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Teleflora is fully committed to education for florists. Our Education Program’s mission is to build and strengthen Teleflora’s relationships with florists.

By providing a forum for design and business education, we’re confident that this will help drive bottom line impact and allow our partner florists to be more successful. We will continue to focus on the challenges directly affecting today’s florists to encourage, empower, and inspire.

“2023 is going to be an awesome year! We’ve got a robust schedule of in-person programs and hands-on classes planned, which along with our virtual programming will bring education to florists across North America and beyond. We strongly believe that education is the key to moving the industry forward”

In addition, we also offer the Teleflora Design Academy, which offers immersive hands-on classes with our industry leading instructors. These classes provide an opportunity for floral designers to learn, create, and work with techniques, practical design, and business tips that they can take back to their shops and apply right away.

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