TEIMUN 12th July 2011
DAILY Since 1987
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer speaking at the TEIMUN Opening Ceremony Photo by Bernard Mulder, Assen
TEIMUN TAKES OFF THE HAGUE - Yesterday, The European International Model United Nations (TEIMUN) Conference was officially opened by Dilphreet K Dhanoa, Secretary-General of the event. Over 200 students from more than 50 countries listened to inspiring speeches by former NATO-chief Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands Uri Rosenthal and high-ranked UN-official Sigrid Kaag.
As TEIMUN’s theme this year is ‘Defining the future of global governance’, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer attempted to do just that. He marked that the power balance in the world is not in tune with the world in which he grew up in: Europe has lost the lion share of its influence, the U.S. is not the only global ‘superpower’ anymore and emerging economies - formerly known as developing countries - are now claiming their spot on the center stage of international politics. According to De Hoop Scheffer, the time has come to change the composition of the security council to one that
reflects the current power balance in the world, rather than that of 1945. “Otherwise, the Security Council will loose credibility.” Whether the General Assembly agrees with the former NATO-chief remains unclear at this point.
Furthermore, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer stressed the importance of the rule-based organizations to maintain a stable world order. “Ad hoc diplomacy will not take us any further.” Sigrid Kaag agreed with him by saying that the UN is the “greatest social network.” She talked about the importance of effective multilateralism in the international system, focusing on the development debate. Another interesting aspect of the programme was an open application by Dr. Prof. Mark van Embden directed towards Uri Rosenthal. Unfortunately for Dr. Prof. Mark, the sentiment was not receipricated. Finally, the Opening Ceremony was rightfully opened by the Secretary-General emphasing that every challenge provides an opportunity.