ali abd al aziz

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8 December2006

MEMORANDUM FOR Commander,United StatesSouthernCommand.3511 NW glst Avenue. M i a m i ,F L 3 3 1 7 2 SUBJECT: CombatantStatusReview Tribunal Input and Recommendationfor Continued DetentionUnder DoD Control (CD) for GuantanamoDetaineeAmmar al-Baluchi.ISN: USSPK(S) 010018DP

JTF-GTMO DetaineeAssessment l.

(S/NF) Personal Information: o o o o o o


JDIMSA{DRC ReferenceName: Ammar al-Baluchi Aliases and CurrentlTrue Name: Mustafa al-Baluchi. Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali. MohammadAli. Amanullah.Habib. Jammv Place of Birth: al-Ahmadi. Kuwait (KU) Date of Birth: 29 August 1977 Citrzenship: Kuwait InternmentSerialNumber (ISN): US9PK-01001SDP

(U//FOUO) Health: Detaineeis in good health.

3 . (S/NF) JTF-GTMO Assessment: a. (S) Recommendation: JTF-GTMO recommendsthis detaineefor ContinuedDetention Under DoD Control (CD). b. (S/NF) Executive Summary: Detaineeis a seniormemberand plannerof al-Qaidaas well as the nephew of al-Qaida military leaderKhalid Shaykh Mohammed (KSM). Under KSM's direction,detaineehelpedplan and facilitateal-Qaidaoperationsand personnel, CLASSIFIEDBY: MULTIPLESOURCES REASON: E.O. 12958,AS AMENDED,SECTION1.4(C) DECLASSIFYON: 20311208


S E C R E T // NOFORN I I 2O3II2O8 JTF-GTMO-CDR SUBJECT: CombatantStatusReview Tribunal Input and Recommendationfor Continued DetentionUnder DoD Control (CD) for GuantanamoDetainee,ISN: US9PK-01001SDP(S) including the travel of 9ll1 hijackersto the United States(US). He is affiliated with numerousother senior leadersof al-Qaida including Usama Bin Laden (UBL), Jemaah Islamiya (JI)r leaderRiduan bin Isomuddin aka (Hambali), Sayf al-Adl, Walid bin Attash aka (Khallad), Shaykh Said al-Masri, Hamza Zubayr and others. Detaineehelped facilitate the travel and financesfor at least 13 of the 9/11 hijackers as they left the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for the US. He was also involved in numerousplots targeting the US and other western assets,and acted as a liaison for messagesand money for KSM and IndonesianalQaida leaders.2He is also responsiblefor arrangingthe evacuationof al-Qaida fighters and families fleeing Afghanistan(AF). IADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT THIS DETAINEE IS AVAILABLE IN AN SCI SUPPLEMENT.I JTF-GTMO has determined this detaineeto be: o o o

A HIGH risk, as he is likely to posea threatto the US, its interestsand allies. A MEDIUM threatfrom a detentionperspective. Of HIGH intelligencevalue.

4. (S/NF) Detainee'sAccount of Events: The following section is based on a consolidation of several accountsfrom various significant individuals in order to assemblea feasible timeline. a. (S/NF) Prior History: In 1985or 1986,detaineeleft Kuwait to attendthe Umrah (minor hajj) in SaudiArabia (SA). In 1988,detainee,his immediatefamily and other relatives moved to Iran (IR) while his father stayedto continue working in the Kuwaiti Ministry of the Hajj. In 1993,while attendingboardingschool inZahedan,IR, Ramzi Yousef s' family contacteddetaineeto let him know that Ramzi would be staying inZahedan for eye surgery. From 1996 to 1998, detaineetraveled to Karachi, Pakistan(PK), where he acquiredhis Microsoft certification online from the US, but took the required classesat the Universal Computer Institute in Karachi. He also attendedcomputer classesin Karachi at PetromanElectronics Institute and at a unidentified third school. It was during this time that he becameinterestedin attendingjihad training. In August 1998, after graduatingfrom school, his father directed him to find employrnentin the UAE.*


Analyst Note: JemaahIslamiya is a Tier I target. Tier I targetsare defined as terrorist groups, especially those with state support, that have demonstratedthe intention and the capability to attack US personsor interests. '. TD-314t61768-03 3 Analyst Note: Ramzi Yousef is the 1993 World Trade Center bomber. ' TD-314/52606-05, Analyst Note: Within this document there seemsto be an error on the datesfor his arrival in the UAE. It was originally statedas 5 June 1998; however, later in the document it is labeled as 5 August 1998.


s E c RE T //NOFORN I I 20311208 JTF-GTMO-CDR SLIBJECT: CombatantStatusReview Tribunal Input and Recommendationfor Continued DetentionUnder DoD Control (CD) for GuantanamoDetainee,ISN: US9PK-010018DP(S) b. (S//NF) Recruitment and Travel: Detaineestatedthat he was "self-recruited,"for jihad having been inspired by the martyrdom of KSM's brother Asim and by hearing Ramzi Yousef speakaboutjihad in kan.5 Detaineebecamemore interestedin joining thejihad after he left Iran in 1996 through his exposureto Arab culture and ideology in Pakistanand the UAE.6 While in Pakistan,detaineeexpressedinterest in obtaining militant training from the campsin Afghanistan but could not fit the training around his studies. He felt he would not be very successfulwith the training so instead,he offeredhis servicesto his uncle,KSM, who usedhim to facilitatethe activitiesof the 9/11 hijackers.T c. (S/NF) Training and Activities: At the end of 1999,KSM requesteddetaineeto transfer funds to 9l11 hijacker, Nawaf al-Hazmi, in the US. From 1999 to their ultimate mission in 2001, detaineehelpedfacilitate 13 of the 9/11 hijackers'travel, obtainingvisas, setting up bank accounts,and providing for their lodging in the UAE prior to leaving for the US. During 2000, detaineealso met and facilitated Mustafa Ahmad al-Hawsawi aka(Zahir), an al-Qaidafinancialmanager,and Ramzi bin al-Shibh,originally intendedtobe aglIl hijacker,but he was not able to obtain a US entry visa.o After detainee'scompanyclosed their businessin the UAE, detainee'sUAE visa was revokedand he traveledto Pakistanand then on to Afghanistan "looking for training." After the fall of the Taliban in November 2001,detaineeassistedKSM in organizingthe movementof al-Qaidaoperativesand their families to safehousesin Pakistan. Lr December2001, detaineearrangede-mail accounts and travel arrangementsfor shoebombersRichard Reid and Issa al-Britani'aka (Dhiren Barot) aka (Abu Issaal-Hindi) aka (Sajid Badat).r0In late December200I, detaineeplanned an operationto attack a military basein Quetta,PK." In January 2002, various senior al"dirty bombers" Jose Qaida leadersbegan to arrive in Karachi. From March to April 2002, Padilla and Binyam Mohammed arrived in Karachi and detaineescheduledtheir travel and set up communicationswith them. From May to June2002, detainee andHamzaZubayr beganplotting to carry out simultaneousattacksin Karachi againstthe US Consulate, westernresidences,and westernersat the local airport. On 11 September2002,raids were conductedon the housesof HamzaZubaw and Ramzi bin al-Shibh in the DefenseArea of

t to-:t+/sst33-os uto4rutruzltos 7ro-zrursze06-05, TD-3I 4/55 I 33-05 t tr-3 t+lszooo-os


NEWS WIRE - AP - 09-AUG -2004, AnalystNote: This article sourcedKU-O10010as statingthat KU-010010 sentIssa al-Britani to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,in late 1999 or early 2000 to meet with ID-O10019. This is also when, in January2000, the leadersmet at the home of Yazid Sufaat to plan the 9ll1 attacksand the USS Cole attack. On 16 January 2002, a US federal grand jury indicted Richard Reid on nine counts, including use of a weapon of mass destruction and attemptedmurder.

toto-3r4/o82or-04 rr

Analyst note: This operation did not come to fruition.



S E C RE T // NOFORN I I 2O3II2O8 JTF-GTMO-CDR SUBJECT: CombatantStatusReview Tribunal Input and Recommendationfor Continued DetentionUnder DoD Control (CD) for GuantanamoDetainee,ISN: US9PK-010018DP(S) Karachi; Zvbayr was killed and Ramzi bin al-Shibh was captured. After the raids, plans for further operationsstoppeduntil October 2002. Detainee's activities centeredon the developmentof the plot of simultaneousattacksin Karachi, PK, from October until his capturein April 2003.'" 5. (S/NF) Capture Information: a. (S//NF) On 30 April2003 in Karachi,the PakistaniIntelligenceBureauand a team of Pakistanirangerscaptureddetaineealong with senior terrorist planner Walid bin Attash and four other suspectedal-Qaidamembers.'' According to reporting,local authoritiesalso seized150 kg of high explosivesand detonatorsduring the raid.ra b. (S) Property Held: o

(S//NF) A pink perfumeb.ottlefilled with atrace amount(lessthan % oz.) of potassiumcyanidepoison '' lNot held by JTF-GTMO)

c. (S) Transferred to JTF-GTMO: 4 September2006 d. (S/NF) Reasonsfor Transfer to JTF-GTMO: Detaineewas transferredto JTFGTMO to face prosecutionfor terrorist activities againstthe United States. 6. (S/NF) DetaineeThreat: a. (S) Assessment: Detaineeis assessed to be a HIGH risk, as he is likely to posea threat to the US, its interestsand allies. b. (S//NF) Reasonsfor Continued Detention: Detaineeis a seniormemberand planner of al-Qaidawho facilitatedthe travel and funding of 13 of the 9/11 hijackers. Detainee participatedin attack planning againstUS and western targetsand is affiliated with significant senior al-Qaida and JI personnel. Detaineefacilitated the transfer of funds from al-Qaidato JI for operationalpurposes,assistedin the creationof al-Qaidamedia

' " TD-3| 4152606-05, TD-31410820 l -04 " NCIS MTAC sAR TERR-I 06-120-2003, HeDA sITREp #596opERATIoNS oNE oEF oIF 'o TO-314125273-03, STRATCOMINTSUM01 MAY 2003.AnalystNote:STRATCOMINTSUM sources the followingdocuments for theirassessment: CIA NID 1 May 2003,USSTRATCOMCS55l (CISO) Counterintelligence Highlights2May 2003,andNCIS Msg 3021552Apr 03. _ "- TD-314/02527-04,TD-314/03608-04, AnalystNote: Perfumebottleis not currentlyheld at JTF-GTMO.


S E C RE T // NOFORN I I 2O3II2O8 JTF-GTMO-CDR SIIBJECT: CombatantStatusReview Tribunal Input and Recommendationfor Continued DetentionUnder DoD Control (CD) for GuantanamoDetainee,ISN: US9PK-010018DP(S) propaganda,and facilitated the movement of al-Qaida fighters and families fleeing from Afghanistan to Pakistan. o (S/A{F) Detainee facilitated travel and provided funds and equipmentfor 13 of the 19 hijackersinvolved in the 9/11 terroristattack. o (S/A{F) Detaineearrangedfor the hijackers' temporary lodging in the UAE and assistedwith procuringvisas,travel documents,bank accounts,and electronic equipmentsuch as laqlop computersand handheldtranslators. He also transferred funds to the hijackers'oand sentcarepackagesto them while they were in the US. . (S/A{F) At the end of 1999,KSM askeddetaineeto wire monly to Nawaf alHazmi, the American Airlines (AA) flight 77 hljacker, in the US." . (S/Nf; In mid-to-late2000, detaineemet and facilitatedAA flight 175 hijacker Marwan al-Shehhi in the UAE, to include purchasingflight simulator softwarefor his . (S/AIF) In late August 2000,detaineereceived$120,000USD from KSM to sendto the US. On29 Ausust 2000 detaineesentS20.000USD via Western Union.le (Analyst Note: iro- the contextof the report,the $20,000USD is assessed to havebeenpart of the $120,000receivedfrom KSM.) . (S/A{F) In November2000,20detaineemet with AA flight 77 hijackerpilot, Hani Hanjour, and arrangedfor Hanjour's travel. Detaineealso assistedHanjour in openinga bank accountat Citibank in the UAE.2r . (S/A{F) From April to June2001, detaineeassistedthe following hijackers while in the UAE and helped them travel to the US: Ahmad al-Ghamdi, Majed alMoqed, Satamal-Suqami,Walid al-Shehri, Harnzaal-Ghamdi, Ahmad al-Nami, Muhannad al-Shehri, Wail al-Shehri, Ahmed al-Haznawi, and Saeedal-Ghamdi.22 o (S/A{F) Detaineeworked closely with KSM planning operationsagainstUS and Allied targetsto include: Heathrow International Airport, London, United Kingdom (UK); the US Consulateand severalhotels in Karachi; the shoe-bombingattempt against AmericanAirlines Flight 63; gasstationsin the US; and unidentifiedtargetsin South EastAsia (SEA).

'uTD-314t52606-05 " TD-3r4r52606-05 tt TD-3r4152606-05 tnrn3r4r52606-05

20 Analyst Note: Detainee statedthis occurred during Ramadanof 2000, which startedon 28 November 2000. " TD-314152606-05, Analyst Note: On 28 January2001, detaineedeposited$5,000into Hanjour's BSC Bank accountin SaudiArabia.

" ro4vr5z6o6-05



S E C RE T / / NOFORN/ I 2O3II2O8 JTF-GTMO-CDR SUBJECT:CombatantStatusReviewTribunalInput andRecommendation for Continued DetentionUnderDoD Control(CD) for Guantanamo (S) Detainee, ISN: US9PK-010018DP o (S/A{F) Detaineeacted as the conduit for e-mail exchangesand messages possibly involving operational activity betweenKSM and Hambali." After the arrest of KSM in March 2003, detaineeintendedto contact Hambali to offer his assistance and find out what resourceswere available for future operations.2a o (S/A{F) Detaineebecameawareof the operation to attack London Heathrow in January2003, but statedthat operativeshad not yet been selectedto carry out the attacks. For his part, detaineeintendedto solicit the support,guidance,and assistance of senioral-QaidaoperativeWalid bin Attash,admittingthat his own limited operationalexperiencerequired the inclusion of a more seasonedoperative, such as bin Attash,to accomplisha plan of suchmagnitude.2slAnalyst Note: The Heathrow plot beganin November 2002,when KSM assignedAbu Talha al-Pakistanito begin surveillanceof Heathrow for a potential future operation. The plan called for crashingnumerousairplanesinto Heathrow, with a secondaryexplosion immediately outsideof the airport as a diversion. This operationwas put on hold upon KSM's arrestin February 2003.26) o (S/A{F) Detainee andHamzaZubayr startedthe Karachi plot againstthe US Consulateand severalhotels.'' (Analyst Note: According to foreign government service sensitivereporting, the primary plan was to pack a small aircraft with explosivesand crashit into the US Consulate.2tOtherpotentialtargetsfor this plot includedwesternresidencesand hotels,the Marriott Hotel in particular,due to its perceivedlack of secuirty.'n) ' (S/A{F) In September2002, KSM revampedthe Karachi operationtargeting the US Consulate,and brought in Walid bin Attash to work with detainee. After KSM's anest, detaineethen brought Walid bin Attash into the Heathrow operation.3o . (S//lfR; In October2002,detaineemet with Asif Zahir, the leaderof a small unaffiliated extremist group in Pakistan,3lwho had 10 tons of ammonium nitrate explosives for use in the Karachi plot. Zahir was arrestedafter meeting with detainee. Detainee also met Jabir (NFI), who came to detaineeand said he was " AnalystNote: It is possible that al-Qaidahadplansto assisttheJI in plotson unidentifiedtargetsin SouthEast Asia. 2oTD-3r4r61768-03,TD-3t4133612-03, TD-3I 4I 65937-03 2sto-3t+l6t768-03 'u TD-3r4t32629-03 2' TD-3r4rog769-04 28STRATCoMINTSUM MAy 0l 2003,TD-314t252i3-03 2nNCIS MTAC ThreatAssessment, 11FEB 2004,AnalystNote: This plot waspossiblyrelatedto earlieral-Qaida planningfor attacksagainstU.S. militarypersonnelin airportshuttlesandU.S.military aircraftat theKarachi .^ InternationalAirport. '" TD-3| 4141802-03.TD-3| 4t37948-04 " TD-314136858-03


s E c RE T // NOFOR|I I I 20311208 JTF-GTMO-CDR SUBJECT:CombatantStatusReviewTribunalInput andRecommendation for Continued DetentionUnderDoD Control(CD) for Guantanamo (S) Detainee, ISN: US9PK-010018DP keepingexplosivesforHarrvaZubayr (deceased).Detaineetold him to wait and stay where he was until detaineecontactedhim." . (S/Aif; From December 2002 to March 2003, detaineeaskedJabir to obtain more explosivesand to rent anotherhouseto make the explosives for the Karachi plot. Detaineethen arrangedfor operativesto conduct surveillanceof the Karachi airport and routes to the US Consulate. On the day detaineeand Walid bin Attash were supposedto receivethe explosives,they were both arrested.33 . (S/Atf; Detaineemet with Atta Rahmanaka (Qassim) aka (Altaf) and Hudayfa aka (Amin) aka (Lee Carter), and taskedHudayfa with collecting information about the Airport Hotel in Karachi.3a o (S/AfD Detaineewas the handler for both shoebombers,Richard Reid and DhirenBarot aka (lssaal-Britani35).36 o (S/AIF) Detainee,^qlong with SaifullahParacha,ISN US9PK-001094DP(PK1094),Aafia Siddiqui," Issaal-Britani, and Majid Khan, attemptedto setup a cover businessin the US to import explosives.'oDetaineeand KSM designatedMajid Khan as an operative for a plot to target gas stationsin the United States.3e o (S/A{F) Detaineereceived money via couriers and facilitated numerousmoney transfersto and from KSM. o (S/AID In late May or early June 2002,detaineepassedapproximately$17,24I USD from Abu Ahmad to KSM via Maqsood Khan Oya* Khani Khan.a0 o (S/A{F) In June 2002, funds from outside Pakistanarrived intermittently by courier for KSM. The courierswould contactdetaineeon his cell phone,and he would meet them in a public place and acceptthe funds. Detaineewould then contact

" TD-3 14r 52606-05,TD-3 I 4/0820I -04 33 TD-3 t4 r 52606-05,TD-3 t4 I o82ot -04 to to-314r09769-04 3s to4tqt6315l-03 tu tD-3r4r52210-03 " TD-314132873-03, Analyst note: Aafia Siddiqui, a female,holds a B.S. degreein biology from MIT. Detainee had informed Siddiqui that a laboratory had been set up to produce biological agents. Siddiqui reportedly told detaineethat she was willing to participate in a Biological Weapons(BW) project if al-Qaida taskedher to do so. Detaineestatedthat after their conversation,he never tasked Siddiqui to participate in the BW project and never consideredto let her work in the laboratorv. TD4l4ll4243-05 " TD-3t4/30874-03 'n The Threat to Maritime Related US Critical Infrastructure 12 NOV 02, Analyst Note: It is more likely that KSM's actual intent was to target oil refineries in the US, which would make a larger impact. Al-Qaida senior lieutenant Abu Zubaydah indicated that al-Qaida would target major petroleum shipping centersand major petroleum refineries, which would probably cripple the US way of life, additionally serving the goals of al-Qaida. .^ oo tD-3148q749-03, Analyst Note: Maqsood Khan Oyam Khani Khan is commonly referred to aJ simply Maqsood Khan. 7


s E c RE T //NOFORN I I 20311208 JTF-GTMO-CDR SUBJECT:CombatantStatusReviewTribunalInput andRecommendation for Continued DetentionUnderDoD Control(CD) for Guantanamo Detainee, (S) ISN: US9PK-01001SDP Mansur aka (Hassanal-Pakistani),detainee'saide,who would passthe money to MaqsoodKhan. Maqsoodwould then hold the money for ' (S/Atf; During June2002 and early 2003, KSM taskeddetaineeon several occasionswith passingmessagesto Maqsoodrequestingfundsbe sentto Peshawar,PK, and gave detaineethe name of a person to whom Maqsood was to sendthe money. (Analyst Note: Transactionsizesvaried from $8,625to $25,675 USD equiv alent)42 ' (S/AIF) In November 2002, detaineemet a courier named Ilyas in Karachi nearHassanSquareto receivea delivery of 40 Lakh (Analyst Note: $69,000 USD) for KSM.a3 a (S/A{F) Ilyas alsoprovided detaineeassistanceon occasionwith moving families to Quetta from Karachi.aa o (S/A{F) Detaineeand KSM gavePK-1094 atotal of $500,000USD of al-Qaida money in early 2002 for "safekeeping."KSM usedPK-1094's capabilitiesas a wellknown Pakistanibusinessmanto conduct money-launderingoperationsand purchase real estateto be usedas al-Qaidasafehouses. . (S/AIF) In July 2002, detaineeand KSM brought the money in cashto PK1094'soffice separately.KSM brought $270,000USD one day; and the next day, detaineebrought $230,000USD, wrappedin newspaperand cellophaneand carriedin a ' (S/AVf; In November 2002, KSM requesteddetaineeto initiate the retrieval of $500,000USD from PK-1094. After meetingwith PK-1094 severaltimes, detaineeeventually arrangedfor a courier to pick up the money in Januaryor February 2003.46 o (S/A{F) In December 2002, detaineea:rangedfor a $50,000USD money transfer from KSM to Hambali.aT . (S/AIF) Majid Khan's uncle, Maqsood Khan Qyam Khani, arrangedfor the financial transfer from Pakistanto Bangkok where Majid Khan was to pick the money up from a Hawala office.a8

o' TD-314134398-03 o2to4tqB.43 98-03 ot TD-314134398-03, TD-314136317-03, AnalystNote: Lakh is a unit of measurement usedon theIndiansubcontinentequalto 100,000Pakistani Rupeesor $1,725USD. In thisinstance, 40 Lakhwouldbe 4,000,000 PakistaniRupees,equalto approximately$69,000USD in July 2002. ooTD-314t36317-03 otIIR 4 2or o34o05 ouTD-3t4t45509-03, TD-314t51980-05, IIR 4 201034005 o' TD-3r4r32870-03 o' TD-3r4r48473-03

8 S E C R E T // NOFORN I I 2O3II2O8

S E C R E T / / NOFORN I / 2O3II2O8 JTF-GTMO-CDR SUBJECT:CombatantStatusReviewTribunallnput andRecommendation for Continued DetentionUnderDoD Control(CD) for Guantanamo (S) Detainee, ISN: US9PK-010018DP ' (S/AiF) Detaineeused Majid Khan to courier the funds in Bangkok, Thailand (TH), and deliver them to Hambali's representative, Mohd Farik Bin Amin variant (Mohammed Farik bin Amin) aka(Zubair).ae o (S/A{F) Detaineeis affiliated with UBL and numerousother high level al-Qaida members. After the 9lll attacksin 2001, detaineeattendeda meeting in Kandahar,AF, with UBL and other seniormembersof ai-qaida.soThe meetingroniirt"d of approximately 20 people, including UBL, KSM, Sayf al-Adl, Ayman al-Zawahii, Abu Khay. al-Masri, Shaykh Said al-Masri and SulaymanAbu Ghayth. Detaineealso thought that Abu Faraj al-Libi and Abd al-RahmanBM were there too.'' (Analyst Note: It is ((BM" unclearwhat the standsfor after al-Rahman'sname. It is possiblya designatoror specialskill.) The meetinglastedfor two hours and discussedpossibleUS military responseto the attacks.52 o (S/A{F) Detainee facilitated and was part of the production for al-Qaida media propaganda. o (S/A{F) From early 2002 until April 2003, detaineeworked closely with the alQaidamedia committeeofficials from his basein Karachi." o (S/AfF) Detaineewas responsiblefor passingIIBL's written messagesto Abu Khubayb's group, who ran a website sympatheticto al-Qaida and Islamic extremism in the IIK.54 Detaineedid this through Karachi-basedoperatives,Abu Talha and Tamwir aka (Adnan) aka (Khurram)." o (S/A{F) Detaineealso admittedto being personallyresponsiblefor the publicationof two of the four UBL mediaproductspublishedsince9/11. ' (S/A{F) 'oWhy We Fight," the first product after the 9lll attacks,which the detaineepassedto Abu Talha who forwarded it via internet to Abu Khubyab with carboncopiesforwardedto Sayf al-Battaral-Sharqiaka (Swift Sword),_Ahmad Muwaffaq Zaydan, and the al-Jazeeranetwork'sheadquartersin

on TD-314132870-03,Analyst Note: Detainee sent Majid Khan all the way to Bangkok,TH, to retrieve funds from a hawala,who could have easily provided the money directly to Hambali's representative.PK-1094 also frequently made travels into Bangkok "to go on a purchasingtrip for his company." "Hawala" is a banker, using an undergroundbanking systembasedon trust, whereby money can be made available internationally without actually moving it or leaving a record of transaction;terrorists make frequent use of the hawala system. 'u TD-314/33397-03

t' tD-3r4r33397-03 t'TD4tqB33g:.-03 s3TD-3r4r34375-03 soro3ur32873-03 tt TD-314r34375-03 56to-3t+160443-03

9 S E C R E T // NOFORN I I 2O3II2O8

S E C R E T // NOFORN I I 2O3II2O8 JTF-GTMO-CDR SUBJECT: CombatantStatusReview Tribunal Input and Recommendationfor Continued DetentionUnder DoD Control (CD) for GuantanamoDetainee,ISN: US9PK-010018DP(S) . (S/A{F) The"9l11 AnniversaryVideo" product,which Abu Faraj al-Libi forwardedto detaineein Juneor July 2002,to hold for publicationuntil 11 September2002.s7 . (S/A{F) Detaineepassedthis video to the media group official, Abu Rahman al-Maghribi, who combined the video with the "Will of Martyrs" video and retumed it to the detaineein approximately August 2002.s8 a (S/A{F) In early September2002, detaineegave the video to Abu Musab al-Baluchi, who delivered it to the al-Jazeeraoffice in Islamabad,PK, and phoned their al-Jazeeraconespondent,Zaydan, to advise him the tape had o (S/AIF) Detaineeadmitsthat in early 2002he usedPK-1094's company, Universal Broadcasting,in Karachi to produce a video. Detainee statesit was for a differentvideo highlighting Bakr al-Azdi's experiencesin Tora Bora.60 o (S/A{F) Detainee facilitated movement of al-Qaida fighters and their families out of Afghanistanand in to Pakistan.6r o (S/A{F) Detainee set up severalsafehousesalong with other al-Qaida members, including Abu Badr aka (Muhammad Hasan Ghulam Rabbani), ISN US9PK001460DP.62 o (S/AfD Detaineestatedthe financesfor the movement of thesefamilies came from Shaykh Said aka (Mustafa Ahmad Muhammad Uthman Abu al-Yazid), alQaida's seniorfinancial offrcer.63 c. (U//FOUO) Detainee's Conduct: Detaineedetentionthreatlevel is assessed as MEDIUM basedon a DoD initial 90-davobservation.


atwtfri b1fry.ll

s' TD-3t4r60443-03 58to-3t+/60443-03 5etn-3t4/60443-03 uoTD-314/01450-05, Analyst Note:lt is likely that PK-1094's companyalsoproducedthe 9/l I videos. u'To3ul5g833-03 u' TD-314rs9833-03 utTD-3t+r59833-03

10 S E C RE T / / NOFORN / I 2O3II2O8

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