The Telescope 21.09

Page 1

November 15, 1967

Volume 21, Number 9

Unification vote forc,ed F ormation of a single north county junior college district was unanimously approved by the State Board of Education on Nov. 10 despite consistent protests voiced by Palomar. ''An election will be held as soon as it's feasible," said Dr. Werner Dickmann, an assistant San Diego County schools superintendent , assuming the Board of Supervisors will appropriate money to cover e lection costs. Willingness to delay the election until June 7, if it is possible to consolidate with the 1968 primary, was indicated in the past by Dr. Cecil D. Hardesty, county superintendent of schools. The state Board's proposal , is a component in a county master plan developed in a two year study by the County Committee on School District Organi zation. The Smithsonian Institute exhibit on the American flag will continue in the Dwight Boehm Gallery through Friday. Objects

on display include posters, lithographs, a campaign banner and advertising matter. (Photo by Mario Jimenez)

Students offered three choices for 11ew assembly schedule Scott Bowma n, Assembly Schedule Committee Chairman, out I in e d three choices to the ASB council during Monday's meeting, as solutions to the student body demand to investigate the current assembly schedule. These choices will be presented to the student body as an opinion poll this week in their physic a 1 education courses, where 96% of the students can be reached. The three choices are: 1. To leave the assembly schedule as it now stands. 2. To use a rotation basis and alternate scheduling of the assembly between 9 and 10 a.m., therefore canceling a total of three or four of any one class during the semester. 3. To use the 11 a .m. assembly hour, which would necessitate the closing down of the snack bar due to loud noise (this rule holds to assemblies featuring speakers). Bowman admitted that any one ofthese three choices will not accommodate everyone, and s tated "People who want assemblies are going to have to give up something.'' The opinion poll is not an election, but a census to give the council an indication of what the student body would prefer. While the results of the poll may sway the final decis ion one way or another, it will not determ ine it. REPS CHOSEN BY ACADEMIC MAJOR In other council business. Jim Strong, chairman of the Judicial Committee, submitted a recommendation that Palomar be divided into representative dis.-

tricts. The districts would then be divided by academic majors. The major areas to be represented would include : physical education, business, engineering, science, art, humanities, industrial art, and at least one representative for undeclared majors. Each area would designate a space, or office, for the representative of that area, where the students could contact him at any time. Voting on this recommendation was postponed by ASB President Jon Mitchell until next week. ASB MEETINGS MOVE TO P-32 It was also recommended by the Judicial Committee that the ASB council move their meetings from R-3 to P-32 to accommodate members of the student body wishing to sit in on council meetings, which are open to everyone. The currentmeetingplace, R-3, would then be turned into office space for the representatives. Voting for this recommendation was also postponed until next week. MONEY APPROPRIATED TO ARCHERY Palomar's archery team was appropriated $116 ("if available") out of ASB funds in order that the team c ould fly to Tempe, Arizona on Thursday and compete in a championship tournament. The archery team is financially sup-· ported by WRA, and had arranged transportation to the tournament by car. But Miss Mildred Ayers, who requested the appropriation, felt that byflying,the team would perform better than after many hours of traveling by car.

Annual Invitational Speech Tournament on campus Friday and Saturday Palomar College will play host to over 400 high school students from three counties Friday and Saturday in the 14th annual Invitational Speech Tournament. Classes will be cut to 25 minutes on Friday to make the campus available for the visiting contestants. The Telescope will print a special edition on Friday concerning the competition. The students, from 30 different schools, will compete for the honors in debate, extemporaneous speaking, impromtu talks, original oratory, humorous and dramatic interpretation, and oratorical analysis.

Medal of Honor winner, Gunnery Sergeant Jimmie Howard, speaks today at 11 a . m. in P-32 to both the Young Republicans and the Veterans Club. The event is open to the student body and faculty. Howard will speak on the topic of some facet of Vietnam . He addressed Grossmont and San Diego State students on a similar topic earlier this year. T he Medal of Honor was awared to Howard "for conspicious gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as a Platoon leader with Company C. First Reconnaisance Battalion, First Marine Division, in the Republic of Vietnam." In addition to that high honor he also poccesses the Silver Star, Purple Heart with two Gold Stars and eight other decorations awar ded to him since his first..enlistment in ·1950.

Cousins cites nuclear peril eruption of public opinion" needed to transform the United Nations into an effective agency for the enforcement of world law . "There are in the world military s tockpiles, 30,000 pounds of explos ive in reserve for each nerson on earth. There are not 30,000 pounds of food in reserve. There are not 30,000 pounds of medicines. Or school books." The "Shock-pro~ generation," he says has adjusted t9' the threat. "By s hock proff generation," he states, "I don't mean just young--I mean all of us. We've become desensitzed to those values that make life worth living and indeed possible." "The nations of the world, prodded by their peoples , should finish the work begun in San Francisco in 1945. '' He desc ribed the world s ituation as the mos t precarious in history that leaves humanity no "margin for er ror .'' The question is not whether we've going to have a world govern ment, but rather what kind of government we've going to have ." Cousins describes the UN as "totally ineffective" as it is now and says it must have a foundation of enforceable worl law. He ventured that the UN is

Points given for the first three place winners will be totaled for a the team trophy winner. Grossmont has captured the top title for the last five ye ars. The PC forensics ~quad, with the help of Phi Rho Pi, thej national honorary collegiate speech fraternity, will handle the management and direction of the tournament. Tournament co- directors are Laurie Witt and Mitties McDonald, both of Escondido. Assisting them will be Jim Strong and Diane Lan~fear, in charge of impromtu speaking; John Gailey and Verne Pershing, humorous interp retation, Tom Galloway, Jerry' Peterson, and Steven Blankenship, debate.

H award to speak

no 'margin of error'

The existence of humanity could well depend on whether or not the United Nations is s trengthened into an agency for impos ition and enforcement of m eaningful world law, said Norman Cousins . Sunday night. · Cousins, editor of the Saturday Review and president of the World Federalists Organization, spoke in the Student Union Building to a crowd of about 300. Cous ins said the purpose of his organization is to "promote the volc anic

The C o u n t y Committee recommended the one district plan to the state over strong Palomar and MiraCostaprotests. Recently an issue of legality of representation on the county board was brought up by P a 1om a r board member Milo Shadle, attorney. He stated that certain districts in the county, including Palomar, could not be represented by candidates for committee vacancies. Board members said the make-up of the county committee results in a decision of great importance being reached without represenation opportunity from some of the areas involved. They were referring to the one district to the state by the county c ommittee. Dr. Huber, Palomar president, went to the State Board with two proposals. He tried without success to persuade the

considered by many nations to be a "country cluh" of sorts. t, m embership is held to be a r eward. After his speech which he had accused the United States of r·~ fusi ,1g to negotiate early in the Vi etnam wa·r . the president of the United World Federalists said that the US s hould stop the bombing of Nort!1 Vietnam immediately as a r e quirement for beginning negotiations. Cousins, a wide l y accl aimed speaker. is curr ently on tour enlisting supporters for the Wo t•;.) Federalist movement which claims to have branches in 32 countries. He said that his organization was col lecting signatures to present to the nations of the worl in a human manifesto calling for a world government. Cousins, author of among other things, "A New Social Contract" warned that people "cannot expect the governm e ut to take the initiative" in the formation of int ernat ~·)nal government. Cle o Mikke lson, an organizer of the united World Federalists in this araa. spons ored the talk and may be contacte d at 724-7 000. The mailing addl'(l3S fo r· membe r :; hip applicat;ons is 1:346 Connecticut Ave . . Washington. D. C. 20036


board to withhold action until a long range study is completed of future north county junior college needs. The study was suggested and supported by Palomar contingent on support from MiraCosta, San Dieguito Union High School District, Ramona Unified District, Julian Union High School and Borrego Springs. The second proposal was to couple a new district plan with a bond issue to construct buildings. State board president Dorfan Commons was in opposition and stated the plan is "not a sound approach," despite Dr. Huber's references to junior college districts which have been formed elsewhere in the state only to flounder because of lack of funds. CONTINUED ON PAGE 3

minimum day Classes beginning at Meet at 8 a.m . ........................... 8:00-8:25 9 a.m . . .......................... 8:30-8:55 10 a.m .... .. ...................... 9:00-9:25 12 noon .......................... . 9:30-9:55 1 p.m . . ..... .............. . ..... 10:00-10: ~5 2 p.m . . .................... .. ... 10:30-10:55 3 p.m . ................... ...... . 11:00-11: 25 1

Peace and Freedom coordinator speaks Jack Weinberg, statewide coordinator for the Peace and Freedom Party, will speak in P -32 Friday at 8 p.m. His talk was arranged by the San Diego County Peace and F reedom Party. Weinberg gained national prominence in 1964 when he and Mario Savio started the Free Speech Movement at UC Berkeley. When Weinberg was arrested at a campus CORE table it triggered an unplanned "sit-in" by 5,000 students that lasted 33 1/2 hours. Weinberg is speaking at several campuses in the county, among them MiraCosta where more than 100 students petitioned the administration to allow him to speak. He will also speak at 'Mesa, California Western, Grossmont, Southwestern, UCSD, and San Diego State. Weinberg, currently a research assistant to author Paul Jacobs, is credited with originating the phrase: "You can't trust anyone over thirty." He is now 29.

McKelvey motion to abolish Narcotics Committee tabled The paradoxical highlight of the Committee to Investigate Controversial Drugs Friday meeting was the motion by Bob McKelvey, the Chairman of the Committee on Committees. He called for abolishment of the study s tating, "there are deeper implications in this study by the committee." He feels the committee stands to gain nothing and t hat it owes it to the college and the community to drop the study. McKelvey's motion was tabled until the next meeting Friday at 12!25 in the administrative conference room . Hal Cheyney, zoology instructor, felt the s tudy "would be turning up things on this campus and this was not to be a witch hunt on Palomar College campus but an e ducational survey, but not a committee to turn up anything. With this idea in mind, Cheyney opposed the motion. The cong r ess was formerly the Narcotics Committee. Three co-chairmen, Steve Woodall, Telescope co - e ditor; Mary Adams, student nurse; and Theodore Kilman, dean of community and adult services and evening division; were e lected to head the group. . The Committee on Committees gave their support to the formation of permanent committees. The congress accepted four committees. The Programs and Arragement Committee s hall be responsible for handling speaking engagements and arrangments. Bibliography and Research Committee is to compile a dictionary and make the mate rials of their study available in the library. The Public Relations Committee shall be responsible fo r the secretarial duties , posting the minutes and contacting the newspapers . The Agenda Committee shall be responsible for selectingpeople

to serve on various committees. It was decided that it would be effective to have everyone involved on a committe of their choice . The purpose of the Agenda Committee is to bring accomendations to the parent committee and to decide on a goal. Since drugs cover a broad phase, the question was raised as to the amount of coverage. The suggestion was made that t he scope of research be limited to marijuana (pot) , LSO and stimulants. The question was raised on how to approach this is we are looking at the problem in our c ommunity. The comm ittee fleLi should be approached from both a psychologicial and physiological aspect, and thos e drugs are being used to help mankind.

Christmas formal December 16 The eighth annual Christmas Formal rocks out at the Hotel Del Coronado Dec. 16 wit h Linda and the Centaurs providing entertainment. Formerly known as the Centaurs, the San Diego group played at last year' s Christmas Formal at the Stardust. Like last semester's Spring Formal, the eve nt will be a dinner-dance with formal attire. There will be a choice of two entrees. Cost of the complete dinner and dance f rom 7:30 to 1:30 p.m . is $10 per couple. Again this year, a Christmas Formal Queen will be c r owned at the event. Clubs belonging to the Inter-Club Council are eligible to nominate queen candidates as in Homecoming competition.

Jean Peasley

THE TELESCOPE In I ~ J l ht- ~~~ltlt• nt Puhli<'ations f3ottrcl e~ tuhl i"\hecl ·' l ' udt · ot J·:thH·:-> with the t·ooperation of till' nw mh~ ~·~ 1t1 ·, 11 ··antpu -. publications Loca l new~ papt-•t · puiiJJ..;.JH · J·..., "''~'<' ask<·c l to comment and theY <:;u i cl tlw cocle "·'"' t'tHllplete Two ~tatement s !rom that eociP ure pt • l'lillVIll t ntlH\:

M\\ I thin~ tht' fl'umework or school ('0\'el·age, ~en­ sa lJollali o;lll. glot·ification. anrl favori ti sm shnul<l not he t o l t' rut ~d . • Covetage of national o t· inte rnAtiona l oc: cu rre nc ~~ should IJe governed 1,, the pro,i m lt\ o r t he e \·ent ancl th e direct rel ationship or l he e\enl t o tht' ...; tutlent s These eYents .;:;honlrl hfl con~ irl e recl

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the.\ o c.·CUI' o n cam~n1s o r brough t in to thl' collep:P

p ro{\fl:lm cli ret·t l.\' " Opinions <~xprcsscd I n t his paper in s igned cditoriul 'i and art icle~ are the views ni the wri ters unci <In nnt nece:-;sarih r epresent op i n ions ol llw o;; laff. ,·te\vs ol the .\ ssoclated Studl'nl Bocl>· Co.n1CI I. coll egp admimstratlon. Ot' the Board or G0\"1; 1'110 1'< T he Tt-: LE!iCOP E Invites responsil1l e ' guest edi torials '· o r l ette1·s to the edito r .\11 communicat ions m 1st he s igned 1,_, the author. The TE L P. ~COP I·: as a student new-;pape ~~ m 1st r·epresent the enti r e spectrum of st udent thought

There were no demonstrations, no booing and, on the other hand, no cheering when President Johnson spoke at the 19 2nd birthday of the Marine Corps at Camp Pendleton.

Student deferments withheld from war, draft protesters By WALTER GRANT Collegiate Press Service WASHINGTON (CPS)-- Students who protest the war and the draft by disrupting army induction centers or keeping military recruiters from conducting interviews should be drafted first, according to Selective Service Director Lewis B. Hershey. Hershey has sent a notice to all members of the Selective Service system which says deferments should be given only to individuals who are acting in the national interest. Students and others who interfere with the military process are not acting in the national interest, and therefore their deferments should be discontinued, Hershey says. "There can be no question than an individual who is engaged in violating the very law that deferred him cannot very well be acting in the national interest," Hershey said in a telephone interview. The new Selective Service directive could affect thousands of students at campuses across the country who have been involved in recent protests designed to ph y s i c a 11 y disrupt the m i 1 i t a r y machine, specifically recruiting and induction. Hershey admitted his letter to local draft boards is a reaction to the "disruptive and destructive'' trend which protests have been taking. "There is a growing weariness on the part of the public, and Congressmen and a lot of others have been saying why in the devil don't you do s om e thing about these people," Hershey said. However, the Selective Service director said his letter offers no new policies. "The law has been there all the time, and we are just encouraging that it be enforced." Hershey said the directive is aimed only at those protesters who engage in "illegal activities and lawlessness. We are·not trying to stop anybodyft6'm thinking or doing anything else as long as they are within the law." Hershey' s letter does not mention college students in particular nor specific anti-recruting incidents, but the point is clear since most of the demonstrations which fall into the "disruptive" category have occurred on or near college campuses. However, Hershey said, "We are not just picking on college students. This applies to all persons who have deferments for any reason."

The authority for Hershey's directive comes from a section of the Selection Service law which provides penalties for individuals who "knowingly hinder or interfere or attempt to do so in any way by force or violence or otherwise" with the Selective Service system. Hershey's letter said local boards "may reopen the classification'' of protesters who perform illegal acts. "If evidence of violation of the (Selective Service) Act and Regulations is established," the local board should "declare the registrant to be a delinquent and to process him accordingly." Individuals who are declared delinquent are placed first in the order of call. "If the United States Attorney should desire to prosecute before the local board has ordered the registrant for induction, full cooperation will be given him," the letter continues. Hershey said his letter also refers to persons who either burn or refuse to carry their draft cards. However, he said "about 75 percent of the pieces of paper which have been thrown around as draft cards probably are not. '' The letter, or one similar to it, reportedly was sent to colleges and universities. Asked about this, Hershey said, "I'm sure this will receive wide distribution, but I don't know who all got it and when.'' Referring to the protesters, the letter said, "It is hoped that misguided registrants will recognize the long-range significance of accepting their obligations now, rather than hereafter regretting their actions performed under unfortunate influences or misdirected emotions, or possibly honest but wholly illegal advice, or even completely vicious efforts to cripple, if not to destroy, the unity vital to the existence of a nation and the preservation of the liberties of each of our citizens." ' Hershey also encouraged local boards to provide evid~nce of any efforts by non-registrants "to prevent induction or in any way interfere illegally' 1 with the Selective Service Act to the national headquarters so that it may be made available to U.S. attorneys . He also stressed that prosecution in the courts must follow for Selective Service registrants who fail to report as ordered, or refuse to be inducted.


Go North Young Men! Go North!EDITORIAL

Two speeches Jimmie Howard, Me d a 1 of Honor winner, will speak in P-32 today. Jack Weinberg, a type whom Max Rafferty or Walter Winchell would probably call a ''peace creep', will speak in the same room Friday night. Students owe it to themselves to hear both speeches . The speakers are representatives of two generally-defined m i 1 i tan t opposites on the scene today. Howard, according to reports of previous speeches, will tell of his experiences in Vietnam, w~ere he won the nation's highest military honor last March. Three years ago, Weinberg was among the group of student activists at UC Berkely which led the Free Speech Movement. He will speak on behalf of the young Peace and Freedom Party, which is trying to register 67,000 California voters by January first in order to run a peace candid ate in the presidential primary. The speeches come at a time of militant confrontation between the vanguards of two opposed American socio-political scenes , one consisting primarily of youth, a changing order, and the other composed p r i n c i p a 11 y of the established power hulders. The movement Mr. Weinberg was so instrumental in forming

at Berkeley was the first of the major confrontations between the two factions. Since that 1964 Fall semester, the class struggle--! suppose it can be called that--has escalated. Militancy has multiplied on both sides. Last month, the current trend of hostility was launched; and the confrontations have been significant. The Dissension against the power-wielders that are the War Society became, in a very widespread fashion, the Resistance. Close to a hundred thousand assembled in Washington Oct. 21 to demonstrate against the War Society. The President and his legislators hastily passed a law restricting such demonstration. And so it goes. A group protests .the attitude of the government. As a reaction to that protest and in proportion to the indignancy · and outrage in the protesting voice, the government increases in force the attitude that inspired the protest in the first place. Read the words of General Hershey in the news story on this page . Tempers grow short . Hear Howard's speech today. Come Friday night and listen to what Weinberg has to say. Then draw your own insights. --Steve Woodall

campus commentary

Nonringing bells are approved Something new has been added, or should it be said taken away, from Palomar College. The bells designating beginning and end of classes have been eliminated. Dr. Frederick R. Huber, president, said that "the administration wanted to determine what effect nonringing of the bells would have upon the campus. We decided to do it without any preliminary warning. So far we have had only two complaints. We have had many comments from the faculty. They said the system is 'great and wonderful' and are expressing their appreciation. "As far as I'm concerned, unless we have a large delegation or more opinion as to why the bells should be put on again, we will leave them off." JEAN DEWHURST Here are some student and faculty reactions to the new system. The question asked was: "Do you approve of Palomar's experimental system of not ringing bells for class? Linda Lawlyes, sophomore -- "I approve of the new system and like it better. In college we should be able to do something on our own. It has not inconvenienced me."


Jean Dewhurst, freshman -- "I think the admiJ1iStration should experiment with various systems but I don't like this one. The lack of bells seems to have inconvenienced teachers more than students. I would like to have them back. Perhaps a buzzing sound would be better. The bells were so terribly loud. Without the bells, the teachers keep on talking while we're ready to go."

Joan Kattelmann, the 5'10" blond co-editor of the Telescope, and myself set off Friday morning to attend the ceremony by way of a press accreditation. After successfully obtaining it, we went down to the football field which was adorned by a freshly painted sign saying "Welcome Mr. President" and where later more than 18,000 Marines and their families came to see and hearthe President of the United States. As we walked around the photography podium where NBC, CBS, and the smaller stations were setting up their gear, Major H. H. Butts, who was trying to maintain order, curiously came over to ask who we were and if he could be of any help. After identifying ourselves we asked if it was possible for us to remain in the photography section during the President's appearance so we could obtain better pictures. Glancing around at the more than 50 cameramen and press photographers already there, the major allowed one of us to stay. So I left Joanie to battle the men photographers, and headed toward the press box. There I found men from UPI, AP and local papers making use of the 15 phones available for press. The arrival of President Johnson was received with polite applause from the Marines. As he spoke some of his comments such as " . . . I' ve never had the stimulating experience of a boot camp . . " was received with muffled groans from the Marines in the next stand. And the President's understatements on the war " . . . the road we travel in Vietnam to an honorable peace is not an easy road . . . " could hardly console neither the veterans nor these waiting to be transferred. His speech was interrupted lightly only three times with applause. I found the President a much better speaker in person than on television, and his appearance was very distinguished. After the ceremony, the President began his exit toward our end of the field. On impulse he stopped and came over to shake the hands of the Marines in the adjoining section of the bandstand and then went into the crowd. His security men were visibly upset at this unscheduled contact with the public and CBS termed his gesture " . . . his first 1968Presidential campaigning . . . " while the San Diego Union claimed it was one of his closest touches with the public du ring his trip to San Diego and Orange Counties. ' As he passed by our stands I edged down to get a better look and possibly close e nough for a handshake. At about three people away I settled with a wave from him and stopped to talk to a Marine who had shook the President's hand. As a young man facing Vietnam he, at least, held respect for our Commander-in-Chief, but his buddies couldn't help from jesting and offered him soap to wash his hands. President Jolmson's lack of popularity due to the war was apparent even in this day of celebration. During the President's appearance there were several incidents. Two of the 400 guards fainted and had to be carried off the field on a st retcher. I even saw a woman who was pushing to shake hands with the President with her hair up in rollers. What would be more important than meeting the President? . . . I wondered out loud. A neighboring onlooker clued me in that that night was the Marine Corps Ball. To end our day we were invited out to dinner by two NBC cameramen who missed out on covering the President's stay on the Enterprise by arriving at Camp Pendleton after he had left -and lost $200 for their failure . Because of other obligations, we declined their dinner offer with a rain check for the next time the President visits North County.

Frank Schmitz, freshman -- "It hasn't inconvenienced me but I like it better with the bells. You're sitting around doing nothing and all of a sudden it is time for class and you''re late. I felt better with the bells . " Patrick Musto, freshman--"Yes, I approve. I like it better. We should be able to find our way to class without the bell r inging periodically. It is not an inconvenience; I haven't been late yet."

LARRY MCLEOD Pat McAllister, sophomore -- "I do approve of the system. It seems to make people more responsible for getting to class. If someone does come in late there is not as much disruption becaus~ no distinct time was marked with a bell. It has not inconvenienced me and it gives instructor a spare second to get in the last part of the lecture."

Bob Epperson, sophomore-- "I haven't been late. It isn't too much to watch the clock. I didn't pay attention to the bells when we had them. The new system hasn't effected me much."

Larry McLeod, freshman -- "I think that the teachers and students are both fouled~ up. I like it better with the bells. Classes go till the hour instead of 10 till because the teachers relied on the beils."

Cathy Daun, freshman -- "I think it is a good idea. We're not little kids anymore. We should start to take responsibility. As long as you've got a watch, you're in good shape . It hasn't inconvenienced me."

Dr. Harry Mahan, psychology instructor -- It very definitely has inconvenienced me. I can't see the clock when I'm in class. I don't know what time it is when I'm in my office and am often late. I want them but not as loud." PATRICK MUSTO


Co- Editors. . . . . v'. Joan Kattelmann , Steve Woo1all Page 2 Ed 1tor . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jea.n Peasley Page 4 Ed 1tor . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cecelia Lo1ico Spor ts Edito r . . . . . . . . . . . . Steve Schneider Advertising . . . . . . . Dianna llo:~ser. Jan Harless Cl ub News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joe Wu A r tis t · · . . . . . . . . . . Joe Warren General As s ignment, . . Jan Do, oho, ~like Gunderson Jerry Nicholas. 13uzz Ponce Gary Schrr.:tke, Joe W iggins Composition . . . . . Paul Colvin, Hozanne Jakovac Photographers . . . . Steve Blacksto:k, ~like Chr isty. 13etty Gei3er . Henry God inez. Cecelia Lo1lco, Jo'm Lovell . Hob Nelson Advisor D. \'an Quackenbush

President Johnson arrived at Camp Pendleton last Friday. The occasion, the Marine Corps 192 nd birthday. The

President was l!'iVfm th~ honor of cutting the 200-pound cake. · After giving the first two pieces of cake to the

PC Newsletter awardcrl first place in statewide contest



Palomar College placed a close second to Grand Award winner Fullerton College in the second annual Graphic Arts Awards of the California Junior College Association at their annual fall meeting in San Diego at the El Cortez Hotel on Wednesday. Palomar received the Grand Award last year.

Jose. Fullerton received their second first in booklets, and Cypress placed second. Palomar won the newsletter competition for the second year in a row with Southwestern second and Los Angeles Valley third. In the catalog competition San Jose City received first; San Mateo College second and De Anza was third.

The winners in the class scedules competition were first, East Los Angeles; second, Palomar; and third, Southwestern. First in brochures was Fullerton; second, Palomar; and third San

Palomar's winning newsletter is a quarterly publication designed and produced by Scott Boyles, college public relations director. Second place class schedule was designed and produced by James McNutt, graphic arts instructor. The schedule was the fall semester. The brochure that also won a second was designed and produced by Jay Ahrend, son of photography instructor Justus Ahrend. The entry was a poster of the light show in the Dwight Boehm Gallery last spring.

Theodore Kilman, dean of the evening division and community services and also awards chairman for the Association stated, "The aim of the graphic arts wards of CJCA is for excellence and clarity of design recognizing both the both the presentation of information and and conveying of the college image." Five categories of competion included class schedules , brochures, booklets, newsletters, and catalogs. Fullerton received two firsts; Palomar received one first and two seconds.

Judges for the event were four professional graphic artists. Tom Suziki, William Noonan, Warren Moentin, and Tom Gould ~ere .. the panel of ,judges . ..



PC awatts State money decision CONTINUED FROM PAGE I Presently the Palomar district is waiting to hear from the State on allotment of funds for master plan construction and operational costs . In the past Dr. !tuber has stated that something would have to be done in the spring about the college's financial situation. A formal request by the Palomar College board of governors for a delay in ordering a new junior college district in the North County was placed before the State Board of Education in session Friday in Los Angeles. Dr. Frederick R. Huber, Palomar president, delivered the written request to the state board. It was signed by the board members: Morse Olmstead, president: Dr. Bruce D. Jaques, vice president: Dr. Tipton L. Wood, clerk; Milo E. Shadle, and Dr. Richard A. Loomis. The reasons for the request in delay of the proposed districting were set forth in detail in the Palomar resolution. "First, sufficient study has not been made of the proposed new junior college district," the request stated, "and such a study should be made before the proposal is presented to the public." The request listed objectives of such a study as including: analysis of existing master plans; of district service areas, including enrollment projections; analysis of North County vocation needs, of occupational families, clerical and kindred o c cup at i on s: sales occupations; craftsmen, foremen and operatives; laboring, and similar occupations; analysis of problems on existing campuses and of multi-campus administration and organization: economic factors relating to financial resources; future campus sites and timing of establishment; analysis of expansion of the San Diego junior college system into the North County area: analysis of permissive tax override for operation of district plans, and oi bond issues being presented with reorganization election; consideration of trustee areas and method of election. ''The proposed formation of a new junior college district makes no provision for the orderly growth of either Palomar College or MiraCosta College,'' the protest continued. ''Palomar College was recently defeated in a bond issue of $12 million, and it is absolutely essential that provision be made for the growth of Palomar College. If present law does not allow approval of the single college district subject to proper finan-

cial support, then legislation should be introducted that will provide this contingency. "The San Diego County Committee on School District 0 r g ani z at ion has repeatedly ignored the recommendations of the two junior college boards·of trustees," the statement continued, "which were in opposition to the proposed plan since the beginning of the study and had asked for delay based on the provisions of Senate Bill 1495. "A newly-formed committee, the North County Council of Community Colleges, composed of representatives of boards, faculties, administrations, and lay persons in North San Diego County, has also recommended that the proposed plan be delayed until an indepth study can be completed.''

oldest and youngest Marines stationed at the base, President Johnson enjoyed a few morsals of the cake while the

Movies to continue Either "The Mouse That Roared," with Peter Sellers or "Our Man in Havana" with Ernie Kovacs will be s'l-lown next Tuesday evening in ES-19 as part of the evening film series. The program will begin at 7 p.m. Last night "Time Out for War," the third film of the series, was shown. "The Wild One," with Marlon Branda, is scheduled for Nov 29, and "One Potato, Two Potato," a children's film, will be screened Dec. 5. Theodore Kilman, dean of community services and the evening division organized the series.

audience and photographers looked on. Procceeding the ceremonies President Johnson departed from Camp Pendleton

Vets, Republicans table motion to boot possible picket out Both the Veterans Club and the Young Republicans tabled motions last week to remove a student from their membership rolls because he "threatened" to picket Sgt. Jimmie Howard, who speaks here tomorrow. Larry Moffet, the student in question, says he hasn't yet decided if he will picket the Congressional Medal of Honor winner. ''I haven't asked anyone to picket with me, if I do," he said . Moffet was surprised to hear about t he action of the Young Republicans. "I haven't even been to a meeting this

Lepper to conclude Viemam series "The Internal Problems of North and South Vietnam" will be the subject of Dr. Mary Lepper's second and final lecture here on the Southeast Asian conflict. It is scheduled for Thursday evening in C-5 at 7 p.m.

UC representative


Dr. John Stewart, Provost of the John Muir campus of UCSD will be in P-32 at 11 a.m. Thursday to speak on his college's expansion plans and talk with anyone interested in UCSD, He will be accompanied by John Brown, registrar of UCSD, and Ted Forbes of the liberal arts department. Stewart's talk is second in a series on San Diego county education, sponsored bv Palomar's Facultv'lt.ion.

In her first presentation last week the specialist of U.S. foreign policies outlined the various steps, diplomatically and militarily, that have led to our present involvment in that country. She then analysed the effects our comittments there have had internationally. Dr. Lepper, assistant professor of political sciEmce at Fullerton State College, is the sec,pnd sp.ea,~er in the ey~ ­ hing forum series sponsored by the Commity Services Division of Palomar. The subject of Vietnam also will be continued in the third lecture of the series set for Nov. 30. Dr. George Brown, assistant professor of plitical science at San Fernado Valley State, will speak on: American Involvment in Vietnam: Tragic Error or Tragic Nessity?"

Peace club formed Forty people attended last Friday's meeting of the Peace and Freedom Club at which John Gallagher was elected president. The newly-formed Peace and Freedom Club constitution was approved by the ASB Council Monday, after minor revisions were made. The document had. been rejected by the Inter-Club-Council last Thursday. The club will meet today at 11 a.m. in P-11. All faculty and students are eligible for membership and have been welcomed to come. Richard Peacock, English instructor, is advisor to the group

year" he sata. ''I'm not worried about the Vets kicking me out. I think I have enough friends in there." All the four-year armed services veteran has done toward planning the demonstration is think of a slogan for his placard, "I support our men in Vietnam, but not the war." Vets Club President Bob Romburger, after hearing what would be on Moffet's sign, said it would be all right with him if he picketed Howard. "I don't think men who kill people should be given medals", says Moffet. ''Any other time they would be executed.''

PC students perform mock city govenment Twenty eight students took part in a mock city council meeting last week in local government class of S. N. Hegland. The issue was proposed rezoning of a 320 acre plot of ground. Surrounded by residentially zoned property, a sub-divider wished to purchfl,se the parcel. Problem: · 250 acres were owned by Mr. and Mrs. Oldtimer who want to sell; 55 acres are owned by a Boston industrialist who wants to build an explosives factory; 10 acres are owned by an unconcerned physicist; the remaining 10 acres owned by a farmer. Spot zoning was present in the residential area. An asphalt plant and a supermarket were located in R- 1, single residence, areas. A general plan passed by the city two years before called for R-1 zoning at the 320 acres . A freeway boardered the parcel. The persons who portrayed members of city government actually met and interviewed members of Escondido's city government.

Christmas cards for Viet Gl's wanted

Dr. Huber kading accreditation team Dr. Frederick R. Huber, president of Palomar College, is serving as chairman of an eight-member accreditation team working this week as Mt. San Jacinto College. As head of the accreditation study, Dr. Huber is being assisted by Charles A. Coutts , Palomar dean of sciences and technology and assistant dean of instruction. Other members of the team, which will work at Mt. San Jacinto Tuesday through Thursday, include representatives from three juniorcollges, two from the State Department of Education, and one from the University of California at Los Angeles.

for the aircraft carrier Enterprise.

A campus dr ive to collect Christmas cards and letters for servicemen in Vietnam was announced Thursday by Robert Thoreson, campus representative of the National Student Committee for Victory in Vietnam . Boxes for the collection of cards have been set up in the student union and in the ASB offices :in R- 3. The drive began Nov. 9 and ends Dec. 5. The Butterfield Family

. service Palomar honors war dmd in Palomar College honored its former students who died in the nation's military service in ceremonies at 11 a .m. F riday which included the unveiling of the me moral plaque at the campus flagpole. The Veterans Day observance, held a day early because college classes are not in seession Saturday, was sponsored by the college Veterans Club. Bob Romberger, Vets Glub president, presided. The ceremonies included an honor guard and a reading of citations for two new names being added to the memorial plaque. One of them was that of former student Capt. Douglas Holman Butterfield, USAF, who was killed. in action in Vietnam while flying a combat reconnaissance mission. His parents live in San Diego and his father is a retired Marine Corps officer. The captain's widow and young daughter are among the survivors.

After graduation from Vista High School and Palomar College, Butterfield was graduated from the U. S. Air Force Academy. The other name unveiled in the memorial service was that of Pfc. ·Thomas F. Durbin, the son of Mr. and Mrs . L. 0 Durbin. of Escondido. He attended Palomar College in 1964-65, and entered the U.S. Army in January, 1967. He died in action in Vietnam Sept. 21 at the ag~ of 21. The college ceremonies Friday were participed in by members of Veterans Club and by members of the U.S. Navy unit now attending a special education program at the college. The public also attended the service. Two names of former Palomar College student previously engarved on the memorial plaque are those of Lt. Cm. John W. Tunnell, USN, in 1966, and Lt. James M. Mitchell, USMC, in 1965.

Cards collected on campus will be boxed and shipped to Vietnam Mail Call, located in Columbus Georgia, where they will be re-packed and shipped air mail to 27 hospitals, 15 USO's including all major units, ships at sea and to individuals. Established in 1965, Vietnam Mail Call collected 10,000 cards from .one university last year. Thoreson hopes to top a thousand at Palomar College. This project has nothing to do with one's view of the war," stated Thoreson. "Those fighting in the swamps and highlands of South Vietnam would like a word of friendship and appreciation from you and me, especially during the Holiday season." Thoreson requested that each Christmas card be signed with full name and return address be shown on the envelope. Envelopes can be addressed to Our Gallant Men in Vietnam. Either a 5 cent stamp or 5 cents in change could be dropped into the collection box along with each card or letter. Any groups or individuals either on or off campus who wish to assist Thoreson in this drive can reacl:1 him at 746-3536.

PC harriers win PSC title; to compete in finals Sat. Randy Hartman and Frank Lomeli paced Palomar's Cross Country team to a 2431 upset victory over the Grossmont Griffin harriers Friday afternoon to win the Pacific Southwest Conference title. The race was run on a new course at Palomar, a course that has been increased in length to 4. 2 miles with several hills being added to make it one of the most difficult courses in the state. Hartman placed first in the meet with Lomeli finishing a close second. Hartman is undefeated this year and will be attempting to stretch his perfect record when he and the rest of the Comets compete in the Southern California Junior College Finals to be held Saturday at Fullerton. The meet at Fullerton will consist of 20 schools competing for the chance to move on to the California State Junior College Finals to be held at Fresno on November 25. The top 10 runners along with the top five teams to finish in the Southern

California meet will move on to the State finals. Palomar's win against Grossmont, according to Ceech Doc Mar:dn, was ••one of the finest team efforts in Palomar history." Strong proof of this is the fact that only one week before in the Aztec Invitational, Grossrnonts' sixth man finished over 23 seconds ahead of the Comets' second man. Marrin termed Lomeli's efforts "one of the greatest I've ever seen, Frank had never been closer than 40 seconds behind Grossmonts' sixth man and usually two minutes behind the first man " In this week's meethebeatthe Griffin'sfirstrnan by 21 seconds. Palomar's top five runners all placed within the top eight positions . Frank Enriquez finished sixth, Lee McComb finished seventh and Rick Fox placed eighth. Marrin termed the performances of the top five Comets as "Super efforts that will never be forgotten.''

Some of the top teams that will be competing in the Southern California JC finals will be Bakersfield, Pasadena, Fullerton, Pierce, Mt. San Antonio, Santa Ana, and Grossmont. Marrin feels that if "the team can run in the Southern California finals as well as t~ey did against Grossmont, they'v got a a fme chance at moving on to the State meet.•• Results of the Grossmont meet are: 1. Hartman 2. Lomeli 3. Wilson

4. 5. 6. 7.

Winser Edelbreck Enriquez McComb 8. Fox 9. Lawson 10. Matheny

Palomar Palomar Gross mont Gross mont Grossmont Palomar Palomar Palomar Grossmont Grossmont

22:04 22:53 23:14 23:16 23:20 23:25 23:31 23:36 24:00 24:04

Randy Hartrrnn ; 'a coach's dream' ,.

Coach Doc Marrin anxiously watches his cross country runners defeat the Grossmont Griffins by the score of

24-31 last Friday. The harriers face their next test Saturday when they compete in the Souther California JC finals.

Roundball tournament cry-- beat Pasedena! When the Ninth Annual Palomar College Invitational Basketball Tournament gets underway Wednesday, November 29, the battle cry of fifteen out of the sixteen teams entered will be "Beat Pasadena and CoachJerryTarkanian" . The defending State and National Ranked Number One "Lancers" from the Rose City once again possess tremendous talent and from their annual summer league c hampionship group have added s ome of the greatest players to ever enter a California junior college. Coach Jerry Tarkanian's "Lancers" will highlight the opening nights tournament bracket when they go against archrival the Citrus "Owls" of coach Don Edwards. Tarkanian will show many of the great names in junior college basketball and like his counter part the UCLA Bruins, the question is who will start. San Diego County fans will see the great junior college and high school All-Amer ican forward, 6' 7" Sam Robinson, who many call the next Elgin Baylor, ClF P layer of the Year and high school Allan 6' 9". 240 lbs. forward George

Trapp, from the State High School Champions John Muir of Pasadena; Guard 6' 5" Sam Carter the Olympic high jumper at 7' 1"; center and junior college All-American pre-season choice Clayton Saunders at 6' 11" and 230 lbs .. guard Don Guyton, 6' 2" speed merchant from Monrovia; 6' 7" Steve Beier forward from John Muir; 6' 7" center and rebound artist Dennis York. Many coaches in the State believe the only team that can beat Pasadena is UCLA and the "Lancers" may have that opportunity this year if they follow past Tarkanian's coached teams at Riverside and Pasadena--for this is the Olympic year and for the first time the junior college championship teams has the opportunity to enter the Olympic Bracket. Many are saying don't count the Pasadena City College Five, outAreafans will have a chance to see this fine array of talent at the Annual Palomar College Tournament November 29 through December 2, 1967 in the Dome Gymnasium in San Marcos, California.

"Hey Randy, we're goin' to have to run hills today. " "OK coach." "Hey Randy, we're goin' to have to run flat land today.1' "Fine coach." "Hey Randy, we're goin' to have to run curves today." "Great coach." "Hey Randy, we're gain' to have to run against the best team in the nation today. " "We'll see what we can do coach.'' Sound like a monolague of nonsense? Actually the paragraph above is comprised of sentences and answers by cross-country coach Doc Marrin and his record-breaking runner, Randy Hartman. As demonstrated, Hartman is a man of few words and great running ability. Marrin has called his sophomore standout, " A coache's dream. I could tell Randy that he was going to have to run across water and he'd do it without asking for more than a bathing suit. He's absolutely tremendous . There's no other word for him." Marrin, who doesn't hand out superlatives at random, had nothingbutpraise ·for Randy Hartman, Palomar College's most successful cross-country performer. Hartman has had to earn the title of being Palomar's most successful harrier by beating out such recent Comet mile scorchers as Dave Funderburk and Jim Adkins,. 1967 graduates of Palomar College. Before Hartman reached his p r e s e n t s t r i d e of r u n n i n g t hi s season, Funderburk and Adkins ranked one-two as the greatest athletes ever to don Comet running togs. Hartman has scooted them down a notch and seems set on holding his throne as he curre ntly has smashed eight running records this year. A 1966 graduate of Orange Glen High School, Hartman learned his early running techniques from his prep track coac h Dick Disney. As a senior at Orange Glen, Hartman began to make . opponents blink as he set an Orange Glen mile record at 4:26. 6 and blossomed into one of the Avocado League's best mile runners. Following promotion to Palomar, Hartman emerged as one of former cross-country coach Larry Knuth's best runners,. before an injury set Randy on the s helf until track season. This year, however, it seems to be all Hartman, plus a little bit more Hartman as he has led his team to an eyegawking season. Marrin adds that, "I've never seen an athelete improve as much as Hartman has this year. It is fantastic how fast he has come along." The freshman coach has spec u 1 ate d several times that his number one man could run a sub-four minute mile right now if the conditions were favorable. "Even Jim Ryun has to have good running conditions to break four minutes," remarked Marrin on Hartman's chances of easing under the fabled barrier. After leading Palomar's cross-country team to the Pacific Southwest Conference championship, Hartman has his sights set on the Southern Cal s ectional me et held this Saturday.

Come t baske tballe r s, Gary Farr (left) and Sam Blalock (foreground) and John Thatche r (rear) , go up for a r e-

bound during practice. The Comets r ecieve the ir firs t test tonight whe n they face Santa Ana in a s crimmage match.

The competition will be at its keenest all year at the Southe rn Cal meet but Marrin is sure that Randy will, "See what he can do."

Cross country runner, Frank Lomeli, finishes second against Grossmont. His fine showing in the meet was per-

haps the instrumental force behind the Cornets' upset viCtory.

Fabulous 1ltfmtf>.Y Saving


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Comet quarterback Ed Stuart rolls around the right end before passing to palomar halfback, Dan Hustead, for a gain of 24 yards. Action took place

in the third quarter of the game against San Diego City. The Comets lost the contest, 17-0.

Comets lose finale to SDCC, 17-0 Palomar College's football squad closed out its season Saturday night in Balboa stadium when they were shut-out by the San Diego City Knignts 17-0. ·The loss brought the Comets' season record to a disappointing 3-4- 2 wonlost-tie slate and destroyed any chances for a three-way tie for first place in the Pacific Southwest Conference. San Diego City and Mesa will meet head-on next Saturday night at Mesa's stadium in a game that will decide the Championship. Both teams are undefeated in league competition. Leading ground gainer for Palomar was Dan Hustead who collected 39 yards in twelve carries for a 3. 2 yards per carry average. Eight interceptions of Palomarpasses proved to be the deciding factor in the contest in killing any drive the Comets were able to mount. It was a defensive match all the way with neither team's offense provingvery efficient as Palomar totaled 99 yards compared to San Di'Bgo•s 158. ·

San Diego City wasted little time in scoring when on their ~second series of downs placekicker Dave Tucker booted a field goal from 34 yards out to net three points for the Knights. Palomar's offense could not even collect a single first down in the first quarter against San Diego's stout defense, but opened the second period with a drive that started on their own 20 yard line and marched the ball to a first down situation on the Knights' 12 yard marker This proved to no avail as San Diego defensive halfback Nate King picked off a Len Gann pass on the one yard line and returned it to the 40 where the Knights took over. San Diego placekicker Tucker attemped two more field goals before intermission, one from 47 yards that fell short and one from 40 yards that fell wide to the left. Palomar met a pepped-up Knight squad in the opening seconds of the second half as they marched 78 yards in ten plays for a touchdown. Tucker booted

Nine of the eleven contestants for the ninth Annual Palomar College Invitational Basketball Tournament queen

contest are: TOP ROW, left to right, Marilee Fidero, Molly Country, Kathy Knuppel, Suzanne Kantor, Leah Ann Ga-

BOTTOM ROW, Gwynne Henry Marty Stacy, Berleen Edmonds, and Jane Lypps.

Pigskin Pickers the extra-point to make the score 10-0. The Knights' defense held the Comets offense to only two first downs and 31 yards total during the entire second half. San Diego's final touchdown came following an intercepted pass which handed the Knights possession of the ball on the Comet 10 yard line where in two plays quarterback Mike Williams ran the final 9 yards for the score. Tucker split the uprights with his extra-point attempt to pad the Knights margin to the. final score of 17-0 with 13:11 rerpaining in the fi~l period . . , r,v:

. . . ..,,..., ..


Steve Schneider

Buzz Ponce

Jerry Nicholas


SDCC vs. Mesa

SDCC by 7

SDCC by 7

SDCC by 14

SDCC by 9

UCLA vs.


UCLA by 1


UCLA by 7

UCLA by 6

Aztecs vs. Mont. St.

Aztecs by 3

Montana by 25

Aztecs by 4

Aztecs by 4

Chargers vs . Chiefs

Chiefs by 7

Chiefs by 30

Chiefs by 14

Chiefs by 17

by 10


Faculty trash demonstrators lnve met with varied reactions NANCY PALMER

Two weeks ago art instructor Rita White and choral director Joe Stanford demonstrated against the trash condition on campus. Their efforts were met with varied reactions from both faculty and students. The three persons directly involved with the issues, Mrs. White, Stanford and James Gaedtke, head custodian, have conflicting reactions although they agree on the basic issues.

Nancy Palmer named sweetkart of month

Mrs. White stated that there are detintely, "two very opposite points of view" on the issue. She was referring to the faculty opinion of the duo's actions in their efforts to do something active about the campus condition. Stanford stated that "the attitude of the faculty seems to be one of ridicule." Gaedtke added that he felt "the majority of the faculty is behind the cleanup efforts."

Nancy Palmer, 18 year old freshman art major is the October Circle K Swee~­ heart of the Month. "I'm deeply honored that they (the club) thought enough of me to select me as their Sweetheart of the Month as well as their Homecoming Queen candidate. I really can't ex-Press my gratitude except I love 'em. Each and everyone of them, bubbled Nancy. A June 1967 graduate of San Marcos High School, Nancy was a member of Girls' Athletic Association and a Homecoming princess in her senior year. She attended high school in her freshl'l?an through junior years in Alburquerque, New Mexico. She was a fres.hman and sophomore cheerleader and junior class treasurer. She is a Comet cheerleader for 1967-68. After Palomar, she plans to continue her art education at either San Diego State, the University of New Mexico at Albuquerque, or Long Beach State College. Her eventual goal is to become an art instructor in a secondary school.

Speech tourmment CONTINUED FROM PAGE I Michele Jurel and Sandy Udov will do original oratory judging while Gil Hain and Jan Glasgow will direct extemporaneous speaking competition and Jan Hite, Bill Wright, Tom Wheeler, and Charlotte Vickers will direct dramatic interpretation. The public is invited to attend all events according to speech instructor and tournament supervisor Ray Dahlin.


The three felt that some reaction was invoked by the demonstration and the insueing publicity. Stanford said, "we developed a little interest, it doesn't appear that the situation has been helped in the least bit. And it won't get any better unless the students take the pro-

ject over. There is no excuse for our beautiful campus to look like it does." Mrs . White commented on student reaction saying, "the students apparently haven't reacted too strongly. The purpose was to lay a great, wide hint and hope they would handle it themselves. They don't seem to care too much. It caused some reaction. Friday was about the best day, so maybe it's sinking in. People are more aware and that's what counts . "She continued, "I wish students would handle it. It is really not up to the faculty." She said she would hate to see an administrative order have to come to clear up the the problem. Gaedtke stated positive reactions, "Wednesday there was a decided difference. We should thank the people who are helping. We appreciate the change in the amount of paper on lawns and in the glapole area, although we are still finding Mrs . Coulter's dishes and silverware in and around the bushes." He also said they have an inquirewfrom students and faculty on the improvement of the situation. "There are still the wiseacres who think that it is our job to pick up after them." He stressed the need for more improvement inside the cafeteria.

Only handful turn out for student forum The second in a series of forums staged by the Young Democrats met with apoor turnout last Tuesday. The forum delt with the question, "Is student government effective at Palomar college?" Questions discussed included "Is student government a learning process or are student leaders just a bunch of kids playing political ping-pong on Mondays?" Student apathy was apparent as only one person in the large room saw fit to reply that government at Palomar was not effective. Later, he said that one ofthe reasons was that the student leaders do not care about such technicalities as unconstitutional officers, why should the students? Also, the officers are immature in their ideas; all they care about is dances and social functions. Their goals are set too low. Another question was, "Are AMS and AWS effective in organizing the students?" First, one member of the audi-

ence asked for a definition of purpose for the clubs . Mike Gunderson replied that AMS is an organizing organization whose purpose it is to organize the male members of the student body. AMS was inactive for six years, according to Gunderson. Now it is just getting back on it's feet. Presently, it is more a social group than a service club. He hopes the purpose is changed in the near future. Gunderson said that the meetings had been drawing larger groups as of late. A discussion followed on the student "Representatives-at-large". It was· noted that representatives are, according to the constitution, supposed to represent 300 students each. A plan in consideration is to divide the Palomar College district into smaller "zones". Each zone with 300 students would be entitled to one representative. ASB r_ep.-at-large, Rita Schmidt, said that "Student government is a learning process for those who get involved," in


Mrs. Nesbin listed in "Who's Who" -

Mrs. Esther Nesbin, director of library services at Palomar College, is listed in the new 19 67- 68 edition of Who's Who of American Women. The volume lists Mrs. Nesbin's background and various memberships, including her graduation from the Universi~y of Buffalo, and her first library work ao an assistant in the Grosevnor Library, Buffalo. A member of the Palomar College staff since the institution opened for classes in Vista in 1946, she has achieved state-wide prominence among college

librarians. Last year s he was president of the Junior College Round T able in the California Library Association. When Palomar opened, she was librarian and an instructor, and in 1965, was given the new title of director of library services. The Who's Who li.sting, notes her prominence also in garden club circles and in wild flower conservation organization. The volume is made up of biographical reference on notable living women of fhe United States and in other countries:

answer to a critic of the governing organization. The question was raised whether it was fair to make all the students pay $15 to support activities which could be supported by the district funds for the benefit of a small minority of the studentR . "Student government is a 'giant pacifier' slipped into your mouth in junior high school," said one critic, who declined to be identified. "Why should students get all whipped up over an organization which has no power. There's apathy because there is no power." apathy because there is nopower." He concluded that student government's advice to the faculty and a dministration is toothless, that it is "taken

with a grain of salt - the size of a pool ball." Many agreed that the InterClub Council members could do a better job of administering student government than the present elected officials because they represent the active , interested members of the student body. These are the people who do everything anyway, why not give them everything, a critic pointed out. As for student government providing a learning situation, it was pointed out that the only thing learned is the governmental processes of democracy. The campus polit ical organizations like the Young Republicans and Young Democrats can provide a better education fo r the interested party, said another critic.

'Christmas Carol' sets begin to take shape

Even though the 'Christmas Carol' will not be performed for over a month, Norman Gaskins is busy building scenery for the set. Construction of a play

set takes much time, energy and planning. Work for this particular play, the second performed here this year, actually began in July.

The morning after "Mary, Mary," Palomar's first drama production, ,closed. Construction began on the next production, ''The Christmas Carol.'' Norman Gaskins, new speech instructor and set builder, added finishing touches to the three dimensional model while actors were still performing on his other set. The completion of the model culminated three weeks of preliminary work. About 1/2 of the construction work is completed for' 'The Christmas Carol," The construction of a good set takes time and many steps. For Palomar's first drama production, "Mary, Mary," Gaskins conceived his original idea for the set at the end of July. This was the b~ginning of six steps before the actual construction began. The first step involves reading the script three times. Gaskins explained the necessity, "First I read for content; the second time for the mood of the play; and the third time to analyize the needs of the play." Questions that had to be answered in the case of "Mary, Mary"

Pep Club promotes attendance in all winter sports The Pep Club, a new campus organization this year, is getting into full swing by sponsoring a membership drive throughout November. The purpose of the drive according to co-chairman Glen Hayashi is "to acquaint the students with the purposes and activities of Pep Club. Many students don't even know there is a Pep Club because we are so new." In the past few weeks, Pep Club has been painting posters for the football games and rooters' buses. Another project has been the selling of megaphones uring the games. "We will continue to ell the megaphones during basketball ames . too. " Hayashi said. One of our goals is to keep up school spirit during the rest of the ye ar. Attendance in sports activities always seems to die off after football. We think there should be a lot of students attending basketball games too. We intend to prolong spirit by putting up a lot of publicity for basketball and other sports and by having skits during the half at the basketball games in the gym. Pep Club has tentative plans for a dance sometime in January. Meanwhile the m embers are meeting every Tuesday at 11:00 in R-3. Everyone is encouraged and most welcome to join Pep Club," Hayashi added: "I would like to thank all those who helped gather and secure wood for the bonfire. We really had a lot of good help." Circle K and Pep Club jointly sponsored the bonfire held before the homecoming game. Officers for this year are Hayashi and Ron Simecka, co-chairmen; Janis Johnson, secretary; Cecelia Lodico; treasurer; George And e rson , ICC representative . Hayashi has a seat on the student council as Pep Club Committee Chairman.



FRESHMAN CLASS BRINGS PREMIERS The Premiers, who recorded "Farmer John," will be featured at the Freshman Class Dance on Saturday, in the Student Union. Accompanying the Hollywood band is the Backyard Brewing Company. Advance tickets are on sale now at 75¢ stag and $1.00 drag. When purchased at the door, the tickets will cost $1 and $1.50 according to Brice Larsen, class president. Only Palomar College students and their guests will be admitted.

WRA REVISES CONSTITUTION The Women's Recreation Association held two meetings last week to revise their constitution. On Friday, the officers met to make corrections , and Monday the club met to ratify the corrections. Due to the minimum day this Friday, the club will meet on Wednesday, Nov. 22 at 11 a .m. in 0-13. YOUNG REPUBLICANS MEET Impeachment proceedings were proposed for a member who has become actively involved in the newly formed Peace and Freedom Club. The member has threatened to picket Sgt. Jimmie Howard during his speech today according to a club member. Elections will be held on a Sunday afternoon this month for the election of officers. Members will be notified by mail on location, place and time of the meeting by YR president Bob Thoreson. Those running for an office are the result of the club's nominating committee cons ide rations . The next YR meeting wm be on Friday,Dec. l, at ll a .m . in P-22 . VETS TO MEET NOV. 22 Because of the appearance of Jimmie E. Howard, {)SMC Gunnery Sgt., and Medal of Honor winner, the Vets Club has cancelled this week's meeting ln lieu of attending Howard's speech cosponsored by the Young Democrats and Young Republicans in P-32 at 11 a.m. today. At their Nov. 22 meeting, the club will discuss their constitution and a possible Slave Day sponsored with WRA, NEWMAN MEETS TODAy The Newman Club will meet today at 11 a.m . in F-22. President Tony Connelly will relate the events of the province meeting at the College of the Desert last Sunday. "The Church In a Changing World--The World In A Changing Church'' was the tonic of the province. CIRCLE K CANCELS MEETING TO ATTEND HOWARD'S SPEECH The Circle K Club plans to attend the Fall Training Conference of Circle K clubs in California, Hawaii, and Nevada this weekend at Ventura College according to Larry Williams, president. The next Circle K meeting will be on Wednesday, Nov. 22, at 11 a.m. in R-3.

Three R's method key to improved memory; expert explains, demonstrates techniques "Taking notes in classes is an easy and convenie.nt excuse for not usin:;o.:1e's head, " according to Donald Robinso:1, memory training exp·ert wh-:> s_;l·:>'<e 0.:1 th·e te.::'hnique.3 o: reme mbering la.':lt week . Ro'Jinson con::ad·:d that this aid to rememberlng may evan be of some use if the n::>te:3 can be · fo'..lnd and raad wh3n th•;)Y are nead·3d. But h3 maintained "they wHl neve r b•3 a=; ac0urate as materials co:mnitted p•.;rmanently to me mory" by his easy, th ree R's method o~re.:::ording. r etai.ning and recall. Durin:; tho; lecture, Robinson, who3e vis it wa:; spo:13ored by the Adult Educatio:J. division of the college, demonstrated his meth::>ds by accuratelydescribingthe co:~tents of any page of a threa-year·old, 80 page natio:r:~.l magazine, as design!ited by members of the audience. Ro'Jinson said he had prepared for the feat "by studying each page of the p..lblica tion for one m:nute whe n it was published in 1964." The dira-:::tor of the Internatio:1al School of Memory Training also was able to recall the corract S·eq_uenca of a deck of cards after what he claimed was "about thrae minutes of concantrated study." At the end of the session he led the audience through recall of 34 unrelate::l objects by a formula of "linking;" the objects in sequence of two." Experiments using the mora familiar "rote" system have shown that average recall

is only of about seven objects," he said. The audience also remembered after two minutes study the correct order and names of the nine planets in the solar system and were given the two important rules in remembering names: 1. Get the name correctly. 2. Repeat it immediately. As another tip especially useful to students, Robinson advised that one should always keep his eyes on the speaker's face. Even in social situations this is the best rule one could follow, he added. Robinson estimates that he has taught his memory methods to more than 75,000 people in the 15 years he has been in the field . In explaining his three R's theory he pointed o' that "the mind records things thro:.1gh the senses, ofwhich sight is probably most important. The ability to retain has been proved by various methods of psychiatry and hypnosis and is 100 per cent efficient in all of us," he said. Ability to recall is the remaining factor and among memory specialists is only considered of minor importance in the overall spectrum of memory processes. One purpose of the introductory lecture was to learn of the interest of students and memhera of local communities in possibly making the full, tenweek memory training course available here in the near future.

AWS MEETS AT 11 A.M. TODAY The AssociateO"Women Students will meet today in F-23 at 11 a.m. to • select November's Woman of the Month, and Best Dressed Woman of the MQnth. Plans for a fashion clothes accessory show will also be made. AGS BAKE SALE TUESDAY Alpha Gamma Sigma discussed a bake sale to be held next Tuesday night and Wednesday in the Student Union. Proceeds will go to scholarships. "Members must bring some kind of baked goods on Tuesday to be sold or 'else! be fined a dollar," stated club secretary Margie Groh. AGS will meet again on Nov. 27. STUDENT NURSES ELECT OFFICERS The Student Nurses Association of California, Palomar chapter, elected Glen Combs ,president; Mrs. June Rothlis, vice-president: Mary Jo Swanson, secretary; Mary Adams , treasurer; and Fran Craig, president -elect. The club plans a Christmas program in Q-3 on Dec. 15. SNAC meets next on Monday, Dec. 4, in LS-16 at ll a.m.

Choir, Singers give music program The Palomar Church Concert Choir and Chamber Singers gave a program of sacred music last Sunday at the First Lutheran Church of Vista. This was the first program of the year given by the 35 voice choir and Chamber Singers, a more select group of 13. The event was sponsered by the Lutheran Churches of the area and was under the direction of Joe Stanford, vocal and choral instructor here. An ensemble of brass instruments accompanied two selections. Mrs. Nona Cowles Essingham, a local organist, accompanied the other choral piece. Mrs. Essingham is organist-choirmaster at All Saints Episcopal Church in Vista and is noted for her outstanding work with the choirs of that church. One of the compositions for the brass ensemble, organ, and choir was orchestrated by Terry Gray, a second year music student. Gray also plays the first trumpet in the instrumental ensemble. Music included in the program was by Britten, Howells, Vaughn Williams, Ferrant, Gibbons, Bach, andPalestrina. In the final selection of the program the audience joined the choir in singing "The Old Hundredth Psalm." Admission was free and refreshments were served for the congregation and musicians after the concert.

State grants 5, 600 new scholarships More scholarships are available due to recent legislature passed by the state of California. The California Legislature and Governor Ronald Reagan have authorized that 5,600 new State Scholarships be awarded in the spring of 1968 for use in 1968-1969. With the renewal of the present 5,400 scholarships now given, the total number will reach about 11,000. As a result of this increase, the minimum score on the Scholastic Aptitude Test of the College Entrance Examination Board necessary for selection as a semifinalist will probably be lower in 1968 than in 1967. The application deadline date for State Scholarships is December 14, 1967. "Many students pass up opportunities because they don't know how or take the time to apply for scholarships ," said Mrs . Marjorie Wallace, dean of women. "If anyone has any questions or needs any help, he should come and see me and I'll be more than happy to assist him." Some available scholarships are listed in the college catalog. Students should write to the transfer college of their choice and abtain a list of scholarships which that school offers.

were, "What kind of people were Bob and Mary? How would the furniture in their apartment be?" Gaskins came to the conclusions that "it (the set) would be remodeled but the quality of the old building still would be there." He explained subtle things that were related to the plot such as the special touches left ·by Mary and preserved in her memory by Bob, and the addition of the blue princess phone that she would like if she were present. "If people are completely satisfied they are unaware of it, (the subtleties) stated ' Gaskins . "Some things the audience never notices." "A good set is one that the audience admires beforehand and one that blends into the background when the play begins, "concluded Gaskins. Once the needs are thoroughly analyzed for the entire play, the next step is begun. A watercolor rendering of the set shows it as if it we r e fully lighted with all the special and normal effects. Gas-

kins said, "I get a complete idea of how the set will look in action." He is a former anti mater, commercial and book illustrator, and he has done special effects work for the Old Globe. The ne):t three steps in set development are all done on paper in the form of plans. .\ floor plan drawn to scale it is previous to the "working drawings which shows the sequence of arrangement and ho v the flats are constructed." A flat is a s .'ngle unit with one by three fr.ame work which is covered with theatrical muslin. They are simular to an artists canvas and are used to make the walls. The frontal elevation is the final step before the model is begun. The elevation "flattens out the set and all the details in the front." A three dimensional model made to scale is constructed from mat board. It is then painted the correct colors. The director, lighting technicians and choreographer use the model to plan their various work.

Mexican student finds more opportunity, many educational differences in America By Cecelia Lodico Editor's note: This is the second in a series of articles attempting to acquaint the student body with foreign students, attending Palomar this year. Maria Baeza had always wanted to come to America. Three years ago her wish came true. Maria had never been to the United States until her family moved and settled in this area about three years ago. Maria stated her sentiments very simply by saying, "America is beautiful." I had attended two years of high school in Mexico when we moved here. I finished the last two years at Escondido High School. It was hard for me to adjust. I didn't know any English and I didn't know what the teachers were talking about in my classes. I learned English by myself with the help of a dictionary. One hour a day I studied with a girl who helped me with pronunication of the words." Maria said. "In Mexico the classes were harder. At Escondido High School we only had six classes , but in Mexico we attended nine classes. We went to school Monday through Saturday from 8 a .m. until 4 or 5 p.m.

Maria Baeza "High school in America was different from what I expected," Maria continued. "The students don't pay attention to their classes and don't seem to care. In Mexico the students want to learn. College students have more responsibility than high school students in America." As in America, Mexican high school students must take certain subjects. "We have to take Algebra , Home making, Spanish and English. We are taught to speak and write English but it is different from the English spoken here. The subject and verb is in different places and it is not the same at all. The English I

had in high school while in Mexico didn't help me. When I first came I couldn't understand anything," Maria remarked. The grading system is slightly different, too. "A 10 stands for A; nine, B; eight, C; seven, D; anything below seven is an F. The classrooms are the same. There were 50 or 60 in the Freshman Class at the school I attended . We had only freshman and sophomores because the school was new. The President built it in 1962. If the school hadn'tbeen built, I would have gone to school in the other town," Maria said. The •other town' is Maroleon which borders Maria's home city ofGuanajuato. The adjacent towns are close enough together to be considered as one; yet, the people still regard them as distinct cities. "The houses are small withabout five rooms each. Buses are the main transportation. Or if the people don't take a bus, they walk. The climate is about the same except there is more rain where I come from." Family life, too, is different in America. Maria believes that the families in Mexico are closer in their relationships with one another. "In America, the children can go anyplace they want to with out telling their parents . In Mexico we have to tell our parents where we are going. We marry younger in Mexico. The usual age is 16 or 17. "The people in Mexico go to the market everyday. We buy meat and vegetables daily. The man at the meat market will estimate the amount of meat he is going to sell. The animals will be killed at night and sold fresh the next day." The meat is refrigerated and sold in closed market. It is not hung for aging and tenderness as here in the United States. "It is easy to get a job there. For a good job, you have to have a diploma from junior high school. You can get a better job with a high school diploma, and if you go to college, of course, you can get an even better job. About 10 out of a class of 45 will go on to college. Most go to the college in Mexico City." This is Maria's first semester at Palomar. She is a business major and hopes to become a secretary. "I am taking Business Law, Business Machines, Anthropology, Business English, and Modern Dance. Business Law and Anthropology are my hardest subjects." Maria works in the downtown business office for the Escondido High School district as a secretarial aid. "I will probably attend Palomar for two or three years. I don't know whether or not I'll go on after that," she added.

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