Philly Tech Week 2014 presented by AT&T Program & Magazine

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philly tech week April 4-12 A week-long celebration of technology and innovation in Philadelphia

Presen te d b y

www.phillytechweek .com

Philadelphia innovation:

Organized by

Are we ready for the spotlight?

> > page 27

full calendar inside featuring more than

3D printers, soldering and more!

/ P. 7

Finally, a tour map without the Liberty Bell / P. 25 tech events


include Aneesh Chopra, former U.S. CTO, investor Josh Kopelman, Erica Ogg of Wirecutter, Amanda Steinberg of DailyWorth and more!

Presented by

Table of Contents


Page 05 STEM ed gets local engine Page 06 4 beautiful open data maps of Philly

A note from #PTW14 organizers

Page 07 Tour local Makerspaces

Technology has always been a way to open doors, if even just a crack. Generation-defining communications platforms and tools that help us discover and improve and understand our world better have taken us to new worlds and better connected us on old ones. Technology has made wealth and helped escape poverty. Not for all, not even for most, but it has certainly shown the way. Because of the idealism that infuses innovation, there needs to be an inclusiveness at the very core of any community of people aiming to explore and exploit technology, whatever that technology is in a given era. Meritocracies are heady things to build, but certainly we can aspire to be focused on striking that balance between welcoming any and all new faces that wash upon our digital shores and celebrating the prideful tribalism of what we know. Let’s use and promote and come to know the local leaders and companies and groups that define what it means to be from Philadelphia. But let us also recognize the broader narrative by which we will be defined. Global consciousness is not foolish and American exceptionalism is not new, but add to your spirit an appreciation for the quickly defining mega-region of which Philadelphia is a center. From Boston to Washington D.C. at the least, with Philadelphia, New York and Baltimore in the middle (Delaware and New Jersey to boot), the Northeast Corridor of the United States is one of the densest, most populated, best transited innovation hubs the world has ever known. Individually, we are all building creative communities that are reshaping how we want to be defined. Together, we could lead the next century of ideas at a time when the world is racing to join the celebration of them. This momentary spotlight on technology and entrepreneurial communities can be a chance to bring us all together emotionally in a way that Amtrak trains help us do physically. Set aside the sports allegiances and food preferences, the stereotypes and jokes and think about how many customers and clients and investors and friends we have across this corridor. We can be part of something bigger than ourselves. Technology can bring us together. It’s that kind of thinking that the fourth annual Philly Tech Week Presented by AT&T hopes to engender. The kind of thinking that boasts of a local spirit and civic determination that inspires us to lift up our neighbors while also looks to learn from all of the best ideas that can be summoned and developed and delivered. At the very time that digital technology becomes less of a sector and more of an underpinning of any industry we ever knew, this is when we should build up our cities, one of humanity’s best innovations and incubators for ideas, and break our borders, without losing a love for wherever we call home. There will always be a Philadelphia identity, just like there will always be specialists who know how the plumbing works of our digital infrastructure. But when we share ideas during this celebration of new ideas in Philadelphia, let’s not forget that we aren’t competing with another place, we are competing with lesser versions of what we can become.

Page 09 PTW2014's complete calendar


Page 22 Learn from local failure Page 23 Rockin' the Suburbs Page 25 Philly Innovation Map Page 27 Can Philadelphia lead the region to a tech future?

cover story

Page 33 Sponsors & Partners Page 38 Welcome to Philly Tech Philly Tech Week 2014 Presented by AT&T is the third annual celebration of technology and innovation in the Philadelhia region. The week is organized by local technology news organization Philly, in partnership with more than 125 organizations. Philly is a leading local technology news and events organization. It publishes daily content that covers entrepreneurship, access, policy, development and creative trends, issues and people who are making cities better through technology. Philly Staff Brian James Kirk, Christopher Wink, Corinne Warnshuis, Juliana Reyes Kate Leshko and Peter Erickson Cover Photo

by Neal Santos contributors

Juliana Reyes, Frida Garza, Jennifer Sun and Christopher Wink Design and Printing

Red Flag Media Logo and Website

Jarvus Innovations Publisher

Technically Media Inc., 4040 Locust Street, Philadelphia 19104

With great admiration, Corinne Warnshuis, Christopher Wink, Kate Leshko, Juliana Reyes, Brian James Kirk (From L to R in photo)

T E C H N I C A L . LY / P H I L LY • Phillyt e ch w e e k . co m




CapTech is a national technology consulting firm that designs, implements and integrates IT systems for America’s most respected companies. Working within our clients’ cultures, we tailor business solutions to their unique needs.




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It’s for the Kids How local technology businesses are supporting STEM education programs in Philadelphia // by Frida Garza Odyssey of the Mind is a decades-old after-school design and building competition that still can get kids excited. The students behind “Team ?” say it’s better than school. Inside a bright blue wood shop in University City that’s part of the Department of Making + Doing hacker space, two Masterman Middle School students on Team ? (pronounced ‘Team Wha’) learn how to use a table saw for the first time. They’re preparing for the regional competition, where they’ll compete against hundreds in envisioning, designing and building a solution to a provided problem. Michael Darfler, who helps to run the practices, supervises the students. He’s the program manager at the DMD, which is focusing on youth engagement in a storefront at the 3711 Market Street University City Science Center building. It’s a place where students can experiment with using power tools and high-tech equipment like laser cutters and 3D printers donated by NextFab Studio, the celebrated makerspace that outgrew this space in late 2012 and moved to a new 21,000 square foot building on Washington Avenue in South Philly. DMD hosting the Masterman Odyssey of the Mind team is just one example of how tech groups are aiming to support hands-on, STEM education for Philadelphia youth. There is no shortage of similar examples of efforts started by existing technical institutions or members of the local technology community:

→→Tracey Welson-Rossman, a marketing vice

president at suburban mobile development company Chariot Solutions, is growing TechGirlz, a nonprofit that runs programming classes for girls. →→Devnuts, the Northern Liberties coworking space that houses dev firm Jarvus, hosts regular hack nights that often welcome high school students and other young people hoping to find tech careers. →→Startup Corps is the half-decade-old program teaching entrepreneurship and technical skills to Philadelphia high school students. →→TinyWPA, based at the Department of Making + Doing, is a program for using the building

trades as a way for empowerment among youth →→Drexel students teach computer science to West Philly middle schoolers. →→NextFab Studio hosts students who are learning about design and fabrication. →→Comcast sponsors Central High School’s robotics team. →→Global skills-training group GirlDevelopIt, which focuses on getting more women into IT careers and features teachers from the tech scene, has one of its largest and most active chapters in Philadelphia. It’s an effort to get more students thinking about STEM, but it’s also a way that the tech scene can give back to the community. And for the students, what’s so special about these kinds of programs? One of the Odyssey team members, wearing a custom sweatshirt he screenprinted at DMD, explains it like this: at school, there is only one right answer. At Odyssey, “Every answer is right.”

[above center] Department of Making + Doing, an effort to put tech hardware in the hands of kids, is a collaboration between organizers at Next Fab Studio, the Hacktory, Public Workshop and Breadboard Philly. Photo by Technically Philly. [above right] A Public Workshop class. Photo courtesy of the Dept. of Making + Doing. [left] Photo courtesy of the Dept. of Making + Doing.

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Mapping Philadelphia Philadelphia has been mapped by modern standards for hundreds of years. But after a generation of advancing mapping software, the explosion of web tools and the new era of open data, Philadelphia has never had so many people mapping it, in so many different ways, than today. Here are four recent favorites:


Where are socially-minded businesses based in Philadelphia? This Good World is a map by a Rochester, N.Y.-based pair that plots businesses with a social mission. Find it at


Where is crime most common in Philadelphia? Consistently the most sought-after local data is about crime and nothing makes it more personally relevant than mapping it. Third parties and hobbyist hackers have built various ways to display, visualize and understand Philadelphia crime data for years. In February, city GIS staffer Dave Walk’s interactive crime map

was adopted by the Philadelphia Police Department. Use it at


Where is there high-quality early-childhood education in Philadelphia? Only 14 percent of Philadelphia’s more than 2,000 early childhood education programs are high quality, according to an analysis by Azavea and the Delaware Valley Association for the Education of Young Children. “High quality” refers to ratings given by state and regional associations like DVAEYC and the state’s Office of Child Development and Early Learning. Find it at

Where do people in Philadelphia most commonly run for exercise? Map by Nathan Yau of FlowingData using data from the RunKeeper app.

Want to buy my company? Among tech business founders, much attention is paid when a larger company spends a lot of money to acquire a local firm. Big exits, whether they keep jobs in the area or not, bring national attention to fledgling tech scenes. It’s hard to do better than hosting a big IT firm’s HQ, but the wealth creation, experience and talk that follows a sale with a large price tag is valuable too. Here is a list of 10 of the largest acquisitions of Philadelphia-area tech companies in the last 10 years.


GSI Commerce acquired by EBay for $2.4 billion in cash and debt (March 2011)


Kenexa acquired by IBM for $1.3 billion in cash (August 2012)

3. acquired by Amazon for $500 million in cash (November 2010)


Ecount acquired by Citigroup for $220 million (February 2008)


Fiberlink acquired by IBM for est. $200 million (November 2013)

6. acquired by Navteq for $175 million (November 2006)


AdminServer acquired by Oracle for $125 million (May 2008)


ThingWorx acquired by PTC for $112 million (December 2013)


PointRoll acquired by Gannett for $100 million in cash (June 2005)

10. myYearbook acquired by

Quepasa for $100 million (July 2011)


P h i l ly t e c h w e e k . c o m • TECHNIC A L . LY/ P HILLY

Presented by

cale n da r ale r t !

If You Can Make It Here

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Philadelphia’s makers have come out of hiding. Don’t have space for a studio of 3D printers, welding tools and laser cutters in your rowhome? No problem. These tinkerers are metalworking, fabricating and experimenting in sprawling, shared spaces around the city that are stocked with equipment and experts. They’re called “makerspaces” and they’re one way the technology scene is reimagining the city’s manufacturing past.

sunday, April


d program your Learn to build an ntroller. co me ga n ow details Get all the event on page 10.

the cedar works

nextfab studio

The Cedar Works used to be a car dealership, a roller skating rink and an ironworking shop. But the nearly-century-old property sat vacant for a decade before Linford Martin and Andy Pfeifer turned it into a shared workspace for artists and other West Philadelphia creatives.

Founded in 2009 by Evan Malone, NextFab Studio is one of the city’s original and best respected makerspaces. The space, home to hobbyists and professionals alike, has a strong educational component, offering classes on topics like soldering, consumer grade 3D printing and digital embroidery.

the loom at richmond mills

carbon collective

From the outside, the Loom might seem like another hulking, abandoned Philadelphia warehouse. But the former 1890s-era textile mill hosts legacy tenants like a book binder and a stovetop cover manufacturer, as well as newer, more boutique tenants like artist co-op Art/Assembly and printshop Fireball Printing.

Dave Wade Brann, 21, turned his late mentor’s metalworking studio into a shared studio space last summer. Equipped with power hammers, plasma cutters and a forging station, the space is an attempt to democratize the workshop landscape. “Not everybody has the option to have a workshop,” Brann said. “And they should.”

4919 Pentridge Street, West Philadelphia

3245 Amber St, Port Richmond

p h o t o s b y a i d a n u n ( 3 ) a n d Ra c h e l K o t k o s k i e ( n e x t f a b )

2025 Washington Avenue, South Philadelphia

2132 E. Arizona Street, Fishtown

T E C H N I C A L . LY / P H I L LY • Phillyt e ch w e e k . co m


“TALK LITTLE, DO MUCH.” – Ben Franklin

In the past two years alone, Trellist has partnered with more than 150 companies, including 35 industry leaders and 10 Fortune 500 companies. See how we do what we do. April 4–12, 2014 at Philly Tech Week. • • @trellist

Proud sponsor of # PTW14 Media Track The Future of Digital Marketing Tuesday, April 8th

COMMIT pledge

o f d i g i ta l s e r v i c e

This year, pledge a few volunteer hours with others in the Philly Tech Week community to help local nonprofits improve their technology services and to teach citizens computer skills like resume building, word processing and more.

L e a r n m o r e b y v i s i t i n g ht tp://


Presented by

P Access Sponsors

Col l a boration pow ere d by

E Business Sponsors

refer to for the most up-to-date details, including accurate locations and timing for each event. You can also bookmark events and RSVP via the website.

Friday, April 4 Robotics Expo

M Civic Sponsor


fe at u r e d e v e nt

Hackfit Philly


8:30 am - 3:00 pm @ Singh Nanotechnology Center, 3205 Walnut St.; Free

5:00 pm - April 6 4:00 pm @ Impact Hub Philly, 1227 N. 4th St.; $109 & up

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm @ AIGA Philadelphia SPACE, 72 N. 2nd St.; Free

The Philly Robotics Expo (PRX) is an annual robotics expo that takes place during Philly Tech Week. This year’s event includes tours of robotics labs at UPenn, workshops, the exhibitor hall, participation in FIRST Robotics Scrimmages, and seminars from UPenn and Drexel professors and grad students.

Hackfit is a fitness-infused startup competition for innovative thinkers passionate about healthy living. Following the traditional three-day hackathon formula, Hackfit ups the ante with camaraderie-building fitness challenges, rockstar mentorship, and superfoods – challenging teams to create the future of health, fitness, and sport technology.

AIGA Philadelphia SPACE will feature interactive design and web animation for its April exhibition, opening First Friday, April 4. Alongside projections, we will be covering SPACE with QR codes for a new kind of gallery experience, including animated GIFs, old school Flash, After Effects and interactive artwork. Exhibit runs until April 30.







Creative Sponsors

Arcade @ The Oval 7:00 pm - 10:30 pm @ The Oval, Benjamin Franklin Parkway; Free

D Dev

Celebrate technology and innovation at the Philly Tech Week Presented by AT&T kickoff event. We’ll be playing Tetris on the Cira Centre building, Guinness Certified as the world’s tallest video game! Local apps, games and community partners will be highlighted during this outdoor “arcade.” Enjoy food from 10+ Philly food trucks, a Yards beer garden and live performances. Tracks4



Media Sponsors

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Presented by

Saturday, April 5

Light Hacking Weekend 10:00 am - 6:00 pm @ Department of Making + Doing, 3711 Market St.

Philadelphia Area Computer Society Meeting 8:00 am - 3:00 pm @ GIANT Food Store, 315 York Rd., Willow Grove, PA 19090; Free

Founded in 1976, PACS is a computer user group where members fix problems, share knowledge, and learn from each other. PACS holds monthly meetings with 15 special interest groups plus a main meeting. Tracks4


Philly Student Startup Summit 2.0

fe at u r e d e v e nt

9:00 am - 5:00 pm @ Towne Building, 220 S. 33rd St.; Free w/ RSVP

The second annual Philly Student Startup Summit is a one-day conference organized by nvigor intended to help students to connect with top leaders in the local startup community. Tracks4


Light Hacks is a 2-day hack session to explore light and technology. Participants can build portable camera obscura or a periscope and play with interactive installations using Processing software and the Kinect, build their own lightsabers, and play light pictionary with long-exposure camera shots. Join us 10:00 am - 6:00 pm on Sunday, April 6, too. Tracks4


Biodata Sonification Workshop

8th Annual PhillyCHI Design Slam 11:00 am - 4:00 pm @ Philadelphia University DEC Center Room 217, 4201 Henry Ave.

The Design Slam is a collaborative and competitive event where participants are divided into teams and given a design challenge to solve. This year, PhillyCHI has teamed with Philadelphia University’s Strategic Design MBA program, creating an opportunity for all students across the city to work side-by-side with proven design and strategic thinking professionals. Tracks4


Pyramid STEM Showcase

11:00 am - 1:00 pm @ Philadelphia Art Alliance, 251 S. 18th St.; Free

12:00 pm - 5:00 pm @ Leon H. Sullivan Center, 3601 N. Broad St.; Free

In conjunction to the exhibition “NOISE: Electricity for Progress,” Sam Cusumano and The Philadelphia Art Alliance will host an interactive workshop designed to illuminate the interconnectedness of science and nature. Participants will extract data from living biological systems and translate that information into music and sound using open source computer programs. All ages and skill levels are welcome.

Enjoy hands-on technology exhibits, information tables and speakers and see a Black Inventions exhibit. Learn an Hour of Code. Children can experience the Cyber Play Day and learn robotics and build their own video game. Break the digital divide. This showcase is fun and educational for the entire family.




A Sunday, April 6 Baseball Hack Day 9:30 am - 6:00 pm @ Indy Hall, 22 N. 3rd St.; Free

Baseball Hack Day is a hacking event where area baseball minds come together, form a team, and collaborate to create baseball-related projects to compete in a friendly one-day competition. Tracks4


Tetris Pregame: Arduino Controller Workshop 12:00 pm - 3:30 pm @ NextFab, 2025 Washington Ave.; $50

sat ur Day

April 5


T rack Day

Whether you’re new to programming or wanting to sharpen your skills, this full day conference will include advanced and beginner workshops and lightning technical presentations from some of the city’s smartest local companies. Jon M. Huntsman Hall at UPenn, 3730 Walnut Street > 8:00 am – 6:30 pm (Advanced Track) > 11:30 am – 6:30 am (Beginner Track)

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Participants will learn to build and program their own game controller, which they can use to play tetris on a 4-ft replica of the Cira Centre skyscraper on which a lucky few will play to kickoff the week. Participants will learn to solder as they assemble their own controller made from laser cut and 3D printed parts. Using an Arduino, each individual will program the controller to talk to the replica over a USB cable. Once the class is complete, the controller can be taken home and used with any PC to replace the keyboard for basic games. The workshop will be followed by an open demo for the public and tours of NextFab facility starting at 4:00pm. Invite your friends and show off your creations. Drinks and light refreshments will be provided. Tracks4


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Chevrolet Innovation Tour 2:00 pm - 6:00pm @ Various Locations

Some of Philadelphia’s most exciting tech facilities will be part this afternoon Innovation Tour. Visit these the places where entrepreneurs, creatives and technologists are thriving in Philly’s neighborhood hubs. For more details, see p. 25 or visit Tracks

EAD mon day

GPS Bodies 4:00 pm - April 12 7:30 pm @ Various Locations; $15

Experience a data visualization via dancing bodies. Buy your ticket and we'll tell you where to begin. Then embark on a part treasure-hunt part dance improvisation with a group of pro dancers in a secret location. Tweet/DM them texts and photos/vines of your journey—and they'll create a tailored dance specific to your data input. How does it end? Play to find out. Tracks4


Cira Centre Tetris @ The Oval 8:00 pm - 10:30 pm @ The Oval, Benjamin Franklin Parkway; Free

We’ll be playing Tetris on the Cira Centre building, Guinness Certified as the world’s tallest video game! If you couldn’t make it to Friday’s kickoff Arcade @ The Oval, this second night of gaming is your chance to play and see Tetris. Tracks4

April 7

civic T r ack D ay

Learn about how technology is impacting local government and civil society. Hackers, politicians, bureaucrats and citizens will meet to discuss the creative class, technology’s economic impact and more.

City Council Hearing on the Creative Class 10:00am - 12:00pm @ City Hall, Free w/ RSVP

Hear from leaders of the technology community sharing their experiences on the ground with members of the Philadelphia City Council. Speakers will include those from entrepreneurial ventures and the creative class.


Economic Impact Open Access Philly 3:00pm - 5:00pm @ of the Technology CityCoHo, 2401 Walnut St., Sector: A Roundtable Free w/ RSVP

12:00pm - 1:30pm @ Free Library, 1901 Vine St., Free w/ RSVP

A discussion on how the growing tech sector is impacting the Philadelphia region, featuring Center City District CEO Paul Levy and First Round Capital managing partner Josh Kopelman. The event will also feature the release of the Tech CEO Survey data collected by

Come for the largest annual convening of this popular monthly innovation intersection event. Open Access Philly is a movement of civicminded, innovative, entrepreneurial types who convene monthly to share projects and passion. Come for lightningstyle talks from local and regional leaders.

p r e s e n t e d by

Monday, April 7 Create and Maintain Control of Smarter Mobile Apps 10:00 am - 11:30am @ NorthPoint Digital, 1650 Market St., 36th Floor; Free

Ready or not, the rise of smartphones and tablets are forcing organizations off the mobile device sidelines. In this session, we discuss how to create smarter mobile apps that respond to user behaviors, adapt to app successes and failures, and upturn the prevailing process. Tracks4


BYOD / Bring Your Own Device: Liability and Data Breach Sold Separately 10:00 am - 12:00 pm @ Pepper Hamilton LLP, 3000 Two Logan Square; Free

With smartphones becoming a part of our identity and the convenience of carrying and using just one device, many have started using their personal mobile devices for work-related tasks. This phenomenon, aptly dubbed “Bring Your Own Device,” raises a variety of legal issues both for the user and for the corporation. Tracks4


Tech Mix It Up: A Diversity Networking Affair 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm @ William Way Community Center, 1315 Spruce St.; Free

The purpose of this event is to bring together tech people from diverse backgrounds including race, ethnic origin and members of the LGBTQ communities. We invite you to help us make a more creative and innovative tech community by joining the conversation. Tracks4


T E C H N I C A L . LY / P H I L LY • Phillyt e ch w e e k . co m


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Monday, April 7 (cont'd)

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm @ Happy Cog, 1315 Walnut St. Suite 201; Free

Mobile Monday Mix Max 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm @ Cira Centre, 2929 Arch St.

Join members of Philly’s mobile community in a lively mix of rousing keynote entertainment and engaging networking. Tracks4

Inside Job Workshop: Defining Requirements in the Digital Age


If you’re in client service work, you’ve probably experienced the difficulties associated with defining and managing requirements through the life of a project, and beyond! Join Dave DeRuchie, Allison Fegel, and Patrick Marsceill from Happy Cog for a workshop on defining requirements in the digital age. Tracks4


Behind the Site with Happy Cog: A look at the redesign process of 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm @ Interstate General Media, 800 Market St., Ste 300; Free

Hear from Happy Cog and TEDxPhiladelphia, as they explore how they’re working together to curate a digital conference experience. Together they are creating an intuitive new, showcasing an ever expanding archive of speaker talks and opportunities for the local TEDx community to engage. Tracks4


Tuesday, April 8 Bootstrappers Breakfast 8:00 am - 9:30 am @ Elephant & Castle, 1800 Market St.; $5

Bootstrappers Breakfast meetings are for founders of early stage startups. It is a chance to compare notes on operational, development, and business issues with peers. Tracks4


Angular JS Workshop 9:00 am - 3:30 pm @ Chariot Solutions, 515 Pennsylvania Ave., Fort Washington, PA; $50

Come to this one-day workshop and build an application in AngularJS using Twitter Bootstrap, and integrate it with a Node.JS server-side data store. Tracks4 t u e s day

April 8

media T rack Day

Marketing, media and public relations have changed dramatically in the digital age. Hear from leading experts who are not only responding to the change but helping to shape it. Hosted in several venues in Northern Liberties.

PR for Startups 12:00pm - 1:00pm @ Seer Interactive Search Church, 1028 N. 3rd St., $5

A lunchtime panel discussing how to get the media attention you want when you need it for your young company. Hear from reporters and PR reps.

The Future of Digital Marketing 2:00pm - 6:00pm @ Seer Interactive Search Church, 1028 N. 3rd St., $75

Digital trends that marketers, agencies, content producers, and startups need to know.

p r esented by

Media Track Day After Party 6:00pm - 8:00pm @ Piazza, Free w/ RSVP

Drinks and networking with the leaders and actors in the region's media landscape

PhillyForce Conference 9:00 am - 5:00 pm @ TBD

PhillyForce is the local and Salesforce user group. The conference will include presentations about the platform, use cases, and useful tips. Tracks4

P h i l ly t e c h w e e k . c o m • TECHNIC A L . LY/ P HILLY


Inerail / 365 Main Data Center Tour 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm @ Science Center, 3701 Market St. 5th Floor; Free w/ RSVP

Come see where your data lives. Inerail and 365 Main will be giving tours of the data center facility. Additionally the Cloud Security Alliance will be present to discuss how to keep your information secure, and the Philadelphia Internet Exchange will be available to answer questions about peering and Internet backbone connectivity in Philadelphia. Tracks4




Presented by

Femme & Fortune Presents “From Passion To Business”

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5:30 pm - 7:30 pm @ The Shops at Liberty Place, 1625 Chestnut St.; Free

Join Femme & Fortune as they host an open panel and Q&A featuring three local entrepreneurial women to discuss their struggles and successes of being a female business owner. Sponsored by Squarespace and The Shops at Liberty Place, “From Passion To Business” will focus on empowering local female entrepreneurs and executives in their personal and professional lives. Tracks4


Women in Tech Startups 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm @ Pyramid Club, 1735 Market St., 52nd Floor; Free

Join us 52 floors above Philadelphia for an intimate conversation with extraordinary women in tech and tech startups, including Tracey Welson-Rossman, Ellen Weber, Julie Shapiro Esq., and Kathleen Cohen, hosted by the Professional Women’s Committee of the Pyramid Club. Tracks4


Exposed: Designers in the Startup World 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm @ Venturef0rth, 417 N. 8th St. Suite 201; Free

It's an all-star panel to tell you the real deal – what it’s really like to work as a designer in a startup. You’ll hear horror stories, you’ll hear how it was the best choice ever made, and you’ll learn the best practices for designer interaction both from a designer and CEO perspective. Tracks4


Social Entrepreneurship + Innovation, A Beautiful Collaboration 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm @ TBD; Free

During this gathering participants will learn how to combine social entrepreneurship and digital technology to shape business in new ways. We will explore examples of how tech is enabling a new generation of social innovators. Tracks4


Build iOS Mobile Apps 101 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm @ First Round Capital, 4040 Locust St; $25

This hands-on workshop is designed to teach individuals the basics of how to create a mobile app for the iOS platform and submit it to the App Store. By the end of the workshop, attendees will create basic code to add functionality to a simulated mobile device. Dinner will be provided. Tracks4


Hive76 is an eclectic and welcome makerspace at 9th and Spring Garden. As always, the collective is hosting several events during Philly Tech Week. Photo by Sarah Schu for Technically Philly.

Hive 76 Vintage Video Gaming 6:00 pm - 10:00 p.m. @ Hive 76, 915 Spring Garden St. Ste 519; Free

We cleaned out our closets and brought all of our favorite video games from our childhoods. Come play all the classics! Tracks4

6:00 pm - 10:00 p.m. @ Science Center, 3711 Market St. 8th Floor; Free

What happens to intellectual property created at a hackathon or startup weekend? A presentation on ways to avoid future conflict.


Chariot Talks Tech 6:30 pm - 8:30pm @ WHYY, 150 N. 6th St.; Free

Chariot Solutions has a yearly internal conference where our consultants teach each other. At this event, we will give you a sample of some of the topics which were covered at this year’s Chariot Day. Tracks4

6:30 pm - 8:30 pm @ TBD; Free

A panel of hackers will describe the hackathon experience to traditional IT industry types. Tracks4



Hacker’s Code of Collaboration




fe at u r e d e v e nt PhilaMade: Philadelphia Creative Community Show & Tell

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm @ Frankford Hall, 1210 Frankford Ave; Free

Join the PhilaMade creative community at Frankford Hall for a show and tell of just a few of the exciting emerging projects from creatives in the region. Tracks4


Hive 76 Open House 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm @ Hive76, 915 Spring Garden St. Suite 519; Free

Drop by to work on software, hardware, or any other DIY projects that may be of interest. The open house gives people a chance to meet the members and to see what kind of projects Hive76 likes to work on. Feel free to bring your own work along and ask questions! Tracks4


T E C H N I C A L . LY / P H I L LY • Phillyt e ch w e e k . co m


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Wednesday, April 9 Prospects to Profits: Using Mobile Technology to Generate more opportunities 8:30 am -10:00 am @ Benjamin’s Desk, 1701 Walnut St.; Free

MLeads team invites you to join Manish Gorawala, award-winning Philadelphia based IT entrepreneurturned-innovator, as he introduces you to the possibilities and demonstrates how web and mobile marketing and sales management can set you on a new path to growth. Tracks4


Tapping into the Invisible Consumer Base: People with Disabilities and Older Adults 10:00 am - 12:30 pm @ Free Library, 1901 Vine St.; Free

Can an app help those with visual disabilities see the world? A moderated panel and group discussion will highlight opportunities for access to technology, operational barriers to usage, adaptation and adoption, as well as product development. Tracks4


w edn e sday

April 9

business T rack D ay

Lunchtime Game Demo 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm @ Benjamin’s Desk 8th Floor, 1701 Walnut St.; Free

Start-up game developer PHL Collective will be holding a lunchtime game demo at Benjamin’s Desk. Come by and try out our first title. Tracks4


The Foundations of Being Sassy with Drupal 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm @ NorthPoint Digital, 1650 Market St. 36th Floor; Free

Learn about utilizing the Foundation framework and Sass together in Drupal harmony. We will go through installing and configuring the latest version of Foundation, some basic concepts with Sass, and provide some real-world examples of how it helps to streamline development in a fast-paced environment. Tracks4


Building a Bridge Between Philly’s Tech & Advertising Communities

Entrepreneur Bootcamp 8:00am - 11:00am @ University City Science Center, 3711 Market St., 8th Floor, $50


P h i l ly t e c h w e e k . c o m • TECHNIC A L . LY/ P HILLY

Switch Philly 5:30pm - 7:00pm @ First Round Capital, 4040 Locust St., $10

Building the legal elements of intellectual property, trademarking, litigation, accounting and more.

Five local college startups will demo their business to a panel of leaders who pick a winner.

Regional Investor Lunch Panel

Philly Startup Leaders Entrepreneur Expo

11:30am - 2:00pm @ University City Science Center, 3711 Market St., 8th Floor, $25

A panel about making investments in Philly and along the Northeast Corridor.

#Failfest: A Conversation In Failure 2:30pm - 5:00pm @ Bakerhostetler (formerly Woodcock Washburn), 12th Fl., Cira Centre, 2929 Arch St., $20

Focused presentations from local business leaders about failures that led to successes.

1:30 pm - 5:00 pm @ TBD

A multi-dimensional event with upwards of 16 speakers (keynote and panelists) covering topics on “how to” regarding the application of digital strategy within the advertising and communications industry. It will simultaneously tell the story of the emerging Philly

A full-day of business idea exchange in University City. Participate in targeted business bootcamps, learn from local leaders on their biggest mistakes, and watch five local startups compete for bragging rights and more at Switch Philly.

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7:00 pm - 10:00 pm @ The 23rd Street Armory, 22 S. 23rd Street

The Entrepreneur Expo is your chance to connect with the community. If you’re an entrepreneur, you will be able to talk about your work and hear about the work of others. If you’re interested in new ideas, new business plans, the uses of new technology, or are simply curious about the creative energy in this region, you’ll have a chance to see and meet those beginning to make a difference.

Presented by

Ad Club digital program while focusing on technology and the local people that drive it. Tracks4


Designing (and Theming) for Performance with Drupal 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm @ NorthPoint Digital, 1650 Market St. 36th Floor; Free

Some of the most aesthetically pleasing sites are also the slowest, but you don’t have to limit yourself to square corners and solid background colors to speed up your Drupal site. There are a number of tips and simple techniques you can adopt in your current process to get both performance and great design in future projects. Tracks4


Between You, Me and Mark Z. - The

Illusion of Privacy in Social Networks and What My Company and I Can Do About It 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm @ Pepper Hamilton LLP, 3000 Two Logan Square; Free

Social media use by both individuals and businesses is exploding and the data collected from users are plentiful and invaluable. With such priceless data available a few code lines away, the risk to our information privacy on social networks exponentially increases. The new claims filed against Facebook and Google allege that private messages and private emails are not really private anymore. The presenta-

tion will discuss what steps we can take as users of social networks to protect ourselves and what lessons can businesses learn to protect themselves from privacy violations. Tracks4


Bytes & Mortar: Using Open Data to Help Your Business 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm @ TBD; Free

The City of Philadelphia manages a significant amount of data. More and more of this information is made available publicly, in a push to promote transparency through what is called the “Open Data” movement. As this movement grows, so does the possibility for companies to use city data to grow their business. Join software developers, business owners, and city officials to learn more about what information the City makes public and how open data can support businesses, too. Tracks4


Philadelphia as Classroom: Education Meetup 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm @ Impact Hub Philly, 2772 N. 4th St.; Free

At this event, educators (both from the classroom and beyond) will come together to develop ways to leverage technology to capture Philadelphia resources and engage Philadelphia issues to create quality coalitional education experiences that empower

youth to realize that they are the next generation of leaders in Philadelphia. Tracks4


#BGBrewery Beer + Tech Happy Hour: Presentation and Tasting 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm @ The Marketplace Design Center, 2400 Market St. Suite 1-2; Free

The brewmasters at Bresslergroup, a product development and design consultancy in Center City, have been hard at work on an internal project linking our favorite things: beer, engineering, design, and technology. Tracks4


Net Neutrality is Dead… For Now 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm @ PhillyCAM, 699 Ranstead St.; Free

Net Neutrality may have been pronounced dead but there is still hope that the FCC can resuscitate it by correcting its past mistakes. Learn about what steps could be taken to make broadband networks open, accessible, reliable and affordable for everyone. This roundtable discussion will engage local and national experts in a conversation about Net Neutrality and Internet access as it impacts users, small businesses and Internet activists in Philadelphia and throughout the country. This event will be taped with a live studio audience. Tracks4


The idea that all web traffic should be treated equally, no matter how big or small the company or person who is using it is, is called net neutrality. It's one of the most important issues of today and will be discussed at PhillyCAM Wed. April 9

T E C H N I C A L . LY / P H I L LY • Phillyt e ch w e e k . co m


Presented by

Wednesday, April 9 (cont'd) GeoPhilly Film Night 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm @ PhilaMoca, 531 N 12th St.; Free

Join GeoPhilly for a screening of short archival films related to mapping, cartography, and planning from as early as the 1940s. “Data for Decision” (1967), our feature for the evening, celebrates the first-ever use of digital analytical map making. Other films will explain how to deter everything from boredom in suburbia to mob fights through proper planning. Doors open at 6:30 PM, films start at 7:00 PM. Tracks4


Girl Develop It and Happy Cog: Why Take the Leap? Public Speaking and Your Career 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm @ CultureWorks, 1315 Walnut St.; Free

Join Girl Develop It and Ladies in Tech at CultureWorks Greater Philadelphia’s coworking space to hear from women in the design and tech industries in Philadelphia who have boosted their careers through public speaking. They will lead a roundtable discussion about the importance of speaking as an expert in your field and how to fearlessly develop the necessary skills to get started. Tracks4


IGDA Philadelphia Game Showcase

Javascript Tooling Workshop 9:00 am - 3:30 pm @ Chariot Solutions, 515 Pennsylvania Ave., Fort Washington, PA; $50

Want to learn how to write modern Javascript applications? Spend a day hacking with Ken Rimple at Chariot as he shows you how to build a project using the Bower, Grunt, Yeoman and NPM tools to set up a client and server-side JS application. Tracks4


Leveraging the Cloud for Disaster Recovery 4:00 pm - 5:00pm @ Alteva’s Innovation Center, 401 Market St.; Free

Defining and demonstrating the critical tools necessary to conduct business during extreme conditions. Tracks4


Open Data in the Classroom 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm @ TBD

Access to open data for civic startups has been a big push as of late and movements such as OpenDataPhilly open up a window of opportunity for those who know how to navigate huge datasets. As we move into an era marked by more open data sources, how can we begin to transfer this magic into the classroom, creating opportunity for students to be able to learn critical 21st century skills with real data about real problems and real needs? Tracks4


Re-inventing Philadelphia’s largest multilingual news website for a national audience 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm @ The Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, 200 S. Broad St.; Free

Building a successful news website requires much attention to detail. Join AL DÍA for a panel discussion to get a behind-the-scenes look into the process, challenges, and solutions for building a large-scale, responsive, news website in Spanish and English. Tracks4


Viral Art: Disruptions in the Spectacle From Spray Paint to Google Bombs 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm @ TBD; Free

RJ Rushmore will discuss some of the ideas from his new ebook, Viral Art, which examines the intersection of street art and the Internet. He argues that street art has always been shaped by communication technologies, and the Internet has been a major factor in the development of street art over the last decade. Tracks4


Bots n Brews 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm @ Singh Nanotechnology Center, 3205 Walnut St.; Free

Are you a teacher, parent, or administrator interested in starting a robotics team at your K-12 school? Want to find out how to plug in with existing teams and events? Enjoy free Yards brews while you discover

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm @ Philly Game Forge, 239 Chestnut St.; Free

The game industry is one of the fastest growing tech sectors in the Greater Philadelphia area. The IGDA Philadelphia Game Showcase allows local game developers to show off their newest games and lets you see what games are being made right here in Philly. Come play some awesome games and meet the amazing local talent! Tracks4


Thursday, April 10 PHORUM 7:00 am - 6:30 pm @ World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; $250

Phorum is an annual tech strategy conference that gathers the nation’s leading minds and most innovative solutions around a single, trending topic. This intensive, one-day event includes insights from the nation’s most authoritative experts, up-close interaction with relevant technological solutions and learnings from business leaders with first-hand experience capitalizing on the trend. Tracks4



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Phorum is an annual followup to imPACT, this days-long conference. Photo courtesy of PACT.

Presented by

the world of Robotics and STEM education at this event hosted by Central High School’s RoboLancers and the GRASP Lab at the University of Pennsylvania. Tracks4


Startup Grind PHL 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm @ Benjamin’s Desk 8th Floor, 1701 Walnut St.

Startup Grind is a global startup community designed to educate, inspire and connect entrepreneurs. It is powered by Google for Entrepreneurs. We host monthly events in more than 50 cities and 15 countries featuring successful local founders, innovators, educators and investors who share personal stories and lessons learned on the road to building great companies. Tracks4


Hive 76 DIY Music Night 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm @ Hive76, 915 Spring Garden St. Suite 519; Free

If you’re into music, making music, or making things that make music, you won’t want to miss it! If you’ve been to the space before, you’ll know that we run on a steady diet of tunes. And on Thursday, we’ll have all our audio and music-centric projects out in what is sure to be the loudest night of PTW. Tracks4


ReThink Philly EdTech 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm @ Venturef0rth, 417 N. 8th St.; Free

Six EdTech leaders will each give a 10-minute talk about a powerful idea, experience, or project with the intent of making the audience think more deeply (‘rethink’) about a topic in educational technology. Tracks4


th ursday

April 10

access Track D ay

Volunteer a few hours with others in the Philly Tech Week community with the Commit service pledge, and help rethink challenges facing underserved communities.

Commit Service Pledge Kickoff 9:00 am - 11:30 am @ TBD; Free w/ RSVP

Come hear inspiring talks from technologists who operate social good mission. We’ll kick off a year-long volunteer pledge program, Commit, at this event. You’ll have a chance to meet the volunteers and mission-minded organizations participating. For the most up-to-date information about the kick-off location, visit http://

Black Out II: How Crowdfunding Creates Social Impact Within the African American Entrepreneurial Community 6:00pm - 9:00pm @ Temple University Fox School of Business, 1801 Liacouras Walk; Free w/ RSVP

Access to resources and capital have traditionally been problems to the African-American entrepreneurial community. The panel will feature black companies and individuals who have used crowdfunding, a new funding model, to launch successful businesses and major initiatives.

Tech and Design Quizzo 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm @ The Trestle Inn, 339 N. 11th St.; Free

I-SITE and PhillyCHI are pleased to host a technology and design-themed Quizzo as part of Philly Tech Week. Come socialize with design and user experience professionals, try your hand at trivia, and (hopefully) learn a thing or two, all over a few whiskey sours and buttered popcorn. Tracks4


ArtsTechPhilly Presents “The State of Art&Tech in Philadelphia” 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm @ Drexel University URBN Center, 3501 Market St.

The planned format is a panel featuring artists, entrepreneurs and educators. A series of five questions will be posed to the panelists and the audience.

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Afterwards a short Q&A will take place followed by recess and featured projects taking place in the city and abroad to the audience. Tracks4


Law and Technology Mash-Up 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm @ University of the Arts Corzo Center, 211 S. Broad St. Room 511; Free

Changes in the law and changes in technology will create opportunities and traps — whether you’re a developer, a company, a creative or a consumer. Better mobile technology and new privacy laws will

require new security applications. Tracks4


Do and Don’ts of Crowdfunding 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm @ NextFab, 2025 Washington Ave.

Show & Tell at NextFab with 6-12 companies. There’s a bunch of local success/failure stories around crowd funding that we will review with companies sharing their experiences. Tracks4


t e chnic a l . ly / p hilly • Phillyt e ch w e e k . co m


Modern Lofts Distinctive Townhomes Restored Warehouse Flats Contemporary Bi-Level Apartments One, Two and Three Bedroom Apartment Homes Short Term Furnished Leases Available One of A Kind, Unique Floorplans Balconies/Terraces Floor to Ceiling Windows Available Fitness Center On-Site Entertainment Venue Outside Your Door Walking Distance to Public Transportation Pet Friendly



PIAZZA 1001 N 2nd Street • Philadelphia, PA 19123

400-20,000 SF Office and Retail Space Situated in the Booming N. 3rd St. Corridor Make Your Next Space a Tech Space Creative, Open Office Plans Attractive space for tech companies and entrepreneurs Join an existing successful tenant mix of retailers, restaurants and tech companies Ideal turn-key retail & office space Spaces boast natural light & include hardwood/ concrete floors Flexible deal terms with aggressive rental rates Northern Liberties neighborhood Superb frontage in high foot traffic area with a walk score of 95

Office Inquiries: Jonathan Dubrow • 267-238-4231

Retail Inquiries: Jacob Cooper • 215-568-2600 x714

Convenient access to I-95 & SEPTA bus/subway routes connecting Center City & suburbs

Presented by

Thursday, April 10 (cont'd) N3RD St. SQUARES 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm @ National Mechanics, 22 S. 3rd St.; Free

Old City Philadelphia-based WebLinc is hosting a game show-inspired event based on the famous 1970’s TV show, Hollywood Squares. The event will be eCommerce and front-end UX focused and will feature some of the tech industry’s favorite community thought leaders, local celebrities and WebLinc’s very own industry experts. Tracks4


Rad Girls Launch Party 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm @ Art Alliance, 251 S. 18th St.; Free

Rad Girls is a celebration of Philadelphia’s spirited females who are constantly achieving, innovating, and inspiring. We’ll celebrate the Philadelphia launch of Rad Girls with a brief Q&A session from some of our featured ladies followed by cocktails. Tracks4



April 11

creative Track D ay

Find the intersection between art, media, entertainment and technology. Then end the week right with our biggest celebration: the Philly Tech Week Signature Event presented by AT&T.

Philadelphia Dribbble Meetup 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm @ Frankford Hall, 1210 Frankford Ave.; Free

Happy Cog partners with Dribbble Philadelphia for a meetup of local Philadelphia Dribbble-heads. First round of drinks on Happy Cog and Dribbble! Tracks4


The Future of Music and Tech TBA @ Sigma Sound, 212 N. 12th St., Free w/ RSVP

This 4th annual discussion and exploration of advances in music and technology has previously featured RJD2, King Britt and Questlove. RSVP to Tracks4


A Side of Tech: How Technology Influences Local Food Practices 10:30 am - 12:00 pm @ Parkway Central Library, 1901 Vine Street, 4th Floor; Free

How does technology complement your efforts to bring about a healthy, socially inclusive and sustainable food future? Explore this question and others with a moderated panel discussion.

Music & Technology: Living Together in Perfect Harmony

Art in the 21st Century 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm @ TBD; PRICE?

3:00pm - 5:00pm @ Caplan Theater, University of the Arts, 320 S. Broad St

NPR music critic Tom Moon will host a panel of esteemed producers, artists, record label execs, music tech types and more as we explore the present state of how technology has changed the music industry.

PaperClips215 welcomes you to join a discussion focusing on where the art and tech worlds meet. We’ll host panelists including artists and makers whose work has been impacted and inspired by ever evolving tech and science.

p re s e n t e d by

Friday, April 11 The Biggest Technology Trends in 2014 That Will Be Critical For Your Company’s Future 8:00 am - 10:00 am @ First Round Capital, 4040 Locust St., Free w/ RSVP

Cloud Accounting. Big Data. Customer Relationship Management. Mobile Payments. Document Management. Mobile Devices. Security. Content Marketing and Social Media.We'll discuss the latest technologies with our experts. Tracks4


College of Computing & Informatics Day 11:00 am - 2:00 pm @ Behrakis Grand Hall, Creese Student Center, 3210 Chestnut St.; Free

Join faculty and students from the College of Computing & Informatics (CCI)—Drexel University’s newest college—and experience its outstanding computing and information research through hands-on activities and demonstrations in the areas of artificial intelligence, game development, cybersecurity and more. Tracks4


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Presented by

Friday, April 11 Philly Tech Week Signature Event Presented by AT&T 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm @ Comcast Center, 1701 John F Kennedy Blvd.; $30 & up

Join us at the annual Philly Tech Week Signature Event presented by AT&T, a cocktail reception meets an interactive local technology expo and demo party. And yes, there will be an open bar. This is a celebration of the broad Philadelphia technology community with all of Philly Tech Week’s attendees, sponsors and organizers organized by Philly.

Philly Tech Week Signature Event After Party 10:00 pm - 12:00 am @ Tattooed Mom, 530 South St.; Free

Keep the fun going at one of Philadelphia’s coolest bars for the official afterparty of the Philly Tech Week Signature Event.

Saturday, April 12 Philly Women in Tech Summit

fe at u r e d e v e nt

9:00 am - 5:00 pm @ WHYY Studios, 150 N. 6th St.; $35 & up

Whether you use the latest technological advances to affect business outcomes or are on the team that brings them to life, you are a woman in technology. At the Philly Women in Tech Summit learn about the trends that are affecting how both individuals and companies communicate and make decisions.

TechServ Community Genius Bar 10:00 am - 3:00 pm @ HELP Philadelphia, 6250 Eastwick Ave.; Free

Having tech troubles? Bring your uncooperative computer, tablet, smartphone, laptop or just your questions! This event is a free-of-charge technical diagnosis and advice-giving session hosted by the student geniuses of Drexel University TechServ. Tracks4



P h i l ly t e c h w e e k . c o m • TECHNIC A L . LY/ P HILLY

Circuit Bending and Modification Workshops 11:00 am - 1:00 pm @ Philadelphia Art Alliance, 251 S. 18th St.; Free

In conjunction to the exhibition “NOISE: Electricity for Progress,” Sam Cusumano and The Philadelphia Art Alliance will host an interactive workshop designed to encourage experimentation and hands-on learning.

TechShop - Introduction to Linux 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm @ WHYY, 150 N. 6th St.; Free

Students (girls from 6-9th grade) will learn the basics of GNU/Linux, the software on a computer that enables applications, and the computer operator, to access the devices on the computer to perform desired functions. Tracks4


Hive 76 Wrap Up Jam 2:00 pm - 10:00 pm @ Hive76, 915 Spring Garden St. Suite 519; Free

All the previous Hive76 jams wrap together IN ONE JAM! JAM. Vintage video gaming, DIY music, and member projects. Tracks4


N3rd Street Gamer Party 9:00 pm - 3:00 am @ Jarvus, 908 North Third St., Suite A; Free

This annual Philly Tech Week tradition keeps the party going with drinks, dancing and video games on N3rd Street. Come celebrate old-school systems like Nintendo, Dreamcast, Xbox One and more modern favorites. Tracks4


refer to for the most up-to-date details, including accurate locations and timing for each event. You can also bookmark events and RSVP via the website.

• • •

Presented by

cale n da r ale r t !

#fai lf es t Wednesday, Ap


founders Philadelphia tech rned from ’ve lea share what they failures. their biggest details Get all the event on page 13.

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

Don’t be afraid to veer from the original mission.

Don’t be fooled by a great resume.

steve barsh

mike krupit

lucinda duncalfe

Chief Commercial Officer, myList

Founder, Trajectify

founder, Real Food Works

If you pivot, make sure that you have enough cash on board that you don’t have all of your eggs in one basket and you preserve optionality. [Now-closed travel site] Packlate could only afford one basket and that basket did not grow quickly enough. We realized we had to make our one basket work or die trying.

"We should have gone head to head with Amazon,” Krupit said. The 1990s-era CDNow should have diversified its product and sold more than just CDs, Krupit said, but it didn’t want to stray from its original mission: music. It’s one reason the Fort Washington-based music retailer crumbled four years after it went public with a $342 million valuation.

When I fail to have confidence in myself in a certain area, I tend to hire people who have great resumes rather than following my normal pattern of looking for up-and-comers. I did that with my first salesperson at one of my companies and again with a head of human resources, and neither worked out.

Embrace your mistakes.

Don’t let passion triumph logic.

Don’t dwell on the past.

robert moore

jameel farruk

gabe weinberg

CEO, RJMetrics

Director of Client Relations, Brolik

Founder, DuckDuckGo

After launching a redesign, RJMetrics discovered its new logo looked like underwear to its British customers. It quickly ran consumer tests, tweaked the logo and wrote a blog post about it. “There is no excuse for not testing something as significant as a new logo on a large, global audience,” Moore said.


ril 9

P h i l ly t e c h w e e k . c o m • TECHNIC A L . LY/ P HILLY

“It’s so exciting being an entrepreneur that it’s easy to miss the signs that your business isn’t working. Sometimes businesses are just doomed — and it has nothing to do with how smart or how capable the entrepreneur is. But when you’re so passionate about something, it’s hard to accept that.”

When my first company failed, I took it really hard. It was the first time I had failed at something big. The company didn’t end though. I let it linger via my nights and weekends for another year and half or so. Continuing to think about it and tinker with it was preventing me from moving forward onto bigger and better things. It was essentially a complete waste of time.

Presented by

Rockin’ the Suburbs Tech entrepreneurship of the moment in the Philadelphia region is happening in the city, after a generation of suburban dominance. In the end, we’re going to find a balance. // by christopher wink If you’re trying to define where the densest intersection of innovation is happening in a region, looking at where the technologists and entrepreneurs meet is a fine way to do it. In Philadelphia, like many markets across the country, there has been a surge in meetups and unconferences and happy hours for the digital workers of today and they’re overwhelmingly happening in the city, largely in and around the Center City corridor. That’s a big change from the suburban dominated 1990s-era tech business boom here. Does that make today’s city focus a trend or a trick? “This is fashionable, not inevitable,” said Paul Martino, the entrepreneur who founded Aggregate Knowledge before it sold for $150 million last year." “All the cool kids are in the city right now, but I won’t be surprised if the next tech bubble in 2022 is in the suburbs.” For the Doylestown resident, the urbanism of the moment is a Millennial outlier, one that will play out as it has since Americans first discovered the glories

of a driveway and a backyard. “The kids will grow up, have children of their own and want better schools,” he said during an interview in the fall. In short, his logic goes, cities are getting better but just enough to attract young people who want to walk to the bar and empty-nesters who want to walk to the museums. For Michael Harrington, a corporate lawyer in the Exton offices of Fox Rothschild who has worked on IT venture deals for the better part of 20 years, the recent success that Philadelphia city has had in building a tech business community is about balance, not dominance. When an analysis of 2011 venture capital numbers showed that, of the country’s 10 biggest regions, Philadelphia was the only one in which most investment happened in the suburbs, rather than the city, there was surprise among city boosters. Many said the trend had to be back toward Philadelphia city. If Harrington agreed that the new energy is growing in the city, he said that trend will bring a balance,

“but you won’t see Philadelphia dominate as opposed to the suburbs,” he said. In the end, as is often the case in complex demographic shifts, the answer is murkier than a city versus suburbs choice. The region benefits when its urban core is succeeding — take a train to 30th Street Station and be able to walk to meetings with investors and entrepreneurs — but that doesn’t have to come at the expense of its outlying communities. Leigh Gallagher, the assistant managing editor at Fortune Magazine and a Media native, has talked a lot about this in promoting her provocatively-named book ‘The End of the Suburbs.’ The lifestyle trends that are helping to reawaken U.S. cities don’t actually mean all suburban communities will become blighted, she argues. Instead, many will embrace the modern urban aesthetic of walkability, transit and mixed-use development. By extension, the tech entrepreneurship culture that is growing in the city is being exported elsewhere. There’s the Dream Factory coworking space in Phoenixville and the Walnut Street Labs incubator in downtown West Chester, complete with a microbrewery and a cluster of startup businesses. Mike Krupit, a serial entrepreneur who was active in the Web 1.0 boom in the 1990s and cofounded in 2012 the Langhorne-based Novotorium accelerator, is a familiar face on the city event circuit today. He’s had the full regional tech business experience. “The city is a big incubator” of ideas, Krupit said once. “The more of this activity, wherever it happens, the better.”

15.6% Urban


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Of the 11 largest U.S. venture capital markets in 2011, Philadelphia was an extreme outlier: by far the only region in which most of its tech investment happened in suburban districts rather than its urban core, acceding to data provided by the Atlantic late last year. Here are five of those 11 markets.

urban plight

31.5% suburban 68.5% Urban

T E C H N I C A L . LY / P H I L LY • Phillyt e ch w e e k . co m


With London’s place as the world’s premier business center, the UK remains a GREAT gateway to Europe, and a perfect global springboard. UKTI is the international business development agency of the UK Government. We provide confidential and complimentary services for US companies looking to grow their global business. For more information on how UKTI can help you grow your global business, please contact: Patricia Bayley

Robert Cauvy

Vice Consul ICT & Creative/Media 212-745-0230

Business Development Associate ICT & Creative/Media 212-745-0373

Presented by

Innovation Mapped Innovation happens at intersections. That means that as Philadelphia’s innovation economy has grown, the physical places where the technology and creative class do work have multiplied, particularly in the Center City corridor. We asked celebrated West Philly-based comic artist Box Brown to visualize how he sees the landscape of tech economy. With more than 30 accelerators, incubators, coworking spots and buildings catering to IT firms in Philadelphia, see some of the anchors through Box’s eyes.

Chevrolet Innovation Tour Sunday, April 6, 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm @ Various Locations

Some of Philadelphia’s most exciting tech facilities will be part this afternoon Innovation Tour. Visit these eight locations below to see the places where entrepreneurs, creatives and technologists are thriving in these neighborhood hubs. For full details on the Innovation Tour, including a chance to be chauffeured around in the latest Chevrolet cars and SUVs, visit the official website at →→Venturef0rth,

417 N. 8th Street #201 Callowhill →→First Round Capital and Philly, 4040 Locust St. University City →→Devnuts, 908 N. 3rd St. Northern Liberties →→Benjamin’s Desk, 1701 Walnut St. Center City →→CityCoHo, 2401 Walnut St. Center City →→Comcast Center, 1701 J.F. Kennedy Blvd Center City →→Next Fab Studios, 2025 Washington Ave. South Philadelphia →→Independents Hall, 22 N. 3rd St. Old City

T E C H N I C A L . LY / P H I L LY • Phillyt e ch w e e k . co m


Looking for a tech job in Philadelphia? Since 2011, More than 150 companies have posted jobs on Philly. Find your next gig today!

A crowd of 350 people attended Philly’s NET/WORK jobs fair in February 2014.

v i s i t ht tp:// technic al .ly/philly/jobs

To buy this limited edition t-shirt, visit: Start thinking about how you’re getting involved with Philly Tech Week 2015, the 5th anniversary. Contact us this fall:

April 3 - 11, 2015

Presented by

CAN THE CITY TAKE THE LEAD? Philadelphia’s first class of technology business successes were suburban ones. Today’s next wave is growing up near Center City. Will they survive and flourish? // by Juliana Reyes

Josh Kopelman was raising a glass to Philadelphia. It was filled with a kale smoothie. First Round Capital, Kopelman’s early-stage venture capital firm, and the City of Philadelphia had just announced the first investment from their partnered $6 million seed fund, a city initiative created to keep startups in the city. ¶ They invested in Real Food Works, a healthy meal subscription startup founded by a local tech veteran. That’s why, on a late October morning in a Chinatown art gallery-turned-startup office, Kopelman was sipping an organic shake with Mayor Nutter and Lucinda Duncalfe, who made a career being part of the region’s suburban-ring, venture-backed, high tech companies. [4]

T E C H N I C A L . LY / P H I L LY • Phillyt e ch w e e k . co m


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Now, she was moving her small team from a shared office in Conshohocken to a tiny street a short walk from Center City. The event once would have seemed unlikely but today is a symbol of where the energy in innovation clustering is developing. “It’s happening in the city,” Duncalfe said a few days later at an Economy League event. She moved her seven-person startup to the city last summer, in part due to the requirements for accepting the seed funding, but also because the serendipity of urban density is getting better at holding on to the knowledge workers and tech talent that Duncalfe wants to hire and work with. Once devoid of high-tech startups, venture capital and young talent that actually wanted to stay in the city, Philadelphia now has growth in all three (the venture capital is a toss-up, though the city’s legions of bootstrappers will tell you that’s not the only indicator of a blossoming tech scene). The suburbs, once powerful with the dot-com companies on its Route 202 Corridor, have quieted down, though most of the region’s largest enterprise IT firms that started during the last phase remain in business parks there. The city has taken the lead, and it’s a trend seen across nation, with young Silicon Valley startups choosing the city over the suburbs. But can Philadelphia’s momentum amount to anything more longer lasting than open floor plans and foosball tables?

the loneliness of big change Until recently, Philadelphia’s IT sector was exclusively scattered in its tax lenient suburbs. Out of the region’s 17 biggest technology business acquisitions


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A 2010 Campus Philly report said that nearly half of non-native Philadelphia college students that the organization surveyed said they would stay in the region. But for how long? since 2000, only one — Invite Media — was a Philadelphia-proper business (and, in that case, barely, as much of its leadership had vacated for New York). The rest were scattered in suburban business hubs like Conshohocken, Fort Washington and King of Prussia. Before the 1990s-era Web 1.0 bubble burst, the Route 202 Corridor, stretching from West Chester to Fort Washington and sometimes dubbed ‘Great Valley,’ boomed with tech activity. Montgomery and Chester counties employed 43,000 more people than Philadelphia in 2000, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported then. Wayne-based venture capital firm Safeguard Scientifics and its legendary founder Pete Musser was the center of that universe, with tech companies big and small like Internet Capital Group, SAP America and Kopelman’s as notable parts of the constellation. Meanwhile, there was no movement of entrepreneurship in Philadelphia city. “It was a bit lonely,” said Chris Stanchak, who founded Center City ticketing startup Ticketleap in

2003. In the early 2000s, the Wharton grad worked at King of Prussia’s GSI Commerce during the day and built his business by night. Back then, there was no network of entrepreneurs like Philly Startup Leaders, no accelerators like DreamIt Ventures, no business incubators or coworking spaces or active meetup groups. Ticketleap is now located in one of the city’s tech hubs: 2401 Walnut Street, an eight-story building that houses no fewer than five tech companies, including one Conshohocken transplant, and an ecofriendly coworking space. Rick Nucci, who founded cloud computing company Boomi in 2000, said it didn’t even cross his mind to locate his company in Philadelphia. He settled on Conshohocken because there was a promise of a tech hub there, he said. Nucci eventually moved his company to Berwyn and sold it to Dell for an estimated $80 million in late 2010. Today, the Wynnewood resident is the volunteer president of Philly Startup Leaders and has head-

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out there,” said Nick Eubanks, vice president of West Chester-based retailer Traffic Safety Store.

will they stay?

[opposite] The Cira Centre offices of 50onRed, which has 50 employees in University City after launching in 2008 in South Jersey. Photo courtesy of 50onRed. [above] Mayor Nutter and Deputy Mayor Alan Greenberger help officially open the expanded offices of RJMetrics, a 50-person Center City business analytics firm startd by Jake Stein and Bob Moore in South Jersey. Photo by Zach Kozac courtesy of RJMetrics. [left] Artisan, a mobile dev backend company in Old City, is led by CEO Bob Moul, who previously had led Berwyn-based Boomi before its acquisition to Dell. Photo by Aidan Un for Philly.

Philly Tech Week, which, full disclosure, Philly organizes. quartered his next startup in Old City. After the dot-com bubble burst, there was a void. Safeguard founder Musser had gone from billionaire to broke. ICG, Verticalnet, CDNow, Infonautics and other 1990s successes fizzled or outright went bust. “The short-term appreciation in the Web 1.0 boom wasn’t enduring,” said Kopelman. “The thing that set Philadelphia back was that those entrepreneurs didn’t try again. A lot of people sort of took their ball and went home.” It was in that quiet that a new generation grew. This time, the energy started in the city, humbly and organically. →→In 2006, Indy Hall launched a coworking

movement on what’s now known as “N3rd Street,” a corridor of tech businesses along North 3rd Street; →→In 2007, Philly Startup Leaders launched; →→In 2009, DreamIt Ventures launched, making Philadelphia a destination for early-stage high-tech startups across the country (we’ll also humbly add that Philly launched then too, covering a quickly coalescing city-bound conversation); →→The University City Science Center began hosting weekly tech events and soon followed more like Philly Tech Meetup and

Those movements built a community of people, of entrepreneurs and technologists. Then the jobs started coming. Suburban companies like architecture software firm Bentley Systems and mobile device management firm Fiberlink opened satellite offices in Center City in 2012 to lure talent and to ease the reverse commute on its city-dwelling employees. In fall 2012, First Round Capital left Conshohocken in an effort to carry the “Philadelphia Tech torch,” as Kopelman put it. “In the 1990s, you had to drive all around the region to go to different tech events,” said Duncalfe, of Real Food Works, at an event last fall. “Now it’s easy. If you’re hosting a tech event, you have it in city.” In Philly or beyond, people from throughout the region can attend, helping to better connect it all, she said. More and more tech companies left the suburbs for Philadelphia in 2013, like reputation manager and its 120 employees, video production network Poptent and its nearly 30 employees and digital agency Netplus and its 25 employees. It wasn’t just tech companies, either: tech teams from suburban companies like Bayada Home Health Services and Traffic Safety Store were opening up shop in Old City because they wanted to be closer to the action. That, and it was hard to convince developers to travel to the suburbs. “You could not pay people enough to get them

The Nutter administration says they had technology on their mind since the beginning. When Bentley Systems announced the opening of its Center City satellite office in 2012, Nutter said his Commerce Department had been working toward that move since 2008, the year he entered office. Since then, Nutter has championed tech companies of all stripes, from the early stage startups like 20-person visual analytics firm Curalate to the 3,000 employee-strong Bentley. He attends ribbon cuttings, his office sends out press releases when a new tech business chooses Philadelphia and he even launched the city’s first fund to invest in startups, as well as a grant program to support the tech sector. Philadelphia’s brain drain seems to have largely reversed: a 2010 Campus Philly report said that nearly half of non-native Philadelphia college students that the organization surveyed said they would stay in the region. But for how long? A recent Pew Charitable Trusts study reported that half of the 20- to 34-year-olds it questioned said they definitely or probably would not be living in Philadelphia five to 10 years from now. They chalked it up to career choices, education for their (future) children and crime. The tech scene has seen this play out, most recently with Tim Quirino, a designer at South Philly web development firm P’unk Ave. He left in January for a job with Facebook. He’ll be back, he said, if the tech scene grows to offer more jobs for designers and if the city’s public school system can turn around. “If it can support the future generation well then that will definitely be a reason for me to come back to the city I love,” Quirino said. Others, evoking the Pew study, call the city upswing a fad. “This is fashionable, not inevitable,” said Paul Martino, an entrepreneur, investor and lifelong resident of the Philadelphia suburbs. “All the cool kids are in the city right now, but I won’t be surprised if the next tech bubble in 2022 is in the suburbs.” Businesses also point to Philadelphia’s tax structure as another barrier to lasting progress in the city’s tech scene. Some in City Council are working on making city taxes less painful for business owners, but their success is still uncertain. Despite these setbacks, a number of tech companies say they’re here to stay, and proud of it. At the end of 2011, 10-person Center City business analytics firm RJMetrics declared that it was “doubling down on Philadelphia.” “Philadelphia is the best possible home for our startup,” said CEO Robert Moore, who had recently signed a lease on a new office. It’s because of its rich talent pool, because the Philadelphia tech scene is thriving, because the city is a “lean startup’s paradise,” but also just because: “We love it here,” Moore said. Two years later, Moore has moved his 46-person team into a new Center City office and is here to stay.

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PENN IS A PROUD SPONSOR OF PHILLY TECH WEEK And equally proud of its contributions to Philadelphia’s culture of innovation by…



Regularly ranked as one of the best places to work in IT, this IVY LEAGUE powerhouse provides technologists the space and tools to be creative programmers, designers, and tinkerers, with access to the latest technologies.

UPstart is a group of Penn professionals, who create new companies based on Penn inventions. UPstart has a hands-on approach to business incubation, seeking entrepreneurs from the business community to manage the companies while providing the environment and support needed for small businesses to translate university discoveries into marketable products for the benefit of society and to incite economic growth. Today, 60 active companies have obtained over $15.5 million in funding. In 2013, UPstart pioneered AppItUP, a new mobile application challenge that seeks to turn app ideas from the Penn community into reality by connecting ideas with investors and professional software developers. For more information visit www.ctt.

A small team of 270 technologists is big enough to be its own firm but small enough to be a nimble start up. It’s a 24x7 environment and touches all aspects of the online world, from research to retail, design to business and impact campus life every day.

A NEW VISION FOR RESEARCH COMMERCIALICATION 23 acres perched on the south banks of the Schuylkill River and Grays Ferry Avenue is the emerging nucleus between Penn, Center City, and the Navy Yard - the three engines of Philadelphia’s economy – and into a dynamic mixed-use business incubator supporting fertile entrepreneurial growth. The South Bank plan envisions a unique research park with the cutting edge tools, creativity, and innovative community to help power a new 21st century economy based on local talent making a global impact. As Penn’s best minds gather with entrepreneurs in cutting edge facilities and with startup services to advance knowledge and form new companies. The City’s Lower Schuylkill Innovation District is the place were exciting new capital flows, and South Bank is where Penn’s best minds become entrepreneurs.

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