Volume 21, Number 6
October 24, 1967
Homecoming candidates selected --see page five
Big shakeup among Power Children Questioning of constitutionality causes uproar zn ASB Council •
All officials of the Freshman Class and Sophomore Class may find themselves out of office by the end of this week bec~use of constitutional oversights. Constitutions of the classes werepresented to the ASB Council in open session yesterday. Both documents, discovered last week, are now before the Judicial Committee, which is determining their impact on the three most recent elections of the two organizations. The two constitutions, nearly identical in wording, state that all officers of both classes are to be elected rather than appointed. This invalidates Freshman Class president Brice Larsen's five recent Freshman Council appointments. Other ramifications of the discovery could include: --An automatic recall of Larsen as being unconstitutionally elected. --Recall of Audrey-Charlotte Jaques as Sophomore Class president. She had taken over the position in the wake of Sandy Eagleston's resignation yesterday. Miss Jaques was appointed vice-president by Miss Eagles ton after elections last spring, rather than elected. Unofficially out of office in the Freshman Class are Phil Robinson, vice
Parking problem
Space-to-vehicle ratio out of line By Joe Wiggins The trouble with parking is cars. That just about sums up the big problem of trying to find space for all the vehicles at Palomar, according to Charles 0. Craft, superintendent of buildings, whose ·department maintains the areas and trys to keep count of traffic here. "Take some 3,000 people--our 'population' on any given day or night of classes, a majority of whom, or so it seems, come and go in individual cars, then try to fit them into the 1,300 estimated parking spaces we have on campus," he said. "The figures just don't work out." Its pretty hard to argue against the mathematical soundness of a conclusion like that. Even if you count compacts for only 3/4 .(or perhaps only 5/8 with reverse rims), sports cars or VW's for 112 spaces (7/16withtops down) and allow up to 19/64 for notorcycles, the most elementary arithmetic would give you a dividend something- to the right of the decimal point.
a few students presently use it. We also have three buses - one on a coast run, another to and from the Poway- Escondido areas, and a third on the FallbrookVista route, all modern and comfortable but they are carrying only a fraction of their capacities," he said. "If the buses do not now go close to a student's horne some arrangement may be ,.rorked out with individual drivers."
As to some of the other difficulties-leaving unnecessary space between cars, blocking others in, extending in ariVe::; and exits and parking in unauthorized spaces--Craft implied that solving these could be a lot simpler. But instead of being solved by mathematics they rna•· be under the heading of the "humanities --like consideration, and cooperatio among all who drive, he said.
But Craft pointed out what; at least, may be a possible "school solution" to that particular side of the problem. "We have one parking lot-lot 'G' on the east side of the maintenance building--oiled and in good condition that will hold close to 200 cars. Yet, apparently because its a little farther to walk, only
'Christmas Carol'
auditions to begin Auditions for the tri-departmental production of the "Christmas Carol" will be held on Oct. 30 and 31 in P-33 from 3 to 5 p.m. The drama, dance, and m us ic departments are combining for the show. The production will open in December with a cast in excess of 60. Parts for singers, dancers and actors are open. Singers should bring their music and be prepared to perform. An original music adaptation with the score by Howard Brubeck, dean of humanities, is featured. Casting agents include Frank White, drama instructor: Howard Brubeck; Joe Stanford, music instructor; and Miss Billie Hutchings, dance instructor.
Where 's my car?
Photo by Steve Blackstock
president; Ed Gladys, treasurer; Betty Taylor, secretary; Bill Wright, activities chairman and Diane Schekel and Kathy Taff. publicity chairman. The chairmanships, according to the constitution, don't exist The matter was called to the council's attention by Steve Woodall and Joan Kattelrnann, co-editors of The Telescope. Staff reporter Jerry Nicholas
had discovered the constitutional provisions while writing a story on Larsen's council appointments. Larsen had provided Nicholas with a copy of the document which he found last Thursday in the files of the Student Activities office. ( CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 )
Sandy Eagleston resigns as Class president Sandy Eagleston resigned from the office of Sophomore Class president yesterday. In a dramatically simple statement to the ASB Council, she relinquished her office to vice- p r e s i dent AudreyCharlotte Jaques. Miss Eagleston was elected last spring. Miss Jaques' position may be ruled unconstitutional (see story elsewhere on this page.) In a prepared statement to THE TELESCOPE, Miss Eagleston said: "In the short time that I was in office, I did my best to get the Sophomore Class on its feet. There are a number of very qua 1 if i e d persons, namely Charlotte Jaques, who will do the job effectively and whole-heartedly." "There was a time when I actually believed in what the council was doing-that what they did was really worthwhile. But now it seems to be only a great deal of foolishness. And it is absurd to continue spending your time doing something in which you can no longer believe." ''This is not to imply that student government is entirely worthless. Those
who find it pleasurable , stimulating and rewarding should take part. But if you consider it just a big joke, you don't belong-- and you're not being fair to those who do."
Committee policy investigation voted by Governirg fuard The Palomar Board of Governors meets tonite at 7:30 p.m. One topic they will discuss is a decision on whether or not to proceed with the proposed in-depth study rejected by MiraCosta's board last week. The Palomar Board of Governors voted last week to ask the County Counsel for a written opinion on the legality of election proceedures of the County Committee on School District Organization and the 1949 rules limiting board membership to certain districts. Board member Milo Shadle reported that when he attended a recent meeting of the committee, at a time when three member were up for election, he was informed that certain districts in the Gounty, including Palomar could not be represented by candidates for committe vacanies. He said this was becuase the committee still functions under bylaws adopted in 1949 establishing the type of districts entitled to committee representation. Such districts as Palomar, Borrego, Ramona and Poway are not eligble to stand for election. The County Committee on School District Organization voted to recommend to the State Board of Education a single junior college district in the north county. In effect, that decision called for a merger of Palomar and MiraCosta districts, a union formallu opposed in a Palomar board resolution several weeks ago. Board memhers said the makeup of the county committee results in a decision of great importance being reached without representation opportunity from some of areas involved. The County Committee is- slated to make its "one district" recommendation to the State Board of Education meeting in Los Angeles on Nov. 9-10. Dr. Frederick R. Huber, Palomar President, will represent the college viewpoint at that session, asking for a delay in action until an in-depth study can be made of all factors affecting
the future economic, population and educational interest of the north county. Palomar officials held that the solution can not properly be made until more knowledge of such factors is obtained, and that the County Committee did not have that information when the single district was represented. The Board recently voted to contribute $3,000 to conduct a detailed study of the north county -- economic, population, public school enrollment, and other pertinent trends affecting future junior college districting. That plan was developed by a new inter-district committee comprised of representatives from both Palomar and MiraCosta districts and since renamed the North County Council of Junior Colleges. The Palomar portion of the survey financing was made contingent on each of the other affected districts--MiraCosta, San Dieguito, Julian and Borrego--contributing prorataamounts. The school districts had turned down the financing request, and while the Palomar Board was in session last Tuesday the MiraCosta Board also voted against appriating its $1,500 assigned share of the cost.
Rooter's buses Rooters Buses to the Citrus game on Saturday beginning at 1:15 in Azusa will leave the campus at 9:30. Transportation charge of 509 a person will be charged. Students should sign up in the student activities office no later than Wednesday.
The Concert Hour scheduled for Noon tomorrow has been canceled . It has been re-scheduled for next Wednesday at 11 a.m. in C-5.
_ _ __
San Marcos._California
In 19 0~. the Student Puhllcartons noard estaiJIIshecl n Code ol Ethi{'S with the cooperation of tl1e mt•miJe rs of all campus puhllcatfons Local newspapel' pulllishe rs were askect to comment and thev sale! the code \\as C'omple te . Two statements from · that c ode are pert\n{•nt today : .,\ !thin the framework of school co\·erage . sensationallsn'l . glorification. and favoriti sm should not he tole t·atecl. " Coverage of national or International nccur1·ences s hould he governed hv the pi'Oxlmit\' of the C\·ent and the di reel l'elatlonshlp of the CYent to th~ student s. These events should he considciY:d
when the\· occu r on ca mpus or l>rought Into the col lege progra m d i rectl y " Opinions expressed In this pape r in signed editor i als and a rt icles a re the views of the writers and do not necessarl l v repr esent opini ons of the stnff. views of the .\ ssoci ated Student I3ody Co.Jncll. college administ ration. o r the Boa rd of Gove rnors. Tbc T ELESCOP E irw ites r csponsl hle •guest editori al So r l etters to the edito r t\11 communicati ons nYJS t IJe signed hv the author. T he TELE SCO P E~· as a student ncw-,pape r mo~st r epresent the enti rt> spectrum of student thought
- - - - --
EDITORIALS CONSTITION? WHAT CONSTITUTION? ANYBODY SEEN A CONSTITUTION? This week student government is in the spotlight. And it isn't a very flattering light. It was not until last Thursday that anyone knew a Freshman Class constitution existed. Sophomore Class constitutions were unearthed yesterday. Niether the ASB president nor the recent elections committee nor the Freshman Class president nor the Sopomore Class president nor the Dean of Student Activities knew that there were constitutions for Palomar's largely inactive class organizations. If the Judicial Board, to which the matter has been entrusted, interprets the constitutions as they were intended to be interpreted, Palomar's last three class elections will be invalidated . And that will be unfortunate. It should never have happened. And all anyone ever needed to do was look to the files in the Student Activities office. Brice Larsen's fres hman administration was getting off to a good start. Five officers had been appointed and
the first meeting was scheduled for today. Audrey-Charlotte Jaques had just ascended to the Sophomore Class presidency and seemed willing to launch a program of activities. Yet none of these officers knew that their class had a constitution, nor, except for Larsen,thought to look for one. Now, unless the Judicial Board decides to sweep this matter under the rug, there will have to be another election. And when the present state of turmoil is clear, what will have been accomplished? At least we have found out that the constitutions do exist. And more significantly, in the future perhaps governing bodies and candidates will adopt a more realistic attitude toward elections and the offciers being competed for. Such a change in attitude appears to be called for . Out of chaos comes order. -- S.D.W.
LETTERS TO TRE EDTTOR Editors: It is my personal belief that the students of Palomar College are not interested in student government. I think there are two reasons for this lack of interest. First there are not enough students turning out to vote. Many students use the excuse that they haven't enough time to vote. How long does it take to vote? 5 minutes? 10 at the most. The voting places stay open until 3 p.m. There is no excuse for not voting Just think, these people are the future voters of our country and if they don't take the time out to vote in c ollege elections, it is a sure bet they won't vote in the local, state, and national elections. The second reason is that there are not enough students running for the different offices. The offices which have a lot of people running is the Presi-
dent and Vice-President, the others do not have enough status for most people, so they are forgotten. But it is these little ones that make up a smooth running government. If you as a student are not satisfied about the way things are being run, campaing for an office, let people know you have an opinion. I feel that the only way to have effective student governme nt is to have all of the students inte rested, not just a few. Eac h student s hould make it his r espons ibility to vote and he should run for an office if poss ible. It does not matter if he wins or loses, he has taken an inte r est in student gove rnment. It is YOU, the s tudents of Palomar College that make the type of student gove rnme nt we have. Be inte r e sted, have pride in your school, show people you care about what happends at Palomar Coll ege , ge t out and vote, and some of you run for an office , have a say about what goes on at your schooL - - Mabel Hill
MIRA COSTA "CLOSES DOOR" PALOMAR STANDS ALONE Would a P alomar-Mira Costa district me rge r be beneficial to the s tudents in North County? We ' ll probably ne ver know. Mor e than once the two junior colleges have been approac hed with the idea of a me rge r. The lates t was a $7,000 proposed s tudy in whic h P aloma r appropriate d $3 .000. This see ms to imply that Palomar's board of gove rnors belie ved the r esults of s uc h a s tudy would s how whe the r or not a me r ge r is in orde r . Howeve r. l\1ira Cos ta's boardoftrus tees " c los ed the door" on the proposed di s tri ct me rge r ' s tudy by voting 3-1 agains t appropriating $ 1500. Again, the possibility of a me r ger has be en defeated. Palomar is left s tanding alone , as free dis tricts Ramona, San Dieguito, and J ulian join Mira Cos ta in declining to part icipate in the study . Why are s o many people agains t the s tudy ? Mrs . J ean Kiss inge r , one ofMira Cos ta ' s three board members who voted agains t it, s aid, "I felt that we 've had so many differ e nt s tudies that I r eally feel that until the r e are c hanges in legis lators the whole thing is futile ... " She feels that the s malle r c ollege is s ometimes almos t in a position to be compe lled to go along with the large r school. The ide a of a s tudy of a dis tr ict me r ge r, s he s a id . has been brought up regularly during he r two year s on the boa rd . F ighting it is li ke "beating our head agains t the wall, " s he said . On the othe r hand . Mr. Clinton P edley, a Mira Cos ta boardme mbe rfor 20 years ,
and forme r pre sident,felt tha t this s tudy was jus t what the two dis tr icts needs . ''I' ve always wanted good r elations between the two districts .. . a free inte rchange of students without charge. " P edle y however, abstaine d rathe r than voting in favor of the s tudy , s ince his r ecomme ndation that Palomar and Mira Cos ta boards meet firs t to discuss the proposed s tudy was dis missed with the final 3-1 vote .
outdrawn Palomar fans actually outdrew Mesa college last Saturday at Mesa's own homecoming, which says a lot about Palomar' s spirit this year. A winning team usually bri ngs the fans out, and this ·year's team has done exactly that. Unfortunately, this enthusiasm is n't found at cross-country meets, where Palomar is also outstandingly represented.
pep Did anybody eve r notice that every time we have a pep as sembly we proceed to lose the game? Maybe it's just coincidence, but time and time again it has happened: the F riday before an important game (this time it was Mesa, usually it's homecoming), we have a pep assembly to, supposedly, give the team moral support. But some how it backfires and we lose the game. But even though Palomar f ell to Mesa, it was an exciting game for the spectators. And if we win the thre e remaining games, (which include homecoming which we invariably lose), Palomar can s till produce one of the best s eason r ecords we 've had in years .
heat Last week's Santa Ana con. clition caus ed seve ral fires, in. eluding sparking off a brush fire on the north side of the s chool. It looked like thos e homes we r e in danger for awhile . If the houses eve r did
catch on fire, there's a grassy field and paved road separating them from the school, which is unlikely to ever be put in serious danger.
tickets Cars without parking stickers are going to get stuck with a ticket as Pinkerton men are checking the cars now. And although the parking problem seems as bad as ever, Dr. John Schlettler claims that on the first day of school , when the re we re more cars on campus than at any other time, officials counted at least 100 empty marked parking places.
play For a night of laughs, we once again remind you to be sure to go s ee "Mary. Mary" this weekend . Joann Winston is absolutely hilarious as the ex-wife of a book publisher who's about to remarry. The ins ults the divorced couple throw back and forth to each othe r can' t be beat. Hopefully, Palomar theater goe rs will fill the drama lab to the brim .
homecoming Candidates for homecoming queen have begun their annual c ampaigns for the title , with pos te r s now adorning the school. The homecoming game is in two weeks with Mira Costa. Homecoming chairman Patti Russ o s hould be given r ecognition for her e fforts in planning this year's dance .
L£___ _ uO~@rr2o II L-
TI--ll~ 'fl~LJ~ SCC)Pl~ Co- Editor s . . . . . . Joan Kattelmann, Steve Woodall Page 2 Editor . . . . . . . . . . . J ean Peas le y Page 4 Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . Cecelia Lodico Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . Ste ve Schneide r Adve r tis ing . . . . . . . Dianna Ho:.tser J an Ha rless Club Ne ws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joe Wu . . . . . . . . Joe Warre n Artls t Ge ne ral Ass ignme nt . . . J an Donoho, Mike Gunderson J e rry Nic holas, Buzz Ponce Ga rySchmake, J oe Wiggins Composition .. . . . . Paul Colvin , Roza nne Jakovac P hotographe rs . . . . Ste ve Blackstock, Mike C hristy, Be tty Geiser , Henry Godine z, Cecelia Lod ico , J ohn Lovell , Bob Nels on D. Van Quackenbus h Advis or
Student power threatens
Mira Cos ta vote d or iginally for the proposed s tudy with a 2- 2 s tand-off. With r epeated de nials of me rge r s tudies . the local communities will have to accept the college dis tricts as they now s tand. The unfor tunate part of the defeat of this s tudy was that it was to look into the people ' s at titude toward a me rge r inste ad of reporting the usual cold, hard fac ts . But only Palomar felt s uc h a study was worth appropr iating precious budget dolla r s. --Jean Peasley
Jean Peasley
[informal editorials]
Above and beneath the level of Palomar's academic realm lie four-year institutions with all the problems we've viewed at arm's length--race riots, drugs, sit-ins, draft- card burning. Now there's a new threating problem ... at least to higher educational administrators. It's an attempt of the NSA (National Student Association) to challe nge teachers, deans and college officials with a concept called "Student power." What is student powe r? It's a student demand of rights and privileges that have always belonged to teachers and the administration including chosing course requireme nts, making a grading system, and even the hiring and dismissal of the insHtution's faculty. For example, one demand that the students are struggling for is the total control of all nonac ade mic regulations. Students feel they should have the r ight to make decisions concerning drinking in dorms, c urfew hours, and eve n the right of determining when visitors of the opposite sex should or shouldn't be allowed. Naturally, they'll also demand all disciplinary privileges. Outside and beyond this, howe ver, is an important goal whic h is the basis of why the a ve rage stude nt would attend a sit-in for anything more than excitement. Students want a voice in the ir acade mic criteria. Why s hould administrators be the people to chose what s ubjects a r e r equired and whic h ones a ren't? T he students want a chance to say whethe r or not these r e quir ed courses are beneficial to him . If they aren't why must he waste his time taking the m ? Students want to chose thei r te achers , a nd then get right down to telling him what's wr ong with his lectures and how he could improve them . And if a teache r is a poor inst r uctor, students want the powe r to be a ble to see that that teacher doesn't r eturn next fall. But how will students obtain their p owe r ?Me r ely by using the me thods they' ve s een the r est of America using... or, what they've le arned while growing up . They'll dem ons t r ate , have s it-ins , walk-outs, picke t lines--in short , cause confusion. It's not as s imple as this, however. T he NSA, in effect, has pu,t down on pape r four s teps towar d obtaining student power: 1. Assuming that all action will be initiated by NSA (whic h is made up of elected r epr esentatives from campuses across the count r y), NSA delegates will call a stude nt s ymposium to hear grie vances and formulate demands. 2. Stude nts will be encouraged to s tate the ir de mands and grievances by means of a rticles or letters in the campus newspape r, or mor e directly, a letter to the p r eside nt. 3. Then, if no action is take n towa rd m eeting their de mands by the officials , s tudents will hold mas s rallies to s tir up excitement . Stude nt le ade r s will give s peeches, followed up with a direct confrontation with univer sity administrators . 4. Then comes what the students hope the college officials will fea r ... mass confusion. P icket line s will be formed, s it-ins , and an atte mpt to block trucks making delive r ies to the campus (and any othe r nuis ance or aggr avation they can think of) . It has been proven by Berkeley and other c ampuses that s tude nts have what it takes to stir a lot of conf1:1s ion if they want to. But the catch i s that it takes the bulk of the s tudent population-the majority--to make s tudent power a s uccess . And will the majority be willing to ri s k a year of acade mi c confus ion, whic h c ould hur t their pre- conceived goals, to gain direct control of the uni ver s ity? The last NSA meeting was at College Park, Maryland, whe r e 334 US colleges were r epre sented . Here , NSA pres ident, Ed Schwart z , began promoting a campa ign to obtain the ne cessar y s tudent backing. P e rhaps Palomar should send a delegate to their next meeting.
Marshall Strebin passes out after accidentally taking sleeping pills instead Tiffancy, played by Diane Redfern. is a healthfaddist who momentarily enter-
of vitamins. Looking on are Jon Sophos, Diane Redfern, Joann Winston and Don
completing the entire members of the cast.
tains the ex-husband, played by Marshall Strebin.
SUCCESSFUL FIRST WEEK "Mary, Mary," Palomar'sfirst drama production of the year, opened last Thursday. Frank White , drama instructor and director, said the opening was "quite possibly the best to date we've had in terms of audience reception and response." "It was a very successful first week," White commented. The second run of the show will play on Oct. 26, 27, and 28 at 8 p .m. with a Saturoay matinee at 2 p.m. Understudies will play the matinee . ":M ary. Mary" is a play about a nice young couple who come to the brink of divorce, though they are still in love, because of the wife's inability to stifle the bantering jokes that keep coming into he r humorous mind. The play captivated all of Broadway's critics on its opening in 1961, except the redoubtable Walter Kerr of the New York Herald Tribune. He didn't review it because it was written 'by his wife, Jean Kerr, whose effervescent sense of hamor has been compared to Robert Benchely's. S.J. Perel man's, and Mark Twain's as a result of her previous play, "King of Hearts" and her two best-selling books, "Please Don't Eat
the Daisies" and "The Snake Has All the Lines." The other New York critics, aware that Mr. Kerr had disqualified himself from reviewing his wife's play, paid it the compliment of saying "Even Walter Kerr would have liked this one." As a matter of fact, he did. After an assistant had duly written a pretty rapturous review of "Mary, Mary" in the Herald Tribune on the morning after its opening irt March, 1961. Mr. Kerr later wrote a Sunday article ¡'i n which he allowed that he was favorablly dispos ed to the play. The actors who do more than an adequate job of portraying the characters of the play, were Joann Winston as the Mary: Marshall Strebin as her husband, who feels beaten down by her continual waggeries; Diane Redfern as a health-faddist who has momentarily won his interest through her fascination with her diet and his digestion; Don Kreuger as a smooth movie actor who understands why Mary is complusively funny; and John Sophos as a lawyer who uses the husbands income tax difficulties as an excuse for a meeting of the humor-sundered couple.
..' JUt
Marshall Strebin and Joann Winston (below, left) are show during one of their many hilarious heated arguments throughout the play.
Joann Winston, port raying the humorous Mary, is approached by a smoothtalking movie actor, played by Don Kreuger.
Understudies Jeffery McKnight and Glenda Bradley (above) look underneath the r ug in a desperate searc h for cigarettes .
Sports Talk It was a game of contrasts-It was billed as the battle for the Pacific Southwest Conference championship. It turned out to be the battle of class. Palomar College was the resounding victor. Last Saturday night in the cozy confines of the San Diego Mesa College stad'um, a football game was played that defined the word "emotion." In the beginning it was marked by a cheering rooters' section. In the end, all were silenced by Mesa's 14-7 victory. The Mesans pulled the triumph out of the hate over Palomar College, a school for whom John Kovac, the astute young Mesa coach, holds the highest regard. The Olympians of San Diego played a superb game, and, taking nothing away from Kovac's squad, Mesa held anoverwhelming statistical advantage over Palomar. Kovac's strategy for the Comet match was simple. It called for a blanket covering of Dan Hustead and Merle Gathers, Palomar's main offensive punch, and a never-ending blitz on quarterback Len Gann. The strategy succeeded as will Kovac's dream, that of bringing two consecutive PSC championships home to Mesa College. T hat is if Mack Wiebe has nothing to do with it. Which seems improbable. Wiebe saw his Cornets sink for the first time this season, against a team that did everything but pull hair to win. As it stands now, Wiebe's troops will have to
settle for a class victory. The word class is used here with the idea that Palomar, despite being on the low end of a 14-7 score, showed the Knights of the Keyboard (i.e., newspaper reporters in San Diego who wrote, ''Palo mar's picnic will end by playing Mesa .. ") that the San Marcans know how to play football and aren't a mass of Cinderella Kids. Aside from losing the all- important Mesa game, what hurt Wiebe and his team the most was the fact that they were sick and tired of being called second-rate. The Mesa game was more than just a contest that could have won the league championship for the victor. It was a duel that could rise Palomar College up to the echelon of San Diego County football. It was perhaps, as one observer said, "Palomar's most important football game in the history of the college." ---The Cornets did not disappoint. Palomar played a courageous game, as did their rivals . It was a match that took the appearance of a battlefield with players of both teams incurring injuries and tempers rising somewhat faster than the score. However as is all major battles, the issue of the matter was not completely resolved. In order to win the coveted championship , Mesa must still play a school by the name of San Diego City. And so must Palomar.
Halfback Merle Gathers (32) drives
behind the blocking of Al Gonzales (72) for 5 yards.
Mesa Olympians score last minute • VICtory over Palomar Comets
Comets shoved into 8-team conference Tltc Pacific Southwest FootbaE Confe r ence was dissolved for next season by the Athletic Committee of the California Junior College Association last Tuesday night. Next year will find Palomar, Grossmont, and Southwestern joining Chaffey, Citrus, Cypress, San Bernadino , and Riverside colleges in a conference. San Diego City College and Mesa wi.ll be joining Fullerton, Mount San Antonio, Orange Coast, Santa Ana, Golden West, and Rio Hondo. ''The new league should be a very challenging one for Palomar," commented head football coach Mack Wiebe. In all othe r sports the five PSC schools will continu,· to compete in theirpre s e~1t league . T r.e othe r colleges will rehtrn to their Enst:~ rn Conference. Possibly t:.1e two toughest squads t'L' Come ts will be attempting to conta;.1, are the San Bernardino Indians and the IUver s ide Tige rs . Palomar will have its first taste of the new league when they travel to Citrus on Saturday. The present plan came about after an earlier one that would have put the Pacific Southwest sc hools in a league with Orange Coas t, Santa Ana and Golden West me t with opposition from the Orange County colleges. Dan Hus tead (10) catches quarterback Len Gann's pass and runs for J5 yar ds.
Hartman sets new C. C. course record The Palomar College cross- c ountry team ran pas t San Diego Mesa's harrie r group 27- 30 last Friday afternoon in a meet he ld on the Cornets' course . Led once again by Randy Hartman who set anothe r course record of 21:56, Palomar dropped second, third and fourth places to Mesa, then captured positions five through nine. Hartm an r e mains unbeaten on the ye ar, while Doc Marrin's Comet s boast of an over-all 16- 1 record and 2- 0 Pacific Southwest Conference sl ate. Palomar runners placing five through nine in the Mesa match were Rick Fox, Frank Lomeli, Lee McCornh, Sal Castro and Richard Williams . The next m eet on tap for the Co m e t s is the Mt. Sac In v it a tiona 1, he ld next Saturday afternoon. Palomar times: 1. 5. 6. 7.
8. 9.
A record run Randy ~·ecord.
crosses finish line for a new ~ alornar cross Cc;unt:ty Course Hartman be at the old ~eco:r1 by 36 seconds.
15. 17. 20. 21.
Hartman Fox Lomeli McCorn h Ca&tro Williams Wil s on Serratlo Jauregi Odle Harrison
21:56 23 :39 23:42 23:59 24:06 24: 12 24:37 25:30 25:50 27:13 28:28
Coach Mack Wiebe's Palomar Cornets, still smarting from their first loss of the season, will travel to Azusa, California next Saturday afternoon to meet with Citrus College. Palomar, who was dealt a 14- 7 loss by San Diego Mesa College last Saturday night, held tight in the Olympian game until reserve quarterback Ed Stuart fumbled on his own 15 yard line , to enable Mesa to score the go-ahead touchdown with only one minute remaining in the tilt. Wiebe termed the Mesa loss as, "Very dissappointing, yet I think we'll be able to bounce back against Citrus and Mira Costa and be all set for San Diego City.'' Palomar will face two non- conference foes in Citrus and Mira Costa, before taking on another Pac ific Southwest Conference team, that be ing Harry West's San Diego City Knights. The Citrus Owls, like Palomar, sport a new he ad coach, Dave P et e rson. In his initial season, Peter s on will be seeing his Owls pitted against Palomar for the first time in four years. The two teams were originally aligne d together in the old South Central Confere nce , forming a bitter rivilary. The Cornets will attempt to get the ir offense moving once again after be ing stymied by a stout Mesa defense . Quarte rback Le n Gann will be at the controls agains t the Owls with halfback Dan Huste ad and fullback Merle Gathe rs carrying the brunt of the running chores. On defense , Wiebe is expected to go wit h a front four of Kayle Henderson, Rich Saunders, Gary Carter and Scott Bowman, all of whom turned in top performance against Mesa, as did middle
linebacker Scott Martinson. The Cornets rallied to a 7- 7 standoff Saturday until the last 53 seconds when the Olympians ended a 14 yard drive in three plays last Saturday for the deciding TD. The Palomar defense was the only reason the Cornets stayed in the game as the offense could cover only 121 yeards , 126 in the air and - 5 rushing. Another i nteresting indicator is the fact that Mesa earned 19 firs t downs and the Comets only managed nine . Bill Robell , Mesa's fabulous running back, accounted for an overwhelming p ercentage of the Olympians yardage and scored both of the host's touchdowns. Len Gann thre w 33 aerials and connected with 16 for the Come ts . Sam Oliva, flankerback, cuaght three big passes for a 47 yards total. Jack Ashby fulled in six of the p a sse s for 35 yards . The Mesans sent Robe ll on a one yard jaunt in the thi rd p e riod for the games firs t tally after the Olympians had stormed 27 yards. The winners got the ball after Dennis Duke picked of£ the firs t of three Gann p asses to be intercepted. The Comets evened the scores 26 seconds into the last quarter on a twoyard dive over left guard by Dan Hus tea. Oliva set up the goal on a 25yard pass play. Rick Trest rail boote d the extra p oint at that crucial time. The last minute goal r e sulted from a fum ble of second- string quarterback Ed Stuart on the Palomar 14. ivresa battles Grossmont this Saturday, a Griffin win and a Comet win against San Diego City would put the Olympians and Palomar in a tie for PSC title .
Archery team in telegraphic match with other college teams P alomar's archery team will take part in a telegraphic m eet tomorrow starting at about 2 p.m. on the Comets' range . T he matc h is sponsored by Arizona State College at Te mpe, Arizona, and is called the " Sun Devil Classic Shoot." A double- scoring standard will be in effect with the r esults to be telegraphed to Arizona State for tallying. Ninet y arrows will be shot by each contestant from thirty yards at a 24 inch target. Jim Crafts, a m embe r of Palomar College's na tional championship archery s quad, has been named to the 1967 AllAme ric an Collegi ate Archery team with a ranking of second alternate on the men' s first team. The honor was bestowed upon Crafts in a lette r from the National Collegiate Archery Coac hes Association. Crafts, of Vis ta, and Jim Kinley, of Escondido, recently tie d with p erfect scores during national competition to lead the Palprnar archers to a firstpl ace s tatus over colleges and univer s ities throughout the United States. T hi s shoot will be a big s tep for the winners to me mber ship on the 1972 U. S. Olympic archery team .
The Archery team will be traveling to Arizona State Unive rsity on Nov. 17 and 18 to compete in the United States Intercollegiate archery meet.
Saunders , Stephens named top players T he Palomar College coaching staff announced e arly Monday the Cornet Player s of the Week in Palomar's 14- 7 l oss to San Diego Mesa College last Saturday night. Defensive tackle Rich Saunders and offensive guard J im Stephens r eceived t his week' s plaudit for outstanding play. Saunde r s, a 185 pound sophomore from Fallbrook High School garne r ed the special mention by c ont r ibuting several key tackles from his tackle spot. s tephens, operating from a guard position offensively, pass blocked effect ivel y all evening for Cornet quarterback Len Gann.
Comet basketball practice begins After one week of basketball practice, Coach Joe Brennan feels the Comet cagers' major problem is their ''lack of height.'' P a 1om a r' s tallest team member, Larry Waterman, is 6' 3 1/ 2'' tall with the shortest, Mike Ward, standing at
A young fan congratulates Jerry Grant of Escondido, on his victory in the Pacific invitational Grand Prix held in the San Diego Stadium parking lot. Last weekend marked the first time in three years there has been a sports
car race in San Diego County. Other North County drivers did rather well with Dr. Jim Weickgenant of Vista drove his 327 Corvette Stingray to third place. Tim Sharp of Oceanside won the Formula V race and Mickey Plea-
Jay Bunker, last year's star center. will not be available for action this year as he dropped out in favor of working in a Mormon mission in Mexico. Brennan says that the Comets will try to comper.sate for their height deficit by changing their playing style, putting emphasis on speed. Palomar's first test will be a scrimmage against Santa Ana Junior College Nov. 16, followed by a scrimmage with Cypress College Nov. 18. The Comets' first official game will be on Nov. 25 against Long Beach City College at Long Beach. Palomar will host again this year the annual Palomar College Invitational basketball tournament to be held on Nov. 29 through Dec. 2. The tournament will consist of San Diego City, Mesa, Riverside, Grossmont, Fullerton, Imperial - Valley, Mt. San Antonio, Ventura, Citrus, Pasadena, Southwestern, Mt. San Jacinto, sant of Escondido placed second in the Allan Hancock, MiraCosta, and Coalinga H-production race in a Sprite. Colleges. Two Palomar college stud ents, F-rank The returning lettermen this year are Garton and Wally Pelton, are on Grant's Sam Blalock, Keith Edelman, and Gary pit crew. F arr. Photo by Joe Warren
Blalock stands 6' 0'' and weighs in at 160 pounds. He came to Palomar from San Dieguito High School and is the Comets' captain. Blalock plays offensive and defensive guard. Edelman is from Vista and fills in at forward. He stands 6' 2" tall and weighs 183 pounds. Farr, who plays guard and forward, played his high school basketball at Escondido and measures 6' 1". Some of the rookies vying fo r starting positions are Harold Jenson, Joe Donahue, Rudy Waardenburg, Tim Wycinsky, Mike Judd, Waterman, Chriss Muth, Mike Ward, John Th-atcher, Bob Shultz, Tom Lyman, and Chris Cory. Jenson, Lyman, and Cory came to Palomar this year from San Dieguito. They are attempting to break into the ranks this year with Lyman at guard, while Jenson is trying out for forward. Judd and Thatcher played high school basketball at Butte Central in Butte, Montana. Judd plays guard and forward and was rated first team all-state in his senior year after making the second team all- state ranking in his junior year. He holds the record for the most field goals in the state tour. Thatcher has played one year of basketball at Montana Tech whe,re he made second team allconference. Waardenburg and Muth come from Vista where Waar denburg was rated AllCIF.
Plans for the annual homecoming game and dance are in their final stages with big events right around the corner. This year's homecoming is psyedelic oriented with a theme of "Insight Out." "Pschedelic domecomingbuttons will be sold during homecoming week which extends from Oct. 30 through Nov. 4,,. according to Pat Russo, committee chairman. Committee members will be selling the buttons for 109 In order to boost spirit and enthusiasm for the game, Circle K and Pep Club are sponsoring the annual bonfire Friday night before the game. The clubs are competing in the collection of wood for the fire. The bonfire dance sponsored by AMS will be from 8 p.m . to 12 a.m. with "Marsha and the Esquires" providing the entertainment. Dress is casual," said Miss Russo, and a light show will be provided. The homecoming dance follows Saturday's game in the student union. The "Horesless Carriage" will provide music for the semi-formal ocassion. Miss Russo said that "Proper attire for the men is a suit or sport jacket with tie. The women should wear dressy dresses or suits with heels." Admission is free if dress is up to standard. Various campus clubs have nominated a girl to represent them as Palomar's homecoming queen for 1967. Voting to choose the queen and her court will take place Oct. 30 according to Miss Russo. The girl receiving the highest number of votes will be queen. The four runners-up will be homecoming princesses. Coronation will take place during half time. Photos by Mike Christy
Samantha Samantha Dalzell, is a brown haired, bro·.vn eyed sophomore candidate sponsored by the Varsity Club. She said, "I felt very surprized and honored that this club would want me as their candidate. She is a 1966 graduate of San Dieguito High School and is a Physical Education major planning to attend the University of the seven Seas next semester and transfer to a four year college next year. l'vliss Dalzell was a varsity cheerleader for two years in high school ancl on the homecoming court her senior year.
Linda Linda Anderson, a brown haired, green eyed sophomore cheerleader, is the Associated Mens Students candidate. She said she "Was completely shocked and elated" when chosen as a candidate. - ·· Miss - Anderson is a 1966 graduate of Vista High School and is studying business in preparation for a transfer to San Diego State. She is on the Dean's List. She held the titles of Miss Vista and Miss Credit Union of California.
Mary Mary Adamson, a brown haired and brown eyed freshman, is the Young Republicans representative for homecoming queen. She excitedly said "I was so jazzed and nervous" about the nomination. An Escondido High graduate of 1967, Miss Adamson is a Medical Assisting student who is also a new ASB representative-at-large. "My plans after two years at Palomar are being an airline stewdardess for PSA or going into professional modeling." Miss Adamson commented. She was first runner up in the Miss Escondido contest and the mascot in high school.
Nancy Nancy Palmer, a blond-haired, hazel eyed, freshman cheerleader is the homecoming queen candidate for Circle K. She said, "I was shockeu and completly surprised" about her nomination. Miss Palmer graduated from San Mar cos High School in 1967 where she was an honor student and a homcoming princess. "I would like to teach in secondary schools," Miss Palmer stated about her future plans in Art Education.
Patti Patti Russo, a brown-haired, brown eyed, sophomore, nominated by Young Democrats is the ASB Social Chairman and AWS vice-president. Miss Russo is a 1966 graduate of Vista HighSchool who is continuing her studies in art at Palomar with hopes of transfering to Long Beach State Colgeg. "My desire is to obtain a degree in interior decorating." she said. Miss Russo represented Palomar College on the Walker Scott college board this summer. She is serving on the homecoming committee and did the decorations for the AWS spring fashion show last semester.
Janis Janis Johnson, a brown haired, brown eyed, sophomore is the representative for the Pep Club. She commented, "I am very honored to represent the Pep Club. Since it is a new club on campus I hope I can help further its goals by representing it." A 19 66 graduate of Escondido High School, she is a Psychology major and plans to become a high school counselor. She is a member of AGS, and the service club and serves as the secretary of the Pep Club.
Linda Linda Welch, is a brown haired, brown eyed, freshman who is representing the Veterans Club. "It was really an honor and a thrill to be chosen, she commented. Miss Welch is a 1967 graduate of Fallbrook high school who is enrolled in an English major program. She wants to teach English on the secondary level. Miss Welch is a beauty contest winner and is Mis s Fire Prevention, Miss Fallbrook, National Avocado Queen, Miss Teenage Citizen. and Miss Credit Union.
Marylou Trevisan, a brown haired, brown eyed sophomore is the homecoming candidate for the Newman Club. She said, "I was just very happy and feel that it is quite an honor." A 19 66 graduate of Planview High School in Plainview Texas, Miss Trevisan is a teacher education major. "I want to go on and graduate from San Diego State," she said. Miss Treisan served two years in student government while in high school and was class secretary in her senior year. She was also chosen as A WS best groomed girl of the mont h for October.
Nancylee Saffiote, a black haired, browned eyed, petite sophomore, has been named as homecom ing queen candidate for the International Club. A 1966 graduate from Escondido High School, Miss Saffiote is enrolled.in Palomar's new Nursing Program and is active in the newly organized service club. "I would like to be an obstetric nurse and work somewhere in San Diego County," she said. "I hopefully plan to be finished with the Nursing Prgoram in June 1969. I will then take my state board examination in order to receive my registered nursing degree." she said.
Miss Wiggenjo.3 t's m a in o~cup ation i s secretary to Dean Ro'Jr~ rt E, Bowman.
She also helps students with any club activities .
She is always avauable for students' generaL h3lp, inform ation or consultation . Photo s by Bob Nelson
Keeping the yearly calendar up to date for students' benefit is a job which entails time and a ccu racy.
Many students call her Virginia
The title of Se cretary to Dean of Stude nt Activitie s is hardly a complete desc ription for the type of work the job entails . F or Miss Virginia Wiggenjost is m ore than Dean Robert E. Bowman's sec r e tary. She is advisor and counselor to any and all students seeki ng her help. She ser ves as m e ssenger, organizer and general information disperse r for the entire student body. :VIiss Wiggenjost adm itted that she "neve r realize d be ing s ecretary to Dean Bowman would invo lve the extra services " s he performs . "I gue ss you c ould c all me the s tudents' de n mother, " s he laughingly adde d. "I' ve been at Palom ar for four years. At firs t I was se cre tary to Mrs. Marjorie Wallace, Dean of Women , and t hen to Mr. Joseph A. Malik who has s ince left Palomar and is working toward his doctorate. This is m y s ec ond year as Dean Bowman 's secretary· and I jus t love it. "When I f ir s t c am e to Student Activi-
ties, I was given a big welcome by the students . Seve r al of them were playing c hes s and quiga in R-3 which surprised m e. I as ke d Mr s . Lillian Gaines, 'Don't the s tudents ever s tudy around here?• "I s oon found out that every day is diffe r ent around here, I'm involved in whatever happens to come along that day. My job inc ludes e ve r yt hing from making c offee, to solving problems, to helping mothers find los t souls on campus," s he said. Commonly referr ed to as "Virginia" by s tudents who k now her, Miss Wiggenjos t ofte n acts as s tudent gene r a l advisor. "I lis ten to all sorts of probl ems," sh·e r em a rked . "Boys will come to me and say, ' Do you think so and so would like m e?' And girlswant toknow iftheyshould go with s uc h and such a fellow. Many tell m e their p ar enta l p robl ems. I merely try to guide the m . I don't te ll them what to do . I guess they come to Student Activities because of the frie ndly atmosphere a round he r e. "
Mice invade campus buildings, equipment P alomar College has bee n ove rrun, a lmost , by mice . Three have been trapped in the Boa rd R oom.in the administration wing, and at l e ast six othe r s have been caught on c ampus. Mrs. Rosemarie Schwartz r eports that s he firs t saw the, a s s he put it, "evide nce" of the mi ce seve ral weeks a go on the electric range in the Board Room . She calle d Dennis Bostic of Earth Sciences in to get r id of the mice . Firs t he fed them pois on. Afte r word got around the mouse community the board r oom became the ir favor ite dining are a . Finally. three of the mice we r e caught with animal t raps. Mrs. Elvira Ba iley , bu s ine ss office cashier , had a mouse homes tead he r t ypewriter us ing the r ibbon for a nest . "It cost the school two ribbons and it ate the c ookies I had hidde n in m}' file cabinet ," said Mrs. Bailey. Afte r poison hadn •t wor ked trap s finally caught the culprit. A,t night, between t he adm inis tration h~ild i!].gs switchboa rd ope r ator John . Robirds has seen a "kangaroo rat" jump ing ac r oss the side walks . Jim Gadtke . head of the ma intenance
Mrs . Elvira Bailey tries to catch one of many mice which have caused s ome com motion t hroughout the administration buildi ng. depa rtment, says two were caught in the library, three m ore behind the cafeteria a nd in the main warehouse. "This is a national thing this year," s ays Gadtke. "Last year it was 'wool bear' bugs."
Americans . In the United States, today, t he average 21-year-old has a tenth grade e ducation. In Germany, the average is only seven years of education. It is much easier to go to college in the U.S. than in Germany because of the State Colleges and Junior Colleges. In Germany, only the elite, financially as well as schol astically. go to college. Also, advanced degrees are obtained in shorter times of study in Germany. T here are more colleges in Californi a than in all of West Germany.
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All s tudents meeting the requirements of a Freshman, providing they meet the requirements and qualifications es tablished by the Constitution of the Associated Student Body of Palomar College , s hall be considered members of the Freshman Cl ass of Palomar College, and be e ntitled to vote and hold office.
t (:
ARTICLE lii (Governm~;;nt)
Section 1.
ARTICLE II (Me mbe rship) Any s tude nt enrolled a t Palomar
In order to make a special welcome to all women on campus, AWS held an orientation meeting l ast Wednesday. President Debbie Hayward introduced herself and all other club officers who gave a brief run down of their duties and plan s for the club's future. The Navy Wives Tea, to be held tomorrow from 3:30 to 4 :30 p.m. at the Fine Arts complex, is only one of many activities on the c lub's agenda. About 50 wives of navymen who are attending Palomar will be the guests of the AWS officers for the afternoon. All faculty wome n are invited. "The tea will include a tour through the campus so that the navymen' s wives can get acquainted with the campus and t he students," said Margaret Williams, special programs chairman. Girls from t he newly formed service club will ass~st as guides. The Service Club, a new branch of AWS, is open to all women. "We will serve at teas and other events, usher at the Humanities Lectures, address invitations for AWS events and perform other general services," commented Jan Ch ristensen, service chairman. "We plan to meet the first and third Mondays at 11 a.m. in H- 4 . One of the projects we have in mind is the sponsoring of an orphan. No defin ite plans have been made yet." Officers elected at yesterday's first organization meeting are: Jan c' h r is tense n, president; Diane Schekel. vice-pres ident; Pat Lund, secretary; Kathy Taft, treasurer; Kathy Smuck, public ity: and Vicki Barcott, service committee chairman. Next meeting will be on Monday, Nov. 6 in R-4.
College who has earned fewer than 28 units at the beginning of the school year shall be deemed a freshman.
ASB uproar
Section 1.
e njoyed my secr etar ial work so well, I decide d to stay on. And I kept taking night c ourses these past four years. I'm in a Biology course this se mes ter. I would like to go on to San Diego State and get a bache lor' s Degr ee in business administration." During the time it took her to sip a cup of instant coffee (s he always has a pot of hot water brewing), Miss Wiggenjost was interrupted four times. The first visitor was a c lub advisor who had some information to give her . Next, came Young Dem ocr ats president, Joe Wu, who asked her to make a change on the master calendar. Immediately after that Bob Thoreson, representative of the Veteran' s Club arrived . He needed "a few questions answered." Toward the end of her cup of coffee, Miss Wiggenjost stopped off to help a student sign up for the rooter s bus to San Diego. Being a good manager, she made sure the student paid his quar ter before signing his name. "I really en joy working wit h the students. If I didn't, I think I'd go batty around here," she quipped _
A WS to we/rome navymen 's wives
T hi s was the firs t knowledge anyone connected with student government had of the cons titution inc luding Robert Bowman, dean of s tudent activities. Dean Bowm an found the Sophomore constitutions -- two diffe rent ones. one dated 1949, the other not dated and with provis ions near ly ide ntical to the Freshman Class c ons titution--for the first t ime yes te rday. The J udicia l Com m ittee . under the c hairmans hip of Jim Strong will meet T hu r sday at 11 a .m. in H-5. · The portions of the cons t itution in ques tion:
calendar. She must make an accu rate l isting of a ll the major events scheduled for the year. She also arranges the weekl y c alendar which lists all club meetings assemblies and activities for the week. This smaller calendar is availltble to everyone and can be picked up at the switchboard in the administration building. "I'm kept busy making arrangements fo r clubs and faculty who wis h to rese r ve certain rooms fo r the 11 o 'clock hou r," she noted. "I also get money and the cash box for t he club sponsored dances. Occasionally I sell tickets for the bigfootball games.'' Along with keeping her 8 a.m. to 4 p.m . office hours, Miss Wiggenjost takes n ight cl asses here . "I didn't anticipate to get my Associate of Arts degree. But a doctor wanted me to work for him at the same time I took this secretarial job. So I took a medical terminology course in order to see if I'd like working in the m edical field. Soon I discovered that I
Alpha Gamma Sigma hears speech about "Education in West Germany" D r . Gunthe r Schlot hauer. a F ulbright teacher, spoke yesterday to t he AGS meeting. His topic was "Education in West Ge rma ny. ·• Dr. Schlothauer sa id that s tudents in West Germany were m ore serious than their counterparts in this c ountry. He s aid that family pressure , the p otential for a better job. and a will to l earn drive West Ge r man stude nts to bette r grades. Fam il ies in Germ any place more emphasis on education than Americans. He uls o said t hat Ger man youth are not, on the whole. as well educated as
" I ofte n have to deliver emergency or other messages from home to students in c l ass. Many times I help mothers locate their child by call ing them over the m ic r ophone in the Student Union." Aside from taking dict ation for Dean Bowman, receiving messages and answering the telephone, Miss Wiggenjost al so helps t he student council and ASB Officers in "whatever t hey need. Occasionally I'll type or mimeograph material for them if the secret a r y is unable to do so." She a lso assisted many of the student c ouncil candidates with their publicity in the recent elections. Miss Wiggenjost a lso works with the publ icity and pep c ommittees. "I help with the paint and posters and run off material for a ll c lubs. I a lso assist club advisors who need publicity infor mation typed ormimeographed . Mostofmywork is directly with the students, however," she added. One of Miss Wiggenjost' s biggest tasks is the organization of the yearly master
Section 2.
The elec tive officers ofthe Freshman Class s hall be a President, a Vice- Pres ide nt, a Secretary, and a Treas ure r. The above shall constitute the Freshman Council.
AWS Best Groomed Woman, Dean of Women Mrjorie E. Wa llace, and AWS Awards Chairman Susan Stanberry.
In the distant future, AWS plans to hold a Cultural Week, ac cording to Carol Sue Durr, cultural chairman. "This would consist of bringing a hair stylist on campus who would give hair styling and make up demonstrations during the week. We also plan to have a couple of ladies from Golden State Fabric store from Escondido come and show us spring fabrics and patterns for the summer. The girls will be able to pick out material they like and ask the ladies to hold it for their purchase at a later date. The event will takeplace sometime in April or May," Mi.ss Durr said . Sue Stanberry listed her duties as choosing candidates for AWS Woman of the Month and Best Groomed Woman. Miss Stanberry petitioned all girls to he lp her "by submitting suggestions of those they feel would qualify for t he monthly awards." Chris Spencer , orientation chairman , is striving to make all new women on campus welcome . She works on the an nual tea which hosts senior high school girls from all over the Palomar area. Other officers introduce d were: Pat Russo, vice-president; Sandy Eagleston, treasure r; Linda Matz, cultural cochairman; Heidi Weflin and Cecelia Lodico, co-publicity chairmen. Mrs. Marjorie Wallace, Dean of Women, is club advisor. Meetings are held e ac h Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. in P-32.
The Veterans Club held its annual e lection of Homecomi ng Queen candidate last Wednesday. Selected to represent the c lub is Linda Welch. In other business, the club made plans fo r this Friday's dance. Beat, Incorporated w ill play from 8 to 12 in the Student Union. Admission is $1.00 s tag and $1.50 dr ag. NEWMAN ELECTS PERMANENT OFFICERS The Newman club has recently elected Tony Connelly, president; Larry McCullough, vice- president; Kris Dubois, secretar y; Danny Connelly, treasurer; and Mary Lou Trevisan, publicity chairman for the fall semester. Since last month, pro- tem officers have led the c lub.
THE SOONER YOU ST.AWr YOUR PLAN .. THE EASIER IT IS TO \E_\I.:Ji Yt .. l'n t; ( '.\1. IF YOUR GOALS ARE : To have money when you need it To gain a headstart on future responsibilities
Th e
"BLUE CI-IIP., Company
John A. Gailey
Pep meets today The Pep Club met last Thursday in R-4 to elect officers and a Hom ecoming Queen candidate, and to pl an for the club's semester's activities. Glenn Hayas hi and Ron Simecka were e lected
co- chairmen; Janis Johnson, secretary; Cecelia Lod ico , treasurer; George Anderson , ICC representative; Coaches Tony Lynds and Jim Clayton are advisors. Janis Johnson was nominated by the c lub to compete in the Homecoming Queen race. The Pep Club,VarsityClub, and Homecoming Committee are having a joint meeting today in R-4 at 11 a .m . All are invited to attend. VETERANS SELECT QUEEN CANDIDATE
* * *
REPUBLICANS YIELD TODEMOCRATS The YRs unanim ously passed a resolution last Friday that "all members of the club attend t he debate (of the YDs on the draft) in lie u of the r egular meeting. " In other busim .,, the Young Republicans elected Mary Adamson to r epr esent the c lub in t he Homecoming Queen contes t, es tablished the formation by r esolution of a "Victory in Vietnam" committee to "counter the a nti-draft, anti- war protesters on this campus," and revived a two-fold speakers policy: securing Republican speakers for the student body and p r ovid i n g student speakers for off-campus organizations. Joe Wu, YD president, spoke briefly to the YRs on a panel discussion of Tuition for Nov. 10 with the YRs pro and YDs against. Formal action was not taken by eithe r club on this activity.
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