Flowers& OCTOBER 2017 $6.50
p Hel for the Holidays A sleighful of salable, on-trend ideas for seasonal gifts & dĂŠcor g
Plus: the California success story Pg 12
october 2017
features 12
Stronger Together What California flower growers can teach the industry.
Text and photography by Bruce Wright
Great Gifts to Go
Floral gift ideas designed to spark holiday sales. Floral design by Vonda LaFever AIFD, PFCI Photography by Ron Derhacopian
Making Spirits Bright Seasonal dĂŠcor that mixes fresh, permanent, and dried botanicals.
Floral design by Bob Hampton AIFD, AAAF, PFCI Photography by Ron Derhacopian
2 OCTOBER 2017
pg 38
ON THE COVER A simple cube bouquet takes on added depth, dimension and value with easy accents: loops of red midollino that also help to support and stabilize the placement of flower stems, and white beaded wire at the base. Together the accents reinforce and balance the red and white color scheme. For how-to details and more holiday gift designs by Vonda LaFever AIFD, PFCI, turn to pages 24-37.
Focus on Design
An Easy and Elegant Mantel
By Rich Salvaggio AIFD, AAF, PFCI
Design Tech
Layering and Pillowing
By Tim Farrell AIFD, AAF, PFCI
Industry Events
Where to Buy
Wholesale Connection
Advertiser Links
What’s in Store
pg 10
Flowers& Volume 38, Number 10 (ISSN 0199-4751). Published monthly by Teleflora, 11444 W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90064, 800-321-2665, fax 310-966-3610. Subscription rates: U.S., 1 year, $78.00. Canada, 1 year, $102.00 (US currency only); Canadian GST registration number R127851293. Other foreign countries, 1 year, $149.88 (US currency only). Single issues, $6.50 each prepaid. Periodicals postage paid at Los Angeles, Calif., and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Flowers&, PO Box 16029, North Hollywood, CA 91615-9871. Copyright © 2016 by Teleflora. Printed in U.S.A.
4 OCTOBER 2017
pg 8
Flowers& Publisher Editor Art Director
Rich Salvaggio AIFD, AAF, PFCI Bruce Wright Tony Fox
National Advertising Director
Peter Lymbertos
U.S. Subscriptions
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Vonda LaFever
Surroundings Events and Floral,
Happy Canyon Flowers, Denver, Colo.,
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Syndicate Sales,
Farrell’s Florist, Drexel Hill, Penn.,
Designer Destination, Tucson, Ariz., Helen Miller AIFD, CF, CAFA, Flowers and Such, Adrian, Mich., Darla Pawlak AIFD, PFCI, Essexville, Mich., Julie Poeltler AIFD, PFCI, IMF, CAFA, Julie’s Fountain of Flowers, Lone Tree, Iowa, David Powers Spring, Md., Jerome Raska
Tom Simmons Gerard Toh
Potomac Wholesale, Silver
Blumz by JR Designs, Ferndale, Mich.,
Three Bunch Palms Productions, Palm Springs, Calif.,
Garden Trade Services, Sherman Oaks, Calif., Cindy Tole
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E d i tor i al C o u n c i l Carol J. Caggiano AIFD, PFCI, A. Caggiano, Inc., Jeffersonton, Va., Bert Ford AIFD, PFCI, Ford Flower Co., Salem, N.H., Wilton Hardy West Palm Beach, Fla., Elizabeth Seiji
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Edelweiss Flower Boutique, Santa Monica,
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focus on design
Floral design by Rich Salvaggio AIFD, AAF, PFCI
A premade garland + the right accent materials = easy elegance. Quick and stylish holiday cheer: it’s all in the choice of materials and how you combine them. Here, silvertone wire spheres and pillar candles coordinate beautifully with White Mist foliage.
Photography by Ron Derhacopian
1. Starting with a premade garland of long-needle pine, Leyland cypress, and magnolia leaves, begin by adding stems of long-needle pine that have been enhanced with White Mist with Shimmer. Simply dip the stem ends into a hot glue pan and tuck them into the garland. 2. Next, for a different texture, add stems of boxwood that have been likewise enhanced with White Mist with Shimmer.
3. To add long pine cones (also enhanced with White Mist with Shimmer) and silver wire spheres, first prepare these by wrapping decorative wire around an attachment point. 4. Fresh flowers—here, orchids and roses—can be added in water tubes. Ideally you can make adjustments on site, with the garland in place. Pillar candles in metallic silver complete the look.
See this
how-to on s
For product information, see Where to Buy, page 64.
at Flowers&or go to
OCTOBER 2017 9
design tech
Floral design by Tim Farrell AIFD, AAF, PFCI
Photography by Ron Derhacopian
Layering and Pillowing Have an old container that’s nicked, scratched, or in a color that’s out of vogue? There are many ways to recycle it, but layering has this special appeal: by using natural materials to cover the container you give it an organic, custom-crafted look, thoroughly integrated with the rest of your design. In The AIFD Guide to Floral Design, layering is defined as “the process of covering a surface with flowers, foliage, or other relatively flat materials by means of overlapping individual units.” It’s similar to pavé technique, except that materials overlap rather than being placed edge to edge. Like pavé, it can also be used as a basing technique. Layered materials can lie very flat or, as with the magnolia leaves used here, they can curl outward, adding depth and dimension to design. Pillowing is “the process of clustering rounded or dome-shaped flowers or other materials into a tightly organized pattern of placement in a composition.” The effect is to emphasize “the colors, textures and shape of the whole group rather than the individual flowers.” We see it used here with pinecones, hypericum, and celosia. It’s a nice touch that the surface of the pinecones echoes, in miniature, the layering of the magnolia leaves. It goes to show how the best techniques in floral design are the ones inspired by Nature.
Design techniques from The AIFD Guide to Floral Design, 10
here would we be without California flowers? Not only would the product mix available to retail florists look quite different, but the logistics that run behind the scenes, and the marketing face and the spirit of the industry would all have a very different flavor as well. California supplies 80% of the cut flowers grown in the USA. It’s true that that’s a smaller portion of all the flowers bought and sold here than it was back in the day before imports came to dominate the market. But there’s no question that California growers play a leadership role. Much as some independent, professional flower shops are succeeding in today’s marketplace by establishing a
niche with distinctive products, and a brand with exceptional quality, so too, California growers are thriving in the global cut-flower economy, with quality and variety that can’t be beat. It’s not easy. It takes ingenuity, innovation and plenty of hard work. But the results are impressive. FROM THERE TO HERE All that was evident at this summer’s CalFlowers convention, celebrating the organization’s 75th anniversary. The history of California flower farming actually goes back even further, to the 1870s, when the completion of a transcontinental railway made it possible for California-grown flowers to reach urban centers in the East and Midwest. Immigrants—mostly Japanese and
Stronger Together
Italian—founded the industry in California, creating the first flower farms. In 1941, their descendants formed the California Association of Flower Growers & Shippers (then called NorCal, now CalA prime example of California flower farmers’ resilience and innovation, Kendall Farms occupies 500 acres of hilly terrain where water is pumped from wells all over the property to high reservoirs, then used to water crops like myrtle, waxflower, eucalyptus, leucadendron, proteas, kangaroo paws, and many more. In 2007, a fire destroyed 80% of the farm—a disaster that was seen as an opportunity to rebuild. Today, 2,000 solar panels produce all the electric power used on the farm, including what’s needed for coolers, an automated processing area, pumps and propagation houses.
What California flower growers can teach the industry.
2 january 2012 12
Text and photography by Bruce Wright
Flowers for short), joining forces to coordinate and improve transportation to their markets back East. An awareness and concern for getting flowers efficiently to market, sometimes over long distances, is therefore built into the bones of the California industry. Today the members of CalFlowers include out-of-state growers and others involved in flower shipping and the entire supply chain, in California and in 45 states across the nation. That history and membership encourage a broad perspective and a spirit of collaboration. In recent years CalFlowers has led a coalition of industry stakeholders including Asocolflores, representing Colombian growers and exporters, in creating promotions designed to boost flower sales across the board. “When we look at cut-flower sales in the U.S., we see a strong correlation between imports and California production—meaning that they rise together and fall together,” says Michael LoBue, 14
chief executive officer at CalFlowers. “That says to me, we should be collaborating to grow the whole pie. At CalFlowers, our aspirational theme is, ‘More Americans enjoying more flowers more often.’ In promoting that, we also promote what’s special about California.” And there is plenty that is special. “In cut flowers, the California brand is the first to be recognized on a national level,” according to industry observer Joaquin de la Torre, managing partner at Ball SB, who spoke at the convention. Joaquin believes the success of the brand is owing to consistent quality and an appealing product selection: “Selling products by place of origin by itself doesn’t really work,” he opined. “People don’t buy French wines or real Parmesan cheese solely because those products come from France or from Parma. You buy because you believe if it comes from there, you will get a certain quality, something that is different and not easy to copy.”
NEW KIDS Flower buyers looking for novel, intriguing and attention-getting blooms look to California for crops like these, exhibited at this summer’s CalFlowers convention, clockwise from upper left: stem-dyed sunflowers from Tutuli Flower Farms; marigolds from Twins Flower Growers; dill from Ocean View Flowers; and bee balm (in the genus Monarda), from Camflor.,,,
ON THE CUTTING EDGE California cut-flower production has evolved to make the most of the state’s strengths. In South America, climate, topography and history have all been conducive to larger-scale production. In California, even though some farms are large and sophisticated in their operations, they more often retain the flexibility and versatility of family-owned boutique businesses. They are encouraged in that direction by California’s microclimates, seasonality and diverse geography. Some California growers, especially in the north and central parts of the state, have turned to high-end specialty flowers, often greenhousegrown, like garden roses and bulb flowers such as lilies, tulips, and iris. Others grow field crops such as stock and delphinium, proteas and kangaroo paws, waxflower and specialty foliages from eucalyptus to flowing dark-red agonis. “The California look” is right in tune with the 16
cut-flower trends we’re seeing nationally and even worldwide, noted author and educator René van Rems AIFD—for a reason. “It’s a wild look, a non-commodity look,” as he describes it. “When the mass market first started doing flowers, it was all mass flowers, with maybe some fillers. Now, line flowers are coming back. Bouquets are getting looser, with spikey line flowers coming out of the tops.” An example of such a flower is delphinium—a crop that California growers are producing more of, thanks not only to bouquet trends but to new varieties that resist shattering. A new spray variety of delphinium still offers line value but spreads wider, with more flowers at the top of the stem. Likewise, limonium is becoming a fashion flower, according to Ball Seed’s Lourdes Reyes; the latest varieties lack the musty odor that once made this flower unpopular with some florists. Campanula, foxglove, spray roses, and long-
GARDEN DELIGHTS California roses and hydrangeas put in a spectacular appearance at the convention’s Flower Fair, including Crazy Eye garden roses from Eufloria and mopheads in a range of colors (at lower left above) from Sun Valley. Directly above, California Pajarosa Floral showed double varieties of hydrangea—one bright pink, one that turns from pink to green.,,
stemmed lisianthus with buds poking out past the flowers are all contributors to “the look.” Cut-flower trends watchers have noted the return of interest in foliage—with a special emphasis on the grassy and feathery, often gray-green, exotic foliages that hail originally from Australia and South Africa and that grow beautifully in southern California: eucalyptus of all kinds, lepto, grevillea, honey bracelet, leucadendron, melaleuca, myrtle and more. Pincushions and other flowers in the protea family are taking their place in long-lasting bouquets, with new varieties that blend more easily with greenhouse flowers. UP IN SMOKE? Last fall, California voters passed Proposition 64, which makes production and recreational consumption of cannabis legal in the state starting in January 2018. The new law has created a storm of speculation regarding its impact on the state’s agriculture industry, including its flower farms. The worry was that cut-flower growers would be forced into competition with cannabis producers, not only for greenhouses but for labor, land, and water—all scarce resources in the state. 18
NATURE AND NURTURE In the Carlsbad area, where CalFlowers held its convention, Dramm & Echter grows lilies, gerberas, and spray roses in greenhouses managed with scientific precision and strict environmental controls. Flower farmers like Bob Echter work closely with breeders, growing test crops of gerberas (top right) to determine how well they will fare in the greenhouse. At lower left above, Bob holds a bit of rockwool, the inert medium used for growing gerberas hydroponically, which allows precise control of water and nutrients. At each watering, about half the water is drained and processed using a technique called reverse osmosis so that it can be reused. The yellow flag in the greenhouse tracks plant pests, which are kept at bay using biological controls (good bugs that eat the bad ones): “We haven’t used a commercial pesticide for two or three years now,” says Bob. Labels in the lily greenhouses record the variety, the bulb size (which determines how many blooms will appear on each stem), and a lot number that allows the grower to trace the origin of lily bulbs back to the supplier, in case any problems should arise. The Cobras in the photo directly above were allowed to bloom in the greenhouse for the benefit of visitors; normally, of course, lilies are harvested with buds just showing color. Harvesters must be well trained in judging when the buds are ready. The Firebolt lily that is just opening at top left may have jumped the gun!
Soon after the proposition passed, the CalFlowers executive team commissioned a study from experts on California agriculture
at the University of California at Davis. How bad could it get? The results of the study were reported at the CalFlowers convention, followed by a panel discussion.
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THE GREAT OUTDOORS California flower farms generally fall into one of two categories, focused either on greenhouse growing or on field crops. At Mellano & Company, some outdoor crops are grown in hoop houses, which offer a degree of protection and control—like the one in the top photo above, where a string of lights overhead can be used to manipulate “day length” and induce flowering year-round. Watering and other environmentally sensitive controls can be even more challenging for field-grown flowers than for crops grown in a greenhouse, but they can also be astonishingly sophisticated. In the lower photo above, Mellano’s Jess Williams explains how underground sensors on the farm monitor soil moisture in real time and transmit data to a mainframe computer so the growers can know and adjust to irrigation needs.
The good news is that for all the brouhaha, changes to California’s cannabis industry are not likely to take place overnight, and in any case are unlikely to derail cut-flower production or send prices skyrocketing. Although it has been operat-
ing heretofore underground, cannabis production in California is already a mature and stable industry. Interstate trade remains illegal; legal cannabis will be available within the state but may not much expand the market. Taxed and regulated, it will be considerably more expensive than cannabis sold through the current black-market channels—which are therefore unlikely to evaporate. In the end, too, it’s important to remember that most flower growers are in it for more than just the money. In California and elsewhere, it’s not the first time they have been faced with pressure from competition for land, water and labor. Some flower farmers are looking at converting just a portion of their greenhouse space to cannabis—as a way of financing renovations that will improve the profitability and productivity of their cut-flower operations. A passion for flowers is something that California growers clearly share with their customers. The in-state grower members of CalFlowers number 118. As a group, they have a long history. And yet, the industry has also been invigorated with an infusion of young blood: half of these members started in business within the past 25 years—well after cut-flower imports came onto the scene. It all suggests a bright future—and not just for California’s flower farms, but for their customers and industry partners across the nation and around the world. b
THE CALIFORNIA LOOK California’s coastal microclimates nurture a wide diversity of crops that come together in what is now becoming known as “the California look.” Those crops range from high-end, greenhouse-grown specialties like garden roses, gerberas, dahlias, lilies and fancy tulips to field-grown fillers and foliages with a wild meadow look. The full range was on display in a foyer of the hotel where CalFlowers, the California Association of Flower Growers & Shippers, held its convention in August.
OCTOBER 2017 23
STOCKING STUFFERS What’s the cutest way to bring a holiday hand-tied bouquet to your host or hostess? Inside a Christmas stocking. Upon presentation, the flowers would be removed and placed in a vase; the stocking then becomes its own decorative gift item. Wrap the lower stems in Arrive Alive packaging (foam wrap and plastic bag) before placing them inside the stocking.
Floral gift ideas designed to spark holiday sales.
Great ifts Gto o G Floral design by Vonda LaFever AIFD, PFCI Photography by Ron Derhacopian
For product information,
t see Where to Buy, page 64.
2 january 2012
OCTOBER 2017 25
Great Gto ifts Go TOP IT UP Promote this idea with social media: “Bringing wine as a hostess gift? Don’t forget the topper! We’ve got them from $15 up.” Make them up with permanent materials so you can have them on display in the store and customers can pick them up as impulse buys. (This can be a great way of using up scraps of ribbon and other accessories.) But you can always offer fresh-flower versions as well. If you sell wine, of course you can show the toppers with bottles of the wine that you sell. But gold-sprayed bottles make a striking display, and the toppers can be easily lifted off. The topper at left is made with flat cane from the center of the coil, where it is coiled tightest. Vonda simply wired the end of the coil to secure it in a tight loop and added the spray of permanent orchids.
326january 2012
4 january 2012
OCTOBER 2017 27
TROMPE L’OEIL Callas, cymbidium orchids, and a carefully executed presentation with fine ribbon turn a box of four wine glasses into an impressively elegant gift. The upscale, well-coordinated palette is key to this design, taking its cues from the white and silver-gray of the gift box. The cleverest touch is a subtle one that becomes most evident when the wine glasses are lifted out of the box: the orchids rest each on a bed of clear Deco Cubes that look like ice cubes. 528january 2012
LOOPS AND PEARLS Twin arches of bundled red midollino lend extra, energetic color to this cube bouquet. Vonda looped a long, thin bundle of the midollino twice and secured the loops with wire. She then bound the tail end of the looped bundle to the cube with white rubber bands at the top and bottom of the cube. The flowers range in scale and texture from big red Freedom roses and shiny hypericum berries to white Viviane! spray roses and baby’s breath. White beaded wire dresses up the rubber bands and balances the red midollino in the two-tone color scheme. Pine, arborvitae, boxwood and variegated pittosporum complete the picture.
Great ifts G to Go 6 january 2012
OCTOBER 2017 29
730january 2012
Great Gto ifts Go
RUBY RED The duo at far left and near upper left make a handsome pair, ready to be sold separately or as complementary items of gift or décor. To make the bouquet at far left, Vonda fashioned two little bundles of white mitsumata and White Mist Israeli ruscus, tying them with silver chenille stems. Then she used that foundation in the vase to support laced-in stems of roses, ornithogalum, and arborvitae. The bouquet at near upper left incorporates sparkly tree ornaments, hung on Oasis etched wire, as keepsake gifts. Freedom roses are beautifully enhanced with Carolina Sapphire cypress foliage; silvered aralia leaves make a star-shaped collar.
THE PRETTIEST POINSETTIAS The species epithet for poinsettias (the second part of the Latin name, Euphorbia pulcherrima) means “most beautiful.” Spare but elegant accessories fulfill that promise. The white poinsettias at left are placed inside two small bamboo cubes, one accented with fresh green arborvitae, the other with short-needled pine. The cubes are simply tied together with gold mesh ribbon, so that the gift recipient has the option of taking them apart and placing them separately. The red poinsettias emerge from a bed of White Mist boxwood. The plants and cut foliage are elevated within a tall bamboo vase, dressed with a bamboo trellis, which Vonda touched up with Design Master Just for Flowers in Black Cherry to help coordinate the colors of the trellis and vase.
8 january 2012
OCTOBER 2017 31
Great Gto ifts Go
932january 2012
PLANT PICK-ME-UPS Adding value and visual appeal to a flowering Christmas cactus, Vonda first upgraded an inexpensive glass vase with a custom, “antique” finish using baking soda and Design Master Überfrost. (For a how-to, go to and click on the Inspiration link.) When she was done, she planted the cactus in the vase and added moss and her own faux poinsettia, made with pink aluminum wire petals and hot pink beaded wire. The cactus looks great displayed with two mini cypress trees in mercuryglass hurricane vases. Be sure to display items like these in pairs; customers immediately get how great they will look at either end of a mantel or sideboard.
DOT MATRIX Simple, yes—but not what your customer is likely to find at their local mass-market retailer. Ribbon streamers with reversed red and green polka dots work beautifully with the bright red faux berries of St. Augustine holly, against the background of a premade wreath of mixed greens. Wide loops of midollino, loosely “knotted” here and there, lend a playful, handmade touch. 10 january 2012
OCTOBER 2017 33
AN ARMATURE OF ORNAMENTS In this design, gold and silver ball ornaments not only support the king protea, Carolina Sapphire cypress, and silvered aralia leaves, they also become a keepsake gift when the flowers are gone. Rather than just piling the ornaments into the cylinder, Vonda strung them first on aluminum wire, which stabilized them into a support structure for adding flowers.
MADE TO ORDER By stringing small gold and silver spheres on wire, Vonda was able to turn them into a versatile design accessories that she could tailor to the size she needed and to her design purpose. Pine tips make a charming and unexpected accompaniment to a bunch of white tulips; the sturdy pine tips also lend support to the soft tulip stems. The flowers and foliage are banded with matte, flat wire, then placed in a cylinder decorated with a garland collar that rests on the rim. The pendant ornaments dangling from it are strung on thinner metallic wire for a natural drape.
11 2012 34 january
Great Gto ifts Go
12 january 2012
OCTOBER 2017 35
13 2012 36 january
Great Gto ifts Go TREE TIME A mix of green and White Mist boxwood gives a frosted effect in a mini Christmas “tree,” with plenty of the dark natural green as fitting backdrop for ivory hypericum berries that look like tiny tree ornaments, plus actual mini ball ornaments in gold and glittered gold twigs. A slender string of battery-powered LED lights lends a soft, subtle glow. GINGHAM VELVET A big bow of patterned red ribbon anchors and balances the full, open flowers of a blooming amaryllis bulb. The gingham checks harmonize in style with the remaining, rustic accessories—birch branches, Rustic Wire, pine cones, angel vine, and a large bamboo cube—which also provide a pleasing contrast, with their dark, natural color and texture. OCTOBER 2017 37
Seasonal dĂŠcor that mixes fresh, permanent, & dried botanicals.
Floral design by Bob Hampton AIFD, AAF, PFCI Photography by Ron Derhacopian For product information, see Where to Buy, page 64.
boxwood spheres and the permanent grevillea leaves, with their lively, spikey, fernlike form— beautifully enhance the fresh red roses, hypericum, lily grass and magnolia leaves in these twin urn arrangements. Likewise, the garland on the table below—made with a mix of permanent pine and cedar—takes on a
depth and
variety of texture with the addition of the fresh magnolia leaves, which will last out of water for the season. A utility vase sits in the top of each of the urns, with floral foam strapped in; the boxwood orbs are picked into the foam.
2 january 2012
OCTOBER 2017 39
Could you ever get this variety of textures and colors, all playing off each other yet each contributing to the whole, with fresh materials or permanent only? Above, fresh red gerberas, green poppy pods, bunny grass, seeded eucalyptus and long-needle pine mingle with different kinds of permanent pine and cedar, plus dried wild thistle and red-dyed pomegranates. At right, sprays of fresh Carolina Sapphire cypress lend their fragrance, their spiky branching structure and their distinctive blue-green tonality to an eclectic mix of permanent greens. Shiny, jewel-like berries of faux holly help to balance the big red bow.
4 january 2012
OCTOBER 2017 41
Fresh amaryllis—queen of cut flowers at Christmastime—makes a big statement here. The bold form of the amaryllis blooms is well matched with the tall Behold Vase and Champion Urns. Dramatic sprays of long-needle pine are all that is required to set off the amaryllis when elevated on high. Lower down, where the top of each design is visible, Bob paired these materials with Chococcino spray roses, bunny grass, and dried wine-red pomegranates on stems.
6 january 2012
OCTOBER 2017 43
PALE FIRE Reddish copper and rose gold, platinum, champagne, and antique silver—all of these fall within a family of muted metallics that blend beautifully. At left, the mix includes platinum mini pomegranate sprays and grape leaves, glittered poinsettias and wide wired ribbon, complemented with cascading branches of silverdollar eucalyptus with a coppery finish. Below the wreath is fresh boxwood garland, accented with platinum-frosted pinecones in wired sprays that Bob cut from a longer garland.
8 january 2012
OCTOBER 2017 45
The look of antique mixed metals is beautifully complemented with white flowers, as in these twin Ellipses Urns filled with glittered permanent botanicals and pearlembossed ornaments. The pearls harmonize with fresh white lilacs and waxflower. Lotus pods and salal in a copperleaf finish lend rosy tints to the fairytale palette.
10 january 2012
OCTOBER 2017 47
A GREEN GLOW Bringing two trends together—a vogue for green in all its many different shades and tints, and the popularity of lanterns as a fall and winter decorative accessory—Bob surrounded the octagonal Hepburn Lantern above with a green and white wreath (with gold pinecones and Gilded Leyland cypress to harmonize with the lantern). Faux berries in malachite green leap up from the wreath. “People think green on green can be difficult, but this color really pops,” says Bob. Fresh ruscus brings a deep leafy green to the mix, hypericum berries a lighter green. The wreath is made in an 18-inch Oasis mâché-backed form. On the opposite page, loops and streamers of wide gold ribbon dominate a wreath made entirely of permanent and dried materials; the mix of different kinds of greens, however, gives a fresh feel. Permanent pine in a shimmery shade of bronze helps to blend the greens and metallics.
12 january 2012
OCTOBER 2017 49
13 2012 50 january
Sparkly faux cymbidiums in a lustrous shade of lime pop out from the flowing spray below and provide resting places for the eye. At near left, the look is captured in a small accent design with faux poinsettias, fresh green hypericum, Gilded Leyland cypress, and Italian sparkle cones.
14 january 2012
OCTOBER 2017 51
HINTS OF BLUE “Blue is very
spruce, orbs of iced pine and
popular for interiors today,”
mini succulents, or fresh
says Bob. “So it’s worthwhile
Carolina Sapphire cypress;
coming up with décor that
even ribbed and dimpled
works well with that color.”
ornaments in a bluish shade of
Containers with just a hint
red—all of these can pop out
of blue, like these glass jugs
against a blue wall while
(Laguna Vases); a mix of holi-
they sing along with its sooth-
day greens that emphasizes
ing hue. Tall branches of
the blue end of the spectrum,
fresh viburnum make a lovely
like permanent stems of blue
way to complete this picture.
16 january 2012
OCTOBER 2017 53
FROST AND SNOW Easily assembled from carefully chosen materials, this mantel boa begins with a snowy, premade garland of faux mixed greens, to which Bob added pearl berry vine (with light flocking on the foliage), extra-large pinecones dusted with snow at the base, and a few iced branches to highlight the drape at one end of the garland.
18 january 2012
OCTOBER 2017 55
Here’s a conversation starter: sparkly pine cones and sprays of pearl berry vine emerge from the center of a premade cotton-boll wreath. The wreath rests on a pedestal tray, with the pedestal hidden by sprays of White Mist long-needle pine, all based in a foamfilled Weathered Oak Planter—the perfect match for this look.
The arresting combination of burlap ribbon (with a slender platinum thread running through it) and silver-gray moirĂŠ is the first thing about this wreath to strike the eye. Branches hung with crystals cascade mainly just on one side of the long streamers, snowy birch branches on the other. All of these decorative materials have been added to a heavily flocked PVC wreath. 20 january 2012
OCTOBER 2017 57
The soft graygreen of fresh dusty miller and dried artichokes occupies the focal area in this pair of tall designs, brightened with iridescent snowberry sprays. A slight variation adds to their charm: the design on the left not only is taller, it also features a prominent piece of natural bamboo with snow added. Gray is another color very much in vogue for wall and fabrics today, Bob advises, which means demand for dĂŠcor that harmonizes with gray tones. 58
The mix of pale silver faux evergreens and White Mist evergreens with Shimmer gets even more ghostly-beautiful here, mounded and crowned with pinecones and fresh white lilacs. The lilacs are joined by sprays of pearl berries. The long, slender pinecones heaped on the table are finished with Shimmer. It all looks like a winter garden in the Alps by moonlight.
22 january 2012
OCTOBER 2017 59
Winter’s palette of sparkling silver and pure white is among Nature’s most elegant. Above, Bob has set fresh white tulips and lily buds against a background of White Mist long-needle pine with a Shimmer finish, along with silver faux huckleberry, sparkle pinecones and black hedera berries. 50 2012 60 january
industry events For the most recent additions to Teleflora Unit Programs, go to and click on Design Education to access the Floral Event Calendar in the Unit Program section.
National and International October 4-6, Bogotá, Colombia
Proflora 2017, Corferias Convention Center. Contact the Association of Colombian Flower Exporters (Asocolflores) at or visit
October 11, nationwide
Petal It Forward. Visit
October 18-20, Miami, FL
WF&FSA Floral Distribution Conference, Miami Airport Convention Center. Call Wholesale Florist and Florist Supplier Association at 888-289-3372 or 410-940-6580 or visit
October 20-25, Hermanus, South Africa
“Master of Masters in Floral Design” Certification Seminar with Gregor Lersch, Bona Dea Private Estate. Contact Clair Rossiter at or visit gregorlersch.html.
October 26-30, San Francisco, CA
November 8-10, Vijfhuizen, The Netherlands International Floriculture & Horticulture Trade Fair (IFTF), Expo Haarlemmermeer. Visit
January 17-19, 2018, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Northeast Region October 4, Bay Shore, NY
January 26-29, 2018, Frankfurt, Germany
October 4, Rochester, NY
Christmasworld and Floradecora. Visit
January 30-February 1, 2018, New Orleans, LA
The Special Event Conference and Exhibits, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. Visit www.
March 12-13, 2018, Washington, DC
Congressional Action Days 2018. Conference hotel: Ritz-Carlton Pentagon City, Arlington, VA. Call the Society of American Florists at 800336-4743 or visit
June 30-July 5, 2018, Washington, DC National AIFD Symposium 2018, Washington Marriott Wardman Park. Call the American Institute of Floral Designers at 443-966-3850 or visit
Central Region October 1, Garfield Heights, OH
November 2-6, Norwalk, CT
October 15, Columbus, OH
Ohio Buckeye Unit, Everyday + Hands-On Class with Kevin Ylvisaker, Nordlie Inc. Contact Carolyn Young at 330-527-4624 or
EMC (European Master Certification) classes (Part 1, North America, East Coast) with Tomas De Bruyne & Hitomi Gilliam, East Coast Wholesale Flower. Visit
Ohio Buckeye Unit, Everyday Designs with Joyce MasonMonheim, Cleveland Plant & Flower. Contact Rita Hoagland at 330-4994959 or
November 4-8, Riviera Maya, Mexico
Great Lakes Floral Expo, Amway Grand Plaza Hotel and DeVos Place Convention Center. Visit
Illinois State Florists’ Association Convention. Visit
Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition (TPIE), Broward County Convention Center. Call the Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association at 800-375-3642 or visit
EMC (European Master Certification) classes (Part 1, North America, West Coast) with Tomas De Bruyne & Hitomi Gilliam, City College of San Francisco. Visit
Association of Bridal Consultants Annual Conference. Call 203-7750009 or visit
March 16-18, 2018, Decatur, IL
March 2-4, 2018, Grand Rapids, MI
Big Apple Unit, Parties with Jenny Thomasson, Mid Island Floral Supply. Contact Theresa Soto at 516-481-1277 or sototheresa@ Upstate New York Unit, Everyday Survival Guide with Kevin Ylvisaker, Radisson Hotel Rochester Airport. Contact Cara Hutchings at 585-3429830 or
October 18, Latham, NY
New York Capitol Unit, The Business of Holidays with Tim Farrell, Seagroatt Riccardi. Contact Kelley Gilbert at 518-785-8900, ext. 211, or
South Central Region October 1, Quapaw, OK Ozark Florist Association, Saturday Night Fever, program includes Everyday Designs with Tom Bowling, Downstream Casino & Convention Center. Contact Pat Phillips at 415-883-8580 or
October 22, Phoenix, AZ
Arizona Unit, Holidays with Helen Miller, Arizona Flower Market. Contact Brad Denham at 602-5074200.
November 5, Dallas, TX North Texas Unit, Holiday Designs with David Powers, Greenleaf Wholesale. Contact MaryAnn DeBerry at 940-483-1800 or
Southeast Region
October 8, Fayetteville, NC
North Carolina Unit, Wedding Bouquets + Hands-On Class with David Powers, Lihmil Inc. Flowers & Supplies. Contact Elva Graham at 919-988-8474 or
October 8, Florence, SC South Carolina Unit, Fall and Christmas Designs with Alex Jackson, Tommy’s Wholesale. Contact Steven Jones at 843-248-6893 or
October 17, Amelia Island, FL
North Florida Unit, Weddings & Events with Alex Jackson, Artistic Florist & Events. Contact Brooke Raulerson at 904-556-3877 or
November 4, Louisville, KY
SAF 1-Day Profit Blast, Marriott Louisville Downtown. Call the Society of American Florists at 800-336-4743 (in Alaska, Hawaii and Virginia, 703-836-8700) or visit
November 5, Red House, WV West Virginia Unit, Holiday and Plants with Jerome Raska, Gritts Midway Greenhouse. Contact Sheila Larew at 304-288-9453 or
Western Region October 1, Denver, CO Rocky Mountain Unit, Creative Everyday with Hitomi Gilliam, DWF. Contact Sandi YoshiharaSniff at 800-665-0771 or
October 13-15, Bozeman, MT Montana Florists Association Convention, GranTree Inn. Visit
October 22, Salt Lake City, UT October 1, Silver Spring, MD DC-MD-VA Unit, Everyday with a Twist with Joyce Mason-Monheim, Potomac Wholesale. Contact JoAnn Baker at 410-255-8181 or
Idaho-Utah Unit, A Year in the Life of a Florist with David Powers, Especially for You. Contact Marci Rasmussen at 801-531-7557 or
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Buyers’ Guide Available year-round at
OCTOBER 2017 63
where to buy For more information on merchandise featured in Flowers&, contact the supplier directly. Direct links to most suppliers can be found on the Flowers& website, www. Use the links under “Advertisers in This Issue” or the link to our searchable, online Buyers’ Guide at the top of the Flowers& home page.
O N T H E COVER Clear glass cube, Teleflora. Midollino Sticks, Smithers-Oasis. Beaded wire, Berwick Offray.
F OCUS O N DESIG N , page 8
Premade mixed garland, White Mist with Shimmer foliages, and White Mist with Shimmer pine cones, Wm. F. Puckett. Silver wire spheres, Accent Décor. Silver metallic pillar candles, Candle Artisans via Pete Garcia Company.
GREAT GI F TS TO GO , pages 24-37
Stockings, Dollar Tree. Arrive Alive packaging, Chrysal. White Mist boxwood and other holiday greens, Wm. F. Puckett.
RUBY RED, page 30
Vibe Vase and Rosie-Posie Vase, Syndicate Sales. Mitsumata, Accent Décor. White Mist Israeli ruscus, Frosted (silvered) aralia leaf, natural green arborvitae and Carolina sapphire, Wm. F. Puckett.
White Mist boxwood and natural green arborvitae and short-needle pine, Wm. F. Puckett. Bamboo vase and cubes, Teleflora. Firefly gold mesh ribbon, Berwick Offray.
DOT MATRIX, page 33
Premade cedar wreath with St. Augustine holly, Wm. F. Puckett.
page 34
Carolina sapphire and Frosted (silvered) aralia leaves, Wm. F. Puckett.
TREE TIME, page 36
pages 26-27 Reindeer antlers, Dollar Tree. Flat cane, Smithers-Oasis.
TROMPE L’OEIL, page 28
Deco Cubes, JRM. Wine glasses, Dollar Tree.
Large bamboo cube, Teleflora. Velvet ribbon with check stripe, Berwick Offray.
MAKI N G SPIRITS BRIG H T , pages 38-60
Clear glass cube, Teleflora. Midollino Sticks, Smithers-Oasis. Beaded wire, Berwick Offray.
pg 37
page 37
pg 24
Roman Urn Glass Vase/Candleholder, Dollar Tree. Mercury-glass hurrican vases, Teleflora. Überfrost spray, Design Master. Aluminum wire and beaded wire, Smithers-Oasis.
Spade Pot, Accent Décor. Green and White Mist boxwood, Wm. F. Puckett. Glittered gold twigs, Knud Nielsen. Toronado™ battery-powered string of 20 white LED lights, Acolyte.
pg 28
pages 38-43
Permanent botanicals, Direct Export.
pg 38
pg 46
Preserved boxwood spheres, Champion Urns, and bronze Behold Vase, Accent Décor. Fresh magnolia leaves, long-needle pine, and Carolina Sapphire cypress, Wm. F. Puckett. Textured Wild Thistle and red stemmed pomegranates, Knud Nielsen. Wood box with feet, Modern Collections.
pages 44-47 Silver-dollar eucalyptus in Copper Penny color (on wreath) and fresh boxwood garland, Wm. F. Puckett. Ornaments and permanent botanicals in rose gold and silver and platinum frosted pinecones, Direct Export. Copperleaf salal and lotus pods, Knud Nielsen. Ellipses Urns, Accent Décor.
pg 36
A GREEN GLOW, pages 48-51
Hepburn Lanterns, Accent Décor. Permanent botanicals, ornaments, and ribbon, Direct Export. Italian sparkle cones, goldleaf cones and goldleaf salal, Knud Nielsen. Fresh ruscus and Gilded Leyland cypress, Wm. F. Puckett. Gold cube, Teleflora.
HINTS OF BLUE, pages 52-53
Laguna Vases, Accent Décor. Permanent botanicals, ornaments, and ribbon, Direct Export. Fresh Carolina Sapphire cypress, Wm. F. Puckett.
FROST AND SNOW, pages 54-60
pg 49
pg 30
Pisces tray and Frosted Pinecones (large with a snowy base), Accent Décor. Rectangular Kiri Wood Vases, Jamali. White Mist evergreens with Shimmer and long slender pine cones with Shimmer, Wm. F. Puckett. Permanent botanicals, pinecones and ribbon, Direct Export. Cotton-Boll Wreath, Mountain Laurel Pine Cone branches, and gray artichokes, Knud Nielsen. Weathered Oak Planter and Vases, Syndicate Sales.
F e at u r e d Suppliers Accent Décor, Inc. Call 770-346-0707 or visit Acolyte. Call 888-ACOLYTE (226-5983) or visit Berwick Offray. Call 800-327-0350 or visit Chrysal Americas. Call 800-247-9725 or visit Design Master Color Tool. Call 800-525-2644 or visit Direct Export Co. Call 888-881-0055 or visit Dollar Tree Direct. Call 877-530-TREE (8733) or visit Jamali Garden and Floral Supply. Call 212-979-0108 or visit JRM Chemical. Call 800-962-4010 or visit Knud Nielsen. Call 800-633-1682 or visit Pete Garcia Company. Call 800-241-3733 or visit Smithers-Oasis. Call 800-321-8286 or visit Syndicate Sales. Call 800-428-0515 or visit Teleflora. Call 800-333-0205 or visit Wm. F. Puckett. Call 800-426-3376 or visit
OCTOBER 2017 65
wholesaler connection
emporium accessories
Flowers& magazine distributors Arizona Phoenix Floral Supply Syndicate
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California CAMARILLO Floral Supply Syndicate Fresno Designer Flower Center LOS ANGELES Floral Supply Syndicate Sacramento Flora Fresh Floral Supply Syndicate SAN BERNARDINO Floral Supply Syndicate San Diego Floral Supply Syndicate San Diego Florist Supplies San FRANCISCO Floral Supply Syndicate San JOSE Floral Supply Syndicate SANTA ANA Floral Supply Syndicate Santa Rosa Sequoia Floral International UPLAND Floral Supply Syndicate VAN NUYS Floral Supply Syndicate
Illinois Chicago The Roy Houff Company Milan Bonnett Wholesale Florist Normal The Roy Houff Company Wheeling The Roy Houff Company
COLORADO DENVER Floral Supply Syndicate CONNECTICUT NORWALK East Coast Wholesale Flowers Florida JACKSONVILLE Floral Supply Syndicate PENSACOLA American Floral Wholesale of Pensacola Carlstedt’s, LLC Georgia omega Hornbuckle Wholesale Florist
Kansas wichita Valley Floral Company Kentucky Louisville The Roy Houff Company Louisiana Lafayette Louisiana Wholesale Florists Massachusetts Boston Jacobson Floral Supply Michigan Warren Nordlie, Inc. Minnesota Minneapolis Koehler and Dramm missouri st louis Floral Supply Syndicate LaSalle Wholesale Florist NeVADA LAS VEGAS Floral Supply Syndicate RENO Floral Supply Syndicate New York Campbell Hall Alders Wholesale Florist
Ohio dayton Nordlie, Inc. North Canton Canton Wholesale Floral OREGON PORTLAND Floral Design Institute Floral Supply Syndicate SOUTH DAKOTA SIOUX FALLS North American Wholesale Florist, Inc. Tennessee Nashville The Roy Houff Company TeXAS DALLAS Floral Supply Syndicate
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UTAH SALT LAKE CITY Floral Supply Syndicate Virginia Norfolk The Roy Houff Company Richmond The Roy Houff Company Washington SEATTLE Floral Supply Syndicate Tacoma Washington Floral Service canada burnaby, bc United Floral Inc. malaysia selangor Worldwide Floral Services singapore Worldwide Floral Services
EMPLOYMEN T Florasearch, Inc.
In our third decade of performing confidential key employee searches for the floriculture industry and allied trades worldwide. Retained basis only. Candidate contact welcome, confidential, and always free. 1740 Lake Markham Rd., Sanford, FL 32771 Phone: (407) 320-8177 / Fax: (407) 320-8083 E-mail: Website:
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Advertisers’ websites are hyperlinked on the Flowers& website. Go to and click on “Advertisers in This Issue.” Accent Décor, Inc.
770-346-0707 Alexandra Farms
305-528-3657 Candle Artisans back cover
800-241-3733 Chrysal Americas
800-247-9725 Dollar Tree Direct
877-530-TREE (8733) Floradecora
23 Floral Deliver Ease
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For rates and info, call
Peter Lymbertos at 800-421-4921
JRM Chemical
800-962-4010 Kay Berry
800-426-1932 Multi Packaging Solutions, formerly John Henry
inside back cover
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800-321-8286 SUntory 11 The Sun Valley Group
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inside front cover
800-428-0515 Teleflora
21, 61
800-333-0205 Vase Valet
OCTOBER 2017 67
what’s in store
TREE TIME The latest in a series that warms the hearts of collectors (and florists), Thomas Kinkade’s Family Tree Bouquet offers a nostalgic scene rendered in hand-sculpted and hand-painted resin, complete with an overhead string of lights that actually lights up along with the inside of the tree kiosk. Call 800-333-0205 or visit
TREND REPORT In with the Old: Christmas comes full circle this upcoming season with the return of collecting vintage-quality pieces that engage the senses and evoke memories of joyful times.
Reprinted from Teleflora’s Resource Guide
HIGH-FASHION HOLIDAYS Still shopping for holiday ribbon? The trend experts at Reliant Ribbon suggest looking in any or all of these three trendy categories: plaids, pinks, and “back to nature” themes. “Checks and plaids are big—anything ’90s!” says Reliant’s Beth Brawer. Popular pinks include sparkle pinks and pinkish metallics like rose gold, while the popularity of nature themes extends to birds, berries, and natural patterns like woodgrain. Examples shown above, from top to bottom, are Pinecone Hopsack, Gala Glimmer 2, and Plaid Day Dupioni, all wired wide ribbons. Call 800-886-2697 or visit