Defeats rising moisture with multifrequency pulsed resonance technology
The company
Capillary rising damp
Tecnova Group Ltd is specialised in high-tech solutions for modern constructions and structural recovery. We deal with restoration, energy saving, dehumidification, protection and durability of masonry. Our company was founded by a group of entrepreneurs
Outer side of a building
Inner side of a building
and technicians with the idea to differentiate themselves in the increasingly chaotic world of buildings. The idea that continues to inspire us is: “We don’t simply offer products but deliver effective solutions.”
Capillary rise damp
Capillary rise damp
Humidity Humidity is everywhere in nature.
Ground dampness
Ground dampness
It exists in the atmosphere in the form of water vapour, in the bodies of living organisms, in the soil: free water, percolation water or groundwater; since the beginning of
Example of capillary rise phenomenon - Copyright of Tecnova Group srl
time it has a function of primary importance for the devel-
Capillary rising damp is due to several physical phenome-
opment and sustenance of life on earth.
na. Being present in any soil, even in deserts, it is capable
Humidity, however, becomes harmful when it is in excess.
of permeating through the foundations and penetrating
The excess of dampness in the walls of our homes may be
the walls through the natural capillary action. Especially
due to accidental causes resulting from broken water pipes,
historic buildings often do not have an adequate protec-
tanks, rainwater conduits or heavy rainwater runoffs.
tion against capillary rising damp. Because they are dipo-
Dampness, in all cases, penetrates the walls causing sub-
lar, water molecules are pushed, if immersed in an elec-
stantial damage. In some cases it is possible to intervene
tromagnetic field, from the negative pole (earth) upwards.
with traditional products, systems and technologies, as in
Water dissolves and carries the salts from the soil and
the case of condensation, often due to several contributing
building materials; through the dissolved salts water be-
factors related to inadequate thermal insulation of build-
comes conductive.
Along with the so-called “random molecular motion”
Finally, there is another cause for the presence of damp-
(Robert Brown’s kinetic theory), alternating forces are
ness in the walls: capillary rising damp.
produced, which increase the effects of rising damp when compared to what a pure capillary action would be able to do.
Genié is a Tecnova Group Ltd product with exclusive “Multifrequency Impulse Resonance” Technology
Damages caused by capillary rise damp: When dampness rises in the masonry, it causes serious damage to the walls, resulting in plaster detachment, salt efflorences and stains. Dampness also provides fertile ground for mould, with serious consequences on the health of those who live in places that are affected. The damage can range from simple colds to allergies and asthma, from gastrointestinal and dermatological diseases to the proliferation of mould spores in the organism.
Damage caused to the walls by capillary rise damp: Deterioration and disintegration of plaster
Proliferation of moulds and biological formations, taking advan-
tage of the fertile ground laid by the presence of dampness;
Increase of heat loss from the building and colder mason-
Possible freezing of the water contained in the walls, with
ry leading to condensation;
an increase in volume and deteriorating pressure.
GeniĂŠ is a Tecnova Group Ltd product with exclusive “Multifrequency Impulse Resonanceâ€? Technology
Genié is a revolutionary 100% guaranteed electrophysical wall dehumidifying system with “Multifrequency Impulse Resonance” technology. Small dimensions for a minimal footprint and an attractive design. The particular design and the size of our machines allow installation even within or behind furniture. With its spherical action, Genié is able to dehumidifysurfaces ranging from 100 m2 right up to 5000 m2 by means of a repeater system.
The exclusive Genié electrophysical dehumidifying system prevents 100% dampness from capillary rise. Genié, with “Multifrequency Impulse Resonance” technology, is the most advanced and effective electrophysical masonry dehumidification system. It is able to activate a complete and definitive dehumidification process. Generates a train of impulsess that resonate in the damp walls and, by acting on the overall electrostatic charge, lower the “zero potential line” (the maximum height reached by moisture in the wall, where the potential lift
Genié is absolutely harmless The electromagnetic field generated by Genié inside the masonry does not interfere at all with living beings or other electrical devices. Average Magnetic induction, in microTesla (μT), at various distances Surface proximity At 30 cm At 50 cm Source source Hairdryer
325W lamp
Electric shaver
Vacuum cleaner
equals the force of gravity ), on all types of material
The magnetic induction generated by Genié is lower than
constituting the building structure.
that of a light bulb.
Genié acts exclusively in the walls, opposing attraction between the capillary pores of the masonry and the water molecules (dipoles), thus neutralising the strength of rising
Genié: a unique technology!
damp in masonry structures. Its action is followed by an
The patent pending “Multifrequency Impulse Resonance”
effective and permanent drying of walls.
makes Genié unique!
Genié is a Tecnova Group Ltd product with exclusive “Multifrequency Impulse Resonance” Technology
“Multifrequency Impulse Resonance” Technology : its action on the dipolar nature of water and consequent reduction of the effect of dampness from capillary rise. their rising. Genié counters the natural diffusion process
of capillary rising damp and determines its elimination from masonry structures.
Guaranteed operation Genié technology is absolutely functional and guaranteed
Dipolo in assenza di campo elettrico Dipole in absence of electric field
+ F
in cases of capillary rise humidity.
How to install: On-site inspection: when required, one of our technicians checks the presence of rising damp and possible
contributing causes. Design and quotation: we provide the user a dehumidifica-
tion project and a cost quotation. Installation: it is fixed to the wall at about 2.20 m high
Quando comincia ad agire il campo elettrico When a electric field starts to have effect
with four simple screw anchors (necessary equipment: drill and Phillips screwdriver). Then it is connected to a common 220 volts outlet. Monitoring: we monitor the equipment and the building with the CM method and thermography.
Expertise for the definitive rehabilitation: Tecnova Group has developed the know-how and solutions to ensure the customer complete renovation of the building.
The ingenious action of the Genié system Genié’s “Multifrequency Impulse Resonance” technology interacts with the dipoles of water, triggering the dehumidification of building structures. Genié is ingenious as it uses to its advantage the same effect that generates rising damp. Genié generates an electromagnetic field inside the wall structure that resonates with the water molecules and their structure, stopping
Genié is a Tecnova Group Ltd product with exclusive “Multifrequency Impulse Resonance” Technology
Operating range: Genié exerts a spherical action and is usually installed in a central position with respect to the areas to be dehumidified.
Positioning and effective range of the Genie device (effective range 20 m) Range 20 m
Scale 1:500
Floor loft archive
Positioning and effective range of the Genie device (effective range 15 m)
Genié is a Tecnova Group Ltd product with exclusive “Multifrequency Impulse Resonance” Technology
Experimental campaign with the CNR (Italian National Research Centre): The first trial of Genié was carried out in 2006 with the CNR and the Civil Protection Agency of Ragusa, at the former Albergo dei Poveri (Hotel of the Poor) in Modica. The results obtained with the Genié wall dehumidifying
tent (such as free water) are obtainable by thermogravimetric analysis measuring the difference in weight after removal of the same by forced evaporation. Sampling mode: for the measurement of moisture in the masonry, samples were collected by coring (diameter 18 - 20 mm) at low speed, both of the surface layer (about 10 mm) and in depth (at least 200 -250 mm). Where
system were outstanding.
possible, two core samples were taken in each zone: one
Diagnostics for the restoration and conservation of works of art
one (2) at 100 cm. Withdrawals (3-5 days) were placed
From the CNR trial to date, several experiments have been conducted by third party entities and, therefore, unrelated to our Company. In 2006, the Department of Civil Protection of Ragusa and the Municipality of Modica offered a building to carry out a test together with organisations and universities which were appointed for taking the measurements. The building used for the testing showed several problems in addition to the rising damp: infiltration from the road surface, retaining walls not insulated,
(1) at approximately 30 cm from the floor and a second in special sample holders with fixed tare and stored in appropriate airtight glass containers. After collection of the first samples, special sensors in brick with an absorption capacity related to the surrounding materials, were fitted in the various holes for further measurements. The holes were then resealed with porous hydraulic mortar. At each sampling the holes were reopened, the sensors were taken for the measurement of moisture absorbed and replaced for another period of evaluation.
lack of fixtures.
Measurement method (in the laboratory)
Diagnostic targets
The sample is weighed with a precision scale (sensitiv-
The diagnostic campaign was aimed at measuring the dampness in the masonry before and, at different times,
ity 1 mg) and placed in an oven at 105°C to constant weight. The difference between the initial weight and the
during operation of Genié.
weight after drying, expressed in percentage of the dry
Analytical methods
The table below shows the maximum reference values for
Measurement of dampness in the masonry is an important parameter for controlling degradation due to the capillary rise of water and the altrenate phases of evaporation and condensation. In the particular case of the building of the former Albergo dei Poveri (Hotel of the poor) in Modica, monitoring, before, during the intervention and after
material, represents the moisture present in the sample. the evaluation of the data. Despite all the problems described above (certainly not related solely to dampness due to capillary rise), after the installation of our Genié technology, a marked improvement was recorded and, in some places, dampness present in the walls was reduced from 410 litres per m³ to values of 179 litres per m³.
the application of the drying system, had the purpose of checking the potential over time and the achievement of a new balance in the base area of the masonry.
Method The most representative measurements of the moisture con-
Genié is a Tecnova Group Ltd product with exclusive “Multifrequency Impulse Resonance” Technology
Indicative reference values
Natural dampness Damp Structure Intolerable dampness
Brick Mortar 1- 3% 1-4% 4-10% 4-15% more than 10% more than 15%
Figure 1 - First room: sampling point 1 A 1
Figure 2 - First room: sampling point 1 A 1
Figure 3- First room: sampling points 1B1 and 1B2
Genié is a Tecnova Group Ltd product with exclusive “Multifrequency Impulse Resonance” Technology
Application examples: "San Filippo" church - Chiaramonte Gulfi
28/05/2012 First sampling point 1.80 bar 180 ltrs/m3 Second sampling point 1.75 bar 175 ltrs/m3
In just 12 weeks, there was a decrease in dampness by over 70%
First sampling point 0.35 bar 35 ltrs/m3 Second sampling point 0.20 bar 20 ltrs/m3
Application examples: "Santa Maria Assunta" cathedral in Cremona
From February 2013 to June 2014 a dampness detection campaign was conducted at the Cathedral of Cremona. The study of Prof. Luigi Soroldoni, in collaboration with the National Research Council, followed the installation of the Genié dehumidification system in the crypt of the Cathedral. The rooms had serious problems related to capillary rising damp. After 12 months of installation, there
was a sharp decrease of moisture in the walls with peaks of 70%. After 16 months, the dehumidification process stabilised the value of moisture in the walls between 2% and 4%. This great success confirms the effectiveness of Genié, with the exclusive “Multifrequency impulse resonance” technology, the ideal solution for the restoration and preservation of the building heritage.
In just 12 months there has been a decrease in dampness of over 70% Genié is a Tecnova Group Ltd product with exclusive “Multifrequency Impulse Resonance” Technology
Dampness measurement of 28th May
Former Capuchin convent in Noto 28/10/2008 First sampling point
1.25 bar
0.38 bar
125 ltrs/m3
Second sampling point
0.50 bar
38 ltrs/m3 0.10 bar
50 ltrs/m
10 ltrs/m3
Third sampling point
0.60 bar
0.20 bar
60 ltrs/m
20 ltrs/m3
Fourth sampling point Fifth sampling point
1.50 bar
0.50 bar
150 ltrs/m3
50 ltrs/m3
1.80 bar
0.93 bar 3
93 ltrs/m3
1.90 bar
0.65 bar
190 ltrs/m3
65 ltrs/m3
180 ltrs/m
Sixth sampling point
In just 20 weeks, there was a decrease in dampness of over 70%
Genié is a Tecnova Group Ltd product with exclusive “Multifrequency Impulse Resonance” Technology
Installation conditions and measurements: (CM method) The results of the drying process are monitored regularly through measurements according to the CM method (calcium carbide), a well known standard test method for field determination of soil water (moisture) content based on the reaction of known amounts (by weight) of materials together with a known amount of calcium carbide in a sealed container equipped with a gauge . Gas (acetylene) is released from the reaction of calcium carbide with the water contained in the sample in a quantity proportional to thepresence of water; therefore, the pressure gauge will record the pressure values inside the container in relation to the content of water present in the masonry. The values are recorded in appropriate forms, including the date and sampling points; this allows you to process many considerations and comparisons, and even tables, tabulates, computing and graphics.
Thermography Our investigations, together with the CM method, involve
the use of thermography in order to provide the customer with a complete diagnosis of the condition of the building before and after the dehumidification and/or rehabilitation interventions.
First measurement: during or immediately after installing the system.
Inspection measurement: between 3 and 6 months after the installation of the system.
Last measurement: 18 months after the installation of the system.
Thermographic machine
Genié is a Tecnova Group Ltd product with exclusive “Multifrequency Impulse Resonance” Technology
Church of San Zenone in Fermo 2012
08/11/2012 Measurements
25/06/2012 Measurements First Sampling Point
1.47 bar
147 ltrs/m3
First Sampling Point
0.52 bar
52 ltrs/m3
Second Sampling Point
0.75 bar
75 ltrs/m3
Second sampling point
natural dampness of the wall below 20 ltrs /m3
In just 20 weeks, there was a decrease in dampness of over 70% Caltanissetta Cathedral 2011 15/11/2011 Measurements First Sampling Point
0.75 bar
75 ltrs/m3
Second Sampling Point
1.45 bar
145 ltrs/m3
04/04/2012 Measurements First Sampling Point
0.38 bar
38 ltrs/m3
Second Sampling Point
0.75 bar
75 ltrs/m3
In just 14 weeks, there was a decrease in dampness of over 45%
Genié is a Tecnova Group Ltd product with exclusive “Multifrequency Impulse Resonance” Technology
Free expertise
Quadruple warranty
During the first inspection, after considering the possible
The results achieved by Genié have shown the effective-
causes of excess moisture and aware that it might be nec-
ness of our product for over 9 years.
essary to use multiple technologies (especially when it does not directly depend on capillary rising damp), our
1. "Dry masonry or Money back" Guarantee
technicians inform the customer about the best solutions to
Reimbursement of expenses incurred in the event of failure
solve the problem.
to achieve objectives. 2. "No stop" Guarantee
Our suite of products against dampness:
After obtaining the result, the effect will be permanent. Just
1. ThermoShield: thermal insulation to prevent and
3. "Extended" Guarantee
keep Genié running in proper operation.
combat condensation and mould; decrease up to the
Extension to 3 years both of the legal guarantee and of the
elimination of thermal bridges and energy saving;
commercial guarantee.
2. Evercem: waterproofing for concrete, reinforced or
4. "Unipol-Sai Product" Guarantee
not. Often the winning solution against penetrating
Genié is 100% covered by an insurance policy.
Buy With Confidence.
Flexibility for each type of dwelling
Purchasing plans
Genié equipment is produced in 10 versions:
You can choose to buy Genié through different plans: • Supply and installation including CM measurements
Home Solution Basic with a range of 6 metres;
and thermography; • Direct purchase at an unbeatable price with a simple
Light 100-200-300-400 with a range of 10 - 12 - 15
installation in the point highlighted in the layout plan
- 20 m respectively
we will provide for free.
Pro Solution (including installation, CM measurements and thermography) Basic with a range of 6 metres; Pro 100-200-300-400 with a range of 10 - 12 - 15 20 m respectively
Constant monitoring With periodic monitoring, our technicians will follow the effectiveness of the masonry dehumidification through surveys of the values of moisture present in the masonry, until complete drying: • Thermographic analysis with thermal imaging camera • Tests with CM hygrometer (calcium carbide method)
Genié is a Tecnova Group Ltd product with exclusive “Multifrequency Impulse Resonance” Technology
Some successes of Genié. Italian technology used for 9 years for the Protection of the Italian cultural heritage. "Genié" technology has already been selected for the dehumidifying several buildings of great historical and architectural value.
Laurentian Complex in Florence
Camemi Castle
Former abattoir in Assisi
Mineo Municipality
Milan Municipality
Caltagirone Municipality
Genié is a Tecnova Group Ltd product with exclusive “Multifrequency Impulse Resonance” Technology
Tecnova Group Ltd International References The effectiveness of the solutions proposed by Tecnova Group was confirmed by prestigious institutions and universities, and, undeniably, from the practical application, just to mention the most important ones:
Maryuknoll Convent School, Hong Kong Coorporate Avenue, Shanghai
Broadcasting Tower, Beijing
Parker Dam, USA
Sands Casino, Macau
Jao Tsung, wooden columns, Lantau
Disney Land, Hong Kong
Autodrome, Abu Dhabi
Genié is a Tecnova Group Ltd product with exclusive “Multifrequency Impulse Resonance” Technology
È un prodotto Tecnova Group S.r.l.
Consiste in un rivoluzionario sistema per la deumidificazione elettrofisica muraria con tecnologia a “Risonanza di Impulsi in Multifrequenza”. Elimina definitivamente l’umidità da risalita capillare, risana la struttura edilizia ammalorata e ne consente il restauro. Deposito domanda di brevetto N. PA201A000016 presso l'Ufficio italiano brevetti e marchi - UIBM.
è Testato in prestigiosi edifici storici è Non invasivo e del tutto reversibile è Agisce solo nella struttura muraria è Impatto zero sugli esseri viventi
è Più versioni per ogni struttura edilizia è Contribuisce al risparmio energetico è Efficace. Garantito al 100% è Soddisfatti o rimborsati
Azienda certificata ISO 9001:08 N° 11357
Company certified ISO 9001:08 11357 Accredia. dall’organismo di certificazione Kiwa Cermet Italia,No. accreditato by Kiwa Cermet Italia, a certification body accredited by Accredia
Tecnova Group S.r.l.
Sede legale e operativa: Via Al Idrisi, 2T 95041 Caltagirone (CT) Tel. 0933 31224 - Telefax: 0933 25621