The Telescope 14.09.1

Page 1

FIRST CAUCUS - First caucus in hectic ASB elec-

tions, held in front of the SU, was attended by a few interested students who heard candidates clarify their platforms before first runoff election. Second caucus was held Tuesday in the cafeteria. (Telescope Photo By Dennis Madison)

Lomeli Finally Wins In 2nd Run Off Vote

Ei.ff.SC'DPE VOL XIV, No.9

San Marcos, California

Friday, January 26, 1962

After three elections which prompted two caucuses of the candidates for president and which necessitated special action by the ASB Council and Election Committee, Jessie Lomeli was finally elected by a vote of 166 to 118 over candidate Bill Dunn. The elections, which. could be termed the most hectic in Palomar's history, brought in

State Dept. Clean-Up Recommended OVERDUE? NO GRADES Those with overdue fines for library books will be unable to pick up their final grades for this semester, or register for next semester's classes. A list of students with overdue accounts is available in the library.

MARDIKIAN DONATION The ASB Council has approved the payment of $100 in ASB funds to the San Diego Council of Boy Scouts in lieu of payment for the speech delivered here by Mr. George Mardikian. The payment was made at the request of Mardikian.

MODEL U.N. DELEGATION The Administrative Council has approved a plan to send a delegation of Palomar students to a model 路u. N. conference at San Diego State next year. The council recommended that funds be included for the conference in the ASB budget for next school year.

NEW NDEA LOANS Students may apply for loans from a newl:v acauired ~400 NDEA fund? said Dr: Terrel Spencer, dean of student personnel, last week. Closing date for applications is February 5. Loans of $200 and $400 are available. All students, regardless of major, are eligible to apply.

A congressional investigation into the backgrounds of certain "totalitarian" members of the State Department was recommended by W. Cleon Skousen, former FBI agent, when he addressed an assembly audience here Monday. The recommendation was one of several offered which would, according to the speaker, lead to "freedom in our time for all men." He also recommended : 1. That the "peace-loving countries" unite against the extreme left (totalitarian countries). As part of this plan he said that the United Nations Charter should be "reconstructed." 2. That we "outlaw" the Communist party in the United States. "We should treat Communists as members of an international conspiracy," he said. 3. That the West break off all relations with the Communist countries. The speaker said that the peoples now struggling under Communist dictatorship would revolt if the West would quit "coddling" the Communists and make a strong stand against them. Mr. Skousen accused the United States of making repetitive mistakes which resulted in Communist take-over of previously free countries. He said we supported the wrong side when we forced a Continued to Page 2

Installation Banquet Set For Friday A banquet for the installation of the new ASB officers will be held at 6 p.m. next Friday in the Student Union. All students are invited to attend the dinner at a cost of $1.50 per plate. Following the banquet there will be a basketball game in the dome and a dance sponsored by the Associated Men Students.


eight new Council members. Election response was about 50 per cent in the first elections and in Wednesday's run off, 285 students or about 36 per cent of those eligible voted. ELECTED OFFICERS

Taking over Council duties February 5 will be Bob Anthony, vice president, who defeated Robert Bosely 205 to 193. The office of Student body Secretery was won by Janet Van der Wint who defeated Jeanette O'Donnel 242 to 154. Bill Toomey was elected Commissioner of Athletics by a vote of 248 to 146 over Barbara Allshouse. Confirmed as treasurer was Ron Zarubica who ran unopposed. The vote was 321 yes to 71 no. Three Representatives at Large, running unopposed, were affirmed. They are Nancy Hanks, Don Prough and Dannielle Lara.

THE LAST COUNCIL - Members of this semester's

ASB Council leaving office are (L-R) George Thomas, Bill Gordon, Don Prough, Judy Toyias, Bob Anthony, Joost Van Rees (behind Anthony), John Diepersloot, June Picchiottino, Mercy Guerrero, Clayton Sketoe, Ron Zarubica (incoming Treasurer), Al Polus, Jessie Lomeli (the new President), Robert Bosely and Bob Newman. (Telescope Photo By Gary Ritter)

K Club Sponsors Freshmen In Escondido Gym Feb. 11 Sunday night, February 11, is the date for the two-hour Four Freshmen concert to be sponsored by the Circle K'ers. The Freshmen , who just this month have been named the number two vocal group in the country by Playboy magazine, will be appearing at the Escondido High School Gymnasium at 8 p.m. The 11th is the day before Lincoln's Birthday and there is no school on the following day. The Freshmen were listed behind the vocalists, Lambert, Hendricks and Ross, and were rated over the Kingston Trio, The Brothers Four, The Limeliters and the Hi-Lo's, among others, by musicians and readers alike in the Playboy poll, which is the largest in the country. Ray Tiedje, president of Circle K has announced that tickets are on sale at music stores throughout the county and can be obtained from any Circle K member on campus. Radio and television publicity is due to begin February 1. Proceeds from the concert will go towards future Circle K activities, including a Roaring Twenties Dance in March and a . fireworks display to be given for the community during the Spring Festival.

ASB Drafts Constitution Suggestions


In the first election no presidential candidate garnered a majority of votes cast. Judy Toyias, receiving the least votes, was eliminated and a run off election was called between Dunn and Lomeli. In the second election Lomeli appeared the victor after receiving nine votes more than Dunn. Several reports of irregularities reached the Coun cil and the Elections Committee however, and in a special council meeting last week the Elections Committee recommended the election be voided. This the Council adopted along with six other Elections Committee suggestions. RECOMMENDATIONS

They are that balloting be regulated by provisions set up by the Elections Committee路 that the Committee select the personnel that operates the polls; that there be no elecIn the final sessions of the tioneering between elections路 ASB Council for the fall semes- (this was later ammended t~ ter, a number of recommenda- allow the caucus on Tuesday) tions were made concerning that an elections code be changes in the school constiwritten with the possibility of tution. These recommendations being incorporated in the conwill be submitted to next 路 stitution. The new election date semester's Council for con- was also set. sideration if the new Council Appointed to the Election undertakes to revise the document. Committee, which will write the Among the recommendations new code, were Bill Gordon, were (1) privileges rendered Sue Lewis, Lomeli, Dunn and by the ASB card. Discussion the three new representatives was held on athletic eligibility at large. Present Election without the card, the 10 per Chairman Clayton Sketoe sugcent discount for books and the gested the appointments. form of the card itself. ELECTION TRENDS (2) A revision of the Judicial Some of the important isCommittee with the possibility sues raised in the election and of constructing a judicial code held by both candidates were and the inclusion on the ASB Council of judicial parlimen- the support of the bond issue, a reorganization of the Judicial tarian. (3) An activation of the Fi- Committee and other parts of nance Committee in accord with tne constitution, the establishduties listed in the present con- ment of some form of school yearbook and a plan to make stitution. students stockholders in the Continued to Page 2 ASB bookstore.

The Telescope

Page 2

Skousen Lecture Indicates American Internal Strife Last Monday Palomar students heard a patriotic American repeat what we know to be fact, that Communism is a treacherous, inhumane and insensitive menace to free people and that communist countries are, in reality, totalitarian states. And we heard of the blunders we may have made as a country and some of the problems our country faces today. If he had left it at that ... But no, not W. Cleon Skousen. He had to go and ruin it all with his "slide rule" of political labels. According to his "computations," Fascism and Nazism originally came from Marxism. He said there is no "right wing" in the U.S. except as reflected in the concept of anarchy. He said Fascists and Naziis have their base in Marxism. He thus implied that extreme rightist groups in the U.S. are only just to the right of the extreme leftists. In effect, he said that most American rightists are really middle-of-the-roaders. He said a lot of strange things about left and right wings and backed it all up with his imaginary slide rule. Skousen's talk symbolized the grave problem caused by extremists of both sides, which is present in this country. With the country in need of some kind of political accord, the extremists demand that the entire population become extremists also, left or right winged, thus causing an internal conflict which could become worse than what we now face from outside. What Skousen really suggests when he placed right wingers in the middle of the road and called everyone else leftists and totalitarian, is that there shall be no common ground on which free Americans, both liberal and conservative, can operate together. His recommendations on U.S. p_olicy were both enlightening and frightening. He would have all free nations place a strict trade embargo on communist countries but he does not say what effect this would have on Europe's Common Market. It would undoubtably cripple the Market severely, at least, and cause trade conflicts between Allied nations. He would have all free nations terminate diplomatic relations with the communist block, thus ending all possibility for cultural exchange, ending all possibility of peace. Skousen had some constructive suggestions also but they can not be considered as representing the right wing only. Many liberals agree that the U.N. charter should be changed, that mistakes have been made by past policy-makers. And all agree that Communism is our enemy and must be resisted or defeated. Here is the common ground that extremists will inadvertently deny the American people if we succumb to any type of imaginary slide-rule thinking. The students' standing ovation was testament to Skousen's persuasive speaking ability. If all extremists of his intelligence and stature would abandon their slide rules, and recognize their tendency to split Americans into two rabid factions, they could do their country a lot of good. We hope that ovation was testament to the speaker's patriotism and not to the means he would use to express it.

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Tht TELESCOPE is the official publication of the Associated Students of Palomar College, San Marcos, California, Telephone SHerwood 5-5711 <Escondido area), and PAlace 7·7529 (Vista area). The paper is produced by the college journalism class. Opinions expressed in this newspaper reflect those Of the writers and not nece's· sarily those of the college or of the students. All unsigned editorials are those of the editor. Letters to the editor are welcome; however, the editors reserve the right to cut letters to suit space. All letters of this nature must be signed. Member Intercollegiate Press and JAJC Bob Newman ...........................• , ...... ·...... .. Editor-in-Chief Glen Duncan ...•.............................••......•... Managing Editor Don Berry ................................•............. Business Manager Dick Tarquinio ........•.....•........................ ... .. Sports Editor Gary Mansperger ............... • .. •.. ..•...•........... Chief Photographer

Pat Searcy .•. • . • •. . ... • ....... •••• ..•...•....•• ·. Circulation Manager

Friday, January 26, 1962

President Comments On Focus Dear Miss Rabe: I want to express to you and to members of your staff my appreciation for Focus. To me, it repres~nts a strong step in the evolution of campus publications. The fact that some students have indicated that it does not meet the need for an annual type publication certainly does not detract from its contribution to the cultural climate of Palomar College. The quality of the work insures the desirability of this publication as a regular publication. The entire 's taff is to be congratulated on a job well done.

Signcei~L Jo

W. Dunn



Student Critical On Three Aspects Of P.C. Culture

Spring Focus Editors Named Landis Green, a general education major, has been named editor of Focus Magazine for the spring, 1962, semester, Faculty Advisor Richard S. Johnson announced Wednesday. Green is a 21-year-old freshman from Vista and is a Navy veteran. Johnson also announced that Gilbert Gaytan, a 19-year-old art major from Vista, will be art editor. Gaytan is a sophomore. Many more students are needed for the Focus staff, Johnson said. He said that he especially hopes to encourage talented writers to enroll for t h e magazine-production course. Green said that he plans to guide the Focus staff in the production of a high quality

magazine that " upholds the standards that were established in Focus Magazine just published."


Editor: Engineering & Drafting Supplies The lecture series has generally been unstimulating; but STUDENTS t 0% OFF also, a more basic flaw, it has not attended itself to one of SH 5-8626 215 W. Grant the educator's main problems - stimulation of the student. This is especially a problem where the supplement of good lecture, theatre, concert and gallery, is lacking. One could include lectures on specific fields, but which were knowledgeable and of vital significance to our time. This type .o f lecture would then have general appeal. The lecturer could afford insight to, as well as further stimulate, those majorCarrying Hnme Furni.•hinus nf ing in the field discussed. Quality for /ntrrinr< of Style Basically, the university's 126 South Kalmia/Just off Grand teaching procedure seems to Downtown Escondido differ from Palomar's in that lecture material is in a large part drawn from outside the book, and there are directed, W. A. supplemental reading assign(4) Consideration of recomments. The teacher who mere- mendations submitted by Publy reads the textbook to the licity Director Clayton Sketoe student is not stimulating both on the construction of the the non-interested and interest- Publicity Committee. (5) An approval of the proed student. It seems if our academic vitality is to increase position that ASB officers show we must adopt the above evidence of being familiar WATCHES-SILVERWARE methods. with parlimentary procedure. diamonds- gifts The editorial in the last The council has made other issue of the Telescope on the recommendations concerning expert watch repair campaign was good - as far the syntax and form of the 14ti E. GRAND ESCONDWO as it went - and showed that, present constitution. apparently, the editor was more concerned about the problem of the constitution than any of the candidates. But all were too modest to suggest a program of "culture;" even though this mod- Communist coallition on China esty would leave us without in 1946; we supported Castro concert, lecture, exhibition, or blindly, and we made the same dramatic presentation, et. al. mistake by supporting LamumCulture need not be interpret- ba in the Congo. ed so narrowly - it can in~INt "Now," said Mr. Skousen, "we clude our politics, science, BAKED also cars and dress. (We would are fighting the very men we GOODS study comparable character- put into office." VJSTA W.AY At the beginning of his speech istics of another culture in the VISTA past or present.) Some com- Mr. Skousen defined certain plain of facilities. But we have political terms for the audienough to institute a program ence. He classified as " leftists" of intercollegiate exchange of Communists, Parliamentarian CHURCHILL talent. Indeed, the back of a Marxists, Nazis, Fascists and truck is used for plays present& CASSOU ed by University of Puerto Rico Social Democrats. He said the "extreme right" students to the surrounding villages each summer. Ocean- represented anarchy and chaos. "The men who talk about side-Carlsbad College recently presented a foreign film limited , decentralized governseries. We should be alert to ment are 'centralists,' "he said. activities for adaption. Serving the The author employed what he These deficiencies help cause called "a political slide rule" ESCONDIDO area the general dissatisfaction of to arrive at these definitions. l 40 E.Grand Palomar students - those who (See editorial on Mr. Skousen's are glad to be leaving this semester, or the one who is lecture.) taking 23 units because Palomar "bothers" him ; and the It's Campus Headquarters at Freshman quitting at the semester's end considering us "not much more than a high school with ash trays," perhaps his last experience with college. Your Best in Campus Clothing Jim Papke


ASB Drafts

State Dept. Clean-Up


MEN & BOYS' WEAR Escondido



Friday, January 26, 1962

The Telescope

Toyias Tells All

C!Club~ THE TALENT SHOW which was to be held February 1 has been postponed until March , 24.

For that ~ove~y party dress stop in at





Applications are still being accepted by Joost Van Rees and John Diepersloot. ARE YOU wondering what to do between semester break? Installation of second semester ASB officers will take place at an installation banquet in the Student Union February 2 at 6 p.m. Reservations for those of you who wish to attend are $1.50 and may be made in the Student Activities Office before January30. AFTER the banquet, Palomar's basketball team will host a league game against Oceanside in the Gym at 8 p.m. DIRECTLY after the game, AMS is sponsoring another twist dance called the "Final Fling." Admission is free with ASB cards, 50c without. SIGMA OMICRON'S installation

HONOLULU - East-West Center student George W. Bergstrom, Jr., 23, leaves here February 1 on a six-month academic tour of 11 Asian countries.

Phone SH 5-0553 Show Starts at 7:00 ~



Jan 25-26-27

FLIGHT OF THE LOST BALLOON Marshall Thompson -and-

OPERATION CAMEL Nora Hayden January 28-29-30


SHOW CASE OF ARTS PHESENTS BLACK ORPHEUS Antonio & Rosario - Short Subject Series $4.00 - Students $3.00 Feb.1-2-3


ESCONDIDO DRIVE-IN Phone SH-5-2331 Show Starts ,at 7:00 · Admission 75c per person or per car maximum every 1night except Monday. Monday night is $1 per car night. .$2

............................. January 26-27


DESERT WARRIOR Richardo Montalban January28-29

SOME CAME RUNNING Frank Sinatra -and-

HOMEFROM THE HILLS Robert Mitchum January 30-31-Feb. 1

SUSAN SLADE Dorothy McGuire & Troy Donahue -and-


EVERYTHING'S DUCKY Mickey Rooney -and-

THE PURPLE HILLS Gene Nelson & Joanna Barnes

RUB A DUB DUB - scrub man scrub. Rod Jones, Tau Epsilon vice president, washes one of the many cars cleaned at the Tau Ep sponsored car wash at the bus barn last week. (Telescope photo by Abbas Shambayti)

Ex Debate Champ Here Will Tour Summer Classes Asia Doing Research For Thesis For U. Mexico


........ .......

and awards banquet will take place February 7 at 7 p.m. in the Faculty Dining Room. Guest speaker for the event will be Dr. Anita Figuredo, who will discuss the role of women in the world today. All members are required to attend. DON'T FORGET to purchase your tickets for the Four Freshmen concert from Circle K members. The time for this event is drawing closer and tickets are being rapidly distributed throughout the county. The date - February 11; the time - 8 p.m.; the price -$2. THE "SWEETHEART FORMAL," sponsored by Tau Epsilon, will take place in the Student Union on February 21 from 8 to 12 p.m. Bids are $2.50 with or without ASB cards. All bids at the door are $3.


Bergstrom, who was a champion debator while at Palomar, is working for his Master's degree in government at the University of Hawaii. He will devote a major part of his tour doing research for his thesis - "The Reasons for the Founding of Me Chi Commune System." This will include interviewing refugees from Red China and others while he is in Hong Kong. Bergstrom also will meet with members of court systems, legislatures and governmental commissions to provide him with a practical understanding of Asian governments, he said. The countries he will visit include Japan, Taiwan , Hong

Brilliant High School Students Attend Classes On PC Campus Because they are in the top five per cent of their high school class at Vista High school Julie Wynburg and David Weiner are attending classes part time at Palomar. Julie, who takes a beginning German course, is very interested in languages and literature, and plans to major in these two fields when she enters college. She would like to be able to read German literature in its original form, since she feels that there are many German words, as there are words in any language, which are untranslatable. Her immediate reading includes the writings of Henry David Thoreau, D. H. Lawrence, and Herman Hesse. Miss Wynburg believes that Palomar College, in spite of being a small institution , is fulfilling its purpose very satisfactorily. However, she feels that students are not as serious about their studies . as they would be in a four-year school. These students, she says, are not really preparing themselves for their further education, since they are not taking the responsibility that is apparent to them at Palomar. David Weiner, unlike Miss Wynburg, feels that Palomar students are serious about their work. He believes that the college is fulfilling a purpose that far exceeds the expectations of a two-year institution with a comparatively recent establishment. Mr. Weiner, who takes political science "because I would have to take it sooner or later anyway," wel· .c omes , the ayaqabjljty of so

many reference books in the college library. A portion of his leisure hours is occupied with playing chess, music - "I like all types of music; I don't classify rock n' roll as music." - and caringfor his pair of love birds, alligator, and Afghan hound. Mr. Weiner is editor of Las Obras, the Vista High School literary magazine, and plans to major in humanities.

! Kong,

Laos, Thialand , Burma, India, Ceylon, Malaya, Vietnam and the Philippines. He pointed out that in order "To really understand governmental functions, one must observe them in their natural environment. "My Asian tour," Bergstrom said, "also is designed to give me a deeper understanding of the economic and cultural values of these countries. " The EWC academic tour, a unique feature of all 21-month scholarship grants, affords each grantee a chance to visit those places and talk with people most related to their study fields. "It is for this reason," Bergstrom said, "every tour is arranged individually by the student and his professors." American students travel to Asia or the Pacific area and Asian grantees go to the U.S. mainland. While on Taiwan, he said he will study the "very successful" land reform program the Free China government introduced in 1949. This three-stage government land reform program is generally considered to be the contributing factor to the comparatively high standard of living the people of Taiwan enjoy today. Bergstrom plans to eventually

HEAD - Stone sculpture was turned up in country near Lakeside by the relative of a Palomar student, Roberta Kerr. She brought the head here to be authenticated by the schools art and geology teachers. It has been determined as Indian origin, dating back, probably to the 18th century. (Telescope .photo by,. Gary Mans_ . perger) .



Now Available Bulletins and literature describing the 1962 Summer Session Tour to the University of Mexico are now available. The 20 page illustrated bulletin describes in detail the 7 week program including courses offered , accommodations, travel arrangements, over 16 social and sightseeing events, complete costs and fees for the entire Summer Program. The Program convenes June 23 through August 12, 1962. Special Program rates for students and teachers residing in select apartment hotels in Mexico City start from as low as $451.00 and include round-trip jet travel, living ac· commodations and the full schedule of activities. The Bulletin, application forms and transportation availabilities may be received by writing to Dr. Osmond R. Hull, Director, University Study Tour to Mexico, 703 Market Street, San Francisco 3, California.

Students React Well to Anthem Palomar's Student Council felt there should be more student expression in regards to the American flag, country and government. 'Fhe Council asked if the flag pole could be mcved into the center ot tne campus. The answer was negative. However, from this , came the idea of playing the National Anthem in the morning. "The Star Spangled Banner" is now being played over the sound system as a test each Monday morning at 8. This is in accord with Federal law which requires some form of patriotic expression in public schools. "St udent reaction has been very good ," says Dean ofWomen Mrs. Catherine M. Jones, "the students show a great respect for their flag and country as they come to attention during th e! playing of the anth e m." The Palomar administration has ord e red more sound equipment to enable the entire student body to hear the recording rather than those who happen to be in the vicinity of the Student Union. join the government service when he completes his Center grant. The East-West Center in Hawaii is a national educational institution, supported by the U.S. Congress, devoted wholly to promoting mutual understanding between East and West. ( l

The Telescope


Spots ·Open: Coach Wants Ball Players Palomar College Director of Athletics and baseball coach Ward ·'Rusty" Myers is looking for baseball players. Coach Myers reports that only 16 to 1 8 players are appearing for daily practice and there are "plenty of vacancies .. , Any men on campus who like to play baseball will be welcome. Coac h Myers said " I'd like to have them come out. "

Comets Visit AVC Cagers In Title Try

Duke Snider,Other Pros, Arrive For Baseball Clinic

Seven top baseball men will be in town this week end for a baseball clinic to be held on Palomar's field. The clinic is sponsored by Palomar College and Fallbrook High School. Among the pros attending will be Duke Snyder, of the Dodgers; Cl iff Dapper, former Coast League player-manager; Jim Wilson, scout for the Baltimore Orioles and former pitch-


If You Like Sports ... ... The Coaches Are Crying ------------SPORTSPOST Baseball season is just around the corner, and the Palomar story is told again. The Palomar story is the plight of the sports department of the college. The story is simple, no players, no victories. The only sport that attracts athletes at PC is basketball , and you can see the difference. The local cagers are undefeated in league play and looking fo r high honors. Now, Palomar is a good school and most people come here to learn something and I don't think anyone should be burned at the stake for not taking time out for sports. An interest in athletics is not prerequisite to college entrance. And I rather object to the cry that is going around, that any-

Friday, January 26, 1962

one who doesn't attend the games doesn't belong. But, if there is anyone who has some time on his hands and likes any type of sports, let's see him out on the field . He'd enjoy being there, and the coaches could really use him ...

Comets Thrash Imperial Valley Cagers 85-4 7

er for the White Sox and Milwaukee; Ray Boone, Red Sox scout and former star with Detroit and Cleveland; Ed Runge, American League umpire; and Jim Sparling, service baseball player and coach. The clinic is open to anyone with an interest in baseball from either Palomar or Fallbrook and up to twelve men from any other school in the College district. The program opens for local coaches this evening at 7:30. Features include organization of season, ump1nng, ca tching, pitching, hitting, in-

Season Ends With Play-offs In Intramurals

field, outfield, base running, signs and a question period. Tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. personal instructions and hints on all modes of play will be dealt out by the visiting experts. Coach Myers urges everyone interested in baseball to attend.

Palomar's Comets are favored to clinch the sec title tonight as they meet second ranked Antelope Valley in Lancaster. Both AVC and the Comets are undefeated in league play at this point in the season. The Comets will complete their conference loop tomorrow night as they visit underdog Santa Barbara.

PC Upsets Citrus 23-13 For First Mat Victory The understaffed Comet matmen tripped Citrus College 2313 for their first win of the season before losing again by a sparse 23-21 score at snow-laden Imperial Valley last Saturday. At the Citrus meet Coach

Final intramural play-offs were held Monday, January 15, with the American League sweeping the volleyball and football titles. Alabama, with team members Lynn Martin , Gary Stuber, Dick Tarquinio, and Wade Prescott beat Montana 15-7 and 15-9. The winning football squad included Dennis Wolfe, Don · Agatep, Dave Mounier, Dave Rightmer, Dave Jolley, Derall Witt, Bill Yaussy, John Petzold, Victor Vincent, George Grey and Dave Moreno. Dave Moreno was presented with the most valuable player awa rd in touch football by Coach Myers, during last Wednesday's Awards assembly. DAVE MORENO receives most Lynn Martin was presented with valuable player award for the most valuable player award intramural football. TELEin volleyball by Dr. Terrel Spen- SCOPE PHOTO BY RAY TIEDGE.

Palomar's Comet five made it three in a row as they thrashed Imperial Valley 85-47 in their third league meet, before a packed house in the Comet dome; the Comets were beaten last Saturday at Point Lorna, 81-42, by MCRD. In the IVC clash it was Palomar all the way as George Hartfiel led the pack with 17 points and Boyd Galland was right on his heels with 15. Mike Williams and Ted Repa each dunked ten points to aid the Comet effort. Other Comet scores included Jon Stanley, Ed Vitale, and Mike Walters with eight each, Jim Bell with four, Roger Riolo and Bill Dunn with two each and Dave Foster with one. The Comets couldn 't make any headway against MCRD, rated as the number one team in the nation. The Marines hold a 15-1 record . Hartfiel again led the Comets, with 11 points. Other high score men were Boyd Galland with nine and Mike Walters with seven.

Chris Pagakis juggled his resources to cover missing weight classes and was rewarded with a resounding triumph. It was the first time Pagakis has been able to overcome his matsquad 's lack of- depth well enough for victory. Ken Imaizumi, who has won all of his matches this year, was moved from the 115 pound class to the 130 for the meet, and pinned his man. Lee Levy and Ed Martony won by decision in the 147 and 157 pound classes. Paul Trejo in the 191 pound division and Arnold Greg in the Heavyweight. Both pinned their men. In the Imperial Valley mee~ Pagakis couldn't juggle his men around enough for a win; the missing weight classes again made the difference.

Women To Play Basketball At Antelope Valley The Palomar College WRA , Women's Recreation Association, will travel to Lancaster tonight with the varsity basketball team ; a specia l basketball game between the Palomar WRA and the Antelope Valley WRA will precede a varsity clash between A VC and the Comets. The WRA squad from Palomar includes Fran Davenport, Barbara Allshouse, Karren Norell, Tony Anthony, Bev Mottino and Janie Baker. The Women's Recreation Association is a service club for women on campus and is open to any woman interested in recreation and athletics.


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ENRIQUE DUARTE AND FRANCISCO SALDARRIAZA are among the eleven casabateers from the National Basketball Team of Peru who will play Palomar on Feb-

ruary27. Coach "Jolly" Jim McGregor of the Peruvian team has offered to speak at Palomar on the day of the game; Palomar's student Council discussed McGregor's offer but tabled any discussion until the second semester council could act.

Ray Purvis Trophies All kinds of shirt ietteri>1g For clubs and leagut'> 144 W. Ohio- ESCONDIDO



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