15May 2005
MEMORANDUMFORCommander, UnitedStatesSouthernCommand,3511NW 9lstAvenue, M i a m i ,F L 3 3 1 7 2 . to Transferto the Controlof AnotherCountryfor SUBJECT:UpdateRecommendation (S) Detainee, ISN: USJO-000905DP ContinuedDetention(TRCD)for Guantanamo
JTF GTMODetaineeAssessment 1. (FOUO)PersonalInformation: o JDIMSAIDRC ReferenceName: Abdul Latif Elbanna o Aliases and Current/TrueName: Abu Anas. Abu Abdul Rachman.Mohammed Al-Ourayshi. Abdul Latif. and Abu Enes o Placeof Birth: Jericho.Palestine(WE) o Date of Birth: 28May 1962 . Citizenship: Jordan(JO) o InternmentSerialNumber (ISN): US9JO-000905DP
health.He hasbeendiagnosed with chronic 2. (FOUO) Health: Detaineeis in moderate hasno allergies,andhasno psychiatric hepatitisB. At thepresenthe is takingno medications, conditions.Detainee hasno travelrestrictions. 3. (S//NF)JTF GTMO Assessment: to the this detainee be Transferred a. (S) Recommendation: JTFGTMO recommends Controlof AnotherCountryfor ContinuedDetention(TRCD). asRetainin DoD (DoD)on 17 b. (S) Summary: JTF GTMO previouslyassessed detainee previousassessment, it is January2004. Baseduponinformationobtainedsincedetainee's now recommended he be Transferredto the Controlof AnotherCountryfor Continued Detention(TRCD) if strongassurances canbe obtainedthat he will remainin continued custody.If not,he shouldberetainedin DoD control. CLASSIFIED BY: MULTIPLE SOURCES REASON: E.O. 12958SECTION 1.5(C) DECLASSIFY ON: 203005l5
S E C R E T // NOFORN/ / 20300515
S E C R E T //NOFORN I I 2O3OO5I5 JTF GTMO-CG SUBJECT: Update Recommendationto Transferto the Control of Another Country for ContinuedDetention(TRCD) for GuantanamoDetainee,ISN: USJO-000905DP(S)
For this updaterecommendation,detaineeis assessedto be associatedwith a member of the Al-Qaida AssociatedMovement (AQAM) due to his closeaffiliation with prominentAlQaida spiritual leader,recruiter, and hnancier Abu Qatada. Detaineehas been affiliated with the International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO), a Tier 1 Terrorist Non Government Organization(NGO). He hascollectedfunds possiblyintendedto supportterrorist activities, and was possibly involved with a front company and shipping line used to support terrorist activities. It is assessed this detaineeis a MEDIUM risk, as he may posea threatto the US, its interestsand allies. 4. (S//NF) Detainee Background Summary: Unlessotherwisenoted,the following paragraphsare basedsolely on the detainee'sstatements. a. (S/NF) Prior History: Detaineewas born in Jericho,WE. Shortly after his birth, his family moved to a refugee camp in Amman, JO. Detaineedropped out of school at the age of 10,joined a gangand was arrestednumeroustimes for criminal activities. At the age of 16, detaineewent to work in a furniture store owned by Abdul Rahim in the Wihdat district of Amman, Jordan. At the age of 18, detaineewas drafted into the Jordanianmilitary. He was dischargedat the age of 20 and continuedwith his criminal activity through 1985/86. Detaineetried making a living at a furniture storein 1984(which closeddown in 1986),a carpentrystorein 1987,and a medical supply companyin 1988. Detaineemadea few trips to SaudiArabia to visit the site of the Hajj; however,he did not go during Hajj season. b. (S/NF) Recruitment and Travel: Detainee'sstatedreasonsfor travelingto Afghanistan and being hired by an NGO vary. In the most consistentversion, Doctor Samih Zidan encourageddetainee,in 1990,to travel from Jordanto Afghanistan (AF) in order to find work or to fight jihad againstthe Soviets. Detaineeflew to Karachi, Pakistan(PK), and then traveled to Peshawarand Parwan,where he applied for a position with an Islamic Relief Organizationcalledthe Haiat Ali GhathaAl Islami Al Alamia (IIRO). He stayedat a guesthouse,which was run by Abdul Al Azzarr and owned by an unidentified charity organization in the Hayat Abad district of Peshawar,PK. (Analyst Note: It is assessedthat Abdul Al Azzart is actually referring to Abdullah Azzam, friend and mentor of Usama Bin Laden (UBL) who was assassinated on24 November 1989. Abdullah Azzam foundedthe Maktab Al l(hidimat ll-Mujahideen Al Arab (MAK), an Arab Mujahideen group in which UBL servedas Azzam's deputy.) Fighters from Afghanistan stayedat the guesthouse.There were no positions available in Pakistan,but detaineewas able to obtain a place with the IIRO in Afghanistan. Detaineeadmits that he traveled to a charity office in Kabisha, AF, called the "Service Office" during the courseof his duties. c. (S/NF) Training and Activities: Detainee'sactivities(suchas when he married and when he met with Abu Qatada)vary and are very lengthy. To summarize,detaineeworked
S E C R E T / / NOFORN / / 20300515 JTF GTMO.CG SUBJECT: Update Recommendationto Transfer to the Control of Another Country for ContinuedDetention(TRCD) for GuantanamoDetainee,ISN: USJO-000905DP(S) for the IIRO in Afghanistan, with four individuals. When hired in Afghanistan, he was provided with an identification card, which he could use at guesthousesto stay for free. Detaineeretumed to Jordanin 1991 after he worked for IIRO for one year. He married and broughthis spouseback to Pakistanto live while he resumedwork in Jalalabad,AF. Detaineeand Abu Adel managedto acquire illegal passportsand get a flight to London, EnglandUnited Kingdom (UK), via Dubai. When he arrived in London on24 February 1994,Abu Qatadapicked detaineeup at the airport. While in London,detaineeclaimed refugee statusand was provided with governmentassistance.Detaineethen begancollecting funds for Abu Qatadafrom local mosques. While detaineewas working with Abu Qatada, he becameacquaintedwith an individual named Shaibubthrough Abu Qatada. Subsequently,one day while shoppingwith Shaibub,they were arrestedand convicted of credit card fraud. Detaineeserveda nine-monthprison term in 1995or 1996. After detainee'sreleasefrom prison,he claims that he informed Abu Qatadathat he would not collect donationsfor him any longer becausehe did not want to get into trouble again. In 1999, dcreateda charity called "The Human Aid Trust".The Human Aid Trust received a temporary certificate to operatea charity from the British governmentand detaineebegan collectingfunds for this organization.Detaineehad a sidejob where he purchased,repaired, and sold used cars. Detaineewas approachedby an individual named Wahab Amin Khalil Al-Rawi (Analyst Note: Brother of Bisher Amin Khalil Al-Rawi US9IZ-000906DP(ISN 906)) to contribute to the creation of a "peanut business"basedin Africa for which the detaineewas intendedto be the operationsmanager. Detaineeacceptedthis offer and provideda contributionfor the business. d. (S/NF) Capture Information: Gambianauthoritiesarresteddetaineeand four others, ISN 906, ISN 906's brotherWahab,Abdullah Ghazi El Janoudi,and Omar Omari, at the airport in Banjul, Gambia on 8 November 2002. ISN 906 and detaineecame under suspicion at the Gatwick airport, UK, becauseof the items they had in their luggage.(Analyst Note: Initially the items appearedto be home-madetiming devices. Oncetestedall items were cleared.) Detaineeand ISN 906 were detainedbut allowed to completetheir journey to Banjul the Gambia,Africa, a few days later. In the Banjul airport, ISN 906's brother, Abdullah Ghazi El Janoudi,and Omar Omari met up with detaineeand ISN 906. A short time later at the airport, they were all detainedand interviewed (by CIA and Banjul authorities). As a result of the interview, detainee,ISN 906, and El Janoudi were arrested. Detaineeand ISN 906 were transferredto US Custody at Bagram Airbase in January2003. The whereaboutsof El Janoudi are unknown. (Analyst Note: British authorities assessedthe group to be associatedwith the prominent Al-Qaida spiritual leader,recruiter, and financier Abu Qatadaaka Sheikh Omar Abu Omar aka Omar Mohammed Othman. Specifically, detaineewas assessedto be a financier and "right-hand man" to Abu Qatada. Abu Qatada was arrestedon24 October 2002 and releasedwith certain conditions (no in-home internet accessand curfew between7pm and 7am) on 11 March 2005.
S E C R E T / / NOFORN/ / 20300515
S E C R E T / / NOFORN / / 20300515 JTF GTMO-CG SUBJECT: Update Recommendationto Transfer to the Control of Another Country for ContinuedDetention(TRCD) for GuantanamoDetainee,ISN: USJO-000905DP(S) e. (S) Transferred to JTF GTMO: 6 February2003 f. (S//NF) Reasons for Transfer to JTF GTMO: To provide information on the following: o
Bios on key personnel o Abu Qatada o Abu Hafs o Abu Asis o Abu Omar o Abu Adel o Abu Hamza o Abu Ahmed o Terrorismrelatedfacilities usedfor housing,training, storageof equipment, safe/guesthousesand/orMosques o Baker StreetMosque o Finsbury Mosque o Rentedhalls usedfor speechesand prayer in London o Intentions,capabilities,finances,and activitiesof internationalterroristelementsand intemational humanitarian organizationsto include the International Islamic Relief Organization and Human Aid Trust
5. (S/NF) DetaineeThreat: poses a. (S) Assessment: It is assessed thedetainee a MEDIUMrisk,ashemayposea threatto theUS,its interests andallies. b. (S//NF)Reasonsfor ContinuedDetention: o (S/A{F) Spanishjudicial authoritieshave chargeddetaineewith participation in a terrorist organizationand have requestedthat this detaineebe transferredto their control. o (S/A{F) Detaineeis assessed to be associatedwith the Al-Qaida Associated Movement (AQAM). o (S/A{F) Detaineeand group were captureddue to their suspectedclose links to UsamaBin Laden's (UBL) Al-Qaida network. o (S/A{F) During a searchof the detainee'sand ISN 906's residences,a significant amount of literature regardingweapons,instructions for making explosives,and a book detailing how one could hide his/her identity and "disappear" were found. (Analyst Note: ISN 906 hasbeenassessed as a memberof the Al-Qaida's global terrorist network.)
s E c R E T // NOFORN/ / 20300515 JTFGTMO-CG SUBJECT:UpdateRecommendation to Transferto the Controlof AnotherCountryfor (S) ContinuedDetention(TRCD)for Guantanamo Detainee, ISN: USJO-000905DP .
(S/AtrF)ISN 906's brother,WahabAmin Khalil Al-Rawi, who was arrested with detaineein Gambia at the airport and releasedback to England, recruited the detaineeand others to participate in a "peanut business"in Gambia about September2002. Detaineehas provided very little information on this group of contributors/investors,who made up the "peanut business." . (S/AIF) Detaineewas reportedly involved in an attempt to purchasea cargo ship in Holland for the "peanut business." Reporting statesthat Abu Qatada attemptedand was partially successfulin creating a shipping line to transport men and material to Europe for terrorist activities. (Analyst Note: There is a possibilitythat this ship was to be usedfor terrorist activitiesin supportof Abu Qatada.) o (S/AfF) Detaineepossesses a relationshipwith Al-Qaida spiritual leader, recruiter, and financier Abu Qatada. . (S/A{F) Detaineehas admittedto collectingmoney for Abu Qatadaand has evenbeenreportedas his "right-handman". (AnalystNote: As soonas Abu Qatadahad arrived in London and had applied for asylum, he startedsupporting jihad by recruiting for Al-Qaida. Abu Qatadawas considereda major figure for Al-Qaida and additionally supportedan Algerian terroristgroup calledthe Salafist Group for Call and Combat (GSPC). Abu Qatadaissuedafatwa for the GSPC called,"Killing of Children" with SheikhAbu Musab Al Suri. The fatwa allowed mujahideento kill children since there is no other way to hurt the enemy.) o (S/AIF) Detaineeis associatedwith membersof the Al Takhr Wal Hijra terrorist group.(Analyst Note: The Al Takfir Wal Hijra is a Tier 3 TerroristTarget,which is defined as groups that maintain a capability to carry out terrorist operationsagainstUS interestsbut have not yet demonstratedthe intention to do so. The Al-Takfir Wal Hijra is a transnationalmovement of severalloosely networked Islamist sectsand Tier 3 Terrorist Targets. "Takfir" is the genericnamegiven to a movementof ultra hardcoreIslamist groups within the worldwide terrorist network; adherentsare called Takfiris or Takfirists.) o (S/A{D DetaineeaskedSpain-basedIslamic extremistImad Eddin Barakat Yarkas aka Abu Dahdah to give money and economic supportto Imam Jamal Issa Mohamed Shatat(aka HuzaifaakaAbu Hammam aka Abu Ali), the Imam of the Al Rahmehmosquein Alicante, Spain (SP). Shatatand Yarkas are both affiliated with the Al Takfir Wal Hijra extremist group. Shatathas been linked to Al-Qaida cleric Abu Qatada.(Analyst Note: Yarkas was under arrestas of April 2004Ln Spain and has been linked to the extremist group known as the Al Takhr Wal Hijra.) o (S/A{F) Abu Qatadais one of the most extreme Takfiri among the jihadist movement. He published a monthly magazinecalled, "Al-Anjar" that was recruiting peoplefor jihad. o (S/AtrF)Detaineeadmittedly worked with an islamic relief organization called the Haiat Ali GhathaAl Islami Al Alamia OIRO). a Tier 1 TerroristNGO. (Analyst Note: A
5 s E c R E T // NOFORN/ I 20300515
S E C R E T //NOFORN I I 2O3OO5I5 JTF GTMO-CG SUBJECT: Update Recommendationto Transfer to the Control of Another Country for ContinuedDetention(TRCD) for GuantanamoDetainee,ISN: USJO-000905DP(S) Tier I Terrorist NGO is defined as having demonstratedsustainedand active support for terrorist organizationswilling to attack US personsor interests.) o (S/A{F) Detaineeis an admitted criminal with a long arresthistory in Jordan. His offensesinclude robbery, armed robbery, assault,gambling, and rape. o (S/AIF) Detainee'sveracity is in question. o (S/A{F) The detaineehas immediatefamily membersresidingin the US. c. (S) Detainee's Gonduct: Detaineeis a MODERATE-LOW threatfrom a detention perspective.Detainee'soverall behaviorhasbeencompliant. Detainee'sReportof Disciplinary Infractionsshowshe was only disciplinedonce in Aug 03,detaineeis relatively passivein his actions, and has causedlittle problems for the guard force or the staff.
6. (S//NF)DetaineeIntelligenceValueAssessment: a. (S//NF)Assessment: JTFGTMOdetermined thisdetainee is of MEDIUM intelligencevalue. o Detaineecan provide banking information and Europeanassociatesof Abu Qatada. Due to detainee'saffiliation to Abu Qatada,it is probablethat detaineecan provide information regardingthe Europeansupport network for Al-Qaida and the Al Takfir Wal Hijra organizationsas well as information on the suspicious"peanutbusiness"and cargo ship endeavors,which were possiblya front for concealingterrorist supportactivities.
b. (S)Areasof PotentialExploitation: .
Al-Qaida,Al TakfirWalHijra,andIslamicextremist supportnetwork o Personalities . Abu Qatada o Businessesand front companiesfunding extremist networks o Islamic Extremistsympathizers Charities and NGO's that support extremist networks o Haiat Ali GhathaAl Islami Al Alamia (IIRO) . AssociatedNGO RabitatAlalam Al Islami Planned"Peanut Business" and cargo ship o Possiblefront company used to support extremist networks o Abu Qatadainvolvement o Individualsinvolved o Associatedcompanies o Holland basedship producer o Statistical information on the ship
S E C R E T / /NOFORN// 2O3OO5I5 JTFGTMO-CG SUBJECT:UpdateRecommendation to Transferto the Controlof AnotherCountryfor (S) Detainee, ISN: USJO-000905DP ContinuedDetention(TRCD)for Guantanamo o
o o
Abu Qatada o Attempts in creating a shipping line to transportmen and materials in support of terrorist activities o Associates o Affiliatedorganizations o Support operations Processto obtain forged passports Bank accountsdetaineepossessedand the purposefor each o "Human Aid Trust" o Collectionfor mosquefunds London basedmosquespossiblyaffrliatedwith funding extremistorganizations o Baker StreetMosque o RegentsPark Mosque o Social Information Institution o Wombly Mosque o HendonMosque o FinsburyPark Mosque US relations
7. (S) EC Status: Detainee'senemy combatantstatuswas reassessed on 2 October2004, and he remains an enemy combatant.
x-L.h / lt"+wHooD \-/
BrigadierGeneral.USA Commandins
S E C R E T / / NOF'ORN/ / 20300515