The Telescope 72.07

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Vol. 72, No. 7

Kylie Pignone Comet offensive force Patrick Hartley STAFF WRITER

To some Pitchers Kylie Pignone may look like an easy out, having a smaller build, not the look of a typical power hitter. But beneath the Palomar brim is a fierce competitor that tallied a .450 batting average and had 49 runs in 39 games last year. Leadoff hitters are valued not just for their hitting, but also the ability to just not get out. They hustle, they work the count, they bunt, they walk, they steal, they frustrate defenses and pitchers any way they can. “Being a lefty, she could hit and slap and bunt. She brings a little chaos to the lineup,” said Team Manager Lacey Craft. Leadoff hitters are not known for their power. Pignone defies that notion by finishing top 4 on the team in slugging percentage (.595) and RBI’s (34) with 4 triples. “Kylie is unique because she does have power from the left side too, that makes her fun to watch and harder to pitch to,” Craft said.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Classified Employees files grievance, union says custodians ‘spread too thin’ Ana Acosta STAFF EDITOR

The Council of Classified Employees filed a formal grievance over hiring issues for custodial and campus maintenance workers. With the recent influx of new buildings on campus, the Council of Classified Employees

(CCE) is questioning why the District has not hired more custodial staff to maintain the newly finished buildings. Anel Gonzalez, President of the CCE, mentioned these issues repeatedly at previous Governing Board meetings, hoping for a response from the administration. “You’re building all

these beautiful things, but no one is thinking about the maintenance,” Gonzalez said in a recent interview. By filing a formal grievance, the CCE hopes that the Office of Human Resources will look at the employment of custodians with more urgency. At the Governing Board meeting on Feb. 12, Gonzalez addressed the Board,

the purpose for filing a grievance. “Hope is not a course of action,” Gonzalez said, “the course of action that we have as Classified Employees is to file a grievance when a contract is being broken.”


With more and more Democratic presidential candidates vying for the party’s nomination, the question begs to be asked: what sets them apart?


Her majesty returns, Queen retakes the throne SEE PAGE 10

Ceremonial $100,000 check from former faculty, April Woods, presented to the Governing Board during the Feb. 12 meeting. Appearing in the photo, from left to right: Joi Lin Blake, Linda Bailey, Melissa Grany, Gerald Vetak, Linda Gomez, Stacy Rungaitis. Photo by Laura Gropen / Courtesy of the Palomar Foundation and Office of Public Affairs

Former faculty leaves parting gift of $100,000 to Palomar Foundation in her will

The 2018 biopic “Bohemian Rhapsody” has ushered in a resurgance in the legendary rock group “Queen.”


Kena Haun




Democratic presidential field for 2020



Kylie Pigone outfeilder for the Comets Krista Moore/ The Telescpe.


he creation of a $100,000 endowment to be disbursed over the next 10 years, was announced by the Palomar Foundation during the February Governing Board meeting. The endowment was made possible through the will of a former Palomar faculty member, April Christine Woods. Woods was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in December of 2016, and passed in March of 2017. “We have scholarships for tuition, books, and those kinds of things, but this was unique and very specific,” said Stacy Rungaitis, Director of the Palomar Foundation. Rungaitis emphasized just how special the gift is, “this particular legacy gift is special because it was one of our own colleagues. We did not even know about the donation until she had passed.” Woods got her start at Palomar in 1988. Melissa


Grant, co-executor of Woods’ will and close friend hers since age 17 said “April did not anticipate going to college growing up, it did not seem financially feasible,” Grant said, “I know at some point, when she was trying to get her education, she was practically living out of her car just to get it going.” “She could just see the trends of how things were going to happen,” Grant said when asked what inspired Woods to denote her donation for this purpose. “She was an advocate for students where she could see things happening that would negatively affect the students, would actively work to fix it, and she was fine with ruffling the feathers along the way do it.” The fund happened in a special convergence of her interests that met student needs. “In the top five things she loved were Palomar, her students’ education, and travel,” Grant said.

The Telescope


The lack of help in our Veteran community SEE PAGE 12

New cafe offers unique environment for enjoying food, by having it in the company of feline friends.

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