TeenLife Boston: 2011-2012 School Year Edition

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Options for Teens to Study Away from Home Spotlight on Sports

Things to Do this Year



W W W. T E E N L I F E . C O M

Get Involved and Make a Difference! Sunday, February 12th 12- 4 pm The Mall at Chestnut Hill Students, parents and teachers are invited to attend the fifth annual TeenLife Boston Community Service Fair. Meet face-to-face with representatives from local nonprofits and find out about a wide variety of volunteer opportunities for students in Grades 7-12.

Find out more at www.teenlife.com/CSFair2012

Introducing the TeenLife Boston: School Year Edition The only free comprehensive resource of its kind.

e know that area parents and teens, like you, are just getting back into the swing of things. By now students have gotten their supplies and classroom assignments, but may still be anxious about the start of school, their academic goals for the year, and about what activities or sports they might pursue. But trust me, as a parent of two teens (now both in college), everything quickly falls into place. Especially, when you have a trusted resource like TeenLife on your side. Whether it's an after school club, a sport outside of school, or volunteer group that suits your interests, our goal at TeenLife is to provide information and ideas on what students can do to complement their studies all year long. There are more than 300 opportunities in Greater Boston alone. In this guide—TeenLife Boston: School Year Edition—you’ll find a feature about the different options for residential schooling, including semester schools and study abroad programs, that parents and students may want to consider.

In addition, we take a deep dive into the benefits of sports and where students can find exactly what they are looking for in terms of fulfilling activities. Yes, you can think beyond your alma mater for fun! Look for a full list of options at www.TeenLife.com/boston. We also have two student profiles about local teens highlighting their past summer internships and how these jobs have shaped what they’d like to study in college. I encourage you to frequent our site—and read our printed and digital guides, blogs, and newsletters on a regular basis—as TeenLife continually adds new content and resources to make your job as a parent or student easier. We have lots of fresh ideas brewing. And if you can believe it, we are already working on summer programs for next year!

Marie Schwartz, President & Founder TeenLife Media, LLC

BIG NEWS! TEENLIFE HAS WON TWO PARENT CHOICE AWARDS! We are ecstatic that our growing audience of parents, teens, and educators continues to recognize that TeenLife is delivering top-of-mind resources and information for middle and high school students. And now the industry is, too! TeenLife has just been awarded two esteemed parent choice awards, a Gold Award from the National Association of Parenting Publications Award (NAPPA), and accolades from the Mom’s Choice Awards®. N




Each of these organizations acknowledges the best family-friendly, innovative resources for parents. Yes, we are all patting our backs at TeenLife, but as active, involved parents preparing for your child’s future, you should, too.

bfa dual degree with tufts university mfa mat, art education post-baccalaureate certificate

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Teens charting a new course canoing with COASTAL STUDIES FOR GIRLS. See listing and ad on page 17.

230 The Fenway Boston, MA 02115 To schedule a visit, call 617-369-3626.

A school for artists, by artists, since 1876.


TEENLIFE BOSTON: 2011-2012 School Year Edition PUBLISHED BY

TeenLife Media, LLC 1330 Beacon St., Suite 268 Brookline, MA 02446 (617) 277-5120 info@TeenLife.com www.TeenLife.com


A new digital magazine with articles, tips and resources to help you guide, nurture and inspire your teenager. Coming in August 2011 to BostonParentsPaper.com For more information call 617-522-1515

Copyright © 2011 by TeenLife Media, LLC Brookline, Massachusetts Published by TeenLife Media, LLC Brookline, Massachusetts V.P., Marketing and Business Development: Cara Ferragamo Murray Managing Editor: Camille Heidebrecht Graphic Design: Kathryn Tilton

LIMIT OF LIABILITY TeenLife Media, LLC (TL) takes no responsibility for any of the descriptions of the various programs listed. TL is not familiar with all of the organizations listed. We edit the descriptions only to achieve a consistent format. TL presents all descriptions without any warranty of any kind, express or implied. TL is not responsible for the accuracy of any description, or for mistakes, errors, or omissions of any kind, and is not responsible for any loss or damage caused by a user’s reliance on the information contained in this guide. All the information contained herein is subject to change without notice, and readers are advised to confirm all information about an organization and obtain references before making any commitments. Trademarks: TeenLife Media, LLC and related trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of TeenLife and/or its affiliates in the United States and may not be used without written permission.

Table of Contents 4

HAVE YOU CONSIDERED SCHOOLING AWAY FROM HOME? Residential and study abroad options in high school.





Dan Weiner shares what inspired him most during his summer internship.

STUDENT PROFILE Jacob Zhang highlights how his ямБve-week internship prepared him for college.


10 THINGS YOU AND YOUR TEEN SHOULD DO THIS SCHOOL YEAR The Bucket List for parents and teens.


23 Fashion 23 Theatre







26 28


ABOUT TEENLIFE Find out more about what we offer and how to register on our site.

12 Day Only 14 Day & Boarding 15 Gap Year 16 Semester Schools


23 Arts 23 Music

Participating in sports both in and out of school.



28 23






INDEPENDENT ADVISORS 18 College 20 Internship 21 Secondary School

A Resource for Families with Teens

31 Listings by Name 32 Advertisers

22 Gap Year 22 Financial TEENLIFE BOSTON: SCHOOL YEAR 2011-2012 | 3

Have you considered schooling away from home? Residential and Study Abroad Programs for Teens in High School.

by Hilary Dobel

igh school is a wonderful time to expand your horizons, but most students stick close to home. However, with an increasing number of educational programs offering residential and travel options, teens today can learn and grow by studying away from home before ever setting foot on a college campus. Boarding schools, semester schools, study abroad programs, and post-graduate years provide an exciting range of academic and geographic options, from exotic homestays in Vietnam to traditional boarding programs all across the United States.

TRADITIONAL BOARDING SCHOOLS Students can attend traditional boarding schools as early as fourth grade, though most start in sixth or ninth. David Grossman, a graduate of Philips Exeter who went on to attend Princeton University, remembers being attracted by the idea of boarding because Teens experiencing high school at sea with OCEAN CLASSROOM. See listing page 17.

he loved “being able to bond with my friends every night all summer long� at camp. This dorm-like experience ended up being his favorite thing about Exeter. Grossman also cites the Harkness Plan, which employed

an intimate and rigorous classroom style of very small, discussion-based classes “with no ‘back row’ in which

STUDY ABROAD Study abroad programs are also increasingly popular,

to hide.” Indeed, many students have noted the rigor of

and some schools even have their own exchange pro-

boarding academics. A recent graduate of Groton School

grams. Noble and Greenough School, a Boston-

says that her friends who attended day school had “more

area day and boarding school, runs its own travel and

carefree” lives, but she continues to be grateful for the

experiential learning programs in locations as diverse as

“fantastic pressure cooker” of boarding life: “It’s an amaz-

New Orleans and Vietnam. The school also encourages

ingly valuable experience to have had, the certainty that...I

students to travel, and the website notes that ten to fifteen

can handle just about anything.” Boarding is a wonderful

students study off-campus for a year or semester annu-

option for students with learning differences, too; there

ally. As with semester programs, summer study abroad

are many programs that specialize in preparing students

offers a fantastic opportunity for foreign language im-

with dyslexia or ADD/ADHD for the return to traditional

mersion, as well as community service and a chance for

classrooms. For more information on accredited boarding

a unique encounter with another nation’s culture. Some

schools, check out The Association of Boarding Schools at

involve a student exchange where American students live


with families in another country, such as those arranged by

Boarding School is an amazingly valuable experience to have had. I now know that I can handle just about anything. SEMESTER SCHOOLS the Center for Cultural Interchange. Others are based Semester schools give students the chance to get a taste of boarding life for a single academic term, commonly during a student’s junior year. These programs are also great for special interests; students who don’t have

around institutions, usually secondary schools or universities abroad. There’s no doubt that these programs can be pricey, but they offer truly once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Some offer financial aid or scholarships.

the opportunity to pursue their passions in traditional day schools might appreciate these specialized programs.

For students who can’t get enough world travel, School

Ocean Classroom, for example, is an experiential educa-

Year Abroad, founded at Phillips Academy, is a one-of-

tion program that takes place at sea! The Oxbow School,

a-kind program that allows American students to spend

meanwhile, has an arts focus, while others emphasize

their junior or senior year of high school in China, France,

community service or politics. Many semester schools

Italy, Spain, Vietnam, or Japan. Like semester schools,

take advantage of the natural beauty of their surround-

School Year Abroad matches up with standard high school

ings to offer an environmental bent with lots of time spent

curricula, so students don’t fall behind in their course-

outdoors. International semester schools are also avail-

work during their exciting explorations.

able, often with a chance for intensive study of a language or cultural immersion. And there’s no need to worry about falling behind in a student’s regular studies. These pro-

POST-GRADUATE YEAR The post-graduate or “PG” year may be the least

grams are designed for students currently enrolled in

familiar of these options. Many boarding (and some

day or public schools and generally match the standard

private day) schools offer an additional year of study for

high school curriculum. For more information go to

students who’ve graduated from high school but, for

www.semesterschools.net. TEENLIFE BOSTON: SCHOOL YEAR 2011-2012 | 5


whatever reason, feel the need for additional time be-

Studying away from home can be a great experience for a

fore college. Athletes or those pursuing admission to

wide variety of teens. Students who want an exciting change

an extremely competitive university may need an ex-

of pace will appreciate being in a new place with new people.

tra year to bolster their resume or improve academic

Those who might be more independent-minded or who want

performance to become more attractive candidates.

to become more independent will learn to care for themselves

Others might have had a successful high school

and set their own schedules. And students seeking a unique and

career but feel emotionally unprepared for college

often demanding preparation for college will enjoy more time

due to their own maturity level or to a traumatic event

and space to focus on their academics. Residential programs

such as illness or a death in the family. In these cases,

aren’t for everyone, but for some students, they can make all the

a PG year is a chance for them to live away from home

difference in the world.

in a safe, well-monitored environment before taking the next step. As with boarding schools, students with

For more information about any of these program types,

ADD or learning differences may also beneďŹ t from an

visit TeenLife.com to see extensive listings of boarding schools,

extra year to improve their study habits or to prepare

semester schools, study abroad programs, and PG years all

themselves for the intensity of college academics.

across the United States and the world.




Campus Open Houses: October 7

December 4



In His Own Words

I would encourage students to talk to everyone they know.

Tell me a little bit about your internship.

What were your responsibilities?

Last summer, I interned on Deval Patrick’s campaign for re-election. When he won again, I knew I wanted to experience his role and actions as Governor first-hand. I’ve always been interested in the democratic process.

I split time doing administrative work in the office and attending committee meetings. It was all fascinating. I opened mail and would read and input data about the hopes and wishes of particular officials and their constituents—regular people looking for direction from their government. For example, one constituent wrote about how a particular construction project would impact the quality of his life negatively—and he wanted some answers.

My prior experience on his campaign allowed me to interview for other internships with the State House. So, this past summer, I worked in the Legislative Affairs Office for the Governor. For those of us who need some brushing up, what exactly does the Legislative Affairs Office do? This department serves as a liaison between the Governor and the legislative body of MA. Its role is to not only communicate Patrick’s policies, agenda, and what bills he’s pushing through to the elected state senators and representatives—but is also the avenue where these elected officials could relay to the Governor the issues, concerns, and priorities effecting their constituents (citizens in their particular districts).

I also attended committee meetings. Committees are essentially small groups of elected officials and senators with similar interests, like transportation or public health. When a bill is brought up in the State House that falls under their jurisdiction, it is brought to a hearing room where individuals, companies, and lobbyists, can give testimony in favor or in opposition of the bills. How did you obtain your internship? I did research on the Internet and through the resources provided at my high school, which were very useful, but the best way was to network. A friend of my family served at a high level in the Deval Patrick campaign, which provided me with significant access to get both internships. What would you recommend other teens do when looking for an internship? I would encourage students to talk to everyone they know. Ask family and friends to see if they know anyone looking for an intern in your particular area of interest. Look to your teachers, relatives, parent’s colleagues, etc. What was the most valuable thing you got out of your internship? My internship provided me with excellent learning and perspective for my college admissions essays.

DAN WEINER Arlington, MA Former day student at Concord Academy, Concord, MA. Freshman at Yale University this fall.

My take away this past summer was a renewed confidence in the ability of local government to function for the people. That the Governor and the whole legislative body strive to meet the direct needs of real individuals, regular people. It provided me with a first-hand look at how influential citizens on the state and local level can be regarding policy. The do have a voice; it was empowering. TEENLIFE BOSTON: SCHOOL YEAR 2011-2012 | 7

For Love of the Game by Hilary Dobel

he benefits of participating in a sport are numerous. A report from Iowa State University shows that many student-athletes display superior time-management and organizational skills, as well as a lower incidence of depressive symptoms. Women and girls who play sports demonstrate higher levels of selfesteem and well-being. Sports can offer teens a healthy attitude towards competition, selfdiscipline, and personal achievement, as well as a unique camaraderie with their teammates.

As students get older and sports become more competitive, sometimes a day comes when a player’s skill set doesn’t match up with the expectations of a school’s team. It can be tough to realize that not everyone gets to be an all-star, but fortunately there are plenty of options to continue pursuing sports outside of school. Students don’t have to be starters on the varsity squad to keep playing the sports they love. There are so many opportunities to stay with their favorite sport in settings outside of school, that everyone can pursue some form of athletics.

Student enjoying his passion for fencing with the BAY STATE FENCERS.


As we’ve said, participating in athletics is incred-

Team sports aren’t everyone’s thing—and that’s ok.

ibly beneficial—physically, emotionally, and mentally. To

Some students might prefer an activity that’s a little more

continue reaping those rewards, teens can check out their

solitary, or maybe they just aren’t into competition. They

local parks and recreation website; many cities offer a

can pick and choose the aspects of athletics that they do

huge array of teams for all ages and skill levels. Joining

enjoy to find an activity that’s right for them. Prefer not

these teams is free or reasonably priced, and they often

to compete? Try dance, weightlifting, or yoga. Or, take up

practice and play close to home.

skating, running, or swimming, which can be done solo or as part of a team. For students who like to compete but prefer things one-on-one, tennis, golf, skiing, or martial

If busy students want something less formal, many

arts might be a good fit. Everyone can still experience the

gyms and community centers host casual pickup games,

physical and mental benefits of the activity, not to mention

which are great if a teen’s schedule is too packed for a

great personal habits that last a lifetime.

bigger commitment. Another way to stay involved with a favorite sport is to coach a kids’ team—teens get to keep their skills sharp, and they get the satisfaction of helping others and sharing their passion. It’s a completely different way to experience the game!

Any teen can find a way to approach his sport in a way that makes sense for his lifestyle and priorities.

Of course, making the team is the least of their concerns if their school doesn’t offer the sport they want

There are also great options for teens that just aren’t

to play. If their school doesn’t offer water polo or a swim

feeling this whole sports business. Lots of different social

team, for example, check with the local pool. The same

activities can give them that great sense of community a

goes for ice hockey and skating rinks. Private club teams

team provides. Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts aren’t just for

are great options, too. Although they cost money, clubs

kids—high school students can participate in scouting

provide opportunities for travel and exciting tournaments.

until they’re eighteen. Youth groups at a local community

Many of them run during the summer, too, which is great

center or place of worship are also great places to hang

if teens want to be able to play year-round.

out and make new friends. Signing up for a recurring community service obligation can also introduce teens to other students who share their interests. And at school,

For other students, the big question is what kind of time they want to spend on athletics. For some, part of

there’s everything from writing for the newspaper to auditioning for plays.

the fun is playing at the very highest level of skill and competition possible—which can require a tremendous amount of dedication. Many scholar-athletes find, though,

What matters most is that teens are enriching

that the fun of the sport itself and the social aspect of

themselves with new experiences and forming friendships

spending time with the team are what make it worthwhile.

that’ll last for many years to come.

Any teen can find a way to approach his sport in a way that makes sense for his lifestyle and priorities. If a school’s field hockey team is legendarily cutthroat, a student with a more laid-back personality might prefer a similar sport with a less-intense team, like track or soccer. TEENLIFE BOSTON: SCHOOL YEAR 2011-2012 | 9


In His Own Words “ JACOB ZHANG Junior at Boston Latin School.

The opportunity to watch how medical students practice their craft was pretty remarkable. I wasn’t expecting to get to do that when I took the internship.

What was your key “take away” from this internship? By observing actual clinical procedures, I got a true sense of what it takes to be a doctor in the surgical profession. Not only is it extremely demanding since you are always on call, but it is also not an exact science. From what I can tell, good surgeons have the courage to trust their instincts when performing on a patient—and that on-the-job experience is really the most important part of practicing medicine. SUMMER INTERNSHIP Where and when did you do your internship? I spent five weeks working in the plastic and reconstructive surgery department at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

For fellows especially, the longer time spent in the hospital, the better judgment they can make when treating a patient. You can’t necessarily learn everything in medical school.

What were your responsibilities? For the most part, I helped enter medical records into the hospital database. But I was also able to observe experimental surgical procedures practiced on animals in the lab. Can you elaborate? The fellows practiced surgical skills on pigs including incisions, removing bones, etc. The opportunity to watch how medical students practice their craft was pretty remarkable. I wasn’t expecting to get to do that when I took the internship. How did you get the internship? Since I’ve always been curious about a career in medicine, I was lucky to have a family friend who could set me up with this type of opportunity. I am very fortunate. 10 | 2011 TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COLLEGE ADMISSIONS

How has it shaped your goals for this school year? Boston Latin is a demanding school. Since it is an exam school, it has high-expectations. A lot of students can’t handle the workload. But studying in medicine will also be like that. How did it impact your future goals in college or life in general? I am not sure if I will be a surgeon; it is too early for me to determine. But it was a good way for me to see if being a doctor is the right thing for me. Now I will definitely consider med school. I would also like to get an internship at a hospital again next summer, too.

Things You and Your Teen Should Do This School Year THE BUCKET LIST FOR TEENS Headgear

1. Be a role model Lend your knowledge to help someone else.

2. Get a job Make some money, and learn some skills. Headgear

3. Volunteer Spend some time on a cause you like. Headgear

4. Learn a new skill Glass blowing or martial arts? Try a new hobby.

5. Freshen up your resume Keep it updated with all that’s new. Headgear

6. Camp out with your friends


1. Be a mentor Guide your student to academic and personal success.

2. Network with colleagues Talk to everyone who might need interns. Headgear

3. Join the cause Two volunteers are better than one. Headgear

4. Encourage your child to try something new Could fencing or water polo be their new sport?

5. Edit their resume Always useful to take a peek.

Bond with classmates outside of class.

6. Camp out with your kids 7. Start your own blog

It's a fun bonding experience.

Share your personal experiences with other teens.

7. Blog for a teen-parenting site 8. Spread the word about TeenLife Join our Student Advisory Board at www.teenlife.com/studentadvisoryboard


9. Make a collage

It’s nice to share parent perspective.

8. Spread the word about TeenLife Join our Parent Advisory Board at www.teenlife.com/parentadvisoryboard

Doc the year with memories and friends.

9. Make a photo album

10. Check everything

Create long-lasting memories.

off this list!

10. Check everything off this list!


Schools, Activities, and Advisors in Greater Boston Boston offers so many great resources and opportunities for active parents and teens in this area—many of which are featured in this edition of TeenLife Boston. As you flip through its pages, you’ll find a plethora of information on everything from after-school and vacation-week programs to specialized advisors and tutoring services.


Day Only BOSTON UNIVERSITY ACADEMY BU Academy provides an unparalleled secondary education, optimizing the respective strengths of its small community and its inclusion within a world-class research university. Academy students regularly earn up to 40 college credits prior to graduation. Location(s): Boston, Massachusetts Contact: Nicole White, Admission Coordinator Phone: (617) 358-2493 Email: admission@buacademy.org Address: One University Road, Boston, MA 02215 Website: www.buacademy.org


BUCKINGHAM BROWNE & NICHOLS (BB&N) BB&N is a co-ed day school with three campuses in Cambridge, Pre-K through 12, where bright, curious students aim for a bar set high in an atmosphere of challenge and support that brings out their best as learners and as people. Location(s): Cambridge, Massachusetts Contact: Geordie Mitchell Phone: (617) 547-6100 Email: admissions@bbns.org Address: 80 Gerry’s Landing Road, Cambridge, MA 02138 Website: www.bbns.org




Phone: (617) 542-2325 Address: 74 Union Park Street, Boston, MA 02118 Website: www.cathedralhighschool.net

Mount Alvernia High School is committed to instilling the spiritual and intellectual values young girls will need in order to navigate a lifetime of challenges. The goal is to not only educate their minds, but to give them vital tools to help them make the right choices.

CLARK SCHOOL Clark School offers a stimulating learning environment and is particularly appropriate for those who demonstrate high intellectual, creativity, or leadership abilities. The school emphasizes high achievement and meaningful participation in the community. Location(s): Danvers, Massachusetts Contact: Heather Tripp, Admissions OfďŹ ce Phone: (978) 777-4699 Email: clarkschool@clarkschool.com Address: 487 Locust Street, Danvers, MA 01923 Website: www.clarkschool.com

GERMAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL BOSTON (GISB) The GISB is a young, dynamic school, that celebrated its 10th anniversary in the Summer of 2011. GISB offers classes ranging from Preschool, starting at age three, through Grade 11 for the school year 2011-12.

Location(s): Newton, Massachusetts Contact: Elizabeth Buckley Phone: (617) 969-2260 Email: ebuckley@mountalverniahs.org Address: 790 Centre Street, Newton, MA 02458 Website: www.mountalverniahs.org

MOUNT SAINT JOSEPH ACADEMY Mount Saint Joseph Academy promotes academic excellence, cultivates respect for all people, fosters unity and reconciliation, and educates young women for compassionate leadership and service. Location(s): Boston, Massachusetts Contact: Mary Esposito Phone: (617) 254-8383 Email: mary.esposito@mountsaintjosephacademy.org Address: 617 Cambridge Street, Boston, MA 02134 Website: www.mountsaintjosephacademy.org

Location(s): Boston, Massachusetts Phone: (617) 783-2600 Email: info@gisbos.org Address: 57 Holton Street, Boston, MA 02134 Website: www.gisbos.org

Teen practicing golf at BUCKINGHAM BROWNE & NICHOLS (BB&N). See listing on opposite page.





The Noble and Greenough School is a rigorous academic community dedicated to inspiring leadership for the public good. Nobles is a coeducational, nonsectarian day and five-day boarding school for students in grades 7 through 12.

For over 100 years, Riverside Military Academy has produced young men of purpose, integrity, and character. RMA is easily accessible and located one hour north of Atlanta’s International Airport.

Location(s): Dedham, Massachusetts Contact: Jennifer Hines Phone: (781) 320-7100 Email: admission@nobles.edu Address: 10 Campus Drive, Dedham, MA 02026 Website: www.nobles.edu

Location(s): Gainesville, Georgia Phone: (800) 462-2338 Email: apply@riversidemilitary.com Address: 2001 Riverside Drive, Gainesville, GA 30501 Website: www.riversidemilitary.com

Teen students at the NOBLE AND GREENOUGH SCHOOL.


How to Know When Your Child Needs a Tutor By Andrew Magliozzi, Founder and President, Veritas Tutors

Students often come to us for tutoring well after they’ve fallen behind. Although we can help, we always say to ourselves, “If only they had come sooner…” As a parent, how do you know when it’s time to get outside help? Here are some early indications: LOW GRADES: Check in with your child’s teachers often to see trends. Anything more than a letter-grade drop is a sign that extra help is necessary.

A LOSS OF MOTIVATION: If your child loses interest in a subject, it may mean he doesn’t understand the material. Instead of waiting, take action to prevent your child from creating a mental aversion to a subject.

A LACK OF CONFIDENCE IN THE SUBJECT: If your child does well in a class but doesn’t have a sense of confidence about the subject matter, a tutor can develop more creative ways to both enjoy and excel in that class.

DISORGANIZATION: If your child is disorganized, he may be underperforming, missing assignments, or stressed from his own mess. Tutors can structure classwork while teaching the essential life-skill of staying organized. NOT REACHING THEIR POTENTIAL: Even if your child has decent grades, she may not reaching full potential. Engage a tutor that inspires her to take a greater interest in her academics. Watch for these signs. The longer a student struggles, the more difficult it is to build confidence and performance.

For individualized academic solutions including face-to-face and online tutoring, call 617-395-4160.


Gap Year

THE GLENHOLME SCHOOL A therapeutic boarding school for young people who are often considered fragile and complex, diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome, ADHD, depression, anxiety as well as learning differences. Our learning environment supports and enhances the ability to succeed.


Location(s): Washington Depot, Connecticut Contact: Kathi Fitzherbert Phone: (860) 868-7377 Email: admissions@theglenholmeschool.org Address: 81 Sabbaday Lane, Washington, CT 06793 Website: www.theglenholmeschool.org

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Carpe Diem offers semester and year-long international gap programs for high school seniors and college students. Through environmental and community service, adventure travel, language study, homestays, and authentic cultural exchange, students receive insight into themselves and the cultures in which they travel. The spring semester programs are ideal for high school seniors who are graduating early. Location(s): Australia, Brazil, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Fiji, Guatemala, Hopi Nation, India, Navajo Nation, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Peru, Rwanda, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, Vietnam Contact: Ethan Knight Phone: (503) 285-1800 Email: info@carpediemeducation.org Address: 710 North Alberta Street, P.O. Box 17427, Portland, OR 97217 Website: www.carpediemeducation.org


COASTAL STUDIES FOR GIRLS students in the ďŹ eld collect samples on Quadrants Beach, ME. See listing and ad on page 17.

Semester Schools CENTER FOR CULTURAL INTERCHANGE: HIGH SCHOOL ABROAD A high school exchange program is an exciting opportunity to experience life overseas. Participants live with host families and attend a local high school, living the life of a teen in their host country. Three-month, semester, and year-long programs are available.


Location(s): Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden Contact: Anna Kacyn Phone: (888) ABROAD1 (227-6231) Email: info@greenhearttravel.org Address: 746 North LaSalle Drive, Chicago, IL 60654 Website: www.cci-exchange.org/travelabroad



COASTAL STUDIES FOR GIRLS Coastal Studies for Girls is the country’s first residential science and leadership semester school for 10th grade girls. Coastal Studies' girls have a love for learning and discovery, an adventurous spirit, and a desire to challenge themselves. Location(s): Freeport, Maine Contact: Whitney Conway Phone: (207) 865-9700 Email: whitney@coastalstudiesforgirls.org Address: 308 Wolfe’s Neck Road, Freeport, ME 04032 Website: www.coastalstudiesforgirls.org

High academic standards •Innovative teachers A commitment to diversity • Strong programs in the arts, athletics and community service Noble and Greenough School 10 Campus Drive • Dedham MA 02026 • admission@nobles.edu • www.nobles.edu

Are you a Coastal Studies girl? Ready for learning and discovery?

CONSERVE SCHOOL A semester-long immersion for high school students in environmental studies and outdoor activities that deepens their love of nature, reinforces their commitment to conservation, and equips them to take meaningful action as environmental stewards. Location(s): Land O’ Lakes, Wisconsin Contact: Phil Delong Phone: (715) 547-1300 Email: admissions@conserveschool.org Address: 5400 North Black Oak Lake Road, Land O’ Lakes, WI 54540 Website: www.conserveschool.org


Admissions. Motivation. Guidance. Worried about the college admissions process? AMG Educational Consultants can help increase your child’s motivation and provide the guidance you both need... Contact Andrea Glovsky for a consultation.

OCEAN CLASSROOM: DISCOVERY HIGH SCHOOL SEMESTER AT SEA Visit new lands, gain new perspectives, build strength and confidence, make life-long friends, and help the environment. Marine science, maritime history and literature, and applied math are taught as you sail a schooner from Maine to the Caribbean. Location(s): Maine to the Caribbean Contact: Susan Hodder Phone: (207) 633-2750 Email: agraham@oceanclassroom.org Address: 1 Oak Street, Boothbay Harbor, ME 04538 Website: www.oceanclassroom.org

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TeenLife.com bringing out the best in teens

(continued on page 19)



College AHP EDUCATIONAL CONSULTING AHP educational consultants are committed to personalizing each student’s admissions process through knowledgeable, hands-on guidance. They help each student develop organizational and decision-making skills for a more rewarding admissions experience. Location(s): Sudbury, Massachusetts Contact: Timothy Lee Phone: (978) 443-0055 Email: tlee@ahpnet.com Address: 490B Boston Post Road #200, Sudbury, MA 01776 Website: www.ahpeducationalconsulting.com


AMG EDUCATIONAL CONSULTANTS Counseling in the college and placement field since 1988, Andrea Glovsky has successfully helped hundreds of students match their interests and abilities to the most appropriate school. Andrea provides guidance to families in Massachusetts, the Northeast, across the country, and around the world. Location(s): Prides Crossing, Massachusetts Contact: Andrea Glovsky Phone: (978) 526-7809 Skype: andrea.glovsky Email: amglovsky@comcast.net Address: P.O. Box 44, Prides Crossing, MA 01965 Website: www.findingcolleges.com

Teen student gets oneon-one counseling from an independent advisor.


Dance students attending an audition workshop hosted by THE ARTS EDGE. See listing this page.



The Arts Edge is an educational consulting firm specializing in helping high school and college transfer students in the performing arts navigate through the unique college application and audition process.

Owner Mindy Pollack-Fusi works one-on-one with students to coach them on their college application essays in person and online. She helps students refine topics to best depict their unique strengths in their own passionate, polished voices.

Location(s): Boston, Massachusetts and New York City, New York Contact: Jen Bewerse Phone: (855) 778-ARTS (2787) Email: info@theartsedge.com Address: 400 Hunnewell Street, Needham, MA 02494 Website: www.theartsedge.com

Location(s): Bedford, Massachusetts Contact: Mindy Pollack-Fusi Phone: (781) 275-7301 Email: mindy@theplaceforwords.com Address: The Place for Words & Workshops 200 Great Road, Suite 254A, Bedford, MA 01730 Website: www.collegeapplicationessaycoach.com

CHERI BARAD EDUCATION CONSULTING Cheri Barad assists students navigate through the comprehensive college admissions and matching process. One-on-one individualized, working with athletes, international, learning issues, and transfers students. “Finding the right match, not just admissions.” Location(s): Medfield, Massachusetts Contact: Cheri Barad Phone: (508) 359-8889 Email: gobridges@aol.com Address: 425-1 Main Street, Medfield, MA 02052 Website: www.cheribarad.com

KOSIEROWSKI EDUCATION GROUP Avoid feeling stressed, overwhelmed or disorganized. Keith is a Life Coach and Certified School Counselor. Specialties: reduce parent/family stress, ADHD, children, college admissions, student home organization, and anger. Complimentary consultations. Location(s): Hingham, Massachusetts Contact: Keith Kosierowski Phone: (978) 239-2193 Email: keithkos1@gmail.com Address: 5 Craig Lane, Hingham, MA 02043 Website: www.gotomykeg.com TEENLIFE BOSTON: SCHOOL YEAR 2011-2012 | 19


ONE-ON-ONE COLLEGE CONSULTING One-on-One College Consulting works with high-school students and families on the college admissions process, offering services for both individuals and groups. Our specialty area is guiding student-athletes with the athleticrecruiting process. Location(s): Wakefield, Massachusetts Contact: Kim Penney Phone: (781) 246-4111 Email: kimpenney@oneononecollegeconsulting.com Address: 146 Lowell Street, Suite 300C-1, Wakefield, MA 01880 Website: www.oneononecollegeconsulting.com


Internship TEC-THE EDUCATION COOPERATIVE INTERNSHIP PROGRAM TEC offers unique opportunities to students who have completed two years of high school. TEC’s internship programs provide a meaningful experience in a professional environment, ensuring that students are able to realize their potential. Location(s): Dedham, MA Contact: Sherri Sigel Phone: (781) 326-2473 Email: ssigel@tec-coop.org Address: 1112 High Street, P.O. Box 186, Dedham, MA 02027 Website: www.tec-coop.org

Popp & Associates provides expert admissions guidance to college-bound students of all ages. We welcome the opportunity to assist you with your college counseling needs. Location(s): Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts Contact: Mindy Popp Phone: (781) 859-9116 Email: mpopp@poppandassociates.com Address: 354 Washington Street, Suite 225, Wellesley Hills, MA 02481 Website: www.poppandassociates.com

STARR & CHAPMAN, INC. Starr & Chapman, Inc. is a full-service educational consulting company with over 15 years of experience successfully placing more than a thousand students at competitive colleges across the United States. Location(s): Plymouth, Massachusetts Contact: Christine Chapman Phone: (774) 413-7227 Email: christine@starrandchapman.com Address: 1073 Long Pond Road, Plymouth, MA 02360 Website: www.starrandchapman.com

Student conducting research with OCEAN CLASSROOM. See listing page 17.



Secondary School AHP EDUCATIONAL CONSULTING AHP educational consultants are also committed to assisting students at the secondary school level through knowledgeable, hands-on guidance. They help each student develop organizational and decision-making skills for a more rewarding admissions experience. Location(s): Sudbury, Massachusetts Contact: Timothy Lee Phone: (978) 443-0055 Email: tlee@ahpnet.com Address: 490B Boston Post Road #200, Sudbury, MA 01776 Website: www.ahpeducationalconsulting.com

AMG EDUCATIONAL CONSULTANTS Counseling in the independent school placement ďŹ eld since 1988, Andrea Glovsky has successfully helped hundreds of students by matching interests and abilities to the most appropriate school. Andrea provides guidance to families in Massachusetts, the Northeast, across the country and around the world. Location(s): Prides Crossing, Massachusetts Contact: Andrea Glovsky Phone: (978) 526-7809 Skype: andrea.glovsky Email: amglovsky@comcast.net Address: P.O. Box 44, Prides Crossing, MA 01965 Website: www.ďŹ ndingcolleges.com


STARR & CHAPMAN, INC. Starr & Chapman, Inc. is a full-service educational consulting company with over 15 years of experience successfully placing more than a thousand students at competitive boarding schools across the United States. Location(s): Plymouth, Massachusetts Contact: Christine Chapman Phone: (774) 413-7227 Email: christine@starrandchapman.com Address: 1073 Long Pond Road, Plymouth, MA 02360 Website: www.starrandchapman.com

Gap Year THE CENTER FOR INTERIM PROGRAMS The Center for Interim Programs has designed creative gap-year opportunities for more than 5,700 students. Rather than going straight to college, students take a gap year to immerse themselves in other cultures, explore speciďŹ c interests, or volunteer. Location(s): Northampton, Massachusetts; Princeton, New Jersey Contact: Holly Bull Phone: (609) 683-4300 Email: hollybull@interimprograms.com Address: 195 Nassau Street, Suite 5, Princeton, NJ 08542 Website: www.interimprograms.com

Financial MVP COLLEGE FUNDING Flameworking at DIABLO GLASS. See listings on page 23 and 25.

MVP College Funding is dedicated to providing your family with the information and guidance you need to affordably send all of your students to their college of choice. Location(s): North Andover, Massachusetts Contact: Richard Joseph Phone: (888) 315-5829 Email: rjoseph@mvpcollegefunding.com Address: 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2-31, North Andover, MA 01845 Website: www.mvpcollegefunding.net




Arts DIABLO GLASS SCHOOL: AFTER SCHOOL CLASSES Play with fire! Broaden your intellectual horizons after school at Diablo’s friendly glass community, with hands-on instruction and experience (you may even be able to apply to receive academic credit). Location(s): Boston, Massachusetts Contact: Doris Martinez Phone: (617) 442-7444 Email: info@diabloglassschool.com Address: 123 Terrace Street, Boston, MA 02120 Website: www.diabloglassschool.com/ teenafterschool.htm

THE INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ART (ICA) Be a part of something new! Pick from a variety of art and new media classes, join Boston area teens at a Teen Night, or become a part of the Teen Arts Council. There is always a world of possibilities for you at the ICA. Location(s): Boston, Massachusetts Contact: Leah Kandel Phone: (617) 478-3136 Email: lkandel@icaboston.org Address: 100 Northern Avenue, Boston, MA 02210 Website: www.icateens.org

Music BOSTON CHILDREN’S CHORUS Our singers transcend social barriers in a celebration of shared humanity and love of music. Through intensive choral training and high-profile public performance experience, they learn discipline, develop leadership skills, and proudly represent the city of Boston. Program Location: Boston, MA Contact: Ben Hires Phone: (617) 778-2242 Email: info@bostonchildrenschorus.org Address: 112 Shawmut Avenue, Suite 5B, Boston, MA 02118 Website: www.bostonchildrenschorus.org

Theatre WHEELOCK FAMILY THEATRE Wheelock Family Theatre offers an extensive number and variety of acting classes after school and during public school vacation weeks that are open to all skill levels. Location(s): Boston, Massachusetts Contact: Charles G. Baldwin Phone: (617) 879-2147 Email: cbaldwin@wheelock.edu Address: 200 The Riverway, Boston, MA 02215 Website: www.wheelockfamilytheatre.org

Fashion SCHOOL OF FASHION DESIGN (SFD): WEEKEND PROGRAMS SFD emphasizes classic apparel as well as innovative fashion design; preparing students for “The Industry” (ready-to-wear/mass production), The Boutique (limited editions), and the Haute Couture (exclusive custom design) aspects of fashion. Location(s): Boston, Massachusetts Contact: James Hannon Phone: (617) 536-9343 Email: sfdboston@aol.com Address: 136 Newbury Street, Boston, MA 02116 Website: www.schooloffashiondesign.org

Students from diverse communities singing with the BOSTON CHILDREN'S CHORUS.



RECREATION & ENTERTAINMENT BOSTON PAINTBALL, EVERETT INDOOR FIELDS Boston Paintball is New England’s largest stateof-the-art indoor paintball playing field. Located in Everett, MA with over 50,000 square feet and two playing fields.

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Location(s): Everett, Massachusetts Contact: John Vitale Phone: (617) 941-0123 Email: bostonpaintballgameinfo@gmail.com Address: 111 Boston Street, Everett, MA 02149 Website: www.bostonpaintball.com

BOSTON PAINTBALL, MAYNARD OUTDOOR FIELDS Boston Paintball is New England’s best-known name in paintball and our outdoor playing field in Maynard, MA encompasses all that makes the game what it is.

Check out WWW.TEENLIFE.COM for information on:

Location(s): Maynard, Massachusetts Contact: John Vitale Phone: (617) 941-0123 Email: bostonpaintballgameinfo@gmail.com Address: 1 Tavern Circle, Sudbury, MA 01776 Website: www.maynardpaintballclub.com


Summer and Gap Year Programs Community Service


College Admissions

For over 20 years, Advantage Testing tutors have helped students achieve their academic, professional, and personal goals.

Independent Schools Jobs & Internships TeenLife Local


Location(s): Newton Centre, Massachusetts Contact: Daniel Kusik, Director Phone: (617) 630-8680 Email: boston@advantagetesting.com Address: 10 Langley Road, Suite 403, Newton Centre, MA 02459 Website: www.advantagetesting.com


HARVARD STUDENT AGENCIES: SAT PREMIER PREP BY HSA TUTORING Get ready for the SAT with expert Harvard student instructors. Group lessons and private tutoring are available for the SAT, SAT II Subject Tests, and APs. Sign up online by November 30th for $20 off any package with the discount code: WWW11. Location(s): Cambridge, Massachusetts Contact: Lauren Xie Phone: (617) 496-1506 Email: tutoring@hsa.net Address: 67 Mount Auburn Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 Website: www.tutoring.hsa.net

LEXINGTON LEARNING CENTER, INC. Phone: (781) 674-9777 Address: 329 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA 02420 Website: www.lexingtonlearningctr.com

VACATION WEEK PROGRAMS DIABLO GLASS SCHOOL: TEEN VACATION WORKSHOPS The MFA and Diablo Glass School have collaborated to offer Teen Vacation Camps, a creative solution for school vacation weeks. Teens choose between glassblowing and ameworking, and work in the kiln-forming studio to create fused glass pieces. Location(s): Boston, Massachusetts Contact: Doris Martinez Phone: (617) 442-7444 Email: info@diabloglassschool.com Address: 123 Terrace Street, Boston, MA 02120 Website: www.diabloglassschool.com/ summercamps.htm


TENMARKS EDUCATION TenMarks is a new education initiative which aims to change the way kids learn. TenMarks offers a supplemental online math program that is effective, convenient, and affordable for Grade 3 through High School. Location(s): Newton, Massachusetts Contact: Andrew Joseph Phone: (617) 383-4999 Email: info@tenmarks.com Address: 46 Glen Avenue, Newton, MA 02459 Website: www.tenmarks.com

PORTRAITS BY ANGELA PHOTOGRAPHY Creates fun and unique studio or outdoor high school senior yearbook photos in the central and eastern part of the state. Location(s): Boston, Massachusetts Contact: Angela Napolitano Phone: (617) 838-0698 Email: portraitsbyangela@gmail.com Address: 188 Spring Street, Boston, MA 02132 Website: www.portraitsbyangela.com or www.pbasenior.blogspot.com

VERITAS TUTORS Veritas Tutors specializes in subject tutoring, test preparation, and admissions consulting. With outstanding educators from Harvard, MIT, and other top institutions, Veritas Tutors provides the best possible instruction to each of its students. Location(s): Cambridge, Massachusetts Contact: Stefanie Feldman Phone: (617) 395-4160 Email: info@veritutors.com Address: 1132 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138 Website: www.veritutors.com TEENLIFE BOSTON: SCHOOL YEAR 2011-2012 | 25


With stores like Gap, Hollister, Game Stop, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Macy’s, and Nordstrom’s, the 15 Simon Malls in Greater Boston offer a mix of specialty shops, national retailers, anchor stores, and off-priced shopping—where parents and teens can find everything they need all school year long. TeenLife would like to thank Simon Malls for its continued support of our Community Service Fairs, as well as for distributing our info-packed guides, like this one, each spring and fall. TeenLife Boston is available at each mall's guest services, so grab and pass along some more!




Guest Services: (617) 923-9944 Address: 485 Arsenal Street, Watertown, MA 02472 Website: www.arsenal-mall.com

Guest Services: (617) 262-6600 Address: 100 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02116 Website: www.simon.com/mall/?id=784

Guest Services: (978) 531-3441 Address: RT-128N and RT-114E, Peabody, MA 01960 Website: www.northshore-mall.com




Guest Services: (617) 527-1475 Address: 300 Boylston Street, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 Website: www.atrium-mall.com

Guest Services: (508) 699-4100 Address: 999 South Washington Street, North Attleboro, MA 02760 Website: www.simon.com/mall/?id=335

Guest Services: (508) 303-0204 Address: 601 Donald Lynch Boulevard, Marlborough, MA 01752 Website: www.solomon-pond-mall.com




Guest Services: (508) 832-2314 Address: 385 Southbridge Street, Auburn, MA 01501 Website: www.simon.com/ mall/?id=332

Guest Services: (508) 856-9401 Address: 7 Neponset Street, Worcester, MA 01606 Website: www.greendale-mall.com

Guest Services: (781) 843-8201 Address: 250 Granite Street, Braintree, MA 02184 Website: www.simon.com/mall/?id=147



Guest Services: (978) 777-0795 Address: 100 Independence Way, Danvers, MA 01923 Website: www.liberty-tree-mall.com

Guest Services: (781) 231-9087 Address: 1201 Broadway, Saugus, MA 01906 Website: www.square-one-mall.com



BURLINGTON MALL Guest Services: (781) 272-8668 Address: 75 Middlesex Turnpike, Burlington, MA 01803 Website: www.burlington-mall.com

CAPE COD MALL Guest Services: (508) 771-0201 Address: 796 Iyannough Road, Hyannis, MA 02601 Website: www.cape-cod-mall.com

Guest Services: (617) 965-3038 Address: 199 Boylston Street, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 Website: www.simon.com/mall/?id=786


Guest Services: (508) 384-0600 Address: One Premium Outlets Boulevard, Wrentham, MA 02093 Website: www.premiumoutlets.com/ outlets/outlet.asp?id=10


Help Support the Simon Youth Foundation Simon Youth Foundation (SYF) Simon Youth Foundation, established in 1998, operates in partnership with local public school districts—and has established 23 academies in 13 U.S. states that give at-risk students the same education they would receive in a traditional classroom while offering the flexibility that their individual circumstances require. Recipient of the Crystal Star Award of Excellence in Dropout Prevention from the National Dropout Prevention Center, the foundation has helped more than 8,000 students earn their high school diploma and provided more than $9.7 million in college scholarships through its Simon Youth Scholarship Program to 3,300 students in 42 states. The Education Commission of the United States has recognized the foundation with its Corporate Award for sustained and substantial investment in improving public education.

Simon Youth Academies Simon Youth Academies are alternative schools that provide at-risk youth the opportunity to earn their high school diploma. Each academy is a partnership between SYF and one or more public school districts. Academy students receive job and life skills training, are able to set the pace of their education, and upon graduation they earn a diploma from the public school district. The Simon Youth Peabody Learning Academy at Northshore Mall opened in 2010 and immediately cut the local school district's drop-out rate in half, just by opening its doors.

Simon Properties Support SYF Simon® properties nationwide support SYF through on-mall collection vehicles and local events. The outpouring support of local mall communities and the tireless efforts of Simon mall teams have enabled Simon Youth Foundation to change the lives of so many youth across the country.

For more information on donating and volunteering, go to http://www.syf.org

Upcoming TeenLife Community Service Fairs! We are so happy to announce that our annual Community Service Fair, which we’ve hosted successfully in Boston for the past four years, will be held in several additional communities in 2012. This signature TeenLife event brings together more than 50 local non-profits that specifically take teen volunteers. Since most schools are requiring up to 40 hours of community service work to graduate, it’s a wonderful opportunity for students to learn more about a cause they are interested in and even sign up to volunteer on-site. The Mall at Chestnut Hill, Chestnut Hill, MA South Shore Plaza, Braintree, MA White Plains, NY New York, NY Philadelphia, PA Check www.TeenLife.com/CSFairs for details.

About TeenLife Visit www.teenlife.com WHO WE ARE TeenLife is the "go to” resource for parents, teens, and educators actively looking for meaningful learning experiences—regionally, nationally, and internationally—for students. Our award-winning site, handy guides, and face-to-face events feature an extensive number of opportunities, programs, and services that "bring out the best” in teens.

WHAT WE DO Few students, parents, and educators have the time, resources, or knowledge to research interesting, experiential learning opportunities for teens. So, we do it for them. TeenLife scours the Internet and teen resources for new information and ideas on a continual basis. Our proprietary database containing thousands of listings for teens is unmatched by any other source.


Students at the TEENLIFE COMMUNITY SERVICE FAIR hosted in February.

We are the "go to� resource for students, parents, and educators who are seeking programs, products, and services geared to teens aged 13-19 in the United States.

BECOME A MEMBER. IT'S FREE! Information is offered online at Teenlife.com and through monthly e-newsletters, email communications, and printable guides in a number of categories. Families and their teens can also explore opportunities at live events, school and student fairs, and corporate meetings. Students, parents, and educators are encouraged to register for free and experience the comprehensive nature of our resources! For more information about TeenLife, email info@teenlife.com or call (617) 277-5120. Programs, schools, service providers, and other organizations who want to be listed on our site should contact listings@teenlife.com.


TeenLife Boston A Resource for Families with Teens www.teenlife.com/boston In addition to the wide variety of listings in this guide, TeenLife.com lists hundreds more schools, programs, services and after-school activities just for teens in the Greater Boston area, including those listed below. And be sure to also look on the site for information about college admissions resources, gap year programs, overnight summer programs and how to ďŹ nd a job or internship.

GREATER BOSTON SCHOOLS, PROGRAMS, AND SERVICES Private Schools Boarding Boarding & Day Day Only Semester Schools Advisors Career College Gap Year Internship Specialized Education Summer Classes & Instruction Academic Astronomy Enrichment Language Arts Learning Disabilities Math Arts Dance Music Theatre Visual Arts Sports Baseball Basketball Cross Country Diving Fencing Field Hockey Golf Gymnastics

Horseback Riding Ice Hockey Ice Skating Lacrosse Martial Arts Mountain Biking Pilates Rock Climbing Roller-Blading Rowing Sailing Scuba Diving Skiing Soccer Squash Swimming Tennis Yoga Other DJ'ing Driving Entrepreneurship Environmental Conservation Filmmaking & Digital Media Financial Literacy First Aid Robotics Self Defense Language Arabic Chinese French German

Greek Italian Japanese Russian Spanish College Resources College Admissions College Funding College Research Community Service Health & Behavioral Services Dentists Orthodontists Pediatricians Physical Therapy Psychological & Educational Services Vision Prom & Event Services Catering Dresses & Formal Wear Entertainment Event Planning Florists Invitations Limousine Services

Party Rentals Party Supplies Photographers Venues Recreation & Entertainment Amusement Park Bowling Cultural Events Entertainment Mini-Golf Paintball Sports Arena Tours Water Park Zoo Summer Programs Travel Airline Bus Service Cruise Group Travel Travel Agency Tutoring & Test Prep Vacation Week Programs

VISIT TEENLIFE.COM/BOSTON! To recommend additional listings, go to: TeenLife.com/addalisting. For up-to-date information about local events visit: TeenLifeBoston.com/calendar.

Index There are plenty of instructive classes and activities, tutoring and test prep options, and residential programs of study in and around Boston.

FEATURED LISTINGS 19 CollegeApplicationEssayCoach.com 24 Advantage Testing of Boston 17 Conserve School 18, 21 AHP Educational Consulting 26 Copley Place Mall 18, 21 AMG Educational Consultants 23 Diablo Glass School: After School Classes 26 Arsenal Mall 25 Diablo Glass School: Teen Vacation Workshops 19 The Arts Edge 26 Emerald Square Mall 26 Atrium Mall 13 German International School Boston (GISB) 26 Auburn Mall 15 The Glenholme School 23 Boston Children's Chorus 26 Greendale Mall 24 Boston Paintball, Everett - Indoor Fields 24 Boston Paintball, Maynard - Outdoor Fields

25 Harvard Student Agencies: SAT Premier Prep by HSA Tutoring

12 Boston University Academy

23 The Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA)

12 Buckingham Browne & Nichols (BB&N)

19 Kosierowski Education Group

26 Burlington Mall

25 Lexington Learning Center, Inc.

26 Cape Cod Mall

26 Liberty Tree Mall

15 Carpe Diem Education

26 The Mall at Chestnut Hill

13 Cathedral High School

13 Mount Alvernia High School

16 Center for Cultural Interchange: High School Abroad

13 Mount Saint Joseph Academy 22 MVP College Funding, LLC

22 The Center for Interim Programs 14 Noble and Greenough School 19 Cheri Barad Education Consulting 26 Northshore Mall 13 Clark School 17 Coastal Studies for Girls



17 Ocean Classroom: Discovery High School Semester at Sea 20 One-on-One College Consulting

ADVERTISERS 17 AMG Educational Consultants 2 Boston Parents Paper

20 Popp & Associates, LLC

21 Carpe Diem Education

25 Portraits by Angela Photography

Back Cover Citizens Bank

14 Riverside Military Academy (RMA)

17 Coastal Studies for Girls

23 School of Fashion Design (SFD): Weekend Programs

17 Noble and Greenough School 6 Riverside Military Academy (RMA) 2 School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

26-27 Simon Malls 26 Solomon Pond Mall

24 Simon Malls 15 Veritas Tutors

26 South Shore Plaza 26 Square One Mall 20, 22 Starr & Chapman, Inc. 20 TEC-The Education Cooperative 25 TenMarks Education 25 Veritas Tutors 23 Wheelock Family Theatre 26 Wrentham Village Premium Outlets

Fashion student brings her sketch to life at the SCHOOL OF FASHION DESIGN: WEEKEND PROGRAMS. See listing on page 23.


Finally… a resource for families with teens. Not babies. Not little kids. Teens. Register now and get these free member benefits: • Full access to thousands of local, national and international listings • A monthly newsletter featuring an upcoming calendar and articles tailored to families with teens • Special offers from our partners • Access to “Teen Help-Wanted” listings

TeenLife features activities that families with teens care about, including:

Summer Programs

Community Service

Gap Year Programs

College Admissions

Independent Schools

Jobs & Internships

Local Resources




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