Jamal Abdullah Kiyemba

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S E C R E T //N O F O RN //20291108



3 November 2004


MEMORANDUM FOR Commander,United StatesSouthernCommand,3511 NW 9lst Avenue,Miami, FL 33172. SUBJECT: AdministrativeReview Board Input for GuantanamoDetainee,ISN: US9UG-

(u) 000701DP 1. (S//NF) JTF GTMO recommends to the Administrative Review Board (ARB) that this detaineebe transferred to the control of another country for continued detention (TRCD). 2. (S//NF) Summary of Most Recent JTF GTMO Assessment,signed on 2 August 2004. a. (S/ {F) Most RecentJTF GTMO Recommendation:Releaseor transferto the control of anothercountry for continueddetention(TRCD). b. (S/ ,lF) ThreatLevel in Most RecentJTF GTMO Assessment:Medium. c. (S/AIF) IntelligenceValue in Most RecentJTF GTMO Assessment:Low. d. (FOUO) Note: JTF GTMO's systemof identifying detaineesas High, Medium or Low threathas evolvedover time. The threatand intelligencevalueslisted abovemay have been adjustedto conform with the most recent standards. 3. (S//NF) Updated JTF GTMO Threat and Intelligence Value Since Most Recent Assessment. a. (S/AfF) UpdatedThreat Level. No Change. (1) Detaineeis an admittedjihadist who attemptedtravel to Afghanistan following the glll attacks.Detaineeis committedto defendingIslamic nationsagainstaggression,citing any systemlike democracywhich tries to end Islamic law is worthy of Jihad againstit adding that suchsystemsare ultimately oppressive.(Analystnote: The timeframeof the detainee's CLASSIFIED BY: Multiple Sources R E A S O N : E . O . 1 2 9 5 8S e c t i o n1 . 5 ( C ) DECLASSIFY ON: 20291108

S E C R E T //N O F O RN // 20291108

S E C R E T //N O F O RN // 20291108 JTF GTMO-CG SUBJECT: AdministrativeReview Board Input for GuantanamoDetainee,ISN: US9UG000701DP(u)

decision to travel to Afghanistan indicate a desire to defendthe Taliban and Al-Qaida "I terrorist elementsagainst the (IS and coalitionforces. The Detainee stated had no problem ") engaging the US in combatfor purposes ofiihad. (2) Detaineehad acquired support in the UK and abroadfrom tiered organizations including Jama'atTablighi(JT) and Lashkar-E-Tayeb(LET). The detaineereceivedmilitary training in the use of the AK-47 while in Peshawar,PK. from support membersbelonging to the LET. Detaineeobtained a false studentidentification card in England using the false name Jamal Abdullah, and the country of origin as Kenya. (3) (Analyst note; The LET is a Pakistani militant group listed as a Counterterrorism Tier I Target. Tier I targets are defined as terrorist groups, especially thosewith state support, that have demonstratedthe intention and the capability to attack USpersons or interests.. TheJT is a Counterterrorism Tier 2 NGO target defined as those which have demonstratedthe intent and willingness to support terrorist organizations willing to attack (IS persons or interests. TheJT was usedas a cover storyfor detaineedAl-Qaida members TheJT was used by recruiters and operators to facilitate the international travels of Al-Qaida membersdue to the JT's easein obtaining visasand its group size travel parties, ffictively allowing operativesto melt into the crowd.) (4) Pakistanipolice arrestedthe detaineenear Peshawarwhere he was attempting to as a low level enterAfghanistan.Detaineewas capturedwith US9MR-000706(assessed as jihadist), US9SU-0O0719(a suspectedAl-Qaida operative),and US9SU-000720(assessed a probableAl-Qaida operative). b. (S/AID UpdatedIntelligenceValue. No change. Detaineedoeshaveknowledgeof the followins. (1) (U) Europeanextremist support network (2) (U) Personalitiesand operationsof LET (3) (U) Pakistanbasedextremist support network /


,/lr ( V

/ JAYW. HOOD BrigudierGeneral,US Army Commanding


S E C R E T //N O F O R N // 20291108

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