Mullan Haji Rohullah

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MEMORANDUMFORCommander, UnitedStatesSouthemCommand, 3511NW 9lstAvenue, MiamiF , L 33 1 7 2 . SUBJECT:UpdateRecommendation to Retainin DoD Control(DoD)for Guantanamo (S) ISN:US9AF-000798DP Detainee,

JTF GTMODetaineeAssessment 1. (FOUO)PersonalInformation: o JDIMSAIDRC ReferenceName: Mullan Haji Rohullah o Aliases and Current/TrueName: Haji Sahib Rohullah Wakil. Haji Mohammed Wakil Rohullah. Sheik Rohullah o Placeof Birth: Nanealam.Konar Province.Afehanistan(AF)

o Dateof Birth: I January1962 o Citizenship:Afghanistan o IntemmentSerialNumber(ISN): US9AF-000798DP 2. (FOUO) Health: Detaineeis in goodhealthandhasno knowndrug allergies. He takes medicationfor heartburn.He hasno travelrestrictions. 3. (S//NF)JTF GTMO Assessment: a. (S) Recommendation: JTFGTMO recommends this detainee be Retainedin DoD Control(DoD). b. (S//NF)Summary: JTFGTMO previouslyassessed detainee asRetainin DoD on 3 January2003. Forthisupdaterecommendation, detainee is assessed asa supporter of Al Qaidaandit's globalterroristnetwork. Detaineeis an importantpoliticianwho usedhis influenceto gain wealthandpower. He is from the Wahhabitribe in KonarProvinceandhasvery close CLASSIFIED BY: MULTIPLE SOURCES REASON: E.O. 12958SECTION 1.5(C) DECLASSIFY ON: 20300617

S E C R E T // NOFORN I I 203O0617

S E C R E T // NOFORN I / 2O300617 JTF GTMO-CG SUBJECT: Update Recommendationto Retain in DoD Control (DoD) for Guantanamo Detainee,ISN: US9AF-000798DP(S) associationswith Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. He has assistedArabs associatedwith AlQaida to infiltrate/exfiltrate from Pakistanand Afghanistan. Even though detaineehas stated he supportedthe interim Afghanistan government,he was in fact working to destabilizethe administration. When detainee'suncle was assassinated, due to his anti-Arab sentiments, detaineeassumedhead of the Jamaatal Dawat w'al Qu'ran wa Sunna(JDQ), an Islamic extremist faction basedin Konar Province. There are rumors detaineehad engineeredthe assassination of his uncle. Additionally,in2002 he was linked to plots to kill leaderswithin the interim Afghanistan government. He was in a strugglebetweenHezb-I-Gulbuddin (HIG) elementsand the Afghan Transitional Administration (ATA) for control of Konar Province prior to being captured. It is assessed this detaineeis a HIGH risk, as he is likely to posea threatto the US, its interestsand allies. [Additional information available in a SCI supplementl 4. (S//NF) Detainee Background Summar!: Unlessotherwisenoted,the following paragraphsare basedsolely on the detainee'sstatements. a. (S) Prior History: Detaineeis a 45-year-oldAfghan citizen. He residedin SadiqadabadVillage, Bahjawar, Pakistan(PK), prior to captureand also owned a compound in Asadabad,PK. He has one brother, Saifullah, who is currently in Medina, Saudi Arabia (SA), studyingfor his master'sdegreeto becomea judge. Detainee'suncle,Jamil Rahman, was a famouscommanderagainstthe Sovietsand the headof JDQ. Detaineesaid Usama Bin Laden (UBL) and HIG leader,HekmatyarGulbuddin,killed his uncle twelve yearsago becausehe opposedtheir ideology. They sentan Egyptian,Abdullah Rumi, to shoothis uncle. Rumi was subsequentlycapturedand revealedthe plot. Detaineebecamethe representativefor his tribe after his uncle's death. Detaineefled Konar when the Taliban took over Kabul, AF, in 1996. Detaineehad beena dealerin preciousstonesfor the past twenty-two years. He dealt with uncut stonesonly. He sold the stonesat Namkmandi, PK, the centerfor preciousstonebusinessin Pakistan. His yearly profit rangefrom USD $50,000 to $100,000. (Analyst note: Hezbi-e-IslamiGulbuddin (HIG) and Jamaatal Dawat w'al Qu'ran wa Sunna(JDQ) were rival groups in Konar Province after the Soviets left.) b. (S) Recruitment and Travel: Detaineetraveledto SaudiArabia eight times from 1958to 2000; four times on Haj and four times on the reduced"Omra Haj." He traveledto the United Arab Emirates (UAE) ten times from 1996to 2002. Detaineewent to Cyprus three times in 1999to attend international conferencesorganizedby influential expatriate Afghans to muster resistanceto the Taliban regime. The conferenceshad delegationsfrom Afghanistan, Russia,Egypt, Iran, the United States,and the United Nations. c. (S) Training and Activities: Detaineefought in jihad againstthe Sovietsfor two months. He also fought againstTaliban and Al-Qaida, including at Tora Bora. Detainee 1 L

S E C R E T //NOFORN I I 20300617

S E C R E T / /NOFORN I I 2O3OO617 JTF GTMO-CG SUBJECT: Update Recommendationto Retain in DoD Control (DoD) for Guantanamo Detainee,ISN: US9AF-000798DP(S) claims he fought the Taliban for four years. After Northern Alliance leader Masoud's assassination,the anti-Taliban forces were thrown into a stateof flux. Detaineetried to go to Dubai, UAE, by travelingthrough Tajikistan,but Tajikistanwould not give him a visa. Detaineeclaimed he met with British and US forces in Peshawar,PK, approximately one or two monthsafter I I September2001. Hyatt Ullah allegedlyintroduceddetaineeto a representativefrom the United Kingdom. Detaineeclaims he and this representativemet approximately three or four times. Detaineetold the representativethe Afghani forces were ready to fight againstthe Taliban. Detaineestatedthat he was provided cashand cellular telephones.Other than a first name there is no additional information about this allegedUK representative. d. (S) Capture Information: US forcesapprehendeddetaineeon 21 August 2002 in Asadabad,Konar, AF. He was capturedwith twelve associates,including Taliban Border GuardsCommander,SaberLal, US9AF-000801DP(ISN 801). Detaineeclaims,ISN 801 and others were going to meet with Americans. The statedreasonfor the meeting was to get the American'spermissionto convenethe tribal eldersto questionthem aboutwho was conductingrocket attacksagainstCoalition Forces. The following individualswere identified as being at the meeting:ISN 801, Abdul Quayyem(detainee'sassistant), Mohammed Khan (detainee'sdriver for ten years) and CommanderOsman (border patrol commanderin Nuristan). As detaineeleft the meeting, American forces capturedhim. Detaineestatedhe had no knowledge as to why he was arrested. Detainee statedhe supportedthe British and the US governmentin their fight againstthe Taliban. e. (S) Transferred to JTF GTMO: 7 September2002 t. (S//NF) Reasons for Transfer to JTF GTMO: To provide informationon the following: o Various non-governmentaland other govemment organizationsto include contacts, locations and bank accounts . Loya Jirga;Jamiatal-Dawaur Qur'an (JDQ) o Charity named Human Aid Trust in the United Kingdom (UK) o Abul Adel, Abu Harith, Abd al Quayyum, and Mohammed Hussien o Detaineetraveled to London, Pakistan,Cyprus, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, and United Arab Emirates.He traveled with Abu Quatadato the UK and may know more about Quatada'sactivitiesin the UK and elsewhere. o Individuals within pro-U.S. organizationsthat hold anti-American sentiments o Corruption within the Pakistani Inter-ServicesIntelligence Directorate (ISID) and its supportto the Al-Qaida network

3 S E C R E T // NOFORN I I 2O3O0617

S E C R E T //NOFORN I I 2O3O0617 JTF GTMO-CG SUBJECT: Update Recommendationto Retain in DoD Control (DoD) for Guantanamo Detainee,ISN: US9AF-000798DP(S) o . . o o .

ISID's supportof terrorist groupsin funding and or weapons Drug trafficking within Afghanistan Drug transfersbetweenother aforementionedgroups with others Recruitmentprocessof aforementionedgroups within universities and mosques Legal and illegitimate financial transactionsor ties of aforementionedgroups Al-Qaida support network for Arabs currently in Afghanistan and Pakistan

5. (S//NF)DetaineeThreat: a. (S) Assessment: It is assessed thedetainee poses a HIGHrisk,asheis likelyto posea threatto theUS,its interests andallies. b. (S//NF)Reasonsfor ContinuedDetention: o (S/AIF) Detaineeis assessed to haveprovidedoperationalsupportto Al-Qaida by providing safe-harborto Arabs fleeing Tora Bora, AF. This support included facilitating and providing security to Arab extremistsand Al-Qaida to clandestinelyenter and exit Afghanistan. o (S/AIF) In late December2001,small groupsof Arabs escapedfrom the Tora Bora areaand were initially resettledin the Konar Province village of Marah Warrah. As of mid-February2002,a group of almost40 Arabs were resettledin various houseswith Afghans in a valley approximately16 kilometerswest of the city of Asadabad. o (S/AID The Arabs were resettledwith the assistanceof detaineeand Maulawi Abdul Rahim Koresh. Detaineeprovided funds and material assistanceto Koresh and paid to have a radio antennainstalled in the valley to facilitate the Arabs communications. o (S/A{F) According to information availableto UIFSA Forces,detaineewas one of threekey anti-Talibanleaderswho were assistingAl-Qaida membersto escape Afghanistanduring December200I. ' (S/A{F) Detaineetold all other key easternzone leadershe wanted all captured Saudi Al-Qaida fighters turned over to his control in order to facilitate their escape,as Saudi fighters were worth a lot of money. Detaineecoordinatedtheir escapethrough Konar. o (S/A{F) Detaineewas responsiblefor membersof the HIG to have accessto a cache of light and heavy weaponsin the KamdeshDistrict area. HIG memberswere planning to attachtime-detonatedmagnetic mines to vehicles of local governmentofficials, United Nations officials and US/CoalitionForces.

4 S E C R E T // NOFORN I I 20300617

s E c R E T // NOFORN I I 20300617 JTFGTMO-CG to Retainin DoD Control(DoD) for Guantanamo SUBJECT:UpdateRecommendation (S) Detainee, ISN:US9AF-000798DP o The goal of this activity was to heighten anti-Afghan Interim Administration (AIA) activity and increasethe perceptionthat the new govemment was not providing a safe and secureenvironment. (Analyst note: It has beenreporteddetaineeis an adversaryof HIG, however, it appearshe is not above coordinating his and the HIG's efforts in attemptsto underminethe ATA.) o (S/AIF) Reporting indicatesdetaineeworked in conjunction with Pakistani Intelligence-ServiceDirectorate (ISID) to undermine the cuffent Afghanistan govemment under Karzai. (Analyst Note: Rogue factions of the ISID have routinely pursuedprivate interestsand acted againstthe statedpolicy of the Govemment of Pakistan). o (S/A{F) In January2002,ISID financed the efforts of severalfactions in Konar Province,AF in order to destabilizethe AIA. ISID reportedlycalledfor a meeting, detaineealong with Malik (Zirin) (NFI) attendedfrom Afghanistan. In March 2002, the ISID reportedlyprovided detaineewith $12,000to financemilitary operations againstthe AIA in hopesof destabilizing the new govemment and disrupting the Loya Jirga. o (S) MohamedouOuld Slahi,US9MR-000760DP(ISN 760), providedinsight into the backgroundof detainee. . (S) According to ISN 760,the Arabs in the camp hatethe detainee.He did not communicatewith other detaineesand other detaineesdid not communicate with him. Other detaineesbelieved Rohullah to have beenworking with the Americans when the raid camethrough Afghanistan. The Americans captured detaineeafter he helped them becausethey thought he had betrayedthem. . (S) ISN 760 explaineddetainee'sside of the story. DetaineespeaksArabic very well and was apart of the JDQ. In Afghanistan in 1992,the head of the group was working with Saudi Arabia and was killed by Egyptians in a suicide operation. Detaineewas the next highest official and thus took chargeof the group. He was involved with the transfer of money between Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). When the Taliban cameto govern, they did not give the group a seatwithin the government.The group choseto stay in Peshawar, PK, and formed a relief-type organizationknown as Salafi Kuh (pure salafi in English). Since the group hatedthe Taliban and Al-Qaida, they startedto work with the Americansandjoined the Northern Alliance. Detaineetold ISN 760he actedas a middleman with the Arabs in Tora Bora. (Analyst note: The last statementwhere detaineedescribeshimself, as a "middle man" in Tora Bora is intentionally vague. There was a considerableamount of Arabs trafficking through the Tora Bora areato get into Pakistanafter the Taliban fell. Detainee, along with ISN 801, controlled the Konar province/Pakistanborder areaand probablynegotiatedthe exodusof Arabs out of Tora Bora into Pakistan,possibly with the help of ISID, for a price.)


S E C R E T //NOFORN I I 20300617

S E C R E T //NOFORN / I 2O3O0617 JTFGTMO-CG SUBJECT:UpdateRecommendation to Retainin DoD Control(DoD) for Guantanamo (S) Detainee, ISN:US9AF-000798DP o (S/AIF) Detaineehad atremendousnegative impact on the people of the Konar Province. o (S/AfF) In mid-September2002, supportersof the detaineeheld a meeting at the RegimentalHQs in Pironi, Konar Province,AF, to plan attacksagainstUS personsin Afghanistan. The meeting focused on two new tactics: The captureof US personsto hold as hostagesfor use in barteringwith the US for Rohullah'srelease,and the use of suicidemissionsagainstUS persons. o (S) Detaineewas electedto be the Konar representativeto the Loya Jirga in 2002. The Loya Jirga is a council of Afghan politiciansrepresentative of different provinces similar to our congress. o (S/AIF) Eldersfrom the villagesof the PechValley, Konar Provincerebuffed efforts by Wazir MohammadSadiq,a memberof detainee'sinner circle, to convenea meetingto protestdetainee'sarrest. In a hand-writtennote circulatedin the Pech valley, Sadiqcalledfor a meetingto take place at detainee'sfort, numbertwelve, in the village of ChupaDara (unlocated),PechValley. During a meetingof valley elderson27 August 2002 in Pechvillage, they statedthey had decidedagainst meeting with Sadiq and he should understandtheir refusal was a statementin support of the US forces. o (S/A{F) In a threat assessmenton Afghanistan, it was reported,"the arrestof Konar Valley RegionalcommandersHaji Rohullah(detainee)and SabrLal, (ISN 801), was a positive step." Both were defiant,and out for financial gain and selfaggrandizementat the expenseof their own region and that of the ATA. o (S/A{F) In late August 2002, village eldersand district governmentofficials in Konar Provinceexpressedgreatsatisfactionover the arrestofdetaineeand ISN 801. Most residentsdescribeddetaineeand his militia as highwaymenand thieveswho extortedmoney and provisionsfrom provincial villagers. o (S/A{F) According to a sourcewith good accessbut of undeterminedreliability, a group of approximately 50 studentsof the Ali Hadis madrassalocated in the Pakistani village of Taoda or Taoda Y:hazana(NFI), was reportedly taskedto launch attacks againsta US baselocated at about eight kilometers from the town of Asadabad, Konar Province. This group was allegedly also taskedto captureone or more foreigners (NFI) in order to obtain the liberation of detaineewhose father Maulawi Hussayn,had establishedthe Ali Hadis madrassa. o An Afghan governmentservice also reportedplans to kidnap or attack US personnelin Asadabadwho were to be offered in exchangefor former Taliban official, Haji Rohullah(detainee).(Analyst note: This indicatesdetaineehas a wide sphereof influence with influential individuals within the Konar Province and if released,may have a major negative impact on the current Afghan Govemment with Konar Province. It also underscoresthat the supportersand associatesof detaineeare clearly part of the Anti-Coalition Movement within Afghanistan.)

6 S E C R E T //NOFORN I I 2O300617

s E c R E T // NOFORN I I 20300617 JTF GTMO-CG SUBJECT: Update Recommendationto Retain in DoD Control (DoD) for Guantanamo Detainee,ISN: US9AF-000798DP(S) . (S) According to a reliable source,detaineeconducteda campaignto destroypoppies but actually received great profits from selling the poppies and never distributed the funds to the people. o (S) Detaineemet with his British contact,the British ambassadorin Afghanistan, and a personfrom British customs. The British wantedthe help of detainee,Hazrat Ali and Zamenin the poppy eradicationcampaign. Detainee,Ali, and Zamenwere supposedto make the farmers in their areasto stop growing poppy. The British proposeda one-timepaymentof $250 USD per acre. Therewas a slight disagreementbecausethe British had offeredthe farmersin HelmandProvince$100 USD more. o (S) Detaineestatedhe receiveda total of $500,000USD out of approximately $6,000,000USD his British contactgave Wali Ullah, a closeassociateof detainee. Out of the $6,000,000USD, $3,500,000USD was distributedto the tribal leaders. Detaineeadvisedhe only receivedmoney from his British contact in support of the anti-Taliban,anti-Al-Qaidaoperationsand the drug eradication. (Analyst note: The profits of drug trafficking are a large contributor to support insurgent operations. It appearsdetaineewas not only receivingmoney from sellingpoppieswhen he claimed he was prohibiting them from being grown in Konar Province, but he was also receivingfinancial aid from the British.) o (S/AIF) There has been inaccuratereporting involving rocket attacksagainst US/CoalitionForcesattributedto detainee. o (S/AIF) There has been reporting concerningdetaineeand his involvement with the HIG and variousrocket attacksagainstUS/CoalitionForcesin Konar Province. Thesereportsmention a Rohullahbut it hasbeenassessed not to be the detainee.On 6 September2003,GulbuddinHekmatyarwas locatedat detainee'shousenearAsmar in Konar Province. Also, a rocket attackagainstUS/CoalitionForcesin September was attributed to be under the command of Rohullah. Both of theseeventsoccurred during September2003. Sincedetainee'scapturedatewas 21 August 2002,he could not be responsiblefor theseattacks. c. (S//NF) Detainee's Gonduct: Detaineeassessed to be a LOW threatfrom a detention standpoint.Detainee'soverall behaviorpatternhasbeenof compliance. Detaineehasnot beennoted assaultinga guard in his entire time in Camp Delta. Detainee's Report of (instigatinga disturbance)and 02116105.. Disciplinary Infractionsare from 08119103

6. (S/NF)DetaineeIntelligenceValueAssessment: a. (S) Assessment: JTFGTMOdetermined thisdetainee is of HIGHintelligence value.


S E C R E T // NOFORN I I 20300617

S E C R E T //NOFORN I I 203O0617 JTF GTMO-CG SUBJECT: Update Recommendationto Retain in DoD Control (DoD) for Guantanamo Detainee,ISN: US9AF-000798DP(S) . (S) This detaineewas involved in all aspectsof Afghan governmentin the Konar Province prior to his capture. He also facilitated Arab safepassageinto and out of Afghanistan and Pakistan. He was the leader of the JDQ, a member of the Loya Jirga, and had dealingswith the United Kingdom and the Pakistani ISID. He supposedlywas in support of the Afghan Interim Administration but was really conducting operationsthat underminedthe transition process. He should have a tremendousamount of information regarding all facets of Afghanistan's politics along with its intertwined associationto Pakistan.

b. (S//NF)Areasof PotentialExploitation: o o o o o o o

Detainee'sinformationon the JDQ Detainee'srelationswith ISID Detainee'sassociationwith madrassas Al-Qaida support Weaponscaches Detainee's internationaltravel Use of drug trafficking monies to support insurgent operations

7. (S) EC Status: Detainee'senemy combatantstatuswas reassessed on I December2004, and he remains an enemy combatant.

y"L,rJ.L 1





/ / JAYw. HooD


BrigadierGeneral,USA Commanding

8 S E C R E T // NOFORN I I 20300617

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