2r Apil2007
MEMORANDUM FOR Commander,United StatesSouthemCommand,3511 NW 91stAvenue, M i a m i .F L 3 3 1 7 2 SUBJECT: Recommendationfor ContinuedDetentionUnder DoD Control (CD) for GuantanamoDetainee,ISN US9SA-000185DP(S)
JTF-GTMO DetaineeAssessment 1. (S/NF) Personal Information: o o o o o o
JDIMSA{DRC ReferenceName: Turki Mish'awi Za'id ALi-Amri Aliases and Current/TrueName: Turki Mash Awi Zayid al-Asiri. Mutasim al-Mecci Placeof Birth: Tabuk. SaudiArabia (SA) Date of Birth: 8 March 1975 Citizenship: SaudiArabia InternmentSerialNumber (ISN): US9SA-000185DP
2. (U//FOUO) Health: Detaineeis in good health. 3. (S/NF) JTF-GTMO Assessment: ^. (S) Recommendation: JTF-GTMO recommendsthis detaineefor ContinuedDetention Under DoD Control (CD). JTF-GTMO previously assessed detaineeas ContinuedDetention Under DoD Control (CD) on 20 March 2006. b. (S/NF) Executive Summary: Detaineeis assessed to be a memberof al-Qaidawho traveled to Afghanistan (AF) to participate in jihad. Detaineestayedat al-Qaida facilities, receivedtraining at an al-Qaida camp, and servedunder al-Qaida leadershipin Tora Bora, AF. Detainee'spocket litter links him to significantAnti-Coalition Militia (ACM) personnel and groups. JTF-GTMO determinedthis detaineeto be:
S E C R E T // NOFORN/ I 20320421
S E C RE T //NOFORN I I 20320421 JTF-GTMO-CDR for ContinuedDetentionUnderDoD Control(CD) for SUBJECT:Recommendation (S) Detainee, ISN US9SA-000185DP Guantanamo o o o
A HIGH risk, as he is likely to pose a threatto the US, its interestsand allies. A HIGH threat from a detentionperspective. Of MEDIUM intelligencevalue.
c. (U) Summary of Changes: The following outlineschangesto detainee'sassessment will be annotatedby sincethe last JTF-GTMO recommendation.(Changesin this assessment ) next to the footnote.) o (S/A{F) Detainee'sintelligencevalue was elevatedfrom LOW to MEDIUM. After further evaluation of available information on detainee,it is assesseddetaineehas more informationwhich hasnot beenexploitedabouthis activities,al-Qaida,and extremist training. Many of the telephonenumbersin his pocket litter have been associatedwith multiple ACM personnel,indicatinghe may have played a greaterrole in militant activitiesthan previously assessed. o (S/A{F) Noted that pocket litter had been translated. Previous assessmentnoted that RFIs had been submitted for translation. 4. (U) Detainee'sAccount of Events: The following section is based,unless otherwise indicated, on detainee'sown account. These statementsare included without consideration of veracity, accuracy, or reliability. a. (S/NF) Prior History: Sometimebetween1996and 1998,detaineebeganreligious studiesat the Imam MuhammadBin Sa'ud Islamic University in Riyadh, SA.' Between 1998and 2000, detaineeleft the university and worked as a book distributorfor a bookstore in Riyadh until the spring of 2001.2 b. (S/NF) Recruitment and Travel: ln May 2001,detaineetraveledthroughthe United Arab Emirates (AE) and Karachi, Pakistan(PK) to Quetta,PK, in answerto afatwa (religious ruling) issuedby Shaykh Hamu^dBin Uqla al-Shuaibi calling on every Muslim to perform missionary work in Afghanistan.' While in Karachi, detaineemet three Arab t 000t8sKB 0I-FEB-2002,000185INITIAL SCREENNG01-JAN-2002, AnalystNote: Theinitialscreening sheet is mistakenlydatedI January2001. As detaineewastransferredto JTF-GTMOin February2002,the actual screeningdatewasprobably1 January2002. Detaineestatedhe left schoolthreeyearsprior to the interview,thus yearsfor schoolattendance the approximate arebasedoff of a 2002datefor the screening.ImamMuhammadBin Sa'udIslamicUniversityhasbeenlinkedto exffemistactivitiesandpersonnel.SeeTD-314139920-03, TRRS04 11 - 00599- 03-AUG-2003 Nouakchott Embassy ^0370, " OOOI 85 INITIAL SCREENINGOI -JAN-2002 t ro4utoozg6-02, 000185sIR 08-MAR-2002,000185 MFR 15-AUG-2002, AnalystNote: A variantof Shaykh HamudBin Uqla al-Shuaibiis SheikhHamudAlaugua. ShaykhHamudBin Uqla al-Shuaibiis deceased.Al.| a
S E C RE T // NOFORN/ I 2032042I
s E c R E T // NOFORN I I 2032042r JTF-GTMO-CDR SUBJECT: Recommendationfor Continued Detention Under DoD Control (CD) for GuantanamoDetainee,ISN US9SA-000185DP(S) membersof Jama'at Tablighi (JT),4 Sufyan al-Hadrami, Abu Layth, and Abu Hija aka (Faysal al-Dosari), who detaineelater met again at the al-Qaida sponsoredal-Faruq Training Camp. Detaineetraveled throughout Pakistanteachingthe Koran to children and a few adults at Hyderabad,Safar, and Baqar, PK. In late July 200I, detaineetraveled to Kandahar, AF, to attendjihadist training at al-Faruq.' c. (S/NF) -Training and Activities: In Kandahar,detaineestayedin an unidentified guesthouse.'While in the guesthouse, detaineeturnedover his passport,money, and personalbelongingsand was assignedthe number uI69," with instructionsto usethe number when he wantedhis propertyreturned.' Around the beginningof August 2001,nearthe end of his stay at the guesthouse,detaineetraveled to al-Faruq with the three JT membershe had previouslymet in Pakistan. At al-Faruq,detaineereceivedphysical fitnesstraining, as well as training on the AK-47 assaultrifle and Makarov pistol. As a result of asthmaproblems, detaineedepartedtraining in approximately early September2001, and traveled to Jalalabad, AF, for treatment. Detaineeremained at the hospital in Jalalabadfor three weeks (during which the eventsof 11 September2001 occurred)beforebeing releasedin early October 200i. Upon releasefrom the hospital,detaineetraveledto a safehousein Jalalabadwherehe stayedfor approximately one and a half months.8 Around mid-November 2001,edetainee retreatedto the surroundingmountains. Coincidentally, detaineemet up once again with the three JT memberswho were hiding in the mountains with JohanAlmeni.lo 5. (U) Capture Information:
Shuaibi issuedfatawa which justified the l l September2001 attackson the US and askedMuslims to defend their Taliban brethren. a Analyst Note: JT is a Priority 2A Terrorist Support Entity (TSE). Priority 2A TSEs have demonstratedintent and willingness to provide frnancial support to terrorist organizationswilling to attack US personsor interests,or provide witting operational support to Priority 2,A,terrorist groups. 5 oootg5 302 29-APR-2003;IIR 6 034 097603, paragraph2.b; IIR 6 034 1 143 }3;Analyst note: A variant ofSufyan is Sohan. A variant of Lavth is Lvth. Variants of Favsal are Faisel and Faisal. A variant of Dosari is Dosarv. u IIR 6 034 og76o:. paragiaph2.b'
' I I R 6 0 3 +o t 4 2 0 2 8IIR 6 034097603,paragraph 2.b;IIR 6 034ll43 03;TD-314100296-02
' Analyst Note: Jalalabadfell to coalition forces on 14 November 2001. to tn-3 t +/397 18-02,Analyst Note: JohanAlmeni is assessedto be Abu Ayoub al-Emarati aka (Abu Juhaina),an alFaruq trainer and commander of Arab and Afghan troops in the Tora Bora mountain region in late 2001. Abu Juheinaand detainee'sthree JT associateswere all probably killed at Tora Bora. Abu Haija'a Faisal al-Dousari in this TD is assessedto be detainee'scompanion Abu Hija aka (Faysal al-Dosari). Detainee's companion Abu Layth is possibly Abu al-Laith al-Najdi Adel al-Qaseer,whose name follows Dousari on the list. Sufyan al-Hadrami is possibly Abu Sufyan al-Jazraw| whose name follows al-Qaseeron the list. Abu Juhainamay be Juhaina Saba'e alLevl. whose name is two below al-Jazrawion the list.
S E C R E T // NOFORNI I 20320421
S E C RE T //NOFORN I I 2032042I JTF-GTMO-CDR SUBJECT: Recommendationfor Continued Detention Under DoD Control (CD) for GuantanamoDetainee,ISN US9SA-000185DP(S) ^. (S/A{F) Detainee fled Afghanistan with a group of al-Qaida and Taliban fighters led by UBl-appointed military commanderin Tora Bora, AF, Ali Muhammad Abdul Aziz al-Faldti aka (Ibn al-Shaykhal-Libi), ISN US9LY-000212DP(LY-212). The group crossedthe Afghanistan-Pakistan border in the Nangarharregion on approximately14 December2001. The group felt safe in the hands of their Pakistani host, who convinced them to surrender their weapons. The host then gatheredthe group in a mosquewhere Pakistani forces immediately arrestedthem. During transit to prison, one of the prisonersattackeda guard, leadingto a strugglein which six Pakistaniguardswere killed and someprisonersescaped.ll Pakistani authorities.recaptureddetaineetransferredhim from Kohat, PK, to US custody on 31 December2001.'' b. (S) Property Held: o 500 SaudiArabian riyals (SAR) o Miscellaneousitems, including an addressbook with phone numbers (translated), notebook paper with Arabic writing (translated),and a piece of paper with Arabic writing (translated) c. (S) Transferred to JTF-GTMO:
17 January2002
d. (S//NF) Reasonsfor Transfer to JTF-GTMO: following: o o o
To provide information on the
Pakistani and Afghan travel routes Malek Haled al-Askari (King Haled) military district Imam Muhammad Bin Sa'ud Islamic Universitv in Rivadh
to be a partial 6. (S/NF) Evaluation of Detainee'sAccount: Detainee'stimeline is assessed cover story. He failed to provide information on his activitiesbetweenMay and July 2001. Detaineeadmitted training at al-Faruq,but he denied completion of training due to alleged asthma. Detaineealso failed to provide information on his activities immediately following the 11 September2001 attacks. Detaineehas withheld information concemingsignificantextremist links, which are indicated by his pocket litter. It is assesseddetainee,in an effort to protect himself and others,only divulged the nanies and actions of his three associateskilled at Tora Bora (Sufyan al-Hadrami, Abu Layth, and Abu Hrja). Yasin Muhammad Salih Mazeeb Basardah,ISN US9YM-000252DP (YM-252), stateddetaineehad extensivemedical training, "
IIR 7 739 3396 02, Analyst Note: Detainee is on list as Turki al-Asiri; Withdrawal from Tora Bora Analysis; Analyst Note: In TD-314114605-04,LY-212describedTora Bora and the egressroute. .^ " -02 paragraph3.D.(6) TD-3 14100845
4 S E C R E T / / NOFORN I I 20320421
s E c RE T / / NOFORN I I 2032042r JTF-GTMO-CDR SUBJECT: Recommendationfor Continued Detention Under DoD Control (CD) for GuantanamoDetainee,ISN US9SA-000185DP(S) and believeddetaineemight in fact be a doctor;however,detaineetold YM-252 he did not want anyoneto know of detainee'seducationor skills, and detaineehasneverhimself mentioned receivingany medicaltraining.l3 7. (U) Detainee Threat: to be a HIGH risk, as he is likely to posea threat a. (S) Assessment: Detaineeis assessed to the US, its interestsand allies. to be a memberof alb. (S//NF) Reasonsfor Continued Detention: Detaineeis assessed training camp and transitedthrough who admitted to attending an al-Qaida supported Qaida known al-Qaidaguesthouses beforeoccupyingal-Qaidapositionsin Tora Bora. Detainee admitted to associationswith the JT and his pocket litter containedseveraltelephone numbers linked to ACM-related individuals and groups. o (S/AIF) Reportingidentified detaineeas a memberof al-Qaida(NFI).ta Detainee received training at the al-Qaida sponsoredal-Faruq Training Camp and stayedat alQaida affi liated guesthouses. o (S/AIF) In late July 2001, detaineeprobablyresidedwith al-Hadrami,Abu Layth, and Abu Hija at the Hajji Habashaka (al-Ansar)guesthouse.'tIn August 2001, after approximately one week at the guesthouse,detainee,al-Hadrami, Abu Layth, Abu Hija and approximately 30 additional men (20 Arabs and 10 others) traveled by bus to the al-FaruqTraining Camp.16 . (S/AIF) Detaineereceived small arms and physical training at al-Fa1gQ.17 DetaineestatedAbu Juheinaal-Yemeniwas the lead trainer at al-Faruq.'o . (S/A{F) Detainee statedhe left training early and traveled to Jalalabad seekingmedical attention for his allegedrecurring asthmaattacks.le (Analyst Note: Leaving training early for medical reasonsis a common cover story among many detainees. Detainee's medical history indicatesno known asthma conditions. This is a strongindicationthe story is false. Detainee'sactual timeline from al-Faruq through Jalalabadto Tora Bora parallels Abu Juheina's " 000252FM40 05-JAN-2005(Parttwo of two) ' o.tD 3 t qI27689-02,paragraphEE "IIR6 034097603,paragraph2.b;001457 In000185SIR08-MAR-2002, SIR20-OCT-2004;AnalystNote: detaineestatedthe guesthouse wasacrossthe streetfrom the ArabicLanguageInstituteof Kandahar,confirmingthis guesthouse. is Hajji Habash the .'oIIR 6 034097603,paragraph 2.b " IIR 6 034097603,paragraph 2.b;TD-314-00296-02,000185 SIR08-MAR-2002 tt 000185INITIAL ScREENING01-JAN-2002, IIR 6 034or42 02,IIR 6 034 1r4303 tt 0018530229-ApR-2003. 000185sIR 08-MAR-2002
5 S E C R E T // NOFORNI / 20320421
S E C R E T // NOFORN I / 2032042I JTF-GTMO-CDR for ContinuedDetentionUnderDoD Control(CD) for SUBJECT:Recommendation (S) ISN US9SA-000185DP Detainee, Guantanamo
movementsas al-Qaida membersabandonedal-Faruq and attemptedto flee Afghanistanafter the 11 September2001attackson the US.) o (S/A{F) Detaineeadmitted handing over his money and belongings while staying at the guesthousein Kandahar,stating he was given the number "169" to cite if he wanted to have his property returned.2oDetainee said the guesthousewas located acrossthe streetfrom the Arabic LanguageInstitute.2l The institute was operatedby senioral-Qaidamemberand religious advisorto llBL, Mahfouz Ould al-Walid aka (Abu Hafs al-Mauritani;.22lenalyst Note: It is assessed the guesthousewhere detaineestayedwas the Hajji HabashGuesthouse,acknowledgedby other detainees as being located acrossthe streetfrom the Arabic LanguageInstitute aka the (Islamic Institute). This guesthousewas used as a stopping and preparationpoint for trainees coming or going to the al-Faruq and Abu Obeida aka (Tarnak Farm) training camps.) . (S/Alrf; A variant of detainee'sname was found on documentsrecovered during joint raids conductedwith the Pakistani Inter-ServicesIntelligence Directorate(ISID) againstal-Qaidaassociatedsafehousesin Karachi,PK, in September2}02,and in Rawalpindi, PK, in March 2003.23The raids yielded information about detainee'ssafety deposit box, which containeda passportand a bank card. Detainee'sbox numberwas 357-6169,which containsthe number uI69" that detaineewas given as the numberto cite if he wantedto retrievehis belongings. (Analyst Note: Such lists are indicativeof an individual's residence within al-Qaida, Taliban, and other extremist guesthouses,often for the purpose of training or coordination prior to travel to the front lines or abroad. Safety depositboxes,also referredto as safetyboxesor trust accounts,were simple storagecompartmentssuch as envelopesor folders guesthouseadministrators usedto securean individual's personalvaluables,suchas passportsand plane tickets. Theseitems were entrustedto the guesthouseuntil completion of training or other activity.) (S/A{F) It is assessed detaineeparticipatedin hostilitiesin Tora Bora. o (S/AfD Detaineeclaimed after leaving Jalalabad,he hid with al-Hadrami, Abu Layth, Abu Hija, and Abu Juheinaal-Yemeni, in a group of approximately 100 Arabs and Afghans in the Tora Bora mountains. Detainee statedhe spentthree days hiding before settingoff for the Pakistaniborder.2a(Analyst Note: Detaineeis assessedto have servedunder Abu Juheinaal-Yemeni in Tora Bora. Juheina
'oIIR 6 034or4z02 " ooor85MFR15-AUG-2002 " > ooo757 DIR 17-ruL-2002 " to-3t41+8336-03, paragraph JJ;AnalystNote: Phone numbers associatedwith detaineein this document retumed paragraph NFL TD-314142895-02, 45. TD -3 | 4I 40693-02, paragraph number 48. TD -3 | 4I47683-03, number paragraph number45 2oIIR 6 034 097603,paragraph2.b; AnalystNote: A variantof Abu Juheinaal-Yemeniis JohainAlmeni.
s E c R E T // NOFORNI / 2032042r
S E C RE T // NOFORNI I 2032042I JTF-GTMO-CDR for ContinuedDetentionUnderDoD Control(CD) for SUBJECT:Recommendation (S) Detainee, ISN US9SA-000185DP Guantanamo reportedly commandedJuheinaMountain, identified as one of a seriesof seven mountains or bunker areasArab and Pakistanisdefendedin the Tora Bora mountain region during Novemberand December2001.2s) o (S/AIF) YaserEsamHimdy, ISN US9SA-000009DP(SA-009,transferred), reporteddetaineestated,"I was fighting againstthe US governmentand the Northern Alliance. I do jihad againstthe unbelievers." SA-009 addeddetaineeis openly hostile.26 o (S//NIF) Det?inee acknowledgedansweringafatwa from a radical Islamic shaykh in Saudi Arabia."' (Analyst Note: Detainee'shostile statementsaboutthe US, coupled with his acknowledgedacceptanceof thefatwa, point to the likelihood that detaineewould continueto violently opposethe US if he were no longer in US custody.) o (S/A{F) Detaineewas capturedwith a gro}p of individuals, including senior al-Qaida commanderLY-2I2, while fleeing Tora Bora.'o o (S/A{F) Detainee'snameis recordedon a documentlisting 84 capturedTaliban and al-Qaida fighters, whom Pakistani forces capturedafter the fighters crossedthe border from NangarharProvince, AF, into Pakistanon 14 December 200I.t" (Analyst Note: This is assessed to be the group led out of Tora Bora by LY-2l2,who was capturedwith the group. This group was involved in the "bus incident," in which one of the prisoners attackeda guard while the group was being transportedin trucks, leading to a struggle in which six Pakistani guardswere killed and someprisoners escaped.30 While severalsenioral-Qaidamembersclaim LY-2I2 was not a member of al-Qaida,LY-212 himself statedUBL personallyappointedhim as the military commanderof Tora Bora.3l LY-212 had alsopreviously servedas a senior mujahideentrainer and the former managerof the Khaldan Training Cu-p.") o (S/A{F) A phonebook in detainee'spocket litter containedat leastsix telephone numbersassociatedwith extremist-relatedentities." (Analyst Note: Further investigationis requiredto fully identify the extentof detainee'sassociationwith the groupsor individuals associatedwith thesenumbers.) 25iIR 2 340 611002, IIR 6 034 006602 'u IIR 7 711 oo3104 2tTD-314100296-02 " IIR 7 739 339602 (Twki al-Asiri aliasal-Moatasimal-Mecci),TD-314/00296-02, Withdrawalfrom Tora Bora Analysis 'n IIR 7 739 326802,pangraph2-44;TD-314109853-02,paragraph 29; IIR 7 739 339602 (Turki al-Asiri aliasalMoatasimal-Mecci) 'o IIR 7 73g 339602, AnalystNote: Detaineeis on list asTurki al-Asiri; Withdrawalfrom ToraBoraAnalysis; InTD-314114605-04,LY-2l2describedToraBoraandtheegressroute. ^.AnalystNote: "' TD-314114605-04
" tD3rur5z6o9-05
" >IIR 6 034004307,000185MFR r5-AUG-2002
s E c R E T // NOFORN I I 20320421
S E C R E T // NOFORNI I 2032042I JTF-GTMO-CDR for ContinuedDetentionUnderDoD Control(CD) for SUBJECT:Recommendation (S) Detainee, ISN US9SA-000185DP Guantanamo o (S/A{F) Two phonenumbersin detainee'sphonebook, 008821688824952and 008873762750835, belongto the Khan Agha CommunicationsCompanylocatedin the PaktikaProvincejust southof Kabul, AF.34 (Analyst Note: Detaineereportedhe spenttime in Khowst, AF, which is the capital of PaktikaProvince. It is possible detaineeassociatedwith the Khan Agha tribe, known al-Qaida and Taliban sympathizers,before attendingtraining at al-Faruq, offering an explanation for the 3month gap in detainee'stimeline.) . (S/AIF) Thurayaphonenumber 008821688824952 was discoveredon a seizedTaliban-associated Thurayaphone and in an ACM associatedphone book.3s The number was usedby PachaKhan Zadran,who is a Khan Agha tribe leaderand Afghan People'sDeputy. At time of detainee'scapture,Zuty was a senior ACM leader linked to numerousattacksagainstCoalition forces.'o ' (S/Nf; Satellitephonenumber 00873762750835 is listed with the name Samir in detainee'sphonebook. It was also found in the possessionof several suspectedal-Qaida operativesOIFI).37 The number is linked to Amanullah Khan Zadran,the former Afghan Interim Administration's Minister of Tribal and Border Affairs and the brother of PachaKhan Zadran.38The number was also found in a documentlisting namesand numbersof possibleal-Qaidaand Taliban sympathizersor membersin Afghanistan, Pakistan,South Korea, Singapore,and United Arab Emirates." The number was also associatedwith narcotics smuggling activity between Pakistanand Afghanistan.a0 o (S/ {F) Thurayanumber 008821688827607 was also discoveredon a seized Taliban-associatedsatellite phone and linked to Taliban member Matin Ustad, who ran a largenarcoticslab southof Jalalabad.allAnalyst Note: If detaineehas an associationwith Matin Ustad,he might be able to provide informationon narcotics trafficking, which was the Taliban's and al-Qaida'sprimary meansfor raisingmoney in Afghanistan.) o (S/AIF) Phonenumber 00873763021124was also found in a phonebook associatedwith currently active senior Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin (HIG)a2commander 'o >IIR 6044706703 tt >IIR 6 044i ro5 03,IIR 2 340 6176 02 'u > TD-314/21233-02,TD-3 t4I 32838-02 '' >TD-314/27434-02,IIR 2 340750202,IIR 2 340 651402 " >11zenReN) IACHA KHAN (BIo)- oIENSRC 04-01-2003 'n >IIR r 739322602 oo>tn-3t+/64556-03 ot >IIR 2 34061760z,TD-3r4n54r4-04 a2)Analyst Note: HIG is a Priority lB target. Priority lB targetsaredefinedasterroristgroups,especiallythosewith statesupport,countriesthat sponsortenorisrn,countriesthathavestateorganizations involvedin terrorismthathave demonstrated both intentionandcapabilityto attackUS personsor interests.
8 S E C R E T // NOFORN I I 20320421
s E c R E T // NOFORN / I 20320421 JTF.GTMO-CDR SUBJECT: Recommendationfor Continued Detention Under DoD Control (CD) for GuantanamoDetainee,ISN US9SA-000185DP(S) Haji Gholam Mohammad Hotak. The number is also associatedwith Ahmad Wali Karzai, the brother of the current Afghan PresidentHamid Karzai.a3 o (S//l{F) The phone number 6605472was also seizedfrom Yemeni mujahideen who enteredCroatia from Bosnia in January 1996, and is associatedwith known alto be Salim al-Sharif QaidaoperativeYasin Ubayd Salim al-Sharif,who is assessed aka (Yasin lJbayd al-Mari) who is currently in Saudi Arabian custody.aaAl-Sharif played a major role in smugglingSA-7 man-portableair-defensesystems (MANPADS) into Saudi Arabia in support of UBL's plans to attack Saudi-basedUS military aircraft.as (Analyst Note: The fulI number may be 0096626605472. Possiblelinks to al-Sharifindicatedetainee'spossibleextremistactivitiesprior to traveling to Afghanistan.) o (S//l\fF) The London, United Kingdom (UK), phone number 00442075572623 was discoveredin numerousseizedphonebooks and phonesassociatedwith extremist-linkedindividuals. The numberis associatedwith the British Broadcasting Corporation(BBC).46 (Analyst Note: Numerousextremistlinks to this BBC number indicatesa possiblepropagandamedia network connection.Network analysismight provide leadsto individuals with either slmrpatheticties to extremistsor possibly possessinginformation on ACM operations.) c. (U//FOUO) DetaineeosConduct: Detaineeis assessed as a HIGH threatfrom a detentionperspective.Detainee'soverall behaviorhasbeennon-compliantand hostile to the guard force and staff. Detaineecurrently has 88 Reports of Disciplinary Infraction listed in DIMS, with the most recentoccurringon24 December2006,when he was reported participatingin a massdisturbanceby kicking his beanhole. Detaineehas 17 Reportsof Disciplinary Infractions for assault,with the last reported incident taking place on 1 August 2005, when he was reportedpushing a guard and attempting to move him out of the way in order to shakehandswith anotherdetainee. Other incidents for which detaineehas been disciplined include inciting and participating in a massdisturbance,threateningharm toward the guard force, possessionof non-weapontype contraband,use of provoking words and gestures,damageto govemment property, medication misuse or misappropriation,failure to follow instructions and camp rules, unauthorizedcommunications,offensesrequiring use of the FCE team, and tampering with the lock of his cell. Detaineehas two incidents of medicationmisuse. On 6 March2006, detaineewas reportedto be in possessionof 16 pills of varioussizesand colors. Detaineehad nine Reportsof Disciplinary Infraction in 2006, and none so far in2007. o' >IIR 2300 5r3i 04,IIR 7 90r 998805,IIR 6 044700803 * >tD-314/t4469-02 ot >000t32RESEARCHsuM 11-JflN-2002, DITSITM093-0225-ApR-2002 ,3-00-28922-02(TearLine) ou>tD-3 14173389-05, IIR 2 3005I 1506,IIR 2 300558805
9 S E C R E T // NOFORN I I 20320421
S E C R E T // NOFORN I I 20320421 JTF-GTMO-CDR SUBJECT: Recommendationfor Continued Detention Under DoD Control (CD) for GuantanamoDetainee,ISN US9SA-000185DP(S)
8. (U) Detainee Intelligence Value Assessment: a. (S) Assessment: Detaineeis assessed to be of MEDIUM intelligencevalue. Detainee's most recentinterrogationsessionoccurredon26 February2007. b. (S//NF) Placement and Access: Detaineewas urro.ru,rd with al-QaidabetweenMay and December2001. In August2}}I, detaineestayedat the Hajji HabashGuesthousebefore attendingal-Faruq. In October200I, detaineeprobably stayedat an unidentifiedguesthouse in Jalalabad.In late Novemberthroughmid December2001, detaineewas at Tora Bora and was capturedwith the group led by LY-212. c. (S/NF) Intelligence Assessment: Detainee'stime at al-Qaidaguesthouses and training facilities afforded him the opportunity to leam about facility leaders,residents,trainees, operations,and visitors. His residenceat the guesthousesafforded him the chanceto leam aboutcrossborder operationsto include egressroutes,safehouses,and identitiesofsupport personnel.Detainee'stime in Tora Bora presentedopportunityto learntacticalprocedures, the identitiesof Taliban and al-Qaidapersonnel,local supportmechanisms,and egress proceduresinto Pakistan. Available information indicatesdetaineedid not have direct access to senior membersof al-Qaida or Taliban, typical of the averagemujahid; however, further exploitationor explanationof detainee'sassociatedphonenumbersin his pocket litter and gapsand inconsistencies in his accountmay provide a more accurateassessment of his role in al-Qaidaand intelligencevalue. d. (S//NF) Areas of Potential Exploitation: o o o . o o
Hajji HabashGuesthouse Al-Faruq trainers, trainees,visitors, and operationalprocedures Paktika Province-relatedindividuals and activities JT supportto al-Qaida operations Tora Bora personnel,defensiveand egressprocedures Recruitment from mosquesin Saudi Arabia
10 s E c R E T // NOFORN I I 2032042r
s E c R E T // NOFORNI I 2032042r JTF-GTMO-CDR for ContinuedDetentionUnderDoD Control(CD) for SUBJECT:Recommendation (S) Detainee, ISN US9SA-000185DP Guantanamo 9. (S) EC Status: Detainee'senemycombatant statuswasreassessed on 18October2004and he remainsan enemycombatant.
Rear Admiral
JR. Navy
Definitions for intelligence terms used in the assessmentcan be found in the Joint Military Intelligence College October 2001 guide Intelligence Warning Terminolog,t.
11 s E c RE T //NOFORN I I 20320421