and gender-based violence is one of the most damaging problems within societies across the world,’ says Nigel Harris, Tearfund Chief Executive. ‘We are honoured that the Charity Awards have recognised the importance of putting people at the heart of international aid and development work.' Run by Civil Society Media, the annual Charity Awards identify, recognise and reward organisations doing exceptional work.

OUR COMMITMENT TO KEEPING PEOPLE SAFE We remain deeply saddened by the news of safeguarding and misconduct cases in the international development sector. Even as a Christian organisation we are not immune, but our solemn commitment is to investigate and deal with all such incidents appropriately. We are committed to the safeguarding and protection of everyone we work with, including beneficiaries, volunteers, Tearfund staff and the staff of partner organisations. As a matter of course, Tearfund's safeguarding and whistleblowing policies are reviewed every three years and are updated accordingly. Since the start of 2018 we have carried out a tenyear review to ensure any incidents were dealt with appropriately. At the same time we are increasing our investment into safeguarding to better protect all those we and our partners work with. If you have further concerns or questions, email Tearfund at info@tearfund.org or call 020 3906 3906 to speak to a member of our team. Above: Tearfund CEO Nigel Harris and Programme Officer Sabine Nkusi receiving the award for International Aid and Development Photo: Tabatha Fireman/Civil Society Media

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NEWS BRINGING LIGHT INTO DARKNESS One in seven people don’t have any access to electricity. We want to stand with them in solidarity, so we’re calling on churches across the UK to hold a Light Service during the autumn, ahead of the UN’s annual climate change talks (3 to 14 December in Poland). A Light Service is a church service – or part of a service – that involves minimum use of electricity. Your congregation will have the opportunity to reflect on the lives of people who live without the things we take for granted, and feel encouraged about how this can be transformed. It’s part of our campaign to call on the World Bank to invest in off-grid, renewable energy that best helps people in poverty. Visit www.tearfund.org/ lightservice for more information and for all the inspiration and resources you’ll need, including prayer ideas and a family activity.


Big thanks to all of you running for Tearfund in a half marathon this autumn. We’re so encouraged to have had nearly 80 people sign up so far. All funds raised will help change the lives of families living in desperate need across the world. Whether you’re running the Reigate, striding the Great Scottish, or going briskly through the Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol or Bournemouth runs, we salute you! Visit www.tearfund.org/run to find out more.

JUST IN TIME There’s still time to register for The Justice Conference, hosted at The Drum at Wembley in London on 2-3 November. This is an amazing opportunity to gather with hundreds of people passionate about justice for two days of worship, talks, creative arts, breakout sessions and discussions. If you book before 12 October there’s a special discount for Tear Times readers – find out more on page 21. www.thejusticeconference.co.uk

Above: Could you hold a church service without electricity? Photo: Cally Myddelton/Tearfund

Top: Runner at last year's Ealing Half Marathon Bottom: Pete Greig, one of the speakers at the Justice Conference Photos: Tom Price/Tearfund, Clive Mear/Tearfund


QUESTION TIME Join us on Saturday 17 November for Tearfund’s Big Quiz Night – set to be the UK’s biggest ever multi-venue, nationwide quiz. Churches and other groups will put their grey matter to the test, and every pound raised will change the lives of people like Areej and her children. Areej’s family was forced to flee conflict in Syria, and have been living as refugees in Lebanon. She thought there was no hope, but Tearfund’s partners have been providing emotional and material support – helping to restore their dignity.

‘YU +n VWor / YZ to [5 \r ,], > I’ll ?_`e EFabŋ \’ll Hc’ Why not sign up your church for the Big Quiz today? You can tailor the quiz to suit your church and we’ll provide everything you’ll need. When you sign up to host you’ll get answer sheets and a USB stick with a ready-made quiz video. Just plug in and play. Visit www.tearfund.org/quiz to find out more.

GNO thanQ R The 9,000 people who joined us at the two Big Church Day Out events (north and south), to commit to pray for an end to extreme poverty. Good progress being made in our drive to encourage world leaders to turn to cleaner energy sources, even though there is still much work to be done. All our supporters who go above and beyond to fundraise for Tearfund. Whether it’s running, holding a bake sale, or doing the Mean Bean Challenge, we value all your efforts.



PSTŋ R The estimated 1.5 million Venezuelans who have fled the country due to ongoing political and economic crisis. Also pray for the leaders of this nation. Much-needed peace in Yemen, which remains the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Hundreds of thousands of people remain at risk of famine. The long-term recovery of communities following the eruption of the Fuego volcano near Guatemala City in June. That they would be able to rebuild and restore what was lost.



Written by Peter Shaw The 25 April, 2015 promised to be a good day for Samjana. Although low paid, farming work was always welcome – if not always available. A day’s work might only bring in 300 rupees (about £2) but it was essential to help feed and clothe her three young children. It was nearly noon and she had already spent many hours in the field, along with her two older children, Rita aged six, and Sarita aged four. Samjana lives in Bhorle, a village in Makwanpur District, northern Nepal – 40km west of Kathmandu. Bhorle is situated 2,000m up the side of the huge Langtang Lirung mountain, the highest of the Langtang Himal, which rises to a peak of 7,234m.

‘AT AROUND 11:56, THE MOST DEVASTATING EARTHQUAKE FOR MORE THAN 80 YEARS HIT NEPAL’ Samjana’s husband Kiran, like so many Nepali men, was working abroad as a labourer. He was in the middle of a two-year stint 3,000km away in Qatar, spending his days shifting sand and stone in the scorching heat – cheap labour for that nation’s huge construction work.


TERRIFYING TREMOR At around 11:56, the most devastating earthquake for more than 80 years hit Nepal. It lasted 40 seconds. Many thousands of buildings collapsed and whole villages disappeared. It triggered a deadly avalanche on Mount Everest, and the tremors were felt as far afield as Pakistan, Bangladesh and India. As the earth shook beneath her, Samjana had only one thought: to reach Iniya, her 16-month-old daughter who was back home. So she set off, still dizzy and terrified. With aftershocks hitting every few minutes, she and her daughters made slow progress.

‘I CRIED A LOT – I CRIED FOR MY FAMILY AND FOR OTHERS’ She stayed in hospital for a month – during which a second earthquake hit on 12 May – while her mother looked after the two girls, still sheltering in the tent. The village suffered enormously, people lost homes and livestock. But Samjana’s was the only family to suffer a loss of life.

As her home came in sight, Samjana’s worst fears were realised. It was completely destroyed with baby Iniya inside. There was also no sign of Kiran’s mother who had stayed home with Iniya so Samjana could work that day. Many lives were spared across Nepal because the earthquake struck at lunch time when people were out and about. But for Samjana, it meant that no one was there to help search through the rubble – villagers were mostly out in the fields, and no one was equipped or trained in search and rescue. So she had to recover the body of her baby and mother-inlaw on her own. A LIFE IN RUINS As the aftershocks continued, Samjana – along with her mother and two surviving children – spent the night in a makeshift tent overlooking the devastation. The next day, Samjana steeled herself to go back to her destroyed home to see if there was anything to salvage. Exhausted and overwhelmed, she didn’t make it back. She woke up in a nearby hospital. Neighbours had found her collapsed en-route. They took her back to the safety of the tent but it was clear that severe shock meant she needed proper medical care.

‘I cried a lot,’ Samjana says. ‘I cried for my family and for others.’ Although still weak, she was determined to carry on for the sake of her two surviving children. Rita and Sarita are traumatised too, even now they are still worried that another earthquake will come – a fear that Samjana shares. When she goes to work the fields, she takes her children to be at her side, even if it means carrying them. Left: Samjana in her new home built with support from Tearfund Above: Samjana and her daughter, Sarita Photos: Matthew Joseph/Tearfund

Prabin, aged 18, who Tearfund trains in search and rescue techniques. Photo: Matthew Joseph/Tearfund




Tearfund has been working in Nepal for many years. In the immediate aftermath of the earthquake, thanks to your prayers and support, we provided building materials and training to help families repair their homes, or construct temporary shelters. But our main focus since the initial relief effort has been to equip communities to build longlasting, earthquake-resistant houses.

It’s impossible to predict when Nepal will experience another serious earthquake. So, as well as assisting people to recover from the 2015 earthquakes, our focus is to reduce the risk of another earthquake affecting families so hard next time.

Thanks to your support, we were able to help Samjana build a new, safer home for her family – including Kiran who has returned from Qatar. Samjana’s two brothers were trained by Tearfund’s partner in how to use local resources to construct buildings with better foundations, tiled roofs and lintels reinforcing the walls. The training also alerts builders to avoid sites prone to landslides and floods. They shared that knowledge with her: ‘Without Tearfund’s support, I would not have been able to build a new home,’ says Samjana. The house has two rooms, one for sitting and sleeping and the other is a kitchen. But, understandably, life is still a daily struggle coming to terms with the loss of baby Iniya. ‘Your situation may be bad,’ says Samjana. ‘But we have to convince ourselves to be encouraged and fight back. We have to have courage.’’


Prabin, aged 18, from nearby Deukhel, is one of many Nepalis Tearfund has trained in search and rescue across Nepal – so that mothers like Samjana are not left alone to search for lost loved ones. ‘It's a great honour to rescue people hit by landslides or earthquakes,’ says Prabin, who has already been involved in three search and rescue missions. ‘When I get the opportunity to rescue people, I feel great. I don't want to stand by when other people are in trouble. I want to help.’ Prabin’s search and rescue team is given training by Tearfund partners every year in new techniques. His family was also helped by Tearfund to build a new home after losing theirs in the earthquake. ‘I am very grateful to Tearfund and look forward to more training sessions in the future,’ he says. ‘I want to continue serving people whenever they are in trouble.’ £12 each month could allow a person to attend a disaster preparedness course, equipping them to be more prepared in an emergency. Your generous support and prayers today can help more families like Samjana's, across the world facing disasters. Your support can help to train and equip people like Prabin to support the most vulnerable in their communities. Thank you.


CELEBRATION AT COVENTRY CATHEDRAL Hundreds of Tearfund supporters, volunteers, speakers and staff joined Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, to celebrate Tearfund's 50th anniversary at a special service at Coventry Cathedral on Sunday 6 May. Justin Welby reflected on the Jubilee themes of restoration and renewal from Isaiah 61:1, and celebrated the gift of Tearfund to the world saying, ‘You bring gifts and inspiration, you go on proclaiming the Year of Jubilee. You transform our vision of God, of his creation, of the restoration of all things in right and just relationships. May God grant you the next 50 years with resources and vision to match the last.’


At the service – hosted by the Dean of Coventry, John Witcombe and The Bishop of Coventry, Christopher Cocksworth – Emmanuel Murangira, Tearfund’s Rwanda Country Representative, shared his experiences of working with Tearfund to bring peace and reconciliation following the Rwandan genocide. We were also joined by the Gosp-Ability choir, brought together to perform in Windsor in the lead up to the Royal Wedding. The choir sang a medley of gospel songs and Worship Central led us in worship. THE CELEBRATIONS CONTINUE... Thank you to everyone who came to join with us on this wonderful occasion. We are holding further celebrations in Liverpool on 28 October and finally in Bristol in March 2019. Register now for our Merseyside events at www.tearfund.org/merseyside

Top: Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, at Tearfund's Coventry celebration Bottom: Tearfund supporters worshipping at the cathedral event Photos: Jacqui J. Sze/Tearfund



In the book of Revelation, God declares, ‘I am making everything new!’ (Revelation 21:5). Note the tense – God’s restoration plan is a present reality; it is alive and ongoing. Most incredibly, he invites us to be part of this plan. This is our call as Tearfund, and as the church. This has come into particular focus as Tearfund marks its 50th anniversary. We’ve seen incredible progress, but much remains to be done. The same could be said for this last year – great progress, but great challenges too. We’ve responded to a number of emergencies in 2017/18. South Asia was dealt the double-blow of widespread

Polly stands by the brick kiln where her new house is being built, Malawi Photo: Tom Price/Tearfund

flooding and an influx of Myanmar refugees into Bangladesh. There are also ongoing crises of a devastating scale in South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Yemen, to name just a few. Yet, thanks to your support, 4.9 million people around the world have been reached through our work. We never cease to be humbled by your generosity – thank you. As we press forward together, we hold fast to God’s promise of restoration.

Nigel Harris, Tearfund CEO


WE WANT TO SEE EMERGENCY NEEDS MET When disasters strike, we respond swiftly and effectively, supporting communities in a strategic and focused way. And we stay for the long term, working through local churches and partners to help people recover and thrive. This was vital as we brought much-needed hope to people like 13-year-old Barkoosam, one of more than half a million Rohingya people who fled Myanmar into Bangladesh. The situation is bleak: home for Barkoosam, his mother and two brothers is a small shelter made of bamboo and bin bags. This is no place for a child. There has been a steady stream of Myanmar nationals crossing the border into Bangladesh to escape violence. A massive 671,000 people arrived in the six months between August and February, exacerbating the squalid conditions in the camp, and adding to the intolerable pressure on host communities.




Many Rohingya refugees are deeply traumatised: they have seen relatives killed in front of them, and their homes burned. Barkoosam’s father was killed and his family fled with nothing. Dr Ravirant Singh, who works for one of Tearfund’s partners in the overcrowded refugee camps, has been involved in disaster relief for more than a decade. ‘I have never seen this kind of suffering anywhere across the globe,’ he says. ‘This is very distressing.’ Tearfund, with funding from the UK government, has distributed more than 16,500 hygiene kits, and we’re providing latrines and wells. We’ve also distributed cooking stoves and environmentally friendly fuel alternatives as well as installing solarpowered lighting. Crucially, we’re providing child-friendly spaces to offer protection and care for children like Barkoosam.

Living conditions in Balukhali camp, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh Photo: Andrew Philip/Tearfund



Tearfund partners are reaching out to marginalised pygmy communities in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Photo: Hannah Maule-ffinch/Tearfund



WE WANT TO SEE COMMUNITIES TRANSFORMED At the heart of restoration is relationship. A key facet of our work is transforming communities – building their resilience to shocks, healing brokenness, and empowering them to take charge of their futures. Tarija, a small town in Bolivia, is considered to be a little corner of paradise. Its green valleys are protected from the dry climate of the highlands and the humidity of the jungle. This makes it a magnet for many migrants seeking work – and for people keen to exploit them through trafficking of drugs and people. Church leaders were extremely concerned about the risks this posed for local young people. While praying and looking for solutions, they heard about Tearfund’s work with churches in the highlands and got in touch. Tearfund’s adviser trained a group of church leaders – a real answer to prayer.

Pastor Julio César Justiniano ministers in a slum outside Tarija, where there is a severe lack of public services. His church learnt to stand with the community and help them identify solutions. They’re encouraged to see the church’s potential unleashed to protect young people from organised crime. ‘We’re confident that, as the church, community and local government work together, solutions are possible,’ says Pastor Julio. Ten more churches are now engaged, including that of Pastor Monica Marín. ‘Before this training, we didn’t know how to help children and teenagers and keep them free of drugs,’ she says, ‘now we have the tools we need.’



Thank you for all your generosity which will be used to support some of the poorest people on earth in Jesus’ name...



Gifts donated to Tearfund to support all of our work. This includes money from fundraising events and activities, individuals and churches.



Gifts donated by fundraising events and activities, individuals and churches in response to emergency appeals and disaster situations.



Income from others sources such as card sales, overseas trips for supporters and interest from investments, contracts awarded to Tearfund to carry out specific contracted water, sanitation and hygiene work overseas and deliver our International Citizenship Service Programme – both funded by the Department for International Development.


22.8% Grants awarded to Tearfund

from sources such as the UK government and the European Union to carry out work overseas.




HOW WE INVESTED YOUR MONEY Expenditure 2017/18

Your gift follows Jesus to the place of greatest need. This is how we invested the money you entrusted to us...



Ensuring communities affected by disasters receive life-saving assistance, recover quickly and are better equipped to face and respond to future hazards.



Working sustainably and holistically with local churches and communities to reduce poverty and build resilience.





Our supporters are a hugely important part of who we are and what we do. Honouring and building this relationship is a priority. We care passionately that our supporters feel valued and know that their gifts are having a life-changing impact.



Putting robust systems and processes in place to keep our frontline staff safe, and evaluating our work to learn and improve so that your money is used more effectively as a result.

Enabling the global church to address poverty and injustice.

8p 15p



Changing unjust policies and practices of the powerful to deliver justice for poor communities.









Did you know? In every ÂŁ1, we spend 32p meeting emergency needs, 29p transforming communities, 9p mobilising the local church, 7p helping change society, 15p invested in fundraising and 8p in support and running costs.




WE WANT TO SEE CHURCHES MOBILISED We’re excited when we see churches start to understand the potential God has placed in them to address poverty and injustice – and become powerful agents of change. We’re privileged to play a part in helping to equip and empower them. Northern and central Nigeria remain in the grip of interfaith conflict and violence. But Tearfund’s team and our partners in the region share a vision to see the church leading the way in working for peace. As a first step towards action, they see theological reflection as key to helping churches understand and commit to integral mission. So, in February 2018 we hosted a gathering entitled ‘Thinking Theology: Jubilee’ with 100 senior and emerging church leaders in Jos.

It aimed to challenge participants to think more deeply about their faith and work together to address social issues. Speakers examined the church’s biblical mandate to tackle poverty and presented the concept of Jubilee as a channel for restoring relationships and transforming society. A number of delegates reported feeling inspired to respond differently to their Muslim neighbours and to try to build bridges. As a result, six working groups are being set up, coordinated by Tearfund and our partners, to focus on six key areas: broken relationships; theological education; bridging the generational gap; development of public leadership; discipleship and mentoring; and advocacy.

Local churches work together to serve the needs of their community, Nigeria Photo: Andrew Philip/Tearfund


WE WANT TO SEE SOCIETY CHANGED We want to make sure the poorest communities have their voices heard on issues affecting them, and to help them access government resources. We use advocacy and influence, with the church and government, to highlight issues of injustice and poverty – and lobby for decisive action until systems and policies are changed. The Central African Republic (CAR) has been unstable since armed groups seized power in 2012. Sexual violence has been widely used as a weapon of war, leaving many survivors traumatised and stigmatised. Tearfund has spent a long time listening to survivors' needs, and found that many long to have a safe space within their own faith communities. In response, Tearfund has been training church and community leaders to support survivors, help tackle sexual violence and

address stigma. Faith leaders are influential figures in changing attitudes and behaviour at community level. Tearfund has been building a good relationship with the UK government's Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and is part of its UK Advisory Group. Consequently, the FCO asked Tearfund to host a workshop in CAR in August 2017 as part of its Preventing Sexual Violence Initiative. Representatives from the CAR government, UN agencies, and international and national NGOs attended. The FCO used Tearfund’s subsequent report on the workshop to inform its public policy recommendations, and to shape its ‘Principles for global action on tackling the stigma of sexual violence in conflict’. These Principles were launched at the UN General Assembly last September, where the importance of engaging faith leaders was highlighted.




Sundip completes his homework by the light of an energy saving bulb, powered by a solar panel on his house Photo: Tom Price/Tearfund


THANK YOU! THIS YEAR WE RAISED AN ASTONISHING £74.9 MILLION TO HELP BRING CHRIST’S LOVE TO PEOPLE LIVING IN POVERTY Every single pound means a huge amount, and every single pound will bring closer an end to extreme poverty. None of what you’ve read would have been possible without your prayers and gifts. You are a crucial part of our calling to follow Jesus where the need is greatest. Thank you for joining us on this journey.

Volunteers backstage at Big Church Day Out Photo: Tom Price/Tearfund

You can read the full Tearfund Annual Report and accounts by visiting www.tearfund.org/annualreport or you can request a printed copy by emailing info@tearfund.org or calling 020 3906 3906.


This November, Tearfund invites you to be part of The Justice Conference: two days exploring the theology of justice and wrestling with the burning issues of our time. It’s an opportunity for the UK church to work together to see more of God’s kingdom on earth. ‘I am so glad to hear about the Justice Conference which is being hosted by Tearfund,’ said Nicky Gumbel, Vicar of Holy Trinity Brompton, London. ‘It’s an opportunity for many different Christian denominations to come together in unity to work for justice in the nations.’ Join us as we delve into issues such as peace building, global poverty, environmental sustainability, engaging with unjust systems,

Above: The Justice Conference in Australia Photo: Jacob Dyer

refugees, children in the care system, the arts and justice and much more. You’ll hear from leading voices in the UK and beyond, including Celia Apeagyei-Collins, Pete Greig, Krish Kandiah and Ruth Valerio. More info on speakers, artists and the programme can be found on the website. Book before the 12 October and use the code TearTimes18 to get an exclusive £10 discount. Get your tickets today from www.thejusticeconference.co.uk


Written by Lorraine Kingsley and Seren Boyd Bawili speaks passionately as villagers gather under a tree to shatter taboos about toilets. There’s no time to be squeamish. In her remote corner of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), children are dying from diarrhoea. Bawili is chairing Mwandiga’s Community Health Club, and every meeting ends with a cry: ‘Maendeleo! Mbele!’ (‘Development! Forward!’). Building a toilet helps families take their first step out of poverty. Bawili is passionate about privies because women benefit most from having one.

ONE IN THREE Ebinda’s situation is not unique: 1.25 billion women and girls are still without a safe, hygienic toilet – lacking protection, security and dignity. UN Women believes the world has ‘unfinished business’ after missing the water and sanitation Millennium Development Goal – and women are paying the highest price. Without a safe water source close to home, women spend hours a day collecting water. When girls hit puberty, life gets harder…

EASY TARGET Nine years ago, Bawili’s daughter, Ebinda, ventured into the bush at dusk to go to the toilet. She stumbled home, bruised and distraught. Ebinda doesn’t know how many men attacked her. But life has never been the same. She became pregnant from the attack and left school aged 14. It wasn’t the first time family life had been torn apart. In the 1990s, Bawili’s husband was killed by insurgents so they fled to Tanzania. They resettled back in Mwandiga with no water or sanitation. So Bawili’s daughter was a sitting target. Above: Bawili teaching at the community health club in the Democratic Republic of Congo Photo: Ralph Hodgson/tearfund


DREAMING OF DIFFERENT In Bridget’s village in Rukungiri, Uganda, education is highly prized. Most families are banana farmers but recent harvests have been poor. ‘When I finish school, I want to become a nurse,’ says Bridget aged 14. ‘I need to stay healthy.’ Until recently, teenage girls watched their ambitions wither when they started their period. Old toilets at the local primary school were virtually unusable, so teenage girls missed class for a week each month – many left school altogether. Early marriage was a more realistic prospect than a medical career. ‘If we felt sick, we’d miss class and that would affect our performance in exams,’ says Bridget.

Meanwhile, back in the DRC, the pioneering Community Health Club in Bawili’s village voted to provide loos for the most vulnerable villagers – starting with Bawili. As Bawili explains, when strangers dig latrines together, they build a sense of community. Toilets teach people basic truths, that a strong society looks after its weakest. ‘We’re learning to love each other,’ says Bawili. ‘If there’s no love, we cannot build a good society.’

Bridget’s prospects were transformed by a new toilet block with girls' changing rooms, built by a Tearfund partner. Within three months, 65 girls re-enrolled in class. AMBASSADORS FOR CHANGE To keep women safe, and girls in education, the whole community has to agree that every household and school needs decent sanitation. And key villagers must become ambassadors for change. Without a toilet, Purna, from Sikre in Nepal, almost died of diarrhoea. It took a day to reach hospital; her son, Bishwo, carried her on his back. ‘The doctor told us if we’d waited, we’d have lost our mother,’ he says. When he attended a Tearfund partner’s sanitation workshop, Bishwo realised his latrine was contaminating a stream used for drinking water. He used savings and sold two goats to pay for a brick toilet – and invited neighbours to his Toilet Open Day. He told them they should build loos too, and many have. Above: Bawili and her family, who benefit from improved sanitation Photo: Ralph Hodgson/tearfund

‘WE’RE LEARNING TO LOVE EACH OTHER – IF THERE’S NO LOVE, WE CANNOT BUILD A GOOD SOCIETY’ S%w \ +e о Worf Tƣ"t Dh It’s World Toilet Day on 19 November. You can twin your toilet online, come to a fundraising dinner in London, or join our Big Squat event at St Paul’s Cathedral – to flush away poverty for women who still lack a loo. Find out more at www.toilettwinning.org


POWER PEOPLE Written by Kit Powney From the first beep of your alarm in the morning to the last click as you switch off the light before bed, it’s easy to overlook electricity as one of life’s essentials. In fact it’s a lifesaver. With electricity, you can keep vaccines fresh in a fridge and provide light for emergency operations at night. Street lighting keeps people safe during dark evenings (particularly women vulnerable to attack), and indoor light means children can study for school. I had my lightbulb moment when I visited a remote village in Nepal this year. The people of Mahadevsthan are benefiting enormously thanks to electricity from a local micro-hydro plant, which uses the natural flow of water to generate power. Micro-hydropower channels river or stream water to turn a turbine, which drives a generator. It’s the perfect choice of renewable energy here because Nepal is so mountainous.


LET THERE BE LIGHT 'Before having hydroelectricity, our community felt like our lives were on a hard trajectory,’ says Phul Kumari from Mahadevsthan. ‘Now we have electricity, we feel very happy because we are inside the light.'

'The micro-hydro plant is the difference between the land and the sky,’ says Hari. ‘Before, I felt so sad. Now I am happy. Before, I had very difficult work. Now it is very easy.’ No longer a part-time farmer, Hari now works with wood full time, thanks to power tools charged by hydropower. Jobs that used to take four days now take one. Extra time means extra income for food, clothes and education for his family. And enough money left over to grow and develop his business.

Before hydropower, Phul used volatile and toxic kerosene as lamp fuel – travelling four hours a day to buy the highly flammable liquid. When it was light, along with her family, she would laboriously grind maize, wheat and corn by hand. At night, her children only had dim, smoky light from the kerosene lamp to study by, and their school work suffered. Now Phul takes the family’s grain to the mill, where it is ground to dust in less than an hour. The time saved has enabled the family to start a chicken farm. But the biggest change is that now Phul believes her children have a future. 'I support my children so they can go to school. Now they can do their homework they go to school more often. I want my children to have a different life. They might be engineers or doctors.' IF I WERE A CARPENTER In fact, the whole village is benefiting from this one micro-hydropower plant which supplies electricity to more than 550 homes, three schools, a medical clinic and many businesses. Hari is a local businessman who, to provide for his family, used to have two jobs: farming and carpentry. It was Hari’s childhood dream to be a carpenter but it turned out to be more of a nightmare – cutting huge logs with a hacksaw.

Left and Right: Life for Phul from Nepal has improved hugely thanks to micro-hydropower in her village Photos: Kit Powney/Tearfund

TRANSFORMING TRANSFORMER But it wasn’t just the opinion of Phul and Hari. Everyone I met in the community told me the difference the renewable power was making to their lives. According to Ram Bahadur, who works in the micro-hydro plant, the benefits have not gone unnoticed by nearby villages. But the plant isn’t powerful enough to reach beyond the village. Nearby communities would need their own. So please join us in calling on the World Bank to invest more in off-grid renewable energy. We want to see more vibrant communities like Mahadevsthan grow, develop and live in the light. You can shine your light today by signing our Light Up The Darkness petition. Either read, complete and return the form above (using the envelope enclosed with Tear Times) or save costs by signing up online at www.tearfund.org/worldbank


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Q&A WITH SIR CLIFF RICHARD Interview by Ben Cohen

If you could choose just one hymn to sing what would it be?

Cliff Richard is one of the world’s most famous pop singers and has sold 250 million records in his 60-year career. He has the third highest number of number one hits in the UK, and was knighted for his services to music in 1995.

I did a song called Faithful One, co-written by a Christian friend of mine, Chris Eaton (with Brian White). If you watched Cilla Black’s funeral, you would have heard me sing it there. It's wonderful... it's really a hymn about walking, treading pathways that are too steep. But there's always been that faithful one with me. I would choose that.

In 1969, Cliff performed two fundraising concerts for Tearfund at London’s Albert Hall. That started a long association with Tearfund. He served as Tearfund’s Vice President for ten years from 1999. In 2009, Sir Cliff gave the proceeds of his first 50th anniversary concert in Wembley Arena to Tearfund. Tearfund will be celebrating its 50th anniversary at the Albert Hall, do you have fond memories of your first gospel shows there? When I became a Christian, it was a spiritual life I started, and there were all the people already on that pathway. They helped me understand the Bible. I thought early on that I should retire from show business. It seemed wrong to be well known, have money and things like that. Fortunately, a lot of my friends were very wise, older Christians. And they said, ‘There's no need to give up your job. You could use your job…’ And it led to me doing a charity concert, singing music that was expressive of how I felt. So I look back with great relish to that time. How has your connection with Tearfund affected your faith? It emboldened my faith. When this spiritual life started for me, the first thing I thought was to start looking outwards. It was part of my growing up that suddenly I knew there was this world of ‘nothing’ for some people. Being poor means you have nothing, no choices at all except to scrabble through life and perhaps die early. So all of that knowledge I gained from working with Tearfund. I've said many times that Tearfund has probably done more for me than I've given to it. Left: Long - term Tearfund supporter Sir Cliff Richard Photo: Andrew Philip/Tearfund

As someone who has enjoyed a long career, what would you say to Tearfund about longevity? Tearfund must keep on. There's too much happening in the world for it to stop. So there will always be reasons to keep on. The other thing is to be as honest as you can. Tearfund takes the trouble of finding out what is the need in that area and deals with that need... If you keep busy, and you keep feeling people's needs, then you will keep on. I feel that need to keep going. But it is hard work. You have to have commitment to what you're doing. Is there any message you’d like to pass on to our supporters, volunteers and staff? I would encourage all of you, all of us, who live in this kind of world, our world here... We are a small percentage compared to the number of people who don't have what we have. I want to thank Tearfund for helping me learn that. I want to thank them for sending me out to places that I would never ever have dreamed of going to prior to my spiritual awakening. And I'm envious of the work that you do, and wish I could do more of it.



Meet Neil and Sue who run Potter's House – home to Tearfund Christmas cards If you feel like Christmas comes round earlier each year, spare a thought for Neil and Sue Batty. They’re already thinking about Christmas 2019! ‘By the time Christmas comes, we’ve been looking at Christmas cards, gifts, tinsel, baubles for so long, Christmas kind of loses its edge,’ laughs Sue. Neil and Sue are the husband and wife team behind Potter’s House, the Christian distribution company that supplies Tearfund’s Christmas cards. Each year, around three-quarters of a million cards are sold, raising tens of thousands of pounds for Tearfund’s work. But beyond the figures and the funds, there’s another reason why Neil and Sue feel privileged to be supplying Tearfund’s Christmas cards.

‘It’s great to get a Christian message out there,’ explains Neil, ‘to promote the real meaning of Christmas. And Tearfund supporters are such a loyal, supportive bunch.’ It’s hardly surprising that Tearfund Christmas cards sell so well. The cards are beautifully designed – the kind of cards that are saved from the recycling pile each year. Each card also includes a Bible verse, reminding receivers what Christmas is all about. ‘We get so many letters from customers who have been so blessed by cards and products they have received and want to get in touch to let us know,’ explains Sue.




Neil is always ready to celebrate. ‘I still love Christmas,’ he says with a smile.

In the midst of supplying the nation’s Christmas cards, Neil and Sue make sure they also find time to write their own. ‘It’s really hard,’ admits Sue. ‘After handling so many cards for so long, it can be the last thing you want to do.’ It’s not surprising then that by the time Christmas comes around, Sue and Neil are ready for a rest. But while Sue feels slightly Christmassed-out by the big day,

Tearfund Christmas cards are available to order in packs of ten or 20 from www.tearfundchristmascards.co.uk A small number of printed catalogues are also available on request by calling 01909 492 868. Ten per cent of all money raised from the sale of Tearfund cards goes directly to help transform communities around the world.

THE CARDS WE LOVE With so many cards to choose from, you might need a bit of inspiration from the experts. Here are Neil and Sue’s top picks from this season’s range…

Three Kings We love the colours on this card and the rich, regal outfits adorning the visitors to the King of kings. Mother and Child We love this because of its a simple yet powerful expression of love – it’s what the gospel is all about.

Arch Story A little bit of luxury for Christmas. The gold finish beautifully complements the die cut design of the traditional nativity story.







Written by Craig Borlase For Rowan Smith – a finance graduate with an emerging career at a large accounting firm – early morning meetings often follow a predictable pattern. They involve a conference room, a little too much PowerPoint and sweeping views of London. But in January this year, Rowan attended a breakfast meeting that broke all the rules. It had taken Rowan and his four travelling companions two days of trekking through the dense jungles of northern Myanmar to reach their destination. Miles and miles of bamboo separated them from the nearest road, yet in this remote village in this formerly closed country, they were welcomed as friends. Sitting among pastors and village leaders, Rowan was about to have one of the most profound experiences of his life. The team of five were in Myanmar as part of Tearfund’s IMPACT:LIFE network. Over the last three years, IMPACT:LIFE has helped dozens of people like Rowan start out on a journey of connection, generosity and transformation.

impact of their support. They share in both the successes and the challenges, which equip them to pray. Eventually, the group travels to visit the project in person and see for themselves how their support has helped to bring transformation. Sitting in the early morning light in a traditional Kachin house, eating boiled rice and eggs, Rowan listened as people described the ways that their prayer and financial support had helped. The IMPACT:LIFE funding had allowed them to construct a much-needed bridge across a nearby river – improving access to other villages. BUILDING BRIDGES

PROFESSIONAL INTEREST The IMPACT:LIFE plan is as simple it is effective. Eight Christian professionals form a group and support a project in two key ways: through prayer and by collectively committing to raise £10,000 over the course of a year. The group meets a handful of times to follow the progress of their giving, and receives updates on the transformational Photo: Rowan Smith in Myanmar Photo: Amy Ford/Tearfund

‘When they found out that we were helping in terms of getting the more expensive materials for the bridge, they dedicated the bridge by calling it Love in their language. That moment solidified the whole trip,’ says Rowan. ‘They were so distant from us in all those ways – geographically, culturally, language-wise and economically – but we were all bonded so closely.’


BACK TO THE OFFICE ‘It's helped me mature in my faith,’ says Rowan. ‘It's been a challenging journey, but it has helped me see what else life offers and what other things are going on around the world. Connecting with people both at home and on the other side of the world has grown my faith, both in understanding of God's global heart, and his generosity and desire for what the Christian family is meant to be at a broader level.’ Hannah Hobden was there with Rowan that morning. A fellow young professional, she’s no stranger to adventurous travel. But IMPACT:LIFE opened her eyes in unexpected ways, especially as she listened to one lady in the village describe the impact of the bridge on their communities. ‘She said, “we now love one another”. I just thought that was amazing and it made me think about life in the UK. We live in such isolated communities, we go to church with the same people and we spend time with the same people, but do we actually love each other? What they've experienced in those villages is that, by working together, they've actually grown in love for one another.’ In its own way, IMPACT:LIFE affects not just the remote villages in far-off locations, it brings young Christians together, builds community networks in the UK, and gives them a host of unique opportunities.

As the trip drew to a close, it wasn’t easy leaving the village and the bridge behind them. But as they hiked back through the forests, Rowan, Hannah and the rest of the team had one more experience in store.

‘THEY DEDICATED THE BRIDGE BY CALLING IT LOVE IN THEIR LANGUAGE’ ‘We stood together on the mountain, talked about how the trip had gone and prayed together. We sang Amazing Grace – us in English and the local Tearfund partner staff in their language. You could tell, from the emotion in their voices, how much it meant to them, really. It was mind-blowing.’ Find out more about IMPACT:LIFE and how you, or someone you know, can get involved visit www.tearfund.org/impactlife

Above: Hannah Hobden meeting local people in Myanmar with IMPACT:LIFE Below: Rowan (far left) who says his experience in Myanmar was 'mind blowing' Photo: Amy Ford/Tearfund

DON’T LEAVE FAMILIES TRAPPED IN THE RUINS Samjana lost her baby, Iniya, who died in the first Nepal earthquake in 2015. Even in the face of this tragedy, she says, ‘We have to have courage.’ We were able to help provide this courageous woman with a new earthquake-resistant home. Read the full story on page 8. www.tearfund.org/samjana

£12 £12 each month could allow a person to attend a disaster preparedness course, equipping them to be more prepared in an emergency.

100 Church Road, Teddington TW11 8QE Challenge House, 29 Canal Street, Glasgow G4 0AD Salem Chapel, Salem Lane, Church Village, Pontypridd CF38 1PT 241 Newtownards Road, Belfast BT4 1AF

www.tearfund.org +44 (0)20 3906 3906 " info@tearfund.org www.twitter.com/tearfund ! # www.facebook.com/tearfund Registered Charity No. 265464 (England and Wales) Registered Charity No. SC037624 (Scotland) Photo: Matthew Joseph/Tearfund 31986-(0918)

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