The queen of Palomar's Sixth Annual Barbeque and Fiesta will be selected from the candidates to be sponsored by the Student Body clubs and organizations, the Frosh·and Soph classes, the Associated Women Students, Alpha Gamma Sigma, Palomar Music Society, Palomar Knights and the Palomar Players. ,._.,..._ In addition to being Que~n for ~EAT IS ASSURED FOR PALOMAR'S the Day, the girls who particiSIXTH ANNUAL FIESTA pated in the college cont~st will be ente~ed in the national Max The bar beque commi. for the Factor beauty contest. The winFiesta journeyed to · Los Angeles ner of this contest will receive meat pac~ing plants, last week, $1,000, and all-exnense-paid vacand to Del Mar, where they visitation in Hollywood, a wrist ed with Paul Mannen. The result watch, and many other expensive of the trips, the committee anand exclusively styled gifts. nounces, is that at this early Sponsors and presidents of date meat enough to serve several · campus organi?ations desiring to thousand visitors on Fiesta Day~ sponsor a candidate should see May 4, is assured. members of the Fiesta publicity cornrnittee, Delight Billick, Mrs. Committee . members Dr. Elon Dorothy Bartelli, or Mr. Kelley, Hildreth, Bill Tipton, Mary Lee to obtain applicatio.n blanks and Johnson, Don Bandick and Joanne complete information. They Taylor visited with the public should do this as - soon as posrelations directors at Luer's, .sible. Armour and Cudahy. . At Luer's they w~re greeted personally by The DATE SET FOR BLOOD DONATIONS Mr. Walter Luer himself. companies offered excellent suggestions to the committee. Palomar blood donors have set Before returning from Los Anr.· Jednesday, April 23, as the date geles, the group dined at the for their appointments. The Red Biltmore Hotel. Cross Bloodmobile will be located Monday of this week, Dr. Hilin front of the American Legion dreth, Bill Tipton, Mary Lee Hall in Vista between ' the hours of: Johnson and Louis Renn talked with 10:00 A.M. through 3:00 P,M. Paul Mannen, of Del Mar. Mr~ The students who are required Mannen was instrumental in helping to have parential consent to give the committee make arrangements blood must have forms, which were for obtaining the meat. given them earlier, properly signHe also offered the college ed. the use of six portable aluminum -- we have 6een f creed to om~ t s'eobooths, which will be set up ries of the assembly program and around the Quad for entertainment the Patrons of Palomar· Pink Ele~Ld refreshments. phant Bundle Tea due to an early deadline.
Page Two,
April 4, f952
Larry Connolly • • • • • • Editor Ann Batcher ) Cleo Castellanos) Sallie George ) Alan Hartman ) • • • • Reporters Bill Reed ) Louis Renn ) Bettybea Roberts) A~thur Kelley • • • • Sponsor
ANDY ADAMS, who entered Palqmar shortly after he arrived in this country from Ireland, came do~~ from Camp Roberts, where he is instructor, to visit faculty and administrative friends. The first thing we noticed was that Andy had lo~t' all but a trace of his accent, but not a bit of his healthy sense of humor. And, naturally, the first things he noticed were the numerous improvements about the campus. After a short leave, he goes overseas to put in the last eight months of his h~tch in the service.
Typed and mimeographed by Mrs. Phy).lis Harvex;' s class. EDITORIAL
The impossible has happened! Li'l Abner and Daisy Mae were joined in "howlin'" wedlock by Marryin' Sam, in the great metropolis of Dogpatch, U.S.A., March 29, 1952. The perennial bachelor of 18 years standing has joined the other miserable members of the "Henpe'c ked Husbands of Dogpatch Society." This great ceremony has served as an inspiration to all the single girls of the world. Yes, it's a great year for the weaker sex: first it's leap year and second, Daisy Mae, after an 18-year-old running courtship has finally cau ~ht and married the man of her choice, Li'l Abner. So, girls, if you've been feeling blue lately 'cause your man has been evasive, take heart. Re~ member, in 18 years you too stand a million to one chance of catching your "Li '1', Abner."
DIARY OF THE BUS TRIP TO AZUSA 10:15--Eus is supposed to leave. "Vvhere is Ed Ward? Bob, where is he?--Hey, where's Bob?" . 10:20--''Everybody here? O.k., let's go." . 10: 30--A stop at the' Vista bank. Someone has to g,e t some money. 10:35--" t'Vhere' s everybody? n __ {cont. next column)
"They went for a root(?) beer. 10:45--Bus stop. Tom lost his ~, bat. "He shouldn'.t have ·wawed it so hard--she could see him". 11:15--From the girls: "Dick , slow down. vve can ' ~t hear what the boys are saying". 11~20--From the driver: "Gosh it's quiet. Coach, . why are they so quiet?"--"They're afraid of the girls".
--Wow, look at the girls! Hey, Coach, let's eat here!" · 12:20--"Fifteen minutes for lunch. The bus won't wait."--"O.K., Coach." 12:45--" V'J here's Coach? "--"Some waitress wants to take him home. She's talking fast."-~- . "Oh yeah? Looks to me as tho she can't get a word in edgewise, not even a 'no'." 12:50--Now that Coach was dragged into the bus, we could be off. 2:15--"When are we supposed to arrive?"--"At 2:00." 2': 20-- ''1'J e' re here. I' 11 see what field we're to play on.u 2:25--"All right. Back on the bus!" And so, back to the left, a turn to the right, a mile stretch and we 1 re there. 2:45-- "ALL RIGHT--PLAY BA.-L;;;;.L.-,1'_'_....,.
Mrs. Charlen
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?• ?• ':' ?? • •
Dick Carpenter with straight, onde hair? Bettybea voice?
an alto
Bill Tipton without his horn-rimmea~ g1 asses.? John Brode and Co.rky Edgecomb not running around together? Jack McNeal not always smiling? "Butchn Hancock knit socks?
vvi thout
Fred Miller not always rpaking and losing bets? Jim . Hampe wearing size n7n stead of size "12" shoes? The boys not all the t ime?
Mary Lee Skinner whispering stead of talking so loud?
DEAN ATTENDS NATIONAL CONVENTION Dean Do~hy Babcock has been attending the National Council of Guidance and Personnel meeting this week at the Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel. She serves on the credentials committee for the National Association of Deans of Women, one of the organizations represented at the council, and is hostess for a reception to be given by the California Associ~ ation of Deans of Women for the 1 national organization. The theme of the National Council meeting is TTimproving Human Relations." Automobiles: A great moral force that stopped horse stealing.
COHE~· ~~
Base hits rained down all over the pa ~~k as Palomar College batters pounded out 13 hits in an ' 11···6 victory over the Citrus JC Owls, def~nding South Central Conference champs,in a game played on the loserts field~ March 28. Somewhat impotent in previous games, the Comets unlimbered their big artillery for the first time this season and the results were devastating. Every playev mnthe starting line-up hit safely at least once and five out of the nine got two hits. The longest blow was struch by Harley Felure, who slammed out a triple Louis Renn and Boh'Schmeltz co~orated to throw a seven hitter for the Comets and struck out 18 batt~rs between them. Louis Renn fanned 14 batters, and was in until the eight inning. Bob Schmeltz came on in and turned man excellent relief job, allowing only one batter to reach base during his two-inning stint. Palomar went out in front to stay in the first inning, when they scored t -vvo runs. Butch Hancock opened the game with a ground single into center fiel~ {Continued on Page 4) TYPING
Typing instructor Phyllis Harvey find that competition makes keen students. Each month her students compete for places on the honor roll In order to win a place, one must attain an accuracy standard of not more than one error to two minutes of typing and be in th~ top speed group of the class. For !Vlarch, Advanced Typing honors went to Louise Ladwig, Lea Eldredge and Ruth Shaffer. Consuela Lara won the honor in the Begilli~ing Typing, and Anne Shultz and Allene Reeves in Pfrsonal Typing.
Wylie h~s been seen gather ing mushrooms((? ) around his chemistry lab. He says they're very tasty artd that his chemistry students should try them. What a sneaky way to get students to drop
The boy of the week graduated from Vista Union High School. In high he was A.S.B. president, his -s·enior year, vice-nresident during his junior year. He was very active in ·sports. He won the "Letterman's Club Trophy" for · scholarship in his last three ye~rs. He was letterd for varsity football and varsity baseball for three years. And be.cause he was unable to play baseb~ll his ~enior year, he went out for basketbal~and got his letter in varsity for the same • He also competed .in ncn and · UBff track. Besides sports, he was very active in scholastic work, receiving life ' membership in the California Scholarship Federation and he was Vice-president of the county branch of California Association of Student Councils. He was "r aul SvcamoreH in ·'You Can't . Take It v~{th You," Vista's Sen :~ or Flay. And now at P.J.C., he hasn't let up~ In his frosh year he was the 1st semester renresentative to the council. uecond semester he became represent --:ttive-at-large to the council. And was lettered in baseball. In his sophomore yenr, he be~ came A.S.B. Presid~nt. Yes, he's Bill ~ipton.
a class.!
Nominated .for "laziest boy on the baseball team": Paul Lochridge, for sitting on a bench in denter field during the game at Azusa.
Hey, it's true! the girl$ in the second period gym class ean out-hit the boys in softball. Who said: :rusty gate 11 ?
swing like a
When the center fielder let the b.all go through him, Hancock leg-
April 4, 1952
ged it all the way around to · third. Renn then dumped a bunt down the third base line and was safe at first as Hancock scored.· Renn raced home when Tom l<cAnany laid donw a sacrifice bunt. · The ~omets had their big inning in the third, when four runs crossed the plate. ~ob Linares came through with the key blow, a line drive double inside the . left field foul .line. The seventh and eventual winning run was scored in the fourth innine; as LcAnany lashed a double to left driving in .d.on Hinrichs, vvho had singled. Noteworthy among the accomplishments of the afternoon was the improved hitting of Paul Lochridge and ~d ,;·ard. Besides his stellar stickHork, H'ard turned ( in his usual good game behind the plate.
Line Score · Palomar 204
130 202
100 020
R H 11 13
0uitor: uir, er-that is-I would like to-that is-I mean, I've been going .with your d ughter for five years. 11'ather; vi ell, whaddya want, a pension?
The A. , .T , S. regretfully announ·
ces the cancellation of the u 3hiP-· vvre ck 'Dance." The dance was originally sched
uled for
the Vista
0~turday, ~pril 5, ~omen's clubhouse.