Constitution Exhumed Council Asks Autopsy Palomar's Student Council is planning to review the Associated Student Body Constitution. ASB President John Diepersloot has appointed members to a review committee. the subject of review has been on the ASB council agenda the last two meetings but no report has been made as yet. The new interest in the Constitution has resulted from some questions raised by Student Council members concerning several sections of the document. Editorial comment in the last issue of the Telescope suggested possible discrepancies in the legislative and judicial provisions of the Constitution. According to a Student Council report, the section of the constitution concerned with ASB identification card privileges and a clause requiring student candidates to complete a leadership class before running for office will be reviewed. "The greatest problem with the Constitution is its inadaquacy to supply a foundation for legislative action by the Student Council," said Bob Newman, council member and editor of the Telescope. "The council is actually a legislative rather than an executive body and should be able to act positively when certain laws are necessary for the effective function of the government."
PEACE CORPS MISS, Annie Gutierrez, 22, lectured
here on the -Corps last week in Political science classes. Miss Gutierrez, a native of California, has done volunteer work in several foreign countries and been an exchange student in Russia. She received her Masters degree from Claremont College. (TELESCOPE PHOTO by Dennis Madison)
A publicity committee, headed by Publicity Director Michele Church, is drawing up a publicity code that may, if the Constitution is revised, be accepted into the By Laws. If a revision is deemed necessary, the Student Council will reinact procedure followed by last semester's council which revised the constitution to its present form.
cgscopc Vol. XIV, No.5
San Marcos, California
Friday, November 3, 1961
NDEA Loan, Scholarship Peace Corps Demands Given Sophs
Dedicated Personnel "You don't have to be a Ph.D. to join the Peace Corps but we certainly can't use any nitwits either," Peace Corps representative Miss Annie Gutierrez told political science classes here last Friday. Miss gutierrez, who has built latrines in Mexico and mud stoves in El Salvador, while working on American Friends Service and State Department projects, is touring Southern
California trying to clarify the purpose of the Corps. "The Corps does not offer an opportunity to see Africa, record folk songs, or write a book, " she said. "I am not recruiting Peace Corps trainees," she emphasized. " I encourage students to finish their college education before thinking of joining the Corps."
UCLA Films Offered A group of dramatic films produced by students in the Motion Picture Division, Theatre Arts Department of UCLA, will be shown in Sumner Auditorium at the University of California at La Jolla at 8 p.m. tonight. The films are ·'Reflections ," "Bird Hunt ," "August Heat." " Th e Woodcutter 's Willful Wife," and "Heels of Silver.•· Admission to the films is free.
Communism Courses Courses in communism will be taught in California public schools starting in the Fall of 1962, Dr. Richard M. Clows, chief of the Division of instruction of the Department of Education said recently. Two committees will be formed for the purpose of formulating texts for the courses.
Training for the Corps includes a 6-hour test to determine if the applicant is intellectually and psychologically prepared for the program, Miss Gutierrez said. Foreign languages, a well developed skill, and dedication are prime requirements. Three-phase training includes intensive programs in the U. S., Puerto Rico and the country assigned. "The applicant may have to learn Swahili or Hindu in short order," she said. Once assigned, the Peace Corps representative recei ves a $75 a month allowance and after completion of service receives $1800. "We don't want you to take your own money. We want you to live like the natives, at their level and standard," Miss Gutierrez said. "It might get a little rough; you may have to sleep on a dirt floor in a sleeping bag, but people that will are the ones we want."
Palomar sophomore Dale Denton was the recipient last week of a $400 loan from the school's National Defense Education fund. The $400 is the maximum given from a fund of $3,600 supplied yearly, one ninth of which is given by the ASB. Last year there were 12 applicants for NDEA loans and nine were granted the maximum amount. Deanne Durling, also a sophomore, will study agriculture next fall at the University of California at Davis on a $1,000 scholarship. The money will come from the Andrew Schmitt Scholarship Foundation of the Vista Rotary Club. Members of the foundation board unanimously agreed with Dr. John W. Dunn , when he recommended that Miss Durling's application be accepted.
Humanities Talk Offered By Miss Airpower 11
A woman engineer from Convair Astronautics takes the podium November 15 for the next lecture in the "The World Today" series. Miss Alford, who won the title, "Miss Airpower in 1956, has lectured to over 150,000 students and adults. In 1957 she won the Air Force's National Citation of Honor Award for "Outstanding Contribution to World Peace and National Security through Air Age Education." Supreme Court Judge Robert Gardner opened the lecture series October 18 with an address concerned with politi· cal extremism. The judge, from Orange County, criticized minority groups which believe their concepts and doctrines are the only possible Democratic ones. These groups, said judge Gardner, are inclined to label as •·communistic" or "fascistic" any ideas not agreeing with their own. "Such extremism plays into the hand s of the enemy and is inexcusable from that standpoint," he said. Communist tactic, as the judge paraphrased J. Edgar Hoover, is to divide Americans by creating fear and suspic ion. Judge Gardner said that the confusion and fear resulting (Continued on pa e 4)
Ghosts Of Past Debators Remain At Palomar On September 22, this paper quoted Dean of Instruction Vir· gil Bergman, head of the debate squad, as saying that this years squad was "inexperi· enced. 'but they have the potential to keep up with the excellance of last years team." In the first tournament OT me year, sponsored by the Southern California Collegiate Forensics Association, our debators and orators won eight awards. Michele Church and Suzanna Willoughby went through the entire four rounds undefeated. Only three other teams out of 120, representing 33 colleges from California, Utah and Arizona matched their record. The girls received ratings of excellence as did the teams of Barbara Jane Baker and Dana Sue Corlett and Clayton Sketoe and Donald Prough. Awards of superior were won by the teams of Steven Sharp and Henry Snyder, and Ernest Marris and Kenneth Fielder. In the field of oratory, certificates of excellence went to Prough, Miss Baker and Miss Corlett. The teams next tournament is at El Camino College this week end, where the topic will be the national debate question: "Resolved , that labor unions should be controlled by anti-trust legislation." The extemporaneous-speaking question will be, "What procedure should the federal government follow to protect the civil rights of all citizens?"
of Joe Morello, drums, and Gene Wright, bass were part of ASB sponsored concert last week in Escondido High Auditorium. TELESCOPE PHOTO by Ray Tiedje ANTICS
Students Queried On Apartment Housing A poll to determine interest in low-cost housing adjacent to the campus is being conducted by the Telescope. A group of outside investors are considering building furnished apartments and rooming houses for college students. The project is a private venture and would not be under the jurisdiction or supervision of the college. Current plans call for apartments which will accommodate two people having all housekeeping facilities at a cost of $25 per month. Rooming house fees would be $20 per month. Results of the poll will be made known to the investment group which has indicated its interest in the students' opinion of the project. Please fill out the following form and turn in to Dean Jones' office in R-2.
Page 2
Palomar College Telescope
Dear Mr. Newman:
It's Only AGame Just how important is football? Some people would have potential Associated Student Body Members pledge their allegiance to the grid squad before receiving ASB cards. Addressing a student audience during a homecoming pep assembly, coach "Stu" Carter dismissed students who were not in the audience paying homage to his team as not really being members of the ASB. The coach not only excluded the "catcallers," who had caused a disturbance, but also any students who may have skipped the assembly simply because they weren't interested in football. Is the game so important that it should require the undivided attention and constant support of every student at Palomar. Our college administration organized a rather pretentious banquet last Spring honoring the newly hired head football mentor, Coach Carter. No less than six speakers addressed an audience of about two hundred with "Welcome 'Stu' Carter!" speeches. No science professor has ever received such a grand welcome to PJC. The administration, as well as some student leaders, has falsely emphasized football. To show a respectable interest in his school, a Palomar student is expected to be an avid football fan. The Comets have been made to feel they are deserving of every student's constant attention and sympathy. Other organizations, some more closely related to the general and ultimate aims of Palomar College, should appreciate an occasional kind word. Glenn Duncan
Freudian View Of Football: Rites And Marching Virgins How would football have looked to the late Dr. Sigmund Freud? What the father of psychoanalysis might have said is presented in "Freud, Football and the Marching Virgins," a November Reader's Digest article by Thomas Hornsby Ferril, Denver poet-editor-publicist. "Obviously," he writes, "football is a syndrome of religious rites symbolizing the struggle to preserve the egg of live through the rigors of impending winter. The rites begin at the autumnal equinox and culminate on the first day of the New Year with great festivals identified with bowls of plenty; the festivals are associated with flowers such as roses, fruits such as oranges, farm crops such as cotton, and even sun worship and appeasement of great reptiles such as alligators ... "The egg of life is symbolized by what is called 'the oval,' an inflated bladder. The convention is repeated in the architectural oval-shaped design of the vast outdoor churches in which the services are held ... Literally millions attend ... in anticipation of violent masochism and sadism about to be enacted by a highly trained priesthood of young men . .. "The ceremony begins with colorful processions of musicians and semi-nude virgins who move in and out of ritualized patterns. This excites the worshipers to rise from their seats, shout frenzied poetry in unison and chant ecstatic anthems."
The TELES COPE is the official publication of the Associated Students of Palomar College, San Marcos, California, Telephone SHerwood 5-5711 (Escondido area), and PAlace 7-7529 (Vista area). The paper is produced by the college journalism class. Opinions expressed in this newspaper reflect those of the writers and not necessarily those of the college or of the students. All unsigned editorials are those of the editor. Letters to the editor are welcome; however, the editors reserve the right to c ut letters to suit space. All letters of this nature mu st be signed . Member Intercollegiate Press and JAJC Bob Newman ........................................... Editor-in-Chief Glen Duncan ...... . ........... . .................... . . .. .. Managing Editor Don Berry ............ .. ... .. . ...... .. . •.... .. .... .. .. .. Business Manager Dick Tarquinio .....•...................•.................. Sports Editor Bob Jones .......................•............. . ......... . Feature Editor Gary Mansperger ........ . ........ . .......•.•. .. .... . ... Chief Photographer
Pat Searcy ...................................... Circulation Manager
::0 ~
By Lou Rabe
Reginald Kell Dear Editor: Some critics consider Reginald Kell the world's greatest clarinetist. Others wish he were drowned before he gurgled his first coo. The conflict was echoed in part in the Student Union Building when Mr. Kell was brought here to conduct a clarinet clinic for Northern San Diego County. There were music students here from grade school upwards and all seemed to be enchanted when they heard Mr. Kell 's controversial sounds. The writer, at this point, confesses a bias. Whatever it was that Mr. Kell did it was received as pure magic, out, man, out! Better yet, it was music. And that was the source of the controversy. Mr. Kell is one of the few clarinet players in the world, and the first in our time, to play the clarinet with a vibrato. He has been subjected to treatment much like another Mr. K. would get at a John Birch banquet for allowing that little black cone to come out with anything but a flat, consistent, and traditional sound. Mr. Kell spent much time explaining why he found it absolutely necessary to play his instrument as a lmost every other instrument is played , with a vibrato. By and large, the music world ha s come to accept and appreciate this music and this person who has dared to be original. We, at Palomar, had a rare opportunity to communicate with a human being. Pity these words can't capture what was so much there. (Next time get with it yourselves.) The kids seemed to be quite interested too considering. It was pretty sophisticated.
Burton Kaiser
Last Chance
Why Homecoming? It is a mystery to me why we celebrate the return of a losing football team that has been gone for less than twenty-four hours. Our award-winning debate team is gone for a week or several days at a time, but no· one sells thirty-five-ce nt buttons, builds monumental floats , or e lects a false aristocracy to mark their victorious return. Dr. Mahan read an erudite paper at the United Nations, and Mr. Brubeck had a recording session with the New York Philharmonic , but no one raises a pom-pom in recognition. Palomar Homecoming week is something as uniquely American as the hot-dog or Western movie, and just about as cultural. It is an October week marked by the recess of intellectual pursuits, tug-a-war tests of manly strength, nights of frantic pasteing and papercutting for a float which will be used for half an hour, a Wagnarian bon-fire, and important rallies dedicated to the promotion of the lofty ideal of school brotherhood, but more .closely resembling primitive African tribal rites. The whole glorious and useless week culminates in a Saturday night dance oozing with crepe-paper romance and reminisent of the previous Wednesday night affair which disturbed a number of neighboring evening classes. Students in other countries seem to strive their college years without this annual week of worshipped tradition. Can you picture homecoming at the University of Heidelberg, or tea-drinking British cheerleaders at Oxford soberly eminating, "Raa-Raa,-do-ordie. Olde-Oxford-we-love-you (cheers)."? · Now, I am not pleading· for the abolishment of all these soul-inspiring functions, but rather, that we not water-down the essence of homecoming by spreading it over a school week. Let us rather, consolidate it all into one intense night of classical, blissful bacchanalian release.
Wednesday, November 22, is the last day Palomar students may drop a course and receive a "W" grade (withdrawal), passing or failing. After that date, a dropped course will be recorded "F."
November 3, 1 961
A Letter
Student Hails Football Fellow Students: It would seem that we have a new and dangerous
problem here at Palomar College. We have a football team that loses games. It is painfully obvious that we had no idea this was happening and it took a brilliant piece of journalistic initiative to make us aware of this earth-shattering crisis. We had better begin to realize that football is not a kids' game. It is a little more tiring than tiddly-winks. Football is a game to be played by men, and men have been representing our school on the field. They are men who will stand up and fight until they are exhausted to the point of collapse, until they are literally mowed down by the opposition. Next time we see our team in action let us take a closer look at the line play especially. Let's watch as our line men hold back the opposing players, regardless of size or weight difference, until late in the game when we see a fresh, new player wearing a bright, new jersey come in off the opposing bench to push us over with a small finger. "But as long as our team is out there getting the ball once in a while and doing a little more than dropping it again there is a game and we can all enjoy it. " Isn't this lovely? In checking the statistics of past games, I fail to find any fantastic amount of fumbles or pass interceptions charged to the Comet squad this year. Furthermore, in checking these statistics, I notice that our comets have more than held their own in many areas of the game of football against much stronger opposition. Two of the most important of these areas, of course, do not clearly show in the records : sportsmanship and "guts." Now I do not wish to imply that our players are angels. We have all seen some of their
actions off of the field. But the point is that on the field, representing our school , they have yet to be involved in an unsportsmanlike act. And they are on the field when the whistle blows, both to begin and end each game. They have fought clean and hard as long as it is physically possible. Before we begin crucifying our football team or its coaches, let's get out there and take the battering and beating they are taking. Let's get the feeling of going down, in complete exhaustion, to a crushing defeat and then come back for more. Perhaps then we will be in condition to crucify someone. I doubt it. If we cannot do this then what can we do? We can continue to do what every Palomar rooter has been doing, root. Let's save a share of our rooting, however, for the last quarter, when the players need the morale boost. Yell for all you are worth in that final quarter. Back them up when they are tired and discouraged. Don 't give up and go home in the third quarter when things begin to look dark. The players don 't and we are not half as tired as they are. They refuse to quit and so will we. This paper offers an opportunity for every man, woman and child at Palomar College to express his opinions. Perhaps if more of the men and women would share their views, there would be less room for the child to fill.
Jerry Hassman
The Athletic Association Dear Editor: For the past 6 games the familiar funeral march , the Alma Mater, has been sung by a supporting Palomar student body. One of the most difficult tasks for a student body is to support a losing team. The task has been well undertaken by Palomar students. How long will they remain spirited without the support of the athletes of the school? The officers and members of all campus organizations, including the student body, continue to sponsor projects fo r the benefit of the student body. Are all members of the body backing these projects? It was evident on October 20 at the Homecoming Bonfire that many students, of whom a majority represented the PJC Athletic Association, destroyed the objective of this event. What was the purpose? The Homecoming Bonfire was organized to boost the mora le of the student body and to get it behind the football team. For the first time in the history of Palomar College the bonfire was more than a burning of boxes and paper. The student band was present. the AMS organized a tug-of-war with all campus organizations competing. With the help of the athletes, though, this event was almost eliminated. Was that enough? for one night's success in annihilating the enthusiasm that might have been aro used by this event? Evidently not! From the other side of the bonfire could be heard the cry of a freshman class representa tive selling swmgs ot a sledge hammer at a car. The purpose of this event? The Freshman Class annually sponsors a Spring formal. The class expected to increase its treasury to supplement their funds for a successful dance. With the rioting of about 15 or 20 of our athletic representatives the automobile was overturned thus causing the work and enthusiasm of spirited students to be futile. One more thing in regard to this project is the fact that racial prejudice was introduced . The President of the Freshman class was subjected to humilating discrimination. With Palomar's "growing
pains" almost at a climax, this is all that is needed to start a decline of school spirit and student participation. The student body has proven its loyalty to the Athletic Association. Is it too much to ask for the same in return? Until the ASB and the Athletic Association coope rate on all student activities, the campus will never improve. Sincerely and gratefully, A representative of both sides.
Publicity Dear Editor: I would like to direct this letter in general to the student body, and in particular to those of the students who have complained of poor publicity. In the past this question of publicity, or the lack of it, has been a problem. Many of us have complained of the poor quality of publicity at Palomar. At the Student Leadership conrerence, the problems of communications were ironed out; all that remains now is to put into effect the plans drawn up there. Unfortunately this requires eac h club to elect a publicity director, be sure its representative attends publicity committee meetings. However, I can tell you that with the cooperation from each of these clubs the publicity at Palomar will improve this year, as have school spirit and election participation. Success in publicity, as in these, depend s on organization; but first it depends on individual interest. Therefore, I ask you all to make sure your group is represented. Also, I would like to invite any of you who are interested in publicity to attend Publicity Committee meetings held Wednesday at 11 a.m. in the student activities office, to see what is being done and how it is being done. This year Palomar will ha ve more to publicize than ever before. For that reason the school deserves the best publicity possible. I take this opportunity to ask you all for your interest, cooperation and participation in achieving that goal.
Michele Church ASB Publicity Director
November 3, 1961
Page 3
Palomar College Telescope
Phone SH 5-2331 Show Starts at 7:00 Admission 75c per person or $2 per car maximum every night except Monday. Monday night is $1 per car night.
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It was a clear, cool night for homecoming. People in the stands were watching a well decorated float with six beautiful girls approaching rapidly. In a split second the object pulling the float stopped and the beauties went flying all over. I
After coming to Southern California to live with her uncle, she decided to get her education at Palomar. Eve hopes to be an elementary teacher.
Brad Dillman & Delores Hart C/S- COLOR Plus
I asked her what she thought would improve college spirit. She replied, "I think dormitories, fraternities and sororities would help give students at Palomar a better college life. The people outside the north county of San Diego and from other states could have a good place to live."
BOY WHO CAUGHT A CROOK "Yanda Hendrix & Don Beddoe
Fri-Sat., Nov. 10-11
GIDGET GOES HAWAIIAN Deborah Walley & James Darren -ColorPlus
Miss Guthrie likes to play tennis and participate in extra activities. She is a member of the International Club which sponsored her for homecomming queen. I Born in Vlaardingen, Holland, Janet van der Windt came to America recently after having six years of education in a secondary school (high school).
Carry;ng Home Furnishings of Quality fm·/nterior• of Style
Janet won a Fulbright Scholarship and her application to come to America was accepted by the Rotary Club of Escondido. While waiting in Holland for her ship to New York, a mistake was made. She ended up flying across the Atlantic in a sputtering propelled aircraft of a bygone era. There was another misunderstanding with the customs inspector and suitcases were messed up. She didn't know what the guy wanted.
126 South Kalmia/Just off Grand
Downtown Escondido
Rory Calhoun & Patricia Bredin C/S- Color
"What do you think of American boys?" I asked. "They're O.K.! I like them better than guys from Holland," she replied.
Phone SH 5-0553 Show Starts at 7:00
Janet likes dancing and rowing. She was on a championship rowing team before she left her country.
*Thurs. thru Sat. , Nov. 2-3-4
We have another princess who :.Vants to be an elementary teacher (she wants to teach fourth graders). Besides going to school, linda Thompson works as a secretary for a plumbing company.
Stephen Boyd & David Wayne C/S - Color -Plus-
418 E. Grand SH 5-7321
Her house burned down not long ago and she's having her share of troubles, as is everyone in this exciting world. While going to Vista High· she was a Sophomore Class secretary, a cheerleader, and a prom and Christmas queen.
Susan Strasberg & Ronald Lewis
* *
Sun. thru Tues., Nov. 5-6-7
PARIS BLUES Paul Newman Joanne Woodward Sidney Poitier Thurs. thru Sat., Nov. 7-8-9
ON THE DOUBLE Danny Kaye & Dana Wynter -ColorPlus
Eve Guthrie told me that the high school in Elizabeth, New Jersey where she graduated, was public but the boys and girls were educated separately. "We had a lot of fun anyway," she said.
e e e •
A Tour of World-Famed Night Spots
1959 Hillman Husky Station Wagon It's in excellent condition! Economical student transportation. See it at 1145 N. Ash, Escondido OrPhone SH 5-2607 or SH 5-1911 Verdugo Electric Co.
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Once she had an automobile accident in long Beach. linda and her girl friend spilled candies all over the place. They were more worried about the candy than the car. That's woman drivers for you!
Toyias Tells All
(tlub~ Representatives from A WS, WRA and Sigma Omicron are attending the annual conference for women leaders on junior college campuses today at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa. Those representing Palomar are: Mercy Guerrero, Vicki Young, Pam Stanger, Carny Koutnik, Judy Toyias, Nancy Lockwood , Judy Schonath, Mary Ann Brown, Jeanette O'Donnell, Suzie Wearne, Karen Norell, Toni Anthony, Barbara Allshouse, Fran Davenport, Sue Lewis, and Diane Leech. The Sophomore Class Cakewalk will be held next Wednesday, November 8, in front of the student union. "Sophomores wanting to bring cakes should bring them to the ASB room before 11 a.m. on Wednesday," says Sophomore Class STATE FARM
• ~
John P. MAR«EM
SH 5-5911
140 W. Grand
President Jessie Lomelli . Alpha Kappa Omicron, the secretarial club , will be presenting Mrs. Marian Whisnant from Merle Norman Cosmetic Studio in Escondido Monday , November 13, in room S7. Mrs. Whisnant will present a facial demonstration and will conduct a brief question and answer period. Awards Committee, selected by ASB President John Diepersloot, will be selecting a student each month who has given special or outstanding service to the college. The student selected will receive two passes to dinner at the Acupulco Gardens. Members of the committee are: Rod Jones, Fred Schmidt, Nancy Lockwood and Vicki Young. Awarded passes this month by Dean Catherine Jones were: John Diepersloot and ASB Vice President Joost Van Reese. Women's Week activities begin Monday, November 13, with the annual slave sale, sponsored by WRA. The sales will be conducted by Coach Bob Bowman. The . girls will be sold in pairs and will present a brief skit before being auc-
tioned . Among those being sold are : Eve Guthrie and Nancy Hanks, Martha Cased and Mary Ann Brown, and the Bobsey Twins. Miss Joanne Alford, a pilot, physicist, and honor graduate of Purdue University, will deliver the Women 's Week Humanities Lecture. During Women's Week the "Man I'd Most Like to be Marooned on an Island With " will be selected to reign November 18 at the after-game dance which will conclude Women's Week Activities. Circle K and Tau Epsilon flag football teams will clash at halftime during the PalomarSweetwater game November 18. WRA's traveling basketball team will journey to Los Angeles for the annual junior college tournament during the third week in November. Four men students who are highly skilled in volleyball techniques are needed to join WRA girls for a co-ed volleyball tournament in December. If you are interested and qualified, see Suzie Wearne or Sharon Fowler for additional information.
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HARDWARE "Ultra Modern lanes"
511 N. Escondido Blvd.
Serving the
WATCHES- SILVERWARE diamonds- gifts
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Palomar College Telescope
Page 4
November 3, 1 ~61
Comets To Visit Conference Bigwigs TARQUINIO-------.. Antelope Valley, Santa Barbara Host Palomar
Down Trodden Comets ... ... Prepare to Lose
Palomar's last-place Comets, sporting an 0-6 record for the season and 0-2 for conference play, visit the two top squads in the South Central Conference in the next two weeks.
------------SPORTS POST I've been asked by a couple of P.C. football players to give their view of the opinions expressed in my last Telescope sports column. They feel the comments did not really serve any purpose. The team, they say, was keyed-up for homecoming and a chop at that time was demoralizing. They also feel that the article kept some people away from the game (the largest turn-out in P.C. history), and the pre-game pep rally. In any case, that's their opinion and I was glad to have them tell me. Any time anyone has anything to say concerning sports, please let me know.
ANTELOPE VALLEY Tomorrow night the Comets journey to Lancaster where they stand the sec leaders, Antelope Valley. AVJC is 2-0 for league play, toppling Oceanside-Carlsbad's Spartans last week 32-12. The Spartans tripped the Comets 34-6 in an earlier game. Playing on their own field AVJC is favored by four touchdowns.
Before returning home to stand Southwestern College in the final match of the season, Palomar will tackle second place Santa Barbara Junior . College. Santa Barbara defeated Southwestern College last week, while Palomar was losing to Imperial Valley, 28-7, in a game played at Calexico. Santa Barbara is 1-1 for the season, defeating Southwestern and defeated by Antelope Valley.
On a h~ss serious vein I'd like to thank Anje de Wilde for translating a story for me, from "Het Vrije Volk" - that's Dutch for some sort of a newspaper. I took one look at a way-out shot of a football game and tried to read the accompanying story (I'm afraid I'll have to stick to English.) But when Anje translated it I found a most amusing account of American football:
Humanities Talk Offered By 11 Miss Airpower 11
"You will see that American football is quite a bit differnt than ours (soccer) when you take a look at this picture. George van Cott from the football club, Boston College, is being skillfully floored by Larry Onesti of Northwestern Central. In explanation of this: Larry, the wrongdoer, is the man whose legs you see floating in the air on the left of the picture. He has his arm around the waist of George , who is floating in the foreground. All this is allowed in American football!"
Continued from Page 1
from name-calling and false accusations actually helps the enemy. The superior court justice suggested that all Americans acquaint themselves with the problem, take an interest intellectually, so that they may not be misled路 by political extremists. Five hundred faculty members , students and citizens from the community turned out for the first lecture.
Yep, all is allowed in American football and heaven knows it's a lot different than soccer. But, for excitement and pleasure, I will stick to the gridiron.
Chargers, Redskins - Lead lntramurals The intramural football and volleyball clubs , advised by coach Joe Brennan, finally began to line up in the standings as they completed their third week of play last week. The two physical education classes, dubbed the National and American leagues by Brennan, will each select champions in both sports on the basis of games won and lost The following are intramural standings to Thursday, October 26. UPS-N-DOWNS
ROLLER SKATING For fun and health Nitely 7:30 to 10 :30 except Monday
862 N. Broadway
Unidentified Comet is downed with the ball by two Spartan players as 0-C had to hustle for a 34-6 win. (TELESCOPE PHOTO by Gary Mansperger)
The Vista Press On The Telescope
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"Saw copy of the Palomar College newspaper yesterday for the first time thi s season . . .. The sports page was most interesting. It contained a blast against the Escondido paper for running a story which stated that Gary Schultz was given pain-killing shots during a recent game to enable him to play with his injured ankle. This was vigorously denied by the doctor and coaches. There was also an article by a PJC sportswriter saying how poor the Palomar team was. 'Dow n Trodden Comets Prepare to Lose' was the head and it really aroused the ire of many at PJC. They say the writer is still in hiding. But, perhaps the story served its purpose as the Comets turned in their best effort Saturday, playing on equal terms with the highly favored Spartans until the final quarter. Maybe the team has found itself." - Russell Dietrich in the Vista Press , October 26.
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