Guide to Online Learning: Fall 2021

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FALL 2021



Fall Enrichment Opportunities


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GUIDE TO ONLINE LEARNING This past year has shown that online learning is not only possible, but that it is here to stay. There has been a great deal of press about negative experiences but we will all get better at delivering and receiving this type of education. For teens, online learning opens up opportunities to take courses or get involved in special interests that are not offered by their school. And the cost is lower than in-person programs. This Guide to Online Learning Fall 2021 includes several programs that offer students a unique opportunity to participate in a virtual learning experience, ranging from film to STEM to


self-discovery and more. These programs range in length from one week to the academic year and are great additional experiences to share in college applications. I encourage you to request information

Email me at mschwartz@teenlife. com.

using this handy form: Have a safe and happy fall!

Marie Schwartz CEO and Founder, TeenLife Media

Published by: TeenLife Media, LLC, PO Box 8722, Boston, MA 02114 Copyright © 2021 by TeenLife Media, LLC

PUBLISHER & CEO Marie Schwartz, ADVERTISING SALES Christine LeMaire, Brenda Boos, EDITOR Sasha Brown-Worsham, ART DIRECTION AND DESIGN Kathy Tilton,



he COVID-19 pandemic has turned the world upside down. Some of these adjustments -- food delivery, outdoor haircuts -- may fall by the wayside, but others are likely here to stay. One of those is online (or distance) learning. To be sure, many

parents and students have horror stories -- bad wifi connections, surprising interactions with teachers or other students, lack of quiet work spaces -- but such a large shift in education has to come with growing pains. And online learning could (and maybe should) become an option even after COVID has become a thing of the past. ONLINE LEARNING FALL 2021

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Here are five reasons online learning should stick around in the future:

IT REMOVES PHYSICAL BARRIERS TO EDUCATION Many students dream of studying at great institutions like Stanford University. One of the reasons these universities’ elite summer programs are so appealing is that you can even stay at the dorm and live on campus to get a “taste of college life.” In fact, the only way you can even attend the program is by living on campus. But what if living on campus is not an option? What if you are a student with a disability that the campus housing cannot accommodate or the journey to the program is too far? What if the student’s parents won’t give them permission to be so far away from home? Luckily, intensive programs for subjects like STEM are shifting to online learning/virtual. While students may miss out on the opportunity to enjoy living oncampus, many other students can find that their opportunities have opened up. Colleges are even offering these courses and programs during the school year!

IT MAKES ALL SORTS OF PROGRAMS FINANCIALLY ACCESSIBLE Many programs have high fees even before factoring in food and travel. This was a barrier for students who live in more remote areas. Some students may spend the entire school year saving up so they can attend the program, but then find that they are still short when it comes to housing or paying for other program essentials. While these institutions have every right to set their price tag, online learning levels that field and can put these programs in reach of students who may otherwise find the program cost out of their reach.

IT INCREASES DIVERSITY Video calling and virtual classrooms may seem to be distant or informal, but they can also diversify the student population. Students from all different parts of the world can now log into the same classroom. Students will be exposed to foreign languages, cultures, and religions. If travel

broadens the mind, then this kind of travel could do wonders for those who can’t afford a plane ticket or who don’t want to travel because of health worries. Online learning means students can travel the world and make meaningful connections from all parts of the globe.

IT OFFERS ENORMOUS FLEXIBILITY The college debt crisis is very real and for many, a university education is out of reach for those who need to work. Many of the traditional, inperson programs are only offered during the day and need your total attention. How can a person with a part-time job fit in the time to attend the program and continue to save for their next big life decision? Many online learning programs allow students to work at a time that best suits them. Whether it’s a part-time job or family obligations, virtual learning offers much needed flexibility that is traditionally important to adults with full-time jobs. But in a world of rising tuition, textbook, and housing costs, it is an essential aspect for teens looking to enter higher education.

IT SENDS THE MESSAGE THAT EDUCATION IS WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT A half-hearted degree is only worth the paper it is on, if the recipient didn’t take the time to learn and absorb the information. Does walking among peers and through hallowed halls make a degree, or is it the time and dedication you put into learning? Online learning requires students to develop one of their most important life skills: selfdiscipline. There are a thousand ways to distract a student while at home, which is an opportunity for growth instead of an obstacle. Many of those that have completed their higher education remember the shift from high school to college to be abrupt and drastic. One moment you’re asking if you can go to the bathroom and the next you need to create your schedule, pick a major, and handle a large amount of debt. Now, online learning can give students the opportunity to learn how to be accountable and exercise self-discipline. It can teach them the essential life lesson that those before only learned after it was all said and done: what you get out of your education is the effort that you put in. ONLINE LEARNING FALL 2021

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Northwestern University Center For Talent Development

Why Did You Choose To Participate in This Program? The CTD Geometry class fostered my work ethic and my desire for learning, and while these aspects of myself still aren't as great as I make them out to be, they wouldn't be where they are without CTD's teaching. My teacher was very helpful in getting me through this class. At times, I struggled but my teacher was able to encourage me to keep going and I'm so glad that I did.

Without this class I had spent so much time invested in, I wouldn't be at a school I love with all my heart, nor would I be a freshman in high school currently taking a pre-calculus class I love as much as I do. The Geometry class gave me the opportunity to take an HS level class before I started high school. I knew that the high school that I wanted to go to was competitive, so taking the CTD Geometry class helped me stand out among the other students.

How Did You Decide What Program Was Right For You?

What Advice Do You Have For Teens Looking for Online Programs?

I chose this program because of its flexibility which helped me out while I was juggling other activities inside and outside of school. Because this class was online, I was able to do it at a time that worked for me. So once I was done with my homework from school, I would work on my homework for my Geometry class.

My advice for other teens who are thinking about taking a CTD course would be to not be afraid of a new challenge because it might lead you to something great. For me, that was getting into my dream high school. ONLINE LEARNING FALL 2021

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BOSTON LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE: VIRTUAL STEM COURSES www.bostonleadership STEM 8 through 12 1-week and 3-week sessions Starting at $599

As You Like It Fall Courses give your student a chance to explore an area of passion or academic need in short, concentrated form with live one-on-one or small-group instruction and conversation. Based on your student's interest, we will develop a 3-8 session course that takes 1-2 weeks to complete. Scheduling is highly flexible in order to accommodate your child’s school commitments and activities. Name your topic–our experienced teachers can probably cover it! Learn More »

Our award-winning STEM programs are now remote! Fall weekly and bi-weekly after-school options start in October. Hands-on, competitive admissions programs (Biotech Research, Biomedical and Surgical Research, and Epidemics, Outbreaks, & Contagion) provide material for resumes, school recommendation letters, and college admissions essays. Students in the Pre-Med Task Force work with an MD on COVID-related projects. Other returning best-sellers include Forensics, Investments, Physics of Space, and Polymer Chemistry. Prices start at $599. Learn More »


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Online Programs

CENTER FOR TALENT DEVELOPMENT (CTD) ONLINE Academic 7th through 12th September - June Cost Varies by Program

DWIGHT GLOBAL ONLINE SCHOOL Academic 7th through 12th September - June $39,900

EEI CREATIVE HIGH SCHOOL VIRTUAL FILM COURSES Arts 9th through 12th 4 weeks $550

GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY PRE-COLLEGE ONLINE PROGRAM georgetown.precollege Academic 9th through 12th Two weeks, Four weeks $1495

Unlike so-called "click and next" online classes, CTD's Online Program courses are designed and led by expert instructors who provide personalized guidance, feedback, and one-on-one attention. The CTD Online Program offers a wide variety of enrichment and accelerated courses, flexible pacing which allows students to fit course work into their busy schedules, and opportunities to collaborate and connect with other advanced learners from around the world. Learn More »

Dwight Global Online School is the cloud campus of Dwight School, founded in 1872 in NYC. A private school like no other, Dwight Global blends online and residential learning experiences, allowing students to pursue a personalized program in Grades 7-12. With flexible scheduling and the ability to join classes from anywhere, students may pursue their spark of genius wherever their passions lead them. Graduates of Dwight Global have gone on to attend Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, Duke, and other top universities. Learn More »

EEI Creative Arts is offering virtual film courses taught by industry professionals for high schoolers interested in media arts, contemplating film school or looking to pursue a career in entertainment. Our first cohort of 4-week modules will begin this September in screenwriting, virtual production and post production. Students who take three consecutive modules in one creative discipline will receive one semester of elective credit. The second cohort of 4-week modules will begin in October with new courses within a givin discipline. Learn More »

As an individual with unique talents and passions, you deserve the opportunity to develop and refine what makes you you. If you are intrigued by a certain subject and would like to explore it in-depth before college, here is your chance. Georgetown University now offers pre-college online courses in law, international relations, medical research, and entrepreneurship. Courses feature dynamic video lessons by renowned Georgetown faculty and live sessions with university mentors. The online format enables you to study anywhere, anytime. Learn More »


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Online Programs

LIVING WISDOM INTERNATIONAL ONLINE HIGH SCHOOL Academic/Self-Discovery 7th through 12th Full time, September - June $9000/academic year. Scholarships available

PARSONS PARIS ONLINE COURSES FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS fashionanddesign. Arts/Fashion 9th through 12th Two weeks, Four weeks $1195

PARZIVAL ACADEMY - GAP PROGRAM OF SELF-DISCOVERY Self-Discovery Post Graduate Academic Year $8500

ROCHESTER PRE-COLLEGE ONLINE PROGRAM FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS rochesteronline.precollege Academic 9th through 12th Two or four weeks $995

Broaden your horizons by learning with high-minded teens around the world. The normal academic curriculum is enriched with yoga, meditation, cultivation of personal expertise and an annual in-person (covid permitting) Service Adventure. Our senior class has consistently scored in the top 3%-10% of schools in nationwide standardized testing. Classes are small, live and interactive. Our students, so far, have come from Europe, Asia, the Middle East and North America. Come join our holistic, spiritual high school and discover yourself! Fully accredited. Non-sectarian. All welcome. Learn More »

Want to delve into the world of fashion before you decide what you’ll study in college? Parsons Paris has created online courses for students 13 and up to introduce you to this vibrant field. Taught by experts in Paris fashion through video lectures and receive valuable guidance through live sessions with Parsons' mentors. Take a course in the business of fashion, fashion design, fashion sustainability, or building your own fashion brand. The online format allows you to study anywhere, anytime. Learn More »

Parzival Academy supports young adults to trust themselves and their place in the world. More than an experience, Parzival is a journey of becoming. Parzival's 9-month hybrid in-person/ online program offers a facilitated peer community, projectbased applications, and personalized mentoring to guide participants to discover who they are, connect with their values, cultivate a socio-entrepreneurial spirit, and share their unique talents with the world. Learn More »

The University of Rochester offers a Pre-College Online Program that empowers you to explore subjects that fascinate you—before you go to college. This is a great way to see if an interest could turn into a major or even a future career. Each course features engaging video by Rochester faculty and live sessions with University mentors. Courses are currently offered in medicine and biomedical engineering—with more choices on the way. The online format lets you study anywhere, anytime. Learn More »


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Online Programs


WALL STREET 101 Business 9th through 12th One week $350 - $500

WRITE THE WORLD: POETRY PROGRAM Arts 7th through 12th 3 sessions, 1.5 hours each Starting at $225

Wake Forest is a university where we foster a student’s curiosity, provide mentors who invite discovery, and engage in learning opportunities vibrant with possibility. Each year, we invite high school students like you to deepen your academic and college preparation through our programs. Our courses allow you to experience a career path or academic field of study designed by our renowned faculty from your own home. We offer online courses in medicine, sports medicine, psychology, women’s medicine, and business. Learn More »

Improve your students' financial skills with virtual online Wall Street training classes. Teach Me Wall Street offers week-long Fall and Winter-Break Boot Camps. Wall Street 101 teaches Who are the Wall Street Players and Institutions. How do they affect your daily life? Investing 101 teaches more about Stocks, Bonds and other financial instruments, and the best investment strategies to help you grow your money. Learn More »

Write the World’s Virtual Poetry Workshops invite writers ages 13-19 to level up their craft and learn from celebrated authors through a variety of poetic genres. Join Spoken Word Poetry with renowned poet Phil Kaye, Writing Poetry for the Environment, and Writing Poetry for Children this fall. Participants in our poetry offerings will be eligible for a chance to perform their work at a celebratory virtual reading hosted by the acclaimed Smith College Poetry Center. Learn More »


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