Palomar College Volume 20, Number
September 13, 1966
Orientation day first success for enthUYiastic ASB Council Comet Orientation Day, held Tuesday, September 6, surpassed all Student Council expectations for enthusiasm and student response. Following adjournment of the faculty advising meeting,
First dance slated for Saturday evening
Photo by Gordon Stubblefield Freshman students gather around the Veteran's Club booth to purchase their beanies during the ASB Council-spon-
sored Orientation Day. All freshmen are required to have beanies or face punishment at Kangaroo Court.
Palomar selected to participate in USN pilot education program Beca113e of a new national program, Palomar will be the object of national attention for two years. This outside interest is the result of the Na-vy's pilot "Associate Degree Completion Program." Seventy-five Navy career men have been placed in three colleges throughout the United States--Palomar, Mt. Sa:1 Antonio, and Wentworth in Boston. The object of the program is to see if two years of college training will inspire men to stay in the Navy for longer periods of time. The program was developed from one of six major proposals made by the Naval Personnel Study Committee to the Secretary of the Navy. Theoretically, these programs would help the retention aspect of Navy training.
Happenings ttis week ASSOCIATED WOMEN STUDENTS Associated Women Students will meet in room R-3 Wednesday. This will be an organizational meeting open to all women students. CIRCLE K Circle K will hold its first fall meeting Wednesday in room R-4 at ll:OO. All male students with at least a 2. 0 grade point average interested in school and comm'.lnity service are encouraged to attend. TRACK AND CROSS COUNTRY Track and field and cross country candidates should meet with Coach Larry Knuth at ll:OO in 0-10 Wednesday. Uniforms, the spring schedule, and fall training will be discussed. BEANIES The Veterans Club will be selling freshman beanies every day this week. All freshmen are required to display their beanies or be given tickets by sophomores and be tried in Kangaroo Court. Tickets will be distributed to sop~omores this week.
Palomar was chosen mainly for two reasons, reported Lieut. D. K. Chogos, temporary Navy representative to Palomar. Probably the most influential factor is that Capt. Charles Coatts, department head of science and technology, goes on active duty for the Navy every summer teaching in a Navy school. Coutts' reputation in Washington as well as Palomar's record brought Capt. Bill Upshaw from the Bureau of Naval Personnel on campus to appraise the school. He was so pleased with Palomar, Lieut. Chigos stated, that he said he would continued page 2, col. 1
Palomar's Associated Women Students will start off Palomar's social year with their "Get-Acquainted" Dance September 17. The Saturday evening dance will be held in the student union, starting at 8:00 and ending at 12:00. Edy and the Showmen will be the featured band. The group is now rated number-one in San Diego. Admission is free to all ASB card holders and $1.00 for non-Palomar guests. Since it is an AWS-sponsored event, the organization requests that girls wear skirts and blouses and that ooys wear shirts and slacks. Not only is this the first dance, but it is also the first in a series of social activities that clubs and the ASB Council will be sponsoring. The purpose is to interest students in more than the scholastic aspect of college life, to engage them in various college activites.
nearly 600 students stayed for the council's "Welcome" program. Entertainment for this was provided by the Jagged Edge, a Vista rock and roll band. While the band was performing, students circulated around the patio, visiting organizations booths that were staffed by club officers explaingthepurpose and objectives of their organizations. About 12:00 an assembly was called in the student union. After introducing the '66-'67 Student Council, ASB President Steve Wozniak turned the meeting over to Vice President Mike Umphries who presented the advisors and officers of campus organizations. The new cheerleaders were then introduced and the meeting adjourned for a luncheon and more entertainment by the Jagged Edge. Approximately 300 students remained for the meal, giving themselves the opportunity of meeting other students and becoming oriented to the clubs. The final part of the program was a meeting for those students who planned to attend the Cuyamaca leadership conference. The Council started planning for this activity early in July. It felt that by making students realize that they are welcome at the college and that the organizations are dependent upon their support for success, they would become interested in the college activites.
College chooses ''the new student" for '66-'67 humanities lectures Awareness seems to be the most descriptive word of college student ¡ in the mid-sixties. Palomar's administration, realizing this, has chosen the topic, "The New Student," for the '66'67 Humanities Lecture series. Leading the discussion will be Dr. Warren B. Martin, a . research educator from the hub of student activism, the University of California at Berkley. Dr. Martin, whose topic is "American Values and the Student Revolution," will speak Friday, September 30, at 10:00. On November 4, Dr. W.H. Cowley will cover the historical aspect that has shaped the "New Student." Dr. Cowley is a David Jacks professor of higher education teaching at Stanford University.
Another representative from U C Berkley, Dr. Alex C. Sherriffs, ~ni speak November 18. A Berkley administrator, Dr. ~herriffs will cover the psychological aspect and administration. From Palomar's immediate area is Dr. Thomas L. Gillette, a sociology instructor at San Diego State College. His lecture date is February 10, 1967. Speaking from the field of psychology will be Dr. David L. Cole, a psychology instructor from Occidental College in Los Angeles. Dr. Cole will lecture February 24. In addition, Palomar will bring on campus a student from a four year college to present the student's concept of his peers. However this individual has not been chosen yet.
LRmlership ronferenre at Camp Cuyamam presents challenges for student government Campus leadership, enthusiasm, and participation in campus activities were stressed at the Cuyamaca Leadership Conference Thursday through Saturday. A group of approximately 40 sophomores an~ freshmen attended the three day conference held at Camp Cuyamaca, near Julian. . Friday the keynote assembly featured James Soules, Director of Vocational Education, whose topic was "Introduction to Leadership." For the post-luncheon program. several Palomar administrators were present--Howard Brubeck, Dean of Huma;1ities, Charles Coutts, Assistant Dean of Instructio:1, and Dr. Frederick Huber, President ofPalomar. All gave short speeches to the assembly. After this meeting the students adjourned to their workshop sessio::1s, breaking for lunch and continuing in the afternoon. Saturday morning at 9:50 the final meeting was called to order by President Steve Wozniak and the committee reports were given. Pat McArdle, speaking for the homecoming workshop, outlined the plans for the pre-game activities and the dance. The general theme this year will center around the idea of an Old Fashioned Homecoming.
Communications and Publicity workshop, represented by Penny Hill, presented its proposals for an effective way of standardizing posters, regulating poster display, centralizing handling of publicity, and organizing the publicity committee. Bill Mason presented the Inter-Club Council's recommendations. It proposed ways of enforcing attendence, transferring meeting hall scheduling responsibilities to ICC, and r e gulating scheduling of social activities. The elections and judicial workshop was represented by Nicola Kester who presented an outline of student body faults, emphasizing that the Council should make the student body aware that they are a part of student government. The workshop also reccommended that the Council take the powers that they now have and use them. Jim Adkins presented the Men's Activities report which emphasized developing the AMS club before all other projects. He suggested that in a few years an emergency fund could be opened to men students with financial problems. He also suggested that AMS wo.:.rld function
as a service club and also a prod for school spirit. Women's activities was represented by Jeanette Doty who outlined activities for the entire year and stated that this year's general theme for AWS will be "The Well Groomed Look On Campus." A new workshop, the Forum, was represented by Steve Wozniak. The workshop developed the idea of a student forum and outlined its purpose and policies. Faculty advisors were included in each workshop. These advisors, reported Dean Bowman, was the largest group ever attending a Palomar student government conference. Workshop chairmen were: Communications and Publicity, Penny Hill and Virginia Garwood; Elections and Judicial, Gary Appelt; Inter-Club Council and Social, Bill Mason; Homecoming, Pat McArdle and Nancy Hicks; Associated Men's Activities and Intercollegiate Athletics, Jim Adkins and Dave Funderburk; Associated Women's Activities, Jeanette Doty and Merrilou Shearer; Student Forum, Steve Wozniak and Ed Johnston.
omets preparing
game Friday by Coach Larry Knuth
With two fine scrimmages behind them, Palomar College's football team looks forward to its 1966 opener with Compton College a t 3 p.m. Friday in Compton's Ramseur Stadium. Palomar barely outlasted Compton last year in Escondido, but this year's Compton team offers less speed and explosivene Gs but a tougher defense and more size to s top the hard running of Mike Cory and Chris Palmer, plus the air attack of Len Gann and Rod Nicol throwing to Bob Lent, Dave Tibbetts and Bill Sullivan. Coach Cecil McGehee's eleven outhit, outscored, and outplayed the nationally ranked Santa Ana Dons from the powerful Eastern Conference last Wednesday morning, then dusted off new Golden West JC from Huntington Beach in specatcular style.
Dr . Huber explains the total education program at yesterday's "Welcome" assembly.
"Total education" is president's theme Freshmen students assembled on Comet Field yesterday for an orientation and welcome to Palomar by the administration and ASB officers . ASB President Steve Wozniak opened the mee ting, expressing the concept that this semester there is a special effort to acquaint the new students with the "to~al education program" at Palomar. The emphasis is on the co-curricular opportunities and activities at the college. Wozniak introduced Palomar's president, Dr. Frederick Huber who explained this total education program. He stated that student activities are directly related to classroom work. Some activities, he pointed out, transfer from the classroom to the students and others carry over from the student body back to the classroom through clubs and organizaions. "Student activities does not disassociate itself from the total education .... This is a part of the institution, "Dr. Huber concluded. After Dr. Huber finished his address, Wozniak introduced other members of the administration who gave short speeches explaining their duties and their offices' functions on campus. The fall Student Council and cheerleaders were then introduced and the assembly was adjourned.
Santa Ana's Dons arrived 80 strong and ranked 3rd nationally in the pre-season JC Grid-Wire poll but Palomar's hardhitting squad, led by sophomore guard Pat Farner, gave the Dons all they could handle for an hour and a half. Freshman quarterback Len Gann from San Dieguito sparked the offense as he shared duties with veteran Rod Nicol. Sophomore guard Don Deuce of Fallbrook also played an outstanding game. New Golden West JC provided a strong test for the Comets in the early part of the scrimmage but the Palomar line broke up the game with its aggressive play as backs Chris Palmer and Mike Cory scored on 2 and 63 yard runs. Sophomore Da11e Tibbetts provided the other Palomar tally as he intercepted a pass and sprinted 16 yards for the touchdown .
The biggest p r oble m in the Contet camp, though, is the eligibility of transfer fullback Chris P almer, who has been impressive in p re-season drills. The conference has ruled Chris ineligible but there is still a possibility that the decision will be reversed. Friday's starting offensive lineup will probably be: End: Grant Raybold or Butch Tufts Tackle: Jim Frank or Mike Manning Guard: Don Dence Center: Jim Stevens Guard: Pat Farner Tackle: Barney Lampe End: Bob Lent or Dave Tibbetts Quarterback: Len Gann or Rod Nicol Halfback:路 Mike Cory Halfback: Bill Sullivan Fullback: Chris Palmer or Ken Mortin
Largest enrollment Advancements and chang~ made in college history in Palomar's peoonnel department now at Palomar Mrs. Lee Gaines, former secretary Mr s . Margaret Parry is now in the
to the Dean of Instruction, has left her position to work toward her teaching certificate. She will be taking preparatory courses here at Palomar. The secretarial opening created numerous changes and advancements in Palomar's secretarial staff. Mrs. JaDene Dugas, former secretary to the admissions office has taken Mrs. Gaines' place. Mrs. Norrine Gearheart is now faculty secretary and taking her place as secretary of student personnel is Mrs. Sandra Mott. An additional library staff member is Mrs. Antonia Hohlt. And
admissions office. In addition there are also changes in office quarters for some other departme nts . T he expansion of the educa ~ion department created space problems for that department's dire ctor, James Soules. His office is now in the old news department, giving Soules more working room for both himse lf and his secretary, Mrs. Gail Jones . Mr. Scott Boyles , News and Public Relations Director, now has his office adjacent to the mail room. Filling Soules' old office is Mrs . Gearheart, faculty secretary.
Fall enrollment is at an all-time high with over 1,000 additional students registering. Robert Burton, Dean of Admissions, reports an estimated enrollment of 2,200 day students and 4,000 night students. These figures are well above last spring's which were 1,961 day students and approximately 3,400 night and part time students. Registration will continue for both day and evening classes through Friday.
Palomar selected continued from page 1 like to teach at Palomar after retiring from the service . The men chosen to participate in the program are all graduates of the Navy 's "B" school, a specialized training school. All are in the top percentile of their classes, ranging from radar technicians to even store keepers. They are free to take any class at Palomar as long as it relates to their specialty. Physical sciences and math classes seem to be their main concentration. The Navy pays all their costs except the parking fees. Traditionally, service men are waived of any physical education classes, but all the Navy students are enrolled in P. E. classes and some intend to participate in Palomar's athletics 路programs. This program is a regular tour of duty and so the participants have come with their families. Their wives are being encouraged to take classes at Palomar also, although their expenses are not covered by the Navy. Being on active duty, the men are still under Navy law. For this reason, plans call for a full time officer and enlisted man to be on campus. The officer will act as a liason between the Navy and the college while the enlisted man, Chief Bob Myer, will take care of service records, health r ecords , and their pay.
Dr. Huber, framed by the ASB Council, fellow administrators , Palomar's dome and celebrated "P" , begins his opening address to fre shman s tudents in Palo-
mar's "open air auditorium." The Pre sident 's Convocation Assembly will be held F riday at 10:00 on the
Photo by Gordon Stubblefield field. All students are required Lv a ttend. Assembly schedule will be followed for that day.
Seventeen new instructors added to faculty register Increased enr ollment at Palomar has created a. larger teaching staff this semester. A total of seventeen new teaching and councelling personnel, all additional staff members , not replacements. has been added. : . New in the art department is Har r y E . Bliss . Mrs. Ann Ha.nev has been included in the behavioral s c ience division. She will be teaching sociology LAST MINUTE ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE ADMINISTRATION Dean of Admissions, Robert Burton, reminds men students to complete form 109 , Selective Service deferment application, and turn it in to the Student Personnel office . Since the armed services will be making a heavy draft in October and Novembe r, Dean Burton r ecommt::uua the for ms be turned in as soon as possible. Men eligible for benefits from the new GI Bill should contact Mrs . Ma r garet Parry, Veteran's Secretary, if they have not already done so.
and psychology. New business teachers a r e Mrs . LaVere C. Campbell and Thomas Humphrey. Chemistry will 路 now also be taught by Ernest Shiwanov. James Carnevale, r eturning to Palomar after two years of additional post- graduate 路 study, will be a new counselor. Miss Donna Reiser, a. former Physical education teacher, will now be a full-time counselor. Students interested in attending the Compton game Friday at 3:00 at Ramseur Stadium may purchase bus tickets in the Student Activities Office any time before Wednesday morning. The bus will leave at 1:00 from Palomar. Tickets are $2.93 for the charter bus. Ramseur Field is llll E . Artesia Blvd. For further information contact the Student Activities Office . Burrill Monk , music department head, has a.nno:.mced openings in the college orche stra band. All interested students should contact Monk or their councelor for program changes and additions .
In earth sciences, teaching geology and geography, will be Richard S. Noble. Returning to her former English teaching post at Palomar is Miss Barbara. Corcoran. Another new English instructor is Richard B. Peacock. Mrs . Car olyn C. Wood is a. new librarian, working in the periodical room. Life sciences now include Wayne P. Armstrong in their department. An addition in the music department is Joe R. Stanford. Physical education has three new women teachers, Miss Billie L. Hutchings, Mrs. Viola. Jeffrey, and Miss Catherine M. Tobacco. Dr. Beauford Chambless has been added in the social sciences department and he will be teaching history classes. A new department has been added to Palomar's offerrings and this is Nursing Education. The new coordinator of nursing is Mrs. Mary B. Fulton. This newdepartmentis not connected with the full-time nurse on campus . This semester will start a full year of teaching for Coach Larry Knuth and Miss Diane M. Bohanan of the English department.