Muscle building tips and muscle gaining secrets

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Content 1. Muscle Building Tips and Muscle Gaining Secrets 2. Breaking Out Of The Muscle Building Rut 3. Unique Muscle Building 4. Six Muscle Building Secrets From The Worlds Best Bodybuilders! 5. Creating A Powerful and Effective Muscle Building Program

1. Muscle Building Tips and Muscle Gaining Secrets The best way to gain muscle mass is to follow a combination of diet and exercise. Some of the nutritional secrets to gaining muscle mass and muscle building tips is to eat more protein and ensure that you exercise keeping in mind the need to grow muscles. Muscle mass can be gained through an ideal combination of eating right and exercising right. Muscle Building Tips For Diet The diet you follow makes all the difference. What you eat determines how much muscle mass you will gain. Muscle mass can be gained by consuming 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Drink plenty of protein shakes as this is one of secrets of building muscles. Ensure that you are able to eat a balanced, nutritious and wholesome meal. Eating supplements is also a great way to grow your muscles and gain muscle mass. You should also ensure that you eat a good amount of fat as fat soluble vitamins such as vitamin D and E are critical to muscle recovery and repair which leads to muscle building. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Muscle Building Tips For Exercise Here are some muscle building tips for exercise. Avoid doing cardiovascular exercise and instead you should bench press heavy weights in low repetitions for sets which have 2 to 3 minute rest intervals between them. You need to have adequate rest and recovery period to ensure that you are not overtraining as this can have a deleterious effect. Overtraining leads to fatigue and

decreased intensity of the workout. Hence, you should design your workout keeping the training challenging yet doable. Muscle Gaining Secrets Muscle gaining secrets include adequate rest intervals, ensuring that there is no over training and that there is ingestion of adequate food. But what is equally important is to avoid using supportive gear while working out and ensure that you are lifting the weights without any reliance on external aids. Supportive gear tends to increase the ease with which you can perform successive repetitions. It also tends to make the wearer exert less pressure and leads to a less intense workout. The basic aim should be that the muscle is exercised and through muscle recovery and repair, muscles become bigger. Muscle gaining secrets also include eating enough multivitamins as this can boost the rate at which micro tears in the muscle recover and repair themselves. Therefore, there should be emphasis on both the way that you work out and the way that you eat. The emphasis is on gaining muscle mass and so there should be adequate rest and recovery. Essentially, over training must be avoided at all costs for a leaner, trimmer and healthier you.

2. Breaking Out Of The Muscle Building Rut If you've reached a muscle building plateau, then it's time to shock your muscles. It is easy to get into a groove. And who has not hit a rut? We all have but the most successful people vault themselves out of that rut as soon as they find themselves in it. Because another way to describe a rut is to call it a coffin with two open ends. And to fall into a rut when you building muscle is terrible waste of time, resources, and effort. So, here are two tools for shocking your muscles out of the rut: Giant Set Blood and the nutrients that it carries builds muscle. We are talking about "the pump!" If you are not getting a great and consistent "pump, " then you are not building muscle. Giant sets are a great for engorging your muscles with copious amounts of blood. Basically, you perform 4 to 5 exercises per muscle group without rest. For example, you would perform the following exercises without rest, going from one exercise to the other until you have done all 5 exercises: >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 1.Incline Dumbbell Presses 2.Prone Dumbbell Flyes 3.V-Bar Dips 4.Cross Bench Dumbbell Pullovers 5.Push-ups

At the end of the push-ups, you would rest about 60 seconds and begin the giant set over again. You would do a total of 4 sets. You would keep the repetitions around 12 initially, but will probably drop as you progress. For push-ups, you would just max out. The key is not to push heavier weights but to finish the giant sets and get that pump. Obviously, your chest workout as described would be short. That's good in that you save time. Also, this is a very hard technique. You should use it for no more than a month to shock your muscles back to growth. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Reverse Pyramid This technique is tremendous for blowing up the dam that is holding back the blood. And it is a simple technique. -1st set - Use weight heaving enough to do 6 full repetitions followed by 6 burns. Burns are half reps done at the end of a set. Burns are a favorite to the point of being a trademark for the Legendary Larry Scott. -2nd set - Reduce weight by 10% and repeat 6 X 6 repetitions -3rd set - Reduce weight by 10% and repeat 6 X 6 repetitions -4th set - Reduce weight by 10% and repeat 6 X 6 repetitions You should rest no more than 60 seconds, or less, between sets. You will be a spotter and your objective is to complete the repetitions plus burns.

If you find yourself in a rut or a muscle building plateau, then judiciously use these tools to help you break out. Remember, the key is to achieve maximum muscle pump. The more blood you jam into your muscles, the more nutrients you deliver to your starving, aching muscles. And that is good.

3. Unique Muscle Building Unique muscle building tips for the person who wants to make a change to his or her body! No matter the reason you would like to bulk up here is a few unique muscle building tips to help you obtain your goal. Ways to build muscle • Eat protein, such as meat products • Eat according to your weight class • Begin your workout with the muscles that are bigger • Drink a protein shake before you begin your workout • Lift weights every other day • To help maintain your muscles eat food high in carbs after your workout • Eat small meals every three hours • Treat yourself; eat an ice cream for a snack • Drink a nice cold glass of milk at bedtime >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Protein is the key to building a bigger and better muscle. You will need to eat or drink extra protein in order to replace the protein that your body already naturally uses for other body functions. The amount of protein that you will need to consume is at least one gram per pound of body weight. Examples of foods you can get protein is, eggs, peanuts, cottage cheese, milk, and chicken breast.

Do not forget to eat equal amounts of carbs and fats per pound of body weight. You will need to add calories to your diet. In order to gain muscle you will need to allow yourself to gain at least one pound per week. Do this for at least two weeks and check your weight, if you do not see any results add up to 500 calories to your diet, this should help you to see results within a week or two. Many people are casual exercisers, but when you decide that you want to be serious about building muscle you will need to work on the larger muscle groups first. This muscle group is in the chest, back, and leg area. Once you get into a good routine you will need to add bench presses, squats, and deadlifts, bent over rows, pull-ups and dips. For each exercise you will need to do anywhere from eight to twelve repetitions. Make sure you at least take a 60 second breather between exercises. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< If you want to have a head start on building your muscles either drink a 20 gram protein shake or eat a protein bar before you begin your workout. TIP: liquid protein absorbs quicker and better. Be sure to rest one while day between workouts. This will let you rest but the rest will help your muscles build as well. On the day you take off from working out; be sure to eat carbs; food suggestions, banana, peanut butter, and sports drinks. You will need to take the calories that you determined from your body weight and divide them by six and you can eat that many calories every three hours to help insure that your body and muscles receive the right amount of protein and carbs.

Now is time for a treat! Everybody deserves a good treat after working out. Ice Cream is a great treat to have, but be sure you eat it at least two hours after you work out. Ice cream is a great way to trigger insulin throughout your body, and you get a snack that is refreshing and tastes good to boot! Now it is time for bed! Drink a cool glass of milk and this milk will not only help you relax but it will continue helping you build your muscles while you are sleeping! These unique muscle building tips should get you started on the right path to building some awesome muscles!

4. Six Muscle Building Secrets From The Worlds Best Bodybuilders! Hello My Friend, In my earliest days of being an aspiring bodybuilder, I trained too often and too hard. Believe you me; I trained harder than most top bodybuilding stars. I'm not saying this to brag about myself; in fact it's quite the opposite. I'm saying this to point out how ignorant I was when it came to applying real life training methods that actually build muscle and not just tear it down. The difference between having a muscular, well-developed physique or looking like a guy that "works out once in a while" is in your applied training knowledge. At first I reasoned that going to the gym 5 or 6 times a week was a sure path to building an outstanding physique. After a few fruitless years of weight training at the university of futile methods, I discovered 6 powerful muscle-building secrets from the WORLD'S BEST BODYBUILDERS. Once I applied this scientifically sound training knowledge to my bodybuilding lifestyle, in 12 month's time I built more muscle size and strength than in the previous 3 years. Check and see how many of these 6 secrets you're applying to your bodybuilding lifestyle! >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< SECRET #1 Stimulate The Muscle Don't Annihilate It! This has to be the granddaddy secret of them all. If I had just a dime for every person who gave up weight training because of overtraining, I would quite possibly be the richest man in the world. I learned this secret from Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman. Here was one of the best bodybuilders that ever lived, and I was doing more sets

and reps in my weight training than he was. Ronnie Coleman believes that you should strive to "Stimulate the muscle, don't annihilate it". Once a muscle has been thoroughly stimulated, more sets and reps will just retard growth. Great bodybuilders like Ronnie Coleman limit the number of sets and reps per workout, this make's it easier to target your specified muscle and enhance its overall potential. Too many bodybuilders are guilty of "over-training." Most weight lifters just go into the gym and do countless exercises per muscle group and never give a thought to what-or-why they train the way they do. It's that type of approach to training that leads to insignificant gains in muscle mass and overall fitness. To stimulate muscle growth pick 1 or 2 basic exercises per muscle group and perform 4 to 6 all out hard work sets for each exercise. Rep range should be between 6 to 20 reps with all the weight you can safely handle. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< SECRET# 2 Heavy Basic Exercises Build Big Muscles! Countless sets of concentrated dumbbell curls, preacher curls, cable curls and incline dumbbell curls will not produce half the results that a 6 set weight pyramid of all-out 6 to 20 reps Olympic barbell standing curls will. My training partner and I were guilty of this crime. The same can be said for the Squat. All out barbell back squats for 6 to 20 reps will produce more muscular size and strength than 50 sets of leg extensions, leg curls, and even leg presses. I learned this important secret from Lee Priest; a man whose training methods of using heavy squats will has put slabs of muscle on the most hopelessly skinny guys you have ever seen. The muscular

bodybuilder Jay Cutler is also a big advocate of big weights with basic exercises. The biggest, strongest, and best-built champions of both past and present always incorporate the squat, dead lift, bench press, shoulder press and bent over rows into their training. You cannot build mighty muscles lifting mini-mouse weights. End of story! SECRET #3 Eat Like A Bodybuilder To Look Like A Bodybuilder! This sounds simple and actually is simple, yet most trainees screw it up! A champion bodybuilder like Ronnie Coleman has a daily diet that consists of. 1. Protein: The most important element to the bodybuilder. Protein is for growth, maintenance and repair of muscle tissue. One to one and a half grams of protein per pound of bodyweight is recommended. The highest-quality proteins are from animal sourceseggs, fish, poultry, and meat and dairy products. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 2. Carbohydrates: Raise the blood sugar level and supply the muscles with energy. Best sources of carbohydrates are yams, oatmeal, stone ground whole wheat bread and cereals. You should also consume several servings of vegetables every day. 3. Fats: Essential to a good diet as they heat the body and lubricate body parts. They also provide a necessary base for carrying vitamins A, D and E. You can get ample amounts of good fats through your daily diet of fish, eggs, and if needed a tablespoon of olive oil.

If you're trying to build new muscle and keep your body fat at 10 percent or less, you'll wind up looking like a well-defined scarecrow. As Gunter Schlierkamp says, "Eat big and grow big!" SECRET #4 7 To 9 Hours Sleep At Night! You cannot and will not grow bigger and stronger if you ignore this rule. 7 to 9 hours of sleep is required for the total recuperation and growth of the entire body. Muscular bodybuilders like Chris Comier and Markus Rhul are big believers in proper rest. Rest time is when the combination of proper training and eating come together and morph into making bigger, stronger muscles. When you're at the gym heaving the weights around, you're actually tearing down the muscle tissue not building it up. When you're eating the proper amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fats, and water, you're feeding the muscles for growth. But when you're sleeping the actual growth is taking place. The body is at rest and can do what it's meant to do at sleep time, GROW. Power naps throughout the day (15 to 45 minutes of sleep) are also a great way to build up extra energy and give the muscles time to repair and grow. Just remember this, cut your sleep short and you're cutting your progress short! You have to decide what you want most, late nights out partying with friends or a bodybuilder's physique that turns heads wherever you go! SECRET #5 Have A Master Plan Secret #5 could arguably be the #1 ingredient needed to be successful. I learned this secret from the all time #1 bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger and have never forgotten it. What are our goals and why are we training? Without a master plan you'll be like a

ship at sea without a definite destination (what you want to accomplish) and without a rudder (how you're going to steer yourself to it). Here is what a master plan consists of. 1. End Goal: What do you want to be or accomplish? Do you want to win a state or national bodybuilding championship? If so then that is your end goal. 2. Goal Map: This is where you plan out the ways and means of accomplishing your goal and how long it will take you to achieve it. How will you cycle your training? How will you cycle your diet? What supplements will you take? What will you have to give up in order to realize your dream? You then proceed to answer these questions and write them down on paper. By writing them down on paper you bring them to life and check over them every day to make sure you're keeping on track with your master plan. 3. Take Action: Now this is really the hardest part- taking action and sticking to your plan. You must stay the course until you reach your desired outcome. Neither Arnold nor any other champion bodybuilder would have been successful if they abandoned their master plan after their first setback or failure. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< SECRET #6 A Winner Never Quits And A Quitter Never Wins! Remember this very simple phrase and make it a part of your life. When Gunter Schlierkamp defeated Ronnie Coleman some people said he just got lucky. A lucky break or successful event in life is nothing more than being physically and mentally prepared to take advantage of an opportunity when it comes your way. Think and act like a champion and you'll be one!

Power Health Always.

5. Creating A Powerful and Effective Muscle Building Program What makes an effective muscle building program? Well, it's not all about lifting weights. A solid and efficient program will encompass various parts of the body as well as emphasize good nutrition and lifestyle habits. This is fairly standard. So, what exactly do you need to know to create a good muscle building program? Actually, you need to know a lot! Don't worry, much of your newfound knowledge will come by way of good ol' fashion hands on experience. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< However, it's worth noting that something like 90% of all prescribed muscle building programs(and fitness programs in general) WILL yield results with consistency. I think it's safe to say that the 90% of effective programs will have certain traits in common. Before I go any further, I'd like you to know that I'm not claiming in any way to to be the worlds foremost expert on anything. I'm simply offering my perspective and opinions based on my own experiences and research. Back to creating an effective muscle building program. Ego Check First and foremost, once you begin a training program it'd be wise to leave your ego at the door. Work slowly and work your way up to lifting the big weights.

If you go in there stressing ("ego trippin") about the guy next to you, who happens to be pressing the 100 lb dumbbells when you're only on the 20′s, one of two things are going to happen; A) you skip the exercise completely due to some irrational and misconstrued embarrassment which obviously isn't doing yourself any good. Or... B) you attempt a weight that is far to heavy, use shit form and hurt yourself - preventing you from lifting tomorrow and ultimately stalling your muscle gains(in some cases before they even start.) Don't get me wrong either, lifting(heavy) weights is a big part of a good muscle building program(in due time), but it's certainly not everything. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Like all things there's a time and place for lifting heavy. You want to start small and progressively work your way up so that you don't get hurt and sabotage your progress. Hell, I'm dealing with a torn supraspinatus and a separated ac joint due to an ego trip. Specificity All solid training programs will contain a variety of exercises meant to work specific parts of the body at any given time. Your muscles will grow when you provide an adequate and consistent amount of resistance. Muscle Building Nutrition

Good nutrition is critically important for any muscle building program as well as life in general. Don't ever "diet". That is setting yourself up for disastrous failure right out of the gate. Our brains register diets as being short term or a quick fix to a long term issue, which makes ZERO sense. I invite you to think of your eating habits and overall nutrient intake as a lifestyle rather than a diet. You need to be sure that you're getting the appropriate nutrients you need to properly fuel your mind and body for your workouts and the physique that you'll be carrying. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< This means loading your diet with lots of protein and lots of carbohydrates both complex and simple. Fats are important as well, but be sure they are unsaturated fats. As a rule of thumb focus on your EFA's (essential fatty acids. IE omega 3, omega 6 et cetera). Adequate Recovery Time & Consistency A solid muscle building program will have you resting anywhere from one to three days. The simple fact of the matter is, Your muscles need time to heal and to GROW. The only time they will get that advantage is when you are resting. Muscles grow when the body is in a sedentary state, so be sure that you get a minimum of eight hours of sleep a night to help your muscle building program work to its full advantage. Variety You should also choose a variety of exercises that focus on specific muscles. Your program should work every single muscle in your

body, so choose exercises that will tone and work every muscle group. A great muscle building program will provide you with a healthy and feasible blueprint to get your muscles toned and fit. But more than than that, it should illuminate how powerful YOU truly are and how simple overcoming and dominating obstacles with consistency and genuine effort can be.

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