Techmix international dairy catalog ryc rym version no bleed

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Specific nutrition to meet the needs of livestock at specific times.

Fresh Cow Complete fresh cow supplement featuring yeast, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and niacin to ease the transition into lactation. When cows freshen, they lose a large reservoir of the essential nutrients that cows need to get going and transition into lactation quickly. Make recovery easier by giving Fresh Cow YMCP to boost levels of yeast, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and niacin. As one of the top transition products on the market, Fresh Cow YMCP helps to reduce immediate post-calving complications such as reduced appetite, milk fever, hypocalcaemia, and retained placentas. More than just a tool to combat metabolic disorders, Fresh Cow YMCP also helps to provide nutrients needed to reach optimum peak milk therefore improving profitability through better ME305 milk and components.

When to Use:

• Helps to prevent and reduce metabolic disorders • • • •

including milk fever, hypocalcaemia, ketosis, displaced abomasums, and retained placentas For cows that are energy deficient For cows that are off feed Post-surgery As a follow up to intravenous calcium administration to maintain calcium levels

Fresh Cow YMCP contains four types of calcium (calcium lactate, tricalcium phosphate, calcium propionate, calcium carbonate) plus other key ingredients to give cows everything they need to help aid in recovery and get used to the demands of lactation, all in a palatable and non-abrasive product.

Proven Results Fresh Cow YMCP Trials

Fresh Cow YMCP has consistently shown positive effects to both milk responses and metabolic disease instances for over a decade.

FRESH COW YMCP TRIALS 6.00% 5.00% 4.00% 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% 0.00%





YMCP (386 cows)

12 herd summary results - Midwest USA

raged 6.4 cows ave er day. Treated kp ional mil lbs addit

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How Fresh Cow YMCP helps aid in recovery. ®

CALCIUM SOURCE: Good milk starting without milk fever

500 g bag x 20 12.5 kg pail Paste - 375 g tube



ENERGY: Good milk starting without ketosis ELECTROLYTES & BETAINE: Good milk starting

Available Sizes



NIACIN: Liver health


Better blood transport

YEAST: The best ruminal activation / energy / protein / reduced acidosis

ZINC: Epithelium protection

VITAMINS: General metabolism



Water Administration Mix 500 g Fresh Cow YMCP to a minimum of 20 liters of warm water. The quicker the offering of Fresh Cow YMCP in the drinking water after calving the better the consumption. Drench Use Use as a drench suspension by mixing 500 g of Fresh Cow YMCP with 600-1000 ml of warm water. Drench suspension slowly to permit swallowing.

Give entire contents of tube to fresh cow shortly after calving. Place tube in a dosing gun, remove the cap, and dispense contents into the back of the cow’s mouth while holding the head in an elevated position. Give time for the animal to swallow. Do not use in cows which are unable to swallow.


the nutrients your fresh cow

needs in ONE product

TechMix Global


Hydration Hydration and nutritional support is essential for both herd health and performance during stressful events such as heat stress and freshening. Bovine BlueLite® is a palatable and buffered source of electrolytes that includes potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium. Combined with energy sources like dextrose, sucrose, fructose and others, Bovine BlueLite provides the nutrients necessary to help recover from dehydration and help restore cow health for reproduction, milk production and helping prevent metabolic issues. For over twenty years, Bovine BlueLite has been proven one of the most effective products on the market to ensure that your herd is well hydrated to maintain milk production, and encourage dry matter and water intake. Use Bovine BlueLite to help cows rehydrate in times of heat stress and maintain normal body fluid and electrolyte balance to help ensure top performance.

When to Use:

To encourage dry matter and water intake • During hot weather and heat stress events • Before, during and after transport To maintain hydration • During and following health challenges such as pneumonia, systemic mastitis, toxic metritis, postsurgery, and winter dysentery • After hypertonic saline use • For show cattle to maintain top performance

Proven Results The Relationship Between THI and Mortality

Recent Italian study reported in the Journal of Dairy Science, shows that mortality rates for cows experiencing heat stress trend dramatically upward when the THI reaches 79.6°F. This six year study verifies that when the minimum THI was greater than 70°F, an increase of deaths occurred regardless of the maximum THI – and even THI measurements lower than this resulted in reduced production and performance.

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How Bovine BlueLite helps a heat stressed cow. ®

Available Sizes Powder - 3 kg bag Pellets - 25 kg bag

ADIPOSE LIVER MUSCLE VITAMINS: General metabolism / reproduction


ELECTROLYTES: Encourage water intake / nutrient transport / dissipate heat / immune support NIACIN: Liver health / energy metabolism


BETAINE: Fluid balance / cell volume / gut integrity ENERGY: Provides more glucose for blood flow



Bovine BlueLite Pellets are formulated to provide sugars and electrolytes in dairy cow rations. Top dress, or mix in the TMR or grain portion of the dairy ration.


• During mild heat stress and fresh cow pen – 115 grams per head per day • During severe heat stress – 170 grams per head per day

Mix with grain, 60 grams per cow per day. One 3 kg bag feeds approximately 50 cows. Drinking Water: Mix 0.5 kg Bovine BlueLite with 250 liters water.

Engineered to help:

• Rehydrate • Lower body temp promote

• Quicker recovery • Reduce milk loss TechMix Global


Digestive Health

A source of probiotics for dairy cows.

Speed digestive restoration and help encourage increased intake by providing a concentrated form of niacin and a quick boost of DFMs (direct-fed microbials). Rumen Yeast Caps help to restore beneficial bacteria in the rumen and encourage dry matter intake any time that normal digestive health has been interrupted. Each capsule of Rumen Yeast Caps provides 30 Billion CFU’s of live yeast and 6 grams of niacin, both of which are required to restore normal digestive health. Administer any time that dry matter intake drops, following freshening, and after antibiotic treatment.

When to Use:

• For dairy cows following freshening or calving • To encourage dry matter intake • To help restore healthy bacterial balance to the rumen

• To help improve feed efficiency • After antibiotic treatment

An adult dairy cow’s digestive system capacity is roughly 44 gallons (167,200 milliliters). Each milliliter of digestive fluid should contain 1 to 10 billion beneficial bacteria to maximize feed efficiency and promote digestive health. Rumen Yeast Caps have multiple strains of viable (live) bacteria, live cell yeast and fermentation extracts. Rumen Yeast Caps help to re-populate, enhance and activate the rumen and intestinal micro-flora of cattle. Rumen Yeast Caps promote feed intakes, digestion and beneficial micro-flora.

Yeast, what’s the difference? Active Dry Yeast • Scavenges Oxygen • Enzyme Producer • Produces B-vitamins • Produces microbial protein and metabolites

• Stimulates feed intake

Yeast Culture • Fermentation metabolites • Feeds rumen microflora • Variable viability

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Available Sizes

Mix - 2.5 kg bag Caps - 25 capsule jar

Key Components at Work

Formulated With:

• Yeast



Administer one capsule daily for 2-3 days in succession following calving or freshening or whenever feed or dry matter intake drops below normal as a result of hot weather or environmental changes.

• Transition Groups - 14 days before calving to 14 days postcalving; 2 kg/100 head daily (20 g/head/ day)

• Direct-Fed Microbials • Niacin

• Group Feeding or Complete Lactation; 1 kg/100 head daily (10 g/head/day)

TechMix Global


Probiotic A supplement containing a source of live, viable microorganisms for use in calves. Calf RD is specifically designed to aid in the development of the rumen; to establish dry feed intake at an earlier age to help improve weaning weight and reduce digestive health issues. Packed with DFMs (direct-fed microbials), Calf RD uses live bacteria to help maintain a more desirable digestive environment, in turn helping to starve off pathogens and aid in nutrient utilization. Giving Calf RD is as easy as mixing it with milk replacer, milk, or water. Adding daily DFMs promotes faster rumen development and encourages starter intakes, both of which allow calves to gain weight more quickly and wean earlier if desired. Administer Calf RD to create a healthy digestive environment to better withstand the potential impact of pathogens such as E.coli and salmonella. Calf RD is an effective way to help calves to ease the transition to dry feed with less digestive disruption.

When to Use:

• To aid in rumen development • To improve the transition to dry feed and enhance intake

• To help reduce digestive disturbances • To populate the digestive system with healthy bacteria

• To help calves to be more viable when moved to a group pen

What makes Calf RD unique?

Preventing disease is always cheaper than treating sick animals. Maintaining an optimal GI environment for nutrient utilization is critical. Many factors can influence calf health: • Immune development • Colostrum passive transfer • Pathogens • Nutrition • Stress • Environmental conditions

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Product In Action

Available Sizes 1.350 g jar 6 kg pail

On farms, the use of Calf RD has been shown to help increase and decrease the following: Growth Rates Feed Intake Energy Balance Rumen Development Immune System

Pathogens Growth/ Colonization Oxidative Stress Feeding Costs Time to Weaning

Formulated With: DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Calf RD is designed to be mixed with milk, milk replacer or rehydration products. Feed Calf RD from the 2nd day old till weaning: 2 g per feeding (4 g per calf/day) mixed with milk or milk replacer. For large volume feeding, mix 200 g of Calf RD with 200 liters of milk or milk replacer in each feeding (assumes feeding 2 l/head at each feeding and feeding 2 times/day).


• Energy

• Direct-Fed Microbials • Vitamins

• Antioxidants

TechMix Global


Calf Health An easy-to-use capsule containing a source of natural ingredients including botanical extract, naturally occurring microorganisms, and yeast fermentation products Protect the future of your herd with Calf Renova. When calves are susceptible to scouring or at first signs of diarrhea, helping them return to normal feed intake levels and growth is the top priority. Calf Renova helps to clean the gut and restore beneficial bacteria. Help enhance intestinal microflora and encourage dry matter intake any time that normal digestive health has been interrupted.

What makes Calf Renova unique?

When to Use: • • • • •

For dairy & beef calves At first sign of scouring / diarrhea At receiving To help ease the transition from colostrum to whole milk or milk replacer During periods of digestive problems or immediately after

Calf Renova has been specifically engineered to help calves maintain a healthy digestive tract. To help prevent or reduce instances of scouring in calves, give Calf Renova. • Natural antimicrobial effect • Enhanced immune response • Less severity of scours • Stimulates feed intake • Improved feed efficiency and weight gain

Yeast Culture DFMs Oregano Essen+al Oil

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Product In Action Available Sizes 180 g jars 36 caps per jar

Protocol to help calves with scours: CALF RENOVA

At first signs of diarrhea • 1 capsule • If necessary, repeat 24 hours later.


Repopulates microflora • Follow up with 8g for 4 days • Then continue with 4g until weaning

Formulated With: DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Administer one capsule per calf: • Starting at 3 days of age • At first sign of scouring/diarrhea • Receiving incoming calves • During periods of digestive problems, or as follow up. Repeat after 24 hours if needed for a maximum of 3 capsules


• Essential Oils

• Direct-Fed Microbials • Yeast

• Antioxidants TechMix Global


The Right Nutrition at the Right Time The right nutritional assistance, at the right time, is Timed Event Nutrition. Timed Event Nutrition products provide cows a much better chance of getting through challenging events such as calving, heat stress, showing, transportation, etc. with fewer complications. Numerous field studies demonstrate that TechMix timed event products are economical to use and deliver measurable return on investment. Instead of waiting for trouble to strike, dairy producers can take a proactive approach to a healthier cow, naturally, through nutrition. Our primary objective for dairy products is to help maintain normal herd health during critical times through proper nutrition and effective hydration.

For the Critical Times • Calving/Birth • Heat stress • Transportation • Showing • Scours

• • • • •

Off-feed issues Dehydration Changing Environments Weaning Extreme cold – and more!

Contact Us TechMix Corporate

Email: Phone: +1 (877) 466-6455 Stewart, MN USA

TechMix International

Email: Tarragona, Spain © 2014 TechMix Global


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