Easy steps to build up muscle fast without supplements

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Content 1. Easy Steps to Build Up Muscle Fast Without Supplements 2. Top 5 Foods That Will Maximize Your Results 3. 5 Muscle Building Foods For Skinny Guys and Girls 4. Muscle Building Supplements and What You Need to Know 5. How to Maximize Muscle Growth Without Supplements


1. Easy Steps to Build Up Muscle Fast Without Supplements Never expect miracles any time you start on the numerous muscle building workouts. One thing you have to note is that it is not the workouts that give the muscles. All that the workouts do is to give your muscles the stimulus it requires and the growth only comes with a lot of adequate rest. This will also not be very effective without the required nutrition and hydration conditions. However it will be very good if we examine the issue about muscle building workouts. A lot of people have come to believe that in order to build your muscles, the only way is to use those numerous machines at the gym but this is not the case. If you want to build your muscles, you have to use the compound exercises that come with free weights. Some also call this kind of training the hardcore training. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The compound exercises are very effective and make use of movements of several groups of muscles at the same time. In fact, one of such is the bench press which makes use of the shoulder and the triceps muscles including others even though it targets the chest muscles. The free weights that accompany these exercises are weights that should not be supported by any other mechanical means like the use of barbells and dumbbells. You are required to do the lifting as well as the balancing. In order to make your muscle building workouts very effective you have to do the training split. This will involve the training of one set of muscles for a day and then doing the same to another set the next day. It will help most of the muscles get a good rest so that they can

grow well. It could also be possible to group two or more muscles and then train them on a single day. For instance you could easily train the shoulders and back today and then the thighs tomorrow. After this you could skip for a day and then train the legs and the chest. This way you would have offered an effective regime of training to the whole body in just a matter of three days. You could then take a rest for about one week. All these muscle building workouts are very effective as well as helpful, but it will require some level of consistency in order to achieve the desired results.


2. Top 5 Foods That Will Maximize Your Results Without a doubt one of the most important aspects of building muscle is going to be nutrition. This has been proven over and over and over again. Without proper nutrition your body will never be able to repair torn down muscle fibers and build new muscle. It is important that you include muscle building foods into your everyday meal plans. These types of foods are very high in protein and or nutrients that can really help to speed up the process of building muscle. Today you will learn about the top 5 muscle building foods that will help you to maximize your muscle building results and have you building new muscle mass each and every day. Here is a list of the top 5 muscle building foods: >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Whey Protein While this really isn't a whole natural food, it is an incredible muscle developing tool. Whey protein powder can be purchased at most any health stores and is very easily digestible and has the highest biological value of all other protein sources. Eggs Eggs deliver a great amount of protein at about 6 grams per egg and also contains cholesterol which your body uses to produce testosterone. Testosterone is a muscle building hormone and the more of it you have the more muscle you can build.

Fruits and Vegetables An assortment of fruits and veggies will provide you with zinc, potassium, vitamin C, D, Iron and other vitamins and minerals that are crucial in helping your body to build muscle. Nuts and Seeds Nuts and seeds contain unsaturated fats such as omega 3 fatty acids that are used by your body to break down certain vitamins and minerals and is also used in the production of testosterone in the body. Seeds and Nuts also pack a good dose of protein as well. Milk Milk is packed full of vitamins and minerals and also comes packed with over 7 grams of protein per cup. The protein found in milk is slow digesting and can be used to provide your body with excess protein during an intense workout. Choosing to include these muscle building foods into your diet will greatly help you to build more muscle faster, and will help you to achieve the results that you are working so hard for. It is also very important to note that nutrition; while it is a big piece of the muscle building puzzle it is not the only piece. You will need a good workout plan that will provide you with the intensity and rest your body requires to achieve maximum results. If you are tired of minimal results and want to achieve the maximum results for all your efforts you need to take into consideration nutrition, sleep and exercise. If you are interested in a muscle building visit


3. 5 Muscle Building Foods For Skinny Guys and Girls Skinny guys and girls, or "hardgainers" as we're known to bodybuilders, struggle to gain muscle mass generally for one of two major reasons: a) Insufficient diet and nutrition plan, or b) Incorrect weight training routine Due to a hardgainer's naturally fast metabolism it is often very difficult for them to put on any kind of weight whatsoever, especially muscle mass, and so in this article I'm going to be looking at the first point a) and showing you 5 foods that build muscle that you should definitely look to incorporate into your daily diet and nutrition plan. But first a word about how your daily calorie intake and how it should be split... >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< In order to gain muscle mass you need to create a caloric surplus, i.e. take in more calories than you burn, kind of makes sense don't you think? To find a rough estimate, multiply your current bodyweight in pounds by 24 and this will give you your daily calorie goal to build muscle. However, what is critically important for skinny guys and girls is to spread your calories out throughout the day to ensure a constant supply of energy to your muscles and a consistent metabolic rate, and consuming a lot of foods that build muscle will help you do that. If you go for long periods of time without eating and then binge, your metabolism will be all over the place and you're not doing yourself

any favours. 6 meals per day every 3 hours is what you should be aiming for. Your intake should be around 25% Protein, 50% Carbohydrates, and 25% Fats. This will ensure high energy levels, and the right building blocks to ensure maximum muscle growth, and choosing the right foods that build muscle are going to really help you achieve this. 5 Foods That Build Muscle Here are my top 5 foods that build muscle. While you won't be able to eat all of them every day, they should become a staple part of your diet plan to build muscle. The key is to increase your daily calorie intake while minimizing the your exposure to high sugars and saturated fat contents. In other words, we're looking for a number of protein-rich, healthy foods that build muscle and not simply a supersized burger with fries, right? >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 1/ Oatmeal - I swear this is literally the only food that can keep me going from breakfast...nothing else matches up. Its power lies in it being a complex carbohydrate which keeps your metabolism consistent and prevents you getting hungry too quickly. This kind of slow release is essential to build muscle. 2/ Lean Meats - white and red meat are some of the ultimate muscle building foods...and so they should be, heck after all you're literally eating muscle aren't you? Some folks get turned off by red meat because they think it's too fatty. I disagree, as long as you buy lean trimmed meat you should be fine. Venison is fantastically lean and super tasty too.

In saying that, try to get more white meat than red meat (such as chicken and turkey), but a great lean steak every now and again will do wonders for your muscle and satisfaction. It goes without saying that you should try and buy organic wherever possible - there'll be less fat, better quality protein and less additives. 3/ Egg Whites - these are very protein-rich and a staple of any good bodybuilding diet. Removing the yolk and just eating the whites on their own will allow you to consume a large number of eggs without suffering the consequences of high fat and cholesterol that comes from the yolks. 4/ Tuna - Tuna is one of the meatiest fish you can get your hands on. Combine this with its high protein content, natural fish oils, and versatility and you have yourself a winning food that builds muscle. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Fresh tuna is ideal but can be expensive. Tinned tuna will give you most of what you need, but make sure you buy it in brine (salt water) to reduce any excess fat intake. Also, try to make sure it comes from a sustainable source and reputable companies...certain species like bluefin tuna are currently being overfished, so let's all try to do our bit, yeah? 5/ Green Vegetables - green vegetables like broccolli, green beans etc. may seem like a strange one to include on a list of foods that build muscle..."they're not a protein-rich food" I hear you say. Well, that may be true, but they are a super food since you can literally eat loads of them and not worry about consuming excess fat. Eating loads of green vegetables is a fantastic way to increase your calorie intake per day without adding unnecessary fat.

While the 5 muscle building foods above are a great start, the trickiest thing is knowing how to combine them into daily meal plans that meet your calorie goals. Remember, you'll need to eat 6 meals per day so it will take a lot of planning and preparation. If you want to avoid that kind of hassle and spend time on more important things then take a look at these 84 day meal plans that do all the hard work for you, and show you the exact training routines you need to build muscle mass


4. Muscle Building Supplements and What You Need to Know There are a number of men and women seeking to build lean muscle mass. Although even more people are struggling to shed excess body fat, it would surprise you which is more challenging to accomplish. The fact that the majority of best-selling muscle building supplements which are canvassing the market is a hint. Packing on the coveted lean muscle mass is a real challenge. This challenge is amplified even more for slim individuals with high metabolisms. You have to consume more calories than you burn off in a day, otherwise it just won't happen. This is probably why the best muscle building supplements are so important when it comes to building your legs, biceps shoulders and chest. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Weight lifting is a major aspect of building lean muscle mass. If you're not pumping weights to some degree, you're not going to build any muscle mass. It matters not if you have the best muscle building supplements in the world. Your muscle groups have to be challenged in order for you to pack on real muscle tissue. The basic fact is that you have to tear muscle fibers so they can rebuild themselves to be stronger and larger. Therefore regular consistent workouts with weights is mandatory, but be sure to toss in a variety of exercises so that your muscles will get confused. If muscle building supplements in the world of weight training is needed you, consider starting at your local general nutrition store. You'll be able to consult a knowledgeable person about the benefits of each of the muscle building supplements they have to offer. All supplements are not designed just to pack on muscle, they could also

provide additional calories for building muscle mass. While some people may like this, others prefer not to. Women for example do not want the extra calories, but do want to improve their muscle mass. Whereas men do commonly went to bulk up and gain additional weight. There are plenty of muscle building supplements on the market, you need to do your online homework and look around. Start shopping around for deals. While your local retail store and online vendors will both carry the best muscle building supplements, you can be almost guaranteed the local store will be more expensive. So naturally price shop and find the best deals prior to purchasing. Your local store offers great knowledge, if you use their expertise it would be good to patronize them providing the prices aren't drastically different. Your local stores will likely have some great sales on calorie shakes, protein bars or amino acid supplements. All in all, you will need a consistent weight training program and the best muscle building supplements to effectively build lean muscle mass and achieve your goals.


5. How to Maximize Muscle Growth Without Supplements It doesn't matter where you turn almost all muscle building workouts that you find in muscle magazines or on the internet are in some way advertising or trying to promote a certain supplement that is suppose to give you gains and results beyond your wildest dreams. The truth of the matter is that half of the supplements endorsed by these bodybuilders in magazines don't even use the supplements they just get paid to let their photo show up beside the product advertisement. The truth of the matter is that for the most part with some exceptions supplements for what they really provide to you in muscular gains are not even worth half of what they are sold for. A lot of these supplements on the market have been after testing has proven some supplements to be harmful and even fatal in some cases. If you are looking to make huge muscular gains without having to spend a ton of money on useless supplements then you simply need to incorporate a proper nutrition plan in with proper muscle building workouts and you will start seeing some real results. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< When maximizing the your muscle growth without the use of supplements there are basically 3 main rules that must be followed in order to see optimal results. The first and possibly even the most important rule above the muscle building workouts is providing your body with the proper nutrition that your body needs in order to repair broken down muscle and create new muscle fibers. One of the biggest misconceptions about building muscle is that the weight training is what builds muscle.

Wrong! weight training stimulates the muscles to grow but nutrition and rest are what cause them to grow. The next rule is of course allowing an adequate amount of rest after you finish your muscle building workouts. Again workout only stimulate the muscle however nutrition and rest are what actually repair and build the muscle bigger. Way too many people think that more is better when it comes to working out and lifting weights, the truth is that your workouts should only last about 45 min and if you do a split workout you should only be working out 3-4 days per week and each muscle group once per week. If you are doing a full body workout obviously because the volume is much less you can work each muscle group 3 times per week and still see muscle gains. Finally the last rule is use muscle building workouts that will cause you to go to complete muscular failure. You see by nature your muscles hate to grow and get bigger you have to force them to get bigger and thats why when you exercise a certain muscle group to complete failure you are basically forcing that muscle to grow so that it can handle the new intensity of the exercise next time. If you are looking to build incredible mass without supplements I recommend reading my natural muscle building guide visit


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