Muscle building techniques for massive growth

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Content 1. Muscle Building Techniques For Massive Growth 2. Muscle Building Tricks 3. Muscle Building Mistakes That Are Robbing You Of Your Gains 4. Muscle Building Nutrition - Consume Only The Best Proteins 5. Muscle Build - What Is One of the Biggest Problems For Aspiring Body Builders?

1. Muscle Building Techniques For Massive Growth Lifting. Repetitions. Sets. Diet. Nutrition. The list goes on forever. The fact of the matter is that you can never have enough information when it comes to building muscle. Here are some tested, tried, and proven muscle building techniques and strategies for massive growth. Muscle Building Technique #1 Do your compound lifts first. Compound lifts use multiple joints and muscle groups to move the weight. So what does that mean? You can move more weight. A few examples of compound lifts are bench press, overhead shoulder press, squats, deadlifts, rows, and dips. Not always are you going to want to do a taxing set of squats after completing leg press, lunges, and hamstring curls. Do the big lifts when you have the most energy... first thing in your workout. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Muscle Building Technique #2 Warm up before your sets. When it comes to warming up, there is no "set in stone" way to do it. Go by what feels comfortable for you. Have you ever noticed that runners will always warm up in different ways. It is because they do what they feel comfortable doing. Keep this in mind when warming up. You want to use the least amount of sets, repetitions, and effort to get the job done. The more efficient your warm up is, the more efficient your workout will be. Muscle Building Technique #3 Train complementary bodyparts together. An example of this would be to train back and biceps together which are both pulling muscles.

With this situation, you can give your biceps a longer time to recover than if you trained your back and biceps on 2 separate days. Muscle Building Technique #4 Work on Your Weaknesses. Everyone has that muscle group or certain exercise that they avoid like the plague. My advice: Stop avoiding it. Many times lifters will focus on their strengths and by doing that, they completely forget about their weaknesses. Plus, many times you will find out that by doing those exercises you don't prefer, you can actually grow to like them over time. What was once your weakness, has now become your strength! Muscle building techniques and strategies are important, but you must be aware of the mistakes that you could might be making in the process. I have seen thousands of lifters make the same mistakes over and over again, and that is what stops them from seeing any muscle gains. Avoid the 3 worst muscle building mistakes, and find out what they are at muscle building secrets.

2. Muscle Building Tricks Building muscle comes down to the 2 things. The basics, and the things that you probably aren't doing. There is a line that says "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got." If you find that you can't seem to build muscle, here are a couple of cutting edge muscle building tips that you can throw in your gym bag and take with you when you lift. Muscle Building Tip #1 Use wrist straps. You are in the gym to build muscle, not work on your grip strength. When you are doing exercises like barbells rows, dumbbell rows, lat pull down, pull ups, or even shrugs, your grip can give out before your muscle group does. Doing this compromises your ability to fully stimulate your targeted muscle group. Using wrist straps will alleviate this problem so you can put all of your focus on hitting your muscle group, instead of worrying about your grip giving out. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Muscle Building Tip #2 Listen to music. Music is one things that many lifters must absolutely have in their gym bag, and I would recommend the same for you. It has also been proven that listening to your favorite tunes can actually help you lift more. More weight lifted equals more muscle stimulated, which leads to more growth. Use some type of MP3 player and be sure to fill it with motivating music that will get you pumped up for your workout. Not only that, less people will come up to you when you are lifting if you constantly have your headphones in your ears. In this scenario, the local gym "know-it-all" will have to

preach his bad advice to someone else. Definitely a win-win situation. Muscle Building Tip #3 Take longer rests in between sets. The greatest advantage of taking longer rests is that it allows your muscles to (just about) completely recover from your taxing sets. More time to rest in between sets equals more weight lifted on the next set. An example of a longer rest period is 2-3 minutes or even 3-5 minutes. Muscle Building Tip #4 Work on your weaknesses. Everyone has that muscle group or certain exercise that they avoid like the plague. Stop avoiding it. Many times lifters will focus on their strengths and by doing that, they completely forget about their weaknesses. Work on your weaknesses and you will find out that by doing those exercises you don't prefer, you can actually grow to like them over time. What was once your weakness, has now become your strength. Make sure you are focusing on your mistakes as well. They must be fixed. Now a days lifters make the same mistakes over and over again and it ruins any chances they have to build muscle. Check out

3. Muscle Building Mistakes That Are Robbing You Of Your Gains You go to the gym, eat your meals, take your whey protein shakes, and you sleep like a baby. Yet for some reason, you just aren't getting the results that you want. You think you are doing everything correct, but you just might be making these 4 muscle building mistakes... Muscle Building Mistake #1 Not training with intensity. There is a fine line between showing up to the gym, and actually training in the gym to build muscle. Simply showing up to the gym doesn't put pounds and pounds of rock hard muscle onto your physique. You MUST train with intensity in order to produce desire results. Intensity should be the foundation of your training. Here is a tip. Keep your weight training sessions from 30-60 minutes. Doing this allow you to keep a sprint mentality and put the most amount of focus and intensity into your training. More intensity. More muscle! >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Muscle Building Mistake #2 Not following through. Did you do everything you needed to do today that will allow you to build muscle? For example, getting to the gym, eating all 5 meals, writing down your progress, etc. Awesome! You must do that on a consistent basis. Building muscle doesn't happen by accident. You must follow through with the fundamentals on a daily basis in order to see results. One day on and one day off doesn't cut it. Which leads me to my next point...

Muscle Building Mistake #3 Trying to reinvent the wheel. This happens when someone decides to try something completely new and go against with what always works... the fundamentals. Do yourself a favor and keep it simple. Eat the foods you know you should be eating (lean proteins, complex carbs, and healthy fats) and follow through with training routines that have been used by those who have built muscle. Muscle Building Mistake #4 Focusing on the pump. So many lifters swear by the pump, which is basically when blood gets "trapped" in the muscles which causes it to expand. Although the pump is awesome psychologically, it doesn't relate to muscle growth. Stimulating the muscle properly through heavy lifting builds muscle, not just the pump by itself. So there you have it. Have you been making any of these mistakes? I sure hope not. Unfortunately these are only a few of the mistakes that many lifters make. If you want to know what the 3 WORST muscle building mistakes are, head on over to muscle building secrets.

4. Muscle Building Nutrition - Consume Only The Best Proteins There's little question in anyone's mind that nutrition is a very important part of the body building or muscle building process. Nutrition alone can lead to the success or the failure of your muscle building. In fact, according to studies, your muscle building nutrition, even more than your exercise and your muscle building program, is responsible for as much as seventy five percent of the success that you have in any fitness program. You can benefit your overall health by utilizing proper muscle building nutrition methodology in your day to day diet. You will not only remain healthier, but will also succeed in lowering your fat and replacing it with lean muscle mass. One of the most commonly used - as well as the best of the muscle building proteins is lean meat. Meat that is produced in a more natural, or range-fed way is the best protein to provide for optimal nutrition and good health. Animals which have been fed on grass, as opposed to those which have been fed grain, tend to offer the best and most easy to break down types of protein. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Note: Protein from red meats will digest much slower than proteins from whey, egg whites and fish. Therefore it would be less ideal to eat a steak 30 minutes before your workout with the hopes of utilizing that particular protein intake during your training session. Whey powder is another of the very positive types of protein that may be eaten for optimal health. The quality and the type of whey

protein which is used, again, makes a big difference in the quality of the nutrition that it provides. Lean meats or protein powders which have not been created using the right processes, or which have come from the milk of animals that were fed exclusively grain, or grain which was laced with antibiotics are not the right choice for those who are seeking a way to build more lean muscle and to do so in a healthy manner. In order to maximize your gains from any exercise or muscle building program, you will need to eat some kind of protein after each workout process and preferably before. The time span directly following your exercise regimen is the time when nearly anything that you take in will be used by your body for the growth of your muscle and bypass the storage of that food as fatty tissue. Knowing then, the kind of proteins which are optimal for your use, as well as the best time for taking those proteins in, you have the opportunity to optimize your workout and nutrition. In short, taking in the right protein, directly after a workout gives you the best chance to put your solid muscle building nutrition knowledge to work for you in a way that will give you the leanest, cleanest muscle that you can build. That's gonna do it for this one. For more information the best types of protein rich foods to eat & the most effective ways to pack on lean muscle be sure check out some of my other articles. Get after it,

5. Muscle Build - What Is One of the Biggest Problems For Aspiring Body Builders? A recurring problem with regards to muscle build is that most people tend to have the same muscle mass even though they have spent a lot of time in the gym. These people follow strict dietary plans which consist of high concentrations of protein. These people also take whey protein and other supplements to boost the body's natural tendency to lose weight and gain muscle. Even with all of the elaborate research and preparation, these people still cannot understand why they cannot build their muscles. Time and time again they ask the same question. "Why can't I build my muscles?" >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The answer to this question is very simple - resistance. People who like to do body building tend to use weights within their comfort zone. While this is not a bad practice, it does not help in building up muscles. You see, muscles grow because of the "damage" that the muscle builder inflicts on the muscles. This "damage" refers to the fatigue level of the muscles after every training session. The more "damage" the muscles sustain, within certain healty levels, the bigger the effect on muscle growth. When you are working on your muscle build, resistance training is one of the best ways to "damage" the muscles because of the nonstop exercises performed during the routine. This training works by first using weights within the comfort zone and then moving on to heavier weights until the body cannot lift them anymore. This

routine is usually repeated in 3 sets with a 1 minute interval between sets. Muscle build will be greatly enhanced with this training routine. It is best to allow the muscles to recover for one or two days after performing this routine. It is also wise to hire a trainer in order to limit the amount of reps performed for each exercise. Dietary plans for people who perform resistance training typically consist of high levels of protein with an option of high carbohydrate intake if the person decides to couple the training with cardio exercises. The protein will effectively increase the muscle mass by utilizing the fats stored by the body. This gives the muscles enough fuel as well as a bigger and leaner look. It is also best to focus on a certain area of the body to get fast results. Muscle build using resistance training usually takes around 1 or 2 months for each body part. People who perform resistance training must be cautious since this type of training usually overworks the muscles. I've prepared some powerful bodybuilding and fitness secrets for you below, enjoy! To get cutting edge techniques in body building and getting in the best shape of your life, click here: Muscle Build

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